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Course structure and syllabus

The online CertICT: Certificate in Teaching Languages with Technology consists of 3 modules,
delivered entirely online over 20 weeks in Moodle, with total of 120 hours work for participants.
There are two one-week breaks timetabled into the course.

Module 1
Computer Skills
[15 hours]
Summary: Email, file formats, word processing, working with images, audio & video, computer
security, online safety issues.

Module 2
ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Tools in the Classroom   
[85 hours]
Summary: ICT usage and tools, Internet search techniques, evaluating websites, social
bookmarking, planning and implementing Internet-based classes, WebQuests, voice, video &
text chat, podcasting, blogs, RSS, wikis, online reference tools. Web 2.0, VLEs, blended
learning, m-learning, electronic portfolios. Commercial ICT courseware, assessment, ICT in the
syllabus, continual professional development online.

Module 3
Course Project [ 20 hours ]
Summary: ICT Class Project: planning, implementation, review, reflection.

Please download the course syllabus. You can visit the The Consultants-E website for more

Each CertICT course has a maximum of 20 participants. You are expected to spend approx. 6
hours per week on online individual, pair and collaborative group work, including offline reading
and reflection. Deadlines for task completion are weekly, and you can log on at any point during
the week to work on the course. There are no 'fixed' times to be online, apart from regular
timetabled online video-conferencing sessions; the dates and times of these are negotiated to suit
everyone on the course.

As the course is structured around weekly deadlines, you are in constant contact with course
colleagues and tutor(s) in our course Moodle for the duration of the course. The course is very
highly tutor-supported: groups of 10+ participants have two tutors.

Please see course dates on The Consultants-E website. 

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ICT Basics

WebWise Computer Basics course

Includes modules on computer basics, using the mouse, the keyboard, and opening windows.
Modules are online and available for PDF download.

African Pedagogical ICT Center

Free to register online, this site has downloadable modules on skills including using office
applications to graphic design.  You can register by clicking in the top right of the screen. Once
you're logged in, you can browse modules from the "downloads" section on the right of the

GCF Learn Free

This website has lessons on computer basics such as understanding operating systems and
applications, as well as interactive tutorials and videos.

Digital Unite

Resources on understanding basic concepts and terms related to using a computer such as a
"guide to your computer desktop" and "what is a network."


Free online courses in Microsoft Applications, Internet Explorer and Computer Science


Includes resources on computer basics, using the keyboard and mouse, and using the Internet

Excel Easy
Resources on learning how to use Excel for various purposes

WebWise Internet Basics course

Includes modules on Internet basics, understanding browsers, and doing searches. Modules are
online and available for PDF download.

WebWise Social Media Basics course

Includes modules on getting started with social networks, communicating using social networks,
and staying safe online. Modules are online and available for PDF download.


Includes free online courses for using Skype, creating blogs, social networking, and podcasting

Skype for the Classroom

An online platform that uses Skype to create opportunities for students to take "virtual" field
trips, hold discussions with authors of books, speak with native foreign language speakers, learn
about other cultures, and many more.


An online community of learners where classrooms in different countries can collaborate on

video journalism projects, writing projects, and many more activities. Also includes a library of
teacher resources and tools for organizing lessons online.

Teacher Training Videos

Great online tools and instructional videos for integrating ICT into the classroom, including
creating online message boards for classes, creating short web videos, etc.


Teacher resources, such as lesson plans, activities, rubrics, and worksheets that promote and
support the integration of technology into the classroom.
UNHCR ICT for Education Inventory

An interactive hub for finding and sharing activities and Tools for integrating ICT in a variety of
ways, including audio and video tools, social media, and digital libraries. A concept note on the
inventory can be found here.

TEAMS Electronic Classrooms

This site offers resources for elementary school teachers, including lesson plans, guided
activities, interactive activities, parent resources. Teachers can also publish their own projects or
lesson plans.

UNESCO E-Learning Modules on ICT in Education

Includes modules on ICT in Education essentials and ICT in Education decision making. Uses
interactive, colorful slides to take learners through the content.

ICT in Schools: A Handbook for Teachers

This document from UNESCO includes information on everything needed for integrating ICT,
including basics of using the computer, pedagogical possibilities, and pointers on how to
integrate ICT resources into various types of learning environments.

ICTs in Teacher Education

This document proposes a framework for ICTs in Teacher Education, and describes the essential
conditions that must be met for successful integration of ICT. The document also provides
guidelines for strategic planning.

Cyber Smart

An online portal for teachers that offers online professional development courses in ICT
integration, and free, downloadable resources for educators.


Free online courses include modules on using tools for collaborative classroom activities.

**If you have additional resources to share, please visit our Resource Upload page**

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