Chapter 30 Physiology

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RENAL RENAL REGULATION OF K+, Ca++, P04++ AND Mg++: ▪ Patients with deficient aldosterone production

INTEGRATION OF RENAL MECHANISMS FOR CONTROL OF BLOOD (Addison’s dss) then have hyperkalemia due to
CHAPTER 30 Physiology
❖ β-Adrenergic Stimulation increases cellular uptake of K+
Regulation of K+ Excretion and K+ concentration in Extracellular Fluid ▪ increased secretion of epinephrine
(ECF) (catecholamine) can cause movement of K+ from
ECF to ICF mainly by activation of β-Adrenergic
▪ 4.2 mEq/L(0.3 mEq/L) extracellular fluid potassium receptors.
concentration ▪ Propranolol (β-Adrenergic receptors) used for
▪ Many cell functions are sensitive to changes in treatment of hypertension, causes K+ to move
concentration. out of the cells and creates a tendency toward
▪ Increase of 3 to 4 mEq/L causes cardiac arrhythmias, hyperkalemia.
higher conc. Leads to cardiac arrest or fibrillation.
▪ 98% total potassium is contained in cells and 2% in ECF. ❖ Acid-Base Abnormalities can cause changes in K+
▪ Can serve as an overflow site for excess extracellular fluid K distribution
during hyperkalemia or source of K during hypokalemia. ▪ Metabolic acidosis increases extracellular K
▪ Redistribution of K+ between intra and ECF compartments conc., causing loss of K from cells, whereas
provides the first line of defense against changes in ECF K+ metabolic alkalosis decreased ECF K+ conc.
conc. ▪ Increased H+ conc is to reduce activity of Na+-K+
▪ Daily intake ranges between 50 and 200 mEq/day. adenosine triphosphate (ATPase) pump. This
▪ Failure to rapidly rid the extracellular fluid of K+ could decreases cellular uptake of K+ and raises ECF K+.
cause life-threatening hyperkalemia. ❖ Cell lysis causes increased ECF K+ concentration.
▪ Loss of K+ in ECF could cause severe hypokalemia. ▪ Large amounts of K contained in cells are
▪ Maintenance of K+ depends primarily on excretion by released into ECF when cells are destroyed.
kidneys. Amount excreted in feces is only about 5 to 10%. ▪ Causes significant hyperkalemia if large amounts
of tissue are destroyed as occurs with severe
Regulation of Internal K+ Distribution muscle injury or RBC lysis.
▪ K+ ECF would rise to lethal level if ingested K+ did not ❖ Strenuous Exercise can cause hyperkalemia by releasing K
rapidly move into the cell. from Skeletal muscle
▪ Most of the ingested K+ rapidly moves into the cells until ▪ Prolonged exercise causes K+ to be release from
kidneys can eliminate the excess. skeletal muscle into ECF.
▪ Mild but clinically significant after heavy exercise
Factors that alter K distribution between the ICF and ECF in patients treated with β-Adrenergic blockers or
Factors that shift K into cells Factors that shift K out of cells individuals with insulin deficiency.
(Decrease extracellular K+) (Increase Extracellular K+) ❖ Increased ECF osmolarity causes redistribution of K+ from
cells to ECF
Insulin Insulin Deficiency (diabetes
▪ Increased ECF osmolarity causes osmotic flow of
Aldosterone mellitus)
water out of cells.
β-adrenergic stimulation Aldosterone def (Addison’s dss)
▪ Cellular dehydration increases intracellular K+
Alkalosis β-adrenergic blockade
conc., thereby promoting diffusion of K out of
cells and increasing ECF K+ conc.
Cell lysis
▪ In DM, large increases in plasma glucose raise
Strenuous exercise
ECF osmolarity, causing cell dehydration and
Increased ECF osmolarity
movement of K+ from cells into ECF.
Overview of Renal Potassium Excretion
❖ Insulin stimulates K+ uptake into cells.
▪ K excretion is determined by 3 renal processes
▪ In people who have insulin def owing to DM, rise
1) Rate of K filtration (GFR multiplied by plasma
in plasma K+ conc after eating a meal is much
K conc)
greater than normal.
2) Rate of K reabsorption by tubules
▪ Injection of insulin, helps to correct
3) Rate of K secretion by tubules
▪ 756 mEq/day is the normal rate of K filtration; constant
❖ Aldosterone Increases K uptake into cells
because of autoregulation mechanisms for GF.
▪ Increased K intake also stimulates secretion of
▪ 65 % is reabsorbed in proximal tubule. 25 to 30%
aldosterone, which increases cell K uptake.
reabsorbed in a loop of Henle (thick ascending) where K+ is
▪ Excess aldosterone secretion (Conn’s syndrome)
actively co-transported along with Na+ and Cl-.
is associated with hypokalemia, due to
▪ Sites of K+ excretion: 1) principal cells of late distal tubule
movement of extracellular K+ into the cells.
2) cortical collecting tubules.

▪ With high K+ intakes, increase K+ secretion into distal and increases potassium excretion by the kidneys
collecting tubules. Can exceed the amount of K+ in GFR, then reduces ECF K+ conc back toward normal.
indicating a powerful mechanism for secreting K+.
▪ If K+ intake is low, secretion rate also decreases. With 3) Increased tubular flow rate.
extreme reductions, net reabsorption of K+ in distal o Rise in distal tubular flow rate (volume
segments of nephron and K+ excretion fall to 1% of K+ in expansion, high Na+ intake) stimulates K+
the GFR. secretion
o Effect of high-volume flow: increase luminal conc
Potassium Secretion by Principal Cells of Late Distal and Cortical of K+ reduces the driving force for K diffusion
collecting Tubules across the luminal membrane. With increased
▪ Principal cells make up about 90% of epithelial cells. tubular flow rate, secretion of K is continuously
▪ Luminal membrane of the cell is highly permeable to K+. flushed down the tubule, so rise in tubular K+
▪ Secretion of K+ from blood into tubular lumen is a two step conc becomes minimized. Net potassium
process: secretion is stimulated by increased tubular flow
(1) Na+-K+ ATPase pump- found in the basolateral rate.
membrane. Initiates the uptake from the interstitium into o With high Na+ intake, there is decreased
the cell. Moves Na out of cell into interstitium and at the aldosterone secretion, that decreases the rate of
same time moves potassium to the interior of the cell. K secretion, therefore reducing urinary excretion
(2) Passive diffusion- from the interior of cell into tubular of potassium.
fluid. Na+-K+ ATPase pump creates a high intracellular K+ o Two effects of high Na+ intake, counterbalances
conc, which provides the driving force for passive diffusion. each other . With low Na+intake, there is little
▪ Control of K secretion by Principal Cells. Primary factors change in K+ excretion because of
are counterbalancing effects of increased
1) Activity of Na+-K+ ATPase pump aldosterone secretion and decreased tubular
2) Electrochemical gradient flow rate on potassium secretion.
3) Permeability of luminal membrane for K+.
▪ Intercalated Cells can Reabsorb K during depletion. H-K ▪ H+ ion concentration (acidosis) decreases potassium
ATPase transport mechanism is located in the luminal secretion
membrane. o Decreasing H ion concentration (alkalosis)
increases K+ secretion.
Summary of Factors that Regulate K secretion: o Primary mechanism is by reducing the activity of
the Na+-K+ ATPase pump. This in turn decreases
▪ Most important factors that stimulate K secretion by intracellular potassium concentration and
principal cells subsequent passive diffusion of K+ across the
1) Increased ECF K+ conc luminal membrane into the tubule.
o 3 mechanisms: o Prolonged acidosis increases urinary K+ secretion,
1) Stimulates Na+ -K+ ATPase pump, increases K + due to inhibition of proximal tubular NaCl and
uptake across basolateral membrane. Which water reabsorption which increases distal
then Increases ICF K+ causes K+ to diffuse across volume delivery, thereby stimulating secretion of
the luminal membrane into the tubule. K+. This overrides the inhibitory effect of H+ ions
2) Increases K+ gradient from renal interstitial on the Na+-K+ ATPase pump.
fluid to interior of epithelial cell; reduces back o Chronic acidosis leads to loss of potassium
leakage of K+ from inside cells through o Acute acidosis leads to decreased potassium
basolateral membrane. excretion.
3)Stimulates Aldosterone secretion by adrenal
cortex Control of Renal Calcium Excretion and Extracellular Calcium Ion
2) increased aldosterone Concentration
o Aldosterone stimulates active reabsorption of Na ▪ Ca++ concentration remains tightly controlled at 2.4 mEq/L.
ions by principal cells of late distal tubules and ▪ When it falls to low levels (hypocalcemia), excitability of
collecting ducts. nerve and muscle cells increases markedly and can result
o This is mediated by Na-K ATPase pump that in hypocalcemic tetany. This is characterized by spastic
transports Na outward and pumps K into the cell skeletal muscle contractions.
(same with 1). Powerful effect to control rate of ▪ Hypercalcemia depresses neuromuscular excitability and
K secretion. leads to cardiac arrhythmias.
o 2nd effect, increase permeability of luminal ▪ 50% of total calcium in the plasma (5 mEq/L)m exists in
membrane for K+, further adding to effectiveness ionized form. Has biological activity at cell membranes.
of aldosterone. ▪ Remainder is bound to plasma proteins (40% ) or
o Increased extracellular K ion concentration complexed in non-ionized form with anions such as
stimulates aldosterone secretion. Therefore phosphate and citrate (10%).

▪ Acidosis, less Ca++ bound to plasma proteins. Alkalosis, Regulation of Renal Phosphate Excretion
greater amount of Ca++ bound to plasma proteins. ▪ Excretion in kidneys is controlled by an overflow
Therefore, Px with alkalosis are more susceptible to mechanism.
hypocalcemic tetany. ▪ Renal tubules have a normal transport maximum for
▪ Large share of Ca excretion occurs in feces. reabsorbing phosphate of about 0.1 mM/min.
▪ Usual rate of Ca++ intake 1000mg/day, with about 900 ▪ When less than this amount is present, essentially all
mg/day of Ca++ excreted in feces. Fecal calcium excretion filtered phosphate is reabsorbed. When more than this is
can exceed Ca++ ingestion because Ca can also be secreted present, the excess is excreted.
into intestinal lumen. GI tract and the regulatory ▪ Phosphate normally begins to spill into urine when
mechanisms play a major role in Ca++ homeostasis. concentration in the ECF rises above threshold of about 0.8
▪ Ca++ in the body (99%) stored in bone, with about 1% in mM/L. Most people ingest large quantities of phosphate
ECF and 0.1% in ICF. Bone is a large reservoir for storing in milk products and meat, therefore concentration of
Ca++ and source of Ca++ when ECF conc tends to decrease. phosphate is usually maintained above 1mM/L, a level at
▪ Parathyroid hormone(PTH), one of most important which there is continual excretion of phosphate into the
regulators of bone uptake. When Ca++ conc falls below urine.
normal, parathyroid glands are directly stimulated by low ▪ Tubular phosphate reabsorption can also influence
Ca++ levels to promote increased secretion of PTH. It then phosphate excretion.
acts directly on bones to increase resorption of bone salts, ▪ PTH can play a significant role in regulating phosphate
to release large amounts of calcium into the ECF. concentration through two effects
▪ When Ca++ ion is elevated, PTH secretion decreases, no 1) PTH promotes bone resorption, diming
bone resorption, excess Ca++ is deposited in bones because large amounts of phosphate ions into the
of new bone formation. Bones, do not have an ECF from bone salts
inexhaustible supply of Ca. Therefore, over long term, 2) PTC decreases the transport max for
intake of Ca++ must be balanced with Ca++ excretion by GF phosphate by renal tubules, greater
tract and kidneys. proportion of tubular phosphate is lost in
▪ With increased PTH, increase C++a reabsorption in thick urine. Thus, whenever plasma PTH is
ascending loops of Henle and distal tubules, which reduces increased, tubular phosphate reabsorption
urinary excretion of Ca++. is decreased and more phosphate is
Control of Ca++ Excretion by the Kidneys
▪ Ca++ is both filtered and reabsorbed in kidneys but not Control of Renal Mg Excretion and Extracellular Mg ion
secreted. Concentration
▪ Renal Ca excretion=Ca++ filtered-Ca++ reabsorbed ▪ More than half of the body's Mg+ is stored in bones. Rest
▪ About 50% of Ca is ionized, with remainder bound to resides within cells. Less than 1% located in ECF.
plasma proteins or complexes with anions such as P04. ▪ Total plasma Mg+ conc. Is 1.8 mEq/L, more than one half is
▪ Only about 50% of plasma Ca can be filtered by bound to plasma proteins. Free ionized conc of Mg+ is only
glomerulus. about 0.8 mEq/L.
▪ Normally 99% of filtered Ca is reabsorbed by tubules with ▪ 250-300 mg/day normal daily intake of Mg+, only half of
only about 1% being excreted. 65% of filtered Ca++ is this intake is absorbed by GI. The kidneys normally excrete
reabsorbed in proximal tubule, 25 to 30% is reabsorbed in about 10 to 15% of Mg+ in glomerular filtrate.
loop of Henle, and 4 to 9% is reabsorbed in distal and ▪ Renal excretion of Mg can increase during Mg+ excess or
collecting tubules. Similar to Na. decrease to almost nil during Mg+ depletion.
▪ Phosphate also influences Ca++ reabsorption. Increase in ▪ Regulation is achieved mainly by changing tubular
plasma phosphate stimulates PTH, which increases Ca++ reabsorption. The proximal tubule usually reabsorbs only
reabsorption by renal tubules, thereby reducing Ca++ about 25% of filtered Mg. Primary site of reabsorption in
excretion. loop of Henle, about 65% of filtered load of Mg+ is
▪ Ca reabsorption is also stimulated by metabolic acidosis reabsorbed. Only a small amount (<5%) is reabsorbed in
and inhibited by metabolic alkalosis. distal and collecting tubules.
▪ Disturbances that lead to increased Mg excretion\
Factors that Alter Renal Calcium Excretion 1) Increased ECF Mg+ conc
Decrease Calcium Excretion Increase Calcium Excretion 2) Extracellular volume expansion
Increase PTH Decrease PTH 3) Increased ECF Ca++ conc
Decrease ECF volume Increase ECF volume
Decrease BP Increase BP Integration of Renal Mechanism for Control of ECF
Increase Plasma phosphate Decrease Plasma phosphate ▪ ECF volume is determined mainly by balance between
Metabolic acidosis Metabolic Alkalosis intake and output of water and salt. It is dictated by
Vitamin D3 person’s habits rather than by physiologic control
▪ Antidiuretic hormone(ADH)- thirst mechanisms

Sodium Excretion is Precisely Matched to intake Under Steady State therefore, decreases formation of angiotensin I I and
▪ Under steady-state conditions, excretion of electrolytes by aldosterone.
kidneys is determined by intake.
▪ Angiotensin II and aldosterone, inhibit renal tubular
▪ If disturbances of kidney function are not too severe, Na
balance may be achieved mainly by intrarenal adjustments reabsorption of Na, thereby amplifying the direct effects of
with minimal changes in ECF volume or other systemic increased BP to raise Na and water excretion.
adjustments. Pressure Natriuresis and Diuresis are key components of a
▪ But when perturbations to kidneys, severe and intrarenal Renal-Body Fluid Feedback for Regulating Body Fluid Volumes and
compensations are exhausted, systemic adjustments must Arterial Pressure
be invoked, such as changes in blood pressure, changes in ▪ Effect of increased blood pressure to raise urine output is
circulating hormones and alterations of SNS activity. part of a powerful feedback system that operates to
▪ These compensations are necessary, because a sustained maintain balance between fluid intake and output.
imbalance between fluid and electrolyte intake and
excretion would quickly lead to accumulation or loss of ▪ Feedback mechanisms helps to maintain fluid balance as
electrolytes and fluid causing cardiovascular collapse. follows
▪ Increase in fluid intake above the level of urine output
Sodium Excretion is controlled by Altering Glomerular Filtration or
Tubular Sodium Reabsorption Rates causes a temporary accumulation of fluid in the body🡪
▪ Excretion=Glomerular Filtration-Tubular reabsorption As long as fluid intake exceeds urine output, fluid
▪ GFR normally is about 190 L/day, tubular reabsorption is accumulates in the blood and interstitial spaces,
178.5 L/day, urine excretion is 1,5 L/day causing parallel increase in blood volume and ECF
▪ Small changes in GFR or tubular reabsorption potentially volume🡪raises mean circulatory filling
can cause large changes in renal excretion. pressure🡪pressure raises the pressure gradient for
▪ Even with disturbances that alter GFR or tubular venous return🡪elevates cardiac output🡪 raises arterial
reabsorption, changes in urinary excretion are minimized pressure🡪increases urine output by way of pressure
by various buffering mechanisms. dieresis. Only slight increase in BP is required to raise
▪ When kidneys are vasodilated and GFR increases, this urinary excretion several fold🡪? balances the
raised NaCl delivery to tubules, which leads to two increased intake and further accumulation of fluid is
intrarenal compensations prevented.
1) Increased tubular reabsorption of much of ▪ Renal-body fluid feedback mechanism operates to prevent
extra NaCl filtered called glomerulotubular continuous accumulation of salt and water in the body
balance during increased salt and water intake.
2) Macula densa feedback, increased NaCl
delivery to distal tubule causes afferent ▪ When fluid intake falls below normal, there is a tendency
arteriolar constriction and return of GFR toward deceased blood volume and ECF volume, as well as
toward normal. reduced arterial pressure. Even a small decrease in BP
causes a large decrease in urine output.
Importance of Pressure Natriuresis and Pressure Diuresis in Precision of Blood Volume and ECF volume and ECF volume
Maintaining Body Na and Fluid Balance Regulation
▪ Pressure diuresis, refers to effect of increased BP to raise ▪ Blood remains almost exactly constant despite extreme
urinary volume excretion changes in daily fluid intake. The reason for this is the ff:
▪ Pressure Natriuresis, refers to the rise in Na excretion that 1) slight change in blood volume causes a
marked change in cardiac output
occurs with elevated BP. 2) a slight change in cardiac output causes a
▪ Because both usually occur in parallel, these were referred large change in BP.
to as pressure natriuresis 3) Slight change in blood causes a large change
in urine output
▪ Most basic and powerful mechanism for control of blood
volume and ECF volume, as well as maintenance of Na Distribution of ECF between interstitial spaces and vascular system
fluid balance.
▪ Blood volume and ECF volume are usually controlled in
▪ Acute increase in BP causes a twofold to threefold increase parallel with each other.
in urinary sodium output. This effect is independent of
▪ Ingested fluid initially goes into the blood, but it rapidly
changes in activity of the SNS or of various hormones, such
as angiotensin II, ADH, or aldosterone. becomes distributed between the interstitial spaces and
▪ With chronic increase in BP, effectiveness of pressure
▪ Principal factors that can cause accumulation of fluid in the
natriuresis is greatly enhanced because the increased BD
also after a short time delay, suppresses renin release, interstitial spaces include
1) increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
2) Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure
3) Increased permeability of the capillaries
▪ Net result is to minimize rise in ECF volume and arterial
4) Obstruction of lymphatic vessels
▪ When small amounts of fluid accumulate in the blood, as a
▪ In hypertensive patients( high angiotensin II curve) who
result of either too much fluid intake or a decrease in renal
output of fluid, about 20 to 30% of it stays in the blood and have impaired ability to decrease renin secretion, pressure
increases the blood volume. Remainder is distributed to natriuresis curve is not as steep. Therefore, when Na+
the interstitial spaces. When ECF volume rises more than intake is raised, much greater increases in arterial pressure
30-50% above normal, all the additional fluid goes into are needed to increase sNa+ excretion and maintain Na+
interstitial spaces and little remains in the blood. Once balance.
interstitial fluid pressure rises from its normally negative ▪ When angiotensin II formation is blocked with an
value to become positive, tissue interstitial spaces become angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin
compliant and large amounts of fluid then pour into the II receptor antagonist, the renal-pressure natriuresis curve
tissues without interstitial fluid pressure rising much more. is shifted to a lower pressures; this indicated an enhanced
▪ Under normal conditions, interstitial spaces act as an ability of the kidneys to excrete sodium because normal
overflow reservoir for excess fluid, causing an increase in levels of sodium excretion can now be maintained at
volume 10-30 liters. This causes edema. It also acts to reduced arterial pressures.
protect the CVS against dangerous overload that could ▪ Excessive Angiotensin II does not cause large increases in
lead to pulmonary edema and cardiac failure. ECF volume because increased arterial pressure
▪ ECF volume and blood volume are controlled counterbalances Angiotensin-mediated sodium retention.
simultaneously but distribution between interstitium and
blood depend on physical properties of the circulation and Role of Aldosterone in Controlling Renal Excretion
as well as on dynamics of fluid exchange through capillary ▪ Aldosterone increases Na+ reabsorption, in cortical
membrane. collecting tubules. Net effect is to make kidneys retain Na
and water but increases K+ excretion in urine.
Nervous and Hormonal Factor Increase the Effectiveness of
Renal-Body Fluid Feedback Control ▪ With reduction in sodium intake, increased angiotensin II

▪ Nervous and hormonal mechanisms usually act in concert stimulates aldosterone secretion, which contributes to the
reduction in urinary Na+ excretion.
with pressure natriuresis and pressure dieresis
mechanisms making them more effective in minimizing ▪ During Chronic Oversecretion of aldosterone, Kidneys
changes in blood volume, ECF volume and arterial “escape” from Sodium Retention as Arterial Pressure Rises.
pressure. Primary reason for the escape is the pressure natriuresis
and diuresis that occur when arterial pressure rises.
Sympathetic Nervous System Control of Renal Excretion: Arterial
▪ Conn’s syndrome, patients with tumors of the adrenal
Baroreceptor and Low-Pressure Stretch Receptor Reflex
gland that has excessive infusion or formation of
▪ When blood volume is reduced by hemorrhage, pressure aldosterone
in pulmonary blood vessels and other low-pressure regions
▪ Addison’s disease, patients with adrenal insufficiency has a
of the thorax decrease, causing reflex activation of SNS.
This increases renal sympathetic nerve activity, which has tendency toward low blood pressure and has increased
several effects to decrease sodium and water excretion excretion of sodium and water.
1) Constriction of the renal arterioles, with resultant ▪ During water deprivation, ADH plasma levels elevate than
decreased GFR increase water reabsorption. When there is excess ECF
2) Increases tubular reabsorption of salt and water volume, decreased ADH levels reduce reabsorption of
3) Stimulation of renin release and increased water by kidneys, thus helping to rid the body of excess
angiotensin II and aldosterone formation volume.
▪ Further activation of SNS occurs because of a decreased ▪ Excess ADH secretion usually causes only small increases in
stretch of arterial baroreceptors located in the carotid ECF volume but large decrease in Na concentration. High
sinus and aortic arch. Plays an important role in rapid levels of ADH do not cause major increase of blood volume
restitution of blood volume in hemorrhage. or arterial pressure, although high ADH levels can cause
severe reduction in extracellular Na+ ion concentration.
Role of Angiotensin II in Controlling Renal Excretion
▪ Angiotensin II, powerful controllers of Na excretion Role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Controlling Renal Excretion

▪ When Na+ intake is elevated above normal, renin secretion ▪ Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), natriuretic hormone
is decreased, causing decreased angiotensin II formation, released by the cardiac atrial muscle fibers. Stimulus for
decreases tubular reabsorption of sodium and water, thus release of this peptide appears to be overstretch of the
increasing the kidney’s excretion of Na and water. atria, which can result from excess blood volume. Acts on

the kidneys to cause small increases in GFR and decreases Conditions that cause Large increase in ECF volume but with Normal
in Na+ reabsorption by collecting ducts. Blood Volume
▪ Excessive production of ANP or complete lack of ANP does ▪ These are usually initiated by leakage of fluid and protein
not cause major changes in blood volume because these into the interstitium which tends to decrease the blood
effects can easily be overcome by small changes in blood volume.
pressure, acting through pressure natriuresis.
▪ Nephrotic Syndrome-Loss of plasma proteins in urine and
High Na intake Suppresses Antinatriuretic Systems and Activates sodium retention by the kidneys
Natriuretic Systems o One of most important clinical causes of edema
o Glomerular capillaries leak large amounts of
▪ Small increase in ECF volume triggers various mechanisms protein into the filtrate and urine because of
in body to increase sodium excretion increased permeability. 30-50 gms can be lost in
1) Activation of low pressure receptor reflex that a day. As a consequence, the plasma colloid
originate from the stretch receptors of the right osmotic pressure falls to lower levels which in
atrium and the pulmonary blood vessels. They inhibit turn causes edema and decreases plasma
sympathetic nerve activity to kidneys to decrease volume.
tubular Na+reabsorption. Important in first few hours o Renal Na+ retention occurs through multiple
or perhaps the first day after large intake of salt and mechanisms such as activation of the
water renin-angiotensin system, aldosterone and
2) Small increases in arterial pressure through pressure possibly SNS.
natriuresis o Due to large amount of Na+ and water retention,
3) Suppression of angiotensin II formation caused by the plasma protein conc become further diluted,
increased arterial pressure and ECF volume causing more fluid to leak into tissues
expansion, decreases tubular Na+ reabsorption by
▪ Liver cirrhosis-decreased synthesis of Plasma Proteins by
eliminating the normal effect of angiotensin to
increase Na+reabsorption. Reduced angiotensin II also live and sodium retention by kidneys
decreases aldosterone secretion o Similar to nephritic syndrome but reduction in
4) Stimulation of the natriuretic system, especially ANP. plasma protein concentration results from
destruction of liver cells, thus reducing the ability
Conditions that cause Large Increases in Blood Volume and of the liver to synthesize enough plasma
Extracellular Fluid Volume proteins.
o Also associated with large amounts of fibrous
▪ Increased blood volume and extracellular fluid volume
tissue in liver structure, which greatly impedes
caused by heart disease. the flow of portal blood through the liver, in turn
o In CHF, blood volume may increase 15-20% and raises capillary pressure throughout portal
ECF volume sometimes increases by 200% or vascular bed, which contributes to leakage of
more. fluid and proteins into peritoneal cavity, called
o Initially, heart failure reduces cardiac output, ascites.
consequently decreases arterial pressure, o Kidneys continue to retain salt and water until
activates multiple sodium-retaining systems, plasma volume and arterial pressure are restored
especially the renin-angiotensin, aldosterone, to normal.
sympathetic nervous system. Low BP causes
kidneys to retain salt and water.
o In myocardial failure, heart valvular dss and
congenital abnormalities of the heart, an
important circulatory compensation is an
increase in blood volume, which helps to return
cardiac output and blood pressure to normal.
This allows even the weakened heart to maintain
a life-sustaining level of cardiac output.
▪ Increased blood volume caused by increased capacity of
o Increase in vascular capacity initially reduces
mean circulatory filling pressure, which leads to
decreased cardiac output and decreased arterial
pressure. Fall in pressure causes salt and water
retention until blood volume increases
sufficiently to fill the extra capacity.

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