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EIA Inspection Report GENERAL INFORMATION 1, Name and Address of the Proponent MR. ERNESTO G. BALDILOMAR Tnalorenzs, Bayambang, Pangasinan 2. Type and Location of the Project PIGGERY PROJECT Brgy. Inalorenza, Bayambang, Pangasinan 3. Date and Purpose of Inspection November 22, 2000 4. Inspection Officer’Position ‘Marlyn M. Banda - SEMS/Chief, EMS. Marjor Valloyas - Research FINDINGS AND OBSERVATION 1. Status of the Project ‘The Piggery Project has been in existence since 1999. It has two (2) piggery houses with 27 sows, | boar and 108 fatteners during the tinto of inspection, however, the proponent is still in the process of securing the necessary permits required by different agenc 2. General Description of the Project Location ‘The project is located of Brey. inelorema, Bayambang, Pangasinan. It is approximately vight (8) Lilometers northwest of the town proper of Bayambang, Pangasinan, The project area can be reat uch, ye evincial Road (Bayambang- Casniline Road} and an approximate 100 ‘Ee ee me eS Mw 3. General Description of the Project Site ‘The project area is within the 13,453 sq.m. fot area of the proponent. It is within mnirrigated rice Iand of the proponent, Adjoining areas are all unirrigated agricultural lands, Residential houses are found 200 meters south and 100 meters north of the project sife. The project area is flat in terrain and is flood prone. There are no sensitive flora and fama that can be affected by the project 4. Project Size and Scale ‘There are two pighouses constructed. It has @ capitalization of P 400,000 with am estimated hog population of 200 heads, €. ASSESSMENT IMPACT ON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Noise, solid and liquid waste, odor are among the negative impacts of the project. ; those could be mitigated through introduction of enhancement measures. The project will generate employment for focal residents, DB. REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATION Issuance of Favironmental Compliance Certificate is Prepared by: Spend =U e MARLYN M. BANDA marsonn 3 oes SEMS/Chief, EMS Researcher £

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