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The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts
Philippine literature during the Period of presented in literary selections; using tools and
Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting
various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; information and noting details from texts to write a
difference between literal and figurative language; précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing
ways to extract and condense information based on between and using literal and figurative language
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases,
communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and clauses, and sentences meaningfully and
sentences. appropriately.

The learner will be able to:
 Extract information from a text using a summary, precis, and paraphrase. EN7WC-II-c-5
Reading texts is part of the student’s learning. It requires understanding of the text and finding
effective strategies to better identify the relevant information needed. Thus, one important learning skill of a
student to be honed in understanding a text is summarizing which is covered in this module. In this lesson, the
learners will engage in reading various texts, develop competencies in reading, literature, writing, vocabulary
development and grammar awareness.
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
 Identify positive Filipino values;
 Interpret understanding of the text through a summary;
 Use graphic organizer in summarizing.
A summary is a shortened version of a text, piece or a gist. Remember the following:
 Base your summary on the original piece.
 Keep your summary short.
 Use your own wording.
 Refer to the central and main ideas of the original piece.
 Read with who, what, when, where, why and how questions in mind.
 Avoid putting in your opinion about the issue or topic discussed in the original piece.
Several Strategies to Consider When Summarizing a Text:
1. Read the entire text.
2. Identify the title, author, and text type.
3. Describe the central ideas.
4. Identify key supporting details.
5. Avoid opinions and unimportant details.
In order to better understand a text in summarizing, it is important to learn the
different types of text structure:
 Classification-division- sorting information into topics and categories
 Chronological – discussing things in order
 Problem and Solution – presenting a problem and offering a solution
 Compare and Contrast -discussing similarities and differences
 Cause and Effect - explaining a cause and its results
Different Types of Text Structure

1. Text Structure: Classification-Division

Lessons One Can Learn About Life from A Dog
There are so many lessons one can learn about life from a dog. Imagine this scenario: it is raining heavily
outside and you need to leave for someone’s house. The dog is up and eager, to go with you. You tell it to
stay home. As you leave, you see it squeezing out through the gap in the doorway. You scold it and order it
back home. Then at every turn you make, you suddenly see it following you sheepishly at a distance. It
follows at the risk of being reprimanded for the sore reason of being somewhere nearby. How else can we
experience so selfless an instance of love and faithfulness? We can learn a lifelong lesson from this sincere
warm display of perpetual companionship. Observe the eating habits of your dog. It does not eat, except
when hungry. It does not drink, unless it is thirsty. It does not gorge itself. It stops eating when it has had
enough. A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability. If it is moved to a strange place, it is able to adapt
itself to that place and to its thousand peculiarities without a murmur of complaint. It is able to learn and
adapt to a new family’s ways and customs. It is quick and ready to please. Man, being accustomed to comfort
and wealth will be lost if suddenly stripped of all he is accustomed to. A dog also teaches us a thing or two
about unselfish love. When a dog knows death is approaching, it tries, with its last vestige of strength, to
crawl away elsewhere to die, in order to burden its owners no more. A dog does things with all vigor.
However, when there is nothing to do, it lies down and rests. It does not waste its strength and energy
needlessly. Many working people are burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer nervous breakdowns due
to stress. Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does. A dog above all is truly man’s best friend.
SUMMARY: Dogs can teach us many lessons of life. It can teach us through its acts of love and faithfulness,
endangering itself just to accompany you. We can also learn from its eating habits. It will never over-indulge
and knows which food to avoid. Dogs are also able to adapt to its surroundings quickly without complaining as
compared to man who complains at the slightest change. Dogs are also unselfish, choosing not to burden his
loved ones but to go away and die. Dogs also know when to work and when to play. They do not waste their
efforts unnecessarily like some of us do at work. Thus, dogs can set us great examples through their day-t-day
2. Text-Structure: Chronological
It’s 5 o’ clock in the morning. Mang Eloy woke up early for work. He is a security guard at a downtown
pawnshop in Ozamiz City. Aleng Mameng, his wife prepared breakfast for the family and readied herself for
work too. She is a cashier at a department store. “Coco, wake up now and take a bath!” called Aleng Mameng.
“Yes, mother,” He replied while stretching and yawning. When everyone has seated for breakfast, Mang Eloy
talked to his son. “When you’re done with your breakfast, you need to throw our garbage. Don’t forget to
wash your hands too after doing that, “his father reminded. “Yes father,” he nodded while reaching a glass of
milk and called on to his mother. “Mother, we are running out of alcohol supply already,” he said. “Alright, just
text me later about it so I can be reminded,” she answered. Exactly 7:00 a.m. when they finished breakfast,
Mang Eloy and Aleng Mameng wore their face masks, grabbed their bags and rushed out of the house. After a
while, Coco wore his face mask, took out a bag of garbage from the trash bin, threw it away in their compost
pit, and washed his hands with a foamy antibacterial soap. He made sure he washed his hands properly and
dried them thoroughly. At 9:00 a.m., he completed all his tasks, he then opened his cellphone, texted his
mother for the alcohol and finally opened his DepEd Commons mobile app for his online learning.
SUMMARY: A couple named Mang Eloy and Aleng Mameng got up and prepared early for work one morning.
They had a son named Coco whom Aleng Mameng called to get up early too. When the whole family seated at
the dining table for breakfast, they discussed about home necessities such as throwing the garbage, washing
the hands and buying home disinfectants. The couple then went to their works, leaving Coco doing his home
tasks until he finished them all and he’s ready for his online learning during the time of pandemic.

3. Text Structure- Problem and Solution

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a global infectious disease which affects different people in different
ways. Some will experience mild symptoms which do not need special treatment and will recover from it
eventually. Others will experience most common symptoms like headache, fatigue, fever or dry cough. Over
nine million people all over the world was confirmed infected of the disease and it caused millions of deaths
too. It is an invisible enemy that continues to threaten the lives of many. There are important ways to fight
against the threat of this virus. All government agencies always remind us to practice protective measures in
order to protect ourselves against COVID-19. Proper handwashing and cough etiquette, boosting immunity,
maintaining social distance, wearing of face mask and avoiding crowded places are several ways to protect
oneself from COVID-19. This pandemic will continue to ruin many lives unless there is a massive cooperation
from the people in the country and in the whole world.
SUMMARY: The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to threaten millions of lives not only in the Philippines but
also across the globe. The attack of the virus differs from one person to another. Some may experience
symptoms, others may not. The government always reminds us to practice protective measures to prevent the
spread of the virus. It is expected to continue to destroy many lives if people will not cooperate with the
government in the effort to combat against the virus.
4. Text Structure- Compare and Contrast
We all know how useful television and radio in giving important information and entertainment in our daily
lives. Our elders have been using them for centuries. The joys they give during our leisure times and the guide
they deliver when natural and unnatural emergencies occur make them survive through the tests of times. The
television which shows images and sends sounds gives the viewers complete experiences in acquiring
knowledge. Although a radio only sends sounds, still, its listeners will experience a wonderful way of getting
informed because it allows the listeners to draw images from what they heard. Both the television and the
radio are common means of Filipinos way of spending time with the family. Truly, a television and a radio have
become part of the Filipino lives yesterday and today!
SUMMARY: Everybody knows that television and radio are important source of information and entertainment
in our daily lives from many years ago up to now. In television, we use both our eyes and ears while a radio
makes us use only our ears in acquiring knowledge and getting entertained. These two means of data
gathering help us Filipinos bond with our family. Truly, television and radio have become part of Filipinos
everyday lives.
5. Text Structure- Cause and Effect
Trees have great impact to human life because they provide many things such as food, shelter and other
life’s essentials. Trees also contribute something beneficial to the environment like providing us oxygen, water
and shelter to wild life. However, nowadays, as we can observe, trees in the forest are alarmingly destroyed
and there are some areas in the forest which are denuded. This activity is called “deforestation.” Many people
like the farmers suffer from poverty so they resort to the practice of cutting down and burning trees for
agricultural purposes. Many rely on the trees not only the humans but also the animals. Loss of great amount
of trees in the forest can lead us to different calamities like flooding, climate change, soil erosion, earth quake
and the like. Since trees are very essential to mankind and the community, let us support the advocacy to take
care of the trees and the environment.
SUMMARY: Deforestation is caused by poverty or human needs, such as food and finance. However, it
brought destruction to the environment like flooding, climate change and other calamities. So, the advocacy to
take care of the trees and the environment continued.

A summary is a shortened version of a text, piece or a gist. There are several strategies to consider
when summarizing a text namely: read the entire text, identify the title, author, and text type, describe the
central ideas, identify key supporting details and avoid opinions and unimportant details. This lesson also
introduces different types of text structure namely: classification-division, chronological, problem and solution,
compare and contrast and cause and effect.
Values Formation:
Summarizing a text enhances your critical-thinking skills. You have to read and understand the text for
you to come up a good and concise summary. Reading with comprehension plays an important role in
summarizing because it is easier if you do understand the text well. In this lesson, you have the freedom to
express your own idea based from the read text.


Name: _______________________________ Grade Level: ___________

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.
Getting to Camiguin island from Misamis Occidental is not easy. The fastest way to travel to
Camiguin is through bus and ferry. You need to take a bus from Ozamiz to Cagayan de Oro
City via car ferry. Then from Cagayan, a jeepney or van can take you to Balingoan port, which
is 38.5 kilometers away from Camiguin. Then you can sail to Benoni Port, Camiguin through a
shuttle ferry. That is the fastest way to get to Camiguin island.
1. Which is the best summary of the paragraph?
A. Getting to Camiguin island is easy.
B. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin is through bus and ferry.
C. Camiguin island is far from Misamis Occidental therefore getting there takes a long time.
D. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin island from Misamis Occidental is through a bus and ferry.
Nobody wants to be bitten by a dog. Dog bites can be dangerous. It can cause death if the dog
has rabies. But what if a dog bites you? Take these steps right away if you are bitten by a dog.
First, wash the wound. Slow the bleeding with a clean cloth. Next, apply over-the-counter
antibiotic cream if you have it. You can apply the crushed garlic to the wound as alternative.
Then wrap the wound in a sterile bandage. Finally, keep the wound bandage and see your
2. What is the best summary of this paragraph?
A. Dogs have rabies, so don’t get near a dog.
B. A dog bite can cause death especially when the dog has rabies.
C. A dog bite can be harmful, so if you are bitten by a dog, you need to apply first aid and get a vaccine
for anti-rabies immediately.
D. Dog bites need to be treated, although it can’t cause harm, a vaccine is needed to relieve the pain
which the patient experiences.
COVID-19 can cause symptoms very similar to the flu-fever and a dry cough, fatigue, pains and
nasal congestion. Severe cases can lead to serious respiratory disease and even pneumonia.
Those who are most at risk are elderly or people with underlying medical issues, such as heart
problems or diabetes.
3. Select the best summary of this paragraph.
A. COVID-19 can put anybody’s life to danger.

B. COVID-19 is a pandemic which takes many lives.

C. COVID-19 is never a threat to anybody without serious medical issues.
D. COVID-19 can show different symptoms that can lead to serious cases which can put the life of an
elderly person or person with underlying medical issues to danger.
The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread around the world. One factor which contributes to
the rapid spread of this virus is the peoples’ lack of discipline. Some have no concern of what is
really happening to the world with this pandemic. Most of them choose to ignore what the
government is trying to implement in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Health protocols
and guidelines are imposed by the government to protect the people from the threat of virus but
to no avail.
4. Which sentence is appropriate to be a summary of the paragraph?
A. The COVID-19 pandemic was caused by peoples’ lack of discipline.
B. The COVID-19 pandemic was happening due to the peoples’ rebellion.
C. The COVID-19 pandemic was a result of the government’s negligence.
D. The COVID-19 pandemic was a result of peoples’ lack of compassion to one another.
5. What is meant by the underlined word in the sentence? A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability.
A. fixed B. universal C. unchangeable D. established
6. A _____________ is a shortened version of a piece or a gist.
A. Summary B. Paraphrase C. Classify D. Precis
7. Which is NOT a tip for summarizing?
A. Keep your summary quite long. C. Point out the main idea of the text.
B. Use your own words. D. The summary should be based from the original piece.
8. ” It squeezes out through the gap in the doorway”. Give the meaning of the word “squeeze.”
A. Smash B. expand C. decompress D. outspread
A dog teaches us a thing or two about unselfish love. When a dog knows death is approaching, it
tries, with its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere to die, in order to burden its
owners no more. An excerpt from the text “Lesson One Can Learn About Life From a dog,”
9. Which of these positive values best describes the given passage?
A. Honesty B. compassion C. generosity D. fairness
10. When summarizing a text, if I’m not sure with what I’m writing, I should ______.
A. Keep writing. C. Reread the original piece.
B. Keep reading. D. Judge the text with my own opinion.

II. Read and understand.

Chelou D. Pantaden
Zeah was a girl who grew up in a home where she cleaned her bed after waking up, prepared foods for
a meal of the family and washed dishes after eating. On Saturdays and Sundays, her household chores
became more compared to the days where she had to go to school. She felt very upset every time she sees
her older sister and older brother feeling happy being with their father. Although she had this kind of feeling,
she never complained. One night, she asked her father if she could go with them. “Who will be left here to
stay with your mother? “her father asked. Without a word, she nodded and went inside her room. After few
minutes, her mother asked, do you really want to go with your father tonight? “ . She looked at her mother
with a smile. She ran fast to her room and shouted, “Thank you mother! “ . They headed when everything was
ready. To Zeah’s surprised that her mother is going with them she couldn’t help singing until everybody was
singing. “Que Sera, Sera.” “What will be, will be.” They laughed at each other. Her father said, “We will do it
always. “ . “We are very busy tending our own chores and forget to express how important each other is in

building a very good home.”. “Yes father, I am glad you have come to sense the way I am sensing years ago!
“, Zeah’s mother replied. They all smiled and “Que Sera, Sera.”, “What will be, will be! “They were repeating
the song again and again approaching their destination.

Performance Task! (75%)

Directions: In a short bond paper, summarize the story “Que Sera Sera” by picking out some important
details. Use the Gist /Summary graphic organizer.

Name: ______________________
Date: _______________________








The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts
Philippine literature during the Period of presented in literary selections; using tools and
Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting
various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; information and noting details from texts to write a
difference between literal and figurative language; précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing
ways to extract and condense information based on between and using literal and figurative language
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases,
communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and clauses, and sentences meaningfully and
sentences. appropriately.

The learner will be able to:
 Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print and radio). EN7SS-II-e-
As a learner living in this technological or ‘gadget’ age. You are consistently fed with a lot of
information from print and non-print sources. Most of the information you get from these sources are very
useful and helpful if you want to learn something new or update yourself from what is happening around you.
They can actually enrich your mind. However, some of the information that you read in any printed source or
hear over the radio might be very confusing and misleading. It is because many of them may just come from
unverified sources, hearsays, and mere fake news. So, it is very important that you carefully check the
accuracy of the information that you get from a certain source by comparing it to another source. Through this
way, you can check what is true or not.
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
 Identify the sources of information as print or non – print;
 Determine the similarities and differences of the materials viewed to; and
 Present a comparison of the contents of materials using graphic organizers.
Print and Non-Print Sources of Information
Print sources are portable, publications printed on paper and circulated as physical copies.
1. Book – a set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together between a front or back cover.
2. Brochure/Pamphlet – one containing descriptive or advertising material.
3. Flyer – an advertising circular.
4. Internet news article – a distinct often numbered section of writing in the web.
5. Journal – a periodical dealing especially with matters of current interest.
6. Leaflet – a usually folded printed sheet intended for free distribution.
7. Magazine – a print periodical containing miscellaneous pieces (such as articles, stories, poems) and
often illustrated.
8. Newsletter – a small publication containing news of interest chiefly to a special group.
9. Newspaper – a paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news,
articles of opinion, features, and advertising.
10. Poster – a usually large printed sheet that often contains pictures and is posted in a public place (as to
promote something).

Non-print sources are media that use electronics or electromechanical energy for the end user (audience) to
access the content. This is in contrast to static media (mainly print media), which today are most often created
electronically, but do not require electronics to be accessed by the end user in the printed form.
1. Audiobook – a recording of a book or magazine being read aloud.
2. Audiotape – a tape recording of sound.
3. Podcast – a program (as of music to talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over
the internet.
4. Radio – a wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of
electromagnetic waves.
5. Television – an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together
with sound over a wire.
Making Comparison of Contents of Print and Non-Print Sources
Comparison or comparing is the act of evaluating two or more things by determining their similarities and
These guide questions will help you compare the contents of the materials that you viewed and listened to.
1. What is the printed text all about? How about the audio?
2. Cite two information that are found both in the text and in the audio.
3. What information is present in the printed text that is not found in the audio?
4. Give an information that is present in the audio but not found in the printed text.
5. In this particular activity, which of the two sources gives you more information?
To help you visually organize information, let us use graphic organizers to present comparison of contents of

Factors Affecting Your Source Preference

1. Availability or Accessibility

Which source of information is within your reach? Print sources can be easily found in your house, in
school, or in the library. While, non-print sources are readily available if you have an access to the internet,
TV, or radio.
2. Convenience (Learning Style)
What is your learning style? If you find it easy to learn or get information by viewing or reading any
material, then you may refer to a printed source of information. But if you find it easier to learn by just
listening than reading then you may opt to the non-printed sources of information. However, both of them
are necessary. You can learn easily if you have good viewing and listening skills.
3. Length of Information
How comprehensive is the information you need? The length of content depends on how lengthy your
source is. If you look for a more detailed information, then you can choose a long printed or non-printed
source of information that comprehensively discussed the topic.
4. Cost
Which source of information is less expensive for you? You may borrow, rent, or buy books and other
printed materials in order to get the information you needed. And for you to have an access to the non-
print sources of information, you must use electronic devices like radio, TV, or internet.

This module talks about print and non-print sources of information. It defines the two sources of
information and given various examples each. There are also guidelines in making a comparison between print
and non-print sources. It adds on the factors affecting the source preference. You are now knowledgeable on
how to use the various sources of information and its guidelines.
Values Formation:
As a learner living in this technological or ‘gadget’ age. You are consistently fed with a lot of
information from print and non-print sources. Most of the information you get from these sources are very
useful and helpful if you want to learn something new or update yourself from what is happening around you.
They can actually enrich your mind.


Name: _______________________________ Grade Level: ___________

I. Directions: Identify the word/s defined in each sentence. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.
_____________ 1. These are portable, publications printed on paper and circulated as physical copies.
_____________ 2. These are media that use electronics or electromechanical energy for the end user
(audience) to access the content.
_____________ 3. A set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together between a front or back cover.
_____________ 4. A recording of a book or magazine being read aloud.
_____________ 5. One containing descriptive or advertising material.
_____________ 6. A tape recording of sound.
_____________ 7. A usually large printed sheet that often contains pictures and is posted in a public place (as
to promote something).
_____________ 8. An electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together
with sound over a wire.
_____________ 9. An advertising circular
_____________ 10. A program (as of music to talk) made available in digital format for automatic download
over the internet.
_____________ 11. The act of evaluating two or more things by determining their similarities and differences.
_____________ 12. A wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of
electromagnetic waves.

_____________ 13. A paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news,
articles of opinion, features, and advertising.
_____________ 14. Source of information within your reach, may it be print or non-print
_____________ 15. A program (as of music to talk) made available in digital format for automatic download
over the internet.

II. Let’s Compare!

Directions: Prepare a Venn Diagram to show a comparison of The Gateway and DXNO using the
information in the table. Put this on a short bond paper and attach it on the back portion of the module.

The Gateway DXNO

Coverage JNCHS Jimenez Municipality
Mode of Transition Publication Air waves
Purpose of Information To inform To inform

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