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SCM-Super Important questions

By the TIE review team

Module-1-5 SIMP

1. Explain briefly the importance of SCM in detail

2. Discuss the major drivers of SCM
3. Explain the factors influencing the SCM design decision
4. Explain the case study of Dell in meeting the market competitive challenges
5. Explain the structural framework of SCM
6. Explain the case study of Deccan airways- wrt enablers
7. Explain the firm strategy of vertical integration and how it established
breakthroughs in SCM
8. Write a short note on (a)Cross-docking and its importance and
(ii)outsourcing and its importance
9. Explain the challenges faced as a Supply chain manager associated with
global and outsourcing
10. Explain the framework for Make/buy and why it is important
11. Write a short note on Warehouse in SCM
12. Write a short note on facility decisions
13. Brief out supply chain challenges associated with warehouse faced nu
FMCG industry
14.Write a short note on strategic alliances
15.What are the factors influencing distribution network design
16.Briefly discuss supply chain network design using decision tree.
17. Explain any four design options for distribution network design.
18.Albatross Hub industries is a fabrication unit in Bengaluru. Where 50 tons
stainless steel is processed per day, and converted to final products. Stainless
steel is supplied by three different suppliers located within 100 km from the
manufacturing plant. AH Industries supplies 10 tons of produced products
daily to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa. Questions: 1. What should be the
inventory policy for raw material and finished stainless steel goods. 2. What
outbound transportation you suggest? 3. Should they have a warehouse
facility? Justify.
19.What are the various modes of transportations and their features to have
better traffic management system?
20.Explain any four design options for distribution network design.

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