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Bom Wee Ere GP SRRTERAR | Zi, i. SETTING yk OFS 1 1984, Glen Cook introduced the world to the Blick ‘Company: Readers followed the Company's service tothe Lady, watched a they battled the Dominator, and traveled -vith them to find heir origins in filed Khatova, Now, 20 _years later, the world of the Black Company is finally yours ¢0 explore inthis campaign setting for che popular d20 System, ‘Toe Blak Company Campaign Setting ssitable for games set Snany era inthe novels during ether the Book ofthe North ‘or the Books ofthe South, Moreover, itis suitable for any style cof ply, from low-magic fantasy ro epic excitement. Payers can take par in the Lady's consolidation ofthe Empire in the sort, become embroiled in the intrigues of Taglios, andl even Jead armies atthe Tower of Charm. They might take the role of unsvory thieves in Oar or fice Kina in an epic showdown, Payers can explore the time before the novels, or even pick up where the novels let off ‘The Black Company Campaign Setting has il, promising new ‘worlds of excitement fr fans ofthe series both new and old (Characters take the role of powerful wizards, terrifying bererkers, ‘or dastardly thieves, taking advantage of ew sill and Feats to achieve the heights of power as generals. as the rersible Taken, For campaigns et within the novels ths new sourcebook details everyone’ favorite characters in the navel fom Sleepy and (Croaker t the enigmatic Raven, andthe trifjing Lady With new chases, monsters setting information, mas combat rls, and an all-new magic system, ths book gives you everything you need to ply from 15 oop levels and beyond. Relive favorite moments ‘ofthe novels or tll your own stores but watch out... because the Black ‘Company is looking for you! CHECK OUT THIS SPECIAL PREVIEW OF THE BLACK COMPAN CAMPAIGN SETTING CROAKER [Novels Tv Bleck Company, Sadr Linge, Te White Rent Shades Games Dr of tac Blak Seasons, Sb isthe Dares, Water Shp, Seis Live (Croaker ste central character of many of the mont immpotant moment of the ‘Blac Comnpany' ater yar. Originally from a adingtawn located on a coma south of the Jel Cites, Croker left his family eo seek re and fortune wih {he legendary neces Already trained plyiars id,he son rae wa be the ‘lack Company’ primary booe-cuner The ancient wiranl One-Eye was plesed to Juve es wrk to do with dhe injured, and mame the new eerut Croaker aes As with any js inthe Black Coxtpany, no one thought twas purtclaly funny. Because he had a re gift for languages and flowery descriptions, Coaker ko soon became the Anna postion that had been Inns gnored for year before his areal In many ways Croakerwas not a good choice fo his role he had no head far maps or directions, and numero rors cen be found in his esriptione of the Company’ tavels. Additional, Croker never made an rel efoto remain Jimpartal in his Annl entries, happily painting those who had irate him a: ‘ilsins while leaving ont theless avy details of his coset comrade actions ‘Whit Croker did have was «te ose forthe Blick Company’ and the raitons it represented Though chats nd lls, these misters were hifi. ‘Bven when Croker decide the Black Company wis done, he ope to take the Anal to Khatona ty 000 nes away that might ot even exe. is otance With dhe lady ore despite shee diferenes, and Crake forged 2 sew Comgany to defeat the Shadownnasters whe might destroy the word. He bare the new (Captain clled the OM Man often as Cron, and waged wat actos a coatnent Sil hi dy a Anais. I Khatvar ever xsd twas never what Croker though ie way bur in searching for it ed his part wo eve the wold fom shadow Inthe end, Croker had seen too much of the wold simply die the death of an old man "re rad oes with Shivetyaya goer demigad withthe power to watch al of history. The single peasant had become a god, and doubles pends ‘much of is ime looking after whatever exist of the Blick Company PERSONALITY (Croker wis a romantic anda tadonlst is knowledge ofthe Company’ pt deeds and vito diving him o become the kop of the Bask Comps bono. Ben whe ooking fra way escape a eamiston, Crake wishes tat sc fll conc othe eter of the a: Croker wished omulnain bono but knew tht ‘erm every employe ted wo eliminate the Black Company aer han pay tf. “This combination of romanticism and pragmatism followed Croaker through his days, When the Company tok fo the service of the Lady wf of the godlike ‘Dominator, Croker wrote frais about how she might lok atching ata Empire out her tower window. When he met hein fat, sme strange romance did begin tbloom between them, pchaps hecrse oly Craker nal the word had the ball to think of sch thing But when it became clea the Lay wa ly the lese of two evils, Croker saw throng plans to stp he of her por forever. THE BLACK DESCRIPTION Cooker was. big man, abou tall with untemarkable brown hair that had Iga treed by the tne he was in Taglios, when he was probably abou 50 yes ol (although the Lady then estimated hs ge at 45). is eyes were ha and Jnumorss, ey blue, deeply set; his mouth was thin and seldom sie is ace was Id andl tle off cone. His kin was scared fromm a childhood pox and ane He was never comforable with his appearance In Taghos he wore 3 raged graying tear. Though he wore sword and daguer as wellas mail when expecting woubl, I often cated only a long kfe when fer avy fro fighting. “The write-up below represents Croker athe peak of his mora isthe Protector ‘of Tagios commande fs mighty armies and Capra ofthe Blick Company. CROAKER Male Academician 5/ Fighter WJack of Al Trades 5/Great General 2s CR 15; ‘Media haan FID 5a ph 56 plas 3410p 2a p63; M17; Ii 25 Spe 30 FAC 16, toch 12, at foe 1, BAB 09, Grapple v0, Atk +71 mck (1481/1920, ongowend oe +12 ranged (L481, ongtow Fall Atk 116 melee (1881/1920 ogo) oF #127 ranged (8+ V3 ongbove SO ‘omimanr emulate fst Ida cnt et Vay expanded repertoire (Command a lass kl bonuses to Command, Reseach ings (language: pons) reerch +8, Sneak ata, tye (onganiae) uncany insight day; AL Blak company, SV Fort 57, Ref #7, Will s13AD J; Ste 13, Dex 13,Con 10, ot 18, Wis 15, Cha 15 Background: Physician. Concenwation Hea, Prosi (ba) and Sula are slays dae kl, Croker gin 1 spin per level useable ony forts sll, ‘hile and Feats: Bh +16,Command «25, Concentration +5, Decipher Script +9, Diplomacy 16, Disguise «2 (+4 acting, Pogery+5,Gather Information +14, Handle Anima 5, Heal +22, Hide +10, Inaidte +14, Knowledge (geography) Knowisdge(hision) +14, Knowledge Joc) 10, Knowledge (noi and ryt) +4, Knowledge (lgion) 3, Lizen +5, Move Silently 48,Proeston Oba) +15, Research #18, Ride “11, Search 11, Sense Modive «9, Spot «12, Survival +8 (10 following wack, Jack of All Trades Chis Skil: Bhi, Command, Gather Information Flea, ide, “Knowledge (histry), Knowledge (local) Move Stent, Profsion, Resear, Spek Language, Spor Advanced Healing Bushhack, Disipind Tops Far Shot Gift of Tangues, Judge of Characes, Post Blank Shot, Power Atack, Precise Sho, Sel Sufficient, Skil Focus (Command, Sil Focus (Heal, Weapon Pos (longbow amguages Ail poken and written ger Specch (master), Forberger (rater), Jovel Cities (mastered) Jewel Cities ~ ancien good, Juniper (Grstered), Nyeung Bao (god), Reset (god), Shadowiander cod), To (rstred),TelleKure( i, Possessions: Chain shir, maserrfeongsword, masterraft longbow, mastercraft dagger medial hit, 500 sp. ‘se Black Company Campagin Seng Green Ronin, and the Green Rona logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. The Bice Company i+ trdemark of nd copyright of Gen Cooke

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