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Marketing TEST with answers

1. __________ is the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments. A) Perception B) Stimulus C) Closure D) Communication Points Earned: 2. 0

2. The __________ theory says that individuals have a need to understand and explain the causes of other peoples behavior. A) Self-perception B) Attribution C) Communication D) Internalization Points Earned: 2. 0

3. In the interpersonal communication process encoding the message originates with the __________. A) process B) receiver C) sender D) decoder Points Earned: 2. 0

4. In the communication process noise occurs if __________. A) the receive is experienced B) the message is properly decoded C) the proper channel is selected D) the message is not clearly encoded E) all the above are correct

Points Earned:

2. 0

5. We can improve the process of formal communication by ________ A) being aware of problems that can accompany communication B) increasing the reliance on downward communication C) decreasing the chances for upward communication D) discouraging the use of horizontal communication Points Earned: 2. 0

6. How does coaching differ from counseling? A) One is for management and one is for hourly personnel B) One deals with on the job and one deals with off the job issues C) One deals with the past and one deals with the future D) One dials with individuals and the other deals with teams Points Earned: 2. 0

7. Expressing your displeasure at another driver with a hand motion because he or she cut in front of you in traffic is an example of __________. A) paralanguage B) verbalizing C) kinesics D) propellers Points Earned: 2. 0

8. Responding tell me if I am wrong, but what you are saying is that Babe Ruth was a better baseball player than Ty Cobb is an example of ________

A) clarifying B) summarizing C) reflecting D) paraphrasing Points Earned: 2. 0

9. In _________ cultures people are used to touching, gesturing, and showing strong emotions through facial expressions. A) affective B) neutral C) monochronic D) polychronic Points Earned: 2. 0

10. In __________ cultures people are more concerned with relationships than they are with privacy. A) affective B) neutral C) monochronic D) polychronic Points Earned: 2. 0

11. Which of the following is not a part of the control corrective action process? A) Establishing parameters B) Identifying performance deviations C) Analyzing performance deviations D) Developing correction programs Points Earned: 2. 0

12. __________ control is gathering information about performance deficiencies a they occur. A) Feedback B) Concurrent C) Feed forward D) Deficient Points Earned: 2. 0

13. An example of __________ control is using policies and rules to control employees. A) objective B) normative C) bureaucratic D) concertive Points Earned: 2. 0

14. Regulation of workers results or outputs through rewards and incentives is in the realm of __________ control. A) objective B) normative C) bureaucratic D) concertive Points Earned: 2. 0

15. The __________ provides a snapshot of the companys financial position at a particular time. A) statement of cash flows B) income statement C) financial ratios D) balance sheet Points Earned: 2. 0

16. Where might one look to find how much money is allocated for the new project to increase the size of the office by 1000 square feet? A) Revenue budget B) Expense budget C) Profit budget D) Cash budget E) Variable budget Points Earned: 0. 0

17. You paid $3 million for the 1000 square foot office expansion and it allowed you to earn an additional $500,000 in profit after tax. You borrowed the money for this expansion at an interest of 5%. The economic value added is _________ A) $500,000 B) $3 million C) $350,000 D) we cannot calculate the EVA from the data given Points Earned: 2. 0

18. What is a step you can take to keep your most important customers from leaving you and getting their product from one of your competitors? A) not trying to understand why the customer I leaving B) not taking the time to talk with the customer about why he is leaving C) identifying which customers are unhappy and might be considering leaving the company D) not measuring the rate at which customers are leaving Points Earned: 2. 0

19. _________ control is created by observing experienced employees and listening to stories about the

company. A) Bureaucratic B) Concertive C) Objective D) Normative Points Earned: 0. 0

20. _________ is regulation of workers behaviors and decisions through work group values and beliefs A) A. Objective B) B. Normative C) C. Bureaucratic D) D. Concertive Points Earned: 2. 0

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