Soft Drinks Market

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Bangladeshi Soft Drinks Market

The purpose of this term paper was to focus on carbonated beverages (Pepsi and Mojo Cola). Theterm
paper represents the different types of marketing activites undertaken by both products tohold
customers of BangladeshThis report also gives an overview of beverage industry in Bangladesh and also
an overview of Pepsi and Mojo cola’s parent companies. Akij Food & Beverage Ltd. has been established
at a beautiful site Krishnapura, Dhamrai of Dhaka. It has come with the best food & beverage in
Bangladesh. There are various types of drink.

Mojo is the brand name of cola, Lemu is the brand name of Lemon and Speed is the brand name
of energy drink. Immediately after the introduction of the brand it became very popular among
itsconsumer because of the high quality and intensive distribution in every nook and corner of
thecountry. Checky Monkey is the brand name of banana chips produced from this factory. It also
is becoming popular chips in Bangladesh. Most of our Raw materials come from various
foreigncountries. The quality is very strictly controlled. At every stage, non standard products are
rejected. On the other hand Pepsi Co. is a multinational company.

Originated in The USA Carolina in 1898. Since then it has been able to stay in competition with its
biggest rival Coca-Cola. Pepsi, now is aworldwide brand and consumed by millions of people. Pepsi
was introduced in Bangladesh byTranscom Group. As a corporate citizen Pepsico believes it has a
responsibility to contribute to thequality of life in our communities. Transcom Beverage Ltd has
put into action this philosophythrough support of social agencies, projects and programs and the
scope of this support is extensiveand it has not been difficult to blend with this philosophy since
the TRANSCOM group alsofollowed such a corporate ideology

Chapter:1 1. 1: INTRODUCTION (Beverage industry of Bangladesh) After independence of

Bangladesh the food habit of people has been changed a lot. Besides our traditional food
consumer of Bangladesh like to take western food also after 1980s. As a result of global marketing
this was not too hard for the consumers. Different foreign food companies wereestablished in
Bangladesh. Beverage industry is one of them. But more interestingly we don’tknow beverage is
also our cultural food because beverage doesn’t mean only carbonated drinks.

Yoghurt, soup and lacchi are also beverage of our own tradition which consumed for the last
100years in Bangladesh. But carbonated beverage is new in Bangladesh and today our research
is oncarbonated beverage market in Bangladesh and consumer reaction to it. Carbonated
beverage entered into our market in the later part of 1980. At that time there were onlyfew
companies in Bangladesh. But by the change of time and western culture influences it’s become
very popular in Bangladesh. By year 2000 more than 12 Beverage Company operating business in
Bangladesh and most of them are foreign companies. Bangladesh Beverage: 2006)At present
there are 19 beverage companies operating business in Bangladesh. They are: 1. Transcom
Beverage Ltd. 2. Sun Crest Beverage Industries Ltd 3. Abdul Monem Limited 4. K. Rahman and
Company 5. Eastern Beverage Industries Ltd. 6. Sanowara Drinks and Bev. md. Ltd. 7. Asia
Business Ltd. 8. Desh Beverage Co. Ltd 9. Northern Beverage Ltd. 10. National Beverage Industries
Ltd. 11. Bridge Corporation Limited 12. Tezarat Enterprise 13. Southern Beverage Ltd. 14. K.
Rahman and Company 15. Bangladesh Beverage Ind. Ltd. 16. Dhaka Beverage Industries Ltd 17.

Sunny Foods and Beverage Ltd. 18. Tabani Beverage Co. Ltd. 19. K. Rahman and Company 1. 2:
Akij Food & Beverage Ltd: Akij Food & Beverage Ltd. has been established at a beautiful site
Krishnapura, Dhamrai of Dhaka. It has come with the best food & beverage in Bangladesh. There
are various types of drink. Mojo is the brand name of cola, Lemu is the brand name of Lemon and
Speed is the brand name of energy drink. Immediately after the introduction of the brand it
became very popular among itsconsumer because of the high quality and intensive distribution
in every nook and corner of thecountry.

Checky Monkey is the brand name of banana chips produced from this factory. It also is
becoming popular chips in Bangladesh. Most of our Raw materials come from various foreign
countries. The quality is very strictlycontrolled. At every stage, non standard products are rejected.
1. 3: Transcom Beverage limited: On the basis of an exclusive Franchise for Bangladesh from
Pepsico USA, TBL acquired threemodern bottling plants at Dahaka, Chittagong and Bogra from
BBIL Dhaka; Chittagong and NBIL,Bogra; in March 2000. TBL manufactures the famous range of
beverages-Pepsi, 7up, Mirinda.

As a corporate citizen Pepsico believes it has a responsibility to contribute to the quality of life in
our communities. TBL has put into action this philosophy through support of social agencies,
projectsand programs and the scope of this support is extensive and it has not been difficult to
blend withthis philosophy since the TRANSCOM group followed such a corporate ideology.
Chapter:2 2. 1: OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY This term paper would focus on market segmentation,
marketing mix, consumer attitudes towards beverage drinks of Bangladesh (i. e.

Mojo and Pepsi). It should be noticed that this report has beenmade in the context of Bangladeshi
market and different segmentations and promotional activitesanalyzed in this report are solely
based on the Bangladeshi consumers’ perspective . E. g. It willdiffer from country to country. If
Mojo becomes multinational and goes to countries like K. S. A,Libya, The U. S. A, The U. K. Then
the current activities undertaken by Mojo has to be changed inorder to stay in worldwide
competition. Because, cultures vary from country to country. 2. 2: Source of information

Due to limited time maximum data were collected from theinternet, shop to shop survey was
done in order to estimate the sales of these beverages. 2. 3: Limitation The major drawback while
preparing this report was inadequate time; as a resultthe report lacks some potential information.
Moreover, due to class schedule clash in depthresearch on the topic was hampered. Some
informations were not disclosed by Mojo dealers(Palashi, Azimpur) as they considered these
informations to be confidential. Information on Pepsi was gathered from the internet and local
shops as Pepsi is a multinational company.

Adequateinformation about Pepsi is not available from the context of Bangladesh. Chapter:3 3. 1:
Mojo (Information): Mojo, is a brand of Akij Food and Beverage Ltd. , a sister concern of prominent
group of companies of Bangladesh, Akij Group. In the year 2007 Mojo was themarket challenger
in Bangladeshi cola market with a sales of about 52 crores BDT. The brandwas launched in 14th
April, 2005 targeting the youth of Bangladesh who like the Bangladeshitrends. All there years,
Mojo is doing quite good in the market and competing well with other brands.

Mojo’s pricing is it’s advantage but it has to improve its image & product quality. Unfortunately,
Mojo is lagging behind due to inadequate promotional activities. E. g. Slogan,name’s meaning etc.
It has also failed to communicate its own positioning the target consumers. However, still now
Mojo has the potential to recover its own position (according tosurvey). Consumer behaviour such
as perception, attitude, self-orientation and life style, thisreport has found out some drawbacks
and recommended some affective strategies to recover those issues successfully. 3. 2: Market

Mojo is not far behind in order to anticipating the current market situation. After being inthe
introduction stage for a short period of time Mojo is successfully now in the growthstage and
doing well for its good eminence and unique marketing effort. With theintention of increasing sale
and obtaining market share Mojo is targeting and creating awell company position into the
market. To collect information regarding market, service performance, competition and
distribution Mojo is always developing promotionalstrategies, campaigns and carrying out market
surveys. 4 April 2010, Mojo arranged afair and the duration was three days. It was held on field of
Pranthapoth. They welcomedthe Bangla year 1417 very nicely. Because who had a bottle of Mojo,
then that persongot the entry in the concert without any ticket. 3. 3: Target Market Most of the
soft drink companies are now targeting the young generation and indeed this is the besttarget for
any soft drink companies. Keeping this thing on mind Mojo has decided to targetespecially the
young generation along with the people from various types of socio-economicclasses.

Akij Group is now offering extensive distribution channel in order to capture and makesure the
proper distribution of Mojo so that young generation can easily avail it where ever they arein the
country. Last time we saw in Mojo advertise that an old couple were sharing a bottle of Mojo. So,
they cleared that it is not only a product for the young people but also their target is alsosenior
citizens. Though Mojo is hardly preferred by Old aged people. PROFILE OF THE TARGET MARKET
Cola drinks usually follow an undifferentiated marketing strategy to target their consumer.

Keeping this fact in mind, we conducted a sample survey by selecting random sample
fromdifferent places. The following discussion will attempt to analyze the profile of the target
market based on the sample group. 3. 4: Demographic Factors Age Age is the major determinants
in targeting the consumers. MOJO reflects the Bangladeshi cultureand it represents youth. From
our survey, we have found that MOJO is most preferred in the agegroup between 20-25 years
(85% of 100). Moreover, the least MOJO preference comes fromtwo age groups: 25-35 years and
35-45 years, about 1%. Sex

Beverage is used for thirst-quenching purpose and this product is gender neutral, meaning there
isno such kind of obligation to consume the product for male or female. However, from our
surveyoutcome, we have found that 71% of the consumers are male and 29% are female from
100. Allthe respondents are from urban location. MARKETING MIX: 4P’S OF MOJO5. 1 Product The
product MOJO cola has come with the following variations in the market- • 250 ml bottle • 500 ml
bottle • 1000 ml or 1 liter bottle • 150 ml can The MOJO Cola has been made with a proper
technology. So there is no chance to occur fluctuation in taste.

The cola drinks contain a very strong taste which can compete with the marketleader Coca- Cola
and RC cola. Other Factors Meaning of MOJO Meaning of MOJO is the idea or feeling the
respondent have instantly after hearing the name or analyzing it. To 60% respondents, MOJO
means fun or enjoyment. To 14% it means nothing. Inaddition, other 26% varies within music or
art, sports, thirst passion etc. Competition Soft drink market always offer high level of competition
among companies. Because,soft drink is a fast moving consumer good and its demand always
fluctuate based onseveral reasons (E. . Taste, weather conditions, etc. ). It included the degree of
competition andintensity of competition. So in that case both the degree and intensity of
competition are very highfor Mojo. Because the market it was operating was already touched by
big companies such asCoke, Pepsi, Royal Crown Cola. Surprisingly, these giant companies are
considering Mojo, as aravenous competitor in the market. So it’s a good news for Mojo that
competitors like “ Coca Cola, Pepsi are thinking about Mojo consciously. It is because Mojo has
already grabbed good portionof Bangladeshi beverage market share.

Mojo believes that they have the strong distribution power,creative marketers, financial power
and quality to grab competitions market share as well asincrease their own selling. Before
preparing the term paper we made a brief market survey and we saw that in every popular market
of Dhaka city, wholesalers are very active and demand is veryhigh. Distribution The strongest point
of MOJO is their intensive distribution channel. They make this thing possible because Akij Group
of industries especially their beverage sector has a profoundlogistic and supply chain
management system.

So they can easily go to door to door of their target consumers. They believe that delivering
products to consumer hands is notsufficient or convenient enough that is why for near future
betterment they are trying todevelop their distribution channel in such manner that they can
easily make their potential customer in to actual customer. And we must say that the dealer of a
particular territory is really expert and the do their job on the time. Objecetives & Issues The
promotional campaign can undertake 3 types of objectives:1. To inform,2. To persuade3. To

In the case of Mojo, the campaign will basically focus on persuasion, since MOJOis in maturity
stage of its life cycle and will try to spread out its current perception in urbanyouthful lives. The
advertising objective for MOJO is to persuade the target audience to make a purchase and to
obtain 8% increase in sales. Now a day, Mojo is not a new product. And for thatreason, previously
the company’s target was to make positioning about Mojo because it was a new product and
please try it. But now Mojo is in growth stage; so it is trying to maximize the marketshare and
retaining the market share is also important here

Advertising Strategy Advertising is a challenging factor for Akij Group’s Mojo. As the sales of Mojo
highly relies onadvertising. It has to be done in such a way which is convincing, attractive to people,
which willrun on people’s mind 24/7. Developing an effective advertising and promotional
campaign mustselect the right spokesperson to deliver a convincing message and the appropriate
channels or media. As part of the development of the advertising strategy of Mojo, all the
advertisingcampaigns will try to communicate the same message to meet the advertising objective
as set anddiscussed previously. Their main logan is “Mojo Ontor e Ontor e” and for that reason
they alwaystry to make every ad including this slogan. Stimulus Characteristics Logo The logo of
MOJO is attractive and representing the youth although they did not forgot about theaged people.
Therefore, this helps them to get a good result. Soul feeling All the multinational soft drink
companies-showing advertisements are made abroad. In thiscase, MOJO cola differentiated
themselves. They are making the ads in our country, as they wantto be the cult brand. As they are,
doing this so people can feel that it is our cola and I am buyingmy soft drink that in terms help
them to feel good.

Therefore, people have a soft corner for them intheir mind. Packaging Packaging also helps in the
perception process. Attractive package can grab people’s attention. MOJO cola know this and they
are concentrating on it. The two most critical job of packaging are: Capture Attention The colorful
packaging catches the attention instantly. People like colorful things and they go for colorful
things. That is why within a short time MOJO cola got the attention of the target aspect. Convey
Meaning The colorful packaging conveys the meaning that MOJO is a youthful product.

Mixing up the brand with colors, which have a meaning, is sensible. That gives people meaning
and they went for it. CONSUMERS’ LEARNING & MOJO Learning is any change in the content or
organization of long- term memory and/or behavior. Learning about soft drinks is a low-
involvement learning situation. Consumer behavior is largelylearned behavior. Learning about
MOJO Cola is for the most part low involvement learningstate of affairs. Controls Just like all other
companies Mojo is also very much concern about controlling their monetary and operating cost.

That is why every month Mojo conduct Quality assurancesurvey, Sales figure monitoring,
Feedback from Retailers and Sales force not only bytheir employees but also by students from
different universities by offering exclusiveincentives and gift items. They evaluate their inventory,
quality, acceptance of Mojo fromdifferent perspectives. By keep checking these things Mojo can
stay in the market by notonly minimizing their cost and expense by also maximizing their revenue
and profits. Weknow its very much time consuming and expense become high, but to know the
currentsituation the company must do it.

Social responsibilities Akij group of industries not only concern about increasing their sales,
capture market share andgaining profit but also concern to do something for the social
betterment. Through out their campaign Mojo has always been the pioneer in order to come
across to help old, orphanage andhomeless street children. The Group has been running a
considerable orphanage free of charge indistrict town. The Group has also acquired a modern
mother & children hospital previously owned by Save the Children (UK). The hospital is being
operated as a non-profitable concern by Ad-DinWelfare Trust. Pricing policy:

The pricing policy of Mojo has been done very carefully. Mojo has manycompetitors (e. g. Coca
Cola, Pepsi) in the market. Compared to them Mojo has set pricereasonably. The pricing of Mojo
is discussed below: ? Litre ———- Tk 14/- ? Litre ———- Tk 25/-[pic] 1 Litre ———- Tk 45/- 2 Litre
———- Tk 75/- Chapter:4 4. 1: Pepsi (Information): Pepsi was first introduced as “Brad’s Drink” in
New Bern, North Carolinain 1898 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his home where the drink
was sold. It was later namedPepsi Cola, possibly due to the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts
used in the recipe.

Bradhams ought to create a fountain drink that was delicious and would aid in digestion and boost
energy. In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore to a rented
warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-
ouncebottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1909, automobile race pioneer Barney
Oldfieldwas the first celebrity to endorse Pepsi-Cola, describing it as “A bully drink…
refreshing,invigorating, a fine bracer before a race. ” The advertising theme “Delicious and
Healthful” wasthen used over the next two decades.

In 1926, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since theoriginal design of 1905. In 1929, the logo
was changed again. In 1931, at the depth of the Great Depression, the Pepsi-Cola Company
entered bankruptcy – inlarge part due to financial losses incurred by speculating on wildly
fluctuating sugar prices as aresult of World War I. Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought
the Pepsi trademark. Eightyears later, the company went bankrupt again. Pepsi’s assets were then
purchased by Charles Guth,the President of Loft Inc. Loft was a candy manufacturer with retail
stores that contained sodafountains.

He sought to replace Coca-Cola at his stores’ fountains after Coke refused to give him adiscount
on syrup. Guth then had Loft’s chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola syrup formula. On three
separate occasions between 1922 and 1933, the Coca-Cola Company was offered theopportunity
to purchase the Pepsi-Cola company and it declined on each occasion. Ingredients: In the United
States, Pepsi is made with carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup,caramel color, sugar,
Phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavors. A can of Pepsi (12 flounces) has 41 grams
of carbohydrates (all from sugar), 30 mg of odium, 0 grams of fat, 0 gramsof protein, 38 mg of
caffeine and 150 calories. The caffeine-free Pepsi-Cola contains the sameingredients but without
the caffeine. The original Pepsi-Cola recipe was available from documents filed with the court at
the time thatthe Pepsi-Cola Company went bankrupt in 1929. The original formula contained
neither cola nor caffeine. 4. 2: Market Situation Pepsi Cola is a reknowned brand all over the world.
Its demand is increasing each year. Pepsi is incompetition in Bangladesh for many years. Its major
competitiors are Coca Cola, RC Cola andnow Mojo is progressing in competition.

The main of Pepsi just like any other beverage companyis to make supernormal profit by
increasing sales. Not only that, Pepsi carries out promotionalactivities throughout the year.
“Transcom Beverages Ltd (TBL), the franchisee of PepsiCo International, has won the “Bottler
of the Year Award” for 2009 in PepsiCo International Annual Conference in recognition of
itsoutstanding business results. Latifur Rahman, chairman and managing director of TBL, received
the award from SanjeevChadha, regional CEO of PepsiCo, and Katrina Kaif, an Indian film actress,
at a function inThailand recently, said a statement.

Transcom Beverages, which won the award for the third time, bottles, distributes and markets
allPepsiCo brands such as Pepsi, 7up, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, Slice, Diet Pepsi and 7up Light
inBangladesh. Present on the occasion from TBL were Arshad Waliur Rahman, director, Golam
QuddusChowdhury, executive director and CEO, and Khurshid Irfan Chowdhury, general
manager. Tejinder Khurana, country manager of PepsiCo International, and Goutam
Bhattacharjee, territorydevelopment manager of TBL, were also awarded with “Ring of Honour”
for their performances in2009. ” [ Daily Star : Sunday, January 24, 2010] 4. : Target Market like any
other beverage competitor in Bangladesh, Pepsi’s main target is young generation assoft drinks
are mainly preferred by youths. Despite local competition Pepsi has maintained itsreputation by
chargining relatively high price. Within last fifteen years Pepsi has reached the peak by offering
extensive distribution channel in order to make sure the proper distribution of Pepsi sothat
people can easily avail it where ever they go. Pepsi customers are mostly young group between
the ages of 14 to 30 and also target at school, colleges, universities, home, restaurant,hotel and
stores. . 4: Market Segmentation Positioning Beverages Soft Drinks: Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Royal
CrownCola Juices: Pulpy, Nestle, Fruito Local Drinks: Mecca Cola, Mojo Cola Energy Drinks: Red
Bull, Power 4. 5: Competition Pepsi has many rivals in the market. Pepsi considers Coca Cola and
Royal Crown Cola as their biggest competitiors. However in recent years local carbonated drinks
like Mojo Cola and MeccaCola, etc are giving tough competitions to giant beverage companies like
Pepsi and Coca Cola. 4. 6: Distribution Pepsi undergoes massive distribution all around the

The distribution channel plays animportant role in the company’s success. Pepsi has distributors
in all districts. Due to lack of datathe distribution process of Pepsi cannot be discussed. Objectives
and issues Pepsi is in its maturity stage. Meaning, everyone knows about this beverage. All it has
to do isremind people to consume this drink. The main objective of Pepsi is to make profit by
theincrememnt in sales. By means of organizing concerts/trade fairs, Pepsi informs people about
the product. Advertising strategy Advertising is an important issue for Pepsi. It’s competitors
undertake massive advertising todominate in market.

Equally, Pepsi does the same thing for survival. Most of Pepsi’s advertising isIndian. Meaning,
Indian ads are translated in Bangla. By doing so, Pepsi is able to advertising cost. The main aim of
Pepsi has always been to deliver a convincing message via media. Pepsi usestelevision,
newspaper, billboards as its advertising medium Controls “Quality At every level of Pepsi-Cola
Company, we take great care to ensure that the highest standards are met in everything we do.
In our products, packaging, marketing and advertising, we strive for excellence because our
consumers expect and deserve nothing less.

We promise to work towardcontinuous improvement in all areas of our organization. At every step
of our manufacturing and bottling process, strict quality controls are followed toensure that Pepsi-
Cola products meet the same high standards of quality that consumers have cometo expect and
value from us. We also follow strict quality control procedures during themanufacturing and filling
of our packages. Each bottle and can undergoes a thorough inspectionand testing process.
Containers are then rinsed and quickly filled through a high-speed, state-of-the-art process that
helps prevent any foreign material from entering the product.

Additionalquality control measures help to ensure the integrity of Pepsi-Cola products throughout
thedistribution process, from warehouse to store shelf. ” [Extracted from http://www. pepsi. com/]
Social responsibilities “Environmental SupportPepsi and the entire PepsiCo family embrace our
responsibility to be good stewards of our planet’snatural resources. We begin by understanding
our environmental footprint and then work to findways to reduce it. We’re focused on Energy,
Water and Waste – areas where we know we can makethe greatest difference. ”[Extracted
fromhttp://www. pepsi. com/faqs. php? ection=environmental_support] Pricing policy Despite
having many competitors, Pepsi is charging high price in comparison to local competitorslike
Mojo. ? Litre ———- Tk 18/- ?Litre ———- Tk 30/ 1 Litre ———- Tk 55/ 2 Litre ———- Tk 90/- Product
differentiation In Bangladesh Pepsi offers product differentiation in comparison to Mojo cola by
offeringPepsi Diet in the market. From this side Mojo is a little weak because these days most
people arehealth conscious, diabetes patients, etc. They prefer Pepsi Diet which does not contain
sugar. Pepsi Diet is available in two sizes. Litre ———- Tk 30/- 1 Litre ———- Tk 55/- Though Pepsi’s
offering differentiation by offering Pepsi Diet it is not charging premium price. The price of Pepsi
Diet is same as Pepsi Cola Thus, Pepsi is having competitive advantage over Akij’s Mojo Cola. Swot
Analysis: Mojo Cola: •Strengths: Brand image : Akij group is already a established brand name. So
there already exists astrong brand image of the company. So if we launch any product under this
brand name then itautomatically accept by the consumers. Quality : Most of their raw materials
come from various foreign countries.

The quality is verystrictly controlled. At every stage, non standard products are rejected. So we
can say that howwell they are aware about their products quality. Strong distribution network :
Akij group has a strong distribution network and this isone of the most strongest competitive
advantages for them. They make product available all over the country through their strong
distribution channel of retailers and whole sellers. •Weakness: The weakest point of akij group is
that if any product sells fall due to poor quality then it willalso affect the other products of other
brands. Opportunity: Increasing demand: As people are engaging more in taking beverage
product, the demand isincreasing day by day for this kind of product category. •Threat: Akij group
have a number of competitors especially under Akij Food & Beverage Ltd such asPran juice,
Shezan juice, Acme juice. This competition is very high and works as a threat for AkijFood &
Beverage Ltd. Pepsi: The strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities and the threats of Pepsi. 1.
The advantages of Pepsi-Cola1) Firstly, Pepsi has stayed in this market for almost one century.

So they are so experienced andstationed in people’s mind deeply. Now no one doesn’t know the
brand Pepsi-Cola Whenever thename Pepsi is heard, people will conjure up the image of fresh
and cool drink .2) Secondly, Pepsi-Cola is not only in high quality, cool and fresh but also have a
competitive price. 3) Thirdly. Pepsi is such an experienced powerful global company, Which has a
basic of a greatfund. So it has the ability to place an idle sum of money to the promotion. We can
see that theadvertisement of Pepsi-Cola is so attractive. It also invited the top famous people to
advertise for it. ) Pepsi also compares with the competitors and find their disadvantages to update
its own quality,flavor and also package promptly in order to satisfy the consumers’ need. This is
the biggestadvantage of Pepsi company. It is the most popular one. Pepsi company also produce
the Diet-Cola to meet the people whomore concern their health. And it just changes the design of
the package of Pepsi-Cola. 2. The disadvantages of Pepsi-ColaBut we cannot consider things just
on one side. Still there are some disadvantages existing inPepsi-Cola . A survey suggests that 32%
people prefer the package of Pepsi-Cola.
So the design of Pepsi-Cola’s package is not as attractive as Coca-cola. It still needs to be improved.
We suggestthat the package needs to be designed more colorful to attract people’s attention. 3.
Although in the cola market there are many competitors, Pepsi still has the opportunity toenlarge
its market share because the cola in the market is quite monotonic. Most of the end user isyoung
people. There are still some people who do not like the taste of the cola. So we can try to provide
some other taste of cola such as adding some lemon juice. We can change the flavor inorder to
meet different taste of different people. . As to the threats, all of us know that Pepsi-Cola and
Coca-Cola have had the competition for about 80 years. Although Pepsi-Cola have won several
times during this competition, the marketshare of Pepsi-cola is a little bit smaller than Coca-Cola.
Besides, there are many other competitorslike Mojo. In Mojo’s advertisement we can see the
reflection of our culture. It is well known thatBangladesh is a patriotic nation. So these words can
really catch Bangladeshi people’s heart. Andthese local cola’s flavor is more suitable for
Bangladeshis. So it cannot be ignored. Recommendation: Mojo:

After getting informations from the internet and local shops. It seems that Mojo has
certainlackings. Mojo is local brand so its going to be hard for Mojo to stay in competition with
Pepsi. Mojo can provide offers like “buy one get one free”, “win a car”, coupons, etc. All these
activitieswill rise interests in people to consume more Mojo in order to get something. By offering
such promotions, Mojo may be able to give tough competitions to Pepsi. Mojo can persuade
people via advertising. E. g. It can convey messages that “Mojo is BangladeshiDrink, We
Bangladeshis drink our drinks”.

Not only that, motivating employees will help Akij Beverages to reach its peak. E. g. Employeescan
be given fringe benefits, promotions, monthly free medical check-up, etc. 24 SUGGESTIVE
PROMOTIONAL TOOLS Billboards MOJO cola must concentrate on billboard advertising, for this
at first they have to increase thenumber of billboards around the country. They have to create
billboards with catchy look so that itcan grab the attention of the target aspect. They must make
colorful and relevant billboards so that people can find out what they want to tell them.

At last, they have to place the billboards in theright place so that target aspect can have their full
concentrate in it. Paper Ads The number of paper ads should have to be increased. Otherwise,
they cannot make mass peopleaware about their product. It should also contain high imagery,
relevant with product MOJO cola. TVCs The frequencies of the TV ads have to be increased. People
who watch TV regularly are seekingfor innovative things made by the marketers. They pretty much
bored with the traditional ads. So if MOJO cola bring new thing with their ads them it will be a
turning point for their sale.

People willget more interest in their product and as a result, they can be the loyal customer of this
product. SoTV ads should be brought with a new format, with more new things so that it can catch
the targetaspect with the new ones. Sponsorship Till now MOJO cola make sponsorship of few
events like concerts, “nabanno utsav, banglanoboborsho, etc”. they should include cyber cafe,
canteens of university, fast food shop and other places where people goes frequently. By doing
so they can be with the target audience and we illfind more aware people. Sales Promotion
They should in for massive sales promotion to attract people from other drinks Pepsi: 1) Pepsi-
Cola should improve the design of the package first. As it is advertised as” the choice of new
generation”, the design must be looked young and fresh. So the color should be more sharpand
attractive. 2) As the flavor and ingredients of cola in the market are similar and the most active
consumer isthe young people, we can diversify the Pepsi production to meet the different need
of theconsumers. That is customer-orientated. 3) Besides the Diet cola for the health conscious
people, we can have many other new choices.

For example, we can create a new kind of cola more suitable for children. Maybe we can add
theVitamins or some nutritious element that are necessary to children. Or we can create a new
flavor like mint-cola. 4) However, pricing should not be reduced to an extent where initial
investment cannot berecovered. So, pricing & finance has to be done carefully. Conclusion Mojo
People prefer MOJO’s pricing but it has to improve its image in status and quality issues.
Unfortunately, MOJO is lagging behind due to inadequate communication of its brand
elementslike slogan, name’s meaning etc.

It has also failed to communicate its own positioning to the targetconsumers. However, still now
MOJO has the chance to recover its own position because about70% of the target customers
(according to the survey result) are potential and have not constructedtheir belief structure for
MOJO. For some particular aspects of consumer behavior such as perception, attitude, self-
orientation and life style etc, those recommended strategies provided withthe report will be
supportive to recover those issues successfully if MOJO can apply thosesuggestive marketing
tools. 6 Pepsi Being in such a tense competition with other beverages, Pepsi-Cola should not take
the direct andtough attack upon any of them. The best wad is to keep a peaceful relationship with
it and alwayscompare with others, We should find their disadvantages and show our advantages
on this aspect. Then by and by, the people would think ours is better Of course the most important
rule is toimprove the product, lower the price in comparison to other competitors to meet the

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