Practice Direction 24.1 Annex A

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Appendix A

List of Claim Nature in the High Court and the District Court

Upon filing of an originating document the plaintiff or his legal

representatives will be required to identify the dominant cause as the
nature of his claim by choosing one of the options from each of
Sections A and B and state them on the top of the front page of the
originating document.

Section A

1. Monetary claim only

2. Non-monetary claim only
3. Mixed claim

Section B

Nature of claim


Appeals from the decision of Obscene Articles Tribunal

Application under Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136) (Part II)

Application under Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136) (non-Part II)



Building Management


Company (except companies winding-up)

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Companies winding-up

Contempt of Court

Contract (except debt claims, employment claims, claims for goods sold
and delivered, and claims for services rendered)

Costs in Criminal Cases (under Costs in Criminal Cases Ordinance

(Cap. 492))

Costs-only proceedings (under section 52B High Court Ordinance

(Cap. 4) / section 53A District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336))



Election matters (under Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct)

Ordinance (Cap. 554))

Election Petitions (HCAL)

Employees’ Compensation Case (DCEC)


Enforcement of awards / determinations

Enforcement of non-HK judgment

Equal Opportunities Action (DCEO)

Estate Agents Appeal

Financial provision from deceased’s estate (under Inheritance (Provision

for Family and Dependants) Ordinance (Cap. 481))

Goods sold and delivered

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Habeas Corpus

Hire purchase or conditional sale agreement (under Order 84A The Rules

of the High Court (Cap. 4A) / The Rules of the District Court
(Cap. 336H))

Interim remedies in aid of proceedings outside Hong Kong (under

section 21M High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4))

Trade mark and/or passing-off


Copyright and/or Design registration

Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous)


Judicial Review


Landlord and tenant

Leave to appeal

Leave to appeal against arbitration award (HCCT)

Leave to enforce arbitration award (HCCT)

Letter of request

Levy (under Pneumoconiosis and Mesothelioma (Compensation)

Ordinance (Cap. 360))


Money lender’s action (under Order 83A The Rules of the High Court
(Cap. 4A) / The Rules of the District Court (Cap. 336H))
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Mortgage action (under Order 88 The Rules of the High Court

(Cap. 4A) / The Rules of the District Court (Cap. 336H))

Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Appeal (DCOA)

Partnership and joint venture

Personal injuries action

Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Appeal (DCPA)

Pre-action Discovery (under section 41 High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4) /

section 47A District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336))

Probate action (HCAP)


Profession (Barristers)

Profession (Solicitors)

Profession (Notary Public)

Profession (Fees / Charges)

Revenue Law

Services rendered or work done and material supplied

Settlement by persons under disability

Stamp Duty Appeal (DCSA)

Statutory Order

Tax Claim (DCTC)

Tort (excluding defamation, professional negligence and personal

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Vexatious litigants (under section 27 High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4))

Vexatious litigants (RPO only)


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