TT Minh Thư Ielts Academic Writing Test

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IELTS Xuan Phi


Your full name: Trần Thị Minh Thư

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a
European country between 1979 and 2004.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

(Write at least 150 words)


The given graph illustrates the comparison of 4 different types of meat consumed,
namely chicken, beef, lamb, and fish in a European country from 1979 to 2004
It is patently obvious that after a 25-year period while the amount of beef, lamb, and
fish consumed by people in a European country witnessed a decline, there was an
upward trend which could be seen in the figure for chicken. In addition, fish was the
IELTS Xuan Phi

least favoured during the time frame.

Despite beef’s popularity commencing the highest among all kinds of food,
approximately over 200grams per person per week, this number plummeted by
more than a half at the end of the period with only over weekly 100grams per
person. A similar trend can be discovered by looking at the figure for lamb, while
the quantities started at exactly 150grams and dropped by a third (50 grams) at the
The striking feature was for chicken with a dramatic increase throughout the period.
Chicken’s starting point was average at 140 grams and moderately fluctuated before
finishing at almost 248, which far outweighed the rest. Even though the figure for
fish experienced the all-time lowest, its trend was quite stable through the given
period and the number shifted between over 60 and roughly 40 grams.


Your full name: Trần Thị Minh Thư

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Spoken communication is more powerful than written communication. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
(Write at least 250 words)


Undoubtedly, communication among individuals plays a vital role in every part of

our society. However, there is an ongoing debate that oral communication is
superior to the use of text. I completely advocate that communicating orally not
only helps to convey the information more effectively but also alleviates
misunderstanding when exchanging information and, in this essay, I will support
IELTS Xuan Phi

my stand with valid arguments.

Firstly, speech has more superiority over written words because it easily allows the
listener to recognize the ideas easily because of the tone of the speaker, facial
expressions, and body language. Those non-verbal components actually become a
powerful instrument, allowing the speakers to impress and charm their audience to
listen. For example, entrepreneurs who make inspiring and motivating speeches,
must train hard to have an encouraging tone of voice as well as appropriate gestures
for successful public speaking. Therefore, it becomes apparent that spoken words
are more powerful in conveying the information as it is accompanied by the
speaker's tonality. 

Secondly, written communication may often be misinterpreted by the reader. In

other words, the reader reads the information and concludes on the basis of self-
judgment and emotions even though the author’s documents keep a neutral point of
view. Take business email as an example, a study published recently states that
nearly half of the employees working in an office have interpreted an email based
on their state of mind, regardless of the fact. This shows that written information
may lead to further confusion because it totally depends on how a person evaluates
and concludes the information.

On the whole, it is more powerful to express ourselves by speaking because we can

communicate our tones or our gestures, and there seems to be no misreading when
communicating orally.

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