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Week 1 Task: Snapshot Autobiography


1. Introduction: Provide an interesting Introduction. How you would introduce yourself

to a stranger is essentially how you’ll write this introduction in a unforgettable way.

2. Name and Birth Date – Include the month, day, and year you were born, as well as the
location. If known; also include how you got your name/who named you. If known; you
may also include any interesting information regarding your birth. Example: My name is
Sharon Curuta. I was born March 8, 2005, at the Ospital ng Muntinlupa, Philippines. My mother named me after Sharon Cuneta, the
“Mega Star”.

3. Parents/Guardians – Their names/ any important or interesting information about them

This may include where they work, interesting things they have done in their lives, their interests, etc. (Example:
I live with my mother, Kate Curuta. She is a personnel manager at Kenny Rogers. My dad, Phisil Curuta, an engineer, in Manila,

4. Brothers/Sisters – Include their names, ages, interests, memorable experiences you have shared with them,
and some information about the relationship you have with them (for instance, do you get along well?) --
(Example: My twelve-year-old brother, Joe, and I do not get along. He always tries to get me in trouble. One time he ate an entire
pan of cake that my mom baked for my neighbor. Then he took the dirty plate he used and placed it in my room. My mom caught
him, though. He knew I had been at choir practice since school got out and Joe was the only one who could have possibly eaten the

5. Extended Family – (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles) Include, names, ages, and relationships to you.
(Example: The newest member of my family is my cousin. Her name is Kikay and she is three months old…)

6. Pets – Include what kind of animal they are, their age (if known), their name (along with who named and them
and why they gave them their particular name) when you got them, and some experiences you have had with them.
(Example: I’ve had my pet cat, Menggay, since I was 12. My dad named him after my mom’s nickname. We love her, but my brother is
afraid of Menggay…)

7. Hobbies/Interests/Talents – Virtually anything such as playing video games, collecting comic books, riding
horses, performing magic tricks etc. (Example: One of my favorite things to do is paint…)
8. Favorites – Discuss your favorite music, movies, T.V. shows, sports, holidays, foods, etc. Explain why your
favorites are your favorites. (Example: My favorite T.V. show is Eat Bulaga. I think it is funny. I watch it with my family, and
we are always laughing about how Vic and Joey always manage to look foolish in front of Tito, their friend. No matter how hard they
try, they always mess things up…)

9. Clubs/Activities – Describe any organizations, in or out of school, to which you have belonged such as
volleyball, Student Council, Church (Example: I have been in Choir for six years.

10. Friends – Tell about your best friends.

How you met, how long you’ve known each other, what you like to do together, why you are such good
friends, etc. (Example: I met my best friend, Kiko, when we were just third graders. We both had Ms. MinChin. She made us
partners one day. We found out we lived by each other and started hanging out that day. Ever since, we’ve been inseparable…

11. History of where you have lived – Use the Internet to research the history of the places you have lived.
Mention a few interesting things that have happened. (Example: I live in Imus, not far from where the Emilio
Aguinaldo’s house once stood many years ago.)

12. Travel – Describe any interesting places you have lived or visited. If you have never been anywhere, you may
discuss where you would like to go (Example: Although I’ve never left Imus, I really want to go to New Zealand to see the Green
Mountains. I’ve been interested in them ever since…)

13. Life changing or unforgettable experiences – this could be virtually any experience that has changed the way
you look at the world (Example: My life changed forever on May 10, 2020, when pandemic came...)

14. Achievements/Awards – Anything you have done that is special. This may include, but is not limited to,
awards you have received. (Example: when I was seven, I vividly remember being very proud of myself for finally learning to swim.
I remember going to a beach with my best friend’s family. We rowed in a small boat to the middle of the sea and his dad threw me

15. School Experiences – Describe the best, worst, or most memorable school experiences (Example: One of my
favorite memories of school is that every other Friday in fourth grade, we played piko..

16. Role Models – Describe who you look up to and why you look up to them (Example: My role model is my grandma.
She is very wise. She seems to know about everything. She is also the kindest person I know. This one time she….)

17. Goals – Please list both short-term (Example: This year, I want to be the starting how to cook.) and long-term goals
(Example: I really want to go to Harvard University.

Score: /20
Category 4 3 2 1
Introduction The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
interesting, states states the main states the main introduction of the
main topic and topic and previews topic, but does not main topic or
previews the the structure of the adequately preview structure of the
structure of the paper, but is not the structure of the paper.
paper. particularly inviting paper nor is
to the reader. particularly
to the reader.
Content Details are placed in Details are placed Some details are Many details are not
logical order and the in logical order, but not in a logical or in a logical or
way they are the presentation expected order, and expected order.
presented effectively style sometimes this distracts the There is little sense
keeps the reader. makes the writing reader. Included that the writing is
Included information less interesting. information on all organized.
on all 17 elements Included 17 required elements.
information on all
17 required elements.
Focus on Each paragraph Each paragraph Topic sentence is The topic sentence is
Topic contains a topic contains a topic somewhat clear but not clear. There is a
(Content) sentence, supporting sentence, with there is a need for seemingly random
sentences, and some supporting more supporting collection of
closing sentence that sentences and information. information.
clearly makes a closing sentence.
transition to the next
Word Writer uses vivid Writer uses vivid Writer uses words Writer uses limited
Choice words and phrases words and phrases that communicate vocabulary that does
that linger or draw that linger or draw clearly, but the not communicate
pictures in the pictures in the writing lacks strongly or capture
reader’s mind, and reader’s mind, but variety, punch or the reader’s interest.
the choice and occasionally the flair. Jargon or clichés
placement of the words are used may be present and
words seem inaccurately or detract meaning.
accurate, natural and seem overdone.
not forced.
Spelling No misspellings. No Some misspellings Some misspellings Many misspellings
Grammar grammatical errors. and/or some and/or some or grammatical
Technical The paper is grammatical errors. grammatical errors errors and/or paper
typewritten, double- The paper is and/or paper does does not follow
spaced, 12-point typewritten, not exactly follow technical
font, single page. double-spaced, 12- technical requirements.
point font, single requirements.

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