SPEK Communication System

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• 1 in the position.

2.10.9. Communications systems Voice communication and control system (VCCS) INTRODUCTION
The Voice Communication and Control System (VCCS) to be procured for Dhoho ATC TWR shall provide a
complete solution for Air Traffic Control communications.
The system shall ensure an easy, scalable solution for both Air/Ground (A/G) and Ground/Ground (G/G)
communications to the variety of ATC operational requirements.
The VCCS shall be integrated with other communication systems such as the VHF and the Telephony in order
to provide the controller with all required communications.
Such procurement shall comprise at least the following components:
• Core Equipment
o Voice communication system, including links to radio a telephone lines.
o Control and management system.
o Voice recording system
• Control Working Position (CWP) and jack panel
• Configuration and Supervision Equipment
The VCCS Control Working Positions shall be installed in the following locations:
• Tower Visual Control Room (VCR)
• Technical Rooms

Requirements and specification will be shown using a four letter code (VCCS) and a number.

This voice communications switching system must fulfil requirements set in next section in order to enable
communication service, both ground to air and ground to ground. Its design will be based on the state-of-art
technology and shall meet currently rules, standards and requirements specifications within the air navigation
system and also the future ones by slight system modifications.
Voice communications switching system integrates communication, monitoring and management functionalities
needed in controllers working positions.
It must be noted that voice communications system to be supplied shall include all the necessary elements,
modules, services and works to ensure APP and TWR G/A and G/G communications

Figure 27: VCCS Conceptual Scheme (Main & Backup) Standards and regulations

Following standards and regulations apply.
1. ICAO Doc 9804 AN/762, Manual on Air Traffic Services (ATS) Ground-Ground Voice Switching and
2. ICAO Doc 9896, Manual on the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) using Internet
Protocol Suite (IPS).
3. Eurocontrol Voice Communication System Procurement guidelines
• ED-109 Guidelines for communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic
management (CSN/ATM) systems software integrity assurance
• ED-136 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System
Operational and Technical Requirements
• ED-137 “Interoperability Sandards for VoIP ATM Component”
• ED-138 “Network Requirements and Performances for VoIP ATM Systems”
5. ANSI T1.409-2002 Network-to-Customer Installation Interfaces – Analog Voice grade Special
Access Lines Using E&M Signalling
6. ETSI EN 300 001 General technical requirements for equipment connected to an analogue
subscriber interface in the PSTNED-138 (Part 2) Network design guide.
7. EUROCONTROL Guidelines for the Implementation of the Automatic ATS Voice Communication
8. ITU-T REC. Q.400-490.
9. ITU-T REC. Q.1, Q.2 and Q.8.
10. ETSI EN 300 001 (last version)
11. ETSI ETS 300 012-1 (ITU-T REC. I.430). Technical requirements

Due to air traffic control VCCS special features the system has to meet the following technical requirements.

2021 NOVEMBER | Atkins | DHOHO AIRPORT VOLUME 6B - ATCT CD V2_R0.docx Report ATKINS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 58 of 112 General requirements
VCSS 1. System and components will fulfill section standards and rules compliance and those
that apply to integrated technologies.
VCSS 2. Recovery after system failure. Regarding recovery from a failure, the VCS shall be returned to
the configuration established prior to the failure or, if this is not possible, to a predefined
VCSS 3. The system won’t be operational or functional when affected by a power supply failure.
VCSS 4. System processor will be able to Support operational and functional requirements set by AirNav.
VCSS 5. The system will be managed and supervised by the management system.
VCSS 6. The system will be synchronized to the TRS installed based on the same communication
VCSS 7. The management system will allow configuration supervision and will control functional
VCSS 8. Configuration changes and warning alarms due to failures will be shown in management system.
VCSS 9. The system will be able to register all the configurations required by AirNav depending on
AIRNAV operational requirements with regard to airspace, CWP or any other. System design requirements

VCSS 10. System architecture will ensure the operational requirements set by AirNav and will be designed
so that minimum maintenance tasks.
VCSS 11. System configuration design will be based on IP technology.
VCSS 12. The system will be integrated in a local area network (LAN) interfacing itself with other elements
of wide area network (WAN) through telephone lines. It is recommend to create LAN depending
on subsystem (control and management and recording).
VCSS 13. The system shall support the following legacy interfaces:
• Analogical radio interface.
VCSS 14. The system should support the following legacy interfaces:
• Instantaneous access (IA) interface.
VCSS 15. System and component design shall be done using state-of-art technologies.
VCSS 16. System architecture shall assure, at least, 0,99 G/G communication availability level.
VCSS 17. System architecture shall assure, at least, 0,9995 G/G communication availability level.
VCSS 18. To assure above continuity an availability values, the system architecture design shall include
the installation of redundant critical parts so that the failure of the main equipment won’t affect
operational requirements fixed by AirNav.
VCSS 19. Redundancy requirement applies for software, hadrware and firmaware.
VCSS 20. In case of critical part failure the system will be designed to minimize operational or functional
impact maintaining G/A and G/G communication service.
VCSS 21. System design shall enable manual and automatic configuration and operation changes to allow
maintenance tasks.
VCSS 22. System design shall be based on a software, hardware and firmaware high degree of modularity.
VCSS 23. The system architecture design shall allow configuration changes and modifications using
operation system without any impact in communication service.
VCSS 24. System architecture design shall enable an easy access to parts and modules in order to
assembly or dismantling components without any functional and operational impact.
VCSS 25. The system architecture design shall easily allow system updates, new technological solutions
installations or new regulatory adaptations with minimum changes.

VCSS 26. System design shall allow software or firmaware updates without functional or operational
VCSS 27. The system design shall easily allow user incrementation.
VCSS 28. System core shall be formed by servers and workstations computers.
VCSS 29. Each controller working position shall be formed by a workstations computers a touch screen,
loudspeakers, conectors and PTT foot pedal or PTT headphones.
VCSS 30. The system shall include a maintenance position similar to a controller working position that will
be integrated in the same LAN.
VCSS 31. Test environmental conditions with regard to hardware, software or firmware will be as similar as
possible, or more restrictive, to the operational ones.
VCSS 32. Figure shows this configuration design.

Figure 28: VCCS Architecture and Interfaces A/G communication service (radio)

VCSS 33. This subsystem shall enable a user to transmit and receive voice communications on selected
radio frequencies.
VCSS 34. Radio communication shall be done using VHF and UHF aeronautical band.
VCSS 35. This subsystem shall allow G/A communication connecting to transmiting and receiving devices,
both main and backup.
VCSS 36. HMI shall allow radio channels management in the following modes of operation:
• Off/Deselected
• Receive only (Rx). When ‘Rx’ mode has been selected the user can hear any transmissions
that are made on that frequency.

• Transmit and receive (Tx/Rx) When both receive and transmit (Tx/Rx) mode has been
selected the user can transmit on the frequency by operating a “Push-To-Talk” (PTT) key.
• Cross-coupled (retransmission groups).
VCSS 37. Controller working positions (CWP) shall have radio access to several frequencies, each of which
can be set individually in one of the four modes described in requirement above.
VCSS 38. Reception mode shall be eligible by the controller and a signal will be included in HMI.
VCSS 39. Transmission and reception won’t be possible at the same time.
VCSS 40. This facility enables the user to select whether transmissions received from aircraft are directed
to either a headset or loudspeaker at the CWP.
VCSS 41. G/A reception shall be transmitted to loudspeaker in case of active G/G communication or
headphones disconnected.
VCSS 42. When transmitting, side tone is the users own speech fed, at reduced level into the user’s ear-
piece in hand microphone telephones or headsets.
VCSS 43. The system shall include a volume control in each position, both to headphones or loudspeakers.
VCSS 44. The system won’t enable a transmission in the same frequency when this one is configured in
different positions.
VCSS 45. Cross-coupling may be applied to two or more frequencies but the principles may be illustrated
with reference to two cross-coupled frequencies. G/G communication service (telephone)

VCSS 46. The system shall include the following access methods: Direct, instantaneous and indirect.
VCSS 47. Direct Access: With this facility the operation of a single key by the calling-party is all that is
required to initiate a call.
VCSS 48. Direct Access: Shall enable the calling acceptance, rejection, initiation, ending.
VCSS 49. Direct Access: The called-party address is assigned and fixed semi-permanently in the calling-
party VCS and is thus uniquely associated with each key and each key is labelled as such.
VCSS 50. Direct Access: Tones: Dial tone and out-going signalling tones are not given to the calling-party.
Ringing tone shall be given (and / or visually indicated). Busy tone should be given if appropriate.
VCSS 51. Direct Access: The called-party is alerted to the presence of the incoming call by audio and or
visual means as determined by the called-party VCS. The called-party must accept the incoming
call by means of a single action associated with a key or dynamic display.
VCSS 52. Direct Access: The calling-party identity is indicated to the called-party either by association with
a key assigned and fixed semi-permanently in the called-party VCS or by means of a dynamic
VCSS 53. Direct Access: Terminal Out-of-service should be given shall the call fail for any reason other
than Busy.
VCSS 54. Direct Access: Due to either the exclusive, one-to-one, assignments of the keys between the
calling and called - parties or reserved capacity in the called-party dynamic display, it is abnormal
for the calling-party to encounter the called-party busy.
VCSS 55. Direct Access: Under normal conditions the called-party can receive one or more Direct Access
calls and by observing the identities of the respective calling-parties, together with defined
operational procedure or (more likely) operational experience, the called-party will deal with each
call appropriately in the appropriate sequence.
VCSS 56. Direct Access: At the end of a call either the calling-party or the called-party may be required to
deselect/ clear.
VCSS 57. Direct Access: The Direct Access service is designed to meet the requirements for Direct
Controller-Controller Voice Communication (DCCVC) which stipulates that communication be
established between radar controllers within 2 seconds in 99% of the time. This interval is the
delay between the initiating call and the receiving call.
VCSS 58. Instantaneous Access: The Instantaneous Access service allows the calling-party to establish a
communication with the called-party. The called-party does not have to accept the incoming call.

VCSS 59. Instantaneous Access: With this facility the operation of a single key by the calling-party is all
that is required to initiate a call and it is necessary for the calling-party to sustain the key operation
for the duration of the call.
VCSS 60. Instantaneous Access: The called-party address is assigned and fixed semi-permanently in the
'A'-party VCS and is thus uniquely associated with each key and each key is labelled as such.
VCSS 61. Instantaneous Access: Tones: Dial tones, out-going signalling and ringing tone tones are not
given to the calling-party.
VCSS 62. Instantaneous Access: 'Terminal Out-of-Service' tone is given to the ringing-party shall the call
fail for any reason including any busy conditions encountered.
VCSS 63. Instantaneous Access: The ringing-party identity is indicated to the called-party either by
association with a key assigned and fixed semi-permanently in the called-party VCS or by means
of a dynamic display.
VCSS 64. Instantaneous Access: Due to the usually urgent nature of Instantaneous Access calls any visual
(and/or audible) alerts shall be distinctive from other types of call. An audible alert is generated
at the called-party VCS in accordance with the following options: no audible alert, an alert of fixed
duration, a continuous alert requiring a silencing action by the called-party.
VCSS 65. Instantaneous Access: The called-party VCS automatically accepts the incoming call without any
intervention required by the User; this occurs regardless of the called-party being engaged on
any other type of call.
VCSS 66. Instantaneous Access: Thus called-party busy is totally abnormal and shall result in Terminal
Out-of-Service tone being given to the calling-party.
VCSS 67. Instantaneous Access: The called-party may have any speech from the calling-party handled in
one (or more) of the following ways: Connected in conference with other speech at the called-
party CWP, Directed to a loudspeaker, Directed to one side of a split-working headset and any
other arrangement appropriate to the local operational procedures.
VCSS 68. Instantaneous Access: The called-party may respond to the calling-party by activation of a key
associated with the incoming call. This action enables the return speech path if it occurs during
the current call; otherwise, it is treated as a new Instantaneous Access call. An IA call is a simplex
mode but it may switch to full-duplex mode when the called-party activates the IA key.
VCSS 69. Instantaneous Access: The instantaneous Access communication is established while any party
is sustaining the key operation.
VCSS 70. Instantaneous Access: If the called-party responds during the current call, this has the effect of
preventing the call from being cleared until both parties clear the call; without called-party
response, the call is cleared when the calling-Party terminates the IA-call.
VCSS 71. Call clearing has no effect on other calls in progress at either the calling-party or the called-party.
VCSS 72. Instantaneous Access: is designed to meet the requirements of Instantaneous Controller-
Controller Voice Communication (ICCVC) which stipulates that two-way direct communication
be established between non-physically adjacent controllers within 1 second or less in 99% of the
time. This interval is the delay between the initiating call and the speech path being established.
VCSS 73. Indirect Access: facility enables a calling-party to enter a complete called-party address on a
telephone dialling keypad (or equivalent device) in order to select a network and to cause a call
attempt to be made to the supplied address.
In addition to dialling the called-party address in full, the following facilities are also used to establish Indirect
Access calls:
VCSS 74. System will enable to dial a call through telephone interface or through dialling path.
VCSS 75. Abbreviated Dialling: entering a short code (up to four digits, a character string of unrestricted
length or a specific labelled key) on a telephone dialling keypad (or equivalent device), should
cause a call attempt to be made from the calling-party to a predefined called-party associated
with the supplied code.
VCSS 76. Last Number Redial: the operation of a key, should cause a call attempt to be made from the
calling-party to the called-party to which the most recent previous call attempt (successful or
unsuccessful) was made.

VCSS 77. Call completion/ Call back on busy. The call completion facility enables the completion of an
indirect access call to another user, which was unsuccessful because a busy condition was
encountered at the called- party.
VCSS 78. Hold. The hold service allows a user to disconnect temporarily from an established call in order
to carry out other telephony functions before returning to the original established call.
VCSS 79. Call Transfer: The Call Transfer service enables a user involved in an active call to establish a
new call between the other user in the active call and a third party.
VCSS 80. Call pick up. The call pick up service enables a user to answer a call that is in the alerting phase
at another user’s terminal.
VCSS 81. Call Queuing facility: It is designed to provide a means for a user to have a number of incoming
calls placed in a queue.
VCSS 82. Call Priority and Intrusion by a Priority Call. It is a means of attaching an indicator to a telephone
call to show that it is “urgent” as opposed to “routine”. In the event that the calling-party has made
a Priority Call but encounters the called-party busy, Intrusion shall take place automatically. Upon
Intrusion all parties are connected together in conference.
VCSS 83. Common Appearance/Ring Group. The common appearance service allows a number of users
to be logically grouped for the purpose of receiving calls.
VCSS 84. Conference: The conference service enables a user to interconnect a number of controller
working positions and/or external lines of varying types, allowing full speech facilities to all
connected parties.
VCSS 85. Call diversion: The call diversion service enables a user to cause all incoming DA and IDA calls
to that user to be routed to another user in the following circumstances: Unconditionally, If a busy
condition is detected at the called-party, If the called-party fails to answer an incoming call within
a predetermined time.
VCSS 86. Group Hunting: The group hunting service allows a number of users, as a configuration option,
to be associated in a group with a single address.
VCSS 87. Simultaneous Calls: A simultaneous Call (SC) occurs when two users call each other at exactly
the same time. In all cases of simultaneous calls the following overriding principles will apply:
Indeterminate call states and/or VCS conditions should not arise, Users should not receive false,
ambiguous or misleading indications, notwithstanding the specific situations described below the
guaranteed outcome for both Users should be a “User Busy” indication.
VCSS 88. Priority reception of G/G communication will be set by AirNav. However, the manufacturer /
installer will suggest possibilities to maximize communication availability.
VCSS 89. Communication reception will be done in headphone unless AirNav requirement or G/A
transmission. In this case, calling will be sent to loudspeaker or to one ear-piece.
VCSS 90. Indirect Access: The called-party is alerted to the presence of the incoming call by audio and or
visual means as determined by the called-party VCS. The called-party must accept the incoming
call by means of a single action associated with a key or dynamic display.
VCSS 91. Indirect Access: Tones: Ringing tone and busy tone are given to the ringing-party as appropriate.
A suitable mechanism (i.e., Terminal Out-of-service tone) should be provided to inform the
calling-party, shall the call fail for any reason other than Busy.
VCSS 92. Indirect Access: It may be possible for calls from more than one calling-party to be presented to
a called-party simultaneously either IDA or DA. In such cases, the selection of the next call to be
answered by the called-party is determined either directly by the called-party or on the basis of
an operational parameter such as longest waiting time or the Priority of the incoming call. It is
only possible to answer one incoming call at the same time.
VCSS 93. Indirect Access: Will enable the calling acceptance, rejection, initiation, ending.
VCSS 94. It is possible for either the called-party or the calling-party to terminate an established Indirect
Access call.
VCSS 95. Indirect Access is equivalent to normal dialled telephone operation.
VCSS 96. VCCS MTTR should be as low as possible. Functional requirements

This section includes functional requirements to be fulfilled by the VCCS.

VCSS 97. System will enable the user to select whether transmissions received from aircraft are directed
to either a headset or loudspeaker at the CWP.
VCSS 98. G/A communication reception will be transmitted to loudspeaker in case of active G/G
communication or headphones disconnected.
VCSS 99. The system won’t enable a transmission in the same frequency when this one is configured in
different positions.
VCSS 100.Transmission and reception won’t be possible at the same time.
VCSS 101.System shall support frequencies and telephone lines as specified by AirNav. At least the
following should be considered.
• 15 instant access lines.
• 40 direct access lines.
• 20 indirect access lines.
• 40 PSTN lines.
• 15 CB lines.
• 25 LB lines.
• 30 Radio channels.
VCSS 102.System shall be able to allow simultaneous reception in different frequencies by defining priorities
or destinies.
VCSS 103.System should be able to allow simultaneous transmission in different frequencies.

Figure 29: VCCS. Telephone line configuration Operational requirements

This section includes operational requirements to be fulfilled by the VCCS.
VCSS 104. HMI shall provide the user means of communication for both Ground Telephone and Air-Ground
VCSS 105. HMI shall be based on Touch-sensitive screens.

VCSS 106. HMI shall be able to allow radio channels management in the following modes of operation:
• Off/Deselected
• Receive only (Rx). When ‘Rx’ mode has been selected the user can hear any transmissions
that are made on that frequency.
• Transmit and receive (Tx/Rx) When both receive and transmit (Tx/Rx) mode has been
selected the user can transmit on the frequency by operating a “Push-To-Talk” (PTT) key.
• Cross-coupled (retransmission groups).
VCSS 107. CWP shall have radio access to several frequencies, each of which can be set individually in
one of the four modes described in requirement above.
VCSS 108. Reception mode shall be eligible by the controller and a signal will be included in HMI.
VCSS 109. For the Air-Ground Push-to-talk (PTT) operation mechanical keys are preferred.
VCSS 110. Audio devices shall be based on headsets including telephone/radio Split, headsets and noise-
cancelling microphones, moveable desk microphones, fixed boom microphones, hand
microphones, loudspeakers, hand microphone telephone.
VCSS 111. Any functional or configuration modification shall not affect the operation.
VCSS 112. Recording System shall have a replay tool. This tool will allow track searching by attributes like
date, time or any other. Recordings will be played through loudspeaker or headset.
VCSS 113. System shall display failures in CWP and maintenance position.

Figure 30: VCCS. Radio Channels Integration Management system

This section includes requirements to be fulfilled by the management system of the voice communication system.
VCSS 114. The system shall include a management system enabling control, monitoring, configuration,
management and event logging system.
VCSS 115. The management system shall enable any functionality needed in CWP.
VCSS 116.The management system shall allow setting users access levels depending on the roles assigned
to each one.
VCSS 117. User roles will be defined by AirNav.
VCSS 118. The management system shall include servers required for the operation, including recording
and monitoring.
VCSS 119. The management system shall be able to manage system’s routers and switches.

VCSS 120. The management system shall include a CWP configuration control tool. This toll will record in
database configurations done, including corresponding time and date.
VCSS 121. The management system shall include a monitoring tool for the whole system. This tool will
receive information from different parts of the system and introduce any event or incident that
affects the operation. This toll will record in database all events or incidents that occurred,
including corresponding time and date.
VCSS 122. The management system shall include a tool that can display settings, events, incidents
recorded in the system with corresponding time and date. This tool will be user friendly.
VCSS 123. The management system shall include a tool to allow software updates, configurations,
functional checks, maintenance, roles definition and permissions and to export events, statistics
or incidents. Voice recording system (VREC)

The Voice Recording System (VREC) to be installed for Dhoho Airport ATC TWR shall provide a complete
solution for recording all voice communication of the ATC Tower
The system shall ensure an easy, scalable solution to record and be able to replay all communications.
The VREC System shall be integrated with other communication systems such as the VCCS, or Emergency
Radios, in order to ensure the recording of all ATC Voice communications.
The VREC System shall comprise at least the following components:
• Core Equipment
o Recorder A and B
o Network Equipment
o Replay Station.

Figure 31: Voice Recording System (VREC) Scheme

2021 NOVEMBER | Atkins | DHOHO AIRPORT VOLUME 6B - ATCT CD V2_R0.docx Report ATKINS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 66 of 112 Applicable References and Regulations.
ICAO Doc 9804 Manual on Air Traffic Services (ATS) Ground-Ground Voice
Switching and Signalling
1. ED-136 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Operational and
Technical Requirements
2. ED-109 Guidelines for communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CSN/ATM)
systems software integrity assurance.
3. EUROCONTROL Guidelines for the Implementation of the Automatic ATS Voice Communication
4. ED-137 Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components. Part 1: Radio, Part 2 Telephone, Part 3:
Recording, Part 4: Supervision
5. ED-138 Network Requirements and Performances for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic
Management (ATM) Systems System Requirements

This section includes requirements to be fulfilled by the recording system of the voice communication system.
VCSS 124. Recording system shall register all TWR and APP G/G and G/A communications. Environmental
sound won’t be recorded unless the system is active.
VCSS 125. Recording shall record analogue voice signals through appropriate interfaces.
VCSS 126. System design shall be based on redundant architecture enabling storage configuration within
two different sources.
VCSS 127. Recording system shall be synchronized with TRS by NTP protocol.
VCSS 128. Recording system shall be switched to the VCS by IP technology.
VCSS 129. Recording system shall be composed by state-of-art hardware and software and its
corresponding licenses.
VCSS 130. Recording system servers shall be supplied redundantly.
VCSS 131. Recording system shall be active during G/A and G/A communications. Recording start will be
done automatically.
VCSS 132. Recording system shall provide system failure alarm in maintenance position.
VCSS 133. Recording system shall have enough storage capacity to record G/A and G/G communications
according AirNav requirements.
VCSS 134. Records shall be stored so that they cannot be modified or deleted.
VCSS 135. Records shall be stored redundantly as manufacturer technology or suggestion.
VCSS 136. Recording system shall provide recording free space.
VCSS 137. Recording archive shall be made automatically according to AirNav requirements.
VCSS 138. Once completed recording storage time specified by AirNav, the system will begin to delete them
chronologically and automatically.
VCSS 139. Recording system shall be able to export the recording tracks to external devices and organize
these tracks depending on the date, time, and channel service, among others.
VCSS 140. Recording system shall allow setting users access levels depending on the roles assigned to

This section includes the number of equipment to be supplied and its location.
VCSS 141.VCCS shall be installed in the equipment room located in the first floor of the ATCT complex.
Optimum cable cross section must be used to minimise RF loss.
VCSS 142. System interfaces and recording system shall be located in the same room where the VCCS will
be installed.
VCSS 143. Management system shall be installed in the monitoring room of the ground floor equipment
room. This position servers will be installed redundantly. This position will have its maintenance
position installed in the monitoring room of the ground equipment room.

VCSS 144. VCS maintenance position will be supplied and shall be installed in the monitoring room of the
equipment room.
VCSS 145. 4 racks it is the estimated number in this preliminary design to install the VCCS. The contractor
/ manufacturer / supplier / installer shall provide a suggestion taking into account available space
and easy access for maintenance staff task.
VCSS 146. VCCS CWP control computers will be located as recommended by the manufacturer depending
on the system design.
VCSS 147. Each controller working position will be formed by a workstations computers a touch screen,
loudspeakers, connectors and PTT foot pedal or PTT headphones.
VCSS 148. 7 CWP shall be installed in VCR: 1 SPV TWR; 1 GND; 1 CLD; 2 LOC; 2 future positions.
VCSS 149.4 additional positions shall be installed. Roles assigned (or full functionality) to these shall be
defined by AirNav.
• 1 in AOCC located in the PTB.
• 1 in ARFF.
• 1 in the monitoring room (technical) sited inside the equipment room of the ATCT.
VCSS 150.The VCCS shall support at least:
• 15 instant access lines.
• 40 direct access lines.
• 20 indirect access lines.
• 40 PSTN lines.
• 15 CB lines.
• 25 LB lines.
• 30 radio channels.
VCSS 151. Recording replay system shall be installed based on AirNav requirements. A noise free room is
suggested. ATC Radio System. VHF/UHF G/A Communication System

The Main and Contingency VHF Radio System to be procured for Dhoho Airport ATC Tower shall provide a
complete VHF solution for the Air-to-Ground (AG) radio communications.
The VHF Radio System shall have equipment redundancy in order to preserve the AG communications and shall
be based on separate "main" and "contingency" transmitters and receivers installed in different places. The best
practice is to install the equipment in a Transmitter and Receiver Site.
The System shall be integrated with the VCCS System, which shall provide ATC control and access to all the
main and contingency radios.
The Radio System shall incorporate also a technical supervisor in order to control and configure the radio
This section describes technical, operational and functional specifications to be met by VHF and UHF (Radios)
systems to be supplied.
This system will be formed by the following:
• VHF transmitters and receivers.
• VHF backup radio transceivers.
• UHF transceivers.
• UHF backup radio transceivers.
• UHF hand held transceivers.
• TX and RX Site infrastructure
• Independent Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) with batteries in each rack for sustainable DC power
• VHF Antennas (including all necessary poles and brackets)
• RF Filters
• Technical Supervisor

• Microphone/Handsets
• RCMS (Remote Control and Monitoring System).
Requirements and specification will be shown using a four letter code (Tx/Rx) and a number.
Radio systems must fulfil requirements set in next section in order to enable G/A communication service. Radio
design will be based on the state-of-art technology and shall meet currently rules, standards and requirements
specifications within the air navigation system and also the future ones by slight system modifications. STANDARS AND REGULATIONS

Following standards and regulations apply.
1. ICAO Annex 10 “Aeronautical Telecommunications, Volume III Part II – Chapter 2”.
2. ICAO Annex 11 “Air Traffic Services”.
3. ICAO Doc 9804 Manual on Air Traffic Services (ATS) Ground-Ground Voice Switching
and Signalling
4. ED-109 Guidelines for communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management
(CSN/ATM) systems software integrity assurance
o ED-136 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System
Operational and Technical Requirements
o ED-137 Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components. Part 1: Radio, Part 2
Telephone, Part 3: Recording, Part 4: Supervision
o ED-138 Network Requirements and Performances for Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems
6. ETSI EN 300 676: “Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters; ground based
VHF hand-held, mobile and fixed radio transmitters, receivers and transceivers for the VHF
aeronautical mobile service using amplitude modulation”.
7. ETSI EN 300 001 General technical requirements for equipment connected to an
analogue subscriber interface in the PSTN
8. EN 301 489 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio Spectrum
9. ETSI EN 302-617: “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
ground-based UHF radio transmitters, receivers and transceivers for the UHF aeronautical
mobile service using amplitude modulation”.
10. ANSI T1.409-2002 Network-to-Customer Installation Interfaces – Analog Voice grade
Special Access Lines Using E&M Signalling”.
11. EUROCONTROL Guidelines for the Implementation of the Automatic ATS Voice
Communication Network RADIO EQUIPMENT
Radio equipment includes all the elements to ensure G/A communications transmission and reception and radio
system control and monitoring.
It must be noted that radio system to be supplied shall include all the necessary elements, modules, services and
works to ensure APP and TWR G/A communications. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

This section includes technical requirements to be fulfilled by VHF and UHF radio communication system with
regard to performance specifications, architecture, components and installation. General Requirements

Tx / Rx 1. System architecture shall assure, at least, 0,995 G/A communication continuity level.
Tx / Rx 2. System architecture shall assure, at least, 0,99998 G/A communication availability level.
Tx / Rx 3. System and components design shall be done using state-of-art technologies.
Tx / Rx 4. The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / installer shall guarantee that parts, modules and
components supplied won’t have any known fault or functional defect.
Tx / Rx 5. Maximum reliability, minimum maintainability, energy efficiency and functional and operational
continuity and availability shall be guaranteed.

Tx / Rx 6. Environmental test conditions with regards to hardware, software or firmware will be as similar
as possible, or more restrictive, to the operational ones.
Tx / Rx 7. Operational and functional conditions, availability, continuity, reliability and maintainability will
remain in the same notwithstanding the temperature, humidity and radio environment conditions
in which it will be installed. Equipment and systems modifications with regards to the
environmental conditions shall be performed the contractor / manufacturer / supplier / installer
without any cost to AirNav. System design

Tx / Rx 8. System architecture of VHF transmitters and receivers shall be based on 1 + 1 configuration,
which means one transmitter / receiver as main equipment and one transmitter / receiver backup
per each frequency.

Figure 32: VHF System Architecture (Transmitters and Receivers)

Tx / Rx 9. System architecture of UHF transceivers shall be based on 1 + 1 configuration which means one
transceiver as main equipment and one transceiver as backup per each frequency. Figure shows
this configuration design.

Figure 33: UHF Transceivers block diagram

Tx / Rx 10. System architecture of backup radio VHF and UHF transceiver shall be based on stand-alone
configuration. These radios shall be multichannel and will allow frequency selection by the
operator. Figure shows this configuration design.

Figure 34: UHF and VHF back up transceivers block diagram

Tx / Rx 11. Each frequency shall have a filter and a RF circulator.
Tx / Rx 12. System architecture shall include an automatic switching unit / remote control unit for each
frequency to allow remote control and monitoring. This automatic switching unit / remote control
unit will change from main radio to backup radio in case of failure.
Tx / Rx 13. System design shall easily enable equipment updates, functional improvements, new
technological solutions installations or new regulatory adaptations, with minimum changes and
without any detrimental to operational and functional conditions and to availability, continuity,
feasibility and maintainability conditions.

Tx / Rx 14. System design shall be based on LRU, modules or parts allowing easy access, assemble and
Tx / Rx 15. Each hardware and software module shall be easily identified in documents or manual by their
P/N, S/N or identification number.
Tx / Rx 16. System architecture shall enable an easy access to parts, LRU or modules in order to assembly
or dismantling components without any functional and operational impact and to enable easy
Tx / Rx 17. The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / installer will suggest systems installation and
configuration guidelines in case of limitations in locations rooms. Radio equipment

Radio equipment shall fulfill following requirements.
Tx / Rx 18. Radio equipment shall meet standards and regulations included in section
Tx / Rx 19. Radio equipment shall be designed according to the state-of art technology, including “Build-in-
test” technology and remote control and monitoring.
Tx / Rx 20. Radio equipment shall have Ethernet interface to enable VoIP communications.
Tx / Rx 21. Radio equipment shall have analogue voice communication capacity as well.
Tx / Rx 22. Radio equipment interface used for remote control and monitoring should be based on SNMP.
Tx / Rx 23. Radio equipment switching unit shall automatically change between main or backup in case of
Tx / Rx 24. Radio equipment switching unit shall enable main or backup selection both locally and remotely.
Tx / Rx 25. Radio equipment switching unit shall enable main radio or backup radio selection manually.
Tx / Rx 26. Radio equipment switching unit shall display equipment status (on/standby/off) both locally and
remotely using RCMS.
Tx / Rx 27. Backup radio shall have a small UPS to support its operation in case of airport’s general power
supply failure. UPS duration may be, at least, 1 hour.
Tx / Rx 28. Frequency filters: Frequency band shall be the same as the one used for G/A communication,
both VHF and UHF.
Tx / Rx 29. Frequency filters: Return and insertion loss values shall be the ones used for air traffic control
Tx / Rx 30. RF circulators: Frequency band shall be the same as the one used for G/A communication, both
VHF and UHF.
Tx / Rx 31. RF circulators: Return and insertion loss, isolation and input power values shall be the ones used
for air traffic control applications. Antennas
Tx / Rx 32. The contractor will provide the antenna type and its intended location suggesting technological
solutions to ensure G/A communications and minimizing or deleting interferences according to
AirNav’s requirements. Antenna specifications shall be suggested by the contractor to allow
operational and functional requirements.
Tx / Rx 33. The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / installer will supply the antenna type and final location
taking into account interferences and coverage assessments and providing technological
solutions to ensure operational and functional G/A communications requirements minimizing or
eliminating interferences.
Tx / Rx 34. Antennas to be used shall be dipole type. Nevertheless, requirement above shall be considered.
Tx / Rx 35. Frequency band shall be the same as the one used for G/A communication, both VHF and UHF.
Tx / Rx 36. Gain, impedance and VSWR values shall be the ones used for air traffic control applications.
Tx / Rx 37. Branches and all the ancillary material to install antennas shall be supplied. Environmental /
meteorological operating conditions shall be taken into account in order to avoid corrosion and

2021 NOVEMBER | Atkins | DHOHO AIRPORT VOLUME 6B - ATCT CD V2_R0.docx Report ATKINS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 72 of 112 Functional requirements
This section includes functional requirements to be fulfilled by VHF and UHF radio communication system.
Tx / Rx 38. G/A communication will use the aeronautical band. Suggest Dhoho Airport frequencies are
shown in the following table. Nevertheless, the contractor/supplier/installer shall confirm these
with AirNav during installation, tests and commissioning works.


Approach(fut) 124.3 MHz* X X X X
Tower 118.6 MHz* X X X X
Ground 121.9 MHz* X X X X
ATIS 126.3 MHz* X X X X
Emerg,/Fire 121.5MHz* X X X X
SAR 123.1MHz* X X X X
EOC 121.6 MHz* X X X X
*Proposed frequencies are subject to be change by AirNav

Tx / Rx 39. Radio equipment switching unit shall display equipment status (on/standby/off) both locally and
remotely using RCMS. Operational requirements

This section includes operational requirements to be fulfilled by VHF and UHF radio communication system.
Tx / Rx 40. Audio signal from transmitter and receivers shall be integrated in the voice communication
Tx / Rx 41. Audio signal from backup radio transceivers will be provided to the CWP using a display or
equipment. No integration is needed in voice communication system.
Tx / Rx 42. Backup radio display or equipment for VHF transceivers will be installed in GND and TWR-
Aerodrome position of the Visual Control Room and in main position of the APP room.
Tx / Rx 43. Backup radio display or equipment for UHF transceivers will be installed in TWR-Aerodrome
position of the Visual Control Room.
Tx / Rx 44. Three (3) UHF hand held transceivers will be supplied. Remote Control and Monitoring System (RCMS)

This section includes requirements to be fulfilled by the VHF and UHF radio RCMS.
Tx / Rx 45. RCMS will enable radio remote management, remote configuration, remote control and remote
Tx / Rx 46. RCMS will be connected to transmitter, receivers and transceivers (no hand held).
Tx / Rx 47. RCMS shall provide warning and alerts.
Tx / Rx 48. RCMS shall have client-server architecture using SNMP communication.
Tx / Rx 49. RCMS: Radio system extension shall be able to be integrated in RCMS.
Tx / Rx 50. RCMS: Client failure won’t affect the rest of clients.
Tx / Rx 51. RCMS: RCMS failure won’t block local control and monitoring.
Tx / Rx 52. RCMS: RCMS shall enable setting users access levels depending on the roles assigned to each
Tx / Rx 53. User roles will be defined by AirNav - Doho Airport. Equipment Supply and Location

This section includes the number of equipment to be supplied and its location.
Tx / Rx 54. Minimum equipment to be supplied:

• VHF transmitters: Twelve (12). 6 main, 6 backup.
• VHF receivers: Twelve (12). 6 main, 6 backup.
• UHF transceivers: Four (4). 2 main, 2 backup.
• VHF transceivers: Three (3). Backup radio.
• UHF transceivers: One (1). Backup radio.
• UHF transceivers: Three (3). Hand-held radio.
• VHF Antennas: Eleven (11). (6 Tx, 2 Rx, 3 TRx).
• UHF Antennas: Three (3). (2 TRx (main+backup), 1 TRx backup).
• RF Circulators: Eight (8). (6 VHF Tx, 2 UHF Tx).
• Switching units: Minimum Eleven (11). (6 VHF Tx, 2 VHF Rx, 2 UHF Tx, 1 UHF Rx); or,
at least, those needed to guarantee operational and functional G/A communications
• VHF Filters: Fifteen (15). (6 Tx, 6 Rx, 3 TRx).
• UHF Filters: Five (5). (2 Tx, 2 Rx, 1 TRx).
• Antenna Splitter: Three minimum (3). (2 Rx VHF, 1 Rx UHF); or, at least, those needed
to guarantee operational and functional G/A communications requirements.
• UPS: One (1). Backup radio UPS.
Tx / Rx 55. The number of radio equipment shall be reviewed by the contractor/supplier/installer to
guarantee the operational scenario required by AirNav.
Tx / Rx 56. Backup radio display or equipment for VHF transceivers will be installed in GND and TWR-
Aerodrome position of the Visual Control Room and in main position of the APP room.
Tx / Rx 57. Backup radio display or equipment for UHF transceivers will be installed in TWR position of the
Visual Control Room.
Tx / Rx 58. Three (3) UHF hand held transceivers will be supplied.
Tx / Rx 59. Transmitters and transceivers will be installed in the in the equipment room located in the ATCT
complex first floor. Optimum cable cross section must be used to minimise RF loss.
Tx / Rx 60. Receivers will be installed in ATCT roof.
Tx / Rx 61. RCMS shall be installed in the monitoring room of the equipment room.
Tx / Rx 62. 5 racks is the estimated number in this preliminary design to install transmitters and transceivers.
The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / installer shall provide a suggestion taking into account
available space, RF loss requirements and easy access for maintenance staff task.
Tx / Rx 63. 5 racks is the estimated number in this preliminary design to install receivers. The contractor /
manufacturer / supplier / installer shall provide a suggestion taking into account available space,
RF loss requirements and easy access for maintenance staff task.
Tx / Rx 64. Equipment and interconnections between modules, units and component won’t produce any
electronic interference to other equipment.
Tx / Rx 65. Antennas: The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / installer will supply the antenna type and
final location, taking into account interferences and coverage assessments and providing
technological solutions to ensure operational and functional G/A communications requirements
minimizing or eliminating interferences.
Tx / Rx 66. Antennas: Transmitters and transceivers antennas will be installed in the control tower antenna
array floor.
Tx / Rx 67. Antennas: Receivers antenna shall be installed in the antennas towers located close to the
receiver shelter. 2 antenna towers shall be supply. Branches and all the ancillary material to
install this antenna shall be supplied. Environmental / meteorological operating conditions shall
be taken into account in order to avoid corrosion and degradation.
Tx / Rx 68. Antenna towers shall be tall enough to allow G/A communication without any interference.
Tx / Rx 69. Antenna towers vertical axis shall be separated, at least, 10 m.
Tx / Rx 70. Antenna towers shall have a minimum distance of 1,5 m between antennas.

As an option to be eventually considered by AirNav, this section describes the specifications to be met by a wide
area multilateration (WAM) system, if installed.
WAM system participates in aircraft surveillance service providing information that is combined with additional
information coming from different sensors, such as radar, or technologies, such as ADS-B. Surveillance
information is shown in air traffic controller’s screens after targets processing.
This system will be formed by the following items to be supplied:
• CPS (Central Processing System).
• Microwave radio links.
• LAN switches.
• Management servers.
• Target processor servers.
• KVM switch.
• Microwave antenna links.
Requirements and specifications will be shown using a three letter code (WAM) and a number. This way,
information is provided to those companies interested in this tender.
WAM system must fulfil the requirements set in next section in order to enable surveillance service. The WAM
system design will be based on state-of-art technology and shall meet current rules, standards and requirements
specifications within the air navigation system and also the future ones by slight system modifications.
WAM system gets automatically surveillance information coming from several sensors around the airfield and
after target processing and information management it delivers data to the ATC system.
It must be noted that WAM system to be supplied shall include all the necessary elements, modules, services
and works to ensure APP and TWR surveillance service provision. STANDARS AND REGULATIONS

1. ICAO Annex 10 “Aeronautical Telecommunications”, volume IV.
2. EUROCAE ED-142 - Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Systems.
3. EUROCONTROL SUR.ET1.ST05.2000-STD-02a-01 “Eurocontrol Standard Document for
Surveillance Data Exchange Category 001” Transmission of monoradar data target reports.
4. EUROCONTROL SUR.ET1.ST05.2000-STD-02b-01 “Eurocontrol Standard Document for
Surveillance Data Exchange Category 002” Transmission of monoradar service messages.
5. EUROCONTROL SUR.ET1.ST05.2000-STD-18-02 “Eurocontrol Standard Document for
Surveillance Data Exchange Category 019” Multilateration System Status Messages.
6. EUROCONTROL-SPEC-0149-14 “Eurocontrol Specification for Surveillance Data
Exchange Category 20” Coding Rules for “Reserved Expansion Field”.
7. EUROCONTROL-SPEC-0149-12-A. “Eurocontrol Specification for Surveillance Data
Exchange Category 21” Coding Rules for “Reserved Expansion Field”.
8. EUROCONTROL SUR.ET1.ST05.2000-STD-16-01 “Eurocontrol Standard Document for
Surveillance Data Exchange Category 023” CNS/ATM Ground Station and Service Status
This section includes technical requirements to be fulfilled by WAM system with regards to performance
specifications, architecture and components.
WAM 1. WAM system to be supplied shall have the same, or better, functionalities and capacities than
the existing one. Interoperability between both shall be guarantee.
WAM 2. The WAM system shall be composed by transmitting and receiving antennas, central processing
system (CPS: management servers and target processor) and system switches.
WAM 3. The WAM system shall fulfil the standards and regulations set in section
WAM 4. 6 microwave link antennas shall be supplied for surveillance information acquisition.


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