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under DDUGJY Project, at Pakur

Bill of quantity for Civil work against Left over work of M/s IL&FS executed by M/s SIGPL
under Electric Supply Cicle Sahibagaj.

Name of P/s/S:-Ranikola

SOR item
Rate Total Amount
SI No. No.BCD Description of work Quanity Unit

102.10 2591.30
5.1.1 Earth work excavation in 25.38 M3
Providing designation 75A brick work in M3 4011.07 27977.21
5.2.11 6.98
137.07 822.42
5.7.2 Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster(1:4).. 6.00 M2

Page no 30 .17 10747.80

Glass 6mm thik 21.15 M2

M2 14.43 86.58
5.10.7 Dismantling old plaster

M2 233.78 5891.26
6 5.6.1 Pro. Brick flat soiling 25.2

Flooring tiles 17.64 M2 1119.4 19746.22

8 5.8.45
Providing two coats of synthetic enamel paint of 122.72 M2 53.22 6531.16
|approved shade and make over steel surface.
295.90 M2 59.81 17697.78
5.8.17 Pro. two coats of oil bound distemper..

Providing one coat of snowcem of approved

l d surface including
10 5.8.22
shade 890.73 M2 34.41 30650.02
preparing the plastered surface in all complete as
per building specification and direction E/

Reinforcement for R.C.c. work including

5.5.4&straightening, cutting, bending, placing in

0.04 MT 53433.91 2137.36
11 5.5.5 (B)position and binding all complete.TMT FES00

8mm,10mm & 12mm dia.

M 200 With nominal mix of
Providing R.C.C 0.46 M3 7647.84 3533.30
12 (1:1.5:3) in columns

Pro. PCC M150 in N.M. (1:2:4) 2.30 M3 5913.66 13625.07

13 5.3.2

Pro. Sand filling in Fdn. 1.89 M3 228.47 431.81

5.7.2+5.7.1| Pro. C.P (1:4) with cement punning 45.7 M2 182.24 8332.01
Pro. 12mm thick water proof cement plaster
133.56 M2 154.79 20673.75
16 5.7.14
Pro. 150mm wide drain 47.00 M 536.78 25228.66
17 5.10.34

18.9.3 DSR- 25mm nominal outer dia pipe 15.00 M 191.65 2874.75
18.9.4 DSR- 32mm nominal outer dia pipe 10.00 M 250.55 2505.50
32mm dia weight not less 600gm 1.00 Each 660.01 660).01
20 3.1.7(B) (iv)

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A-O6DUG JuninrEnyeer
e d

tieClrCa Su

21 3.1.7A) (ii)
25mm dia weight not less 375gm 1.00 Each 502. 19 S02.119

2 3.1.13(iv)
(b) Nipple 20mm dia 4.00 Each 36 229.44

23 Bib cock 15mm dia 4.00 Each 301.69 1206.76

24 3.1.11(b) 15 mm C.P brass pillar cock 1.00 Each 245.34 245.34

S/F/F 110mm dia PVC rain pipe 26.00 236.2 6142.50
21/2016-17 M

26 5.7.3 Pro. 12mm thick cement

plaster (1:6) 13.20 M2 125.3 1654.49

27 5.5.22 Lab. For F/F of barbed wire 173.25 M 49.330 8541.23

28 5.8.2 White washing two coat over old surface M2

121.45 9.11 1106.41

29 Page-34,SI
S/F/F polythen water storage tank 1000.00 Lt 5.92 5920.00

Carriage 0.00
A Cement (Lead 3Km) 2.79 MT 127.06 4.50
B Course sand (Lead 5 Km) 23.12 M3 242.08 5596.89
C Stone Chips (Lead 16 Km) 2.47 M3 404.78 999.00
Bricks (Lead 25 Km) 3422.00 PER 1000 1293.91 4427.76
E Local Sand (3 Km) 2.27 M3 203.29 461.06

E a g n p e rCCIIv
Junior vil)

E l e c t i c a l S u f p i yC i r c i e



Page 2 of 2
Material calculation of 33/11 KV PSS Ranikola
1. Boundary Wall

a) Total length of boundary wall 180m

Total length of Snowecem paint area =173.25 (ded.6.75gate)

Painting area= 173.25m x 2 side x 2.05m (up to finish level)
One coat Snowcem paint = 710.33 m2

b)fitting & tinishing of barbed wire = 173.25m

c) Main gate paint 6.75 m x 2m x 2sides =27 m2

(Two coats synthetie paint)

d)Y -angle

no of angle =70 nos

Paint area 70nos x 0.9m x 0.212m=13.36m2(Two coats synthetic paint)

e)Brick work for bottom boundary wall

i) PCC (1:2:4) =0.45 m3

ii) Brick work (1:6) = 2.25 m3

2. Control Room building

A) Painting

a) 2(10m+12m) 4. Im= 180.4m2(One coat Snowcem paint)

b) Control Room Inner Wall Paint oil bound paint

1) le- Room =
3.5m (3m + 3.085m) 2 sides =42.6m2

2)Storeroom= 3.5m(1.77m + 3.085m) 2sides =34m2

3)Toilet=3.5m (2.2m+2.07m)2sides (2. Im (2.2m+2.07m)2sides=1

4)Battery Room=3.5m (2.2m+2.7m)2sides


(1.2m (2.2m+2.7m)2sides=22.55m2

5)Varmadah=7m x3.5m+1.8m x 2sides x 3.5m =37. Im2

3.5m (9.385m +8.5m) 2sides

6)Panel Room

x3.5m +2.5m x2 sides x 3.5m-22.75 m2

7)Passage =1.5 m

of oil bound paint two coat=295.9m2

Total paint area

CSynthetic paint
DDI= 1.5m x 2.Im x Ino=3.15m2
2)D2=1.2m x2/Imx 4no=10.08m2
3)D-2m x 2.4m xlno=4.8m2

MA-OD iCtriul Suoply C


4)W1.8m x 1.5m x 7no I8.9m2
5)W1-1.5mx 1.Sm xIno-2.25m2
6)V-Im x0.Sm 4no -2m2

Total paint area 41 18m2

Two sides-2x41.18m2 82.36m2
D) Whitewash two coat for celling area

m x 3.085m+1.77m x 3,085m+2.2m x2.07m

2.2m x2.7m+7m x1.8m+9.385m x8.Sm+2.5m x1.5-121.45m2

B) Plinth Protection

a) Ex Of soil

42m x 0.3m x 0.6m- 7.56 m3

b) PCC (1:2:4)

0.6 mx 42m x 0.05m-1.26 m3

c) Sand filling

0.6 mx 42m x0.075m-1.89 m3

d Brick Soling

O6m 42m-25.2m2

e Plaster (12mm) 1.5 thick cement punning

0.6em x 42m-25.2m2

f Drain (150mm) width brick drain


O Gazing of window

W-1 8m x 1 Sm x7no-18 9m2

WI-1.5m x1 Sm x Ino- 2.25m2

Total area- 21

1om9 3m x 2 sides om2

Dsnarstling areu -bm2

Repart area fm2 (1 4) plaster

106m 12 fn-133.5tm2

E l e c t r ' c a l S u p p l yC i r c e

F) Parapet wall inner plaster (1:6)

0.3mx (12m 1Om) 2sides


Area-0 m x 0 bm 49nos= 17.64m2

HSoak pit & Septic tank

R-1.375m. H= 3m

a) Ex 0fsoil 17.82m3

b) Brick work -4.725m3

c) PCC (1:2:4) -0.594 m3

d) RCC 1:1.5:3) =0.462 m3

e) Plaster area in septic tank ( 1:4)+ 1.5 thick cement punning =20.52 m2

f Steel wt.(8mm)=1 9nos x 27 mx 2sides a 0.39-40,01 kg or 0.04MTT

1 Total onc coat of Snowcem paint area= 710.33
Total oil bound paint Two coat- 295.9m2

Total two coat synthetic enamel paint =122.72 m2

4 Total PCC 1:2:4) =2.304 m3
56 Total Plaster 1:6) 12mm=13.2m2
Total plaster ( 1:4) 12 mm+ 1.5 thick cement punning =25.20m2 +20.52m2-45.72m2

plaster ( 1:4) 12 -6m2

78. Total mm
Roof treatment area plaster 12 mm (1:3) = 133.56m2

9 Ex of soil-25.38m3
10. Glass area bmm -21.15m2
11. Total brick work (1:6) = 6.975 m3

12. Total flat soling 7Smm 25.2m2

13. Total RCC (1:1.5:3) = 0,462m3

14 Total stel -0.04 MT

15. Sand filling in foundation 1.89m3
16. White washing two coat 121.45m2

JuniorEngineer.Civli Cifcie
JG Suoply
a l


BiB of quantity for Civil work against Left over work of M/s IL&FS executed by M/s Jackson under DDUGJY,at
Sahibganj under Electric Supply Cicle Sahibagaj.

Name of P/s/S:-Mahadevganj

SOR itemn Total

No. No.BCD Description of work Quanity Unit Quanity Amount

Providing two coats of synthetic enamel paint
of approved shade and make over steel surface| 122.72 M2 53.22 6531.16

295.90 M2 75.61 22373.00

S.8 18 Pro Two coats of oil bound distemper

Providing one coat of snowcem of approved

shade old surface including 30650.02

5.8.22 890.773 M2 34.41
preparingthe plastered surface in all complete
as per building specification and direction E/

Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including

554&55s straghtening cutting. bending. placing in
0.08 MT 53433.91 4103.72
(B) position and binding all complete.TMT FES00
8mm 10mm& 12mm dia.

Providing R.C.CM 200With nominal mix of

53 14 0.90 M3 7647.84 6860.11
(1 1.5.3) in columns

53.5 Pro PCC M150 N.M. (1:2:4) 0.39 M3 5913.66 2306.33

S110 Pro Sand filling in Fdn. 0.59 M3 228.47 133.65

S.6.1 Pro. Brick flat soiling 7.80 M2 233.78 1823.48

5.72-5.7.11 Pro. C.P (1 4) with cerment punnirng 7.80 M2 182.24 1421.47

10 S 10.3 Pro. 150mm wide drain 35.00 M 536.78 18787.30

18 9.3 DSR 25mm nominal outer dia pipe 15.00 M 191.6 2874.75

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s o u r Sahibyan

18.9.4 DSR- M 250.55 2505.50
32mm nominal outer dia pipe 10.00

32mm dia weight not less 600gm 1.00 Each 660.01 660.01
13 3.1.7(B) (iv)

1.00 Each 502.19 502.1

14 3.1.7(A) (ii) 25mm dia weight not less 375gm

4.00 Each 57.36 229.44

15 3.1.13(iv) (b) Nipple 20mm dia

Each 301.69 1206.76

16 Bib cock 15mm dia 4.00

1.00 Each 245.34 245.34

17 3.1.11(b) 15 mm C.P brass pillar cock

(S/E) S/F/F 110mm dia PVC rain pipe 26.00 M 236.25 6142.50

White washing two coat over old surface 121.45 MZ 9.11 1106.4
19 5.8.2

Page=34,SI S/F/F polythen water storage tank 1000.00 Lt 6.37 6370.00

21 5.1.1 Earth work excavation.. 2.34 M3 102.1.10 238.91

22 5.5.22 Lab. For F/F of barbed wire 173.25 M 49.30 8541.23

Carriage 0.00
A Cement (Lead 3Km) 0.63 MT 127.06 79.54
0.67 M3 821.5 552.92
Course sand (Lead 52 Km)
Stone Chips (Lead 10 Km) 1.12 M3 323.86 363.37
D Bricks (Lead 10 Km) 254.00 PER 1000 809.69 205.66
0.70 M3 203.29 142.71
LocalSand (3 Km)
Total 126957.49

E l e c t r c a r s u p p l yC i r c l e


Sahibyan AECIVIL)



Page 1 of 2
Material calculation of 33/11 KV PSS Mahadevgani
Boundary Wall
b) Total length of boundary wall-180m

Total length of Snoweem paint area =173.25 (ded.6.75gate)

Painting area - 173.25m2 side n 2.05m (up to finish level)

One coat Snoweem paint = 710.33 m2

b)fitting & tinishing of barbed wire = 173.25m

c) Main gate paint 6.75 m x 2m a 2sides -27 m2

(Two coats synthetic paint)


no of angle =70 nos

paint area 70nos x 0.9m ^ 0.212m=13.36m2(Two coats synthetie paint)

2. Control Room building

A) Painting

a) Outer wall 2 10m-12m) 4. Im= 180.Am2(One coat Snovwcem paint)

b) Control Room Inner Wall Paint oil bound paint

)le- Room =3.5m (3m +3.085m) 2 sides =42.6óm2

2)Storeroom= 3.Sm( 1.77m +3.085m) 2sides =34m2

3)Toilet-3.5m (2.2m+2.07m)2sides (2. Im (2.2m+2.07m)2sides-11.67m2

4)Battery Room-3.5m (2.2m+2.7m)2sides -(1.2m (2.2m+2.7m)2sides-22.55m2

5)Varmadah-7m x3.5m+ 1.8m x 2sides x 3.5m-37.Im2

6)Panel Room = 3.5m (9.385m +8.5m) 2sides = 125.2m2

7)Passage =1.5 m x3.5m +2.5m x2 sides x 3.5m-22.75 m2

Total paint area of oil bound paint two coat-295,9m2

CSynthetic paint two coa

DDI= I.5m x 2.Im x ino=3. I 5m2

2,D2-1.2m x2/Imx 4no-10.08m2

3D-2m x 2.4m xlno=4.8m2
4)W 1.8m x 1.5m x 7no- 18.9m2
5)WI=1.5m x I.5m xlno-2.25m2
6)V-Im x 0.5m x 4no-2m2
Total paint area 41. 18m2
Two sides 2 x 41.18m2 82.36m2

o D u S

Jnecr V


D)Whitewash for celling
area two coat
m 3.08 Sm+1.77m 3.085m+2.2m x2.07m+2.2m
x2.7m+7m x1.8m+9.385m x8.5m+2.5m

B)Plinth Protection

0.6 ma l 3m x 0.05m 0.39 n3

b) Sand filling

0.6mx13m x 0.075m-0.585 m3

0.6m 13m7.8 m2

d) Plaster (12mm) 1.5 thick cement punning

0.6m x 13m-7.8m2

e) Earth ex Work =13m x 0.3m x 0.6m-2.34m3

D Drain (1SOmm) width brick drain


3 Precast RCC slab for cable trench

Req. nos of slah- 48nos

a) RCC-0.Sm x 0.Sm x 0.075m-0.0187m3

Total RCC 48nos x 0.0187m3-0.897 m3
b)Steel - 9 x0.45 a 0.39- 1.579kg

Nos of slab 48nos, total wt.48nos x 1.579kg 75.816kg or 0.76MT

1 Total one coat of Snowcem paint area 710.33m2+ 180.4m2-890.73m2

2 Total oil bound paint two coat 295.90m2
Total synthetic enamel paint twocoat 122.72 m2
4 Total PCC (1:2:4)-0.39m3
Total RCC11.5:3) = 0.897 m3

Total steel -0.076 MT

Total plaster (1:4) 12 mmwith cement punning- 7.8m2
Ex of soil-2.34m3
Total flat soling 75mm 7.8m2
I0. Sand filling -0.585m3
11. Whitewash twocoat 121.45m2


E l e c t : ' c a lS u


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