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Los adjetivos son las

palabras que amplían el

significado del sustantivo.

Sufijos para formación de

-able, -ible, -ble: acceptable, noticable, convertible, divisible
-al: experimental, environmental
-ful: helpful, useful
-less: useless
-ical, -al, -ar: economical, mathematical, electrical, circular
-ic: electronic, magnetic
-ive: active
-ous: dangerous, generous
-ant, -ent: resistant, different

¿Dónde se ubican los adjetivos?

- Delante del sustantivo: electronic machines

- Después de is/are/get/become: It is important to use….
- En grupos de palabras: secure password -
private computer network

¿Qué función cumplen los adjetivos?

What is a laptop computer?

A laptop is a personal computer that can be easily moved and used in a

variety of locations. Most laptops are designed to have all of the
functionality of a desktop computer, which means they can generally
run the same software and open the same types of files. However,
laptops are more expensive than comparable desktop computers.
1) large organizations

Large es una propiedad que identifica a organizations. Este tipo de

adjetivo indican que “graduables”, es decir, que pueden ser más o
menos lo que esté expresando. En este caso, se puede pensar en
una empresa más o menos grande.

2) interesting capabilities

Interesting es una opinión y como tal puede ser “refutada” por otra
opinión porque para algunos puede resultar interesante y para
para otros no.

3) personal computer

Personal es un adjetivo que indica un “tipo” de computadora, es

decir, tiene la función de clasificar. Los adjetivos que cumplen esta
función no son graduables, es decir, son o no son.


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is used by several
smartphones and tablets. Examples include the Sony Xperia, the Samsung Galaxy, and the
Google Nexus One.

The Android operating system (OS) is based on the Linux kernel. Android is open source,
meaning developers can modify and customize the OS for each phone.

Android phones typically come with several built-in applications and also support third-party
programs. Developers can create programs for Android using the free Android software
developer kit (SDK). Android programs are written in Java and run through a Java virtual
machine JVM that is optimized for mobile devices. Users can download and install
Android apps from Google Play and other locations.

The name "Android" comes from the term android, which is robot designed to look and act like
a human.

What is the most secure password?

There’s no one password that is the “most secure”, and if there was, to write
it here would make it insecure, as thousands of people would use it on their
accounts. Rather, secure passwords contain a seemingly random
combination of numbers, letters and symbols and include at least 16 to 20


 Subraye en el siguiente texto los adjetivos que encuentra y

¿Qué función cumplen?
¿Qué función predomina?
¿Cómo los reconocío?

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