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A-220 2OlO1l201 B-D(Estt' llGp' l)

Government of lndia
lVlinistry of Defence
Room No. 319-a, 'B'Wing
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 23'd of February,2022

(*J i- t- I i'j '

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conveyed for the following

Approval of the competent Authority is hereby
(Cost) with immediate effect and until
allocation of work at the level of Director
further orders.-
will now look after the charge of Joint Director
of Director (cost/coord)'
c) shri tuanoj Kumar will now hold additional charge

(Cost) in N/oD witl be as follows:-
::. ,: l .'i;::l;l t*irtk (Jfl'lre:'
1 Shri Prasenjit Deb, Shri Sashikanta lla lik,
Director (Cost) Joint Director (Cost)
2 Shri Rakesh Kakkar, ' Shri [Vlanoj Kumar,
Joint Direct';r (Ccst) Joint Directoi (Cost)
For work related to "Army/Services"
3 Shri h/anoj Kumar, -Shri Prasenj it Deb, Director (Cost)
Joint Director (Cost) For work related to "Coord"
-Shri Rakesh Kakkar, Joint Director
4 Shri Sashikanta IMalik, Sl-rri Prasenjit Deb',

Joint Director (Cost) Director (Cost)

u ar r)
Under SecretarY to the G
ril:if::i _i

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