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Ukraine is only the beginning

of the enslavement of Europe

Sergey Kleftzov

Ukraine is only the beginning of the enslavement of Europe.

Apparently, Putin has set his sights on the whole of Europe. After Ukraine, he will begin to
blackmail the Europeans with the nuclear threat (the seizure of the Chernobyl nuclear power
plant is part of this plan, as one might assume). First, it will take away the eastern part (I’m
afraid the Baltics will be the first, then all the others. Perhaps he will leave Serbia and
Hungary alone as his satellites). The problem with Europe is that it is not ready to put its life
on the line for freedom, at least not yet. They all desperately pretend that they can buy him
off in order to hide from the main question — what needs to happen so that they, in the end,
rebuff him? Because they don’t have an answer to that question. But why does he need a part,
if he can take all that from them? Therefore, all these sanctions for him are an empty business
and he doesn’t care about them at all. What are all these sanctions, from which it is not he
who suffers, but the people of Russia (and, to some extent, Russian businessmen)? If he was
ever interested in the interests of other people, then only as circumstances for achieving his
own goals. And believe me, in his state he has everything under complete control — no one,
absolutely no one, dares to challenge his sole right to make any decisions whatsoever.
So, now he has all the cards in his hands and he can continue to carry out his plan gradually,
and at each stage, his opponents will become more and more accustomed to the idea that they
have no choice but to make concessions (as they already do). In the end, he will simply
politely ask them to step aside so as not to interfere with the Tsar of All Europe to do on the
entire territory of the Old Continent what he is doing now in Russia. Undoubtedly, the
conquest of Europe will be for him an achievement that Stalin dreamed of, but could not
achieve. And he got a unique historical chance, and he can. Not because he is strong, but
because Europe, the very one that was able to defend its real values with arms in hand, is no
longer (well, or yet). No wonder, after all these decades of spreading ideologies that
undermine these very values. And since now the main thing is not freedom in its primordial,
humanistic sense — like the right to think what you want and say what you think, but
simulacra such as “combating hate speech”, “protecting the rights of LGBTQ+”, “promoting
Anti-racism” and so on, then, in fact, and there is nothing to defend. When Tsar Vladimir
comes, he will already determine what you can say and think, so you can forget about all
these nonsenses forever.
And the only chance now, I believe, is to:
1. To realize Putin’s True Intentions
2. To find a leader like Churchill or Reagan
3. To put Putin in front of the fact that the West has come to realize its only choice, which
means that either Putin will surrender or he will be wiped off the face of the Earth with his
entire empire without prior warning.
You may be shocked by my words or not take them credible, but this means that you have not
encountered in real life such an archetype as Putin is. Believe me, he is the worst thing you
can imagine, especially since he is, firstly, smart enough to be perfectly aware of the
weaknesses of his opponents, secondly (and accordingly) — to calculate their moves in
advance and, finally, he found himself in a situation where all the bridges behind him were
burned. Any oversight will lower his status in the eyes of his accomplices, and for him, this is
a mortal danger. He has only one way — to go forward until he enslaves all of Europe or
until he breaks his neck. Thus, he has no choice. But for now (only for now) we still have that
singular chance.
The only thing left for me is to say that I really hope that I am wrong. And I really, really
hope so.

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