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1. ACE Access Control Entry

2. AD Active Directory
3. ADC Analog To Digital Converter
4. ADF Automatic Document Feeder
5. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
6. AH  Active Hub
7. AI  Artificial Intelligence
8. AL  Active Link
9. ALGOL Algorithmic Language
10. ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
11. AM Active Monitor
12. ANSI American National Standards Institute
13. APCI Application-layer Protocol Control Information
14. API Application Program Interface
15. ARP Address Resolution Protocol
16. ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
17. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
18. ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
19. ATM Automated Teller Machine
20. AUI Attachment Unit Interface
21. AVI Audio Video Interleave

22. AAC Advanced Audio Coding

23. ABC Atanasoff-Berry Computer
24. ABR Average Bit Rate
25. AC Alternating Current
26. ACL Access Control List
27. AGP Advanced Graphics Port
28. AIM AOL Instant Messenger(AOLdeveloper)
29. AM Amplitude Modulation
30. AMD Advanced Micro Devices
31. AOL America OnLine
32. APT Automatically Programmed Tooling
33. ARQ Automatic Repeat Request
34. AS Autonomous System
35. ASIC Application Specific Integration Circuit
36. ASP Active Server Pages
37. ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface[SCSI-Small Computer System Interface]
38. ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
39. ATDT Attention Dial Tone
40. AUTOEXEC Autoexec Automatic Execution File

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1. B2B Business to Business

2. BASIC Beginner`s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
3. BCC Blind Carbon Copy
4. BCD Bar Code Reader
5. BD Blu-ray Disc
6. BHTML Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language
7. Bin Binary
8. BINAC Binary Automatic Computer
9. BIOS Basic Input Output System
10. BIT Binary Digit
11. BIU Bus Interface Unit
12. BLOG Web Log
13. BMP Bitmap
14. BPI Bytes/Bits Per Inch
15. BPL Broadband over Power Line
16. BPS Bytes/Bits Per Second
17. BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

18. BARC Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

19. BDSL Broadband Digital Subscriber Line
20. BEDO Burst Extended Data Out (RAM)
21. BEMA Business Equipment Manufacture Association
22. BGP Border Gateway Protocol
23. BINAC Binary Automatic Computer
24. BIPS Billion Instruction Per Second
25. Blob Binary Large Object
26. BMP Basic Multilingual Plane
27. BRD Blu-Ray Disc

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1. COMPUTER Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used For Technology Entertainment & Research
2. CAD Computer Aided Design
3. CADD Computer Added Drafting And Design
4. CAI Computer Aided Instruction
5. CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
6. CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
7. Cc Carbon Copy
8. CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate
9. CD Compact Disc
10. CD RW Compact Disc ReWritable
11. CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
12. CD-R Compact Disc Recordable
13. CD-R/W Compact Disc-Read/Write
14. CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory
15. CG Computer Graphics
16. CGI Common Gateway Interface
17. CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
18. CLI Command Line Interface
19. CLR Common Language Runtime
20. CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
21. COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
22. COM Common Object Mode
23. COMAL Common Algorithmic Language
24. CPI Clock/Cycle Per Instruction
25. CPU Central Processing Unit
26. CRM Customer Relationship Management
27. CRT Cathode Ray Tube ( standard type computer monitor display
28. CSS Cascading Style Sheet
29. CTCP Client-To-Client Protocol
30. CU Control Unit // Central Unit
31. CUI Character User Interface
32. CAL: Computer Assisted Learning
33. CAT : Computer-Aided Translation
34. C-DAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
35. C-DOT: Centre for Development of Telematics
36. CD-WO : Compact Disk – Write Once
37. CD-XA: Compact Disk – Extended Architecture
38. CGI-BIN: Common Gateway Interface – Binary(programming for Web forms)
39. CIS: Computerized Information Service
40. CLASS: Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools
41. CMD: Command
42. CMYB: Cyan – Magenta – Yellow-Black (color model)
43. CNM: Circulatory Network Mode
44. COAX: Coaxial Cable (for Ethernet and similar networks)
45. CPI: Character Per Inch
46. CROM Computerized Range of Motion
47. CRS : Computer Reservation System
49. CS : Computer Science
50. CSE : Computer Science and Engineering
51. CSLIP Compressed Serial Line Interface Protocol (Internet)
52. CTRL Control (computer keyboard key)
53. CTS: Clear to Send
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1. DAC(D/a) Digital To Analog Converter (Digital – to – Analog)

2. DAP Directory Access Protocol
3. DB Database
4. DBA Data Base Administrator
5. DBMS Data Base Management System
6. DCC Direct Client-to-Client
7. DCL Data Control Language
8. DDL Data Definition Language
9. DFS Distributed File System
10. DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol
11. DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
12. DLC Data Link Control
13. DLL Dynamic Link Library
14. DLP Digital Light Processing
15. DMA Direct Memory Access
16. DML Data Manipulation Language
17. DNA Distributed Internet Architecture
18. DNS Domain Name System (Server)
19. DOM Document Object Model
20. DOS Disk Operating System, Denial Of Service
21. DOS Disk Operating System
22. DPI Dots Per Inch
23. DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
24. DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation
25. DSL Digital Subscriber Line
26. DSN Digital Subscriber Network
27. DTD Document Type Definition
28. DTP DeskTop Publishing
29. DVD Digital Versatile Disc / Digital Video Disc
30. DVD-R Digital Video Disc-Recordable
31. DVD-ROM DVD-Read Only Memory
32. DVD-RW DVD-Rewritable
33. DVR Digital Video Recorder
34. DAC: Data Acquisition and Control
35. DAO : Data Access Objects
36. DAT : Digital Audio Tape
37. dB: decibel
38. DCE Data Communications Equipment
39. DDL Data Definition Language
40. DDR : Double Data Rate
41. DDS: Digital Data Storage
42. DEC: Digital Equipment Corporation
43. DIVX : Digital Video Express
44. DL : Download
45. DML Data Manipulation Language
46. DNS Domain Name System
47. DOC Data Optimizing Computer
48. Doc : Document
49. DOS : Disk Operating System
50. DPI: Dots per Inch
51. DSHD: Double Sided High Density
52. DSN : Database Source Name
53. DTR: Data Terminal Ready{control signal in RS-232 serial communications}
54. DTS: Digital Theater Systems
55. DVI Digital Visual Interface
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1. EAROM : Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory

2. EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
3. E-Commerce: Electronic Commerce
4. EDC : Electronic Digital Computer
5. EDI Electronic Data Interchange
6. EDO Extended Data Out
7. EDP Electronic Data Processing
8. EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
9. EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
10. E-Mail Electronic Mail
11. ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer/Calculator
12. EOF End Of File
13. EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
14. EROM : Erasable Read Only Memory
15. ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning
16. EULA : End User License Agreement
17. EXE Executable/Execution

18. E-business: Electronic Business

19. EDVAC : Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
20. EFS Encrypted File System
21. EFT: Electronic Fund Transfer
22. EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
23. ERNET: Education and Research Network
24. ESD : Electrostatic Discharge
25. EXT : EXTended file system

1. FAQ Frequently Asked Question

2. FAT : File Allocation Table
3. FAX Facsimile
4. FDC Floppy Disk Controller
5. FDD : Floppy Disk Drive
6. FDMA : Frequency Division Multiple Access
7. FIFO : First In First Out
8. FILO: First In, Last Out
9. FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second
10. FORTRAN : Formula Translation
11. FPS : Frames Per Second
12. FPU Floating Point Unit
13. FRAM : Ferro Electric Random Access Memory
14. FS File System
15. FTP : File Transfer Protocol

16. FDM: Frequency Division Multiplexing

17. FET: Field Effect Transitor
18. FM: Frequency Modulation
19. FOSI : Formatted Output Specification Instance
20. FSB : Front Side Bus
21. FSK: Frequency Shift Keying
22. FXP : File eXchange Protocol
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1. GB : Giga Bytes
2. Gb : Gigabit
3. GIF Graphics Interchange Format
4. GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
5. GPU Graphics Processing Unit
6. GSM Global System for Mobile communication
7. GUI Graphical User Interface

8. GDI Graphical Device Interface

9. GiB : Gibi Byte
10. GIS: Geographical Information System
11. GP: Graphics Port
12. GPL : General Public License
13. GPRS : General Packet Radio Service
14. GPS: Global Positioning System

1. HDD Hard Disk Drive

2. HLL High Level Language
3. HP : Hewlett Packard
4. HPFS High Performance File System
5. HSM Hierarchical Storage Management
6. HTML HyperText Markup Language
7. HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol

8. HCI : Human Computer Interaction

9. HCL : Hardware Compatibility List
10. HD Hard Disk
11. HD : High Density
12. HD DVD High Definition DVD
13. HHD : Hybird Hard Drive
14. HT : Hyper Threading
15. HTM : Hierarchical Temporal Memory
16. Hz : Hertz

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1. IBM : International Business Machines

2. IC : Integrated Circuit
3. ICMP : Internet Control Message Protocol
4. IE : Internet Explorer
5. IGMP : Internet Group Management Protocol
6. IM Instant Message
7. IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
8. IO : Input Output (serial and parallel ports)
9. iOS iphone Operating System
10. IP : Intellectual Property /Internet Protocol
11. IRC : Internet Relay Chat
12. IRQ : Interrupt Request
13. IS Information System
14. ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network
15. ISO : International Standard Organization
16. ISOC Internet Society
17. ISP : Internet Service Provider
18. ISR : Interrupt Service Routine
19. IT : Information Technology

20. ICT : Information and Communication Technology

21. IIS : Internet Information Services
22. INTEL Integrated Electronics
23. IOP Input Output Processor
24. IrDA : Infrared Data Association
25. ISH: Information Super Highway
26. IVR Interactive Voice Response

1. JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group

2. JRE Java Runtime Environment/ Engine
3. JS Java Script

4. J2EE : Java 2 Enterprise Edition

5. J2ME : Java 2 Micro Edition
6. J2SE : Java 2 Standard Edition
7. JDK : Java Development Kit
8. JDS : Java Desktop System
9. JFC : Java Foundation Classes
10. JRE : Java Runtime Environment
11. JSP: Java Server Pages

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1. Kb : Kilo Bit
2. KB : Kilo Bytes
3. KBPS : Kilo Bytes Per Second
4. Kbps: Kilo Bits Per Second
5. KHz Kilohertz

6. KBD : KeyBoard
7. KIPS: Knowledge Information Processing System
8. KVM : Keyboard, Video Mouse

1. L2TP : Layer Two Tunneling Protocol

2. LAN : Local Area Network
3. LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
4. LDU Liquid Display Unit
5. LED Light Emitting Diode
6. LIFO : Last In First Out
7. LIPS : Logical Interfaces Per Second
8. LISP: List Processing
9. LOC : Lines Of Code
10. LPI Lines Per Inch
11. LSI : Large Scale Integration

12. Laser: Light Amplification for Stimulated Emission of Radiation

13. LD: Laser Diode
14. LLL: Low Level Language
15. LPT Line Printer
16. LSD: Least Significant Digit

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1. MAC : Media Access Control

2. MAN : Metropolitan Area Network
3. MB : Motherboard /Mega Bytes
4. Mb: Mega Bit
5. MBPS : Mega Bytes Per Second
6. Mbps: Mega Bit Per Second
7. MBR Master Boot Record
8. MCS : Multicast Server
9. MDI : Multiple Document Interface
10. MDS : Microcomputer Development System
11. MFT : Master File Table
12. MG : Mega Bytes
13. MICR : Magnetic Ink Characters Reader/ Recognition
14. MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
15. MIME : Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
16. MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
17. MIPS : Millions Of Instructions Per Second
18. MISD : Multiple Instruction Single Data
19. MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
20. MODEM Modulator And Demodulator
21. MP3 : Motion Pictures Experts Group Audio Layer 3
22. MPEG : Motion Pictures Experts Group
23. MS : Microsoft
24. MSDN : Microsoft Developer Network
25. MSN : Microsoft Network
26. MTU : Maximum Transmission Unit

27. MBASIC Microsoft BASIC (Microsoft)

28. MHz : Megahertz
29. MMX Multimedia Extensions
30. MNG : Multiple-image Network Graphics
31. MOPS: Million Operations Per Second
32. MOS: Metal Oxide Semiconductor
33. MS : Memory Stick
34. MSCDEX Microsoft Compact Disc Extension
35. MSD: Most Significant Digit
36. MS-DOS Microsoft DOS(Disc Operating System)
37. MSI: Medium Scale Integration
38. MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure
39. MTNL: Mahanagar Telephone Nigam limited

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1. NAS : Network Attached Storage

2. NASSCOM : National Association Of Software & Service Companies
3. NCP : Network Control Protocol
4. NDIS : Network Driver Interface Specification
5. NFS Network File System
6. NIC Network Interface Card/ Controller
7. NOS Network Operating System
8. NTFS : New Technology File System
9. NTP : Network Time Protocol

10. NaN : Not a Number

11. NAT Network Address Translation
12. NEXT : Near-End Cross Talk
13. NICNET: National Informatics Centre Network
14. NIU: Network Interface Unit
15. NTSC: National Television Standards Committee

1. OCR Optical Character Recognition/Reader

2. OLE Object Linking and Embedding
3. OMR Optical Mark Reader
4. OOP Object Oriented Programming
5. OOPS : Object Oriented Programming System
6. OS Operating System // Open Source
7. OSI : Open System Interconnection
8. OSS Open Source Software

9. OLED : Organic Light Emitting Diode

10. OMF : Object Module Format
11. ORACLE: Oak Ridge Automatic Computer And Logical Engine

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1. P2P: Peer-to-Peer//Point to Point Protocol

2. PAN Personal Area Network
3. PAP Password Authentication Protocol
4. PC : Personal Computer
5. PCI : Peripheral Component Interconnect
6. PCL Printed Command Language
7. PCMCIA : Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
8. PDA : Personal Digital Assistant
9. PDF : Portable Document Format
10. PDL : Page Description Language
11. PDU : Protocol Data Unit
12. PIC : Programming Interrupt Control
13. PIO Programmed Input/Output
14. PL 1 Programming Language 1
15. PLA : Programmable Logic Array
16. PLC : Programmable Logic Controller
17. PNG : Portable Network Graphics
18. PNP : Plug And Play
19. POS Point Of Sales
20. POST Power On Self-Test
21. PPM Pages Per Minute
22. PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol
23. PPTP : Point To Point Tunneling Protocol
24. PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory
25. PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
26. PSU Power Supply Unit

27. PAC : Programmable Automation Controller

28. PAL: Phase Alternation Line
29. PATA : Parallel ATA
30. PCB: Printed Circuit Board
31. PGA : Pin Grid Array
32. PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
33. PIXEL Picture Element
34. PM: Phase Modulation
35. PRN Printer
36. Prolog: Programming in Logic

1. QBE Query By Example

2. QDR : Quad Data Rate
3. QDS : Quality of service
4. QEP : Quoted for performance
5. QoS Quality of Service

6. QA : Quality Assurance
7. QAS: Quality Assurance Aervice
8. QFP : Quad Flat Package

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1. RADSL : Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line

2. RAID : Redundant Array Of Independent Disks
3. RAM : Random Access Memory
4. RAMDAC : Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter
5. RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
6. RAS : Remote Access Network
7. RD RAM : Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
8. RDBMS : Relational Data Base Management System
9. RICS : Reduced Instruction Set Computer
10. RIP : Raster Image Processor /Routing Information Protocol
11. RISC : Reduced Instruction Set Computer
12. ROM : Read Only Memory
13. ROMB Read Out Motherboard
14. RPC : Remote Procedure Call
15. RPG Report Program Generator
16. RTC : Real Time Clock
17. RTF Rich Text Format
18. RTF : Rich Text Format
19. RTOS : Real Time Operating System

20. RF : Radio Frequency

21. RGB : Red, Green, Blue
22. RGBA : Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
23. ROM-DOS : Read Only Memory - Disk Operating System
24. RS-232: Recommended Standard 2-3-2

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1. SaaS Software as a Service

2. SACK : Selective Acknowledgements
3. SAN Storage Area Network
4. SAP : Service Access Point, Systems Applications Products
5. SCSI Small Computer System Interface
6. SD RAM : Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
7. SDD : Software Design Description
8. SDK : Software Development Kit
9. SDL : Storage Definition Language /Specification and Description Language/ Simple Direct Media Layer
10. SDN : Software-Defined Networking
11. SDRAM : Static Dynamic Random Access Memory
12. SDSL : Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
13. SG RAM : Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
14. SGML : Standard Generalized Markup Language
15. SIM : Subscriber Identification Module
16. SIU : Serial Interface Unit
17. SMS : Short Message Service
18. SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
19. SNMP : Simple Network Management Protocol
20. SNOBOL String Oriented and Symbolic Language
21. SP Service Pack
22. SQA : Statistical Quality Assurance
23. SQL : Structured Query Language
24. SRAM : Static Random Access Memory
25. SRS : Software Requirements Specification
26. STP : Shielded Twisted Pair
27. SVD Structured VLSI Design
28. SW : Software

29. SAM Software Asset Management

30. SATA : Serial Advancement Technology Attachment
31. SCSI : Small Computer System Interface
32. SD : Secure Digital
33. SDK : Software Development Kit
34. SDN : Service Delivery Network
35. SDR : Software-Defined Radio
36. SEQUEL Structured English Query Language
37. SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
38. SIMD : Single Instruction, Multiple Data
39. SIMM : Single Inline Memory Module
40. SIP Session Initiation Protocol
41. SNAP Sub Network Access Protocol
42. SPI : Serial Peripheral Interface
43. SSI: Small Scale Integration
44. SVG : Scalable Vector Graphics
45. SVGA : Super Video Graphics Array
46. SYSOP System Operator

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1. TB : Tera Bytes
2. TCP : Transmission Control Protocol
3. TCPIP : Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
4. TDI : Transport Data Interface
5. TDM: Time Division Multiplexing
6. TDMA : Time Division Multiple Access
7. TFT Thin-Film Transistor
8. TTA True Tap Audio
9. TTF True Type Font
10. TTS Text-To-Speech
11. TTY Tele Type

12. TiB : Tebi Byte

13. tmp : temporary
14. TRON : The Real-time Operating System Nucleus
15. TTL : Transistor-Transistor Logic
16. TXT : Text

1. UAC User Account Control

2. UDD : User Datagram Protocol
3. UDP : User Datagram Protocol
4. UI : User Interface
5. ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration
6. UML : Unified Modelling Language
7. UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer
8. UNIX(UNICS) : Uniplexed Information And Computer Systems
9. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
10. URI Uniform Resource Identifier
11. URL : Universal Resource Locator
12. URN Uniform Resource Name
13. USB : Universal Serial Bus
14. USRT : Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitted
15. UTP : Unshielded Twisted Pair

16. UTF : Unicode Transformation Format

17. UUID : Universally Unique Identifier
18. UUN : Universal User Name
19. UV-Eprom: Ultra Violet-Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

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1. VAN : Virtual Area Network

2. VAR Variable
3. VB : Visual Basic
4. VCD : Video Compact Disc
5. VDD Virtual Device Driver
6. VDU Visual Display Unit
7. VGA : Video Graphics Array
8. VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
9. VLSI : Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
10. VM Virtual Memory
11. VMS Video Memory System
12. VPN : Virtual Private Network
13. VRAM : Video Random Access Memory
14. VS : Visual Studio
15. VSNL Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
16. VT Video Terminal

17. VBA : Visual Basic for Applications

18. VBS : Visual Basic Script
19. VCR: Video Cassette Recorder
20. VIRUS: Vital Information Resources Under Seize
21. VT : Video Terminal
22. VxD Virtual Extended Driver

1. WAN : Wide Area Network

2. WAP : Wireless Application Protocol // Wireless Access Point
3. Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
4. WiMax Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
5. WINDOWS ME : Windows Millennium Edition
6. WINDOWS NT : Windows New Technology
7. WINDOWS XP : Windows Experienced
8. WINS Windows Internet Naming Service
9. WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
10. WLL Wireless Local Loop
11. WMA Wireless Media Audio
12. WMV Wireless Media Video
13. WORM : Write Once Read Many
14. WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access
15. WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network
16. WWW : World Wide Web
17. WYSIWYG : What You See Is What You Get

18. W3C : World Wide Web Consortium

19. WBMP Wireless Bitmap Image
20. WML Wireless Markup Language
21. WMP: Windows Media Player
22. WPAN : Wireless Personal Area Network
23. WWN : World Wide Name

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1. XHTML: EXtensible HyperText Markup Language

2. XML : Extensible Markup Language
3. XNS : Xerox Network Services
4. XSL : Extensible Style Sheet Language
5. XUL : XML User interface Language

6. XAML : extensible Application Markup Language

7. XGA: Extended Graphics Array
8. XMF Extensible Music File
9. XMS: Extended Memory Specification
10. XP : Extreme Programming
11. XPI : XP install

1. YB Yottabyte

2. Y2K : Year Two Thousand

1. ZB : Zeta Byte
2. ZIFS Zero Insertion Force Socket
3. ZIP : Zone Information Protocol
4. ZISC : Zone Instruction Set Computer
5. ZMA Zone Multicast Address
6. ZNA Zone Network Administration

7. ZCS : Zero Code Suppression

8. ZIF : Zero Insertion Force

1. 1GL :First-Generation Programming Language

2. 2GL :Second-Generation Programming Language
3. 3GL :Third-Generation Programming Language
4. 4GL :Fourth-Generation Programming Language
5. 5GL :Fifth Generation Programming Language

2GSecond Generation Wireless Networking /Second-generation of wireless telephone technology /2nd Generation Cellular N/w
3GThird Generation Wireless Networking Technology /Third generation of mobile telecommunications technology
4GFourth Generation Wireless Networking Technology /Fourth generation of broadband cellular network technology

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