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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Carcar City







“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”


The learner demonstrates understanding of: East The learner transfers learning by composing and
Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech
by nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal featuring a variety of effective paragraphs,
signals in both literary and expository texts; appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in
strategies in listening to long descriptive and topic development, and appropriate prosodic
narrative texts; value of literal and figurative features, stance, and behavior.
language; and appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to patterns of idea development.


The learner will be able to:

 Employ appropriate listening skills and strategies suited to long descriptive and narrative texts.
 Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales, and short stories. EN8LT-


This module allows you to explore East Asian literature a part of Asia, the world’s biggest
continent, the cradle of civilization. Try to embrace their way of writing and how it influences you as


At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 Identify the different elements of a short story;

 Apply the various elements through graphic organizer; and
 Show appreciation of East Asian literature through self-reflection.

Let’s See What You Know


Directions: Identify the terms being described in each sentence. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.
______________1. The people who are involved in the story
______________2. This refers to who tells the story, and how they tell it.
______________3. Is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a
self-contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood.
______________4. The central meaning or idea of the story; the moral lesson the story is trying to teach.
______________5. It sets the mood and helps us guess what might happen in the story.
______________6. It involves complications that lead to conflicts between characters.
______________7. It is the turning point in the story.
______________8. It is a message that gives an opinion about life, humanity or society.
______________9. These are the characters that have a change in attitude by the end of the story.
______________10. It introduces us to the characters and background information of the story.

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and
focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or
mood. The short story is one of the oldest types of literature and has existed in the form of legends, mythic
tales, folk tales, fairy tales, fables and anecdotes in various ancient communities across the world. The modern
short story developed in the early 19th century.

Elements of a Short Story

1. Characters- are the people who are involved in the story. Characters can be major or minor,
and static or dynamic.
 Major- The characters are important to the story. They are the people who the story is centered
 Minor- These characters exist only to highlight or illuminate the major characters.
 Static - These are characters whose attitudes do not change by the end of the story. They stay the
same the whole time.
 Dynamic- These are the characters who have a change in attitude by the end of the story.

2. Plot- The order of events that make up a story.  The plot usually begins with an exposition, which
introduces us to the characters and background information of the story.  Next comes the rising
action, which involves complications that lead to conflicts between characters. After the rising action
we reach the climax, which is a turning point in the story. After the climax there is a falling
action which leads to the resolution of the conflict.

3. Point of View- This refers to who tells the story, and how they tell it.  The narrator can tell the story
from the third-person point of view, meaning that they can tell us what the characters think and
do, but they are not part of the story.  Third-person narrators use the pronouns he, she or it.   If the
narrator is telling the story from a first-person point of view, then they are part of the story and are
telling it the way that they see it.  First-person narrators use the pronoun I.

4. Setting- The setting of a story gives us important information such as: 1)When the story is taking
place, 2) Where the story is taking place, and 3) What environment the story is occurring in.  It sets
the mood and helps us guess what might happen in the story.

5. Theme- The central meaning or idea of the story; the moral lesson the story is trying to teach. It is a
message that gives an opinion about life, humanity or society. Examples of theme include: love,
friendship, good vs. evil, the importance of family, crime is bad, etc.
This time let’s explore one of Malaysia’s famous tales. Read comprehensively and try to reflect yourself
from the story.


In a village, live a widow with her two beautiful daughters, Bawang Merah (Red Onion or Shallots)
and Bawang Putih (White Garlic). Bawang Putih's real father who was also the widows's husband died long
ago. Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih had opposite characters and personalities. Bawang Putih was diligent,
kind, honest and humble. Meanwhile, Bawang Merah was lazy, glamorous, proud and envious. Bawang
Merah's bad personality was worsened because her mother spoiled her. The widow always gave her
everything she wanted. It was Bawang Putih who did all the work in the house. Doing the laundry, cooking,
cleaning, essentially all of the work were carried out by herself. Meanwhile, Bawang Merah and the widow just
spent times making themselves up, because when they needed something they could just ask Bawang Putih.

Bawang Putih never complained the bad fate she had to face. She always served her stepmother and sister
happily. One day, Bawang Putih was doing her stepmother and sister's laundry. Bawang Putih didn't realize it
when a piece of cloth belonging to her mother was washed away by the river. How sad was she, thinking that
if the cloth couldn't be found she would be blamed, and it wasn't impossible that she would be punished and
expelled from home.

Being afraid that her mother's cloth could not be found, Bawang Putih kept looking and walked along the river
with its strong current. Every time she saw someone by the river, she always asked them about her mother's
cloth which was washed away by the river, but everyone didn't know where the cloth was. Eventually Bawang
Putih came to a place where the river flowed into a cave. Surprisingly, there was a very old woman in the
cave. Bawang Putih asked the old woman if she knew of the cloth whereabouts. The woman knew where the
cloth was, but she made a condition before she handed it to Bawang Putih. The condition was that she had to
work assisting the old woman. Bawang Putih was used to working hard so that her work pleased the old
woman. It was late afternoon and Bawang Putih was saying goodbye to the old woman. The woman handed
the cloth to her. Because of her kindness, the old woman offered her a gift of pumpkins. There were two of
them, one was larger than the other. Bawang Putih was asked to choose the gift she wanted. She wasn't
greedy, therefore she chose the smaller one.

Returning home, the Step-Mother and Bawang Merah were furious because Bawang Putih was late. She told
them what happened from the time her mother's cloth was washed away until her encounter with the old
woman in the cave. Her stepmother was still furious because she was already late and only brought one small
pumpkin, so the mother smashed the pumpkin to the ground. "Whack..." and the pumpkin was broken, but it
was miraculous that in the pumpkin there were beautiful golden jewelry and diamond ornaments. The Widow
and Bawang Merah were very shocked. They could get very rich with that much jewelry. But greedy they
were, they yelled at Bawang Putih asking why she didn't take the large pumpkin instead. In the Widow and
Bawang Merah's minds, if the larger pumpkin was taken, they should get much more jewelry.

Fulfilling their greed, Bawang Merah followed the steps told by Bawang Putih. She willingly drifted her
mother's cloth, walked along the river, asked people and eventually came to the cave where the old woman
lived. Unlike Bawang Putih, however, Bawang Merah refused the old woman's order to work and she even
arrogantly ordered the old woman to give her the larger pumpkin. And so the old woman gave it to Bawang

Bawang Merah happily brought the pumpkin that the old woman gave, while imagining how much jewelry she
would get. Returning home, the Widow welcomed her beloved daughter. Not long after, the pumpkin was
smashed to the ground, but instead of jewelry, various terrifying venomous snakes appeared. The Widow and
Bawang Merah finally realized what they had been doing all this time was wrong and asked Bawang Putih to
forgive them.[4]

Task 1: Check Point!

Answer the following questions:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Where did the story take place?

3. What is the story all about?

4. If you were going to choose among the characters in the story, who would you like to be? Why?

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-
contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood. The short
story is one of the oldest types of literature and has existed in the form of  legends, mythic tales, folk
tales, fairy tales, fables and anecdotes in various ancient communities across the world.

Elements of a Short Story:

 Characters
 Plot
 Point of View
 Setting
 Theme

Values Formation:

The learners learn to appreciate and embrace the essence of East Asian literature. Since you already
know the elements of a short story, it’s easier for you to locate and identify it. As you go along with your
journey, what have you learned in this lesson is much useful in the next learning that you are opt to.


Task 1: Directions: Identify the terms being described in each sentence. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.

______________1. The people who are involved in the story

______________2. This refers to who tells the story, and how they tell it.
______________3. Is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-
contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood.
______________4. The central meaning or idea of the story; the moral lesson the story is trying to teach.
______________5. It sets the mood and helps us guess what might happen in the story.
______________6. It involves complications that lead to conflicts between characters.
______________7. It is the turning point in the story.
______________8. It is a message that gives an opinion about life, humanity or society.
______________9. These are the characters that have a change in attitude by the end of the story.
______________10. It introduces us to the characters and background information of the story.

Task 2: Directions: Using the graphic organizer, locate each elements of a short story based from the tale you
have read.

Point of

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