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Effects of Online Shopping Trends on Consumer’s Buying Preferences

to Grade 12 Students of Pilar College

A Quantitative Research

Presented to the Basic Education Department of

R.T. Lim, Boulevard, Zamboanga City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Campos, Marliza Frances D.

Muharram, Nadira Nouf T.
Galang, Romeo Ramy A.
Pacleb, Earle Gabriel P.
Arcelo, John Rodsyl D.
Luna, Jessiebell W.
Ladja, Luck-May J.
Peñalosa, Fae F.
Grade 12 - St. Pedro Calungsod


Research Teacher

May 2022


This research paper examines the effects of online trends on consumer buying

preferences. The study focuses on a significant factor that performs a large influence in

determining the impact of key business results as well as increases and decreases in

market share across industry sectors. Using the method of non-probability sampling,

fifteen (15) students from each part of Senior High School were chosen to represent

each grade level. This was done to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity

of being selected. For their participation, each respondent will receive a summary of

the research findings. The sample is chosen based on the researchers expertise,

connections,opinions, and judgement. The excellent notion and conclusion for this

study come from the researcher's personal and professional relationships with

intelligence respondents. The online shopping trends has a great impact on consumers

preference. Consumers now more often purchase goods online than in the past and use

the Internet as their major information source for online shopping. Online shopping has

taken over consumer's mind, because it is simple and convenient to buy goods in an

online store.

Keywords: Online Trends, Online Shopping, Consumer Behavior


To the Almighty God, our Father, fountain of every blessing. He makes all

things possible. To Him all praises and thanksgiving. Among His blessings bestowed

are persons who shared their lustrous capabilities in order that the journey towards the

realization of this study though arduous and bespeckled with perplexities seemed light

and within grasp. Out of love, genuine support and encouragement this research was

made into reality. For this, the researchers would like to extend their profound gratitude

to the Almighty God for giving us the strength, wisdom and perseverance to come up

with this research.

They deserve special mention and immense gratitude.

We thank everything he has done for us. For his valuable support, for the

patience, advice, full support, for sharing knowledge, and best ideas for the betterment

of this research. Our immense appreciation goes to our Mr. Ronald M. Soriano, our

honorable Practical Research teacher, an excellent lecturer, and a friend. He is very

disciplined and punctual. Despite all the stress and tight schedule, he made time to help

make the necessary corrections made on the draft manuscript. The researchers were

grateful to him for supporting and guiding us throughout the process of making this

research paper.

To our class adviser Ms. Chris Ann Mae G. Fernandez, we would like to thank

her, most especially for the unconditional love she has shown which inspired the

researchers to work hard for the success of this study.

To all my classmates and friends, for all the memories we shared, who's always

there whenever they are needed especially during sampling.

To our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arcelo and family, Mr. and Mrs. Campos and

Family, Mr. and Mrs. Ladja and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peñalosa and family, Mr. and

Mrs. Luna and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pacleb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Galang and

family, Mr. and Mrs. Muharram and family for their undying love, inspiration, prayers,

and support both financial and moral.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to ourselves. The success of our

experienced would not be possible without the contribution with each member by

providing their efforts, hard work, teamwork and playing their role well in completing

this research study.


This study is sincerely dedicated to our beloved parents and family, for the

unfailing support, encouragement, patience, and unconditional love. We also dedicate

this work to our classmates and friends, who extend their sincere support and help when

we encounter problems while doing this work. The researchers would want to express

their gratitude to everyone who has believed in them. Above all, to our Almighty

God/Allah, who's the source of everything, without whose help and guidance, this study

would not have been made possible.


Title Page…………………………………………………………………..…………..i




Table of Contents……………………………………………………………vi-vii-viii


1.1 Background of the Study…………………………………………………………1

1.2 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….2

1.3 Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….3

1.4 Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………… 4-5


2.1 Related Literature………………………………………………………………6-12

2.2 Conceptual/Theoretical Framework…………………………………………..13-14

2.3 Research Hypothesis……………………………………………………………..15


3.1 Research Design………………………………………………………………….16

3.2 The Sample…………………………………………………………………...16-17

3.3 The Instrument(s)………………………………………………………………...17

3.4 Data Collection Procedure……………………………………………………….18

3.5 Plan for Data Analysis……………………………………………………………18


4.1 Presentation of Data……………………………………………………………...19

4.2 Based on First Question in the SOP……………………………………………...19

4.3 Based on Second Question in the SOP…………………………………………..19

4.4 Based on Third Question in the SOP…………………………………………….19

4.5 Based on Fourth Question in the SOP……………………………………………19

4.6 Based on Fifth Question in the SOP……………………………………………...19

4.7 Based on Sixth Question in the SOP……………………………………………..19

4.8 Based on Seventh Question in the SOP………………………………………….19

4.9 Based on Eight Question in the SOP……………………………………………..20

4.10 Based on Ninth Question in the SOP…………………………………………...20

4.11 Based on Tenth Question in the SOP…………………………………………...20

4.12 Re- Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………..20


5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..21

5.2 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………22



Appendix A…………………………………………………………………………35

Appendix B……………………………………………………………………….36-37

Appendix C…………………………………………………………………………..38

Appendix D……………………………………………………………………….39-46

Chapter I


Online shopping has become a popular way of shopping for consumers. This is

the newest innovation for shopping that’s favorable to everyone. Social media are no

longer known only as a medium that facilitates its users to present themselves on the

internet but also as media to sell some products to consumer known as an online shop.

Companies that sell stuff such as clothes, makeup, shoes and many more that have

learned to use the most recent technologies and different platforms in order to be able

to reach the potential buyer since almost everyone uses social media these days,

especially students or today's generation. Through online shopping individuals can have

easier transaction and lower cost as compared to other types of shopping.

Background of the Study

The online shopping provides good opportunities to the seller to reach the

customer and to manage the business much easier, faster and in economic way. Internet

shopping is one of the widely and commonly used mediums for convenient shopping.

It is in fact, a popular means of is shopping in the Internet community (Bourlakis et al..,

2008). In the twenty-first century, trade and commerce have been so diversified that

multichannel has taken place and online shopping has increased significantly

throughout the world (Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen, Lervik, & Cha, 2001).

Globally, e-commerce constituted about 2.29 trillion dollar market (John, 2018) and

expected to reach 4 trillion dollar by 2020 (eMarketer, 2016) due to the double-digit

worldwide growth in sales (15%) and order (13%) (eMarketer, 2018) in all sorts of e-

commerce such as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) (Zuroni &

Goh, 2012). Online shopping has emerged which influenced the lives of ordinary

citizens. It saves crucial time for modern people because they unwilling to spend much

time in purchasing stuff. Both existing and new companies, big or small, are now using

the Internet as a way of marketing their goods and services (Alam and Yasin, 2010). It

increasing number of researchers to understand this unique nature of online shopping.

It guides to changes in the way people do business with quickly growing worldwide

trend toward online shopping.

Statement of the Problem

In order to mitigate the effects of online shopping trends on consumers buying

preferences to Grade 12 student of Pilar College, student needs consumer's buying

preferences that are effective. However, Online shopping affects consumers buying

preferences since most of them are highly addicted to online shopping. When The

consumers response refers to the approach or avoidance behavior after the emotional

and cognitive processes. Consumers buying preferences are critical to online

transaction success. The researchers will identify the factors that affect consumers

buying preferences and analyze the effectiveness of online shopping trends on

consumers buying preferences.

Significance of the Study

This research aims to study how online shopping affects the buying behavior of

Grade 12 students at Pilar College. Specifically, this research focuses on the factors that

influence consumers in choosing products over the Internet and how these factors affect

their buying preferences. This study will also look into the effects of social media

platforms on e-commerce and their influences on consumerism. This study will help,

guide, and influence the respondents to be more aware, knowledgeable, and wise

consumers. Also, it will serve as a guide by giving them tips and information to consider

when doing online shopping. Online shopping is an emerging trend in the world which

is a very convenient way of buying products of convenience, the researcher tries to find

out the effects of online shopping trends on the buying preference of consumers. The

researcher is going to test the hypothesis by categorizing G12 students in Pilar College

whether different factors determine the effects of online shopping trends on the buying

preference of those students. In general, the findings of this paper can be utilized by the

academic community and by the business community. For example, this paper will help

in knowing how information technology can help companies reach their target market.

the main purpose of this study is to determine the shopping trends if there are any effects

of online shopping on consumers' preference and buying behavior in pilar college.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on consumers’ buying preference and their response to

online shopping. This study examines the causes and possible effects of online shopping

from various perspectives. The past trend based on the buying decisions has been

defined in this report along with quantitative and qualitative data analysis provided in

the subsequent chapters of this study. This study aimed to know the online shopping

trends on consumer’s buying preferences of G12 students in Pilar College. It also aims

to identify the behaviour of consumer towards online shopping and their awareness on

online frauds and their interest specially if they are capable of using the internet in doing

online transaction. The researchers conduct this study about “Online Shopping Trends

on Consumer’s buying preference of G12 students in Pilar College Zamboanga city.

This Online shopping also led to competition among industry players as well as other

players in the service sector such as shipping and logistics. Online shopping is a form

of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from

a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Consumers find a product of interest by

visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among alternative vendors

using a shopping search engine, which displays the same product's availability and

pricing at different e-retailers. This research would focus on online shopping trends that

affect consumer preferences of Grade 12 students in Pilar College. The importance of

this research is it could benefit the target user which is the consumers in buying their

products when they shop online. This was prompted by a survey; this study would try

to determine the factors that affect the buying preferences of Grade 12 students when it

comes to online shopping There are many factors that affect the purchasing decisions

of the grade 12 students when it comes to online shopping. In this study, I will be

focusing on seven factors that could help the consumer in his or her decision. These are
price, convenience, availability of selection, product assortment, quality and selection,

ease of use and speed. The importance of this study is to look into the consumer’s

perspective and purchasing patterns towards online shopping.

This research focuses on the study of online shopping trends on consumers’

buying preferences of G12 Students in Pilar College, S.Y. 2021-2022. This study is

limited to the respondents who are currently enrolled only in different grade levels in

Pilar College and to those Grade 12 students who are willing and interested to

participate. The topic of the study will basically focus on “Effects of online shopping

trends on consumer’s buying preferences of students. The main aim of the study is to

figure out what factors or reasons encouraging shoppers to make purchases through E-

Commerce websites, and how these websites are influencing them to experience better

buying behavior while shopping online. Consumer preferences are ever changing due

to the introduction of new trends in the market caused by change in technological

innovations. Online shopping is one such trend that has a great impact on consumer

behavior and changed their preferences toward products and services. This study

identified ways in which online shopping trends have changed consumer buying

preference for students. Given the emerging status of online shopping, this study was

to determine the reasons why G12 students of Pilar College are willing to buy in online

shops. The researcher used non-experimental method of research and supportive

descriptive type of data collection that supported significant relationships between the

variables be used. The researchers also created a questionnaire that shows the

willingness of online shoppers or potential online shoppers in using online stores as a

convenient alternative way to shop.



Related Literature

Online Shopping

Internet shopping is one of the widely and commonly used mediums for

convenient shopping. It is in fact, a popular means of is shopping in the Internet

community (Bourlakis et al., 2008).

Nowadays, it has become easier to find even the most difficult goods simply

typing the name of an item or product using Internet. Additionally, logistic

companies are also being part of online shopping process, making sure that

products would be delivered at any destination in the world. Indeed, there are

many benefits and advantages of online shopping and that‟s why individuals select to

do this kind of shopping over traditional shopping. Online shopping gives more

contentment to the consumers of modern day who are looking for ease and speed

(Yu and Wu, 2007)

With the emergence of globalization and digitization, people, places, and

products have started coming close, approachable as well as affordable (Cetrez & Van

Dam, 2018; Fouberg & Murphy, 2020).

The internet has been adopted as an important shopping medium with an

increasing amount of online sales every year (Kim and Forsythe, 2010).

In the twenty-first century, trade and commerce have been so diversified that

multichannel has taken place and online shopping has increased significantly

throughout the world (Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen, Lervik, & Cha, (2001).

The Internet has become an indispensable tool for international business as it

does not recognize physical borders between countries and gives buyers access to

online sellers from all continents. Being so far and yet so close, how does one know if

a seller is genuine? With the ease of creating a commercial website and relatively

affordable cost, the number of online stores has skyrocketed. Don Davis (2012).

Companies put considerable emphasis on providing great customer service- and

for good reason. To stay competitive, or even to stay in business, it is vital to know your

customers. Kotler and Keller (2005).

According to ACNielsen (2007), more than 627 million people in the world have

shopped online. Forrester (2006) research estimates e-commerce market will reach

$228 billion in 2007, $258 billion in 2008 and $288 billion in (2009).

Today Internet is not only a networking media, but also as a means of transaction

for consumers at global market. Internet usage has grown rapidly over the past years

and it has become common means for delivering and trading information, services and

goods (Albarq, 2006).

In 2016, Asia Pacific region made about $1 trillion in online sales and majority

came from China constituting about $899 billion (eMarketer, 2016).

Internet has become an important tool, which usage has increased and beside usage

its importance has also increased. Humans’ everyday life has influenced by information

and communication technologies (ICT) considerably (Farag, Krizek & Dijst, 2006).

As a shopping media, Internet attracts people and researchers (Teo, 2006). Growing

number of Internet shopping and internet shoppers attract the researcher concerns day

by day more researcher do more research concerning internet shopping process.

Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular. Online retail sales are estimated

to grow from $172 billion in 2005 to $329 billion in 2010 (Johnson 2005).

Shore (1998) and Stiglitz (1998) reported that implementation of information system

depend on specific social, cultural, economic, legal and political context, which may

differ significantly from one country to another country.

Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants who sell

on the internet. Shoppers visit the web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop

as they sit in front of the computer. Since the mid 1990’s the internet has created

countless applications in virtually every aspect of modern human life. The Internet

makes the world smaller and it benefits the people around the world to communicate

and transact between each other. Moreover, they are able to search for the information

they needs in short time. Malhotra, H., & Chauhan, M. K. (2008).

With the emergence of globalization and digitization, people, places, and products have

started coming close, approachable as well as affordable (Cetrez & Van Dam, 2018;

Fouberg & Murphy, 2020).

The situation of the COVID-19 outbreak, made people think, dynamically and timely

diagnosis of how families have adjusted their spendings and online shopping, and what

are the characteristics of the households who have responded the fastest and strongest.

News media reported that customers collapsed supermarket drops to stock-pile for

durable goods (Barr, 2020).

The impact of mass communication is felt all over the globe through advertising,

newspaper, internet, music, films, videos, magazine, movies and billboards. Among

these media, advertising is the one that has lasting impact on viewers mind, since its

exposure is much broader (Katke, 2007).

Advertising is the main source of communication tool between the producer and the

consumer. Advertising is a subset of promotion mix and is one of the 4ps in the

marketing mix which comprise product, price, place and promotion Chukwu, B. A.,

Kanu, E. C., & Ezeabogu, A. N. (2019).

Consumers Behaviour

Consumers have different personalities, which may influence their perception and

how they perceive their online shopping behaviors (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001).

‘Online shopping attitude’ refers to consumers’ psychological state in terms

of making purchases on the Internet, while ‘online shopping behavior’ refers to the

process of purchasing products or services over the Internet (Li and Zhang, 2002).

Consumers’ attitude towards online shopping is an important factor affecting actual

shopping behavior (Shergill and Chen, 2005). According to the Theory of Planned

Behavior (TPB), attitude toward behavior is one of the major factors which influences

individuals’ behavioral intentions and actual behaviors (Azjen, 1991).

Online shopping attitude’ refers to consumers psychological state in terms of

making purchases on the Internet, while ‘online shopping behavior’ refers to the process

of purchasing products or services over the Internet (Li and Zhang, 2002).

Consumers’ attitude towards online shopping is an important factor affecting actual

shopping behavior (Shergill and Chen, 2005). According to the Theory of Planned

Behavior (TPB), attitude toward behavior is one of the major factors which influences

individuals’ beha-vioral intentions and actual behaviors (Azjen, 1991).

Consumer behavior is affected by four categories of factors: cultural factors,

social factors, personal factors and psychological factors. The first category of cultural

factors, includes terms such as culture, subculture and social class (Armstrong and

Kotler, 2003; Peter and Donnelly, 2001, Wu, 2003). The term culture is complex

and involves the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, ethics, customs and many other

abilities and habits that are obtained by an individual just by being part of the society

(Hawkins, Best and Coney, 1995).

The consumers also consider it a hassle when they faced difficulty to log in

into the account, product information provided are limited and difficult to reach the

online retailers by phone (Oracle, 2011).

Online shopping is one of the commonly used mediums for convenient

shopping. It is, in fact, a popular means of shopping among the Internet

community (Bourlakis et al., 2008).

Online consumer behavior is the process of how consumers make decisions

to purchase products in ecommerce.

Consumer previous knowledge and experience have greater extent to process

the brand, but it depends on the weight of consumer prior knowledge and cognitive

ability (Bettman,J.R and Park,C.W., 1980)

And other researchers proved that perceptions of quality and products are

influencing individuals buying behavior prior to demographic, psychological and

shopping behavior (Szymanski,DM. and Busch PS, 1987).

However, attitude and behavioral characteristics are also highlighted as

important determinates of store brand proneness than demographic and socio-economic

characteristics (Baltas, 1997).

Research on the dynamics of people’s shopping behavior currently provides

empirical evidence that people are starting to change their lifestyle from physical

activities to virtual or online activities (Khoa, 2020).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

Conceptual Model of the Study

This study utilizes the Independent Variable (IV) and The Dependent Variable (DV)

Model. The IV consist of Clothes, Footwear, and Gadgets. They can be used as

possible predictors of DV outcomes.

The DV consist of Online Shopping Trends. This Variables is Influenced by the

Respondents’ Clothes, Footwear, and Gadgets. A Possible Relationship of the IV

and DV are explored.

Theoretical Framework

The study uses the " Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory" to measure the

impact of product feature perception on consumer response proposed by Mehrabian,

A.; Russell, J.A. An Approach to Environmental Psychology, 1974. The concept/theory

was used to study and to know the effects of online shopping trends on consumers'

buying preferences for grade 12 students of Pilar college of Zamboanga City, Inc. The

concept or theory posits that consumer response refers to the approach or avoidance

behavior after the emotional and cognitive processes. As applied to our study, this

theory or concept explains that online shopping affects the consumers' buying

preferences since most of them are highly addicted to online shopping.

Research Hypothesis

In this research, we will study the behavior of Millennials towards online

shopping. There are a couple of objectives for this research. It is to find the effects of

online shopping on consumer’s buying preferences, the consumer behavior of G12

students towards online shopping, how does an online store affects consumer’s buying

preferences, and to know what factors affect consumer’s online purchasing decisions.

Buying goods online is a recent trend that is gaining more and more popularity in the

Philippines. While there are several advantages in online purchasing, it needs to be

well-understood how each generation would respond to this trend. The purpose of this

study is to evaluate the effects of online shopping trends on the buying preferences of

G12 students in Pilar College. The research paper focuses on the effects of online

shopping trends and consumer buying preferences towards online shopping among G-

12 students in Pilar College Internet has revolutionized business. Internet and its

components like search engines, website, emails, online payment systems have changed

the way buying and selling take place. Online shopping is the most recent phenomenon

in the Philippines online space. Men and women of all ages visit the e-Commerce

websites regularly and buy the necessaries of life. This practice is catching up in a big

way here too with every fifth online shopper making his or her purchase once a week.

Students are also one of the segments doing online shopping for their day-to-day need

and gadgets. One of the major reasons for students to shop online is to save time and

often to get better prices than those available in retail stores. However it is seen that

female are more willing to shop from home rather than male. The main purpose of this

research was to find out the online shopping habits among online consumers. The

research intends to find out that why buyers using online shopping more frequently and

what are the main purchasing guidelines of buyers available on internet. This research

paper also has focused on benefits, limitations and issues regarding online shopping

which helps consumers while they are purchasing.



This chapter describes and discusses the researchers' data collection methods.

The researchers describe the data collection process and the instruments they utilized

in this chapter. The study's design, the locale, the respondents, the sampling design, the

instruments, and the methods used to evaluate and give life to the data were all covered

in this chapter.

Research Design

The current research took a quantitative method. The descriptive-survey

research methodology, Yazon et al. (2019). Descriptive-survey research, which

includes studies, provides useful information about the current state of affairs. It defined

and explained what is. It was concerned about the current situation. Processes in

progress, perceived impacts, and emerging trends Furthermore, descriptive-survey

research placed a premium on the interpretation of obtained data or the importance of

what was described. It contains research and literatures that provide data on the current

situation of the variables under question.

The Sample

This research is based on purposive sample technique,the alternative use of

probability sampling is not considered due to limited time and resources. The researcher

will contact with the potential respondents by the use of cellphone text,call and by the

use of google form. The process will continue until the researcher reach atleast 45
respondents 15 student for each strand that is willing to participate in this research. The

google form will be emial to those participants with explanation why we need to know

their opinion in this topic, They have time to answer it with no pressure and to complete

the survey between 12 January,2022 to 18 January,2022. Each respondents will receive

a summary of research result for the participation. The sample are selected on the basis

of the knowledge,connection,opinion and judgement of the researcher. It is through the

researcher personal and work of relationship with the sophisticated respondents to have

the perfect idea and conclusion for this research.

The Instrument(s)

researcher considered the PCZC's grade-12 student as an online buying consumer

or buyer. We will prepare/ conduct 45 respondent in this study, 15 respondent in each

strands, basically there were 3 strands which is STEM, ABM AND HUMSS, we will

choose randomly who are aged 18 and up. In order to determine the study's samples,

researchers utilized basic random sampling. They were chosen as a respondent because

they have the ability to decide whether or not they want to participate in a study and for

how long. Ultimately, the responses people provide generate the data required for the

research project.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers used survey questions that will be answered in Google Form by

selected Grade 12 students from Pilar College in Zamboanga City during an interview.

Respondents will answer the survey questions honestly and responsibly as the

study's subject.

Based on their responses, the survey will reveal the impact of online platforms

on Pilar College Grade 12 Students' Shopping Behavior During the Pandemic (Yes or

No, the apps they used in buyingonline, their satisfactory on their overall experience

and type of clothing). Once all of the data has been collected, the researchers will

examine the survey results.

Plan for Data Analysis

The researchers will review and aggregate the data collected from the completed

survey surveys. The researchers will also use quantitative analysis to understand the

data from the questionnaires. Quantitative analysis will allow the researchers to

compare the responses of the respondents. The researchers will be able to determine the

style of apparel that the ABM, STEM, and HUMSS students in Pilar College prefer, as

well as their happiness with the quality of the product and overall experience of buying

online during the pandemic.



This chapter presents the data presentation and the research findings obtained

through the study. The findings are presented in tabular form with an interpretation and

the main source of the data is the having an interview with the respondents.

Questions Respondents Yes % No %

Q1. Is this fashion trend can 45 39 86% 6 13%

help boost your
Q2. Do you have a favorite item 45 41 91% 4 9%
of clothing?
Q3.Are you satisfy with the 45 43 96% 2 4%
quality of product that you buy
through online shopping?
Q4.Did you experience a 45 28 67% 17 33%
hassle-free payment
Q5. Did you receive your 45 30 67% 15 33%
product within the expected

Q6. Do you often buy new 45 19 43% 26 57%

Q7. Have you ever attended a 45 7 15% 38 85%
fashion show?

Q8. Do you follow current 45 24 53% 21 47%

fashion trends?

Q9. Do you buy clothes 45 19 42% 26 58%
regarding to the current

Q10. - Does your friend 45 32 71% 13 29%

compliment your fashion style?


62% 38%

Re-Conceptualized Framework

If some or all findings are different from expected, have a section on re-

conceptualized framework at end of Chapter 4 and make diagram of re-conceptualized

framework. Starting with text, cite figure (diagram) of re-conceptualized framework.

Explain changes vis-à-vis Conceptual Framework of the Study.



Summary of Findings

After the survey was conducted, the researchers found out that the majority

of the votes were YES, as the sections of Grade 12 students voted yes with 63%

overall response and 32% voted NO. Overall students agree that the effectiveness and

satisfaction that the Online shopping sites are reliable and can give consumers a high

quality of service and satisfaction.


Finally, the impact of online shopping trends on customers' purchasing

preferences for Pilar College grade 12 students has been seen and must be addressed.

An online survey was used to perform the research, which is a qualitative method. This

strategy is considered appropriate for this study since it facilitates data collection

through technology and allows the researchers to regulate their time. Following the

completion of this study, the data suggested that online shopping trends can help to

build students' confidence, and this generation appears to be satisfied based on their

overall experiences. Based on the data gathered, it can be concluded that if students

trust the website, they are normally safe to purchase more from it. Shopee is the most

popular app for online shopping because it offers users a simple, secure, and quick

online shopping experience through robust payment and fulfillment support.

The majority of students are delighted with the product quality and inexpensive

pricing that they purchase through online shopping, which also delivers good services.

Students' happiness with online shopping trends is directly based on a variety of criteria

in this research report. Online shoppers may get almost anything they want or need 24

hours a day. It appears to be a practical solution. But how do these shifts affect

consumer purchasing habits? This research looked into how today's Pilar College high

school students shop and how they feel about buying things online. Questionnaires were

utilized in this study to establish how much time high school students spent on their

social media accounts, favorite social media applications, opinions toward each app,

and how they felt about purchasing online since they started using social networking



Pilar College senior high school students should experiment with new fashion

trends so that they can love what they are wearing and gain confidence. This research

entails not just learning and understanding, but also exploring and implementing trend

information. Life is incomplete without clothing. Furthermore, deciding what to wear

is usually a difficult process.

In today's society, fashion is characterized by generalization, which is the

appreciation of new fashion trends such as dressing for one's body shape, knowing one's

body shape, and selecting the types of clothing that will accentuate the body's good

features so that they can be who they want to be. Because people today will condemn

you if you don't follow the latest trends, individuals must participate in this new trend

because it allows them to feel more comfortable and express their views. It also

demonstrates your boldness and confidence.


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consumer buying behavior:An emplirical study of Pakistan.

Bhatt, A.(2014).Consumer Attitude Toward Online Shopping in Selected regions of


Delafrooz, N., paim, l. H., Haron, S. A., Sidin, S. M., Khatibi, A.(2009).Factors

affecting students attitude toward online shopping.

Huseynov, Yildirim.(2014).Internet users’attitudes toward business-to-consumer

online shopping: A Survey.




Haubi, G., Trifts, V.(2000).Consumer Decision Making in Online Shopping

Environments: The Effects on Interactive Decision Aids.




Hoque. Ali. Mahfuz.(2015).Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An


study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh.




Kiyici, M.(2012).Internet Shopping Behavior of College of Education Students.


Keisidou, E., Sarigiannidis, L., Maditinos, D.(2011).Consumer Characteristics and

their effect on

accepting online shopping, in the context of different product types.

Lim, Y. J., Osman, A., Salahuddin, S. N., Romle, A. R., Abdullah, S.(2016).Factors


online shopping behavior: The mediating role of purchase intention.

Lina, Z., Liwei, D., Dongsong, Z.(2007).Online Shooping acceptance model-A critical

survey of consumer factors in online shopping.


Muhammad, K. B. D., Dr. Muhammad, I., Prof. Dr. Chaudhary, A. R.(2015).Online

Shopping Trends and its Effects on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Case Study of

Young Generation Pakistan.
Md. Mahbubur, R.(2014).On-ling Shopping Trends, Patterns and Preferences of

University Undergraduate Students: A Survey Study on Sylhet Region.

Pan, Z.(2006).Effects of Online Shopping Trends on Consumer-Buying Behavior: An

Empirical Study of Pakistan.



Rungsrisawat, S., Joesittprasert, W., Jermsittiparsert, K.(2019).Factors Determining

Consumer Buying Behavior in Online Shopping.

Rupesh S., Rajesh, K. N., Veena, N.(2021)New Norm in Consumer Buying Patterns:

Onlineshopping Swing amid the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Sha, K.(2013).Trends and issues related to online shopping market in China.

Sunil,E.(2015).Trends and Practices of consumers buying online and offline: An

analysis of factors influencing consumer’s buying.

Sharma, A., Jhamb, D.(2020).Chaning consumer behaviors towards online shopping-

an impact of Covid 19.


Tyagi, A.(2018).A Study on factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior.





Thangasamy, E., Patikar, G.(2014).Factors influencing consumer buying behavior: A

case study.


Wenzl, M.(2021).Understanding Online Consumer Behaviors for a Better Customer





Chukwu, B. A., Kanu, E. C., Ezeabogu, A. N.(2019).The Impact of Advirtising on

Consumers Buying Behaviors.




Manjit, K. C., Hemani, M.(2015).Consumer’s Behaviour towards Online Purchases.


Sri Setyo, I., Dian Anita, N., Ajeng Dianing, K., Purwohandoko, P.(2021).The impact

of government Regulations on Consumers Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

A Case Study in Indonesia.



Appendix A: Permission Letter to Respondents

Appendix B: Survey Questions

Appendix C: Survey Data Sheet

Appendix D: Curriculum Vitae

Questions Respondents Yes % No %

Q1. Is this fashion trend can 45 39 86% 6 13%

help boost your
Q2. Do you have a favorite 45 41 91% 4 9%
item of clothing?
Q3.Are you satisfy with the 45 43 96% 2 4%
quality of product that you
buy through online
Q4.Did you experience a 45 28 67% 17 33%
hassle-free payment
Q5. Did you receive your 45 30 67% 15 33%
product within the expected
Q6. Do you often buy new 45 19 43% 26 57%
Q7. Have you ever attended 45 7 15% 38 85%
a fashion show?
Q8. Do you follow current 45 24 53% 21 47%
fashion trends?
Q9. Do you buy clothes 45 19 42% 26 58%
regarding to the current
Q10. - Does your friend 45 32 71% 13 29%
compliment your fashion?


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