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Common variables



NILSEN DMA designated market are

When broadcasting began and NBC started putting television towers. If u are near telecom you will
be able to see. The area that gets the signal becomes the DMA.

A DMA region is a group of counties that form an exclusive geographic area in which the home
market television stations hold a dominance of total hours viewed

If advs want to calculate they nedd to map in a way they will be able to target. The Nilsen company
owns patent. Just as Nilsen is used in usa .there can be ways to define media in india, how india
does it is based on language. If u think of how Newspapers organise accros india they think of
language and geography. It has now become easier, since language and boundaries become
integrated in india. States are large and ghave cultural regoins inside them, socio cult was very diff
from rest of the state, even that is not enough to capture Andhra Pradesh. Election analysis news
anchors tel u the subregional patterns within state


There was no tele that was being done in india . measuring nearest towns to rural areas.

Basing all decisions based on our study of india

How do we measure audience?

ALL AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT can be roughly classified into user centric (sample ;surveys/

and server centric

Server centric approach(

Infer population characteristics , someone directly used data on


Magazines and newspapers

For now assume print only

What do we know for sure

Circulaton – how many copies are printed.

What are the limitations

There can be many leakages how many true copies are going in the hands of the readers

We know the copy is printed but we don’t know if its read.

Even though circulation has limitations it’s a very important . but its also audited by 3 rd party. That 3rd
party is called . sales figures are internal to the company and we sell dove , we want to know
competition . “scanning data”


Its media (NOT PROPLE)

We don’t know from circulation we don’t know how amny people are actually reading

The survey method is what is used

It is not consistent thru the week or thru the year

Basically these surveys are done through “rolling Samples”

Average issue readership and total readers


They capture average issue readership, whether a paper is read periodically

Total readership : to both readers and non readers

Other media habits

Product purchase behaviour

Lifestyle and attitudes Create psychographic profiles

Indian Readership survey.

Print ad took a major drive.

Current challenge is that many people still read print in print but all also have online presence fpor
publication they need to know how to monetize.

Online creates piracy problems

Measurement is hard because measures in digital Comes from server centric methods though
devices. Print is based on user centric

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