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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT a7 a sen wwf TTT TT Third Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.2020 Supply Chain Management ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marf-100 Note: 1. Answer any FOUR full questions from Q.No.1 t0 Q.No.7. 2. Question No. 8 is compulsory. 18MBAMM306 £1 & Define Supply Chain Management cerngers 2b. Briefly explain the eycle view of Supply Chain Marks) FG Disou the various Key ass involved in Suply Chain Management Mans 42 a. Whatdo you meanty milk ran? (oss) ¥ © b. Discuss the modes of transportation and their performance charafeistics (07 ark) i 4 ‘c. Explain the various network design options for distribution (0 Marks FZ 3 a Whats Juscin-Time technique? (a3 tarts GS —_b. Discuss the advameges and disadvantages of ABC anal (o7 starts BE © Bessy expln he oi andes of enory ent (Marto) 2% 4 a. Define purchasing. (03 Marks EF “by Discuss the steps involved in Vendor Selection (O7 Marts) ‘ a ‘c.Explain the eriteria for Vendor Evaluation, (10 Marks) 2 Sa. Whats Bullwhip effect in logistics? (os ntarts ‘ 1b Discuss the expected cos of stock-oul (7 aris) BP © ste ceri pin te sep = (10st) Gy 6 & Define CRM. (03 siarks 23 b._ Discuss the advantages and i (sourcing (07 Marks) i i ¢. What is Benchmarking? Brie of Benchmarking ‘ao starks $7 a Whatis Kanban system? (os starts 53 b. Briefly explain te elem of IO BES costs (07 Marks) EE Discuss the steps implve lasing procedure (ao starts) 8 § 8 Case Study: (Compul ) E SLR a small sp@giaity chica company located at Bangalore, manufactured a variety of af F corrosion prevention. All products were produced ata single # tems were as Follows ¥ 1d be made in full truck load quantities were to be shipped directly ¢ orders, the top 10% of the company volame were also shipped direct to 5 plant a reminder ofthe produc ln, with ts smal shipment sizes, was to be shipped out of2 tegically located warehouses (Channai and Hyderabad) as well as from the Indore plant. fement saved 20% of companies distribution cost. is aN ‘of strategy the company follows? (0s Marks) ‘ording to you what might be the reason for such company strategy of distribution, (05 Marks) c. Do you agree their strategy? Ino, what possible improvements can be done? (05 Marks) Mention the disadvantages of company’s distribution strategy. (0S atarks) S. | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS. A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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