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According to White, they defined stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted

behaviors by one person to another. It may take also the form of communicative
intrusion and physical assault. It is also threatened the victim by causing harm or
causing damage to the victim’s property or maybe harass the victim through social
media by uploading personal information.

According to National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

(NISVS), there are two ways that stalking can be carried out: in person or via
electronic mechanisms. (EXPLAIN). They also concluded that stalking is
significantly traumatizing and also appears that stalking is at least as traumatizing
as other forms of interpersonal violence. 

The 50 states and the district of Columbia, implemented anti-stalking laws

state-level statistics on the number of people charged, prosecuted, or convicted of
stalking are not readily available, with estimates varying widely. 

In our country, there are already various bill files and acts implemented to
counter stalking which are RA 11313 or also known as the safe spaces act, and the
other one is Ra 9262 also known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act of 2004 lastly, despite all these implemented acts, there are actually
no approved laws yet that only focus on stalking but there is a pending Senate bill,
particularly the “Anti-Stalking Law of the Philippines.
Self Control Theory

It is coined by Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, this self-control

theory is the ability to resist immediate or approaching pleasures that have negative
consequences, as well as the capacity to act in favor of longer-term interests.

This theory is relevant to the study since it allows us to determine how

negative consequences affect the persons action in commission of the crime. It
also determine whether the consequences will stop them from committing the
crime. Therefore, the theory denotes that the perpetrator’s action is affected by the
punishment that awaits on the crime committed. The person is torn between the
choices which will greatly affect his decision. In connection, the study aims to
determine the nature of the suspect’s action with regards to stalking.

Thus, solutions will be provided on to what extent of punishments shall applied on

such offenses which is beneficial for the victim to identify legal case to be filed
when they are faced in such unpleasant situations.

Treatment of Data:


(1) familiarizing the data

(2) generating initial codes

(3) searching for themes

(4) reviewing themes

(5) defining and naming themes

(6) producing the report

Foreign Culture Consumption

1. What are the foreign cultures that DCCP criminology students usually patronize?

2. What is the level of enjoyment of DCCP criminology students in terms of patronizing foreign

3. What are the factors that influence DCCP criminology students in patronizing foreign

Research method

According to Bhandari (2020), Quantitative Research is defined as a systematic

investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing
statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data and
involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data.

We choose this method since the researchers will get an answer, and justify the
objectives of the study.

.We also want to know the factors that influence the Criminology students of
DCCP in patronizing their culture.

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