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                                         REVIEW OF LITERATURE


most important features of this study are summarized in this section.
It contains a review of study topics based on a search of books, working papers,
articles, journals, and the internet on how these characteristics affect the
teaching and learning in higher education, and how student learning can be
fostered by improving students' information-related strategies.

  According to Zhu (2012) The use of social media and mobile devices
presents both advantages as well as challenges, mostly its benefits seen in
terms of accessing course contents, video clip, transfer of the instructional
notes etc. Overall students feel that social media and mobile devices are the
cheap and convenient tools of obtaining relevant information. Studies in
western countries have confronted that online social media use for
collaborative learning has a significant contribution to students’ academic
performance and satisfaction.,

Media. It refers to a computer-based technology that facilitates the
sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks and
communities. Social media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic
communication of content, such as personal information, documents, videos,
and photos. Social Media are web-based online tools that enable people to
discover and learn new information, share ideas, interact with new people and
organizations. It has changed the way people live their life today, it has made
communication much easier. It allows the exchange of user-generated content
like data, pictures, and videos. Social media platforms may come in different
forms such as blogs, business forums, podcasts, micro-blogs, photo sharing,
product/service review, weblogs etc. Social media has exploded as a category
of online discourse where people create content, share it, bookmark it and
network at a prodigious rate. Because of its ease of use, speed and reach, social
media is fast changing the public discourse in society and setting trends and
agenda in topics that range from the environment and politics to technology
and the entertainment industry.        

to Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia (2021). ‘’Learning using the
Internet has become a vital factor for academic success in higher education.
Students increasingly rely on the Internet as their main information source.
However, related research is still an emerging and highly fragmented field.
Therefore, this study aims to provide a comprehensive and integrative review
of research literature on student learning via using the Internet. The review
encompasses research on students’ strategies for searching, evaluating, and
selecting online information, the use of this information for domain-specific
learning, and the influence of the characteristics of both online information
sources and learners on searching, evaluating, and selecting online
information. Moreover, research on how this information-related behavior
develops and affects learning outcomes is considered.”

learning. A form of education in which the main elements include
physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of
various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student
communication. This form of distance education in which a course or program
is intentionally designed in advance to be delivered fully online. Faculty use
pedagogical strategies for instruction, student engagement, and assessment that
are specific to learning in a virtual environment. Online learning is education
that takes place over the Internet. it is often referred to as “e- learning” among
other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning.”
Some students may find distance learning difficult, it gives them the chance to
develop time management skills. These essential skills will help maintain a
work-life balance and offer students an opportunity to complete projects before
deadlines. Online education normally provides a chance to study at our own
speed as there is no rush and one can learn from merely anyplace as long as
they have an available internet device.


to  Kuh, (2007).  Students’ engagement in social media and its
types represent their physical and mental involvement and time spent to boost
educational excellence, time spent on interaction with peers, teachers for
collaborative learning.
     Students.A person who is a learner  enrolled in an educational institution. A
student is pursuing an online course is an excellent option in education, it is an
excellent method of learning that can help develop particularly when traditional
learning situations have many obstacles, such as commuting or distance.
However, as everything has two sides, online education also has some
fundamental drawbacks that can be inconvenient. Online education enables us
to learn from various mentors and teachers in different areas, increasing our
knowledge and perspective. It reduces nervousness among students, as many
are able to communicate more through online education than regular classes.
One can learn from merely anyplace as long as they have an available internet


According to Joan (2020) explained that the educational process, social media
was accountable for sharing notes from one learner to another, teacher to
student, subject expert to the teacher, authorized committee to school, etc.
Sharing notes through social media saves time in the class and also reduces the
printing cost of material. One of the most important advantage is the online
sharing of knowledge and information among the different group of people.
This online sharing of information also promotes the increase in the
communication skills among the people especially among learner/students of
educational institutions. The similarities of this study to the current one is it
focused sharing notes. The difference is that this study more focused on
reduces the printing cost material.

According to the Digital (2021) report on the Philippines, we have about 89

million social media users, or about 80.7% of our population of 110.3 million.
Filipinos spend on average of 11 hours a day online, and a little over 4 hours a
day on social media, which isn’t really a shock considering our shift to a
mostly online way of life in the past year due to the pandemic. Education on
the Philippines has also become reliant on the internet during the pandemic.
With the uncertainty of returning to face-to-face classes, distance or online
learning remains the norm. However, digital learning platforms are not the
most reliable or effective channels for learners and educators alike given the
many challenges of accessibility and affordability when it comes to learning in
the country. The comparison of this study to the current one is it focused on
how long they used social media in a day. While in contrast the study more
focused on attending in class.

According to Dutta A. (2020) the use of social media tools enhanced efficiency
and interactivity among teachers and learners,as student who were not
technologically understand previously have been able to use social media tools
to improve their learning experiences. Students described social media tools as
a miracle they found to use as an alternative learning approach while the world
was waiting on a miracle to remove the corona virus menace. The use of social
media tools in learning was a silver lining on the pandemic cloud as it allowed
students to enjoy a fun and educative experience in learning, promoted
interactions between teachers and students, and as well enhanced the ability to
learn, share, access, and create and gain useful information in various academic
subject. The comparison of this study it is focused to the social media tools,
while the contrast of the study is more focused on interactions between teachers
and students.

Nobles (2011), focus what today’s learner needs in order to be a self directed
and able to access relevant, current information using technology that allows
global access to resources. On the other hand, using social media in the
education as a platform encourages the student to be actively engaged in
learning. The comparison of this study it is focused in learners need, while the
contrast of this study more focused on using social media in the education.

According to Hatshorn, (2010) social media is the platform that gives

individuals the opportunity to interact, using two way communication;
meaning, that anyone who has online accounts can share their opinions with
other social media users. Using social media in a learning process begin to rise
significantly and likely to imply for education practice and provision especially
in a term of connecting with their students or with their colleagues, to access
news and appear in their walls. The similarities of the study to the current one
is it focused in the users of online accounts that can their opinions. The
difference is that this study more focused on using social media in learning

Selwyn, (2012) discussed the educational implications of social media in terms

of new types of learners, learning, and higher education provision. He argued
that although there are debates on the actual use of social media for learning
and knowledge generation, educators are challenged continually to find ways
on how to effectively utilize social media in higher education settings. The
comparison of the study it is focused in educational implication of social
media, while the contrast of the study is more focused to finding ways to utilize
social media in higher education.

The research study is all about effectiveness of social media platform in the
education among teachers and students, this study aims to find the effectiveness
of social media platform

Box 1. the profile of respondent, teachers and students

Box 2. it is the process of the way gathering information of the research
Box 3. this provide how effectiveness of social media platform
Create a brochure
They will know the
The effectiveness effectiveness of
of social media as Provide the social media
an online platform correct platform in
in education of information, education
AICS students and explain the topic
teachers properly

Research Paradigm on the Study of the
Effectiveness of Social
Platform in Education among Teachers and Students


ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE - it is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subject.

COLLABORATIVE LEARNING - is an umbrella term for a variety of

educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or
teachers and students together.

COMMUNICATION - giving, receiving, or exchanging ideas, information,

signal or messages through appropriate media, enabling individuals or groups
to persuade, to seek information, to give information or to express emotion.

DISTANCE LEARNING - form of education in which the main elements

include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the
use of various technologies to facilitate the student-teachers and student-
teachers communication.

DIGITAL LEARNING PLATFORM - it is a peace of software designed to

heavily assist during the educational process. There are a range of options
available depending on the specific needs of the institutions.

INTERNET - the single worldwide computer network that interconnects other

computer networks, on which end user services, such as World Wide Web sites
or data archives, are located, enabling data and other information to be

HIGHER EDUCATION - it is an education in where subjects are studied in

great detail and at an advanced level.

MOBILE DEVICES - a battery operated, handled electronic personal

communication devices, such as cellular telephones, smart phones and so on.

SOCIAL MEDIA - an internet-based form of communication. Social media

allow users to have conversation, share information, create web content and so

STUDENT LEARNING - it is learn by connecting new knowledge and

concepts that they already know, most effectively in active social classroom
where they negotiate understanding through interactions and varied

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