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Indian USHA2006;
J. Anaesth. : ABDOMINAL
50 (6) : 455 - AORTA


Dr. Dhananjay Kumar Singh1 Dr. Usha Kiran2

Renal failure is one of the most important causes of early death after surgery for aortic aneurysm demanding very meticulous
management. Here We report two cases of thoracoabdominal aneurysm with renal involvement where selective renal artery perfusion
with cold perfusate was done to protect renal function.
Keywords : Abdominal aortic aneurysm, Renal protection, Selective renal artery perfusion.

Introduction creatinine - 2.2 mgdl-1, Hb -11.2%, serum Na -146 mmol/

Renal injury accounts for 10-18% of causes of early lt, and serum K - 4.6 mmol/lt. Patient was taking tab
mortality after aortic aneurysm surgery. Renal insufficiency atenolol (100 mg BD) and tab prazosin (4 mgOD). Depending
is associated in 13% of cases of aortic aneurysm. Patient upon the history and Ultrasonography report patient was
after having undergone aortic aneurysm surgery may go diagnosed to be having abdominal aortic aneurysm with
into the renal failure in 8.5-33% of cases. Seeing the grave renal artery involvement. Patient was premedicated with
consequences of aortic aneurysm with renal involvement it oral diazepam 5mg each in night and two hours before
needs very precise management of such patients. We hereby surgery, intramuscular morphine sulphate 5 mg and phenargan
report two such cases of abdominal aortic aneurysm with 12.5 mg one hour before surgery. Antihypertensives were
renal artery involvement. continued. Three wide bore canula (16G) were put in
right and left upper limb and right external jugular vein.
Case-1 7Fr-gauge triple lumen catheter was put in right internal
A 50 years old male patient had history of dull jugular vein. Left radial artery was canulated with 20G
abdominal pain in periumblical region for the last two canula for continuous invasive arterial pressure monitoring.
years with radiation to the back and decreased urine output Heart rate, electrocardiogram, invasive arterial pressure,
for the previous fifteen days. There was no history of central venous pressure, oxygen saturation, end tidal carbon
vomiting and haematemesis. On examination patient was dioxide, temperature and urine output were monitored. After
thin built, conscious and weighed 49 kg. There were no preoxygenation patient was induced with inj fentanyl
positive findings in respiratory and cardiovascular system. (150 mcg), midazolam (1 mg) and thiopentone (150 mg)
Pulse Rate was 66/min, regular, good volume with normal intravenously. Intubation was done with inj atracurium
character. Blood pressure was 170/110 mmHg but seeing (25 mg) intravenously. Anaesthesia was maintained with inj
the consequences of impending rupture of aneurysm case fentanyl, midazolam, atracurium and isoflurane (1-3%).
was taken for surgery with infusion of nitroglycerine. Patient was put in right lateral position with left arm
Abdominal examination showed pusatile mass in the abducted over head. After the incision in 7th intercostal
epigastric area. Chest x-ray showed gross rotation of space diaphragm was reflected anteriorly. Inj heparin
heart. Ultrasonography showed dilatation of entire abdominal (1 mgkbw-1), Inj methylprednisolone (30 mgkbw-1) and inj
aorta involving the both renal arteries, mild increase in the aminocaproic acid (100 mgkbw-1) I.V. were given. On going
renal echogenocity in the both kidneys and maintained nitroglycerin infusion was increased before the application
cortical medullary demarcation. Right kidney measured of aortic cross clamp proximally and distally to aneurysm
98 x 55 x 54 mm and left kidney measures 77x37x38 mm. to prevent blood pressure shoot up. Renal artery was
Haematology showed blood urea – 72 mmg/dl, serum dissected and kidney was perfused with a perfusate containing
cold ringer lactate (1lt), methylprednisolone (250 mg),
1. Senior Resident mannitol (50 ml) and heparin (25 mg). Synthetic graft was
2. Addl. Prof. & Head anastomosed to proximal and distal aorta and renal
Dept. of Cardiac Anaesthesia, vessels were also anastomosed to the synthetic graft.
C.N. Centre, AIIMS., NEW DELHI-110029,. Splenectomy was also done as a part of surgery. Urine
Correspond to :
Dr. Usha Kiran
output was 120 ml before and 100 ml after the release of
E-mail : aortic cross clamp. Inj frusemide and mannitol and infusion
(Accepted for publication on 20 - 08 - 2006 ) dopamine (3 mgkbw-1min-1 ) was started. Intraoperatively

4 units of blood, 1 unit of fresh frozen plasma and 1 unit Kidney was perfused through renal vessels by perfusate
of platelet and 2 units of cryoprecipitate were used to containing cold ringer lactate (1lt), methylprednisolone
enhance the haemostasis. Cell saver collected 1700 ml of (250 mg), mannitol (50 ml) and heparin (25 mg) to protect
blood. Inj protamine was given to reverse the action of from ischemic injury. Just before the release of aortic
heparin. Aortic cross clamp time was 38 min. Muscle cross clamp, infusion nitroglycerine was decreased and
relaxant was not reversed and patient was shifted to intensive infusion dopamine (3 mgkg -1 min-1) was started. Urine
care unit for overnight elective ventilation. Renal dose output was maintained by giving frusemide and mannitol.
dopamine was continued for two days. Urine outputs Urine outputs were 300 ml before and 600 ml after release
improved gradually and blood urea decreased from of aortic cross clamp. Total urine output was 1300 ml.
60 mgdl-1 o n 1st postoperative day to 28 mgdl-1 o n 5t h Intraoperatively 5 units of blood were used. Cell saver
postoperative day. Then patient was shifted to ward. collected 900 ml of blood. Collected 350 ml of autologous
Postoperative pain was managed with inj ketoralac. blood was transfused. For haemostasis fresh frozen
plasma, cryoprecipitate and platelet were given. Inj
Case- 2 protamine was given to reverse the heparin. Muscle
54 years old male with body weight 59 kg with relaxant was not reversed. Patient was electively ventilated
systemic hypertension developed abdominal pain with in ICU overnight. Inotropic support was continued for
radiation to back for the last 3 weeks with history of two days. Urine output was maintained adequately. Blood
malaena and haematochezia and no history of decreased urea and serum creatinine came within normal limits.
urine output. P.R. was 52/min, and B.P. was 150/90 mmHg. Patient was shifted to ward on 5th postoperative day.
Respiratory and CVS did not show any positive findings.
Perabdomen examination showed prominent periumblical Discussion
pulsation. Ultrasound of abdomen reveals dilatation of Aortic aneurysm may involve any segment of aorta
entire abdominal aorta (4.8x5.4 cm) above the origin of but thoracoabdominal aneurysm is the most common. Most
renal artery with specks of calcification and leak in the common pathogenesis is atherosclerosis. It may be of
aortic wall. fusiform (80%) or saccular (20%) type.1
Echocardiography showed concentric left ventricular Crawford proposed classification for thoracoabdominal
hypertrophy with regional wall motion abnormality aortic aneurysm (TAAA) according to the extent of
(RWMA). Coronary angiography was not available. involvement.2
As aneurysm was significantly associated with coronary
Type-I = most or all of descending thoracic aorta,
artery disease proper care like afterload reduction by
suprarenal abdominal aorta.
infusion nitroglycerin was taken to prevent intraoperative
myocardial ischemia. On the basis of history and Type-II= most or all of descending thoracic aorta,
ultrasound finding fusiform aortic aneurysm involving most or all of abdominal aorta.
entire abdominal aorta with contained leak above the
Type-III= distal descending thoracic aorta, varying
aortic bifurcation was diagnosed. Haematology showed
segment of abdominal aorta including the renal and visceral
Hb-9.3 gm%, blood urea-36 mg/dl and serum creatinine-
1. mgdl-1 Serum electrolytes were within normal limits.
Patient was premedicated with oral diazepam 5 mg each Type-IV= most or all of abdominal aorta.
in night and two hours before surgery, intramuscular Our patients were of type–III as there was
morphine sulphate 10mg and phenargan 12.5 mg one involvement of renal vessels.
hour before surgery. Rest of anaesthesia was similar to
case one except the inserting the pulmonary artery catheter Resection of thoracoabdominal type (TAAA) is very
to monitor the cardiac output and pulmonary artery challenging for surgeon as the well as cardiac
pressure as patient had regional wall motion abnormality anaesthesiologist because of high overall mortality rate of
(RWMA). Cardiac output and pulmonary artery pressures 3% to 28% and intraoperative mortality of 4%.3,4 The
were within normal limits. Surgery was done in right causes of death are bleeding, cardiac factors and multiple
lateral position. Before aortic clamp application, on organ failure.5
going infusion nitroglycerin was increased to prevent Among the causes of early mortality cardiac failure
hypertension. Inj aminocaproic acid (100 mgkbw-1 ) and contributes 10% to 75% 6 and renal failure contributes 10%
methylprednisolone (30 mgkbw -1 ) were given. Aortic to 18% 7. Renal insufficiency is associated in 13% of
cross clamp applied and synthetic graft was anastomosed. aneurysms. The most dreaded consequence of renal

ischemia is acute renal failure. The incidence of acute vascular resistance due to activation of renin–angiotensin
renal failure after thoracic aneurysm surgery is 3.6% and sympathetic nervous system. 18 There are other causes
to 27%.8 like microembolization, endothelin release, and inhibition
of nitric oxide formation by myoglobin and release of
The median survival time of patient without
prostaglandin contributing to intrarenal maldistribution of
surgery is only 3.3 years.9 The incidence of rupture of
blood flow. Renal haemodynamic changes persist even after
TAAA varies from 20% to 50%.10 Rupture occurs primarily
unclamping of aortic cross clamp and may result in a
in patient with aneurysm larger than 5 cm.
prolonged decrease in glomerular filtration rate.
Upto 33% of survival becomes dialysis dependent11.
Adequate hydration and renal perfusion pressure
Risk factors 12 that potentiate postoperative renal failure are
are important factor for renal protection. The changes
cardiac diseases (left ventricular dysfunction), re-operation,
in renal blood flow are significantly attenuated if adequate
aortic cross clamp time more than 30 to 45 min, renal
intravascular volume and cardiac output are maintained.19
ischemia time more than 30 min, postoperative respiratory
There are so many methods 20 like minimizing aortic
insufficiency, preexisting renal dysfunction, sustained intra
cross clamp time, maintaining adequate renal perfusion
and post operative hypotension, failure to use atriofemoral
(adequate intravascular volume, ventricular function and
cardiac output), decreasing renal metabolic rate (cold
Our first case had preoperative renal dysfunction perfusion to renal artery, frusemide, systemic hypothermia),
(risk factor), as blood urea and serum creatinine were decreasing reperfusion injury (mannitol, calcium channel
high. Proper prophylaxis like use of frusemide, mannitol, blocker, superoxide dismutase), using pharmacological
short aortic cross clamp time, adequate hydration and manipulation of renal blood flow (low dose dopamine,
blood conservation were taken to bring down the blood urea mannitol, frusemide, fenoldopam, PGE), are there to protect
and serum creatinine. Case two had regional wall renal function.
motion abnormality as a risk factor. Coronary artery
Selective renal artery perfusion is also very important
disease (CAD) is the most likely condition to affect
way to protect the renal function. The orifices of exposed
survival in patient undergoing TAAA repair. The risk of
renal artery are cannulated with 9Fr catheter and perfused
sustaining a perioperative myocardial infarction ranges
with cold perfusate from the centrifugal pump using
from 7.3% to 13%.13 It is the major cause of death in
Y shaped connection. We also did selective renal artery
TAAA if a patient get intraoperative collapse or transmural
perfusion to both kidneys with coldperfusate21 containg
myocardial infarction. That is why pulmonary artery
ringer lactate (1lt), methylprednisolone (250 mg), mannitol
catheter was put to monitor cardiac output and pulmonary
(50ml) and heparin (25 mg) decreasing metabolic rate and
artery pressure and infusion nitroglycerin was started to
reperfusion injury and maintaining renal blood flow thus
reduce afterload and aortic cross clamp was tried to be
minimizing the incidence of renal failure.
as short as possible. To prevent homologous blood
transfusion 350 ml of autologous blood was withdrawn The newer technique of endovascular aortic aneurysm
before surgery and cell saver was used that conserved repair has evolved for the treatment of TAAA. The
around 1200 ml of blood in 1st case and 1500 ml of blood endovascular stent graft is composed of a stainless steel
in 2nd case. Nephrotoxic drugs were avoided. Inj atracurium endoskeleton of stent elements & covering of woven Dacron.
was used as it has got Hoffman elimination. Repair is done through the surgically exposed femoral or
iliac artery or the lower abdominal aorta. The premeasured
A recent series using a statistical model to
graft is inserted through an open arteriotomy under
evaluate a patients risk revealed advanced age (more than
fluoroscopic control. 22 Generally patient undergoing
70 years) and preoperative serum creatinine level as a key
endovascular stent graft aortic repair appear to have greater
predictors of postoperative renal failure.14 Suprarenal
haemodynamic stability compared to traditional open
aortic cross clamping is associated with higher rate of
repair.2 3
renal complication (17% to 51%).15 Aortic cross clamping
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of combined technique are decrease in postoperative pain,
Renal insult may result to acute tubular necrosis,16
adrenocortical stress response, protein catabolism,
30% decreased in cortical blood flow,17 increased renal
hypercoagulable state and pulmonary and myocardial

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