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4/8/22, 3:02 PM Smartgrid Architecture - IOT Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

IOT Questions and Answers – IoT Architecture

for Smartgrid
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This set of IOT Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “IoT Architecture for

1. What is the role of Bigdata in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bigdata stores time series data, unstructured data, provided context for analytics,
API for enterprise applications.

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4/8/22, 3:02 PM Smartgrid Architecture - IOT Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

2. What is the role of Cloud in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cloud to edge Middleware: manage data and edge devices, data streaming and
event processing, control authorized access.

3. What is the role of Gateway in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gateway: collects data from sensors, abstract protocols, perform local
autonomous decision, transfer information.

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4. What is the role of Sensor in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensors and Actuators are connected, send data when needed, secure and low
power, easy to install and configure.

5. IoT gateway must provide __________

a) Simple and fast installation
b) Security with hardware
c) Data storage
d) Protocol abstraction
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Answer: d
Explanation: IoT gateway must provide:
Protocol abstraction
Computing and I/O performance
Integration communication capability.

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6. Which of the following is IoT device manageability?

a) Protocol abstraction
b) Simple and fast installation
c) Security with hardware
d) Data storage
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Answer: b
Explanation: IoT Device Manageability:
Simple and fast Installation and configuration
Enable deployment of new application
Remote administration of gateways.

7. IoT security management includes ________

a) Protocol abstraction
b) Simple and fast installation
c) Security with hardware
d) Data storage
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Answer: c
Explanation: IoT security management :
Improves security with hardware
Enable secure communication to sensors
End to End Security from Sensor to Cloud.


8. IoT data scalability includes ________

a) Protocol abstraction 4/10
4/8/22, 3:02 PM Smartgrid Architecture - IOT Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

b) Simple and fast installation

c) Security with hardware
d) Data storage
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Answer: d
Explanation: IoT Data Scalability:
Data and Event processing at the edge
Data storage at the edge
Hierarchical clouds.

9. What is the example for smart grid edge device for utility?
a) Smart Meters
b) Smart Home
c) Smart Car
d) Smart Collage
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Answer: a
Explanation: Examples of Smart Grid Edge Devices for Utilities:
Voltage and Current sensors
Smart Inverters
Smart Motors.


10. According to the analysis on IoT application frame work, smart grid is divided into ________
a) 2layers
b) 3 layers 5/10
4/8/22, 3:02 PM Smartgrid Architecture - IOT Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

c) 4 layers
d)5 layers
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to analysis on IoT application framework based on a smart grid, node
features of various parts, distinct application needs and basic IoT model, IoT based on smart
grid is a combination of :
Perception layer
Smart network layer
Smart Application layer.

11. Monitor target of the smart ________ includes sensor objects in the power link.
a) Perception layer
b) Smart network layer
c) Smart Application layer
d) Data layer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Monitor target of the smart perception layer includes sensor objects in the power
link, smart house hold objects and smart security objects.

12. ________ layer can be divided into the data access network and the core network.
a) Perception layer
b) Smart network layer
c) Smart Application layer
d) Data layer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Smart network layer can be divided into the data access network and the core
network. The data on perception terminals and interaction terminals is uploaded to the power
access network and the Internet separately according to its type and security level.

13. In ________ layer, various application platforms are built as required by the services needs of
smart grid.
a) Perception layer
b) Smart network layer
c) Smart Application layer
d) Data layer
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4/8/22, 3:02 PM Smartgrid Architecture - IOT Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

Answer: c
Explanation: In the smart application layer, various application platforms are built as required
by the services needs of smart grid. The application platform as required by the services needs
of smart grid.

14. ICT stands for ________

a) Information and Communication Technology
b) Internet and Communication Technology
c) Internet and Communication of Things
d) Information and Communication of Things
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Answer: a
Explanation: A hierarchical architecture of IoT that applies to all aspects of smart grid, based
on research on smart grid ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) as well as its
functional demand analysis.

15. Do we have defects with the existing power communication network?

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: There exists many defects with the existing power communication network. For
example, blind zones are present. Currently, high voltage transmission lines completely rely on
manual inspection.

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