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Sed 111 Earth’s atmosphere

Activity # 2

Be able to make an essay about Earth’s Atmosphere. Looking into its composition,
features, history and some problems you may include discovery and related studies.

Damaged Climate, Damaged Life

The word climate change is not new to all of us. It has been mentioned a couple of
times already in school, in different social media platforms and even in television that is
accessible to everyone. In this essay I will be tackling about climate change and its effect
to the environment and humanity.

According to United Nations, climate change is the long-term shifts in

temperature and weather pattern. Since 1800s, humans activities such as excessive
burning of fossil fuels which produces heat-trapping gases was the primary cause of this
drastic changes. With this, the earth became hotter than usual and this increase in the
planet's temperature caused disasters that greatly affected the environment.

One of the latest example of these disasters is the Typhoon Agaton. This tropical
storm made its landfall at Calicoan Island, Guiuan, Eastern Samar last April 2022 where
many agricultural lands and tourists' spots were devastated. In Tacloban Leyte, the
tropical storm caused landslides that killed thousands of people and bring so much
property casualties.

Another disaster caused by the hotter atmosphere is the melting of glaciers in

North and South Pole. According to USGS, despite the uncertainty about the full volume
of glaciers and ice caps on Earth, if they were all to melt, the sea level will rise at
approximately 70 meters (230 feet) that would flood coastal cities around the world. This
flooding will also cause economic degradation for there are more business found in
coastal cities for fishing industry is found in there like here in the City of General Santos.

Recently, the protest group named Extinction Rebellion (XR) composed by scientists
made their step on demanding the public to listen to the desperate caution of the climate
experts and to urge people to help them stop the fossil fuel economy. According to them,
the Earth has only 3-5 years to live. Moreover they stated "that they are not being listened
to" and this ignorance could give risk to the "precious planet." They urge people and
government to listen to their plea to stop the said economy saying that it is for the children
around the world.

There are still many disastrous events that are not mentioned in this essay that
were caused by this climate change and even more to come unless everyone would take
part in curing what has been damaged. As long as there is still life, there is hope that what
the scientists have mentioned would not come to pass. There are many solutions and what
we have to do is to act and help our planet in obtaining cleaner atmosphere through
lessening the use of plastics, stop burning them, to plant more trees and listen to the plea
of the experts in stopping the fossil fuel economy. It may seem impossible to achieve but
with unity with the people around the world, the damaged climate and life would be soon
called the healed climate that leads to a better life.

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