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BRITISH CARIBBEAN PHILATELIC JOURNAL, Club News of the British Caribbean Philetelic Study Group. Volume Number 3, Nunber 6. Movorber 1963+ Whole Number 16. Russell Gibson, President. R. H, lant, Secretary-Treasurer, ‘As Ne Johnson, Editor, 2610 Virginia St., Baytowm, Texas, EDITORIAL Your Editor has just completed most wonderful trip with Byron Cameron on his ship, ‘the "Caynan Hope, to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Before making the boat trip, however, we flew to Jazaica and the Cayran Islands, where Cameron had some bysiness to attend to. First to Georgetom, Ceymans, then to Montego Bay and then on to Kingston, and return vie B.W.I. Airlines. Incidentally, these planes, the Viscounts, are equipped with Rolle Royce jet engines and are the smoothest flying I have ever been on, Our first stop at Georgetown, Grand Cayman, was like coming into a technicolor pictures The water being indigo blue outside and changing to an iridesoent green close in to shore and within the reefs, The Caymanian people aro all outgoing and friendly and the postmistress at "HELLY was most obliging, giving us fine, clear cancels on the letters that I mailed from there and helping us to locate the various plate numbers for the Red Cross and definitive issues. Our next stop wos Montego Bay, where we met the Cayman Hope which ws just coming into ports The ship, while able to carry around 1,00 tons of cargo is of very shellyw draft and ws able to ecu into dockside at Montego Bay, the first ship of her size to do so in muy years, in fact, sinoe the small schooners of times past. This is a decided advartage for Cameron, as all other ships docking there have to remain off shore and have their cargoce lightered in to docksides This beibg the chipts first trip to Montego Bay, it created quite a sensation in the towne The Montego Bay and Kingston postal clerks were also very helpful,ani an auto trip ‘that we nade from Montego Bay through Lucea, then down the interior to Little London thd thence west to Negril and west and up the coast through Green Island, Lusea, and tack to Montego Bay was vory productive of good philatelic meterial, particularly of revenue stamps for Cameron. While in Kingston we visited with Bo F. Aguilar and saw some of his fine TRD and early material, Also had dimer at his home, where we not Its, Aguilar, @ charming hostess, and his two daughters, We then took ths diesel Railway Coach from Kingston the following day to Spanish Torm end up through Old Harbout, Williemsfield, Maggotty and the Cockpit Country to Montego Bay, photographing the many small postoffices along the Railway, This trip took four hours and covered a mos fertile part of the island, with many plantations in evidence, where sugar cane, pineapple, tenanas, broadfruit, ackee, citrus fruits and many other products wore growing in lush profusione After flying back to Miami, we took the ship for a run to Kingston, Georgetom, Grand Caymin and Belize. We travelled down the Florida Keys to the north coast of Cuba, then east along the Cutan coast to the Windward Passage and around Cuba to Kingston, where we discharged 5), tons of insulating mterial for a new Cold Storege plant theres Upon arrival at Kingston Harbour we began to be perturbed about the hurricane that was bearing down on Jamica.’ However she veered off northward the second day and we continued around the western tip of Jonaica,(Negril Point), and on to Grand Caymn. Then the second hurricane, Flora, started heading for our area and after unloading the ship at Georges tom, put in et Morth Sound, a protected area in the Caymans, consisting of a large bay, with coral reefs at the entrance and only a smell channel to got ins Here the boat would be safe. Incidentally a schooner. loaded with around 300 turtles, two and three feet in dianster, ms in the Sound awaiting the blow. - @- After several days the Hurricane Flora also turned north and struck Hayti and Cube, and therefore did not endanger the Ceynanian area. The ship continued on to Belize end is probably there ty now. I flew hone on a Costa Rican plane, (LACSA airlines, using To 73 plehes) and arrived in lian on October ||, just one month since I had set out. aii ‘in eli e nost wonderful trip with a real fine companion, While in Miami and Fort Tauderdale I had the opportunity of seeing one of the finest collections of dansice ‘Shet it has been my pleasure to examine, Byronts early Pre-Postal collection of Jamaica is outstanding, and his Jamaica Revenue stamps are most completes PRESIDEND'S PAGE, ‘The anmual gotetogether of our B.C.P.S. Group will be held at the Collectors Club, 3 22 Bast 35th Sts, in New York City et 2100 Palle, on Saturday, Wovenber 25, 1965+ Tt would be very nice Sf every menber of the Group who lives in or near New Yori Gould arrange to attend this meeting, so that we my all becone better acquainted. There - will be several menbers in attendance from various parts of the country who come to Yow York for this meeting each year, and they will be delighted to. greet their old Philatelic friends and any other members that they have not met before. Merk your calendar now and arrange to attend, if possible. Bring along en album or two, and any.ideas or suggestions you may have for the improvement and growth of our Group, and Tam sure that you will-have e pleasant afternoon. I am indebted to Dr. Yarry for making the necessary arrangements at the Collectors Club. 5 On Septenber 2), the Secretary informed me that we had 197 members, all in good stonding et that tine except four. Inasnuch as we had 107 members on January 1, we = ‘should show a not gain of around 20 this year. I you fee] thet our Group can be of enefit to any of your philetolic friends, mail them an application blank and suggest thet they join the Group. We are still short Group Leaders for Nevis, St. Christopher, St. Kitts-Novis, British Guiana, Dominica and Grenada. I have written several letters this year asling menbers who list these countries among their collecting interests to act as Group Leaders for one or more, but sp far with no success. If ary member wishes to volunteer to act as Group Leader for any of the above listed Colonies, I will be delighted to hear from hime - Three Trustees are to be elected by all members of BOPSC to serve for three years from January }, 19@, te Dece 31, 1966+ 4 Nominating Committee consisting of Norman Brassler as Chairman, Dr. Irwin Yarry, llr. Colin Bayley and Colonel Fred F. Seifert have sub- mitted a slate of six candidates, and they are listed below in alphabetical sequences (Bditorts Note: A tallot has been prepared and placed on the lest sheet of the Journal, and umumbered, so that it my be removed and returned, without danaging the Journal qaginetion), Ploase vote by checking off three nanes or less, and any ballot showing hore than three votes cannot be counted. If you wish to vote for eny other members of BOPSG for the Board of Trustees, please insert the names at the bottom of the list of — nominees. Inasmuch as Secretary Reg Lant does not expect to be able to attend our New York meeting due to a wedding in his family at that time, please mil your bellot to Robert Zopaz, 3), Maryellen Road, Watan 68, Yass, and write the word "EALIUIN on the Soe eB Tate snout be mated 26 th of Ehe envel ees Ballots should be Hailed so they will reach Mr, Topaz not leter ‘than November 20. Russell 4, Gibson, Président. ae eee = 89 - XEN MEMBERS. AVEY, Fo Martin, 231 Clarence Ste, Brantford, Onts, Camda, oooupation, Retail Lumber Deeler, Collects Australie, New Zealand, Camda, specializes in Jamsica. Meuber of Brantford Stemp Club. HARDING, CHARLTON C C4, 101 Pennsylvania Aves, Apt 1505» Tilnineton 6s Delaware. Occupation, Treasurerts Dept., Dupont Cos, Collects Be We Ie, specializes in Jamaica. Menber of 2 Pe Se HARRIS, C. GORDOM, 36 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg 13, Manitoba, Canada, Oooupation, Mining Engineer collects ali materiel from By Honduras, Jamaica end Cayman Islands, specializ in Turks and Caicos. Member of Winnipeg Philetelic Society. MINER, HAROLD C., 200 Bs Gist St., Hialeah, Florida. Occupation, Agent, Steamship Coe Collects Bahanas mint and used, covers and postmarkse MORGAN, RICHARD He, P, 0. Box 126, Prinooton, Ne JeOooupation, Executives Collects St, Vincent. Menbor NeyY. Collectors Clubs EVANS, JAMES FENTON, 3769 West 15Gth Sts, Cleveland 11, Ohio. Occupation, Casualty Insurance Underwriter, Collects British America, specialty British Honduras. Member CuysLor Stamp Club, N.P.S., S-P.As NEW APPLICATIONS: The applicants listed below,hve applied for membership in the Groups In accordance with the Constitution their’ names are herety published. 7f no adverse Feports are reosived by. the Secretary within thirty days, their nanes will be subuitted to the Board of Trustees for full membershipt BRANSTON, ALFRED J., jj), The Avenue, Highams Pari, London,Eslj+, Englands Ocoupation Civil Servant, Collects Bahamas onlys CAMNARSA, Dr. DAVEE N., 3), Renwick Avenue, R.D. 5, Huntington, NeYe, 1170 Occupation, Physieian, Collects British America, Specialty Bermidas OOK, Re KEELER, 2O61 E. Varket Gt,, Warren, Ohio.Coldects British America, U.S.A, RODMAN, IRWIN L., 1oQ51 Citrona Ste, Chatsworth, Calif, 1311, Occupation, Psychologi Collects British Anarioa, mint. ae CHANGES IN ADDRESS, BIC. DONALD F, WHARTON, now address: 32. Sibley Manor, 12g) Bast Maynard Drive, St Paul, Mimesota. 55116. BOWARD WEIN BERG has now moved tack'to his old home end should be addressed as follows: 278 ~ 25rd Aves, San Francisco 2l, Calif. JORDAN CHURCHILL, new address, Ps0.Box Woe iy Ivy, Virginia, 22d45¢ Gordon HARRIS, ‘now Addross, Apte§, 1198 Delmar Aves, Pt» Claire, Peds, Canadas “9° OUR NEW LIB RARIAN. Ur. Robert Lovett, ReDe No. 1, New Town, Ponnsylvenia, has..volunteered to act as Librarian for the Group. I am forvarding all of our literature to Mr, Lovett within ‘che next week, and in future when reqesting books or pamphlets from the Library, please address him, All that is necessary to borrow materisi is to direct your request $0 Mr. Lovett who will prepay the materiel to yous Your only cost will be postage and Insurance on the mterial whon returding to llr, Lovett. We hope thet the menbers will use the library end if eny of v7ou have material such as philatelic books, pamphlets or catalogues, send then to him fer inclusion in the library. Incidentally, lir. 0.0.0. Harding hes donated the two priced catalogues of the T. Chariton Henry, British West Indies Sales Catalogues to the Library, Tharks Charltone see Mr, Rog Lant, our Secretary Treasurer had had a considerable amount of trouble from tine to time in receiving British Postal Orders, which are not negotiable in Canada, necessitating the return of them to the sender with a request for a Bank Draft to covers In the future, Reg will appreciate it if moneys submitted for yearly dues or otherwise are remitted through a bank on a Canadian Bank, (Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank, ete.), > or by currency. Re Netionel Postage Stamp Show. The ASDA Show will be held this year in the 7lst Infranty Armory, on Park Avenue and gijth Sts, Hew York City, on November 22 to alls 1965+ For the firet time, the show will $e precasded by an International Stemp Dealerte Bourse in the Della Robbis Room of the Vanderbilt Hotel, across the street from the Armory, and the officigl hotel for. the 7 show, The Exhibition will include exhibits from the U. 8. Post Office Department, the Smithsonian Institution and the Cardinal Spellman Museum, among others. eee ee : Dr, John M, Lockie writes in as follows: : : _ There are four types of Granada Red Cross labels issued during the First World War,vizs type I: Undated and reading "One Fraction". Perf line panes of 10 (2 x 5)s The Horizontal member of the cross measures from 1), 3/, m to 15g mm end the framd enclosing the inscription is from 32 to 32% mm. Type II: Dated ofl ‘and 1915 end reading "One Fakthing!. Rouletted in panes of 10, (2.x 5)» The horizontal efoss measures 13 m and the frems Width is 33hm, Type 21I; 2? Dated 1gl6 7? Type IV: Dated 1pll,,1615.1916.1927 and reading "One Farthing!'s The cross menber measures 13 anand the ffand widsh is 3 ms Tho horizontal eroas members ere obviously _ added to the vertical bers. Perf line ll. Qype V: Dated 1gll,1 1541916416 ieee isis and reading "One Farthing". Line perf 11 im panes of 10,(2 % 3 2nd’ primed tetenbeche in horizontal peirs. The cross member is a constant 1p mmc Reading colum 1 the frame line measures 3%, 312, Be» 332 and 352 fa, Reading dom colum 2, the frane line measures 338,358, S42. 1p ond sle5 query: Who were the printers and whet numbers. were, printed? Does Type TIT (1916) exist? Wore they ever recognised officially lecelly ty the’ postal authorities? Let us hear fro you Grenada experts. “g- EARLY POSTAL HISTORY OF ST. VINCENT. Bye John Medland. The Zarliest letters to be sent from tho island of St. Vincent apparently bore no postmark of origin and it is only from the contents of the documents themselves, that one is able to prove that they emenated from that island. StV INGE Avout tho yoar 1753 straight line handstanps in black and of St UNGENT ‘the type shown in Figare A. wore brought into use. Three years later a second typo of handstenp, shown in Figkre By was put into Figs Ae sorvices I have soon two examples of this second mark, the one illustrated and one bearing the date "DEC }, (1". It is inter sT esting to note that with the use of handstamp B, an "S" was added to the naz of the island and it appears that this VINCENTS letter was retained on handstruck mail for several years. Ton 799 In 1905 the handstamp illustrated in Figure C. was introduced, it beitg of a circular "Flouron" type with the name St.VINCENTS" and the fleuron combining in a circular fashipy to surround the Figs Be date, About the year 1937 @ new handstamp, illustrated in figure D, cane into use, fbrst appearing #m black and subsequently in red OEY Tn 10,1 a two lines "ST.VINCENT1S SHIP LETTER" eppoared, but a Ye unfortunately an illustration of this handstamp ie not available. = - ‘aN ‘At this time letters were also sent on which the name of the Sp 1805 ship was written in manuscript and on which no local handstamp é A appeared. Mr, William Piggott, in an article appearing in NG Sanders! Philatelic Journal makes reference to a letter in his possession received on May 7, 1831, on the cover of which is endorsed in manuscript "Per Ship Pirie! with a reting of ledjde also endorsed in manuscript, He suggests that 1s.5d, represents Ghe single letter rate and that 1d. was for the Captain. The Yaokstanps abe "SHIP LEPTER DOVER" in two lines within a step box anda double ring London receipt stemp in rede In 1852 the fbrot Generel Post stamp in red was introduced, (see Figure £, apparently coinciding with the opening of the General Post Office at Kingstom, This handstamp is quite scarce but is Well kmom in design as it is of a typo similar to that used for several other Colonies. These handstamps are frequently found on covers with a figure, either 1, 2 or 3 in manuscript, in one of ‘the corners indicating thet the letter is either copy one, two or three, This precaution was frequently followed due to the hazardous journeys the vessels thenhad to undertake. Figs Be Several other handstemps were employed at St Vincent during this period and they appear in illustrations F(Shipts Letter), @(Registered), Hy Ie Rte @) (@D) ston Figure G. Figure H. Figure I Figure Jo - 2 - Between the years 1659 and 1960, adhesives-of Great Britain were omployed in St. Vincent and cancelled with the numeral 10 between bars. (See Figure J). These stamps were then in current use in Great Britein and wera of five denominations - 1d, rose-red, pas blue, |id, rose, 64. lilac and 1s. green, All are quite difficult to cbimin and tho id. and 1s. are exceedingly raree On June .l),, 1960, the Post Office “Act was passed authorizing the islend authorities to take over the control of the post office at Kingstown, The Act set the following rates for postage: U.K. and Local 1d. _ Other countries 1d. first % ounce.~ gd. % ounce to 1 ounces L ounce to 2 ounces. 2 ounces to three ounces Gach addititnal ounce. registration and book packets. The Act further stated thet. until postage stamps became available the postage could ve propaid in cash, On September 10, 1663, the postage rate for countries other than — the U. K.'and local was increased to ad, for the first # ounce. Sale of the first St. Vincemt stamps commenced in May 186Le eee eee John Medland also sends in the following: a Subsequent to my first article on St. Vincent, 1 received a letter from Sten Durnin with several inquiries, and.asa result I would be grateful af you would ress the = following’ information on to the menbers: 1. "Wow Grounds", although geographically correct, should be! changed for postmark . Purposes to "New Ground". De MLownans(Windvard)" isthe usual strike for Lowmans, and Byere normlly uses the strike "Byera Hi1I". = Fz, Sone of the menbors may be wondering about "Bridgetown" strike on their KVI stemps, whe post office there was leased property and it has since been closed and moved to Biabou'whare a government building wes erected to replace the rented property. No date of this move was available to the postmaster at Kingstowm, but I will try $o get more deteils of this moves 7 le The following opening dates have been supplied to me: ‘Arnos Vale = Maroh 1950 Prospect ~ June 11, 1957+ Bvestan - laren 1, 1635- Byora - April 19, 1956+ Gomes and Park Hill, foth December 1, 1 Buccament, Lownans(Windward), Lowmans Hill and Paget Farm - all raised “to District Post Offices in Jamery 1952 I have been trying to establigh,the dates of opening of some of the other pros, this is the record so far: 7 . - Kingston 1852 Chateaubelair 1880 Rabecea Feb. 1877? Barrquallie © 1871 or 1872 © Colonarie 1868 Stubbs 1p? Bequie 18 Ctmberlana 1B Union Estate 1872 oe Biabou AG7i or 1872 Georgetomm 18% > Meyreau u Buocament 1871 or 1872 Mesopotamia igiep Canouan x - Oelliague ibs Poruvian Vale 1965-6 Red Bank X -B- Mr. Stanley Be Ineson has written Mr. John _ Medland, Group Leader for St. Vincent as follows: I have ten mint single stenps all of then crossed by a tiny thin line in red, about tthe angle of the enclosed sheet. Five of then have two lines and five one line. It takes a glass to see. them. I wonder if you could give me any information about then or tell me where I might be able to learn anything about them. The stamps are / separated, but were apparently placed this way in the sheet. They are Soottts St. Vincent Now UR=2. John has sent these on for publication in the Journal with the hope that someone might Imow something about them, They are apparently a printing flaw, but does any~ one know whether they are constant or not? ' eee an Interesting Comentary on Greméa i a-------later the French actually bought the island from its original omers; it is said thet the price was an assortment of hatchets, some glass beads and two bottles of randy of poor quailty. In spite of this transaction, war broke out between the French and the Caribs, in which the latter oane off worst, and the last survivors, not caring to be slaughtered, jumpet to their death froma high cliff into the soa. The nearby tow still bears tha name "Sauteurs", the Leavers. Presumbly tho French managed to Fs retrieve all of the purchase price - except for the Brandy. Caribbean Cocktail, ty Evewild Yeung and K Helwogelarseny “de JAMAICA JOTTINGS . By Robert Topaze News from Jensice indicates that tvo now Postal Agencies have been opened ~ namely, Mow:t Moriah and Blenheim, Mount Moriah is an old name since there wes s post office bearing that name. opened in 1Goje It closed sometine before 1¢20 ~ whats your latest date??? ~ A new IRD from WHITNEY has beeu noted in violet ink - a form or type 37 and dated JUL 1963. Wot new but noted for the first tine are TRDte from Caledonia dated oct 1362 and from Leicesterfield dated 25 MAR 63. The now TRD1s have all dropped the "7.2. from after "JAMAICA", following their new policy. Reg Lant quotes from the Aug 30th issue of STAMP COLLECTING end more directly fron e short erticle by a Mr. Norman Hill, concerning "'The Mobile Post Offices of Jamaioal, Mr, Hill gives a brief summary of the use of TRD!s in Jamaica and then points out their use in connection with mobile, (travelling) post offices. He lists the following routes: — Route 1 = Mandeville ~ Savannah-La-ler and retum lg miles daily Inaugurated June Ist, 1961. q Route 2 - Kingston ~ St. Annts Bay and return 1g0 miles daily Inaugurated April 2, 1962+ - Route 3 + St. Ants Bay ~ Montego Bay end retum ij, miles daily Inaugurated April 1st, 1962+ Tjere is an illustration of the mark which is apparently as type 376 TRD with stars oh both sides and the 'W.I." aftor MJAMAICAY, The mark illustrated de dated JUN 13419634 This is the first firm informtion that I have heard on this elusive subject, but have heard of and seen T.P.0. jj, and understand that they actually go up to Wo. 6+ Tho cover marked TPO # vas froma letter off Hope Road, (Editors Note: Have exouples of T.P.0. §, dated 28 WAR 61 and 25 APR 65. alsoT P.O. 5, dated IAY 16, 65 — and T.P.0, 6 dated MAY 6, 193. The latter two marks do nob have the '.1.M afte: MWJAMAIOAN, However, no evideice where they were posted.) There has been some question about the correct spelling of the former post office called TAUGHANSFIELD, the second "A" being omitted, However the Registry labels, Coll~ Ans Road Yap of Jamaica and the Public Works Dept. map of Jamaica all include the Second "AM, so we should assune that the error is in the steel date stamp trpe Br. ‘another TRD hes been reported from Australis - my description is scanty bub apparently it ie in red snk, © 30 am x Lp ma, oblong > dated Sep. 18, 59 end reading Up Park Camp Hammon Barracks. Gan anyone else help on this? Rog Litxt also reports a new date for the Kingston squared circle, type 1, three arc index 1b; AUS 85. ‘lease add this to your listings. Many thanks, Reg. Reg is also working one fisting of the parcel post marks of Jamaica along with Fred Seifert end this will be coming along scone Enough for now, hope to see you all in Mew York next months Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves nothing unsside In compiling the the "Postmark {3 sone of the postmarks page -$- to your Listings ANNOPTO BAY goontinued) History of the Post Towns of Jamaica! last issue, on from Annitto Bay were omitted. Please add the following There is a ship letter marc reported during this period, but I have no details. 5. 428 obliterator type H 6s Sa Re gohmm diameter index letter A 7+ 428 obliterator type I Be SoC type 1. ges De Re 10. De Re Ll. De Re 12 DR 13° Me Re NSW ISSUES, NEW PRINTINGS, WITHDRAWALS, ETC. - St, Christopher Nevis-Anguilla will be Harttison and Sons Ltd. watermark, using the photogravure process. # cont 1 cent 2 cents cents conts cents 2 come 10 cents 26 m diameter, 3¢ mm letters 29 m diencter, 3 mm letters Bom diameter, 2% m letters 2gh m dtenstor, 5 mn letters 1859 1876 1863 2 JA 1885 1876 1885 30 AR 85 AP 1, 95 wo 27 oh. AU 18 Ob 8B 10 98 wy 215 wa 20 16 FY 25 35 De 15 37, AP . Tho distance betwoon the initial "A" in Amotto afd the "J" in Jamaica is about 6 m. 8. with Asterisk oh 56 a 2 62 eae Wow Lighthouse, Sombrero Loading Sugar Cane, St.Kitts Pall Mall Square, Bassetorre Gateway to Brimstone Hill Fort Wolsonts Spring, Nevis Gramar School, St» Kitts Crater of lit. Misery, St. Kitts Hibisous Flower will have a new definitive issue soon. The printers and will be ),0 x 26 m perf, to perf, CeA.Block following are the values and designst 1s cents = Sea Island Cotton = Nevis 30 cents ~ Boat Building, Anguilla 25 conte ~ White Crowned Pigeon 50 conte ~ St. Georges Arndi Tower, Bassetor % cents = Alexander Hamilton 400 = Map of St, Kitts - Novis 1050 = Map of Anguilla 5200 = Arms of St.Christopher=llevis, Anguilla. Current Definitive issue printed on Block WM. Papert Antigua, 2s 3s ls 5s 6» Ge 32 and al conts, Further printing of current issuest Bermda 1d., 3des Bde, 1/3, Postage and Revenue, ls 6 & St. Kitts Bf, 2. 3s LB cents, $1.20, 200 and lt domaice 1de, 340,” Bde British Honduras |, 5, and 25 cents. in shoots of 50. THIS JAMAICA PRE-STAP STRAIGHT-LING MESS. By Byron Re Camerony Until recently, I thought, and most collectors gave me the credit for being sort of a half-baked authority on the pre-stemp cancellations of Jamaiva. Over the years, I had accumulated quite @ pile of this sort of material, end the emount which passed through my hande while looking for fine markings is almost impossibie to imaginos Exhibition of my material and vhat I had to say about it brought lots of prizes end coments, but the critics kept their tongue in cheek as if to say, "It was all Greek to then. Recently I have becone aware that these markings, particularly a certain group of them, just do not teem to fell in their proper order and the overlep of sequence does not follow what any publications have to say abaut thems My belief now is that the philatelic specialists just gave theme sort of "Honorable Mention", put then where they thought they should bs, and let it go at thet. So, in short, this article is being written to get those of you who are interested in this subject, or who have some of this type of mterial, to do some thinking about it, and I hope, writing to me about it so I can get the information collated end mybe take this clement of doubt out of the entire matter, If it works out this way, the results can be herein published at a later date. Hot too long ego, these straight-line markings could be bought for a reasonible price fas there was not too mich interest shown in then by collectors. Today, the story is @ifferent, They have been gobbled up to where almost anything can and does bring @ price that shskes us. Few good copies ere still flcating around and about the only tind a fow worth while appear is at an auction, and most times they are poorly described. An effort to properly classify them should be worth while to everyone, Ur, Le C, C, Nicholson issued a pamphlet which considerably revised a lot of the information he nad authored in the Jamaica Handbock of 19284 Reference to this’ pamphlet or its type designations will be preceded by (N). Robson Lowe assembled sane information about these markings in his "Handstruck Postage Stemps of the Empire’, and reference to his. work will be preceded by (RL). A lr, Thomas Foster of England has recently completed the manuscript for a fantastic book about this subject. It has not teen published yet, but reference to his work will be preceded by (F)+ Now letts examine the corpse. The first post~tow marking (NG T1, (RL) PC, (F) T should not prosent much trouble ‘to anyone. The’ type used was 'so large, it would be difficult to mistake; further, not too many of us will ever get the opportunity to om one of them. (F) goes further with this above type of maricing and gives the toms whioh are written tha single line the type 12. This appears to be worthy of merit, even though they Were all about the same class of office and came out about the same time. The second post-tow markings (N) T2, (RL) PB, (Fl 73 again should not oveate any prob Jem as it conteins the letters "JA" below the tom name, The colors my vary from albino to red to black, and often the markings were so spread out that they even appear to be a sub-type. Even so, it would be difficult to mistake. - 9 - Now we move into the trouble zones There do those next class of post~tom markings belong? Did they cone out before or after (Ii) To, did they cone out before and after (i) 12, are sone of thon just poorly struck (MN) Tp that did not land level of the letter sheet, and why should there be such a distinct difference in sizes, and in some cases, types? (1) states that after His description of Tz thet 75 came out in 1655, and further thes 2 was in use until after 1840, (RL) shows it as PD and claims it went into use in 1610+ (F) records it as 7), and shows a usage in 160s He further olains the larger size type to be the renowals, which (F) makes no mention of, but shows as coming out in 1855+ (RL) in hie ostelog of the Unvick sale in 1957 referred to thie ‘type when used prior $o 1853 as Tak. This would appear to be a safe way to classify and avoid e possible @ispuse, but it does little to help us with the probleme (F) further olains thet the largér type, which he clains to be the renowls, dose not appear used before 1633. Fron the copies which T have, this is not borne out as they appeared in the early Foote. Further, there are some tom rames thet came out so carly and in even larger type ‘thet they would seem to be another variation of (F) T+ Tt is my humble opinion that the secret to the whole matter boils tom to the fact ‘that of those jo tom names which went out on the 7, February 1053, that they were not all renewals, and that some of the towns had never had @ postal marking before that date. 1 further think these markings were issued in an assortment of sizes ranging from 1, to 5 mm in height, both when they first cane out at a yet unlmom date and ineluding those which were issued in 1653+ Is it possible that the ones which appeared prior to 1633 were in fact those which were Lesued with the "JAM below the towa name, but for sone whlnowm and yet unrecorded reason, the "JA" had been removed? one thing is certain, and that being unti] we oan find out about those single line maricings prior to 19335 we can only keep guessing about their acknowledged existence In the meantime, it would appear that the only my they can be safely classified would be by size, with special mention made of those dated prior to 1655+ For those of you who wich to have this utter collated, kindly provide mo with: le Town Name 2. Date on the letter. % Height and length of tom namo. g Color, if other than black. Bee A professor of Greck tore his suit and took it to a tailor named Acidopolus, fron Athons, irs Acidopolus examined the suit, and asked, "Buripides?" "Yestsaid the professor, "Eunenides?!". - 6 - PUBLISHED ARTICLES ON ST, LUCIA POSTMARKS. Compiled by Robert J, Devaux. BRITISH CARIBBEAN PEILATELIC JOURNAL, Vols 21 How 5+ P 60 January 19632 : 5e March 19655 Be duly oes, Pe 3 B, W, I, Philatelist. Cromed Circle Handstenp - Devaux Post Office Listings - Devaux. St Lucia Post Offices ~ Reid Code Letter "AN query. “dune 1950, Ps 3 ~ Enquiry as to post office openings. March 1952, pe lJ, = Post Office List. duns 195], Pe 59 + of Mark. B.W. I, 8, ¢ Bulletin. Gots 1956p Pe 5, = Post Office Information. ape 958. Pe = Cromed Circle Provisional. duly 198 Be £ + Reply to April 1998 de Burca. Oot. 1959. Pe 70 yo? Mark Explained, Goddents Gazette. Jan 19585 P+ 97/98 Philatelic Magazine Movs 2» 1956s P+ 723 - "Code Marks ~ Scott, Philatelist 1935» Ps 12 = Forged First Day Covers. dan" lglés Pe & = "Initial" Postmarks, Gordon. Saunderst Philatelic Journal Jane 1960, Pe 12 ~ 1" MALY Cancelletion ~ Anthony. Feb. 1360, te oss = Postal Service ~ Anthony. Stamp Collectors Fortnightly. Auge 8. 1953 ~ George VI Postmarks ~ Halward. Stamp Collecting. February al, 1961 ~ Correction - de Burca. Stamp Magazine. November 1959, P+ 1,1 - ade 1927 Provisional Postuark. S. P. AeJournele April 1956 = 3" Code Merk November? 1957. Pe 97/98 ~- Code Marks. St, Lucia Thilatelist. ‘ AgyBs Fools poh > Post Masters of St, Lucia. : ii wo" po-7 © Circular Date Stamp. mt polg/il = As Pe O¥ Cancellations. isk Hoods pell/Ilj ~ A+ Ps 0. Cancellations. 1960. low, Pal3 Be Pe O- Cancellations. Wee nek Pet Post Office Information. rae) Hand Stamps and Cancellations - Reid. 3 wr ‘ West 2nd Philetelist Sept/Oct. 195 Pe 100/102 ~ Maritime Marks - Jaffe. 3 RR SWAP COLUMN. Yrut to purchase @ copy of tho Jamsioa Philatelist 46, also ony other issues after Hos 23 £f uotually issued, Heed to’ complete sot for bindings " Kenneth Watson, Loods,Enge Zan interested in buying cr swapping eny covers from St, Lucia, 1779 to dates Robert Jy Devauxe Wanted, CIERALTAR CAMP cancellations, any type, on or off cover, will guve good smp. ‘Al Johnson. Vrould ike to svmp mint Jamaica, Pahams and Falicland Island Dopentencies for other nint BuI. Write mo what you bars end need. : Charlton C. C. Harding. ver ek Lise Be, Doek reports that he bas received ant example of a cancellation from Snug Corner, Grezada, reading SUNG CORNER, dated Aug p35 1063+ PERSCHAL MENTION. E, F. AGUILAR played the good fairy end transported: Byron Cameron and me around Kingston While we were there, and otherwico holped make our stay e vory pleasent one. Thanks a million, Everard, you must come-up to the states and lot us return the favors Roy BOIWRIGH? writes that he and Dorcen have returned from wioation on the Isle of Wight, and that he is feeling better theso dayse SOR NX BUCKNER writes that he vill bo in Houston over the Thanksgiving Holidays, end Jali exc by Baytem while here, iayba ws can gob the Houston fellows for a little get together, Johns : BYRON CAMERON kas some of the mostest of the bestest pre=postel material that I have seers He went on vith his ship to Belise, while I flew tack from Grand Caymane Hope the Cayman Eope ie safoly back in Wem ty nowe - 100 = JORDAN CHURCHILL has retired and is now living in Ivy, Virginia, where he has built & new home. He plans to attend the New York meeting in November. Dr, ED DOAK has been active ell sumer racing his Thistle Sloop on Galveston Bay, and has von some top prized, Congratulations, 2a. Stan DURWIN writes that he is attempting to get a cancellation from every tow along ‘the Trans-Canada Highway. This is a good opportunity for some of our Canadian members to give hina helping hand. Ee also tells of a get together with Ea Weinberg, Harold Lopes and Ken Woods, all B.W.I. Collectors, where Harold showed movies of his recent trip to Trinidad. RUSSELL GIBSON has been getting around to the Exhibitions recently. He reports winning gold medal for his obliterator collection of Janaica at MAVEX 163 in Youngstom Ohio. Congratulations, Russell and keep up the good work. EUGEN HERS? was out of tow when Byron and I were in Jamaica, and we missed necting him. Maybe we will have better luck next tine. 7 PAUL LARSEN has submitted a copy of the URWICK-JAMAICA 1957 sales catalogue for our Library. Thanks, Paul, it will be very useful. = Dr. JOHN LOCKIE has submitted a splendid article on the aerophblately of the West Indies, which will, with his permissiion, be made into @ brochure to go out with the January Journal. ROBERT LOVETT, who has volunteered es Librarian for the Group, will be in business as soon as I oan send the contents of the Library to him, Let's all use the mterial in our Library, and contribute anything we my desire, so that it will be e real help to the Group. HARVEY O:COMVOR writes that the last time he was on Grand Cayman, that the rumay asphalt was so hot that he ruined « pair om shoes and his trousers in the mucke ‘Apperently most of that has melted end run off, as we were able to get to the airport _ uneullied. Possibly the fact that Administrator of the island, Jack Rose came on the same plane had samothing to do with it. FRANK SAUNDERS ond Madeline have returned from their holiday end Frank is busy answeri his backlog of mail and Madeline is about to start on the Christmas Plu Puddings. She sent Joan @ copy of the recipe and we are trying our handat the old original puddings. FRED SEIFERT, I understand, is writing up an article for the Journal on British Honduras, Send it in soon Fred, and wetll start the January issue off with a bangs ROBERD TOPAZ just mdo a trip to Porto Rico and Kingston, but couldnt be induced to join Cameron ani me for the boat ride, as he hed to go to Atlantic City theniddle of Sep tender. ED WSINBERG is moving back to his old home, Sen Francisco, where the geraniums grow like weeds. Now you and Sten Durnin can get together on your Leeward Cancels more often. = Dr. DONALD WELSH writes that he and his femily spent e vacation this sumer in Barbada loafing and soaking up sun. sy VERNER WILLEUSEN and lirs. Willemsen are planning one vacation in Yucatan, Honduras and Cayman and Jamaica this Novenber. Can recemmend the Coral¢@ymuian es a wonderful place to stay while in Georgetomm, “lol = LEEWARD ISLAND CANCELLATIONS. By Stan Durning 26 DOMINICA. + King George V. : a. King George VI. Once more we put on the "big eye! for a continuing look at the postel markings of Dominica as found utilized on the stamps inscribed LEEWARD ISLANDS, This article covers the reign of King George V and-that part of King George VI until 31 December 1939, for Dominica, on paper, was transferred to the Windward Islands Grouping on tho day following. The first now type of postmark encountered ooubd be considered a "Noousin"! to that of the figure 7 type, (see Journal Vol 3, No 2), in that this new canceller has the wording reversed, I.E, G-P.0. around the top and DOMINICA around the bottom of the single ring CDS, and the same measurements applying. Howover, our "cousin! type mintains its om air of individualion in that it evidences utilization of the six point asterisk over ‘the faniliar two-line date format. My examples run fron 5 FS 27 through OC 22 51, with atloner! dated 12 MY 37. A mighty short sprint for such a°strong contender. Expansion is in order. The KGV era evidences the advent of Roseauts om name being implémented in a postuark. In a single ring CDS, ROSEAU is curved within the upper section, while DOMINICA lies similarly in the lower portion, Tho diameter As 25 mm; the letters 23 mm highs The six-pointed star, astorisk is used overthe dates ly examples show usage from AP 30 32 until the ond of 135, seo Figure 9. After much scrutiny Itm resigned to the fact that T veliows that an almost idertice] strive was introduced in lo57» (with Figure 9 the KGVI Coronation issue?). 11 pertinent data is duplicated except that the dianeter is definitely 253 mm, This last strike has a very. clear and new appearance, as compared with the tusedt look of the 25 mm item, Two different cancollers, or the sane one, cleansed? Tn concurrent use with the last was tho double ring cenceller for Roseaus Its general appearance is ac depicted in Figure 10, The diameters of the respective rings Gro 27 an and 1g4 im with the letcore noasuring 5 mn in height, Hare the wording is separated by 3mm wide solid colored ares on either sides The asterisk isuused above the date, However this asterisk looks more OSE, like the top view of atbug with six legs! in that the center of the asterisk alvays appears 1fullt, My carliost readable example is dated 29 JU 37 and it is soon to have continued into the Windward era of the Teland> oan As previously mentioned, in conection with Figure 5, the 4 mm PORESNOULE and MARGOT strikes continued in use until late 1¢29. Figure los Théir ‘letters are 3 mm in height. Sonotine in 1930 a quite GimMiar strike for PORTSMOUTH ‘came into use - thé only difference lying in tho fact that the asterisk was used instead of the provious letter C. I would say that MARGOT olected to choose the double ring solid arcs, type of figure 10, but cannot venture a guess as to when, as my only example of such is dated MY 12 37» I might say, though, that it appoars as if nearly all of Dominicats Post Offices and/or Postal Agencies were issued this figure 10 type canceller somstine in the 193018 as it is soon quite frequently in the Windward era and to date, T might add. But’all of that will be discussed in a future articles one more interesting point here is the fact that, MARGO? opened on 1 August 1905, while WESLEY closed dom the previous day - 31 July 1905+ Coulibistrie closed on 30° June 1905. This number of offices was sufficient to thé needs of Dominica until 1925, when cksfiz BRUCE (single ring CDS, 23% mm dianster, letters 2 3/|, mm high, and asterisk over date) was opened, DUBLANC seems to have disappeared ffom the scone, but exactly + le shen, I do not mow, Therefore the Leeward Islands era of Dominica came to its end with fourteen offices operating on the island. As can be appreciated, oxamples of Dominica's toutstetions! arentt plentiful, collection does not afford a very clear running account of these postmrks, So with reservation, I will say that those cancellers issued to the various Offices in 1900 or thereabouts saw service until 1930, (vhich interim changes for the two 1bigt offices when the figure-10 type came into éxistences cy interest in the postel markings of Dominica does not stop with her transfer to the Windward Islands group on the first day of 190, thereby terminating her use of the stamps inscribed Leeward Islands. However, Since we are primarily concerned with the L. %- here, we will stop for the time beings ~ In leaving the wrinkled face of Dominica, (she is said to boast of over 100 rivers), let us take a look at the important role of the lowly!farthing! stamp. This tiny, figuratively speaking, 3d. item carried the load of the rate for internal printed matter, With the death: of her use in the island, Doninica.was left high ahd dry (sic) without this workhorse for a denomination. What to do? For it was 34, months until her comparable replacement came to be issued on 15 April 10. However were the newspaper wrappers to be franked? Aha, why not bisect She thepemy!; such certainly wasnt setting @ precedent, for look at the rash of bisects we had back in the 1801s, Well Sir, this is exactly what happened - for a short period in February 1q0 ab any rete. — The Dominica definitive $d. item received-the verticel touti! ~This apparently wes conceived ty some enterprising individual for the P.0.D, did NOT authorize such mutilation-of the "Frosh Water Lake!! scenes This ty no means terminates the matter, How shall this little Hercules be cancelled? Still contrary to instructions of not affixing any type of mark to such mails, our mysterious, enterprising individual came up with the ingenious (BR 3 idea of using the "Crown Paid at Dominica canceller, And, sure enough, onto it was so utilized; There it sits, mjestically, on the right-hand oat 2) half of the bisect on my wrapper example. and to positively date the us > item, the 258 mm ROSEAU CDS dated FE 1g \0 sits right along side of tthe "Crom Feid at Dominica", Who says that postmarks are not intriguing? There is more drama in this Little iten then in "King Lear". Th would be most interesting to compile a List of known examples of this unorthodox procedure to determine exactly the 'life-spantvand quantity of this modern btisect. Should you possess, or be aware of, any such examples, please let it be kngwm for the penefit of our membership in particular and Philately in general. Our'able leader for MONTSERRAT, Tormy Thompson, will now pick up.the reins and describe tho postal markings of thet nenber of the Leeward Islands, 7 will subsequently ‘eke{ out a bit of information on the markings of S?.KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA. Note: The illustrations are not exact as to measurements. eee eRe We all have weaknesses. Bub I have figured that others have put up with mine so Solerably that T would be mich less than fair not to mike @ reasonable discount for theirs. Willian Allen White. ~ 105 BAHAMAS NEWS AND NOTES. By Gale Je Raymond. First day covers in from Bahamas of the new 1d, and 10d. "RED CROSS CENTENARY! pair are dated 2 SEP 63, Even though the 1d. rate is only for Nassau and N.P. "drop-meil" $0 peoe boxes, © Grenendous quantity of the 1a, stamps aro daily used thus, according to Bidle Adeleon, who rogularly receives large shipments of used svanps from Nassau searces. Alzesdy a mor variety has tu-aed up in the recently issued 84. Bahamas "Freedom fron Hunger! stamp. By W, King (Rew Yori) has found a chet of ithe stamps with tho imprint BAHAMAS! missing, This undoubtedly will get catalogue statuse The Undersea Williemson Potosphere (The SEA FLOOR Bahanae pooe 2939712) spears on i962, stamp of Monaco! For ‘a really egencatching now spory shirt, the flassau shops now offer "ifoygashol" Sea Island cotton materiel decorated with postagosstamp designs of the Bahamas. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: ‘ new book just out, MOUT-JSLANS DOCTOR", by Evans Cottman, (Dutton $5). It is by fer the Dest hook yet on tho Batame outwislends and islanders, well written in “popular” style "“nighly euterteining and full of postal reforenvss. I bought my copy ivom Kent Books, 139 Elm, Andover, lass, for $3465 Ppdo Té’is doubtful if menber Drs H, Surnett Bruce (Australia) realised back in 1930 that he jas recording Bahamas postal history: He sat down and addressed letters to each Bahamas postmaster, enclosing a stanped, solf-addzessed envelopes In each letter mas a polite printed regrest for neat exanplos of their postmaris, end tvo simple questions to answers fmon wac your offies opened, ani Thon was your present onliterating ciamp issued to you? Ho, he @b! nob get 100g returns from his mailing (and neither will yous svan today)s At each reply and cover reached n hustralia, he grouped then by islands and neatly nournjed thon in an alban painstakingly, briefly writing-up cach covars Roplies,(such as they wore) ho loft incide the covers, Dre Bruse my like to kus the colloction has now falles into highly apprecistive hands (ninet), with thanks to Bob Topaz. While most of ths postzarke aro nom and secorded, from loose stamps ani pieces, these on cover aro imieed rare birds, Tho real gom is a 17 NOY 1950 cover from OLD PLACE, with two superb strikes of the sooledie CD03. ord a letter ixside from the Sub- pos taster, deH.Saunderes Ho Gid not know opening date of peoe but did know 1t was Ghere by Lope (Bramples are veoorded by 1918 and now through 1930)« “Star tyre C.D. are coastofed throughost the collection, and since many of then were issued during this peried, many postmasters vere able to tell month and yoar issued» Great Guano Cay came Ehroagh with two diffezert ctesinlie cancels, Aclélina Island double~circle cancel was Seill'in use ab thie late cote (1930), as was firsbetypo CHEROKEE SOUND (1050). Other henwold double~cirele datasueups in i930 use were STANYARD CRUSK and STILIS, Morris Iudingson, Bill Mefarland snd I exe st{iicoming up with data from the collection, far Yoo lengthy to include here, Now if someone would just oom up with a similar collect- don of the pericds 1910-1620, 1929-1925, 1935-392 and mid Its? Tt is of interest to record that no TRBts afpoaved in thé abovs collections On another theme, ib is disvroseing to note that collectovs exe still being!stung? by certain high-oatel ogue old Eahams stamps neatly postmarked ina small single=line circle, BIMINI, F2 8 gde This date is a tip off to look closely at the stamp, itself: fnvariably it will be’e Noleancd? Tiscally~used stamps Frustratingly, the postmark does appear to be the genuine cencel, but my well be a forgery, itself; your bast protecdion is to pey no more then lo contsfor an examples Inkveradiostor marks are Sasily detectable on careful inspection, (Bditors notes 1 havo an oxdollent ultras Violet lamp, vith which I will be hapzy to use, in checking any suspected stamps of this ina or any other susposted stamps. Jusb send them on end it ns know what you wants)

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