ECE46 ACTVITY1 Angelada

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SRDS BDVSTSSSSOHRCHECE ACTINITY 4 4} what is imegtaned Circuit? — A itlegrated cleouid °F IO i a \w-od electronic clroust Yad ebmleinel achive and faulue omporicte ON oh cingle vilion aytad: Trantistory and inde) Gewe as ottve components While rerigord and caparitors cervas OL paivive componenar — brother definition of TCH tod, HO Cemivonducto r MP “tray Rous §— whole cAfoUt - When wmpared tb cotverttowal Gsauits wnichare wade UP HY Sepamte chew ponent, HB Swallow comerd ICs are micnonifh flat ince howands or tuyraredt oF Larical wmponents [ike revctort, capacitors: Gnd tronicton. Neanwlhite, Oscillators ameter ; micropreceler, finer and Computer the mory are al) examples of Is. J} Whar is Weord law * Dieon briefly avd provite qirprical reprebototion « = werd Jaw hardwarts the number OF Wu the observation That over the wittory of comp wing Erqnutters on Iniegrated clrowte — ewble! apporinatey every two year: “he period of+eM Anoted “ye moms” w due + ytel exetive David eur, whe gredided that period for a doubling chip performance Coeing & combination Of the eitecl of move srousston avd Their being Paver: ye sbswwation Wal wade toy borden weore , @-Foundet of Ime cw Jou swat the sot UR Fraygtstess wal len ragay due fe coe “\anovat Yon mous -CLASSIFY- ) Moonts LAW 197060, OO 0 v 6 060,00 | a / , . = 9 Deni Numer of reais ceuiing ” esto! “Ee sey i -- e200, 0067 W® Monts “ oe yh a (7 Fertig = a Danine me" | Andon of Hranstors duubing + Pestiam tH serery 94m > Pentiam it . ; ° mse . Pensiarn mag) rrr’ | ge) wo 7 : 19,000 7 P 3,900 fr —r T 7 4 im (go AqD ot YEAR “CLASSIFY: 3. GA redwution 8. Ancreatd Joint: 8. Matohed — devices Twereated operating 1 Reduttion (ny power ANALOG cRoUTT Amal CAvoult are the electronic FS OroUH fuot, deal with the Current and voltage tit can lave amy DS Pouinle value. # £ 44 Aralng chroultt deat wlth D anaig tigre my me my my =F np) Wren erating with tne ne wgscad word, ataleg divomy Gn p accept the signal from ° wd ah tre dota alterdy , analrg - i TOLASSIFY Speeds {onuumption Craik and —Anattog, Crowd ~ Ne ditferencd — between Summarized in tabular SJ What are tne advanages of Tetepateh Qauit? “he odhiniger of the integrated crouse wdude! the Felleareg: * Minlaturivaaion and hence Unereated equipment bens: due fo akon procelitng: system reliability dae te etnninat(o n AP acldered 4: Improved — fanttionad performance: Awd are tne aetfdurencel \aween — Digital Weegrat ed fratog and Digital Ctreuitt ore Porm at teat below DISITAL AR CMT # Dighal crouist ore the Aechowic drow {wat dol in The qurente and Yolkoud Anat can have ony Pew diterete Nol. ty 0 ot Chinary digtag Gig nating) 4 Bigtad cirenitt deals with igitod data or Fqnads 4 We a digital chrouy Wa te acquire data From poyscal Worlds tHe analeg gaa MULE be comwengd 0 digiad. Ngnate Meg - ee OSS ECR CECE ES AALS CIR pura eROUTTE A indent ‘ orn MW ier ob cei : ty Vara te dayirag clrowirs of We ChRichenty EQN aN analeg drow ond — predision- A Mwally, Hm eoay +0 weak 4 Greeting crrort or Modging BY Wed came errort IM Bight od drauite it howd and , nasa, Aci. Tn (ome cobth, 4k 1 wet poreiine- BY Whah Wane xgnigicame op ratgrard row Medern Fecwnviog]” _ wpe al = he inegated — aout (te) i KgniFicamt peeame ” paniaturized (oatler comport gure crically Covnpowertt ko be Galler total sire, allboing tne every item we We prdayi Hem wah No to cel phonel- Inotuer advaniage of IC wo become Yee Wig petormante because We comp ower APE mall, doce wacker, felch quick ard wntume litle power ts Dor ay oH, HG Wecoue the exp, win atl their wmporents ore primed ak 2 Unt \o Prate \enagrapny Wit Hy wide rorge Ff aprications, Ter plat on important role ah the eclywology — Ontinue fo gavance- Nicroprocescers+ gre omkong the Mott advaned Untegrated — crewits, corerottin, From computed fo cellular Powel te dighrat migowawe oven Ard many othe 1y0C imag Cat ed chron say Waitial fo the antren Ftdwolngi cal culture: gevetopmem — of Pre *CLASSIFY+

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