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The Scope and social order if there is no basis of right

and wrong which is Ethics. Any society

Meaning of Ethics is doomed to fail if devoid of correct
basis of thinking.
Module 2
Ethics and Economics – Napoleon
A deeper understanding of Ethics once said that an army marches on its
stomach, in relation to economics man
Ethics is a branch of Philosophy that has to fulfill is economic needs. The
studies human acts and human need for material wealth is inherent in
conduct. The term ethics derives from man that there are instances that
the Greek word “ethiko”, which from economic topics needed ethical
the word “ethos” or “habit” or principles such as capital-labor
“custom”. Although there are subjects relations, profit, interests, money et al.
that study human conduct such as The need to settle these conflicts must
Psychology and Sociology. Ethics has have ethical basis to incur equitable
a deeper meaning in its standpoint by results.
further delving into the aspect of human
acts. They are more concerned with the Morality and Other Phases of Human
morality of human acts. Life

Noted definition of Ethics Ethics and Education – Education

whether formal or informal is a never-
1. Ethics is the practical science of the ending process and is the foundation of
morality of human actions. man’s moral, intellectual and physical
2. Ethics is the scientific inquiry into the capacities. But then again education is
principles of morality. illicit if it is not supported by ethics; they
3. Ethics is the study of human conduct say ethics is life the same way
from the standpoint of morality. education is intertwined with life.
4. Ethics is the science of human acts Learning is good but learning supported
with reference of right and wrong. by ethics is better inasmuch as ethics is
living right.
Relation of Ethics with Other
Sciences Morality and Law – as mentioned in the
previous module, not everything moral is
Ethics and Logic – Logic is the science legal and not everything legal is moral.
of right thinking and while Ethics is the Meaning there are good things that do
science of right living. Thinking and not need legislation and immoral acts
Doing things go hand-in-hand, we that the State may approve. But to
cannot move without thinking right the further differentiate them laws only used
same way every action is guided by external acts while ethics cover man’s
reason. “acts” that play in his mind that will not
incriminate him in any statute. For
Ethics and Psychology – The two example, a plan for a robbery if
subjects dealt with the study of man, discovered is not criminally liable in any
human nature and human behavior but court of law but ethics said it is a fault
that is all their similarity ends. for such “act” is intrinsically evil.
Psychology only tell us the causes of
man’s actions that may be psychological Ethics and Politics - Man in his
or physiological but ethics tell us how constant search for happiness be it
man should react. Ethics is interested in temporal or eternal is never ending.
moral obligation while Psychology ends They say politics and ethics are poles
there. apart – in a certain point that is correct it
is the very reason why politics become
Ethics and Sociology – as we all dirty for they deviate from ethics. Man’s
know, Sociology deals with the study of insatiable greed for wealth and power
society as well as the social order that thru politics means absence of ethics.
regulates the society as a whole. But An ideal state should be an ethical state.
then what is the foundation of their

Ethics and Art – Ethics is about for good corporate governance
positive morality while art is beauty. Any and social responsibility
work of art that is beautiful, will give a initiatives. This perception is held
positive outlook to the looker that will be far and wide even by those who
greatly appreciated. The purpose of art do not even know what business
is for appreciation that is contributory to the organization is into.
man’s ethics.
3. It unites people and leaders:
Religion and Ethics – Religion is ethics
An organization driven by values
and ethics is religion, they are
interchangeable for the any religious is revered by its employees also.
belief tends to ethical standards in It is the common thread that
relation to his most fundamental tenet. brings the employees and the
What unites them all boiled down to decision makers on a common
three things namely: a) belief in the platform. This goes a long way in
Supernatural, b) man’s beginning and aligning behaviors within the
end and c) right living. organization towards
achievement of one common
Importance of Ethics goal or mission
Most of us would agree that it is ethics
in practice that makes sense; just 4. It improves decision-making: A
having it carefully re-drafted but being man's destiny is the sum total of
re-drafted in books may not serve the all the decisions that he takes in
true purpose. Of course, all of us want the course of his life. The same
businesses to be fair, clean and holds true for organizations.
beneficial to society. For that to happen, Decisions are driven by values.
organizations need to abide by ethics or For example, an organization that
rules of law, engage themselves in fair does not value competition will be
practice and competition; all of which fierced in its operation aiming to
will benefit the consumer, society and wipe out its competitors and
organization. establish a monopoly in the
Primarily it is the individual, the
consumer, the employee or the human 5. It brings long term gains:
social unit of society who benefits from Organizations guided by ethics
ethics. In addition, ethics is important and values are profitable in the
because of the following: long run, though in the short run
they may seem to lose money.
The Tata group, one of the
1. It satisfies basic human needs: largest business conglomerates
Being fair, honest and ethical is in India was seen on the verge of
one of the basic human needs. decline at the beginning of
Every employee desires to be 1990's, but which soon turned out
such himself and to work for an to be otherwise. The same
organization that is fair and company's Tata NANO car was
ethical in its practices. predicted as a failure and fails to
do well but the same is picking up
2. It creates credibility: An fast now.
organization that is believed to be
driven by moral values is 6. It secures the society: Often,
respected in the society even by ethics succeeds because there is
those who may have no a law in safeguarding the society.
information about the working The law machinery is often found
and the businesses or an acting as a mute spectator,
organization. Infosys, for example unable to save society and the
is perceived as an organization environment. Technology is now

growing at such fast pace that by employees who exhibit the values and
the time the law comes up with a integrity that coincides with the
regulation, we already have a company's code of ethics and discipline
newer technology with new those who make the wrong choices.
thrusts replacing the older one's.
Benefits of Ethics to the
Lawyers and public interest
litigations may not help a great
deal but ethics can. A positive and healthy corporate culture
improves the morale of workers in the
Ethics tries to create a sense of right organization, which may increase
and wrong in the organizations and productivity and employee retention;
often when the law fails, it is ethics that this, in tum, has financial benefits for the
may stop the organization from harming organization. Higher levels of
the society or environment. productivity improve the efficiency in the
company, while increasing employee
The code of ethics leaders use retention reduces the cost of replacing
determines discipline procedures and employees.
the acceptable behaviour for all
workers in an organization. When Roslyn Frenz (2017) believed that ethics
leaders have high ethical standards, is important because it helps people
they encourage workers in the make good choices. Different ethical
organization to meet that same level. codes provide various standards for
Ethical leadership also enhances the sorting through and settling moral
company's reputation in the financial questions. Ethical ideas can come from
market and community. A solid ancient philosophers, religious figures,
reputation for ethics and integrity in the modern scholars and philosophers and
community may improve the company's personal beliefs. Though different in
business. each specific philosophy, each type of
ethical code contains important core
Employee Ethics values.

Ethical behavior among workers in an

organization ensures that employees Ethics and morals direct decision-
complete work with honesty and making and regulate how people should
integrity. Employees’ who use ethics to behave in a given culture. Everyone has
guide their behavior adhere to a slightly different personal ethical code,
employee policies and rules while derived from spiritual and historical
striving to meet the goals of their sources and from individual experience.
organization. Ethical employees also People rely on ethical standards to
meet standards for quality in their work, guide them through both routine and
which can enhance the company unusual situations. Ethical rules and
reputation for quality products and virtuous business practices rely on
services. moral standards as their bases. Ethics
and morals help keep governments and
cultures from descending into anarchy.
Ethical Organizational Culture Why Should Students Study Ethics?
Leaders and employees adhering to a Christopher Panza and Adam Potthast
code of ethics create an ethical gave reasons why students should
organizational culture. The leaders of study Ethics.
business organizations may create an
ethical culture by exhibiting the type of 1. Ethics allows you to live an
behavior they would like to see their authentic and meaningful life.
employees. The organization can An authentic and meaningful life
reinforce ethical behavior by rewarding requires you to live with a sense
of integrity. Integrity refers to
commitment by sticking to the hand, callous and insensitive
rules of law through thick and people are distrusted, so it's
thin- no matter how difficult the difficult for them to be integrated
laws are. Having a firm character well into social arrangements. A
or set of principles to guide your stable society requires a lot of
life and the choices you make are ethical people working together in
what ethics is all about. highly coordinated ways. If
society were mostly composed of
2. Ethics makes you more unethical people, it would quickly
successful, you may think that crumble or disintegrate
ethics can hold you back in all
kinds of ways, but the truth is -it 5. Ethics may help out in the
is the opposite. Ethical people afterlife. Some religious
embody traits that unethical traditions believe that ethics is
people have to work at to fake. the key to something even
Ethical people are honest, greater than personal success
trustworthy, loyal, and caring. As and social stability: eternal life.
a result, ethical people are No one can be sure about an
perfectly suited not only for eternal life, but people of faith
interpersonal relationships but from many different religions
also more on the kinds of believe that good behaviour in
interactions that make for thriving this planet life leads to rewards in
business Unethical people the next life.
generally don't do there well on
these things. Meaning and Importance of Rules

3. Ethics allows you to cultivate Rules are defined in several ways:

inner peace. Lives that are lived
ethically tend to be calmer, more 1. Rules are instructions that tell
focused, and more productive you what you are allowed to do
than those that are lived and what you are not allowed to
unethically. Most people can't do.
turn off their sympathy for other Examples:
human beings. Hurting people a. Raise your hand
leaves scars on both the giver when you want to ask
and the receiver. As a result, questions.
unethical people have stormier b. You are not allowed
internal lives because they have to go to the canteen
to work to suppress their while classes are
conscience and Sympathy to deal going on.
with the ways they treat others.
When they fail to properly 2. A rule is a statement telling
suppress their sympathies, the people what they should do in
guilt feelings and shame that order to achieve success or a
come with harming or benefit of some kind.
disrespecting their fellow human Examples:
beings take deep root within a. Eat nutritious food to
them. maintain a healthy
4. Ethics provides for a stable b. Study your lesson
society. When people live on well in order to get
ethical lives they tell the truth, high grades in this
avoid harming others, and are Ethics class.
very generous. Working with
such people is easy. On the other

3. Rules are statement that b. Knock before you
describes the way things usually enter
happen in a particular situation.
Examples: Importance of Rules
a. In English, adjectives
generally precede the There are several importance of rules.
noun they modify. These are:
b. In science, all objects 1. Prudent laws are the foundations
thrown up go down. of a nation because they define
the parameters of civil society. If
4. Rule tells you the normal state of laws become elastic, the
affairs. boundaries become
Examples: dysfunctional
a. Schools are 2. Laws organize our lives. We are
established for the able to deal and live together
education of the because of rules and laws.
individuals 3. Rules help us get along together
b. Policemen have the and show respect to each other.
duties to maintain If there are no rules to follow,
peace and order everyone is free to do whatever
he wants.
5. Rules influence or restrict 4. Most things we do are governed
actions in a way that is not good by rules. Imagine if a student
for a person. ignores the rule against talking in
Examples: class, the teacher will not be
a. It has been found that able to achieve her goal and
fear can ruin our lives other students cannot
and make us ill. concentrate. Drivers who
b. Unauthorized disobey traffic rules can cause
persons are not serious accidents.
allowed to enter this 5. Rules organize the relations
room. between individuals and
between societies to make it
6. Rules tell us something that is clear to them what is right and
true or should happen and then wrong. They are designed to
the authority has officially ensure fairness, safety, and
decided that it is true. respect for each other's rights.
Examples: 6. Rules make the world a peaceful
a. The court has place to live.
decided that the 7. Rules are needed in our
respondent is liable community because they serve
for civil damages. as balances between laws and
b. The judge has finally rights. If there are more laws
decided that the than rights, there is more chance
protest is in favor of that people will revolt because of
the complainant. the lack of their rights. On the
other hand, if there are more
7. Rules are principles or rights than laws, the people will
regulations governing conduct, go out of control and become
action procedure, arrangement, abusive. Thus, laws are needed
etc. for regulation between laws and
Examples: rights.
a. Fall in line when
entering the

Basic Concepts in according to what they think,
what they believe, and what they
Philosophy ought to be done in the subject.
Chapter 1 Here are some of the definitions
of various authors:
Meaning of Philosophy
1. Philosophy is a rational critical
Philosophy may be thinking of a more or less systematic
defined in two ways: nominal kind about the conduct of life, the
(etymological1) and real. general nature of the world, and the
Etymological definition justification of belief (Encyclopedia
Americana, 2003).
The term philosophy is 2. Philosophy is the love or pursuit of
derived from two Greek words wisdom; the search for basic
"philos" or "philein" (to love, to principles (The New Websters
desire) and "sophia" (wisdom). Dictionary of the English
Putting them together, we have Language, 1995).
"philo" +" sophia" (love of 3. Philosophy is the sum of all man's
wisdom). Thus, a philosopher is a beliefs and views about the world
"lover of wisdom". Wisdom, in this which guide his actions (Ariola,
broadest sense, connotes 1989).
knowledge – knowledge directed 4. Philosophy is the science of the
to the fundamental and pervasive things by their ultimate principles
concerns of existence. Wisdom is and causes, as known by natural
not the wisdom of book learning, reason alone (Piñon, 1995).
fact acquiring and being a dean's 5. Philosophy is a human search for
lister or a topnotcher in the meaning; an intellectual quest that
licensure examinations or a goes beyond the boundaries of
technical skill of professional concrete knowledge, towards the
people. Wisdom is all- realm of the abstract where the
encompassing. It is inquisitive mind finds some
understanding on how we ought satisfaction and wonder (Gualdo,
to live. It is how you 2000).
systematically organize, structure 6. Philosophy is the never-ending
and relate all available data and search for the total human meaning
experiences. Wisdom in of our experiences. It is a discipline
philosophy consists of that attempts to look for answers to
participation in life - the way you man's inquisitive mind that begins in
change things, to solve human wonder and ends in awe (Bauzon,
problems or how you discover the 2002).
meaning of life. In short, the 7. Philosophy is an attempt to see the
wisdom in philosophy is in how wonders at our existence and at our
you help yourself think more place in the scheme of things
clearly, precisely, and (Melchert, 1999).
systematically. 8. Philosophy is a systematic,
reflective, critical, primarily reason-
bound inquiring into the basic
Real definition assumptions and guiding beliefs that
people use to make sense of any
Since philosophy is too
dimension of their live
comprehensive and to various,
(Christensen, 1999).
authors define philosophy
9. Philosophy is a process by which
Relating to the origin and historical men ponder, discuss or argue over
development of words and their meanings.

6 |C E T _ M O D U L E 1
the use, application, limits or opinions and beliefs. He thinks,
meaning of important ideas evaluates and decides what
(Bresman and Gould, 1977). could be "better" or best" for him.
10. Philosophy is the art of questioning 3. Philosophy helps the student to
everything; the goal of philosophy is be resilient and philosophically
wisdom and wisdom requires calm in the face of disorder and
questioning what is questionable doubts, uncertainty,
(Kolak and Martin, 1990). indefiniteness and chaos.
11. Philosophy focuses on conceptual 4. Philosophy deepens the student's
clarity and understanding, from self-awareness.
ignorance to knowledge (Earle, 5. In relation to deepening of self-
1992). awareness, philosophy also
12. Philosophy is asking the right increases the student's self-
question that initiates philosophical awareness and awareness of the
thinking and direction (Barry, 1983). world.
6. Philosophy helps student to be
Thus, philosophy may be viewed as creative.
an activity undertaken by men who are 7. Philosophy helps the student to
deeply concerned about who they are be imaginative.
and what everything is all about in this 8. Philosophy provides the student
world. The essence of philosophy is with better intellectual
asking the right question that gives the perspective and outlook.
right direction. In asking the right 9. Philosophy gives the student
question, philosophical thinking and personal freedom - the freedom
imagination play a significant part. In from biases, prejudices and
philosophy, the person does not only conviction, and tyranny of
accept unquestioningly the apparent customs that have grown up in
order of things in the material world. his mind.
Instead, he wonders about them, deals 10. Philosophy helps the student to
creatively with the goes beyond to see refine his power of analysis-the
what is not readily apparent, then power to think critically, reason,
conceive of possibilities and alternatives evaluate, theorize and justify.
in approaching them. In the process, he
formulates questions about it to serve as
his direction. Philosophy answers
questions through intensive application
of reason. Division Focus Questions
Metaphysics Study of 1. Why am I
Importance of Philosophy existence: here?
the 2. Where
will I go
1. Philosophy as a subject enables fundamenta
later in
the student to study, learn, and l questions
master the various branches and of reality
divisions of philosophy and the Epistemology Study of 1. How do I
theories and beliefs of knowledge: know that
philosophers. Philosophy as an how we I know?
activity enables the student to know about 2. Why do I
think, conceptualize, analyze, reality and know
compare, evaluate, and existence about it?
understand things.
Logic Study of 1. Why is it
2. Philosophy helps the student to
reasoning valid?
develop the ability to form and

7 |C E T _ M O D U L E 1
argument 2. How do 3. Applied ethics, concerning what a
you person is obligated (or permitted)
argue too do in a special situation or a
correctly particular domain of action. It seeks
? to apply philosophical tools to
Ethic/ Study of 1. How examine specific controversial
Moral action should issues and provide practical
philosophy you act? solutions to moral problems.
2. Is it
morally Applied Ethics answers the
right? question: should we lie to help a
Aesthetics/ Study of art 1. What is friend or co-worker?
Axiology and beauty beauty?

Moral Philosophy
Moral philosophy is the branch of is right
and philosophy that contemplates what
wrong. It explores the nature of morality
and examines how people should live
their lives in relation to others.
Branches of Moral Philosophy (Areas of
Study in Ethics)
1. Meta-ethics, concerning the
theoretical meaning and reference
of moral propositions, and how their
truth values (if any) can be
determined. It investigates where
our moral values, language, and
principles come from and what they

Meta-ethics answers the questions:

What is morality? What is justice? Is
there truth? How can I justify my
belief as better than the beliefs held
by others?

2. Normative ethics, concerning the

practical means of determining a
moral course of action. It
investigates the moral standards
that regulate right and wrong
conduct. Theories within normative
ethics include utilitarianism,
consequentialism, contractualism,
virtue ethics, and more.

Normative Ethics answers the

question: What we ought to do?

8 |C E T _ M O D U L E 1

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