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" Does the3 manager always come late ?"_x000D_ JAWABAN

pay jim hervery...... much "_x000D_ whether the manager came late
"The passive
That form of
note wasn't the above
written by me sentence
"_x000D_ is........ Jim is not paid very much by him
The active
"Are form of for
they working the bigabove centence
company is........
?"_x000D_ I didn't write that note
He asked
"Are you ame ......... of this university ?"_x000D_
student if they were working for that big company
He asked her ........
"Are you teaching this course this semester ?"_x000D_ if she was a student of that university
The passive form of the above sentence is.......
"Can the children get dinner at school ?" she asked._x000D_ Is this course being taught by you this semester?
The indirect
"Can you tellspeech
me why of your
the question
sister is above
so sad is....
?"_x000D_ She asked if the children could get dinner at school.
My friend
"Did askedyour
you bring me .........
note with you or not ?"_x000D_ if I could tell her why my sister was so sad
She asked
"Didn't Davehimgo........
to Canada last year ?" He asked me_x000D_ whether he had brought his note with him or not
The indirect speech of the sentence above is
"Do you have any minced meat?" the lady asked the butcher._x000D_ he asked me if Dave had gone to Canada a year before
The reported speech is............. The lady asked the butcher whether he had any minced me
"Do you
"Don't goknow
alone", whereI warnedshe isher._x000D_
?" The policeman asked Tom. The indirect of the sthe policeman asked Tom if he knew where she was
The reported speech of the sentence above is... I warned her not to go alone.
"Go away
"How and solve
did you don't callthis me up anymore
problem ?"_x000D_!"Susie told Mike Susie told Mike to go away and not to call her up anymore
She asked her ......... how she had solved that problem
"How is your mother ?" I asked Ben ...... how his mother was
"How much money do you have ?" I asked him .... how much money he had
enjoying my new job," Sarah said. The indirect speech of the sentence abo
"I am happy"_x000D_ Sarah said that she was enjoying her new job
"I saidto
came that ..........
school at 6.00 yesterday."_x000D_ She was happy
He said to the teacher that ......... He had come to school at 6.00 the previous day
"I can guess what you are thinking." she said. She
saidthat she could
to Jane guess
that he what
hadn't I was
come to thinking.
her party the prev
"I didn't come to your party last night,"
have something to show you", I said to her. _x000D_ John said to Jane. The indirect speech o night
"I reported
saw you when speech I whenof the to sentence above is...
school." _x000D_ I said to her that I had something to show her.
I said to JImmy that .......... I had seen you when I had gone to school
"I was here yesterday," Jack said. The indirect speech of the sentences above isJack said that he had been there the day before
"Iswent to Australia
the new edition of last year".
this book "......."
already available ?"_x000D_ So did I
"Not yet,....."
"My brother will come here tomorrow morning"_x000D_ it is being printed
He told her that ....... His brother would come there the next morning
"My sister
"Our entirewastrip atcostcampus
us twoyesterday." Tom saidMr.
thousand dollars," thatBrown
his sister campus ....had been - the day before
Mr brown
"She addedall
has copied thatthe..........
data"_x000D_ their entire trip had cost them two thousand dollars
He said that gave
"Somebody .........him a book"_x000D_ She had copied all the data
The passive voice of this sentence ........ He was given a book
"Somebody stole his shoes".
"The people came here two weeks ago"_x000D_ Its passive form is: His shoes... were stolen
She said
"The that .............
secretary opens the mail every morning"_x000D_ The people had come there two weeks before
The passive voice of the above sentence is...... The mail is opened every morning by her
"The weather
"They don't pay is so
Jimbad very that I won't go out at all." She said that....
much"_x000D_ the weather was so bad that she wouldn't go out at all
The passive voice of the above sentence
"We don't see the manager of this company"_x000D_ is...... Jim isn't paid very much by them
They said that ........
"What can I do for you ?"_x000D_ They didn't see the manager of that company
He offered me .......... what he could do for me
"What would you do if you were a millionaire ?" "If I were a millionaire, I would take a trip around the wor
"When did
"Where didyouTommy get married
drive my ?" car
I asked Edward
yesterday ......
?"_x000D_ when he had got married
Father asked
"Which printer meare .......
you using ?"_x000D_ where Tommy had driven his car the day before
He asked me .........
"Who is playing next week?" he asked._x000D_ which printer I was using
The reported speech of the sentence above is... He asked who is being played the following week.
"Whose book is this ?" He asked me ...... whose book that was
"Why didn't you lock the door ?" I asked him.... why he hadn't loocked the door
"Why hasdon'tsheyou notgoread
out the for letter
a meal?"_x000D_
?" I asked Jim I asked Jim why he didn't go out for a meal
He asked me ......
"Will you be here tommorow ?" I asked _x000D_ why I hadn't read the letter
Kimberly ....
"Will you be here tomorrow ?" I asked _x000D_ if she would be there the next day
Kimberly ..... if she would be there the next day
"You must work." He told me that ..... I was to work
"You muststop your when the traffic light is red." He sais that I....when the traffi must red
"You've got my umbrella," he told her._x000D_
The indirect speech of the statement above is.... He told her that you had been got his umbrella.
(Extracted) from flaxseed, linseed oil is the principal source of drying oil for derived
(Tryouts) form community orchetras are frequently judged by committees. Performances
..... .is money with which a business is started capital
....... is the money that remains after all expenses are paid profit
....... means the act or process of keeping stock to a planned level inventory control
....... the circle with your pencil ! blacken
......... activities usually takes place in places of ....... commercial, commerce
......... provide a wide range of services, including consultancy on computer p software houses
......... supports all kinds of decision making in an office. decision support facility
........... defines and manages organizations, environments and tasks in an offic office management facility the object module together with any other data that are needed to ca Load module
.....or do you go to the shop yourself to buy it do you have your newspaper delivered
A :......
canisI asee
type of company
those where moreyou
holiday photographs thantook_x000D_
half the shares are owned by an subsidiary company
B : I'm afraid not. I .... yet haven't had the film developed
A complete system microcomputer
which issystem is composed
designed of theneeds
to a customer's following........except:
and its needs to usedual semu-conductor devices
is _x000D_
called .......... turnkey systems
A data processing department has two aspects, what are they ? the program development aspect and the operation aspect
A letter ...... by him every week. is sent
A man .... has too great expectations from his son may be dissapointed who
A place where stocks, shares and goverment securities are bought and sold is cal market forces
A type of machine can save..........of time and reduce in making many mustakegreat deal
A/An ....... is in charge of scheduling the use of the computer, arranging for operations manager
Ability means ....... a general term referring to the potential for the acquisition
After leaving a particularly (raucous) concert, some rock music fans complain loud a
ag y2FYm6I ....... (qa4o) eF0psII jlGKu b2e sKPxVF Cwc3 2VvL 3qN ?r Am jFBz
Alaska boasts of several climates due to its (lofty) mountains, wam ocean curretowering
All meetings were held in the auditorium. All meetings used to be held in the auditorium
All students are very...........about the play enjoyed
An integrated circuit is encapsulated in ...... a and b are correct
Andi has made the homework. Tina has made the homework. Andi has made the homework and so has Tina.
Ani speaks English fluently. Rita speaks English fluently. Ani speaks English fluently and Rita does too
Ann said," I want to go to New York next year". The indirect speech of the sent Ann said that she wanted to go to NY the following year
Ann's watch was broken, so she took it to a jeweler's. Now it's working again she has had her watch repaired
Another disadvantage of the new technology is that probably there will be a....reduction
Anton has read that management book and Lisa has read that management booAnton has read that management book and so has Lina.
As television imagges of the astronouts showed, ever for trained professionals Used wh to moving
Before the arrival of farmers and ranches, the rolling plains of Texas were (prisunspoiled
Bethoven's Moonlight Sonata .... I listen to whenever I play my records is a grwhich
Bill cleans this room everyday. The passive form becomes....... This room is cleaned everyday
Bill did.....(good) work in that class than anyone else. better
books-get-from-every week-they-new-the library
_x000D_ They get new books from the library every week.
The main idea of the above paragraph is ....
_x000D_ the meaning of business
What are the factors in business? production, distribution and sale
By the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should, without the help ofBe able to
Children often meetings bored
Choose one of these sentences below which is true! There are many deer in Istana Bogor.
Choose the right answer : Jennifer said that she wanted a sandwich
Choose the right answer : I said that I had seen him when I went to school
Choose the right answer : He said to the teacher that hehad come to school at 6:00 th
Choose the right answer : Charles said to me that he had to leave the office before 3:0
Choose the right answer : My friend said that he had already written that letter
Choose the right answer : Ann said that she wanted to go to New York the following
Choose the right answer : He said that they had already finished the work
Choose the right answer : He said to Sam that he would meet him at the statiun when
Choose the right answer : He said that he had forgotten the commbination of his safe
Choose the right answer : My friends said to me that they had known about that for a
Choose the right answer : I explained to Jane that somebody had given me that key t
Choose the right answer : John said to Jane that he hadn't come to her party the prev
Choose the right answer : He said to me thta he had knowing that place well the prev
Choose the right answer : He said that he had needed more time to study the previou
Choose the right answer : Me friend told me that he was planning to leave then
Choose the right sentence below how often do you have your car serviced ?
Choose the right sentence. There is something I want to talk to you.
Computer is a machine with of electronic circuits Vast
Could you tell me _________ Whether this information is correct
Creative thinking is said to proced in some stages : preparation; incubation; illumination; evaluation and revi
Do you haveis much ..... thetosilver
something do?_x000D_ more valuable than
These answers below are right, except... I haven't got something to do
Do you know ? When they are coming
Dunny Jackson's administration, those
Fruits and vegetables don't cause obesity._x000D_ who did not approve of ...... common peo
The passive voice: Obesity ..... by fruits and vegetables isn't caused
Getting acquainted with accounting by John L. Carey is a very ... book. informative
Harvard ...... a school for men, but now it is coeducational, servingg as man Used to be
Have you finished
He doesn't pay jim your
very talks? the teacher asked.
much_x000D_ The teacher asked me if I have finished my tasks.
The passive voice of the sentence
He doesn't pay jim very much._x000D_ above is.... Jim isn't paid very much by him
He passive
her voice of the sentence above is......
a novel._x000D_ Jim isn't paid very much by him
The passive voice : She ........... a novel by him was given
He had an accident because he was driving too....... fast
He said sadly,"I've got ..... friends.' few
He speaks Spanish ...... than I more fluently
He told me I could fix the leak in the sink. You can also say.... he told me to fix the leak in the sink
He will write to me if he .... to London. goes
will write
He won't to me
ask you if he
such .......... to London
question._x000D_ goes
The passive voice: You ...... such question by him won't be asked
Helen types (fast) and (efficient) fast, efficiently
How do you know about hybrid computer ? A power computer
How old is she ? I don't know .... how old she is
I ........ (not believe) it If I ....... (not see) it with my own eyes. shouldn't have believed-hadn't seen
can't stand
I could meet living
her in
the park too when hot.
I was in London._x000D_ the weather
We can say ;
I don't know what else I can do. You can also _x000D_ I used to be able to meet her in the park
say ... I don't know what else to do
I enjoyed .....(have) dinner with you last night. having
I had the party.
to meet her in John
the parkenjoyed
whenthe party.
I was in Bali._x000D_ I enjoyed the party and john did too
We can say .......... when I was in Bali. I used to have to meet her in the park
I have to.....time to spend with my friends. much
I like ..... that pleases my ears. music
I like these pictures. I do not know.... which ones I want to hang
'I must go now." She said that she ........ Ihad
that somebody had given me that key the pre
I said to jess, "you'll get a giveseat if meyou
key last week". The indirect speech of th week
I said to jess that .......... She would get a seat if she had come early
I used to play in the small house it means : I played in the small house
I want to know___________ whether she borrowed your dictionary
I was used noon when i started school eating
I wonder ___________ whether we should wait for him
I wonder __________ whether people will live on the moon someday
Those sentence can be combined into ..... The pencil by which the man wrote a letter is not expensive
If he (be) late, we'll go without him. is
If I ......... you I would join them were
If I can help you, I ...... very happy. will be
If I had been there, I .... the concert. would have seen
If it rains you .......... wet will get
If it rains you .....wet. will get
If they were not so dear, we ..... that hat. would buy
If you ..... here, I should given the novel to you. had been
If you ...... me, I would be very happy. could help
If you ....... (paint) the walls white, the room ........(be) much brighter. painted-would be
If you ....... (put) on the kettle, I ...... (make) the tea. put-will make
If you compare decision making operations and those arithmatic operations, wh comparable
If you don't register before the last day of regular registration, you ...... a late f Will have to pay
If you had been here last night you .... our dinner. would have enjoyed
If you had been here last night you ...... our dinner would have enjoyed
If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money would not have lent
If you studied hard, your father would buy you a computer. You don't study hard so your father doesn't buy you a com
If your brother .... the food, he would have been sick. hadn't eaten
If your brother ........... the food, he would have been sick hadn't eaten
I'm not accustomed ........... here to living
Immigrants entering the United States on the turn of the century often encounteDrastically
In __________ means entry in an account for a some owing debit
In 1925 Clarence Darrow (competently) opposed William Jennins Bryan at th Maliciously
In class yesterday, I was..........I didn't understand the lesson confused
In computer systems a scheduler whose duty is to decide which jobs are to be ru a computer cannot stop by itself when the job is finished
In contrast to paper tapes, the advantage of magnetic
some districs farmers use pigs to find truffles._x000D_ tape is .... a and b are correct
The passive voice of the sentence above is... In some districs pigs are used by farmers to find truffles.
In today's competitive markets, ever small businesses had better.....on TV and A r dvertise
In which derrivation can you find a prefix that means 'before' ? preschool
In which derrivation can you find a prefix that means 'two' ? binoculars
Is it true that many years a go he____________ by a famous artist? Had his portrait painted
Is it true that many years ago a famous
this information correct ? could you tell _x000D_ artist. had his potrait painted
me ....
Isn't she going to your party ?" She asked _x000D_ if this information is correct
Jim .......... if she wasn't going to his party
It will be better if she stops her piano lessons. She had better stop her piano lessons.
It would be better for him to take that medicine He had better take that medicine
Items are .... in order to show the relationship between them. classified
It's getting very dark. I can ........ see the ship any more hardly
Jack and Jill are going to get married. She said that ......... Jack and Jill were going to get married
Jim ..... very much by them. isn't paid
John said, "IEnglish
reading two books ofyesterday."_x000D_
all the students the best
The reported speech is............ John said that he had finished reading two books the day b
_x000D_ used to play batminton in the morning. This sentence means..... John played badminton in the morning
_x000D_ change raw materials into finished goods ? labor
Why in industrialized countries it is said that labor is generally more mental than physical
because ?
machines accomplish the physical work
Let's ask him ______________
_x000D_ Which one he wants
What was Mr Gioconda's effort to make his wife not bored during the paintinghired process
? to entertain her
Logarithm tables which is used by mathematicians today were produced by .....Henry Briggs
Many peoplehave the following
attended characteristics,
the lecture. _x000D_ except: does not need much power
The passive voice of the sentence above is ...... The lecture was attended by many people.
Many people have stopped ..... because they are afraid that it may be harmful to Smoking
Martina said to Peter,"Show me your picture" Martina told Peter to show her his picture
Mary didn't come. That made me angry. the fact that Mary didn't come made me angry
Michael is very tall Michael is tall enough to see over the heads of the others
Mini peripherals include ............., except: print out
Mitch is afraid.........married now of getting
Most of the conversation between the two men was (intelligible). The underline understandable
Mr. Anderson is an intelligent and
My bag has been stolen by a thief._x000D_ stimulating teacher, ....... he takes an intere And
The active voice : A thief ......... my bag has stolen
little sister
My uncle's
business because she doesn't like.
is expanding._x000D_ little
The expanding means : moving
Neon light is utilized in airport beacons because it can (permeate) fog. pass through
One cannot.......this room because the
Our homework is corrected by our teacher._x000D_ area is very limited. widen
The active voice of the sentence above
Our homework is corrected by our teacher._x000D_ is ....... our teacher corrects our homework
The teacher
Our active voice of the
corrects oursentence above is....
homework._x000D_ Our teacher corrects our homework
The teacher
Our passive corrects
voice : Our
our homework ........ by our teacher
homework._x000D_ is corrected
The passive voice: Our homework ..... by our teacher. is corrected
Person who owns a business and runs it, and takes the financial risks entrepreneur
Pocahontas, a seventeenth-century Powhatan Indian, went to the Jamestown col attendant
Programs that are designed to solve specific problems in business or science are applications programs
Really powerful computers require the following special provision for..........., programs
Representative democracy seemed ...... simultaneously during the eighteenth anTo evolve
Research reveals that worker performance is closssely rrelated to __________ Motivation
Sally's papers were taken from him at the police station. What happened to Sally had her papers taken from him at the police station
She doesn't know where she should
has changed the date of the meeting._x000D_ go after the exams. You can also say ..... she doesn't know where to go after the exams
The has
She passive
of date
the sentence above is
of the meeting._x000D_ the data of the meeting has been changed by her
The hasn't
She passivesent voice
theof the sentence above is......
letter._x000D_ the date of the meeting has been changed by her
The passive voice: The letter ..... by her. hasn't been sent
She is always afraid of something.
was to speak English when she was in the USA._x000D_ Do you know what she is always afraid of?
We can say:.......when she was in the USA. she used to be to speak English
She will meet you if she .... comes
Software house
Somebody provide
has stolen mythe following service, "exepct" :
bag._x000D_ Doing the overall design of a new computer
The passive voice: My bag ... has been stolen
Someone gave him her some
_x000D_ a and c are correct
The passive voice: He ... was given a book
something that cause a response
Students are doing a lot of work._x000D_ is called a_____ stimulus
The passive voice of the sentence above is... A lot of work is being done by the students.
Sue is at hair dresser's at the moment. A hair dresser is cutting her hair. What Sue is having her hair cut
is the will
That letter dog be
which runs ....
delivered bythe cat
John._x000D_ as fast as
The active voice of the sentence above is
That proposal will be considered by the members_x000D_ ....... John will deliver that letter.
The active voice of the sentence above is...
That proposal will be considered by the members._x000D_ the members will consider that proposal
The active voice of the sentence
That report is being prepared by me_x000D_above is..... The members will consider that proposal
The active
That reportvoice of the
is being sentence
prepared by above
me._x000D_ is..... I am preparing that report
The active voice of the sentence above is....... I am preparing that report
That tall fellow works much......(rapidly) than the others more rapidly
The ....... printer has a print head consisting of a row of needless. dot matrix
The ........ of the computer are the devices for input, output or storage of data. peripherals
The ........... is by far the most commonly used in electronic data processing fordigital computer programming
The ___________ is the group of customers who will probably buy the produTarget market
The in the room is my brother. who
The analytical Engine was invented by ..... Charless Babbage
The bank from .... I have just borrowed some money is very reliable where
The boy works .... than Tom. more quickly
The capabilities an the........of a computer are recognozed by the user. talented
The car runs ........ the horse much faster than
The carriage
cat ran. Theneeddognotran_x000D_
wasting time returning..........of each line atfirst
The cat ran and ..... so does it
The characteristics of a perfect market includes communications, buyer and sell competition
The child saw frightening
The color printer is quite useful to ...... between the blue line and the red one. differentiate
The communication between buyer and seller is known as ______ Promotion
The computer is very powerful. It can execute these long programs speedily ItThe
speedily._x000D_ computer is powerful enough to execute these long pro
It means .............. The computer is powerful enough to execute these long pro
The consumer may be ..... into buying product through advertising influenced
The convention room is very hot. We can not stay in it comfortably. The convention room is too hot (for us) to stay in
The corty triggers an internal .... response of the order brain emotional
The directions that ......... to John were easy to follow had given
...... takes
The doctor asked her,the drugback
"Come and gives
to his patient simply
The indirect speech of the command above is..... THe doctor asked her to come back again the next day.
The drawback of tape, in contrast to disk, is that ...... we cannot specify a particular point to read
The famous singer turned out to be a great disappointment. The famous singer whom they had heard praised very high
The film is about a spy ...... wife betrays him. whose
The fire isn't very hot. It won't boil a kettle. The fire isn't hot enough to boil a kettle.
The first digital computer using invented by_x000D_
parts Prof. Howard Aiken and some people fro Mark I
called ....... vacuum tubes
The first digital computer which was used widely to help aim guns is called .....a,b, and c are wrong
The first digital computer which were invented by two engineers of Pennsylvania ENIAC
The first generation of computer came out in 1950. They used parts which is
real calculating machine which relied on a series of ten-toothed gear wheels call
appear _x000D_
in ...... 1820
The following are the conditions of digital computers until the mid 1960, "exepheaving a small memory capacity
The following are the costs of producing goods, except: promotion
The following are the fundamental needs for workers, except : complete facillllities for working
The following are the things that mayaffect the workability of a group process,risk
The following arethe responsibilities of a data processing manager, "exepct" : Correcting programs
The following is a system programming language JCL
The following words have adjective forming suffix-al, except : general
The four main elements in marketing are________ Product, price, placement, and promotion
The functions of main storage are ..... to receive and store data
The global design of a new computer is in the hands of ........ system analysts
The government used to support the school. Today it .... by private funds as wel is supported
The impressionists like Monet and Manet ...... to use color in order to create anKnew hoow
The jewels operations of machines
stolen by one of theby which it solves a problem is called : processing
The active voice of the sentence above is ...... One of the servants stole the jewels.
The labor movement in the United
letter has been sent by her._x000D_ States (seeks) to achieve economic reform wi
The active voice : She .......... the letter has sent
The man .... money had been stolen reported the thieves to the police whose
The memory of your PC is very small. It cannot hold all data. The memory of your PC is too small to hold all data
The merchants come from... the far east
The moust common method of inputting information are : Punch cards
The National Science Foundation (disseminates) information relating to scientidisperses
The newspaper ..... by my brother now. is being read
noun of
The office boythepost
the"assume" is _________
letters every afternoon._x000D_ assumption
The passive voice is............. The thief was seen by many people running into the backy
The only language understood by the computer machine language
The overall design of a new computer, or series of computers is in the hands ofcomputer . architects
The owner .... his employees that they would all receive @ 5% pay increase. informed
parts ofare
The police theholding
system outsidequestioning._x000D_
for further the skull and spine make up the ....... central nervous system
The passive voice of the sentence above is ...... He is being held by the police for further questioning.
The police finally arrested the thieves ..... had participated in the great train r who
program isaren't
The schedules simple. I can
being understand
made it easily
by them._x000D_ The program is too simple for me to understand
The active voice : They ......... yhe schedules aren't making
The situation was much........(bad) than we expected. worse
The statements below are right, except most attitude measures use self-report techniques
The statements below are right, except: motivation refers to the controlling forces which result in
The storage of data on a hard disk is called the ...... device
student whom I have been introduced to is one of the best athletes in Indonesia._x000D_ the secondary storage
Whom refers to : Indonesia
The students are quite clever. They can do the test well. The students are clever enough to do the test well
The term programs exceeding core in the computer systems means ........ There are not enough cores to handle all the programmed
The theory of continental draft assumes that there ...... long term climatic ch Must have been
The trainee is very clever. He can finish the assignment well. The trainee is clever enough to finosh the assignment well
The utility of a commodity will decrease when the......of that commodity increconsumer's stock
The word 'production' means... process by which inputs are converted into outputs
The young man speaks ...... than his friend does more loudly were placed in the sun to dry Cleaned
These sentences are right, except: My grandma has an old table round.
These sentences below are right, except.. Most the people go to the beach during the summer.
These sentences below are right, except... Neither of those books are interesting to read.
These sentences below are right, except: What's happened with you?
They sentences
buildingbelow a neware true,
ring roadexcept...
round the city._x000D_ Whent I came in this town, I didn't see anybody.
The passive voice of the sentence above
They are building a new ring road round the city._x000D_ is a new ring road is being built by them
The passive voice of the sentence above
They are reading the new published magazine._x000D_ is...... A new ring road is being built by them
The passive
They voicethe
are reading : The
newnew published
published magazine ......... by them
magazine._x000D_ is being read
The passive
They voice: The
aren't making new published magazine .... by them
the schedules._x000D_ is being read
The passive voice: The schedules ..... by them. aren't being made
They asked to press a telegraph key as
didn't return those books to the library._x000D_ ... as possible rapidly
The passive voice: Those books .... by them to the library. weren't returned
They said to me,"We never saw before". The indirect speech of the sentence abo they said to me that they had never seen before
They would be taking a great risk if they .... their money in that kind of busineinvested
They would be taking a great risk if they ......... their money in that kind of businvested
Those whichweren't
affect the sale ofbya product
returned them to is thecalled ....
library._x000D_ market forces
The active voice : They ........ those books to the library didn't return
To check for acidity, one had better ..... litmus paper Use
Tom said,"I don't do the homework". The indirect speech of the sentence aboveTom said that he didn't do the homework
Tom was diligent and worked hard. We can say : Tom used to be diligent and work hard
tpY C1ul5,"
Until bvp3 sz9and
the capabilities RlWE the Hxh NK, GeR".
(limitations) of aTw8 Rrw80WlH
computer 3tr4Lx JNitsutD
are recognized, tpY FBvm
usefulness n9wbea4thoroughly
cannot pb97 wvBunderstood._x000D_
FxiQ Ltd 2ea
The word in the bracket is synonymous to...... restriction
Venomous make ....... modified teeth connected too poison glands in which th Have
vfXQ1U W1L af7qs@B xwI1Xd3K ............ V flHH mWKIUpN daF1zjBDl oM 5UkL crE6yh B3z hNF
Vh f2 Igm I9wp 2pV9? tw DAnf2 FfZ5 a q8?xzF Tii 9gU2
Vh u2.........Fgg6Koi1z, z9 8lgKF YwEK rh6eaO?kVD. MUy NLmW6CYq
Visual acuity means ........ ability to discriminate fine differences in visual detail
We do hope the General Manager will (make up his mind) soon. The underlined decide
We found the cat. We found the cat whose leg was bleeding
We had better attend the meeting. It will be better attend the meeting
We will to .........the
otherwise the machine cannot read the dblacken
The will
We passive voice
discuss the: The
mattermatter ......... by
tomorrow us tomorrow morning
morning._x000D_ will be discussed
The passive voice: THe matter ...... by us tommorow morning will be discussed
We would have a better house if we .......... much more money had had
We've had .......(little) difficult with this part than the other one less
What are the two overall stages in the manufacture of computers ? Developed electronic engineers
What are those workmen doing in your garden ? oh, I am having a swimming pool built
What did she say ? .... wasn't true what she said
What did they do at Jill's house yesterday ? Jill had the roof repaired yesterday
What does miniperipherals cousist of ? Magnetic tape cartsidges
What does research departement do ? Investigating new hardware devices
What is the aim of studying the binary system ? to understand the nature of computer and the way it opera
What is the only conern and controversy regarding computers today? the issue of unemployment and displacement of workers by
What train going to the big city ..... by him. will be announced
What will you do ? I will have my photograph taken
When are they coming ? Do you know .... when they are coming
When she datawas
to saved for lang
she came earlyperiods of time,
and could catchthey
the are.......
train._x000D_ magnetic tapes
We can say :
When she was here When she was here.......
could come early to get the train._x000D_ she used to come early and be able to get the train
We can say : When she was here ............ she used to be able to come early to get the train
When the equipment becomes (obselete), it is time to replace it. The synonim of out of date
When the weather becomes older we know that the airman ...... in the arctic ra Must have originated
When was an Integrated Office Systems developed by NEC ? in 1983
Which of the following is correct ? He becomes a very famous and productive story writer.
Which of the following is not correct ? A purchaser is person that makes a product
Which of the following is not correct ? Profit is the money belonging to people or companies whic
Which of the following is NOT correct ? A service is things that have been made
Which of the following is NOT included into the capabilities of the computersComputers works according to their instructions
Which of the following is right ? The boy carefully took all of the broken glass
Which of the following statement is CORRECT ? I didn't have my umbrella ; consequently, I got wet
Which of the following statement is NOT correct ? In a traditional market, there can be only one price for any
statement isisNOT
Which of the following statements correct
correct ?
?_x000D_ I'm not interesting in your opinion
".........""Yes, sometimes I do". Do you ever see my uncle ?
Which one of these nervous systems motor fiber activate the striped muscles othe somatic nervous system
Which one of these sentences below is true? We know that the Earth goes round the Sun.
Which sentence is "correct" ? Your answer is extremely wrong
Which sentence is correct ?
Will people live on the moon someday ? I _x000D_ I want exact dirrections for finding your house.
wonder .... if people will live on the moon someday
will-that-we-always-question-ask We will always ask that question.
Winda bought a new dress and so does her sister. Winda bought a new dress and so did her sister
You .... the first train if you don't hurry. will miss
You ........ alone Had better not go
and I should take care of this right away. We shouldn't wait any longer._x000D_
The command of the sentence above is ....... Let's take care of this right away and let's not wait any lon
You are very young. You can't have a front-door key. You are too young to have a front-door key
You call your boss's house. His name is Mr. Smith. You want to talk to him. Hcould I talk to Mr. Smith, please ?
You had better go to the doctor immediately. It will be better for you to go to the doctor immediately.
You're trying to study. Your brother is playing his music tapes very loudly andcan you turn down the tape ?
big company

you this semester?

d get dinner at school.
er was so sad
ote with him or not
e to Canada a year before
hether he had any minced meat
e knew where she was

nd not to call her up anymore

ing her new job

0 the previous day

what I was
n't come to thinking.
her party the previous_x000D_

hing to show her.

ere the day before

e the next morning

m two thousand dollars

wo weeks before

he wouldn't go out at all

of that company

uld take a trip around the world."

car the day before

the following week.

out for a meal

n got his umbrella.

pect and the operation aspect

e potential for the acquisition of skill

n the auditorium

k and so has Tina.

nd Rita does too
go to NY the following year

ment book and so has Lina.

library every week.

en I went to school
had come to school at 6:00 the day before
d to leave the office before 3:00 p.m
ready written that letter
go to New York the following year
finished the work
meet him at the statiun whenever he wanted
the commbination of his safe
ey had known about that for a long time
body had given me that key the provious week
n't come to her party the previous night
owing that place well the previous year
more time to study the previous week
s planning to leave then
ar serviced ?

mination; evaluation and revision

e finished my tasks.

had given me that key the previous_x000D_

d come early

e moon someday
wrote a letter is not expensive

father doesn't buy you a computer

elf when the job is finished

by farmers to find truffles.

d reading two books the day before

the physical work

many people.

er his picture
me made me angry
over the heads of the others

m at the police station

after the exams
een changed by her
een changed by her

ays afraid of?

new computer

y the students.
ough to execute these long programs speedily
ough to execute these long programs speedily

ot (for us) to stay in

e back again the next day.

r point to read
y had heard praised very highly turned out to be a great ....

d promotion

o small to hold all data

eople running into the backyard

for further questioning.

r me to understand

lf-report techniques
olling forces which result in persisted behavior directed toward particular goals

gh to do the test well

o handle all the programmed data

o finosh the assignment well

onverted into outputs

ch during the summer.

eresting to read.

didn't see anybody.

never seen before

e homework

FxiQ Ltd 2ea

Dl oM 5UkL crE6yh B3z hNF mr88

fferences in visual detail

omputer and the way it operate
nd displacement of workers by computers and robots

e able to get the train

arly to get the train

nd productive story writer.

akes a product
to people or companies which is available for investment

to their instructions
the broken glass
onsequently, I got wet
can be only one price for any given commodity

round the Sun.

nding your house.

nd so did her sister

way and let's not wait any longer

front-door key

to the doctor immediately.

BOBOT 2 The trainee is diligent enough to finis
" I go to school every morning". Tini says: SHe goes to school every morning
"....... your belt!" fasten
"Are the learning
eyes of the therobot
passive!" now?"_x000D_ blacken
The passive
"Are you using form of the above
dictating machine sentence is ...... ? " Petre asked. _x000D_
this morning Is the passive being learnt by them?
The indirect speech of the sentence above is....... Peter asked if I am using my dictatin
"Are you waiting for Didi?" (they asked us)
"Can a Cheque be considered a legal tender ? "the customer asked._x000D_ they asked us whether we were waitin
The indirect speech of the sentence above is.... The customer asked the cashier if a c
"Can we put the box here?" (they asked her) they asked her whether they could pu
"Can anyone
"Did you go to themy
find meeting
missing with me ?"
report tonight?"
my bossBill asked me.
asked._x000D_ Bill asked me if I could go to the mee
The indirect speech of the sentence above is...
"Did you attend the meeting last night ? "asked my friend._x000D_ My boss asked if anyone had found h
The indirect speech of the sentence above is..... My friend asked me if I had attended
"Did you give the disks to Anton?" Tony asked me. Tony asked me if I had given the disk
"Do youfinish
hear whatyour he
saying ?"We're too far away no, we were too far away to hear wha
They asked
"Don't me .... what happened." Ann told _x000D_
tell anyone if I finished your work
me late or you will get into trouble!"_x000D_
"Don't not to tell anyone what happened
She says that ....... She is going to the office with her frie
"Don't come here tomorrow." I told him ...... not to come there the next day
"Don't forget to order the wine." I told my friend ....... not to forget to order the wine
"Don't print your document!" He asked her ..... not to print her document
"Don't print your document!" He asked her ......... not to print her document
"Finish your job!" (she
meal !"_x000D_ordered them) she ordered them to finish their job
The indirect form of the sentence above: He wants us to finish our meal.
"Fmh O3mW
"Have I4oqCyour
you checked goIRteeth
iWEto1Yk the GKpb,"
dentist ?Khv PNWx@Rz
"mother rNEseQJt P?
asked me._x000D_ efx FHgn1Lt a4kv NA wv11 pk 6OY
The indirect speech of the sentence above is..... Mother asked me if I had checked my
"Herman and Rini are going to get married", she said. She said that Herman and Rini were
"I am happy with you." She told him that she....happy with..... was....him
"I am very tired". She said that ...... She was very tired
"I am very tired." She said ...... She was very tired
"I am writing for Toni " he said. The indirect speech of the sentence above is... he said that he was writing to Toni
"I don't fulfil who
your did
this". Shelastpretended_x000D_
night", Toni said to Sari. The indirect speech of the sentence above Toni said to Sari that he had not fulfi
he go
"I indirect speech of morning"_x000D_
to schoolevery the sentence above is ... She pretended that she didn't know w
Tini says .......... She goes to school every morning
"I had already solved my problem", he said to me. The indirect speech of the sentence above he said that he had already solved his
"I have beenalready read this
looking for book", he said. The
the C language bookindirect
for twospeech of the sentence above is
days"_x000D_ he said that he had already read that
She says that ........ She has been looking for the C langu
"I have
"I'm surewritten
he willthatbe letter already,"
successful My
in his friend said.
job."_x000D_ My friend said that he had written th
"Jack doesn't pay me for the job"._x000D_ if he works hard enough
The passive form of the above
"Let's go to tha beach." (too late)_x000D_ sentence is....... Jack isn't paid for the job
"No, It's ......... beach." No, it's too late to go the beach
"Mr. go towill
cinema". 15% It'softoo
yearly income to the orphanage"._x000D_ it's too late to go to the cinema
The indirect
"My father wentspeech of the sentence
to England above is.....
yesterday."_x000D_ He said that Mr. Hart would donate
George said ....... His father had gone to England the d
"My secretary didn't finish the work," Mr John said. Mr John said that his secretary hadn
"Our car keys are gone,"they reported to the police. They reported to the police that their
"Please ..... the matter !" clarify
"Please don't tell anyone what happened", Ann said to me Ann asked me not to tell anyone wha
"She is hungry now." Tom said that she ..... was hungry then
"Show me your driver's license," the
"Shut the door but don't lock it." She told _x000D_ policeman ordered. The policeman ordered me to show h
me ..... to shut the door but not to lock it
"Speak more slowly." He told Gloria ...... to speak more slowly
"Stay in bed for a few days." days", the doctor tol said_x000D_
to me The doctor told me to stay in bed for
me .... to stay in bed for a few days
"They and giveknow
do not me youhighpapers," the teacher oedered.
level programming language at all"_x000D_ The teacher ordered us to stop and g
He says that ...... They don't know high level program
"We eats toantalk
to theItsprofessor
passive formin hisis:office"_x000D_
An apple ..... is eaten
They say that ...... They want to talk to the professor in
"We willdid
"Where gohe to go
beach." She said that...beach.
?"_x000D_ he would go to that
"................." He first went to the post office
"Where did you put my disks?" Marta asked me. Marta asked me where I had put her
"Where will is myyou pen?" (She had
be waiting forasked
me ?me)
"asked Jane._x000D_ she had asked me where her pen was
The indirect speech of the sentence above is.... Jane asked where I would be waiting
"You cant you talk the
finished to me now
first ?" (too busy). "I am ..... now"
program!"_x000D_ "I am too busy to talk to you now"
He says that ...... I have finished the first program
(Does he need any help ?) I wonder ..... I wonder whether he needs any help
(is thistall are you ? correct?)
information ). I don't know
you tell _x000D_ I don't know tall you are
me .. could you tell me whether this is info
(Ranging) from solitary to gregarious beaked whales may travel in schools of several hundred during Varying
(what did she say)... wasn`t true what she said wasn`t true
(Where do you stay ? ) Please tell me .... Please tell me where you stay
(who are they) I don`t know.. I don`t know who they are
... consisted of transportation storage and related services such as financing, standar direction and gradistribution
... refers to the stimulus that directs the behaviour of workers toward the company goals motivation
... someone broke into his house and stole his car, he was next door chating with his neighbour since
... you get up at 06.00 in the morning ?. do
...(you/your hair/cut) last week ? Did you have your hair cut last week
.... insolves careful analysis of a situation in order to start the problem and determine its cause defining the problem
.... is composed of a team of managers who have charge of the organization at all levels. management
....(you/your hair/paint last week? Did you have your hair painted last w
..... (You,l your newspaper / deliver) or do you go to the shop yourself to buy it ? Do you have the newspaper delivered
..... conversation is ..... practice for all students. rapid, good
..... involves the securing of funds for all phases of business operations. Finance
..... provides information on the financial condition of a company. Financial statements
...... means chance or possibility of danger or loss risk
...... refers to funds that are borrowed from sources outside the corporation debt financial
....... Edison invented a lamp which conducted electricity, gas had been the chief means of lighting h Before
....... here! I don't want to see you anymore! out
....... his car was much too small, he decided to sell it. Since
....... is the process of removing the error of correcting the mission of the instruction to the machine debuging
....... is the synonym of conversion change
....... the letter, she cried. having read
........ I am happy there, I must say that I sometimes feel that I ........ to move, but here in Bakewell thealthough - ought - a few
........ is moving the products from the factory to the market place. Distribution
........ is the activity of controlling and directing the other three factoers which are land, labor, and capientrepreneurship
........ is the characteristic of satisfying a want in economics. Utility
........ is the result we must never lose hope. whatever
........ the circle with your pencil !
........, I told the truth about the result of my......examinations_x000D_ Blacken
to my parents. finally, final
......... is used for most commercial applications COBOL
......... is where the actual work of computer takes place. Central Processing Unit
......... was the very first calcuting devices used. Ten fingers of a man's hand
.......... designed a machine that was called "The ANalytical Engine" Charles Babbage
.......... is and institution that apeccializes an bringing lenders and borrowers together. Financial intermediary
.......... is good mixture of integrated parts working together to form a useful whole. System
.......... it I would not have asked him. had I known
.......... means spending or using up expenditur
.......... pupils read and write easily good
.......... singer was selected at the pop Singer Competition The best
........... is the process of removing the error or correcting the omission of the instructions to the machiDebugging
........... pays for the right to sell the products or services in a certain area and pays for royalties to t Franchisee
........... supplies will soon be available. The farthest
........... what would you do ? Are you ill
............ Afx NHnW6?, qmO dZBSg. aUg6?a g6Pb
............ means grouping of items to show the differences between them. Classification
............. is used for most commercial applications cobol
............a computer unlike human being, has no intuition Abruptly
...........generations computer has been redueed in size which now fist onto a single chip. Fourth
...........of different siqes can be built with dot matrix printer Digit
...........of trainees are absent today No thing
...........pupils read and write easily good
...........require heat sensitive paper which is marked by a heated needle-like writing implement knownThermal printers
...........the frequency of your radio were ! lenghten is clear that every effort has been made to clarify the test's instructions, many students still f although
..........your car by the time you get home. Checking
.........are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization. Services the exchange of a product or service for money sale the nama given to the first digital computer which was completed in 1944 Mark I
.........its age, the car was in excellent condition In spite of
.........plays a very important role in the computerized field. Electricity
.........Py l 0TkX6 9Z t3 vV8OswC Byo3K ee4oa8SWaD sUU4TYc2CW
.........she or you were sick. Either the station, I bought engineering materials. On the way
........changes raw materials into finished goods. labor
........employees rarely on their jobs efficient, careless the human activity related to material things. Business the money that remains after all the expense are paid Profit
........remove the fluctuation in the DC output of the rectifier the smoothing current
........symbol indicates either the star or the finish of the program oval
........sysmbol indicates that a decesion has to be made. diamond
........we work harder we will remain poor and ignorant. unless slippery road is dangerous driving
.......means the act or process of keeping stock to a planned level Inventory control
.......of those students are stupid. None
.......students write their exercise .... careful, carefully consisted of a team of managers who have charge of the organization at all levels Management
......means the country has exported more than it imported Surplus
......the children are behaving today how well
......the midle.......the crowd, there was a very strange old man in , of
.....operator is needed here. skillful
.....personality she has what a pleasant
.....the store was yesterday how crowded
....clothes she wears what old-fashioned the process of choosing a course of action to solve a particular problem. decision making
....Ron...Bob enjoy horseback riding . either, or aunt has worked hard all her life, she would never save up enough money to buy appartement although
_______ is the process of choosing a course of actual to solve a particular problem decision makers
_________ is not surprising me whether she is having trouble or not
__________ represent everything of value that is owned by a business assets
___________ is none of your business Where she went
___________ was interesting What he was talking about
____________ Py zQ@zjILb fP b f9Gr Y1@jq1@p W2o w48i x@Fzp0 Db Y3J YKSZb@9VV7Cs hUYCJUd6Cr
____________ wasn't true What she said
`My older sister speaks English.......the native speaker. as well as
A .... means entry in an account for a sum owing. debit
A ..... manager is needed in the company. skillful
A ....... is a person who writes instructions in a programming languange from the flowcharts junior programmer
A ........ is a person who designs complex flowcharts for programs senior programmer
A ........ situation was created by the bad roads. dangerous
A ......... is a type of company where more than half the shares are owned by another company subsidiary company
A ......... manager is needed in the company.
barter economy is not a simple matter anymore _x000D_ skillful
The verb form of the underlined word is ... simplify
A business which supplies the products or services for sale to public is called ......... franchisor
A common channel of distribution is manufacturer-wholesaler-retailer-cu
A common channel of distribution is..... manufacturer-wholeseller-retailer-cu
A company needs sufficient funds to ..... necessary assets such as property, building, and inventories. Obtain
A computer .... is a human intervention in computer systems. operator
A computer ......... is a human intervention in computer systems operator
A computer ......... is a human intervention in computer systems. operator
A computer can ...... numbers much faster than a manual calculator. calculate
A computer can do ..... until it has been programmed. nothing
A computer can do many kinds of ...... almost every nation. calculation
A computer can not do anything unless...
cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do._x000D_ A person seem to operate the comput
This sentence means ...... a computer needs controlling and dir
A computer is a device which.........processes and gives out information accepts
A computer must be able to........with the user. communicate
A computer that receives data in a code composed of digits is called a digital computer
A computer will always follow the same (sequence) when solving a problem, no matter how complicaprogression
A decision.........until the next meeting. will not be made
A free ....... is guaranteed to every citizen education
A general motive to act competently and effectively when interacting with the environment is called ..effectance motivation
A good counselor would rather that the patient _________ his or her own decisions after being helped Made
A key punch machine is ..... peripheral device a.b. and c are wrong
A lay outof the kind used by programmers is called a....... flowchart
A list of workers employed by a company and the weekly or monthly pay that they earn is called...... Payroll
A lot of needed to operate large computer system. electricity
A magnet on the door trips a switch on the door frame when the door is opened is called: door switch
A manager should be able to .... the financial budget efficiently organize
A manager should be able to ........ the financial budget efficiently organize
A manager should be able to ........ the financial budget efficiently. organize
manager who ishas
A minicomputer ...adapts
a fixedtoword
organizational change more easily than one is rigid and resist modificatflexible
length _x000D_
between ......... 8 and 32 bits
A new text took about computer ........ next year. will be published
A person who is employed by another in return for wages. Employee
A person who owns stock in a company or corporation is called ......
person's experience, training and education -------------------------------_x000D_ shareholder
influence creativity and risk taking. background
A physician takes no time to report a.........problem to drug manufacturer suspicious
A shorthand........can type very fast. typist
A single character number is called : digit
A succesful marketing mix depends on the following things, except: Financial statements
A system of communication consisting of signals and symbols is : Code
A systematized knowledge that is gathered by carefully obseving and measuring events is called...... science
A typical radio turner circuit consists of an.....and....... Inducator - capacitor
A wide variety of electronic devices such as hi-fi units and (portable) radios become common in the hmoveable
A. It works according to the instructions
A. The computer is smaller. I can bring it everywhere. The computer is small enough. I can
A.............microcomputer system has a microprocessor, a memory and a peripheral equipment. complete
A/An ........ is designed to show whether a person has any talent for a particular career or line of workaptitude test
A/ by beaming a laser on to an electrically charged drum which creates an invisible laser printer
According to the news, it will snow tonight, or it will rain tonight. according to the news report, it will n
Accountant who work independently and provide accounting sevices such as auditing and tax computa public accountants
Accounting equation means ... assets equal liabilities plus owner's eq
Accurate information is needed to make good decisions. The verb form of the underlined word is .... inform
Activities which a person or group performs for another person are called ......... Services
Adelaide is........than Perth. farther
Advertiser often use their ... talents to design original, eye. catching promotions. Creation
After they hit his head, he wasn't thinking..... clearly
Agnosia means ...... inability to recognise objects and thei
All businesses need .... support financial
All computers can solve various types of problems, because of their flexibility
All data are translated into ..... before being
economic activities taken together make _x000D_ stored in mainstorage. signals
up ........ The economic system
All meeting used ..... in the auditorium but now they are not now. to be held
All students are very ........ about the play. excited
All the ..... have the chance to get the door prize staffs
Although ...., it was prefereed that employees not smoke in the lunch room : allowed
Although all four functions are managerial duties, the importance of each may very depending on thesituation
Although the price has changed, the nature of a commodity will 'stay' the same. remain
Although the project was in the final planning phase, the director indicated that the plans were still....alterable
Amin is 17 yearsheatsink
Amanthe is diodas
16 yearsfrom
and Hadi is 16 years old too._x000D_ over heating
We can say : Hadi is younger than Aman
An altenative current generator.....the direct current from the battery into the alternative current needed Converts
An annual report includes the ...... figures of the company for the current fiscal year. sale
An auto dealership ............ cars, trucks, vans and sometimes recretional vehicles sells
An expert in economics in called an ....... Economist
An individual
institution that specializes in which debts between banks are settled by adding up all the transanction in a cards
uses ...... for items such as clothing or food, while a company seeks short-term financinCredit given period and paying only th
What does this statement refer to ? a clearing system
An old friend of mine (come) to my house yesterday came
Ani a talented cook. He can cook gourmet food. How do we combine the sentences above with a Andi, who can cook gourmet food, is
a computer_x000D_
The passive voice of the sentence above is... A computer is bought by Ani my house when I..........television come - was watching
Anton has made the report and Tuti did, too. Anton has made the report and Tuti
Any paper ..... you read will give the same story. which
Anything indicated by words or symbols. expression
Anything needed to start and continue operating a busimess is known as... capital
Anything owne by a person is... property
Anything owned by a person. property
Anything that is generally acceptable as a medium of exchange. money
Archie cleans up his messy room. Mick cleans up his messy room. (combine with too) Archie cleans up his messy room and
Arizona ....... a very dry climate has
Arthur is not in class today. Mike is not in class today. neither Arthur nor Mike is in class to
Assets are devided into ...... Current and fixed assets
Assets are divided into .... current and fixed assets
Assets equal liabilities plus omners'
At last the students understood. They _x000D_ equity. accounting equation
understod ...... in the end
At last the students understood. They understood......... at finish
At present, professor Herman........another book about computer. is writing
At present, the condition of the ........ is unstable in some countries. Economy
At the connection between nevrons (at the synapses) the information is passed from one nevron to anonevrotransmitter
Automatic dishwasher are ..... and ..... safe, convenient
Bank, insurance company and investment trust can be categorized as .... Financial intermediaries
Basically, the op amplifier can be broken down internally into three stages: Input-Output-Intermediate
Be .....!" the man shouted at us quiet
Because of his education, background and experience, he had become an ... member of the bussiness influential
Because of its ability to communicate financial information about an organization. The adjective formcommunicative
Because of the high cost of both hardware and software the practice of ........ has become very commoleasing
Because of the weather in California, oranges are a .... product for it to specialize in. suitable
Because of the weather in California, oranges are a ........ product for it to specialize in suitable
Because of the worker's highly developed .... skills, she was given a position that required her to deal comunicative
Because the .......... came late, we had to wait for the machine to operate almost an hour. electrician
Before ..... the doctor, She felt very painful seeing
Before he found a parking space he drove ariund the block .... several times
Birmingham is industrial
Both of the teacher and at the moment are
Both the teacher and student ... here are
Brazil exports ..... coffee of all South American countries the most
Brazil exports ....... coffee of all South American countries. the most
Brazil of all South American Country the most
Business is the combination of the following activities : .... production, distribution, classificatio
Bussiness monetary transactions are summarized in....... The frequency of the promotion
buying, selling, market research, transportation, storage, advertising are parts of the complex area of marketing
By using on overhead projector, the guest speaker was able ..... his statistical information in a clear mTo Comunicate
Call the ..... if the light is still off. electrician
Can you tell me which house is ........ theirs
Carlose hopes..........his thesis this year to finish
Carol said to me,"I will ask Mr Tony about the computer program". Carol told me that she would ask Mr
Cells change
Change chemicalinto
this sentence energy
nouninto .............
clause_x000D_ electricity
Have you cheched the engine recelntly? I want to know if You have checked i
Chapter five questions are ......... in this book the most difficult
Chapter five questions this book the most difficult
Children who are provided with positive feedback for aggressiveness will incorporate this kind of cond understanding
Choose the correct sentence ........ The letter is neatly printed
Choose the correct sentence : His program is too intricate. I can no
Choose the correct sentence below ! Has the letter been sent ?
Choose the correct sentence. the knife by which I cut the apple is v
Choose the right answer : Susan said that she didn't want to go
Choose the right answer : She said that Jack and Jill were goin
Choose the right answer : Sarah said that she was enjoying her
Choose the statement which is not true in the petrol engine. the fuel and air mixture exits the cyli
Choose the wrong sentence I have finish my homework
Clever pupils read and write .......... well
Clever pupils read and write....... well
Commodity is ... article of trade
computer can (carry out) vast numbers of arithmatic-logical operations. make
Computer do many tasks better than human beings in ........ speed
Computer do many tasks with more human beings can do them: wicheraft
Computer has no originality, what does the sentence mean ? It works according to the instruction
Computer personnel often have to take refresher courses in the......field of computer science. changing
Computer processes the data accurately, but it has no ...... like human being. intuition
Computer system insurense............of data assortment
Concept are acquired by ........, except .......: problem solving
CPU (Central Processing Unit) composed of two units. They are...... Control unit and arithmatic logic uni
CPU is the short for Cyber Processing Unity.
Cultivation of the soil and rearing of animal are called ... Agriculture
Current is measured in........... amps
Data stored on tapes or disks are secondary
Data stored on tapes or disks are secondary
Debts owed by a company, such as to suppliers and banks are known as... liabilities
Different microcomputer are available with the following word lengths, except: 18 bits
Different people have..........interest different
Disk drives have two sets of........head which moves from track to track access information. recording
Do you believe me? He gave me....bunch of flowers las night! a
Do you have free time .... Sunday morning? on
Do you know _________ whose pen this is?
Do you know the man....called me last night? who
Do you think I've got .... to apply for the job ? enough qualifications
Does anybody know ............? where he lives
Does Fred feel ..... today than he did yesterday? better
Does he ... (do) his task well ? do
Don't give this present to her...she sign a receipt for it before
Don't write the ....... in pencil correction
Don't.......this particular case. worry about
Each nevron has a cell body that contains the machinery to keep the nevron alive, and each has two type dendrite and axon
Each person has ...... to express his idea. freedom
Each person express his idea freedom
Economics say that utility determines " the relationship between .. and ...... a consumer, a commodity
Economists believe that if many people desire a product which is not available in great quantities, theincrease
Edward was sick .......... he did not go to school. therefore
Effective direction or supervision requires _________ wiith employees on going comunication
efx ......... 1HgeI 1UaR noEGdwJGuX 5D on1s vF8eWG4unN2. TiXPBspI4
efx 1Hmp0CYc ........ RpcPS fi QGyY AKfb1ffH @lz07 Me6?WZ3 3uE3. 9fXEH
efx DByf,.....s Auf0fv RSxjBDUwJ, Gp Z5rj M@iyQ6 lh MF. SmU IIYn1
efx OTt ...... d64 kf? zsPBjVCSr oH Cn YQcU8.
X?Hb aRbf ONj iN0kkN Ffr 8evF DkWKNvp KFxg 5@b 7 3rb9 Dde3. _x000D_ 9fX
Zaq 4Es?Nv fFTgz5 BV W1L qp3ssEQj k0Amk 54........ "efx E7mW6D Xt8 as97 tWE8bd7 0b
efx OTtx0Lt r4mfI0oi S4x l5@za. we tK0xWG6k UKD..... vmZRTtp65
Q8X d?C
efx TByd EPqUb @fZR..........
sOjVD Qow1@Xn LFbh v aaJRzzD_x000D_ 2ga6JYjK5
tZzNLa Y3J Z7?vuSQ zmO3Vj5I VH8q pAAcg2 GygS fmZ2SymG 1cb Mks57fZ@ 1Yk Q8t
efxK Txl T9r l3ssISxjBF bd nOon5mrPRgh, ........ 00W U7Fm nR6uKMvhDT df QLpY3Kr I6 DxE 6mU
Either the students or the teacher ... planning to come is
Electrical pulses are first ....... at frequency in the upper audio range by the audio ossilator generate
Electronic data processing is part in your country the most important
Electroplating is used to make a series of positive and .....copies of the master disc negative
Elsa didn't brush her teeth. Aryo didn't brush his teeth.
em ZQ0YU?4Y X4qW93x jH SVr5Kqo 7oXLJrf ?3icG, 9ei8HuK? liRD Um D6hf7 Elsa didn't-----_x000D_
brush her teeth and Aryo
?Y NQcxH 6gx11. Jq6 5UhSkoI 6jkIKuq TL on5 wZJO yaDRzc48ao 07 RmYEFYjK5
English ...... in the schools of almost every nation. is taught very hard, but she does now. didin't use to
Even young children begin to show ..... in mathematics ability
Event or condition which can have different values is called ... variable
Every 17 Agust we celebrate our independence
Every 17 August we celebrate our ....... day independence
Every human being has a very complicated rangeofofwants.
wants.The similar meaning for the complicated _x000D_
is ..... complex
Every nation should be proud of its ......... flag national
Everybody in this world ......... to have a happy life. wants
else wasconserve
Everyone should ...... (nervous) as you were.
the nature._x000D_ as nervous
Turn the sentence above into the passive form. The nature should be conserve.
Everyone was ....... that he passed the examination surprised
Everything pertaining to money monetary
Examinations make me........because I always get........ angry, nervous
Factory representatives ........ products to wholesalers and retailers. Distribute
Fainting, or a temporary loss of consciouness, may br brought about by an (insufficient) supply of oxyinadequate
Farida 'will not go' to the meeting yesterday
Father saidisthatworth watching
he had film, it isinanthat
been working ....... film.for 15 years._x000D_
office educatipnal
The direct speech of the sentence above is...... "I have been working in this office fo
Feudal society depended on the existence of (faithful) vassals. pious
ffx 5Tm w6Lx h?dz PBmWIIXh, ... HFb d5cZNNnzD QzhM Kae 0CVGMvg BcY0H essential for organizational decision-making. information
Fmh O3mW.............G9o hSmv E0t. hUb2 3z
For a long time computers have a weak.......... in efficiency and reliability. Demand
For many jobs, a robot is much............than a human operative. better
For many people, a part-time job can be very.... satisfying
For very high frequency of Radio waves. We use.......... FM
Frank asked me an (easy) question. I answered it (easy) easy, easily
Fred said to me,"Why did they leave so early?" Fred asked me why they had left so e
Generally a nation that .... in certain products can increase output specialize
Generally a nation that ........ in certain products can increase output. specializes
George didn't feel .... to go to work this morning. well enough
George is a sailor. He goes ..... (sail) every night. sailing
Get....he car! We will miss the train! in
Good ........ betwen the employer and his employees
Goverment often place limilations on the type of goods that can be is very important. ----------- _x000D_relationship
imported. The synonim of the word underlined is... restrictions
Graffiti painting was among the latest trends in modern art represented in the exhibition "New Yor arranged
Guiding, teaching, motivating workers to reack their potential abilities and achieve the company goalsDirecting
Hadn't she ..... them that she won't be able to meet them? better tell
Hadn't we ...... exactly what happened to Mr Tony? better explain
Has his news .... by the president yet ? been announced
Have you and Julie seen John ? No, ........ of us has neither
He ... (send) this letter to the post office tommorow morning. will send
He actually wanted to listen to his mother.......voice was very pleasant whose
He advised me ..... a fiat
asked me whether the plane always arrived on time. _x000D_ to buy
The direct speech of the sentence above is...... "Does the plane always arrive on tim
He could have died if they (have not help) him. had not helped
He doesn't approved ...... (smoke)......... of, smoking
He explained his invention ....... the day before yesterday proudly
He explaned his invention.........the day before yesterday proudly
He has been in bed...he broke his leg since
He is ........(ambitious) boy that I know. the most ambitious
He is a .... worker. He often makes the same mistakes careless
He is frequently absent from class. That indicates his lack of interest in school. the fact that he is frequently absent f
He ordered his children to go away at once. The direct speech of the sentence above is he said to his children,"go away at on
He paid the man from ......... he had borrowed the money. whom
He paid the man..........he had hired whom
He said ,"I will be on London on sunday". The indirect speech of the sentence above is he said that he would be in London o
He said that he had got trouble a boarding house.
in the pressTheroom direct
thatspeech of the
morning. sentences above is
_x000D_ he said,"I have got a boarding house
The direct speech of the sentence above is...... "I have got trouble in the press room
He said that he had seen that woman long before._x000D_
The direct speech of the sentence above is.... He said ,"I saw this woman long ago"
He said to thehim,"why do younot
soldiers,"Do sit retreat."_x000D_
here ?". The indirect speech of the sentences above is .... he asked him why he sit here
He indirect
woman ofcomes."_x000D_
the sentence above is.... He commanded the soldiers not to re
THe indirect speech of the sentence above is.... He said that the woman came
He said," my brother is industrious". The indirect speech of the sentence above is he said that his brother is industrious
He said," she can win the prize". The indirect speech of the sentence above is he said that she could win the prize
He said,"New York is great city". The indirect speech of sentence above is he said that New York is a great city
He should change his........toward older people. behavior
He spent a lot of money for the .... entertainment
He told at the faculty
everybody that heofhad
won the game. may_x000D_
become an engineer. so
The direct speech of the sentence above is...... "I have won the game !"
He told me that I had to leave
might stay atthem
home. The indirect speech of the sentence above is
than._x000D_ he told me," You must stay at home"
He direct
mespeech of sentence
that I might abovethen.
leave them is.......
_x000D_ He told me, you may leave us now
The direct speech of the sentence is..... He told me,"You may leave us now."
me that
He told me, "You I might leave this
must clean themroom"._x000D_
then. The direct speech of the sentence above is he told me," you may leave us now"
The indirect speech of the sentence above is. He told me that I had to clean that ro
He wanted
was elected ........president
with Brown
them._x000D_ To speak
The active voice of the sentence above is....... They elected him president
He was met (by us) there yesterday he met by us there yesterday
He was thanked for his great ....... generosity
He was very drunk. He couldn't answer my question. He was too drunk to answer my ques
He wasn't sick last night........... to a doctor if he had been sick, he would have go
He works.....of all the other this one the hardest
He would have been trying it long enough when I (see) him. saw
He would have done it if he .... time. had
Healthy ........ between employer and employee maintains open lines of communication. interaction
Heavy drinking over a period of years can cause ...... except : intolerable life situation
He'd better .... more time on his English and less time with the girls. spend
Helen announced her decision to us........ dramatically
He'll take a taxi if he .... the train misses
Her behaviour is as ..... as her mother good
Her dress looked ... beautiful
Her dress looked ....... she was ......... about it beautiful, happy
Her dress
asked me "When were you born ?"._x000D_ beautiful
Her father asked me............. when I was born
Her new book will probably..........into a number of foreign languages. be translated
Her sister doesn't know where she is. Her brother doesn't know where she is. neither her sister nor her brother kn
Hercules is very strong. He can remove the big rock Hercules is strong enough to remove
Here is the house ........... I live when
Herman ...... downtown, but now he takes the bus. used to walk library until he met Susi. didn't use to go
His ....... in business was the result of hard work. success
His ....... in business was the result of hardwork success
His father doesn't approve of Europe going
His piano recital was truly an .... experience unforgetable
His piano recital was truly an.......experience unforgetable
His uncle about.......he had formerly boasted to his friends, now had no more worth to him whom
His way of thought is based on facts and reality. This kind of thinking is often called ........ realism
His way of thought is based on facts and reality. This kind of thinking is often called ........ realilsm
How are accountants classified in the United States ? Accountants are classified as public,
How can a computer accomplish a task well to be directed and controlled
How can we make a computer do what we want ? by inputting signals
How do the second generation of computer perform its working ? ten times faster than their predecesso
How do they fourth generation of computers complete instructions ? 50 times faster than third generation
How does computer move various data ? Intricate speed
How does mainframe execute complex instruction? more quickly
How does the laser printer work ? Very fast
How does the third generation computers their working ? it could do a million calculations a se
How is standardized accounting system achieved? accounting process follows accountin
How long does it take by plane from Jakarta to Singapore? It take no more than two hours
How many people.....(come) last night? came ; the
How many times...(you/your shoes/polish) in a week? How many times do you have your sh
How offer_____________ Do you have your car serviced
How often ... (you/your car/service)? How often do you have servised you c
How was will the digital
we get the computer
passport ?conditions
"he asked until the mid 1960s
me"._x000D_ physically large and expensive
The indirect speech of the sentence above is.... He asked me how we would get the p
How........mney doo you........for yoour study. much - spend
Human devised
Hundreds computer.
of people visit the Washington Monument everyday._x000D_
The passive form of yhe above statement is ...... Is the Washington Monument visited
I ... sleeping when you ... (call) me. was; called
I ..... visit my grandparents every weekend. used to
I ..... you a disk if I had one but I'm afraid I don't have. would give
I ....... the study club, if I were you would join
I agree with that matter. completely
I am sorry I broke the glass. I couldn't droping
I am supposed to go there, ....... ? aren't I
I asked Bill, "What will you say to your boss?" I asked Bill what he would say ti his b
I asked her what .... the day after. he would do
I asked her what ...... the day after he had done
I asked her what.............the they after he had
I asked her what.....the day after. she had done
I asked him what............the day after he had done
I can not open the door because I ... (lose) my key. have lost
I can't talk to you know. I am too busy I'm too busy to talk to you now
I decided to stay at home during my holiday because there is .... to go. anywhere
I didn't bring a coat, so she lent me ....... hers
I don,t know.............. What is your trouble
I don't know ..... what your problem is
I don't know how to operate this program
I don't know why you didn't do it ........ carefully at school yesterday
I don't know.......... What your problem is
I don't think that your computer is ........ his as expensive as
I don't think that your computer is..........his as expensive as
I fell .....(good) than yesterday. better
I fell asleep ..... I was watching television. While
I go to, school everymorning, Tini says : Her goes to school everymorning
I had my watch ......... last Sunday. fixed
I have been.......a novel for an hour. reading
I have got something ....... you. to tell
have toGeorge
I know giveuplike
a book.I He
have to.....smoking
is...._x000D_ stop
The sentences below are true except... the best frient I've ever had
I know you much............(good) than he does. better
I know youmuch.......than does. better
I look forward to ..... home next month. going
I met a student ...... you talked to last week. whom
I need a ......... answer quick
I need a........answer quick
I played the piano. I used to play the piano.
I propose that he..... it once again do
I said to her, " Do you understand the lesson?" I asked her if she understood the less
I slept ...... in the room last night. soundly
I the room lastnight. soundly
I think Jane sings ......... well. relatively
I think your sister as clever as
I told my mother that I........up at 6.30. wanted to be waken
I took .......... train fast
I took........train fast
I wainted .......... in the waiting-room before the interview. nervously
I want to open the door but I ... have the key. do not
I was interested in....more about your report. learning
I was very tired. I couldn't walk any further. I was to tired to walk any further.
I will arrive.....Sunday.....8.30. on;at
I will go ..... Hawaii.....a holiday. to;for
I will take...chemistry ....physies next quarter either, or
I wish I .... the assignment last week; I could've had much time to relax then had written
I won't be_________
wearing this uniform tommorow. "said Jane. _x000D_ whether she need any help
The indirect speech of the sentence above is.... Jane said that she wouldn't be wearin
I would gladly tell you the answer if I only........... knew
I would have helped you if you ....... about the problem. had told
I would like to join the ...... which is going to explore the moon expedition
I....(a swimming pool/build) at the moment. I am having a swimming pool built a
I.........a little trouble with my computer for the past three weeks have had work. I finished it two hours ago. have finished
I......wet yesterday if take umbrella with me yesterday would not have got-had remembered
I'd have gone to see you if I ..... that you were sick last week. had known
..... you
If Ann hadwouldn't
a pet, shebewould
late every
take day.
a good car of it._x000D_ didn't live so far away from campus.
The sentence above means: Ann has no pet.
If Harri were ........ well,
rich, he we ........
would buy astart thefor
house program.
his parents._x000D_ is - will
This sentence means ....... Harri isn't rich and he can't buy a ho
If he ..... a large sale, he would have taken his wife out to an expensive had made
If he sold his car, he .... much money for it wouldn't get
If helen were here, she....... what to do would know
If I (pass) my exam last week. I (will) be an engineer now had passed - would be
If I ..... her number, I would telephone her. knew
If I had gone to university, I........better job would have got
If I had known it would cost so much, I ..... would not have gone
If I was offered the job, I think I ..... it. would take
If I went to the post office, I ..... you some stamps would get
If I were you, I ..... to bed now would go
If I were you, I ...... the trip. would join
If I were you, I ....... the trip. would join
If I....... you, I wouldn't mention it to her. were
If I.........your massage, I would have come at once. had received
If I'd known that you needed me, I......... at once. would have come
If it (rain), you will get wet. rains
If it ........ we will get wet rains
If Mr Herman ...... any assistance, I will tell you right away. needs
If Rini ...... the money, she would have lent it to you. had had
If services are increased, taxes ...... It will probably go up
If services are increased, taxes... will have to pay
If she (be) in her class, she would meet me. was
If she her money, she will be able to go on a vacation. saves
If the (make) ........ a large sale, he would have taken his wife out to an expensive restaurant. Made
If the average price of a t-shirt is Rp 17.500, a company that charges Rp 15,000 has priced ________ below
If the government cuts a taxation, it ......... a lot of popular support. will gain
If the output impedence is high, the gain of the amplifier is.... reduced
If the price.........the consumer will buy more comes down
If the weather (be) ....... very bad, we would take the train. Were
If the weather ...... very bad, we would take the train was
If the weather were very bad, all school (be) closed. would be
If there is an excess in the quantity, the desire of the commodity tends to ........ Diminish
If Tom....... here yesterday, He would have been able to fix my computer. had been
If Tony ....... enough money now, he would buy a new computer. had
If Vivian had come to the meeting last night, she would've known about that matter. This sentence m Vivian knew nothing about that matt
If water is heated to 212 degrees F ....... as steam It will boil and escape
If we are allowed to trade..........we can improve our economic condition freely
If we have money, ......... we can buy a car
If we increase production volume, we ....... from a more economic batch size. will benefit
If we installed the new equipment, we ...... more competitive. would become
If you ( not understand ) this math problem, I would have explained to you. hadn't understood
If you (not answer) the telephone, you would have never heard the good news. had not answered
If you (not understand) about the math problem, I would help you. didn't understand
If you ....... to bed so late every night, you wouldn't be so tired all the time. didn't go
If you brother (not eat) the food, he would have been sick. had not eaten
If you don't mind, I'd rather ...... Not go
If you put too much water in rice when you cook it, it ....... get sticky Will
If you study........each day, little by little your vocabulary of English words will increase. regularly
If you want to pass your exams. You need...........more studying
If you.........her the truth, perhaps she wouldn't have been so angry. had told
If you........a little harder, you would have passed the test. had studied
ilXRHvZ N?YeKqs? OwwJ0 xh SGbq5s Z9 RryG0uzHJsi 07 s73myA uUiC
I'm little tired. I feel fine except for that. the fact that I'm little tired feel fine e
I'm really hungry right now._x000D_ This morning I didn't finish my brea
In ........, communications are easy, buyers and sellers are numerous and competition is completely freIn a modern market
In ........, competition takes place among sellers of the same commodity, and among those who wish A free market
In a computer system the person deciding the order of the job is... A scheduler
In a free market, competition (TAKES PLACE) among sellers and buyers of the some commodity. happens
In a free market, competition 'happens' among seller and buyers of the same commodity takes place
In developing alternatives,
----------- _x000D_ a decision maker uses ..... in order to think near, unique potential solution.Creativity
potential solution. The similar meaning of the word underlined is ... creativity
In Jet engines the exhaust gases (escape) from the engine through the nozzle. The word in the bracketleave
In making investments, a financial manger uses a wide variation of information provided by all depa utilizes
In order to ......... money for their living, people should work gain
In order to be successful, an entrepreneur must also be .... innovative
In solving a problem we need a step-by-step plan consisting a series of instruction which is called .....program
In the graphic of supply and demand, the horizontal represent line ......... The number of units
In the graphic of supply and demand, the vertical lines represent ........ The price
In the ionosphere, gases have been partly ionized........high frequency radiation from the Sun and othein
In the third world, new technology will probably......... reduce job
In what case does the analog computer work like a car speedometer? problems measurement
In what language, instructions are executed in order of line number? basic
Indonesia is ...... country in the South East Asia the largest
Indonesia is said to be an ..... country agricultural
Indonesia in the South East Asia the largest
Information given to the computer in the kind of characters is called : data
Information given to the computer in the kind of instructions is called : program
Information that is presented to a computer for solving a problem is called....... input
Information that is presented to a computer for solving a problem is the: input
Input-output devices that are distant from the computer it self are ......... card punches
Ira operates computers and Nino operates computers. How do we make the sentence above short ? Ira operates computers and does Nin
It ..... be better if she finishes her task right away will
It is a fact that humans cannot .... as fast as computer. compute
It is an ...... scoring system. automatic
It is an ........ scoring system. automatic
It is an.........scoring system. automatic
It is costly to operate mainframes ? yes, it is
It is going to rain, ... the barometer is falling for
It is not possible for people to (remember) everything that they have thought, felt, or done. recall
It is not use.......over split milk. Crying
It is pity she can't go with us. I wish she ..... here now.
said that the American flag has five pointed stars because Betsy ross told General Washington she werewould rather that he __________x0
the six pointed ones Changed
It prints a documents ........... quietly
It prints a documents.......... quietly
It was Tom's car ....... ran so quickly on the main road. which
It was very hard for her yesterday to say something
It was very hard for the meeting yesterday to come
It will be announced...........a week. within
It will be better if you walk to the office. We can say in different way as : You had better walk to the office
It would be better if you .... your medicine drank
It would be better if you drank some medicine (had better) You'd better drink some medicine.
It would be better if you drank some medicine
Ita used to go to the beach every Sunday._x000D_ (had better) You'd better drink some medicine
The sentence above means that now Ita: goes to the beach with her friends eve
It's unkind to........a person who is in trouble. laught at
I've got ..... eventually. happiness
Jack was allowed ............ his student visa to renew
Jane wants to buy a magazine or she wants a novel Jane wants to buy either a magazine
Jane, a friend of ........., is a very humble girl mine
JCL programmers are frequently known as.......... system programmers
Jim didn't know about the change of plans. He.....told hadn't been
Jim is absent. Sue is absent.
Job enrichment gives workers more authority in making decisions both Jim and Sue are absent
--------- _x000D_
related to the planning and doing their work. The anthonim of the word underlined is.... in competency
Johan and Toni........a computer at this moment. are fixing
John and ....... are the same age I
John gave it back to me. He ..... to me returned it
John sings his teacher well
Join these two sentence using a relative
Jones speaks French and you speak French_x000D_ pronoun. My father knows the man. The man lent you a magawhich
We can say : Jones speaks French and you do too
July learns languanges ..... incredibly quick
Kimberly works (hard) in her office than what she does at home. Harder
Large international companies which produce goods in several countries are called... multinationals
Last week we heard about the awful conditions
lately - heavy - she - rathe - has - become_x000D_ ....... exist in Indonesian economy. which
Arrange the chaos words to become the good sentence She has become rathe heavy lately
Let's the dream..........true. comes
letter ....... by John every week. is written
LflF 0YWRL bf 5vpGOh kDExUM5fhKs v44r nBCWi 11xq0CVD1j X@OnWH2 wqP4VLPktLAy vRP
Lft0I yk JEY o4kXL8lZ@ Kl mT@uo7t d80xzJTW H V zXQ9 g k?5r a7bwE
Lg j5Bke5C'r XKtf9 Al YREY X5Cb W1tw P4eyLRk. 67F YdQBqGP rz QPh U39mqSKZ 6KqcC Py
_x000D_ 4gi'E ?yW EPqaO ta FChv SKvk LG
How long did it take Leonardo da Vinci to complete Mrs. Gioconda's portrait ?
_x000D_ more than 2 years
Who was Zenobio Gioconda ? a well-known person in Florence
Listen! Somebody ... (knock) at the door. is knocking
LmhNE ojK DUgN............sz9 6Xy?Kuk V Rfx09Yc0
Look....... ! the bridge is collapsing out
Magnetic tape cartridges are.........peripheral devices used with minicomputers. special
Mainframes could process (immense) amounts of data quickly. very large
Malfunctioning equipment can often be traced to a bad electrical.... connection
Management consultant, auto repair, and newspaper delivery are the examples of ..... services
Managers ...various techniques to encourage employees
Company goals detailed in the planning phase are being met._x000D_ to work more effectively. utilize
The synonim
many - there -ofwet
the- word
accidents underlined is ......
- on - the - were - road_x000D_ Estabilished
Arrange the chaos words to become the good sentence There were many accidents on the we
Many modern architects insist on ...... materials native to the region that will blend into surrounding Using
Many people in the world live in intolerable poverty. That must concern all of us. the fact that many people in the worl
Many people were standing behind me. I was ........ them. in front of
Marketing can be divided into four main elements tahat are populary known as the four P's, they are: product, price, placement, promotion
Mary feels........about her test grade bad work on time, but she does nowadays. didn't use to get
Max has invented a lot of useful things. His latest ... is a new kind of soap. invention
Mg jQ3vm 4EcgQf zBA ...... wWPSynH 8wr5r Y87lYA. GguC2YjP
Michael is the guy ..... you got the flowers. from whom
Microcomputers appeared in ..... 1970s
Mira asks me, "Why do you look so sad ?"
Modern marketing is based on the idea that goods cannot be produced for ... unless someone will bu merchandise
Mom says Hatta was
that she a ......a new
needs figuretypewriter._x000D_
before sixties. national
The direct form the sentence above: "I need a new typewriter.
_x000D_ means .... of or pertaining to money
From which areas in America did he take the street names for his board game ?
_x000D_ New Jersey adn Atlantic City
When was Charles Darrow's famous board game acquired by a large game manufacturer ?
_x000D_ in 1935
According to the passage, among all board games, the most popular one is monopoly
Most computers, whether large or small, have three basic capabilities which are as follow, except .... computers can do what they are not i
Most countries have .... banks, such as the Bank of Indonesia national
Most countries have.........banks, such as the Bank of Indonesia national
Most countries need to.. goods or service since they are unable to produce all of them by themselves. import
Most of the computers'failure is caused by...... human error
Most of the senses (except smelling) have areas of the cerebral cortex devoted to them, are called as ...primary sensory areas
Mother people
told me were
to seriously
cash the cheque effectedimmediately._x000D_
by the social and ..... changes that happened after the second woreconomical
The direct speech of the sentence above is...... "Cash your cheque immediately !"
Motion sensors may use ...... energy to detect movement with in their range microwave
Mozart, ..... music you have just been listening to, was one of the world's finest composers. whose
Mr Herman ...... at the university since 1985. has been teaching
Mr. Rewel said, "How soon can you pay back the money?" Mr Rewel asked me how soon I could teach in the morning, but now he teaches in the evening. didn't use
Mrs sentence
The John closed the tells
above frontyou door ... now _x000D_
that quietly
Mrs Harti .......: doesn't live in Kupang
Ms Tina
my - the -travels to Bali- frequently.
photograph She.....there
spent - I - evening many times.
- unhappily - through -album - looking_x000D_ has flied
Arrange the chaos word to become the good sentence I spent the evening looking unhappily
My brither has never bali. been
My brother is .......than me. older
My brother took a ....... train yesterday. fast
My campus in Depok ........ in the year 1989. was built
My friend and I went mountain ..... yesterday climbing
My friend knows some ..... language well programming
My friend knows some ..... languanges well. programming
My friend knows some ...... languages well. programming
My grandfather .... (go) to the church every Sunday morning. goes
My mother..... my sister go to their office every day. Neither - nor
My sister usually ..... in bed until 10 o'clock a.m. stays
My teacher speaks English........than me. more fluently
My younger brother never gets up early. He gets up ....... late
My younger sister can swim quickly ..... and he does too
My younger sister swim quickly ....... and I do too is a policeman. elder
Neither he nor she ............the homework. does
Neither is it boring, nor ........ interesting. is it
Neither is it boring, nor...........interesting is it
Neither the teacher nor the student ... here is
never - Bali - been - she - to - has
No one could do the math except John._x000D_ She has never been to Bali
It means : Only John could do the math
None of the trainees ......... absent today. is
Not only my sister but also my parents ... here are
Now Tom has got a car. He ...... a motor cycle. used to ride
Nowadays, we didn't find computers in every business office.
One of the chief elements in financial planning is achieveing the correct balance between long-term primary
One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning ....... it To repeat
One of the students erases the blackboard after the class. The passive form of the sentence above is... The blackboard is erased by one of th
One of the........ofd a good computer programmer is to have a logical mind. requirements
Orders are placed from
--------- _x000D_ "clarifications" and price lists in the catalague and then sent to main company.
the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The synonim of the word underlined attainedis...
Other crews have threatened to locate them in future years unless the ordinance is .... altered radically
Our apartment is ......... yours as big as
Our apartment is..........yours. as big as
Our cat ..... if we leave her in the house. will never eat
Our manager is a ......... man quiet
Our manager is quiet
Our present computer lecturer .... in this city all of his life. has lived
Our secretary .... you talked to in the lobby this morning was in the party last night to whom
Owner's equity is calculated from ..... Liabilities that are substracted by ass
People can (suddenly) find the solution to a problem. abruptly
People must ..........the use of the water in the summer. Ekonomize
People put food as the first of the prefential rating. The similar mening for the prefential is priority
People should .......... the income they earned economize
People usually put the priority of the "uncomplicated" need first. The similar meaning for the "unconpl simple
People who specialize in the field of accounting are known as_______ Accountants
People.......lived in the USA saw the the results of the explosion. who
Personality means ...... the various enduring and distinctive
Peter swims class......of
and all the students
I swim quickly_x000D_ the most regularly
We can say : Peter swims quickly and so do I
Piere understand English..........of all the students the least
Pierre understands English ..... of all the students. the least
Pierre understands English .......... of all the student. the least
Please let me.....your program see
Price in the market means ...... to charge an average price
Prices inevitably fluctuate, and such fluctuations are also affected by ......... current supply and demand
Product which people either need or wants are called............ goods
Product which people either need or want are called ........ Goods and services
Professor Ingells looked at the exams......... happily
Programs that control and coordinate the activities of the computer hardware is called... Systems software
Properly prepared items or piece of informationis called: data
Protective clothing ........ at all times. must be worn
Psychologist who diagnose learning problems and try to remedy them are known as ..... school psychologists
Putting together land, labor, and capital to make something of valve is called......... enterprenership
Radio frequency waves are used to carry.....aves over long distances through the.......... Audio frequency - air
Rhodo would rather ...... in shady places and so would azaleas
Rida said that she had been studying for two hours. The direct speech of the sentences above is Rida said,"I have been studying two
Rina gave me this ring. She ... (be) terribly upset if I lost it would be
Rita play the violin........... well
Roger asked us, "have you seen that movie?" Roger asked us if we had seen that m
Roger is........(talented) musician in that group. the most talented
Romi told Tom," I will be coming at your home at 7.30". The indirect speech of the sentence above isRomi told Tom that he would be com
Ron enjoys hoseback riding. Bob enjoys horseback riding. Both Ron and Bob enjoy horseback r
Ronny used to write novel. Thia
Rudi has sold a washing machine._x000D_sentence means....... Ronny does not write novel anymore
The passive voice of the sentence above is... A washing machine has been soled by
Sam often ..... remember ..... the car. to locked
Sand is found (in abundance) on the seashore and is often blown inland to form sand hills and dunes. in great quantities
Sara Mayo Hospital in New Orleans was so named in recognition of Dr. Mayo's (outstanding) humaniremarkable
Sarah said to me," Do you see my pocket ?". The indirect speech of the sentence above is Rini asked me if I saw her pocket
Seventeen houses ........ by the earthquake were destroyed
Shares can be freely bought and sold in special market called... the stock exchange
She asked you to sign a ........ when you collected the money. receipt
She asked you to sign a.........when you colkcted the money receipt
She came back ......... than we hoped sooner
She came back..........than we hoped sooner
She can't get married yet. She's not .... old enough
She can't...........her mind now. make up
She cleans the computer room ..... and makes it .... for us. regularly, neat
She doesn't like ......... laughed at. being
She has just bought a new Diesel........engine.He bought the engine. a short time ago
She has to postpone ........ the work. doing
...... of all
She is looking of the
after hergirls
sick in class.
child_x000D_ the prettiest
The passive voice of the sentence above ..... Her sick child has been looked after b
She is quite clever. She understand the problem perfectly. she is enough clever to understand
She is....student this class. the most clever
She left....for you on the desk. Just take it! something
She parks her car outside my house. It......thre all right is parked
She said," the manager has been coming". The indirect speech of the sentence above is she said that the manager had been c
She says to her friend that she has been writing. The indirect speech of the sentences above is... she says to her friend,"I have been w
She will tell you have done wrongly. The indirect speech of the sentence above is she will say," you have done wrongly
Sheep must ...... in fall since the young are born in early spring every year Mate
Since more than 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, about half of the chil Grow up
So far,body
Some you ..... no mistakes
is cleaning on this
the room at exercise.
the moment._x000D_ have made
The passive form becomes............ The room is being cleaned at the mom
Some devices which are commonly used for inputting information are the following except... memory
Some policeman gave a ..... information to them quick
Some workers do not want to participate in job ... because it interferes with their established routines.rotation
Someone fives Ann a bunch of roses. (passive) Ann is given a bunch of roses.
Someone gave her some money. a and c are correct
Someone gave her some money. a and c are correct
Sometimes students avoid ...... at the teacher if they don't want ... looking - to answer
Strauss finished ...... two of his published composition before his tenth brithday Writing
Suddenly, a man ....... she knew was wanted by the police appeared at the back door. whom
Supervisors should strive for two-way...with their employees. communication
Supply includes all the ........of producing the goods costs
System for detecting when someone tries to break into building and steal something is called... Burglar alarm
Tapes are a faster medium than a punched card for ..... information. accessing
Tell me
That ......... has onstructed two buildings._x000D_
company whether you have done your homewo
Change the active sentence into passive form. Two buildings have been constructed
That proposal ...... by the members right now. is being considered
That tall woman is ..... secretary in this office. the most ambitious
That tall woman is ..... secretary in this office. the most ambitious
That tall woman is ........... secretary in this office. the most ambitious
That was.......(boring) film I've ever seen the most boring
The (fragrance) of cedarwood seems to render it offensive to insects. Scent
The ... is the difference between the amount of visible goods they import and export balance of trade
The ... shows the financial performance of a company over a period of time income statement
The .... that most workers are highly motivated by a good salary has been proved false. assumption
The ..... is the difference between the amount of visible goods they import and export. balance of trade
The ..... of that building is the responsibility of Mr Jones maintenance
The ...... factor may affect the creativity of the solution to a problem. Time
The ...... is the difference between the amount of visible goods they import and export. Balance of trade
The ...... is the print-out of the results of the processing. hard copy
The ....... of the economy of Indonesia is quite complicated. management
The ........ between analog and digital computer should be recognized. difference
The ........ matters should not be involved in the personal meeting. organizational
The ........ of the country runs rapidly development
The ........ of the machine was so old that he cannot take part in the company sport activities. operator
The ......... event did not occur expected
The ......... languages use a combination of numbers, letters and other symbols. programming
The ......... of sugar in Indonesia is often discussed in national newspapers. producing
The ......... of water is absolutely important for us usefulness
The ........... of high technology instruments is one of the most rapidly growing industries in 1980s. production
The ____________ element of marketing refers to the good or services that a company wants to sell Product
The a ... element of marketing refers to the good or service tat company wants to sell product
The ability to implement the decision making process is often determine by ...factors rather than the environmental
The accident was a ..... experience for all the passengers terrifying
The activity of recording and reporting on goods into and out of a company is called..... Bussiness
The adjective of the word " finance " is ... financial
The adjective of the word "character" is ... characteristic
The adjective of the word 'agree' is ........ agreeable
The adjective of the word reduce is... reducible
The adjective of the word 'success' is successful
The advantage of disk is that we can ..... a particular point at which we wish to read. specify
The advantage of disk is that we can ....... a particular point at which we wish to read. specify
The American buffalo must be ..... it self again because it has been removed from the endangered speci Reproducing
amish people,
The amount descendedoffrom
of combination thenumbers
binary Germans_x000D_
and Swiss, would rather ....... horses than machines fo
is ........ unlimited
The amount of primary storage avaiable optionally in minicomputer system ranges from......... 32 - 512 K bytes
The analog computer is essentially used for problems involving...... measurement
The antonym of the word "different" is ....... identical
The antonym of the word "rapidly" is ...... slowly
The antonym of the word "rare" is ..... seldom
The antonym of tiny is: enormous
baby is
The batik onlymother
dress a year gave
old, but
me she....already sayhas
is old; its color a few words
faded._x000D_ can
Its refer to : dress
The beatifully-decorated room ....... makes us stay longer in it is our room. which
The blue house is 150 m2 wide, the white house is 120 m2 wide and the yellow house is 100 m2 wide. Of all the houses, the smallest is the y
The book .... chapters discuss different types of programming languages is very thick. of which
The bottom end of the tuner is connected to earth via the zero voltage .... rail supply
The boys felt .......... than the girls about losing the game worse
The boys get ...... fast from working so ....... tired, hard
The branch of psychology which seeks to determine how activity in the nervous system is related to be physiological psychology
The brown chair is .....that this one more comfortable
The calculus test were so difficult that I didn't......... succeed
The car .......... the manager bought last week is not expensive which
The chair is asked
bieng one of hisHe
repaired. customers
broke thehow much he wanted to deposit. The direct speech of the senten
chair._x000D_ " how much do you want to deposit ?
Combine the sentences becomes the good sentence. The chair which he broke is being re
The characteristic of satisfying a want is known in economics as..... Utility
The cheetah is (considered) the fastest of all land animals. regarded as
The child was punished for his ........ disobedience
The children laughed ........ because he did something fool. at him
The children who are making so much noise are.... ours
The clerk said to us, "don't come back again" The clerk told us not to come back ag
The company .... a new policy regarding sick leave. adopt
The competition between ....... of a commodity influences the prevailing prices. a,b and c are correct
The computer ...... monitor is color is mine. of which
The computer ...... printer is very sophisticated has two floppy disk drives. of which
The computer ....... executes the program very fast is very expensive. which
The computer marketing manager is blue speeks politely. whose
The computer memory is capable of ..... a lot of information for a short period of time. storing
The computer operation works ...... the programmer as dilligent as
The computer system is divided into two parts those are ....... the hardware and software
The computer's devices which can read the information into the computer are as follows except ..........mouse
The computer's input devices such as...........reads the information into the computer. A car reader
THe computer's is input device "except" : printer
The computing power has become (portable). easy to move
The consultant should ....... with the date of submitting their recomendation. agrees
The consumer's desire for a commodity tends to diminish when ..... He buys more units of that commodit
The cook uses kinds of ..... for cooking knives
The corty triggers an ....... response of the order brain. internal
The customs agent made a ........ imspection of the suitcase. thorough
The dad matrix is usually........than the daisy whell lower
The data ......... otherwise you will lose them. should be correctly stored
The decision which computer circuits can make are not the type. Who is the richest person in the worl
The defendent walked into the courtroom .... hesitantly
The diesel engine that rans on oil is ..... than most other engines because it converts more of the usefulmore efficient
The digital computer is register, it can do calculations in steps. Tremendous
The director ........... car is expensive works very hard whose
The director asked me ..... the trainees. to organize
The director asked me ......... the trainees. to organize
The director asked me to avoid the ... impact than that worse
The director of the company plays tennis well....... and so do they
The doctor ........ takes no time to report the problem to drug manufacturer. simply
The doctor ......... office was newly decorated started to charge higher fees. whose
Mr Big". _x000D_
The indirect
door wasspeech
opened ofslowly._x000D_
this sentence is .... The doctor told Mr Big to lie down a
Turn the sentence above into the active form ! Someone opened the door slowly.
The driver of the car was ..... in the accident seriously injured
The earth, ...... the moon moves, is small planet at which
The economist's methods should of course be strickly ..... and.... Objective, screntific
The efficiency of a computer center depends partly on its ...... and personnel. organization
The electricity plays a very important role in the computerized
The employees of my company do. as carefully as
The engine in Tom's car shouldn 't be repaired, so he had to_____ Have a new engine fit
The engineer is very clever. He can finish the assignment well. The engineer is too clever to finish th
The enginer is my brother. He works hard. The enginer who works hard is my b
The exchange of product or service for money is called ........ Sale
The faculty of ......... is located in Kelapa Dua Campus. economics
The fillowing are what computer can store and manipulate except,... value judgement
The film is about a spy ....... wife betrays him whose
The film was.....I expected it to be dissapointing
The final stage of bettery changer is a stabilizing circuit consisting of a transistor biased by two resistozener diode
The first step in a programming career after finishing a course is to become........... a programming trainee
The first step in decision making is Defining the problem
The first step in programming any problem is to lay out in a/ logical
The first step in the development of a multinational business is... establishing trade relationship
The first train run...........the last one as fast as
The first train runs ......... the last one as fast as
The flow of control to one instruction to the next, in most programming languages, is separated by th line numbers
The flow of data to and from the computer is supervised by ......... data processing departement
The following are included into intructions to show how to record something on tape, except : press
The following are multinational corporations, except: indocement
The following are parts of computer systems, except....... operator
The following are parts of computer systems, except: operator
The following are programming languanges which are used for scientific work, except: Cobol
The following are the characteristics of microcomputer, except: less powerful
The following are the composition of a complete microcomputer system, except: a minicomputer
The following are the fundamental needs for workers except.... complete facilities for working
The following are the other financial intermediaries besides the bank, except.... Commercial companies
The following are the parts of computer systems except: operator
The following are the responsibilities of a data processing manager, except ........ staff recruitment
The following can be categgorized as assets, except : liabilities
The following is correct statement ? metals detectors require a changing m
The following is not correct statement ..... the alarm stops after a set time if an a
The following is the advantages of using a robot, except........... It can go on strike
The following is the first electronic devices that were used in application in the home. record player
The following led to the development of the minicomputer, except: reduction in data
The following which excluded of curret assets is... property
The following which include of fixed assets is... property
The following which include of fixed assets is... buildings
The food .... we had for breakfast last morning was very delicious Which
-- _x000D_
The formula of standard deviation (SD) is .... N
The four main elements in marketing are product,price,placement and promot
The function of machine language is ....... to read data on the disk
The function of main storage are .... to recieve and stored data
The function of the alternative current is... To change direction backwards and f
The functions of control units are the following except ...... to perform the actual logical function
The gas can easily cause an .... explosion
The general public ..... a large number of computers now, because prices are beginning to decrease Must be buying
The general purposed computer: is called digital computer
The girl ......... I went to the theater with is my friend. whom
is singing the
The girl pretended thatsong ...... known him before._x000D_
she hadn't nicely
The direct speech of the sentence is........ "I haven't known him before".
The girl under the tree is ........ the students. the most intelligent in
The government wanted to change the........condition
aperformance of the management function is _x000D_ of this country. economic
The ......
Hartonos used to live in Kupang_x000D_ Coodination
The sentences above tells you that the Hartonos do not live in Kupang any more
The heat water is very expensive. I saw it in the Jakarta exhibition. The heat water which I saw it in the J
The highest quality of printer is............ A file gear wheel
The highest title in Britain after a prince is a duke. it is given to ordinary people, too, sometimes. 'if' ref
the title
The house ........ the Sanders live in is very old. which
The human brain is estimated to contain at least 150 billion herve cells, called ..... nevron
The initial step is the most important. The 'initial' meant the first
The instructor of COBOL programming langunge ..... works for Toshiba company comes from Frencwho
The integreted circuit of amplifier as we know it today was developed in 1965 by.... Robert Widlar
The introduction of the computer in the workplace....... has the workload of many people. reduced
The is considering not ...... Going
The judge's ....... is final decision
The keyboard ..... right now, it should be ready tomorrow. is being fixed
The kinds of the computer which used esentially for problems involving measurements is called... the analog computer
The king ruled his small that many of his people didn't like. absolutely
The lady ........ bag is red speaks English fluently. whose
The laser printer .... I saw in the computer exhibition last night is very expensive. which
last step asked
The lecturer in the me decision
to findmaking
out theprocess
clause of is......
compound sentences. _x000D_ Choose best alternatives
The direct speech of the sentence above is ......
lecturer asked Nita, "Did you ever hear this news?"_x000D_ "Find out the clause of compund sen
The indirect speech of the sentence above is .... The lecturer asked Nita if she had ev
The lecturer will get angry with me if I ...... that mistake again. make
The left temporal lobe contains a region of association cortex, called : Wernicke's area
The leopard faces extinction. The tiger faces extinction both the leopard and the tiger face ex
The letter is ..... in the office the most neatly written
The letters have not been addresed, ....... ? have they
The library doesn't have the book I need. The bookstore doesn't have the book I need. neither the library nor the bookstore
The lot matrix printer has a print had..........of a row of needles. conforming
The machine is very expensive. I can't purchase it. The machine is too expensive to purc
The mail this office teice a week. delivered
The man ........ car was stolen went to the police immediately whose
The man ......... tennis all day tomorrow afternoon. will have been playing
The man .......... is in the room is my brother. who
The man ........... the judge talking to at the moment is a lawyer. whom
The man got.........advontage than I did less
The man is very........strong.
directorHein can
quickly_x000D_ the most successful
it means
The man is very weak. He cannot walk quickly._x000D_ The man is too strong to walk quickl
It means ....... The man is too weak to walk quickly
The man is very........ religious
The man work ....... everyday hard
The man worked ....... all day long yesterday hard
The management functions are.... planning,organizing,directing,contro
The manager ........ out of the window and saw that Tom was in the park. looked
The manager never asks advice from his staff to solve problems. He makes decision himself. The manage decisive
The manager of the factory has decided to increase the ..... of the packets of soap powder. production
The manager of the factory has decided to increase the ...... of the packets of soap powder production
The manager of the Nusa Ltd. has decided to increase_x000D_
managerof electrical
said thatmachenes
the troubles could be handled. _x000D_ production
The direct speech of the sentence above is...... "The troubles can be handled."
The manager took the letter off the table. He... took it off
The mathematics tests were so difficult that I didn't ......... succeed
The meaning of "moving or transporting" is.......... distribution
The meaning of extension is ... enlargement
The memory of his PC is very big. It can hold all data. It means: the memory of his PC is big enough t
The mental condition of on individual or group is named ..... Morale
The microphone convert sounds into audio frequency signals which are amplified by the AM amplifier
The money belonging to people or companies which is available for investment is called ... capital
The money remains after all the expenses are paid is called ...... Profit
The money that remains after all the expenses are paid is called..... profit
The money was given to ......... him
The most important reason why computers are used today is ..... because almost every big problem ca
THe mystery why computers can carry out a lot of aritmetic-logical functions so quickly is that : their electric pulses can move at the s
The name of the computer which combines two kinds of mainframes into one is called ....... the hybrid computer
The name of the device which is a square rectangular piece of silicon, usually 1/10 to 1/4 inch is called
The nature of a commodity remains the same, but...... Its utility changes
The nature of the commodity ........, however its marginal utility ........ Remains the same - changes
The new company is quite ....... in the recent years. productive
The new year. will be opened
The noise from the trains...... me terribly last Friday. annoyed
The nost important news .... always kept in a cerain file. is
The noun of the word "initiate" is......... initiation
The noun of the word 'expand' is expansion
The noun of the word 'suit' is ..... suitability
The novel ...... read by the boy when I came. was being
The novel ........... read by the boy. is being
The number of employees a computer company has can be seen as a ..... of its succession the businessmeasurement
The old man glancedon time
at thetofood
theproblem to drug manufacturer
table._x000D_ simply
He ...... the food on the the table. looked quickly at
The old man is very ......... religious
The old man on the street has .... money than you less
The original of amplifier was instructed mainly of... vacuum tubes
The paripheral of computer cousits of........... cassettes
The part of the computer which can be "magnetized" or "demagnetized is......... cores
The part of the computer which has possibility of being "on" or "off" is......... switches
The party........for two weeks. has been planned
The peahen is (a bit) smaller than the peacock and does not have a long, colorful tail. somewhat
The people ..... ever met him disliked him whom
The plane flew.........the cluds. above
plural for
The police have'apology'is .... thief_x000D_
arrested the apologies
The police voicelooking
of the sentence above is
for him._x000D_ The thief has been arrested by the po
The passive voice of sentence about is....
porter said that their departure had been postponed._x000D_ He was looked for by the police.
The direct speech of the sentence above is....... "Their departure has been postponed
The positive terminal of the capacitor is connected to...and the wiper of the pot is connected to.... the output of the AF amplifier-the po
The price of milk rose 200%... it was difficult to find it far
The price ruling in a market indicates the point where .... meet supply and demand
The price rulling in a market indicates the point where ..... Supply and demand meet
The Prime Minister ........ spoke on the radio yesterday was John Major. who
The problem ......... difficult for her to solve. is too
The proces of managing the acquired capital is known as : financial management
The process is ........ in finishing the objective. practical
The process of decision making will be examined in light of ... factor. environmental
The process of managing money in large measure, determine its succes is known as... financial management
The process of repeating instructions or groups of instructions is called ...... looping
The producer who establish these prices are known as.... price leaders
The product element refers to the good or service that a company w
The 'production' of the factory increased when ten new workers were hired. output
The production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit is called ........ Business
The professor ..... car is very expensive works carefully. whose
The professor ........... car is very expensive works carefully. whose
The program is simple. I can understand it easily. The program is simple enough for m
The program is very complicated, therfore we must ...... it simplify
The program was desgned yesterday.(active voice) somebody designed the program yest
The programmer ........ you met last night is my brother. to whom
The properties of copper are............ tough
The quantity demanded ........ by taste. will be influenced
The radio is out of order. The radio needs..... repairing
The reality of decision process is a step by step procedure
The reality of the decision process is ... step by step procedure
The reason is given in the following statement. The antonyms of "the following", is ........ previous
The repairman works .......... quickly
The repairman works......... quickly
The reports ...... by a committee of experts yet. have not been examined
The research project will both, and
The result is ..... products in the market the best
The result that the machine supplies is the......
--------_x000D_ output
The similar meaning of the word underline is.... Decreased
The room is the moment. being cleaned
The room the moment.
said, " The earth moves round the sun." _x000D_ being cleaned
The indirect speech of the sentence above is : She said that the earth moves round
The science of economic ......... the facts of our everyday lives. is based upon
The sea is not the only thing pollution is affected
The secretary ..... works for the large company in this city is my sister. who
The secretary ........ we talked yesterday is very clever. to whom
The secretary ......... works for the large company in this city is my sister. who
The secretary works ..... as the director. as dilligent
The secretary works ..... the girl as diligently as
The seller and the buyer each must want something the other has to offer. Each person is simultanouslya barter economy
The shop steward frequently used his ... to settle disagreements among the workers. influence
The similar meaning from "comesdown" is........ falls
The singer sings .......... than I do more beautifully
The skysinger sings...........than
is very dark._x000D_ I do more beautifully rain. is going
The soldiers had no (bullets and gun powder) for their guns, so they could not fire. The synonim of the
The soldiers were ordered ......... at attention to stand
THe sound of the machine is......than that one. louder
The speaker spoke ......... than you did more loudly
The speaker spoke.......(loudly) did. more loudly than
The speaker spoke.............than you did. more loudly
The srewdriver is used for.........the bolts. Screwing
The stages in the manufacture computer are :
street is full of cars, trucks, and buses._x000D_ equipment
The street always has heavy ....., especially during rush our. traffic
The strong modulated output signals are fed to the..... which enable them to be transmitted over long antena
The student is ...... boy in this class. the most dilligent
The student who has ...... problem needs a scholarship or a loan financial
The students ...... books are on your table study computer science in this university. whose
The students asked the teacher, "what does the word peripheral mean" The student asked the teacher what t
The students in that class are always struggling to see who can get the best grade. It is a very ........ clacompetitive
The students in the computer science class.........much progress since August. have made
The students would get much higher marks if they ..... harder. studied
The subdivisions of autonomic system which active in states of a rousal and in stressful situations, calle sympathetic system
The sum-total of what people do and what they want is called ...... Economic activity
The Supervisor lost control of his workers after he ... them to override his decisions allowed
The supervisor lost control of his workers after he...them to override his decision: allowed
The synonym of extrordinary is: ordinary
The synonym of goods is.. products
The synonym of the word "classify" is ...... categorize
The synonym of the word "intricates" is ......... complixities
The synonym of the word "period" is ....... era
The synonyms of 'channel of distribution' is.... the path goods take when moving fro
The tall man is quite good at.........lies telling
The teacher is absent. The student is absent. not only the teacher but also the stud
The teacher reminded the students ..... their assignments. to do
The teacher told us to collect our exams but we ... (finish) yet. have not finished
The teacher walks faster than ..... she does
The teacher will explain the lesson to you if you (ask) him. (condition) had known
The term 'market' is a/an ......... of the ancient idea of the market place. extension
The thief admitted .... stolen the jewels. having
The third grade student did not study the lecture ....(hard)....the second grade students. as hard as
The third grade students did not study the lecture ....... the second grade student as hard as
The third grade students did not study the lecture........the second grade student. as hard as
The tiger made a.........attack on the hunter. deadly
The time passed ....... (quick) than I expected. quicker
The tools are used for ...... the bolds. screwing
The tornado caused a great deal of ....... destruction
train runs
The types .......
of computers fast
which are usually used to control directly things as robot, aircraft navigation systems, and medical instruments _x00
are ...... microcomputers and minicomputers
The use of a single computer for more that one purpose at the same time is ....... time-sharing
The utility of a commodity decreases as the consumer's stock of that commodity Increases
The verb of the word " communication" is....... communicate
The verb of the word "compensatory" is.......... compensate
The verb of the word "industry" is......... industrialize
the verb of the word "relation" is ... relate
The verb of the word 'competition' is ......... compete
The verb of the word 'production' is produce
The verb of the word 'sale' is sell
The villla is very old. The Taylor live in the villa. The villa where the Taylor live in is v
The weater wasn't ...... to swimming Nice enough
The woman asked me,"Where can I find the director's office?" The woman asked me where she coul
The word `purchaser' means ........ anyone who actually uses money to b
The word 'manufacturer' means.... a person or firm that makes a produc
The work of
three weeks agodepartement has many aspects._x000D_
processing has finished
Such as : Correcting aspects
The work people do is called ... economic activity
The work.......three days ago. was finished
The workers were praised for ...... their duties well carrying out
The young boy is watching TV. He......TV since seven o'clock. has been watching
The young boy spoke rudely. He was not very ........ polite
The young director works ............. everyday hard
The young employee ......... the sport club well organized
The young girl .......... we met last night is a singer. whom
The young manager ..... my father met at the station yesterday works hard everyday. whom
The young programmer .... house is in the small village is a manager whose
The young programmer ..... works hard is my brother. who
The young programmer ......... works hard is my brother. whose
The young student is .... than his friends more diligent
The young system analyst .... has a very modern car works for our company who
The... section of the balance sheet is often devided into current liabilities an long term liabilities liabilities
The...... between legal natural monopoly be clearly stated difference make use of very high speed main memories into which data and programs are t great
The...........of product were becoming household names through commercial television trademark
The........symbol is used as an input or output symbol parallelogram the difference between the amount of visible goods they import and export balance trade
Theimportant news.......always kept in a certain file. is
Their parents are very .......... of him proud
There are ..... methods of doing that job various
There are ...... methods of doing that job .... various, efficiently
There are ........ status by reason of income among consumers. financial
There are a lot of ..... at the meeting businessmen
There are many ...... in my bedroom mosquitoes
There are two differents types of cells : primary and secondary cells
There are........methods of doing that job various
There have been..........developments in the field of computer science in the last decade. remarkable
There is a common belief that computers ....... human beings. dehumanize
There is a common belief that technology........human beings humanize
There is common belief that computer ..... human beings dehumanize
There is very little rain in this region ,....., we often have crop failvres. consequently
These are factors in interpersonal attraction, except ..... interaction
These are included the managements functions, except.... Planning, organizing, directing, evalu
These are some emphasis of Kelley's attribution, except ...... form the bases for inferring personal
These are the guides of the solutions of problem, except : creative thinking
These are the needs for self actualization, except: stimulus
These are the other financial intermediaries besides the bank, except: Commercial companies
These are the powerful human motives, except: reputation
These are the sources in gathering data, except: experiments
These are the sources of frustation, except: produce-conflict frustation
These are three important elements of learning, except : learning is a change due to growth or
These chemicals have been found to be (toxic) to human life. The underline word means ....... poisonous
These sentences are right, except... There aren't many food in the refrige
These sentences are right, except... There isn't no one believed me.
These sentences are right, except: The stranger was so confused when h
These sentences below are right, except.. How much people are still living ther
These sentences below are right, except: I am tired of this job tiring.
These sentences below are right, except: You did your work good.
These sentences below are right, except: You poured sugar enough into my cu
These sentences below are right, except: It is nicely you can join us !
These sentences below are right, except: You can go there with bus.
These sentences below are right, except: I am too interested in reading the boo
These sentences below are right, except: He waited for you for two o'clock.
These service belong to different departement. Therefore they are not ......... acceptable
These statements are correct, "except": computer is able to make mistakes
They (have learn) English since then. have been learning
They ... (plan) to go to Bali next month. These sentence below are true, except... shall
They .... this commodity from our country then. Imported
They ...... tried to work seriously
They ........ produces a magnetic field around the object electric current
They asked to type the letter as ...... as possible. neatly
They did not study hard ....... they won. however
They had better finish their own
task business
soon._x000D_ to mind
The sentence above means: It will be better if they will finish the
They let him ..... there for days. stay
They must do their homework. (passive voice) They homework must be done by the
They shall go to the beach with you tonight ... they can get a baby-sitter after
They waited for the play to begin ... impatiently
They warted for the play to begin.......... impatiently
They were trying to persuade him..........his mind to change
They will........pass the examination. be able to the restauarant on the corner when saw them. were eating
They're expecting us. They ...... if we didn't come. would be dissapointed
They're really looking forward to.......the big match watching
This book table ........
is mine. in 1750
Its colour is blue._x000D_ Was made
How do we combine the sentences above with a relative pronoun. This book of which colour is blue is m
This 1952 was built
This idea can be ......... topic in the next seminar the best
This idea can be.......topic in the next seminar. the best
This is my car All of..........spareparts are made in Japan. its
This is the you read. whose
This is the couple ........... was flooded whose house
This is the time ....... the S.E.A. Games is held. when
This is the time ......... the Olypic Games are held where
This problem.........solved by the trainee. can not
This report shows that the pollution of the rivers......a dangerous level. has reached
This system was extremely ......... because it ran on half price electricity. economical
To ....... many people with different social background is not easy. organize
To avoid the excess of products, the company ........ its products last year. reduced
To calculate the net flows between the member clearing bank and these are the statements that they ma
The way of calculating of clearing sys
To choose the good products, someone must ..... their quality. differentiate
To get there, you must turn right at the bridge. The command of the sentence above is ... to get there, turn right at the bridge
To provide information item by item detail
To reach there you must turn left at the street. The command of the sentence above is to reach there, turn left at the street
To remove a defect or an error from a program is to debug
To remove a defect or an error from a program iscalled...... to debug
Today's computers are........faster than their predecessors. remarkably
Tom is ..... the class the most diligent student in
Tom is a friendly boy. He spoke to the girl..... in a friendly way
said, "I am
Tom worked hardfeeling
nad Tuti ill" also worked hard._x000D_ Tom said ( that ) he was feeling ill
We can say : Tom worked hard and so did Tuti
Tomo is 18 years ole. Dianis 17 years old. We can conclude that: Tomo isn't as old as Dian.
Tomy ....... to the branch manager last week. was promoted
Tomy went to the station in time. If he ......, he would have been late for his interview. had missed
Toni did not get the job because he was not... experience enough
Toni didn't get the job because Toni was ...... enough. Experienced
Tony and I are old friends. I........him since I was a freshman in this school. have known
Tony asked "Where do you live, Tom ?"_x000D_
Tony asked Tom ............
asked,"Where do you live, To, ?"_x000D_ where he lives
Tony asked Tom ....... where he lived
Tools that are used to fasten screw into wood are called screwdrivers
Two buildingEcb have
9gs PGrw QSsU1 the company _x000D_
been constructed TkhC8
The active form of the above statement is...... That company has constructed two b
Two commond financials statements are
Uki : Did you ask me to clean your scooter?_x000D_ the balance sheet and the .... Income statement
Wahyu : No, .....cleaned I got you never
United States public accountants receive fees fron ..... Their services
Up to present, we......... almost every lesson in the book have written
Use the .... words in the ... sentence given, following
Utility determines the relationship between a consumer and .... a commodity
Utility does not only concern with individual tastes, but also : The quantity of good which is availab
V flHH hl6C zf4lwEM iWHDpwQJ oe ....... Fof hgxFLtr
V hxN0 sZ IEuZ1csI ..... TmWJ TXr5DY. AUWRHX
Variable resistor is resistor that you can vary on charge by ... turning the control
Variable resistor is resistor that you can vary or change of... Turning the control
Vh l NLll I8ugQf wE HmWLGu oM5t f1et8@, inCO xr0Ha ...... YI8X D1uU 3 5hY FDzj1I yC1c LcaN
Vh u2 GgpR5 rmO ssPB, cw.........SA ykSKfb Khv ?7yWSR. 9caN IgU6
Voluntarism is a (tradition) in the United States, but how many people realize that up to fifty-two percustom
Water is something that is very ........ for us useful
We ....... reduce our workforce if the bank refused to extend our credit. would
We ........ ( the stage/design ) at the moment. We are having the stage designed at t
We are fully .... of the gravitu of the situation. a ware of
are studying
We can sentences.........contain
find the multi-way adjective
branch instructions clause
_x000D_ which
in ........ Pascal
can solvebeen
We could've this problem.
allowed toThetakepassive
the testform is......
if we hadn't been over 20 minutes late._x000D_ This problem can be solved
The sentence above means: We were over 20 minutes late, but we
We could've helped you if you had asked us. This sentence means: You didn't ask us for a help
We didn't go out because of the...rain. heavy
We give ......... tennis
a laser printer._x000D_ playing
The passive voice of the sentence above is.. A laser printer is given him by us
We go to the city directly. We go to the city.... instantly
We got our ...... around 47 years ago. independence
We got our.........around 47 years ago. programmer
We had an English test,........ Hadn't we
We have just sent a request for new monitors. We have ...... new monitors. asked for
We have to keep good ... with other nations relationship
We in the pool swim yesterday.
We know the problem much ... the boys better than
We live in Bogor now but we ..... in Bandung. used to live
We met a lot of people ...... our holiday. during
We met the boy ......... you talked to last month. whom
We might have succeded if we.......harder had worked
We must be early ........ we can not get the train. otherwise
We opened the carburator, cleaned it, and then ...... it. repaired
We opened the carburator, cleaned it, and again. repaired
We saw him..........
there from the rain with an umbrella
yesterday._x000D_ ourselves
The passive voice of the sentence above is... He was seen by us there yesterday
We should discus it with Mr. Halim today ....... he is very busy. but
We should study hard to face the
take a break soon_x000D_ problem. The command of the sentence above is let's study hard to face the problem
The command of the sentence above is ..... Let's take a break soon
We should take a break soon. The command of the sentence above is ... let's take a break soon
We should treat everybody........ equally
We shouldn't wait
wasteany longer.time
so much Thewith
command of the sentence above is ...
trifles_x000D_ let's not wait any longer !
The command of the sentence above is ....... Let's not waste so much time with tri
We thank you for your....... goodnees
We thank you for your............. good
We told them the news .... happily
We told them the news......... happily
We were relieved that he arrived ..... after his long journey. safely
We will fly to Tokyo. We will go to Tokyo ...... by air
We will get there before ten o'clock tomorrow if the train ..... on time. arrives
go to go
We will soon thetotheatre
Weyou tonight
will go to ...... we can get a baby-sistter
_x000D_ If
Canada ....... shortly
We won't go skating if the ice ..... dengerously thin is
would have
We would've bought
gone that computer
to Europe if the price
last December if our......
moneya little
been enough_x000D_ had been
This sentence means: Last December, we didn't go to Euro
We....(the house/remove)at the moment. we are having the house removated a
We..........skating if you think. will not go
Weight lifting is the gymnastic sport of lifting weights in a (prescribed) manner. Certain
Well, he had .... time for this lesson than the last one. less
Well, he had ....... time for this lesson than the last one. less
We're going to start painting the house is not raining. provided that
We're not going out yet. we're waiting ..... the rain..... stop. for;to
Weren't the books ..... to the library? retuned
What are minicomputers used for ? for a fixed applications
What are the component of the tansmetter ? oscillator and power amplifier
What are the overall stages in the manufacture of computers ? Non original manufacture.
are you Igoing
What colours to do?
will use for my painting ? "he asked me. _x000D_ I am going to check my teeth to the d
The ndirect speech of the sentence above is.... He asked me what colour he would u
What countries.........? have you been
What do computers consist of ? it consists of millions electronic devic
a portastudio
What does computer combine
do for ? _x000D_
outputting a mixer and cassete deck
information ? A printer which prints the informatio
WHat does provide a summary of what a company owns and what it owes on a particular day? the balance sheet
What does provide managers with financial information for company decision making? the balance sheet
What does the franchisee buy from the franchisor? the right to use the trade name of the
What does turkey system do ? to complete hardware
What effect does light have on an light dependent resistor (LDR) ? the reeds attracts each other and so c
What function of the light emithing diode (led) generates electrical pulses
What function of the resistors are coded with coloured band? to ease the problem of marking such
What has gone wrong with the ........ system during the last ten years ? economic
What is a Mouse ? A large movable device
What is abacus ? Bead frame which move from left to
What is Imam computer?
?_x000D_ digital and analog computer
The passive
What voice
is marked byofa the sentence
heated above is.....
needle-like_x000D_ What is being done by Imam ?
Writing implement known as stylus ? Ten gear wheel
What is needed by the first calculating machines ? ten toothed gear wheel
What is outgoing money of a company known as ? expenditure
What is processing ? manupulating information
What is the ..... between hardware and software difference
What is the ..... between hardware and software? difference
What is the ....... between hardware and software. difference
What is the ....... between input and output ? difference
What is the ......... city in Indonesia ? hottest
What is the ......... of this box ? depth
What is the ........... of this word ? pronunciation
What is the adventages of first calculating machines ? reducing of making mistakes
What is the aim of the analytical engine machine? to cut out of the human being altoget
What is the basic job of a computer ? processing information
What is the definition of computer ? A computer is a machine with an intr
What is the final product of the accounting process? financial statements
What is the fuction of machine language? to store data to the machine
What is the function of stabilizing circuit. to provent the output from changing
What is the function of the Arithmathic-logic ? to perform arithmetic and logic oper
What is used in programing language ? APH
What is........(long) river in the world ? the longest
What kind of car which is needed to transmit dat by the computer? reader
What makes the computer failure? human error
What provides the necessary information to solve the problem Data
What reads the information into the computer By inputting information
What should you do before making the final copy ? take a break
What time is it? I don't know what time it is
What type of memories does the mainframe have? very high spee memory
What types of objectives does digital computer programming heve? business
What will allow you to make a proper recording ? Porta studio
What will you do if the taxi......... ? does not come
What would be the effect of making resistor with a much higher tolerance? the price would be higher
When a company wants to expand, one factor that always affects this decision is cost. The underlinedconsideration
When a photo diode picks up rays from .... it feeds them into a decoding microchip remote control
When an individual or a company borrows money from a bank, this money must be paid back by a spes repaid
When data of programs need to be saved for a long period, they are stored in ......... the secondary storage devices
When does Indonesia infend.........SHUKOI to buy
When is the fixed application changed ? to correct error
When preparing a (diet), a person should be aware that vitamin D acts to increase the amount of calc nutritional plan
boy holidays
When the crime at an .... beach,
was discovered, he spends
he confessed much money on souvenirs.
_x000D_ fashinable
his .... guilt
When the factory was built fifty years ago, little...was made for remodding and expansion. allowance
When they were young, they often went to music concert. (used to) When they were young, they used to
When we were young, we often went to music concerts (used to) when we were young, we used to go t
Where is aredata
and information inputsubtraction operations performed?
into _x000D_ hardware
computer ? Printer
Which accountants are paid on a salary basis? B dan C are right
Which of the following is correct ? Utility is the characteristic of satisfyi
Which of the following is correct sentence ? the dog runs fastly
Which of the following is long-term liabilities? bonds
Which of the following is not correct sentence ? She will happy if she passes the exam
Which of the following is not correct sentence ? there weren't chairs enough
Which of the following is NOT included into the capabilities of the computers ? Computers have circuits to make intu
Which of the following sentence is / are correct. They had breakfast at 6 o'clock in th
Which of the following sentence is correct ? Is the magazine delivered everyday ?
Which of the following sentences is correct ? Do you usually read good English ne
Which of the following statement is correct ? managers have to evaluate alternativ
Which of the following statement is not correct statement or sentence flowers looks beautiful
Which of the following statements are wrong ? Many minicomputers are used merel
Which of the sentences below are the right real condition sentence Mom always takes care of me if I'm s
Which of the sentences below are the right unreal condition sentences If you know her, you should've greet
Which of the sentences below use the adjective, proud, in the righ way ? I'm so proud of my progress.
Which of the sentences below use the adverb of place in the right way In the park he always likes to spend h
Which of the sentences below use the adverd, extremely, in the right way ? She extremely rejected my opinion.
Which one does he want ? Let's ask him .... which one he wants
Which one of the following is not a special effect ? distortion
Which one of these is not required to make a recording ? a recording studio
Which one of these sentences below is true ? Toni didn't drive a car and Tono did
Which sentence is correct ? We are going to have a party next we
Which sentence is correct ? THe new student is a very critical per
Which sentence is correct ? She has becone rather heavy lately.
While my father...............a letter, I.............English was writting - was studying
Who create and plot the untegrated circuits ? Electro engineers
Who create logarithm tobles ? Henry Briggs
Who generally supervises other programmers and coordinates large programming projects ? a senior programmer
Who was Prof Howard Aiken ? the man invented the digital compute
Who will ..... the new machine ? operate
Why did they live the country ? ..... is a secret why they left the country
Why is trading expensive in a barter economy? Because people must spend a lot of ti
Wilson never discusses the subject......(calmly) as Johnson. calmly
Wise men love truth ... fools shun it whereas
Wiseman said to love is.......... to sacrifice
Would you come and visit me if you ..... to Malang ? came
Would you like .... with me ? to come
Would you mind........the door ? closing
Written an organization there are a number
X : Do you think Jihn will be appointed ?_x000D_ of factors that ... the ideal decision making process alter
Y : THe
X Of course ! ..........
students look very tired, don't they ?_x000D_ He has always been the best student i
Y : Yes, they have been fighting ....... as hard as a soldier
Yes, we ..... new computer book several times already. have read
Yesterday it .... rained ..... snowed Not only .... but also
Yesterday it...rained...snowed. not only, but also
Yesterday was of the year. hottest
You ..... an accident if you hadn't driven more carefully would have had
..... be
You and on time,
I should or we will
cooperate leavethis
to face without you.
case._x000D_ had better
The command of the sentence above is ...... Let's cooperate to face this case
You and I should look after our parents. The command of the sentence above is..... let's look after our parents
You and I should take care of this right away. The command
are going on holiday next week. How do you fell a bout this ?_x000D_ of the sentence above is .... let's take care of this right away !
I am looking forward.........on holiday to going
You call your friend. Someone else answers and tells you that he's out. You want to leave a message. could I leave a message ?
You can have tea. You can have coffee. you can have either tea or coffee
You didn't go to the office yesterday, and ..... she didn't either
You had better (answer) the letter as soon as possible answer
You had better ...... your parents soon meet
buy this
You have to finish book.
your The command
homework of these sentence above is
quickly._x000D_ buy this book
The command of the sentences above is ...... Finish Finish your homework quickl
You have to give up smoking. You have to....... stop smoking
You know the problem much .... than the man better
You look pale, you ....... see a doctor. had better
You look pale, you ........ see a doctor. had better
You look pale, you..........see a doctor had better
You must ...... your mind now make up
You must give this book right now. The command of the sentences above is give this book right now
You never know ...... he is really aiming at what
You never know ......... he is really aiming at. what
You should always depend on .......... rather than someone else yourself
You should be ..... in spending money. Economical
You should have ..... money than I more
You should than I more
You should spend ypur money ...... Economically
You should tell your father what happened. If, Iwould tell him the truth were
do your
You shouldn't ever get homework
your clotheswhen you're tired. The command of the sentence above is ....
dirty_x000D_ don't do your homework when you'r
The command of the sentence above is ...... Don't ever get your clothes dirty
You shouldn't ever get your clothes dirty. The command of the sentence above is ..... never get your clothes dirty !
You souldn't ever hear
yuor to her. The
homework whencommand of the sentence above is
you're tired_x000D_ don't ever hear to her
The command of the sentence above iss ..... Don't do your homework when you'r
You will English thisaspackage
..... as native speaker.
at once_x000D_ well
The command of the sentence above is ..... Deliver this package at once
You will deliver this package at once. This command of the sentence above is ... deliver this package at once !
You wont pass this study hard. unless
You would have had an accident if you (not drive) more carefully. hadn't driven
call drive
You'd better not your parents. THis sentence is the same as:
carelessly._x000D_ It will be better for you to call your p
The sentence above means: It is better that you not drive careless
Your car is too old. I think you should ..... (it I sell) I think you should get car sold
Your computer is...............mine as good as
Your desk is dusty. I think you should....(it/clean) have it cleaned
Your example is ...... than the one in the book. better
Your example is ......... than the one in the book. better
Your hair is tool long. I think you should...(it/cut) have it cut
Your printer ..... is on the table cannot print ASCII characters which
Your program is .... than hers more complicated
Your success will be a great .... to your parents. satisfaction
Your younger sister ....... I met at my new branch office last Sunday is a very skllful secretary. whom
Your younger sister .......... I met at my new branch office last Sunday is a very skillful secretary. whom
Your younger sister the computer manufacturer the most neatly dressed
nee is diligent enough to finish the assignment well
s to school every morning

assive being learnt by them?

ked if I am using my dictating machine that morning.
ed us whether we were waiting for Didi
tomer asked the cashier if a cheque could be considered a legal tender.
ed her whether they could put the box there
ed me if I could go to the meeting with him tonight.
asked if anyone had found his missing report.
nd asked me if I had attended the meeting the previous night.
ked me if I had given the disks to ANton.
were too far away to hear what he was saying
hed your work
ll anyone what happened
oing to the office with her friends
ome there the next day
rget to order the wine
rint her document
rint her document
red them to finish their job
s us to finish our meal.
n1Lt a4kv NA wv11 pk 6OY bP scMOu s00k mSA pk4 6uN@
asked me if I had checked my teeth to the dentist.
that Herman and Rini were going to get married

hat he was writing to Toni

d to Sari that he had not fulfilled your invitation
ended that she didn't know who had done that.
s to school every morning
hat he had already solved his problem
hat he had already read that book
been looking for the C language book for two days
nd said that he had written that letter already.
rks hard enough
't paid for the job
oo late to go the beach
ate to go to the cinema
that Mr. Hart would donate of his yearly income to the orphanage.
er had gone to England the day before
n said that his secretary hadn't finished the work.
ported to the police that their car keys were gone.

ed me not to tell anyone what happened

ceman ordered me to show him my driver's license.

he door but not to lock it
more slowly
tor told me to stay in bed for a few days
n bed for a few days
cher ordered us to stop and give him our papers
n't know high level programming language at all

ant to talk to the professor in his office

went to the post office

sked me where I had put her disks.
asked me where her pen was
ked where I would be waiting for her.
oo busy to talk to you now"
nished the first program
r whether he needs any help
know tall you are
ou tell me whether this is information correct

e said wasn`t true

ell me where you stay
know who they are

have your hair cut last week?

the problem

have your hair painted last week

have the newspaper delivered or do you go to the shop yourself to buy it ?

al statements

h - ought - a few

Processing Unit
ers of a man's hand

al intermediary
othing current

she is having trouble or not

e was talking about

ry company


n seem to operate the computer

uter needs controlling and directing

ce motivation

c are wrong

al statements

or - capacitor
mputer is small enough. I can bring it everywhere

ng to the news report, it will not only snow but also it will rain tonight

qual liabilities plus owner's equity

to recognise objects and their meaning; usually due to damage to the brain

nomic system

younger than Aman

ho can cook gourmet food, is a talented cook.

uter is bought by Ani
was watching
as made the report and Tuti has, too.

leans up his messy room and Mick does, too

Arthur nor Mike is in class today

and fixed assets
and fixed assets
ing equation
al intermediaries

ion, distribution, classification

quency of the promotion

ld me that she would ask Mr Tony about the computer program.

o know if You have checked it recently

er is neatly printed
gram is too intricate. I can not understand it
letter been sent ?
e by which I cut the apple is very sharp
aid that she didn't want to go
that Jack and Jill were going to get married
aid that she was enjoying her new job
and air mixture exits the cylinder
nish my homework

according to the instruction

unit and arithmatic logic unit


mer, a commodity

g comunication

mW6D Xt8 as97 tWE8bd7 0bjS fZJ J pVJP lrMF."

mG 1cb Mks57fZ@ 1Yk Q8tg HhvF b WWFNnn3

n't brush her teeth and Aryo didn't either

ure should be conserve.

been working in this office for 15 years."

ked me why they had left so early

he plane always arrive on time ?"

that he is frequently absent from class indicates his lack of interest in school
o his children,"go away at once"

hat he would be in London on Sunday

"I have got a boarding house"
got trouble in the press room this morning."
,"I saw this woman long ago".
d him why he sit here
manded the soldiers not to retreat.
that the woman came
hat his brother is industrious
hat she could win the prize
hat New York is a great city

won the game !"

me," You must stay at home"
me, you may leave us now
me,"You may leave us now."
me," you may leave us now"
me that I had to clean that room

cted him president

by us there yesterday

too drunk to answer my question.

d been sick, he would have gone

ble life situation

her sister nor her brother knows where she is

s is strong enough to remove the big rock

ants are classified as public, private, govermental

rected and controlled

s faster than their predecessor

faster than third generation computer

do a million calculations a second

ing process follows accounting principles and rules
no more than two hours

ny times do you have your shoes polished in a week?

have your car serviced
en do you have servised you car?
ly large and expensive
d me how we would get the passport.

Washington Monument visited by hundreds of a people everyday ?

Bill what he would say ti his boss

busy to talk to you now

your trouble
ur problem is

y at school yesterday
our problem is

s to school everymorning

frient I've ever had

o play the piano.

her if she understood the lesson.

tired to walk any further.

she need any help

d that she wouldn't be wearing that uniform the following day.

ving a swimming pool built at the moment

ot have got-had remembered

ve so far away from campus.

n't rich and he can't buy a house

sed - would be

ot have gone

robably go up
knew nothing about that matter because she didn't attend the meeting
oil and escape

that I'm little tired feel fine except for that

rning I didn't finish my breakfast.
dern market

mber of units

ms measurement
ates computers and does Nino.

d better walk to the office

etter drink some medicine.

etter drink some medicine
he beach with her friends every SUnday.

nts to buy either a magazine of a novel


m and Sue are absent

eaks French and you do too

become rathe heavy lately

g k?5r a7bwE
W EPqaO ta FChv SKvk LGon Krz92ih

nown person in Florence

ere many accidents on the wet road

that many people in the world live in intolerable poverty must concern all of us

, price, placement, promotion

a new typewriter.
rtaining to money
sey adn Atlantic City

ers can do what they are not instructed

sensory areas

our cheque immediately !"

el asked me how soon I could pay back the money.

ive in Kupang

he evening looking unhappily through my photograph album

never been to Bali
hn could do the math

ckboard is erased by one of the student after the class

es that are substracted by assets

ous enduring and distinctive patterns of behavior and thought that are characteristic of a particular person

wims quickly and so do I

e an average price
supply and demand

requency - air

d,"I have been studying two hours"

sked us if we had seen that movie.

ld Tom that he would be coming at your home at 7.30

n and Bob enjoy horseback riding
does not write novel anymore
ng machine has been soled by Rudi

ed me if I saw her pocket

child has been looked after by her

ough clever to understand

that the manager had been coming

to her friend,"I have been writing"
say," you have done wrongly"

m is being cleaned at the moment.

iven a bunch of roses.

you have done your homework
ldings have been constructed by that company
e houses, the smallest is the yellow one.

gical psychology

much do you want to deposit ?"

ir which he broke is being repaired

k told us not to come back again

c are correct

dware and software

more units of that commodity

be correctly stored
he richest person in the world
tor told Mr Big to lie down and take a rest
e opened the door slowly.

ve, screntific

new engine fit

ineer is too clever to finish the assignment well
iner who works hard is my brother

amming trainee
g the problem

hing trade relationship

ocessing departement

e facilities for working

rcial companies

etectors require a changing magnetic field

m stops after a set time if an automatic cut off is fitted


,price,placement and promotion

data on the disk
ve and stored data
ge direction backwards and forwards regularly
rm the actual logical functions
digital computer

n't known him before".

t intelligent in

ve in Kupang any more

t water which I saw it in the Jakarta exhibition is very expensive

og computer

best alternatives
ut the clause of compund sentences !"
urer asked Nita if she had ever heard that news

leopard and the tiger face extinction

t neatly written

the library nor the bookstore has the book I need

chine is too expensive to purchase it

e been playing

n is too strong to walk quickly

n is too weak to walk quickly

oubles can be handled."

mory of his PC is big enough to hold all data

almost every big problem can be solved

ctric pulses can move at the speed of light
rid computer

s the same - changes

f has been arrested by the police

looked for by the police.
departure has been postponed."
ut of the AF amplifier-the power amplifier

and demand meet

l management
l management

d or service that a company wants to sell

gram is simple enough for me to understand

dy designed the program yesterday

y step procedure
step procedure

t been examined

that the earth moves round the sun.

dent asked the teacher what the word peripheral meant.

goods take when moving from manufacturer to customer

the teacher but also the student is absent

mputers and minicomputers

a where the Taylor live in is very old

man asked me where she could find the director's office

who actually uses money to buy a product
n or firm that makes a product
and secondary cells

g, organizing, directing, evaluating

e bases for inferring personal dispositions

rcial companies

-conflict frustation
is a change due to growth or maturation

ren't many food in the refrigerator.

n't no one believed me.
nger was so confused when he was between the people.
uch people are still living there?
ed of this job tiring.
your work good.
ured sugar enough into my cup.
ely you can join us !
go there with bus.
interested in reading the books.
ed for you for two o'clock.
er is able to make mistakes

e better if they will finish the task soon.

mework must be done by them

e dissapointed

ok of which colour is blue is mine.

y of calculating of clearing system

ere, turn right at the bridge

there, turn left at the street

t diligent student in

d ( that ) he was feeling ill

rked hard and so did Tuti
n't as old as Dian.
mpany has constructed two buildings

ntity of good which is available to the consumers

having the stage designed at the moment

oblem can be solved

e over 20 minutes late, but we could still take the test.
n't ask us for a help

printer is given him by us

seen by us there yesterday

dy hard to face the problem

ke a break soon
e a break soon
wait any longer !
t waste so much time with trifles

cember, we didn't go to Europe.

having the house removated at the moment

ed applications
r and power amplifier
ginal manufacture.
ng to check my teeth to the dentist.
d me what colour he would use for his painting.

ts of millions electronic devices

and cassete deck
r which prints the information

t to use the trade name of the franchisor

lete hardware
s attracts each other and so come together
es electrical pulses
he problem of marking such small components

movable device
ame which move from left to right
nd analog computer
being done by Imam ?

hed gear wheel

lating information
g of making mistakes
ut of the human being altogether
ng information
uter is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits

data to the machine

nt the output from changing when the load varies
rm arithmetic and logic operation on data

tting information

know what time it is

h spee memory

e would be higher

ndary storage devices

hey were young, they used to go to music concerts.

e were young, we used to go to music concerts

s the characteristic of satisfying a want

happy if she passes the exam.

eren't chairs enough
ers have circuits to make intuitions
d breakfast at 6 o'clock in the morning everyday last week
agazine delivered everyday ?
usually read good English newspapers ?
rs have to evaluate alternative plans before choosing
looks beautiful
inicomputers are used merely for a fixed application and run only single program.
ways takes care of me if I'm sick.
now her, you should've greeted her.
roud of my progress.
ark he always likes to spend his time.
emely rejected my opinion.

dn't drive a car and Tono didn't either

going to have a party next week
w student is a very critical person
becone rather heavy lately.
tting - was studying

invented the digital computer

y left the country

people must spend a lot of time and effort finding others with whom they can make mutually satisfactory swaps

always been the best student in our class

operate to face this case

k after our parents
e care of this right away !

eave a message ?
have either tea or coffee

inish your homework quickly

book right now

your homework when you're tired
er get your clothes dirty
t your clothes dirty !
er hear to her
o your homework when you're tired

this package at once

his package at once !

e better for you to call your parents

er that you not drive carelessly.
you should get car sold

t neatly dressed

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