Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care: Incorporating Definitive Anaesthetic Trauma Care

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Manual of Definitive

Surgical Trauma Care:

Incorporating Definitive
Anaesthetic Trauma Care
Manual of Definitive
Surgical Trauma Care:
Incorporating Definitive
Anaesthetic Trauma Care


Kenneth D Boffard
Professor Emeritus, Department of Surgery
Milpark Hospital and University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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This manual is dedicated to the six surgeons who, in 1993, saw the need for a course in operative
trauma surgery and surgical decision-making for those surgeons who would not routinely be involved in
the care of the trauma patient, and from whose foresight the course has been developed.

Howard Champion, Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Stephen Deane, Sydney, Australia

Abe Fingerhut, Poissy, France

Stenn Lennquist, Linkoping, Sweden

David Mulder, Montreal, Canada

Donald Trunkey, Portland, Oregon, United States


Video Contents xxv

Preface xxvii
Introduction xxxi
Injury Prevention xxxi
Training in the Initial Management of Severe Trauma xxxi
The DSTC™ Course xxxiii
The DATC™ Course xxxiii
Summary xxxiv
Board of Contributors xxxv
Acknowledgements xli
About the Author xliii


1 Safe and Sustainable Trauma Care 3

1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Safe Trauma Care 3
1.2.1 Individual Factors 3
1.2.2 Institutional Factors 5
1.2.3 Performance Improvement Activities 5
1.2.4 Regional Activities 6
1.2.5 National Activities 6
1.2.6 Global Activities 7
1.3 Sustainable Trauma Care 8
1.3.1 Workforce Development 8
1.4 Conclusion 8

2 Communication and Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) in Major Trauma: The Role
of Crew Resource Management (CRM) 11
2.1 Overview 11
2.1.1 The ‘Swiss Cheese’ Theory 11
2.2 Communication in the Trauma Setting 12
2.2.1 Initial Handover 12
2.2.2 Resuscitation and Ongoing Management 12
2.3 Leadership in Trauma Care 13
2.4 Potential Errors Related to Each Behavioural Theme 15
2.5 Summary 15
viii  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

3 Pre-Hospital and Emergency Trauma Care 17

3.1 Resuscitation in the Emergency Department and Pre-hospital Setting 17
3.2 Management of Major Trauma 17
3.2.1 Resuscitation 17
3.2.2 Management of Penetrating Trauma 22
3.3 Emergency Department Surgery 23
3.3.1 Head Trauma 23
3.3.2 Chest Trauma 23
3.3.3 Abdominal Trauma 24
3.3.4 Pelvic Trauma 24
3.3.5 Long Bone Fractures 24
3.3.6 Peripheral Vascular Injuries 25
3.4 Summary 25


4 Resuscitation Physiology 29
4.1 Metabolic Response to Trauma 29
4.1.1 Definition of Trauma 29
4.1.2 Initiating Factors 29
4.1.3 Immune Response 30
4.1.4 Hormonal Mediators 33
4.1.5 Effects of the Various Mediators 34
4.1.6 The Anabolic Phase 36
4.1.7 Clinical and Therapeutic Relevance 36
4.2 Shock 36
4.2.1 Definition of Shock 36
4.2.2 Classification of Shock 36
4.2.3 Measurements in Shock 40
4.2.4 Endpoints in Shock Resuscitation 41
4.2.5 Post-Shock and Multiple Organ Failure Syndromes 42
4.2.6 Management of the Shocked Patient 43
4.2.7 Prognosis in Shock 46
4.2.8 Recommended Protocol for Shock 46

5 Transfusion in Trauma 49
5.1 Indications for Transfusion 49
5.1.1 Oxygen-Carrying Capacity 49
5.2 Transfusion Fluids 49
5.2.1 Colloids 49
5.2.2 Blood 49
5.2.3 Component Therapy (Platelets, Fresh Frozen Plasma, Cryoprecipitate) 50
5.3 Effects of Transfusing Blood and Blood Products 51
5.3.1 Metabolic Effects 51
5.3.2 Effects of Microaggregates 51
5.3.3 Hyperkalaemia 51
5.3.4 Coagulation Abnormalities 51
5.3.5 Other Risks of Transfusion 52
Contents | ix

5.4 Current Best Transfusion Practice 53

5.4.1 Initial Response 53
5.4.2 Reduction in the Need for Transfusion 53
5.4.3 Transfusion Thresholds 53
5.4.4 Transfusion Ratios 54
5.4.5 Adjuncts to Enhance Clotting 54
5.4.6 Monitoring the Coagulation Status: Traditional and VHA 54
5.5 Autotransfusion 59
5.6 Red Blood Cell Substitutes 59
5.6.1 Perfluorocarbons 60
5.6.2 Haemoglobin Solutions 60
5.6.3 Future Evolution 60
5.7 Massive Haemorrhage/Massive Transfusion 61
5.7.1 Definition 61
5.7.2 Massive Transfusion Protocol (MTP) 61
5.8 Haemostatic Adjuncts in Trauma 61
5.8.1 Overview 61
5.8.2 Tissue Adhesives 63
5.8.3 Other Haemostatic Adjuncts 64

6 Damage Control 67
6.1 Introduction 67
6.2 Damage Control Resuscitation 68
6.3 Damage Control Surgery 68
6.3.1 Stage 1: Patient Selection 69
6.3.2 Stage 2: Operative Haemorrhage and Contamination Control 70
6.3.3 Stage 3: Physiological Restoration in the ICU 73
6.3.4 Stage 4: Definitive Surgery 75
6.3.5 Stage 5: Abdominal Wall Closure 75
6.3.6 Outcomes 77
6.4 Damage Control Orthopaedics 77


7 The Neck 81
7.1 Overview 81
7.2 Management Principles: Penetrating Cervical Injury 81
7.2.1 Initial Assessment and Definitive Airway 81
7.2.2 Control of Haemorrhage 82
7.2.3 Injury Location 82
7.2.4 Mechanism 83
7.2.5 Frequency of Injury 83
7.2.6 Use of Diagnostic Studies 83
7.3 Management 83
7.3.1 Mandatory versus Selective Neck Exploration 83
7.3.2 Management Based on Anatomical Zones 84
7.4 Access to the Neck 84
7.4.1 Position 84
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7.4.2 Incision 84
7.4.3 Surgical Access 85
7.4.4 Priorities 86
7.4.5 Midline Visceral Structures 87
7.4.6 Root of the Neck 88
7.4.7 Collar Incisions 88
7.4.8 Vertebral Arteries 88

8 The Chest 91
8.1 Overview 91
8.2 The Spectrum of Thoracic Injury 91
8.2.1 Immediately Life-Threatening Injuries 91
8.2.2 Potentially Life-Threatening Injuries 91
8.3 Pathophysiology of Thoracic Injuries 92
8.3.1 Paediatric Considerations 92
8.4 Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Chest 93
8.4.1 The Chest Wall 93
8.4.2 The Chest Floor 93
8.4.3 The Chest Contents 93
8.5 Diagnosis 95
8.6 Management of Specific Injuries 96
8.6.1 Damage Control in the Chest 96
8.6.2 Open Pneumothorax 96
8.6.3 Tension Pneumothorax (Haemo/Pneumothorax) 96
8.6.4 Massive Haemothorax 97
8.6.5 Tracheobronchial Injuries 97
8.6.6 Oesophageal Injuries 97
8.6.7 Diaphragmatic Injuries 98
8.6.8 Pulmonary Contusion 98
8.6.9 Flail Chest 98
8.6.10 Fixation of Multiple Fractures of Ribs 98
8.6.11 Pulmonary Laceration 98
8.6.12 Air Embolism 98
8.6.13 Cardiac Injuries 100
8.6.14 Injuries to the Great Vessels 101
8.7 Chest Drainage 101
8.7.1 Drain Insertion 101
8.7.2 Drain Removal 104
8.8 Surgical Approaches to the Thorax 104
8.8.1 Anterolateral Thoracotomy 105
8.8.2 Median Sternotomy 106
8.8.3 The ‘Clamshell’ Thoracotomy 107
8.8.4 Posterolateral Thoracotomy 107
8.8.5 ‘Trapdoor’ Thoracotomy 107
8.9 Emergency Department Thoracotomy 107
8.9.1 History 107
8.9.2 Objectives 108
8.9.3 Indications and Contraindications 108
8.9.4 Results 109
8.9.5 When to Stop EDT 109
8.9.6 Technique 109
Contents | xi

8.10 Surgical Procedures 110

8.10.1 Pericardial Tamponade 110
8.10.2 Cardiac Injury 110
8.10.3 Pulmonary Haemorrhage 111
8.10.4 Pulmonary Tractotomy 111
8.10.5 Lobectomy or Pneumonectomy 111
8.10.6 Thoracotomy with Aortic Cross-Clamping 112
8.10.7 Aortic Injury 112
8.10.8 Tracheobronchial Injury 112
8.10.9 Oesophageal Injury 112
8.11 Summary 112
8.12 Anaesthesia for Thoracic Trauma 112
8.12.1 Penetrating Thoracic Injury 112
8.12.2 Blunt Thoracic Injury 113
8.12.3 Anaesthetic Management of Thoracic Injury 114
8.13 Anaesthetic Considerations 114

9 The Abdomen 117

9.1 The Trauma Laparotomy 117
9.1.1 Overview 117 Difficult Abdominal Injury Complexes 117 The Retroperitoneum 118 Non-Operative Management of Penetrating
Abdominal Injury 118
9.1.2 The Trauma Laparotomy 119 Pre-Operative Adjuncts 119 Draping 120 Incision 121 Initial Procedure 121 Perform a Trauma Laparotomy 122 Perform Definitive Packing 124 Specific Routes of Access 125 Specific Organ Techniques 127
9.1.3 Closure of the Abdomen 128 Principles of Abdominal Closure 128 Choosing the Optimal Method of Closure 128 Primary Closure 128
9.1.4 Specific Tips and Tricks 129 Headlight 129 Stirrups and Lithotomy Position 129 Table Tilt 129 Be Flexible: Move! 130 Aortic Compression Spoon 130 Pericardial Window 130 Washout 130 Drains 130 Stomas 131 Temporary Closure 131 Two Catheters: Bladder Injury 131 Early Tracheostomy 131
9.1.5 Briefing for Operating Room Scrub Nurses 132
9.1.6 Summary 132
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9.2 Abdominal Vascular Injury 133

9.2.1 Overview 133
9.2.2 Retroperitoneal Haematoma 134 Central Haematoma 134 Lateral Haematoma 134 Pelvic Haematoma 134
9.2.3 Surgical Approach to Major Abdominal Vessels 135 Incision 135 Medial Visceral Rotation 135 Coeliac Axis 136 Superior Mesenteric Artery 136 Inferior Mesenteric Artery 137 Renal Arteries 137 Iliac Vessels 137 Inferior Vena Cava 137 Portal Vein 139
9.2.4 Shunting 139

9.3 Bowel, Rectum, and Diaphragm 141

9.3.1 Overview 141
9.3.2 Diaphragm 141
9.3.3 Stomach 143
9.3.4 The Duodenum 143
9.3.5 Small Bowel 143 The Stable Patient 144 The Unstable Patient 144
9.3.6 Large Bowel 144 The Stable Patient 145 The Unstable Patient 145
9.3.7 Rectum 145
9.3.8 Mesentery 145
9.3.9 Adjuncts 146 Antibiotics 146

9.4 The Liver and Biliary System 147

9.4.1 Overview 147
9.4.2 Resuscitation 149
9.4.3 Diagnosis 149
9.4.4 Liver Injury Scale 149
9.4.5 Management 151 Subcapsular Haematoma 151 Non-Operative Management (NOM) 152 Subcapsular Haematoma 153 Operative (Surgical) Management 153
9.4.6 Surgical Approach 153 Incision 153 Initial Actions 154 Techniques for Temporary Control of Haemorrhage 154 Mobilization of the Liver 157 Hepatic Isolation 158
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9.4.7 Perihepatic Drainage 158

9.4.8 Complications 159
9.4.9 Injury to the Retrohepatic Vena Cava 160
9.4.10 Injury to the Porta Hepatis 160
9.4.11 Injury to the Bile Ducts and Gallbladder 160
9.4.12 Anaesthetic Considerations 161

9.5 Spleen 162

9.5.1 Overview 162
9.5.2 Anatomy 162
9.5.3 Diagnosis 162 Clinical 162 Ultrasound 163 Computed Tomography (CT) Scan 163
9.5.4 Splenic Injury Scale 163
9.5.5 Management 163 Non-Operative Management 163 Operative Management 163
9.5.6 Surgical Approach 163 Spleen Not Actively Bleeding 166 Splenic Surface Bleed Only 166 Minor Lacerations 166 Splenic Tears 166 Partial Splenectomy 166 Mesh Wrap 166 Splenectomy 166 Drainage 167
9.5.7 Outcome 167
9.5.8 Opportunistic Post-Splenectomy Infection 167

9.6 Pancreas 168

9.6.1 Overview 168
9.6.2 Anatomy 169
9.6.3 Mechanisms of Injury 169 Blunt Trauma 169 Penetrating Trauma 169
9.6.4 Diagnosis 169 Clinical Evaluation 169 Serum Amylase and Serum Lipase 169 Ultrasound 170 Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL) 170 Computed Tomography 170 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography 170 Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography 170 Intra-operative Pancreatography 170 Operative Evaluation 171
9.6.5 Pancreas Injury Scale 171
9.6.6 Management 171 Non-Operative Management 171 Operative Management 172
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9.6.7 Surgical Approach 172 Incision and Exploration 172 Pancreatic Injury: Surgical Decision-Making 172
9.6.8 Adjuncts 175 Somatostatin and Its Analogues 175 Nutritional Support 175
9.6.9 Pancreatic Injury in Children 175
9.6.10 Complications 175 Early Complications 175 Late Complications 176
9.6.11 Summary of Evidence Based Guidelines 176

9.7 The Duodenum 179

9.7.1 Overview 179
9.7.2 Mechanism of Injury 179 Penetrating Trauma 179 Blunt Trauma 179 Paediatric Considerations 179
9.7.3 Diagnosis 179 Clinical Presentation 179 Serum Amylase and Serum Lipase 180 Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage/Ultrasound 180 Radiological Investigation 180 Diagnostic Laparoscopy 180
9.7.4 Duodenal Injury Scale 180
9.7.5 Management 180
9.7.6 Surgical Approach 181 Intramural Haematoma 181 Duodenal Laceration 182 Repair of the Perforation 182 Complete Transection of the Duodenum 182 Duodenal Diversion 183 Duodenal Diverticulation 183 Triple Tube Decompression 183 Pyloric Exclusion 183

9.8 The Urogenital System 184

9.8.1 Overview 184
9.8.2 Renal Injuries 184 Diagnosis 185 Renal Injury Scale 185 Management 185 Surgical Approach 187 Adjuncts 189 Post-operative Care 190
9.8.3 Ureteric Injuries 190 Diagnosis 190 Surgical Approach 190 Complications 191
Contents | xv

9.8.4 Bladder Injuries 191 Diagnosis 191 Management 191 Surgical Approach 191
9.8.5 Urethral Injuries 192 Diagnosis 192 Management 192 Ruptured Urethra 192
9.8.6 Injury to the Scrotum 193 Diagnosis 193 Management 193
9.8.7 Gynaecological Injury and Sexual Assault 193 Management 193
9.8.8 Injury of the Pregnant Uterus 194

10 The Pelvis 195

10.1 Anatomy 195
10.2 Classification 196
10.2.1 Tile’s Classification 196
10.2.2 Young and Burgess Classification 198
10.3 Clinical Examination and Diagnosis 200
10.4 Resuscitation 201
10.4.1 Haemodynamically Normal Patients 201
10.4.2 Haemodynamically Stable Patients (Transient Responders) 201
10.4.3 Haemodynamically Unstable Patients (Non-Responders) 202
10.5 External Fixation 202
10.5.1 Iliac-Crest Route 202
10.5.2 Supra-acetabular Route 203
10.5.3 Pelvic C-clamp 203
10.6 Laparotomy 203
10.7 Extraperitoneal Pelvic Packing 203
10.7.1 Technique of Extraperitoneal Packing 204
10.8 Associated Injuries 205
10.8.1 Head Injuries 205
10.8.2 Intra-abdominal Injuries 205
10.8.3 Bladder and Urethral Injuries 205
10.8.4 Urethral Injuries 205
10.8.5 Anorectal Injuries 205
10.8.6 Vaginal Injuries 206
10.9 Open Pelvic Fractures 206
10.9.1 Diagnosis 206
10.9.2 Surgery 206
10.10 Summary 206

11 Extremity Trauma 209

11.1 Overview 209
11.2 Management of Severe Injury to the Extremity 209
11.3 Management of Vascular Injury of the Extremity 210
11.3.1 Chemical Vascular Injuries 211
11.4 Crush Syndrome 211
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11.5 Management of Open Fractures 213

11.5.1 Severity of Injury (Gustilo Classification) 213
11.5.2 Sepsis and Antibiotics 213
11.5.3 Venous Thromboembolism 214
11.5.4 Timing of Skeletal Fixation in Polytrauma Patients 214
11.6 Massive Limb Trauma: Life Versus Limb 215
11.6.1 Scoring Systems 215
11.7 Compartment Syndrome 217
11.8 Fasciotomy 218
11.8.1 Lower Leg Fasciotomy 218
11.8.2 Upper Leg 219
11.8.3 Upper and Lower Arm 219
11.9 Complications of Major Limb Injury 220
11.10 Summary 221

12 Head Trauma 223

12.1 Introduction 223
12.2 Injury Patterns and Classification 223
12.2.1 Severity 223
12.2.2 Pathological Classification of TBI 223
12.3 Measurable Physiological Parameters in TBI 224
12.3.1 Mean Arterial Pressure 224
12.3.2 Intracranial Pressure 224
12.3.3 Cerebral Perfusion Pressure 225
12.3.4 Cerebral Blood Flow 225
12.4 Pathophysiology of Traumatic Brain Injury 225
12.5 Management of TBI 225
12.6 Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Threshold 225
12.7 I ntracranial Pressure Monitoring and Threshold 226
12.7.1 ICP Monitoring Devices 226
12.7.2 ICP Management – Do’s and Don’ts 226
12.8 Imaging 227
12.9 Indications for Surgery 227
12.9.1 Burr Holes and Emergency Craniotomy 227
12.10 Adjuncts to Care 229
12.10.1 Infection Prophylaxis 229
12.10.2 Seizure Prophylaxis 229
12.10.3 Nutrition 230
12.10.4 Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis 230
12.10.5 Steroids 230
12.11 Paediatric Considerations 230
12.12 Pearls and Pitfalls 230
12.13 Summary 230
12.14 Anaesthetic Considerations 231

13 Burns 233
13.1 Overview 233
13.2 Burns Pathophysiology 233
Contents | xvii

13.3 Anatomy 233

13.4 Special Types of Burn 234
13.4.1 Chemical Burns 234
13.4.2 Electrical Injury 235
13.5 Depth of the Burn 236
13.5.1 Superficial Burn (Erythema) 236
13.5.2 Superficial Partial Thickness 236
13.5.3 Deep Partial Thickness 237
13.5.4 ‘Indeterminate’ Partial Thickness Burns 237
13.5.5 Full Thickness 237
13.6 Total Body Surface Area Burned 237
13.7 Management 238
13.7.1 Safe Retrieval 238
13.7.2 First Aid 238
13.7.3 Initial Management 239
13.7.4 Escharotomy and Fasciotomy 241
13.7.5 Definitive Management 242
13.7.6 Assessing and Managing Airway Burns 244
13.7.7 Tracheostomy 244
13.8 Special Areas 244
13.8.1 Face 244
13.8.2 Hands 245
13.8.3 Perineum 245
13.8.4 Feet 245
13.9 Adjuncts in Burn Care 245
13.9.1 Nutrition in the Burned Patient 245
13.9.2 U lcer Prophylaxis 246
13.9.3 Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis 246
13.9.4 Vitamin C 246
13.9.5 Antibiotics 246
13.9.6 Other Adjuncts 247
13.10 Summary 247

14 Special Patient Situations 249

14.1 Paediatric Trauma 249
14.1.1 Introduction 249
14.1.2 Injury Patterns 249
14.1.3 Pre-Hospital 249
14.1.4 Resuscitation Room 249
14.1.5 Specific Organ Injury 250
14.1.6 Analgesia 251
14.2 Trauma in the Elderly 252
14.2.1 Definition of ‘Older’ and Susceptibility to Trauma 252
14.2.2 Access to Trauma Care 252
14.2.3 Physiology 252
14.2.4 Multiple Medications – Polypharmacy 253
14.2.5 Analgesia 253
14.2.6 Decision to Operate 253
14.2.7 A naesthetic Considerations in the Elderly 254
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14.3 Trauma in Pregnancy 254

14.3.1 Evaluation 254
14.4 Non-Beneficial (Futile) Care 254


15 Minimal Access Surgery in Trauma 259

15.1 Laparoscopy 259
15.1.1 Screening Laparoscopy 259
15.1.2 Diagnostic Laparoscopy 259
15.1.3 Non-Therapeutic Laparoscopy 259
15.1.4 Therapeutic Laparoscopy 259
15.1.5 Technique 259
15.1.6 Risks 260
15.1.7 Applications 260
15.2 Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery 261
15.2.1 Technique 261
15.2.2 Applications 262
15.2.3 Summary 262
15.3 Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) 262
15.3.1 Anatomy 262
15.3.2 Physiology 263
15.3.3 Insertion Technique 264
15.3.4 Monitoring 264
15.3.5 Total, Partial, and Intermittent Occlusion, and Targeted Blood Pressure 265
15.3.6 Perioperative and Post-operative Care 265
15.3.7 Indications 265
15.3.8 Contraindications 266
15.3.9 Complications 266
15.3.10 Summary 266
15.4 Anaesthetic Considerations 267

16 Imaging in Trauma 269

16.1 Introduction 269
16.2 Radiation Doses and Protection from Radiation 269
16.3 Principles of Trauma Imaging 270
16.4 Pitfalls and Pearls 271
16.5 Trauma Ultrasound 272
16.5.1 Extended Focused Assessment by Sonography for Trauma 272
16.5.2 Indications and Results 272
16.5.3  O
 ther Applications of Ultrasound in Trauma 273
16.5.4 Training 273
16.5.5 Summary 274


17 Critical Care of the Trauma Patient 277

17.1 Introduction 277
17.2 Phases of ICU Care 277
Contents | xix

17.2.1 Resuscitative Phase (First 24 Hours Post-Injury) 277

17.2.2 Early Life Support Phase (24–72 Hours Post-Injury) 278
17.2.3 Prolonged Life Support (>72 Hours Post-Injury) 278
17.2.4 Recovery Phase (Separation from the ICU) 279
17.3 ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 280
17.3.1 Overview 280
17.3.2 Modes of ECMO 280
17.3.3 Exclusions 281
17.4 Coagulopathy of Major Trauma 281
17.4.1 Management 282
17.5 Hypothermia 282
17.6 Multisystem Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) 283
17.7 Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome 283
17.8 Sepsis 284
17.8.1 Definitions 284
17.8.2 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 284
17.9 Antibiotics 284
17.10 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS) 291
17.10.1 Introduction 291
17.10.2 Definition of ACS 292
17.10.3 Pathophysiology 292
17.10.4 Effect of Raised IAP on Individual Organ Function 292
17.10.5 Measurement of IAP 294
17.10.6 Management 295
17.10.7 Surgery for Raised IAP 295
17.10.8 Management Algorithm 296
17.11 Acute Kidney Injury 296
17.12 Metabolic Disturbances 296
17.13 Nutritional Support 296
17.13.1 Access for Enteral Nutrition 299
17.14 Prophylaxis in the ICU 299
17.14.1 Stress Ulceration 299
17.14.2 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolus 299
17.14.3 Tetanus Prophylaxis 300
17.14.4 Line Sepsis 300
17.15 Pain Control 300
17.16 ICU Tertiary Survey 301
17.16.1 Evaluation for Occult Injuries 301
17.16.2 Assess Co-Morbid Conditions 301
17.16.3 ICU Summary 301
17.17 Family Contact and Support 302

18 Trauma Anaesthesia 305

18.1 Introduction 305
18.2 Planning and Communicating 305
18.3 Damage Control Resuscitation 305
18.3.1 Limited Fluid Administration 306
18.3.2 Targeting Coagulopathy 307
18.3.3 Prevent and Treat Hypothermia 307
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18.4 Damage Control Surgery 308

18.4.1 Anaesthetic Procedures 308
18.4.2 Monitoring 309
18.5 Anaesthesia Induction in Hypovolaemic Shock 310
18.5.1 Introduction 310
18.5.2 Drugs for Anaesthesia Induction 310
18.6 Battlefield Anaesthesia 313
18.6.1 Damage Control Anaesthesia in the Military Setting 313
18.6.2 Battlefield Analgesia 313

19 Psychology of Trauma 315

19.1 What is Psychological Trauma? 315
19.2 Reactions to Trauma 315
19.3 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 315
19.4 Trauma and ICU 315
19.5 The Clinical Psychologist 316
19.5.1 The Role of the Clinical Psychologist 316
19.5.2 When to Call the Clinical Psychologist 317

20 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine P&RM 319

20.1 Definition 319
20.2 The Rehabilitation ‘Team’ 319
20.3 Rehabilitation Starts in ICU 319
20.4 Outcomes-Based Rehabilitation (OBR) 320
20.4.1 FIM/FAM Assessment 320
20.4.2 Glasgow Outcome Scale 320
20.4.3 Rancho Los Amigos Scale 320
20.5 Summary 321

21 Austere Environments 323

21.1 Definition 323
21.2 Overview 323
21.3 Infrastructure 323
21.3.1 Location 324
21.3.2 Hospital Structures 324
21.3.3 H
 ealth Protection of the Deployed Surgical Team 324
21.4 Surgical Techniques to Have in Mind 325
21.4.1 Bleeding Control 325
21.4.2 Control of Contamination 325
21.4.3 Treatment of War Wounds 325
21.4.4 Amputations 325
21.4.5 Stabilization of Fractures 326
21.4.6 Obstetrics 326
21.4.7 Anaesthesia 326
21.5 Post-operative Care and Documentation 326
21.6 Summary 326

22 Military Environments 329

22.1 Introduction 329
22.2 Injury Patterns 329
Contents | xxi

22.3 Emergency Medical Services Systems 331

22.3.1 The Echelons of Medical Care 331
22.3.2 I ncident Management and Multiple Casualties 332
22.4 Triage 333
22.4.1 Source and Aim of Triage 333
22.4.2 Forward Surgical Teams and Triage 334
22.4.3 Forward Surgical Team Decision-Making 334
22.4.4 Selection of Patients for Surgery 335
22.5 Mass Casualties 335
22.6 Evacuation 336
22.7 Resuscitation 336
22.7.1 Overview 336
22.7.2 Damage Control Resuscitation 337
22.7.3 Damage Control Surgery in the Military Setting 338
22.8 Blast Injury 339
22.8.1 Diagnosis and Management of Blast Injuries 339
22.9 Battlefield Analgesia 340
22.10 Battlefield Anaesthesia 340
22.10.1 Induction of Anaesthesia 341
22.10.2 Maintenance of Anaesthesia 342
22.11 Critical Care 342
22.12 Translating Military Experience to Civilian Trauma Care 342
22.12.1 Leadership 342
22.12.2 Front-End Processes 342
22.12.3 Common Training 342
22.12.4 Governance 343
22.12.5 Rehabilitation Services 343
22.12.6 Translational Research 343
22.13 Summary 343

Appendix A  Trauma Systems 347

A.1 Introduction 347
A.2 The Inclusive Trauma System 347
A.3 Components of an Inclusive Trauma System 347
A.3.1 Administration 348
A.3.2 Prevention 348
A.3.3 Public Education 348
A.4 Management of the Injured Patient within a System 349
A.5 Steps in Organizing a System 349
A.5.1 Public Support 349
A.5.2 Legal Authority 349
A.5.3 Establish Criteria for Optimal Care 349
A.5.4 Designation of Trauma Centres 349
A.5.5 System Evaluation 350
A.6 Results and Studies 350
A.6.1 Panel Review 350
A.6.2 Registry Study 350
A.6.3 Population-Based Studies 350
A.7 Summary 350
xxii  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

Appendix B  Trauma Scores and Scoring Systems 353

B.1 Introduction 353
B.2 Physiological Scoring Systems 353
B.2.1 Glasgow Coma Scale 353
B.2.2 Paediatric Trauma Score 353
B.2.3 Revised Trauma Score 354
B.2.4 Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation II 354
B.3 Anatomical Scoring Systems 355
B.3.1 Abbreviated Injury Scale 355
B.3.2 The Injury Severity Score 356
B.3.3 The New Injury Severity Score 356
B.3.4 Anatomic Profile Score 356
B.3.5 ICD-based Injury Severity Score 357
B.3.6 Organ Injury Scaling System 357
B.3.7 Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index 357
B.3.8 Revised Injury Severity Classification II 358
B.4 Comorbidity Scoring Systems 358
B.5 Outcome Analysis 360
B.5.1 Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure 360
B.5.2 Glasgow Outcome Scale 360
B.5.3 Major Trauma Outcome Study 360
B.5.4 A Severity Characterization of Trauma 362
B.6 Comparison of Trauma Scoring Systems 362
B.7 Scaling System for Organ Specific Injuries 362
B.8 Summary 381

Appendix C  T he Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course: The Definitive Anaesthetic Trauma
Care Course: Course Requirements And Syllabus 385
C.1 Background 385
C.2 Course Development and Testing 386
C.3 Course Details 386
C.3.1 Ownership 386
C.3.2 Mission Statement 386
C.3.3 Application to Hold a Course 386
C.3.4 Eligibility to Present 386
C.3.4.1 Local Organizations 386
C.3.4.2 National Organizations 386
C.3.5 Course Materials and Overview 387
C.3.6 Course Director 387
C.3.7 Course Faculty 387
C.3.8 Course Participants 387
C.3.9 Practical Skill Stations 387
C.3.10 Course Syllabus 387
C.3.11 Course Certification 388
C.4 IATSIC Recognition 388
C.5 Course Information 388

Appendix D  Definitive Surgical Trauma CareTM Course – Core Surgical Skills 389
D.1 The Neck 389
D.2 The Chest 389
Contents | xxiii

D.3 The Abdominal Cavity 389

D.4 The Liver 390
D.5 The Spleen 390
D.6 The Pancreas 390
D.7 The Duodenum 390
D.8 The Genitourinary System 390
D.9 Abdominal Vascular Injuries 391
D.10 Peripheral Vascular Injuries 391
D.11 Insertion of Resuscitative Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) Catheter 391

Appendix E  Briefing for Operating Room Scrub Nurses 393

E.1 Introduction 393
E.2 Preparing the Operating Room 393
E.2.1 Environment 393
E.2.2 Blood Loss 393
E.2.3 Instruments 394
E.2.4 Cleaning 394
E.2.5 Draping 394
E.2.6 Adjuncts 395
E.3 Surgical Procedure 395
E.3.1 Instruments 395
E.3.2 Special Instruments and Improvised Gadgets 396
E.4 Abdominal Closure 396
E.5 Instrument and Swab Count 397
E.6 Medico-legal Aspects and Communication Skills 397
E.7 Critical Incident Stress Issues 398
E.8 Conclusion 398

Index 399
Video Contents

For access to the videos listed below please go to

●● Access to the neck

●● Access to the anterior mediastinum
●● Aorta
●● Access to the axilla
●● Bleeding control
●● Craniotomy
●● Fasciotomy
●● Heart
●● Heart and lung
●● Iliac shunting
●● Kidney
●● Laparotomy
●● Liver
●● Pancreas
●● Pelvic packing
●● Small bowel
●● Spleen
●● Sternotomy
●● Stomach
●● Thoracic
●● Ureteric repair
●● Excision and grafting of major burns
●● Application of the Vacuum Dressing

‘He who desires to practice Surgery must go to war’ In years past, many surgeons honed their skills in war,
Corpus Hippocraticum and translated them into the techniques required in
Hippocrates (460–377 BCE) peace. In the 21st century, this has changed, so that most
surgeons work in an environment of peace, while a few
‘Related to this is the sur- serve in lower key conflicts. In many countries, the inci-
gery of wounds arising dence of injury, particularly from vehicle-related trauma,
in military service, which has fallen below the numbers recorded since records were
concerns the extraction of first kept. Many injuries are now treated non-operatively,
missiles. In city practice so operative exposure and the skills required are reduced.
experience of these is but lit- Occasionally, for this reason, the decision not to operate
tle, for very rarely even in a is based on inexperience or insecurity, rather than on
whole lifetime are there civil good clinical judgement.
or military combats. In fact
such things occur most fre- It is not enough to be a good operator. The effective
quently and continuously practitioner is part of a multidisciplinary team that
in armies abroad. Thus, the person intending to practice plans for and is trained to provide the essential
this kind of surgery must serve in the army and accom- medical and surgical response required in the
pany it on expeditions abroad; for in this way he would management of the injured patient.
become experienced in this practice’.
Planning the response requires a clear understanding of:
Hippocrates – The Physician, 14, trans. by Paul Potter ●● The causation including mechanism of injuries
Loeb Classical Library, Hippocrates, Vol. VIII occurring within the local population.
●● The initial, pre-hospital and emergency department
Unless dealing with major trauma on a frequent basis, care of the patient.
few surgeons, anaesthesiologists or intensive care spe- ●● The condition in which the patient is delivered to the
cialists can attain and sustain the level of skill neces- hospital and subsequently to the operating theatre
sary for decision-making in the care of a patient with will be determined by the initial response, which
multiple injuries. This includes both the intellectual itself may determine outcome.
decisions (mind-set), and the manual dexterity (skill- ●● The resources, both physical and intellectual within
set) required to perform all the manoeuvres for surgi- the hospital, and the ability to anticipate and identify
cal care. These can be particularly challenging, may be the specific problems associated with patients with
infrequently required, yet rapid access to, and control multiple injuries.
of sites of haemorrhage following trauma can be a life- ●● The limitations in providing specialist expertise
saving intervention. The correct sequence of the deci- within the time frame required.
sions required is critical, and many situations require
specialist trauma expertise, but often this is simply not In 1993, five surgeons (Don Trunkey and Howard
available within the time frame or situation in which it Champion, USA; Stephen Deane, Australia; Abe
is required. Fingerhut, France; and David Mulder, Canada), all
xxviii  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

members of the International Society of Surgery – participants joining the IATSIC programme each year.
Société Internationale de Chirugie (ISS–SIC) and the The course and its manuals are presented in Japanese,
International Association for Trauma Surgery and French, Hebrew, Portuguese, and Spanish, as well as
Intensive Care (IATSIC), met in San Francisco during English. The requirements for the programme can be
the meeting of the American College of Surgeons. It was found in Appendix C of this manual.
apparent that there was a specific need for further train- By 2014, it was recognized that the indispensable con-
ing in the technical aspects of surgical care of the trauma tribution also made by anaesthetic and critical care col-
patient, and that routine surgical training was too organ leagues has enhanced the approach to trauma, as has
specific or area specific to allow the development of the concept of a fully multidisciplinary trauma team.
appropriate judgement and decision-making skills in Anaesthesiology, through the enthusiastic inputs of the
traumatized patients with multiple injuries. Anaesthetic Faculty in the Netherlands, Scandinavia,
They suggested that a short course focusing on the life- Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and many other
saving surgical techniques and surgical ­decision-making countries has in parallel with this course, developed the
was required for surgeons, in order to further train Definitive Anaesthetic Trauma Care (DATC™) course.
the surgeon who dealt with major surgical trauma on We are delighted to incorporate these aspects of care into
an infrequent basis. This course would meet a world- this manual, and many countries are now presenting a
wide need, and would supplement the well-recognized fully integrated course.
and accepted American College of Surgeon Advanced This fifth edition had been revised and updated, con-
Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) course. The experience sidering new evidence-based information. The increasing
that Sten Lennquist, who joined the group, had gained (and occasionally harmful) role of non-operative man-
offering five-day courses for surgeons in Sweden was agement (NOM) has been recognized. With the increased
integrated into the programme development, and pro- need for humanitarian intervention, as well as military
totype courses were offered in Paris, Washington, and peacekeeping, and modern asymmetrical conflicts, each
Sydney. carrying their own spectra of injury, the military module
At International Surgical Week in Vienna in 1999, has been substantially updated and broadened to reflect
IATSIC’s members approved a core curriculum and a recent conflict experience, and a new expanded section
manual that forms the basis of the Definitive Surgical highlighting trauma management under austere condi-
Trauma Care (DSTC™) course. The manual was first tions has been added.
published in 2003 and subsequently in 2007, 2011, 2015, The Board of Contributors, responsible for this man-
and this fifth edition in 2019. The manual is updated ual, is made up of those who have contributed to global
approximately every four years. trauma care and the DSTC™ and DATC™ programme,
Initial Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC™) and continues to support and update this manual. I
courses were then launched in Austria (Graz), would like to thank them for their very great efforts put
Australia (Melbourne and Sydney), and South Africa into the preparation, editing, dissection, redissection,
(Johannesburg). The material presented in these courses and assembly of the manual and the course. The keynote
has been refined, a system of training developed using chapter (Chapter 1), written by Nigel Tai and Joe Dawson,
professional education expertise, and the result forms sets the tone for the manual, and for trauma surgery
the basis of the standardized DSTC™ course that now today. Their efforts, and those of the entire board are
takes place. The course uses a mixture of education (to greatly appreciated.
modify the ‘mind-set’ of the participating learners), and The book is divided into sections:
training (to modify the ‘skill-set’ of those learners). A
unique feature of the course is that while the principles ●● Trauma system and crew resource management
are standardized, once the course has been established (CRM) communication principles.
nationally in a country, it can then be modified to suit ●● Physiology and the body’s response to trauma:
the needs and circumstances of the environment in ●● Resuscitation physiology.

which the care takes place. The Education Committee of ●● Transfusion.

IATSIC oversees the quality and content of the courses. ●● Damage control.

In addition to the initial ‘founding’ countries (Australia, ●● Chapters on each anatomical area or organ system,
Austria, and South Africa), courses have been delivered divided into both an overview of the problems and
in more than 32 countries across the world, with the new pitfalls specific to that system, and the surgical
Preface | xxix

techniques required to deal with major injury in ●● Austere and military conditions.
that area including burns, brain injury, and extremes ●● Critical care.
of age. ●● A separate appendix for the use of operating room
●● Chapters on modern diagnostic and therapeutic scrub nurses is included.
technology: ●● As before, the manual contains all the resources for
●● The role of minimally invasive surgery. trauma scoring and injury assessment.
●● Imaging.

●● Additional modules which cover specific aspects of This manual is dedicated to those who care for the
specialized care: injured patient and whose passion is to do it well.
●● Trauma anaesthesia.

●● Trauma support services. Kenneth D Boffard


In both developed and developing countries, trauma ●● Tertiary prevention: Once the injury has occurred,
continues to be a major public health problem and finan- minimizing the effects of that injury by better and
cial burden, both in the pre-hospital setting and within earlier care, preferably evidence-based.
the hospital system, claiming 6 million lives every year.
In addition to increasing political and social unrest in Although primary and secondary prevention of injury
many countries, and an increasing use of firearms for will undoubtedly play the major role in reducing the inci-
interpersonal violence, the motor vehicle has become a dence of trauma, it will not be eliminated, and therefore
substantial cause of trauma worldwide. These socio-­ there is a need to maintain effective tertiary prevention.
economic determinants result in large numbers of This requires training within complex multidisciplinary
injured patients. Injury prevention is a key element in teams, and a focus on both the decision-making, and
limiting the societal impact of trauma but once injured, the medical and surgical procedures required, for the
effective acute care and rehabilitation are essential for advanced management of patients with multiple injuries,
optimal patient outcomes. Improving all aspects of and correction of any associated deranged physiology.
emergency care is important, however improved surgical
and resuscitation skills have a particular role in saving
lives and minimizing disability. TRAINING IN THE INITIAL
In most developed countries, there is a limited expo- MANAGEMENT OF SEVERE TRAUMA
sure to the full range of trauma presentations. This
means it is difficult to develop and maintain experience The Advanced Trauma Life
in trauma resuscitation and trauma surgery. Standard Support® (ATLS®) Course
surgical training is increasingly organ-specific, reducing
even further the broad skills required for trauma man- Promulgated by the American College of Surgeons,
agement. Laparoscopic surgery, microsurgery, robot- this is the most widely accepted trauma programme
ics, interventional radiographic procedures, and other in the world. It has been in use for nearly 40 years, and
sophisticated operating techniques may improve out- with over 60 national programmes involved, more than
comes pertaining to elective surgery, but have a negative 1 million physicians have been trained. Its focus is on the
impact on acquisition of the complex skill-set needed to initial management of the severely injured patient and
manage a severely injured trauma patient. addresses those injuries and their consequences that can
cause death within the first hour after injury.

The National Trauma Management
Injury prevention can be divided into three parts: Course (NTMC™)

●● Primary prevention: Education and legislation are used IATSIC has developed the NTMC™ as part of an ini-
to reduce the incidence of injury, for example, driving tiative towards improving trauma care in resource-
under the influence of alcohol. challenged countries, where medical expertise may be
●● Secondary prevention: Minimizing the incidence of injury available, but the area is resource poor. Based on the
through design, for example, seatbelts, helmets, etc. ATLS® course, modified for local conditions, and very
xxxii  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

cost effective, the course can be offered either as an iso- life-threatening injuries. There remains a poorly devel-
lated course organized by IATSIC, or under the ban- oped appreciation of the potential impact that timely
ner of a local trauma organization. To date, some 7000 and appropriate surgical intervention can have on the
physicians have been trained under the aegis of organi- outcome of a severely injured patient. Partly through
zations such as the Academy of Traumatology of India lack of exposure, difficulty in time availability or release
(, The College of Surgeons of Sri from hospital duties, and partly because of other inter-
Lanka (, and IATSIC itself, in ests, many specialists quite simply no longer have the
some 12 countries worldwide. expertise to deal with such life-threatening situations.
There is thus an increasing need to provide training
in the skills and techniques necessary to resuscitate and
Surgical Trauma Training Beyond Initial Care manage seriously injured patients surgically, not only in
the emergency department, but also during the period
Globally, injury is the third leading cause of death for after initial care is complete. A course is needed and must
all ages, and the leading cause of death from age 1 to be flexible so that it meets the local needs of the country
44 years. More than 50% of all deaths occur minutes after in which it is being taught.
injury, and most immediate deaths are due to massive
haemorrhage or neurological injury. Autopsy data dem-
onstrate that central nervous system injuries account for Surgical Training Courses in Trauma
50%–70% of all injury deaths, and haemorrhage accounts
for 15%–30%. It is within this latter group of haemor- THE ADVANCED TRAUMA OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT (ATOM®)
rhage-related deaths where prompt decision-making COURSE

and effective use of surgical techniques has the greatest This American College of Surgeons course was origi-
opportunity to save lives. nally developed by Lenworth M. Jacobs about 15 years
With improving pre-hospital care across the world, ago and is a one-day course comprising a didactic lecture
patients who would previously have died are reaching the series followed by exercises on live, tissue models. It is an
hospital alive. In many situations, their airway and ven- effective method of increasing surgical competence and
tilation are controlled, but the deaths occur in hospital confidence in the operative management of penetrating
from uncontrollable bleeding. While there are surgical injuries to the chest and abdomen.
techniques for the control of bleeding, the timing and
appropriateness of their use and a clear understanding
of the physiology of trauma are essential for a successful THE ADVANCED SURGICAL SKILLS FOR EXPOSURE IN TRAUMA
There is a further problem in caring for the injured Another programme developed by the American College
in a military context. Modern conflicts are in general of Surgeons. It is a one-day cadaver-based course
asymmetric (with only one side in uniform), are gener- designed to teach the anatomical exposures necessary
ally local and well-contained, and do not produce casu- for control of haemorrhage in the trunk, neck, extremi-
alties in large numbers nor on a frequent basis. For this ties, and junctional areas.
reason, it is difficult to maintain the number of military
specialists required, who can be deployed immediately
to perform highly technical surgical or resuscitative
procedures in the battlefield arena or under austere con- This course was developed in 1993, through an interna-
ditions. It is also difficult for career military surgeons tional collaboration of six surgeons, and is controlled by
to gain adequate exposure to battlefield casualties, or the International Association for Trauma Surgery and
indeed penetrating trauma in general, and many mili- Intensive Care (IATSIC), the Integrated Society of the
tary training programmes are now looking to their civil- International Society of Surgery – Société Internationale
ian counterparts for assistance. de Chirugie (ISS–SIC) in Zurich, Switzerland. It com-
The statistics mandate that surgical teams respon- prises a three-day course with short interactive presenta-
sible for the management of injured patients, whether tions, group discussions, case discussions, and operative
military or civilian, are skilled in the assessment, diag- exercises on a live tissue model. The emphasis teaches
nosis and operative and resuscitative management of learners both the critical decision-making processes
Introduction | xxxiii

required through advanced education (modification ●● An enhanced knowledge of the physiological abnor-
of mind-set), and training in the surgical techniques malities associate with trauma and the management
required (modification of skill-set) to choose the best before, during, and after surgery.
method of management. Currently, the course has taken ●● An enhanced knowledge of trauma induced coagu-
place in 32 countries, and in several languages (English, lopathy and its management.
French, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish). ●● Enhanced technical skills needed to expedite the
The Definitive Anaesthetic Trauma Care (DATC™) surgical and critical care process.
course was established in 2006 as pre-deployment training
for military anaesthesiologists. It developed as an add-on
to the DSTC™ course to enhance understanding of trauma Description of the Course
management. In 2015, the DSTC™ was introduced into
IATSIC as a subgroup of DSTC™. Cooperation between A prerequisite of the DSTC™ and DATC™ courses is a
the two specialities allows the complex teamwork required complete understanding of all the principles outlined in
in the management of a major trauma patient to be simu- a general surgical training, and the ATLS® course. For
lated and practised. The integration of DATC™ into the this reason, there are no presentations on the basic prin-
DSTC™ course programme and including the aspects of ciples of trauma surgery, nor the initial resuscitation of
Critical Care required highlights the importance of mod- the patient with major injuries.
ern-day trauma management techniques with the focus on The course consists of a core curriculum, designed
the multidisciplinary nature of trauma care by a trauma to be an activity lasting at least two and one-half days.
team. The current DATC™/DSTC™ courses having partic- In addition to the core curriculum there are a variety of
ipants from interventional radiology, medical and surgical add-on modules that can be used to enhance the course,
specialities as well as nursing scrub staff, thus making the thereby adapting to local needs.
course unique in its team approach. Details of the course The course consists of several core components:
appear in Appendix C of this manual.
●● Interactive presentations – designed to introduce
and cover the key concepts of surgical resuscitation,
THE DSTC™ COURSE the end points and an overview of the best access to
organ systems.
Course Objectives ●● Cadaver sessions (optional session) – in which use
is made of fresh or preserved human cadavers and
By the end of the course, the participant has: dissected tissue. These are used to reinforce the vital
knowledge of human anatomy related to access in
●● Enhanced knowledge of the surgical physiology of major trauma. Other alternatives are available if local
the trauma patient custom or legislation does not permit the use of such
●● Enhanced resuscitation and surgical decision-­ laboratories.
making capabilities in trauma ●● Skills laboratories with use of live tissue. The instruc-
●● Enhanced surgical expertise in the techniques for the tor introduces various injuries. The objects of the
management of major trauma exercise are to both improve psychomotor skills and
●● An improved awareness of the treatment possibilities teach new techniques for the preservation of organs
in major trauma and their evidence base. and the control of haemorrhage. This creates the real-
world scenario of managing a severely injured patient
in the operating room.
THE DATC™ COURSE ●● Case presentations – this component is a strate-
gic thinking session illustrated by case presenta-
Course Objectives tions. Different cases are presented that allow
free discussion between the students and the
By the end of the course, the participant has: instructors. These cases are designed to put the
didactic and psychomotor skills that have been
●● An enhanced knowledge of trauma surgery decision- learned into the context of real patient manage-
making and the procedures involved. ment scenarios.
xxxiv  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

SUMMARY core concepts of teamwork in managing patients with

severely compromised physiology. The course fulfils
The course is designed to prepare the relatively fully- the educational, cognitive, and psychomotor needs for
trained surgeon to manage difficult injuries that surgeons and anaesthetists, be they mature or trainee,
might present to a major trauma centre. The combined civilian or military, all of whom need to be comfortable
DSTC™/DATC™ courses provide a higher level of in dealing with life-threatening penetrating and blunt
trauma understanding by focusing on the multidisci- injury, irrespective of whether it is in the military or the
plinary nature of the decision-making processes and the civilian arena.
Board of Contributors

AUTHOR Damian Clarke

Kenneth D Boffard Grey’s Hospital
Professor Emeritus Pietermaritzburg
Department of Surgery South Africa
University of the Witwatersrand
Trauma Director Scott D’Amours
Milpark Academic Trauma Centre Consultant Surgeon
Johannesburg Liverpool Hospital
South Africa University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW
Joe Dawson
Philip Barker
Consultant Trauma and Vascular Surgeon
Professor Emeritus
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Armed Forces UK
University of Adelaide
British Columbia
South Australia

Chris Bleeker Elias Degiannis

Consultant Anaesthetist Professor Emeritus
Radboud University Medical Center Department of Surgery
Nijmegen University of the Witwatersrand
Netherlands Milpark Academic Trauma Centre and Leratong
Adam Brooks Johannesburg
Consultant Surgeon South Africa
Queens Medical Centre
Nottingham Jesper Dirks
United Kingdom Consultant Anaesthetist
Department of Anaesthesia
Ian Civil Centre for Head and Orthopaedics
Consultant Surgeon Rigshospitalet
Auckland Hospital Copenhagen University Hospital
Auckland Copenhagen
New Zealand Denmark
xxxvi  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

Dietrich Doll Gareth Hide

Head: Department of Procto-Surgery Consultant Surgeon
St. Mary’s Hospital Vechta Sunninghill Hospital
University of Saarland Johannesburg
Vechta South Africa
Anders Holtan
Abe Fingerhut
Consultant Anaesthesiologist
Associate Professor
Oslo University Hospital
University of Graz

Sache Flohé Tal Hörer

Consultant Surgeon Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Klinikum Solingen Associate Professor of Surgery
Solingen Örebro University Hospital
Germany Örebro University
Tina Gaarder Sweden
Consultant Surgeon
Head: Department of Traumatology Ilja Laesser
Ulleval University Hospital Senior Consultant in Thoracic Radiology
Oslo Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Norway University of Gothenburg
Georgios Gemenetzis
Senior Clinical Fellow
Department of Surgery
Glasgow Royal Infirmary Rifat Latifi
Glasgow Director
Scotland Department of Surgery and Chief of Trauma and
General Surgery
Lauri Handolin Westchester Medical Center Health Network
Trauma Surgeon New York Medical College
Helsinki University Hospital Valhalla, NY
Helsinki United States of America
Ari Leppaniemi
Timothy Hardcastle
Chief of Emergency Surgery
Consultant Trauma Surgeon
Meilahti Hospital
Director: Trauma Service
University of Helsinki
Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital
University of KwaZuluNatal
South Africa
Gilberto Leung
Catherine Heim Schoettker Tsang Wing-Hing Professor in Clinical Neuroscience
Consultant Anaesthetist Queen Mary Hospital
University Hospital of Lausanne University of Hong Kong
Lausanne Hong Kong
Switzerland People’s Republic of China
Board of Contributors  |  xxxvii

Ron Maier Pål Aksel Næss

Professor of Surgery Professor of Trauma Surgery
Harborview Hospital Senior Consultant in Trauma
University of Washington Ullevål University Hospital
Seattle, WA University of Oslo
United States of America Oslo
Tascha Meredith
Clinical Psychologist George V Oosthuizen
Netcare Milpark Academic Trauma Centre Clinical Director
University of the Witwatersrand Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Trauma Service
Johannesburg Edendale Hospital
South Africa Pietermaritzburg
University of KwaZuluNatal
Carlos Mesquita
General & Emergency Surgeon
South Africa
Coimbra University Hospitals
University of Coimbra
Per Őrtenwall
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery
Maeyane S Moeng Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Consultant Trauma Surgeon University of Gothenburg
Adjunct Professor and Co-chair Gothenburg
Academic Division of Trauma Surgery Sweden
University of the Witwatersrand
Head of Trauma: Charlotte Maxeke Hussein Pahad
Johannesburg Academic Hospital Consultant Consultant Pulmonologist/Intensivist
Trauma Surgeon Netcare Milpark Academic Trauma Centre
Netcare Milpark Hospital Academic Trauma Centre University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburg Johannesburg
South Africa South Africa

Ernest E Moore Michael Parr

Editor Director of Intensive Care
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Liverpool Hospital
Denver, CO University of New South Wales
United States of America Sydney
Michael Muller
Professor Andrew Peitzman
Senior Visiting General Surgeon (Burns and Trauma) Mark M. Ravitch Professor of Surgery
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital UPMC-Presbyterian
University of Queensland University of Pittsburgh
Brisbane Pittsburgh, PA
Australia United States of America
xxxviii  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

Graeme Pitcher Patrick Schoettker

Clinical Professor of Paediatric Surgery Professor and Head Physician Department
University of Iowa of Anesthesiology
Stead Family Children’s Hospital CHUV Centre Hospitalier
University of Iowa Lausanne
Iowa City, IA Switzerland
United States of America
C William Schwab
Frank Plani Professor of Surgery
Consultant Trauma Surgeon Chief
Adjunct Professor and Co-chair Division of Traumatology & Surgical
Academic Division of Trauma Surgery Critical Care
University of the Witwatersrand Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Trauma Director Philadelphia, PA
Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital United States of America
Consultant Trauma Surgeon
Milpark Union Hospital Trauma Centre Jacob Steinmetz
Johannesburg Consultant Anaesthetist
South Africa Associate Professor
Trauma Centre & Department of Anaesthesia
Tarek Razek Rigshospitalet
Chief of Trauma Surgery Copenhagen University Hospital
Montreal General Hospital Copenhagen
McGill University Health Center Denmark
Canada Jakob Stensballe
Consultant Anaesthetist
Michael C Reade
Department of Anaesthesiology
Defence Professor of Military Medicine and Surgery
Centre for Head and Orthopaedics
Joint Health Command
Trauma Centre & Section for Transfusion Medicine
Australian Defence Force
Capital Region Blood Bank
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
University of Queensland
Copenhagen University Hospital
Louis Riddez
Elmin Steyn
Consultant Surgeon
Associate Professor of Surgery
Associate Professor
Karolinska University Hospital Department
Department of Surgery
of Emergency Surgery and Trauma
Tygerburg Hospital
Karolinska Institute
University of Stellenbosch
Cape Town
South Africa
Jeffrey V Rosenfeld
Senior Neurosurgeon Nigel Tai
Department of Neurosurgery Consultant Trauma Vascular Surgeon
The Alfred Hospital UK Defence Medical Service
Monash University The Royal London Hospital
Clayton Barts NHS Trust
Melbourne London
Australia United Kingdom
Board of Contributors  |  xxxix

Fernando Turegano Jonathan White

Head Consultant ICU & Anaesthesiologist
Emergency Surgery Physician
University General Hospital Gregorio Marañón Rigshospitalet
Complutense of Madrid Copenhagen University Hospital
Madrid Copenhagen
Spain Denmark

Selman Uranues Adrian O Wilson

Professor and Head Visiting Professor of Medicine and Geriatrics
Section for Surgical Research Mpilo Central Hospital
Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery Graz National University of Science & Technology
Austria Bulawayo
Pantelis Vassiliu
Assistant Professor of Surgery Virginia S Wilson
4th Surgical Clinic Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Attikon Hospital Netcare Rehabilitation Hospital
National and Kapodistrian University Johannesburg
of Athens (NKUA) South Africa
Greece David Zonies
Associate Professor
Arie B van Vugt Oregon Health & Sciences University
Trauma and Military Surgeon Portland, OR
Medisch Spectrum Twente United States of America

The Board of Contributors, responsible for this manual, is made up of those who have contributed to global trauma
care and the DSTC TM and DATC TM programme, and they continue to support and update this manual. I would like to
thank them for their very great efforts put into the preparation, editing, dissection, re-dissection, and assembly of the
manual and the course. Their efforts, and those of the entire board, are greatly appreciated.
I would also like to thank the following members of the Board of Contributors from the previous edition whose work
continues to benefit readers:

Douglas Bowley Peter F Mahoney

Consultant Surgeon Defence Professor of Anaesthesia & Critical Care
Centre for Defence Medicine Visiting Professor
Birmingham Department of Bioengineering
United Kingdom Imperial College London
Mark Bowyer United Kingdom
Consultant Surgeon
Mayo Clinic Andrew Nunn
Rochester, MN Instructor in Surgery
USA Division of Traumatology, Surgical Critical Care and
Emergency Surgery
Perelman School of Medicine
Megan Fisher
University of Pennsylvania
Consultant Urologist
Philadelphia, PA
Linksfield Hospital
South Africa
James Ralph
Consultant Anaesthetist
Annette Holian Centre for Defence Medicine
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Birmingham
National Critical Care and Trauma Response United Kingdom
Centre at Royal Darwin Hospital
Darwin Noellle Sailliant
Australia Instructor in Surgery Division of
Traumatology, Surgical Critical Care and
Lenworth M Jacobs Emergency Surgery
Professor of Surgery Perelman School of Medicine
University of Connecticut School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania
Hartford, CT Philadelphia, PA
About the Author

Professor Kenneth D Boffard is Professor of Surgery Surgeons of Thailand, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka,
and Trauma Director at Milpark Hospital, Johannesburg, the Japanese Association for the Surgery of Trauma, and
and until recently, Head of the Department of Surgery the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
at Johannesburg Hospital and the University of His passion is surgical education, and various aspects
the Witwatersrand. He was previously Head of the of trauma resuscitation, intensive care, and regional
Johannesburg Hospital Trauma Unit. He qualified in planning of trauma systems. His interests include flying
Johannesburg, and trained in surgery at the Birmingham (he is a licensed fixed wing and helicopter pilot), scuba
Accident Hospital and Guy’s Hospital. diving, and aeromedical care. His research interests
He is the Secretary-General, and a previous President include coagulation, haemostasis, and critical bleeding.
of the International Society of Surgery (ISS), President He is a colonel in the South African Military Health
of the International Association for Trauma Surgery Service.
and Intensive Care (IATSIC), and Chair of the IATSIC He is a Freeman of the City of London by redemption,
Education Committee. He is a fellow of five surgical and an elected Liveryman of the Guild of Air Pilots of
colleges, and has received honorary fellowships from London.
the  American College of Surgeons, Royal College of He is married with two children.
Safe and Sustainable Trauma Care 1

1.1  INTRODUCTION healthcare professionals working with trauma patients

can continue to offer the very best care available, and
In terms of hazard, the injured patient faces ‘double jeop- the use of reliable existing data. The aim of this chapter
ardy’: the risks to their health owing to the traumatic is to iterate the minimal essential components of indi-
insult to tissue and physiology; and the risk posed by the vidual, hospital, and system practice in order to deliver
therapy required to restore health. Minimizing the poten- safe care.
tial for iatrogenic harm through the provision of safe care
is especially challenging in trauma owing to the complex-
ity and urgency of major trauma as a disease. Factors such 1.2  SAFE TRAUMA CARE
as injury severity, acute physiological derangement, tem-
poral urgency limiting diagnosis, or physiological stabi- 1.2.1  Individual Factors
lization, a multitude of definitive treatment options and
interdisciplinary specialist interactions, can combine to It is accepted that in order to practise safe surgery in the
compound the risk of something going wrong. trauma setting, the trauma surgeon and trauma anaes-
Despite this, safer and better trauma care is certainly thesiologist must have undergone a validated general
achievable by focusing on reducing the risk of harm training pathway culminating in exposure to a period
to an already injured patient from both the injury and of specific trauma training. Domain knowledge and
the treatment. Reducing the risk that the original injury technical skills represent the foundational aspects, but
poses to the patient involves both technical and system- by themselves are insufficient. Professionalism is also
atic elements. The technical aspects include pre-hospital characterized by rigorous adherence to personal safety
and emergency care, imaging, surgery, interventional (personal protection, sharps, needle-stick, vaccina-
radiology, and post-operative critical care, and are con- tions), consistent use of the World Health Organisation
sidered in detail elsewhere in this manual. Safe Surgery Checklist (see Section 1.2.6), and compli-
Treatment of major trauma is a multifaceted endeav- ance with continuing medical education imperatives.
our, set within a complicated system that comprises However, the reality is that a significant amount of
an almost infinite range of interconnecting ‘moving trauma care in the world is delivered by individuals who
parts’. The difficult question of how to improve safety may not have had the requisite training nor resources
in trauma care may be simplified by taking a hierarchi- required.
cal approach, focusing initially on the individuals and Over the past decade, the importance of non-technical
teams that provide trauma care, and then adopting a skills (see also Chapter 2) has become increasingly well
more strategic perspective concerning hospital institu- recognized. The nomenclature for such skills differs
tions, regional and national trauma networks and gover- from sector to sector (e.g. medicine = non-technical skills;
nance, and finally a consideration of trauma care on an aviation = crew resource management (CRM) skills; social
international level. science = interpersonal skills; psychology = emotional intel-
The question of safe trauma care also requires an ligence; US Army = soft skills), but the competencies are
examination of the sustainability of trauma care within broadly the same: teamwork, communication, leader-
the workforce and training, and the role of innovative ship, decision-making, conflict resolution, assertiveness,
simulation models, research and innovation, transla- management of stress and fatigue, workload manage-
tion from military experience as means to ensure that ment, prioritization of tasks, and situational awareness.1
2  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

Consistent delivery of non-technical skills is very impor- ●● Confabulation bias: In attempting to deal with scarcity
tant in minimizing error, as very few preventable trauma of data in order to combat lack of meaning, gener-
deaths are attributable to purely technical mistakes. alizations lead to false narratives and inappropriate
●● Overconfidence effect: Unreflective practice without  HEURISTICS AND COGNITIVE BIASES objective review of performance leads to overly-­
Inherent bias in cognition affects perception; such optimistic assessment of capability.
biases are a universal feature of human decision-­
making and result from default to heuristics; numer-  INDIVIDUAL – LEADERSHIP
ous, unconscious mental shortcuts that allow the
brain to arrive at quick, but approximate, conclusions The leadership function within a trauma team encom-
with limited information. Such heuristics are advan- passes prioritization of competing injuries; swift planning,
tageous (and thus highly conserved in evolutionary coordination, and orchestration of clinical assessment
terms) when time or resource pressure demands a and intervention mediated by effective communication;
quick solution or judgment under conditions of uncer- assessment of patient trajectory and dynamic appraisal
tainty or limited knowledge in dynamic, complex or of response to treatment and ­motivation/supervision of
dangerous situations. 2 These cognitive short-cuts can team members (such that individual/team performance is
help us manage: lifted). However, investing all these functions within one
individual (i.e. The classical model of ‘Leader-Follower’)
●● Information overload – quickly filter and skim data may not be ideal for trauma practice settings. Expertise is
for importance. distributed among various members of the trauma team
●● Lack of meaning – fill in the gaps if data is lacking and the leadership function may flux between different
and map it to existing mental model. team members according to the phase of trauma resus-
●● The need for swift action – survival and success citation and the need to respond dynamically to changes
can depend on decisions without time for deep in patient condition (the ‘Hierarchical-but-Fluid’ Model).3
analysis. Leadership demands accurate assessment of the situa-
●● The need to remember – helps decide what new tion and the ability to continually monitor progress and
­i nformation to remember and what can be reappraise the array of options for each decision-node – a
forgotten. 2 characteristic formulated as the ‘3D trauma surgeon’ by
Hirshberg and Mattox.4 Elements that the 3D surgeon
However, heuristic processes are a double-edged sword. should be able to deliver include:
Filtering out information regarded as useless may also
●● Tactics – technical aspects of the operation.
discard information that is important. Assessment with-
●● Strategy – the ‘big picture’ appreciation of the risks
out all available information may cause false assump-
that the patient faces immediately and in the near-
tions to be made and false narratives to be laid down.
and medium-term elements of operation.
Rapidity of decision-making increases risk of error
●● Team – clear communication to coordinate efforts to
and relying on experience does not always map on to
ensure working towards same goals.
the present, particularly if post-hoc processing leads to
overly-optimistic interpretation of the success of previ-
Mishandling the team dimension during
ous strategy and thus reinforcement error.
a trauma operation is one of the worst
There are numerous classes of cognitive bias, and
mistakes you can make
some are highly relevant for trauma decision-makers to
understand:  TRAUMA TEAM
●● Confirmation bias: This is the tendency to interpret
data in a way that confirms pre-existing belief. It can Trauma 3 and theatre teams5 face several challenges in
act to combat information overload and fit data to performing to a consistent level. Perhaps the greatest of
pre-existing diagnoses. However, aspects of the case these is that it is rarely the same team that manages the
that contradict pre-existing beliefs are not acknowl- patient: shift work introduces different leaders, different
edged as meaningful or are dismissed. specialists and different levels of expertise. Furthermore,
Safe and Sustainable Trauma Care  |  3

beyond the effect of staff rotas there is staff turnover, where failure may lead to catastrophe. These courses
with new team members assigned only while their rota- tend to provide maps of how errors occur (e.g. the well
tion lasts. Given the fact that they may face the require- understood ‘Swiss Cheese’ Model5) whilst teaching com-
ment to deliver critical resuscitative functions within munication skills, assertiveness, decision-making under
moments of meeting each other, there is ample oppor- pressure, and appropriate leadership. The Interpersonal
tunity for error owing to inappropriate skill mix, unfa- Competence Training – run by the German Society for
miliarity with each other’s style or even names, with Orthopaedics and Trauma in conjunction with Lufthansa
significant potential for excess morbidity and mortality. 5 Flight Training16 – teaches the edicts of crew resource
Dysfunctional teams are usually obvious to external management (CRM), as does the US Department of
observers but not necessarily so from within, when poor Defense ‘TeamSTEPPS’ programme.17
behaviours (lack of communication leading to failure to
establish shared mental model) may become habitual
and normalized. Sharing clinical information amongst 1.2.2  Institutional Factors
trauma team members has been shown in two test sce-
narios to be as low as 27%,6 and two-thirds of serious  DEDICATED TRAUMA SERVICE
medical errors result from lapses in communication.7 A dedicated trauma admitting team is responsible for
Conversely, high performing teams talk to each other the poly-trauma patient from admission to discharge.
and are safer. They demonstrate the following behaviours:5,7 This involves acute and ongoing in-patient trauma care,
daily ward rounds, and identification of ongoing care
●● Situational awareness (SA) – seeking behaviour. needs, liaison with other surgical and non-surgical ser-
●● Clear leadership + followership with the facility to vices, safe discharge, and follow-up.
model adaptive behaviours when needed with appro- The extent to which a consultant’s role is explicitly
priate distribution of workload and monitoring/­ defined within this framework tends to be ill-defined
support of team members. with variable degrees of formal training and defini-
●● Closed-loop communication (seeking confirmation tion of the competencies required to lead such a team.
that intended messages are understood by recipient) Ongoing care does not automatically map to an indi-
with clear means of escalating urgency (standardized vidual surgical specialty, and could be any appropriately
prompts), and facilitation of calm assertiveness. trained surgeon, emergency medicine consultant, or cli-
●● Low gradient or flat hierarchy of communication nician from another acute specialty.18 Where such roles
such that team members are empowered to speak up and responsibilities are formalized, mortality and pre-
and relay concerns as they see fit. ventable death rates can be positively impacted. At the
●● Readiness to participate in an open team debrief in Royal London Hospital in the UK, the implementation
order to review performance, learn why things went of a dedicated trauma service (in-patient) team was asso-
well or less well, and adopt change if required. ciated with a reduction in mortality in severely injured
patients by 48% and a reduction in preventable deaths
from 9% to 2%.19 At the same time, St George Hospital in  TEAM – TRAINING
Sydney Australia reported similar results with a reduc-
Simulation training has been shown to improve teamwork tion in deaths from 20% to 12%.20
behaviour and performance5 including performance in the
operating theatre8,9 and that of Emergency Department
(ED) trauma teams,10 ATLS courses,11 and amongst phy- 1.2.3  Performance Improvement Activities
sicians and nurses rotating through a trauma centre,12
with evidence supporting a significant reduction in sur- Institutional performance improvement or quality
gical mortality following such team training.13,14 Specific improvement activity encompasses:
courses designed to deliver non-technical competencies
(situational awareness, d ­ecision-making, communica- i. The identification of preventable death and con-
tion, teamwork, and leadership) are increasingly available tributory factors.1 (Such peer-review endeavour may
(e.g. The Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) be more effective than use of Trauma and Injury
course15 – see also Chapter 2), and contain lessons derived Severity Score (TRISS) for the identification of
from other safety-critical industries such as in aviation,16 potentially-preventable death.21)
4  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

ii. Tracking of trends via long-term mortality moni- are incorporated at a regional level to provide continu-
toring. (Which allows for institution of corrective ity of care to the entire population by matching injured
action plans and is associated with improvement in patients to appropriate facilities, thereby ensuring sys-
patient outcome in level 1 trauma centres.22,23) tem-wide efficient use of available resources.25 Inclusive
iii. Improvement in patient pathways, development trauma systems have been shown to reduce mortality
of evidence-based standard operating procedures across the world as the concentration of experience and
designed to reduce variation of care, teamwork- expertise improves outcomes.
ing, decision-making, and inter-professional This contrasts with ‘exclusive’ trauma systems that
dynamics.21 are institution-based, focusing exclusively on designated
trauma centres.
One of the most effective methods to improve patient As previously discussed at an institutional level, ongo-
safety at a hospital level is a robust, respectful, and ing audit and governance of processes ensures the high-
constructive mortality and morbidity meeting. These est possible outcomes and this is no different on the
meetings should never be used to humiliate or appor- larger scale of trauma networks. Most trauma networks
tion blame! The purpose of these meetings is to review have in place governance frameworks such as those
and discuss all trauma management errors and to peer described within the NHS in London, 25 and Australian
review all trauma deaths. Stratification of cause of states such as South Australia.26
death or severe complications into ‘anticipated’ (not- Remote and rural communities are particularly vul-
preventable), and ‘unanticipated but without room for nerable as the risk of death from trauma in remote areas
improvement’ (potentially-preventable), and ‘unantici- is four times higher than that in a major city.27 Strong
pated with room for improvement’ (preventable), allows regional trauma systems can thus have additional ben-
further in-depth discussion where issues are discussed, efits over and above expected impacts in rural communi-
action plans made, and most importantly, implemented ties. The unique healthcare requirements that these areas
and audited. Areas for improvement are often related to need has driven the introduction of sub-specialty surgi-
resuscitation issues,1,21,22 airway management,1 massive cal training in some countries that are characterized
transfusion, 22 pelvic fracture management,22 venous by vast areas and sparse populations, such as Australia
thrombo-­embolism (VTE) prophylaxis1, and missed inju- (rural surgery) and Scotland (remote and rural surgery).
ries.1 Other common themes included timely interven- Although such training is characteristically general, a
tional radiology and surgical intervention, prompt spine significant component includes the initial management
clearance, reduced time to computerised tomography of trauma.
(CT) scan, reduced dwell time in the ED, and neurosur-
gery management.21 Within this framework ‘near-misses’
are just as important to discuss, as deaths.1,21,22 In the 1.2.5  National Activities
USA, this process is required for trauma centre verifica-
tion, and in the English major trauma system such activ- The benefit of audit and quality improvement initiatives
ity is required to be formally resourced and evidenced can be followed from the team level all the way up to
during major trauma centre (MTC) peer review in order the national level, for example, the NHS Major Trauma
to retain designated status. Review in which several recommendations were made
at each level of the trauma system, including network
improvements, pre-hospital care, reception and resusci-
1.2.4  Regional Activities tation, definitive care, and rehabilitation.28
National trauma registries such as the National
Safety propagates through, and is marked by, a col- Trauma Database (NTDB) of the American College of
laborative approach between providers of trauma care Surgeons, TARN (Trauma Audit and Research Network)
within a set geographical area. Whilst severely injured in the UK, and the Australian Trauma Registry as part
patients are 15% to 20% less likely to die if admitted to of AusTQIP (Australian Trauma Quality Improvement
a designated trauma centre, 24 not all trauma systems are Program 29) involve the collection of data of trauma
the same. An ‘inclusive’ trauma system is one in which patients including mechanism of injury, injuries sus-
all trauma-care facilities (pre-hospital, local district tained, including injury severity scores, treatments
hospitals, trauma centres, and rehabilitation hospitals) received, and outcomes. Such national registries are
Safe and Sustainable Trauma Care  |  5

valuable for research, audit and peer-comparison, and virtually every setting across the globe. In 2008, WHO
institution of national quality improvement initiatives. produced the Safe Surgery Checklist, and whilst not
Surgical colleges have a vital role in trauma care by specific to trauma, certainly has application and util-
raising awareness, community advocacy, injury preven- ity. Initial uncontrolled studies demonstrated reduced
tion, providing position papers, and delivering educa- mortality associated with its use in both low- and high-
tion. The three-point lap belt was invented in Sweden in income countries.33 Further rigorous studies (random-
1958, by Nils Bohlin, a Swedish engineer and inventor ized with controls) replicated these initial findings with
working for Volvo, and a year later was fitted in all Volvo mortality odds ratios dropping from 1.16 without the
cars from. The 1970s saw the first car seat belt legislation checklist to 0.4 with the checklist.33 In addition, there
introduced in Victoria, Australia and Sweden. Other ini- is evidence that this low-fidelity process can also reduce
tiatives include cycle helmet and drink-driving counter complications with a relative risk reduction of 0.42 asso-
measures. Courses such as ATLS®, and DSTC™ enable ciated with the checklist and a number needed to treat of
healthcare workers involved in trauma care to develop 12 to prevent major morbidity.33
and practice skills in a safe environment. With the success of the standard WHO checklist now
Several non-government, non-profit organizations firmly embedded into routine surgical practice, WHO
exist to audit, research, educate, and implement national produced a Trauma Care Checklist which has subse-
initiatives in injury prevention. As road traffic collisions quently been tested in 11 centres around the world, nine
comprise the majority of trauma in Australasia and of these in low- and middle-income countries.34 The
Western Europe, the majority are based on road safety. 18-point checklist covers history, examination, inves-
These include the Australasian College of Road Safety, tigations, and monitoring, and improved the processes
the Australian Road Safety Conference, and Sweden’s measured and may improve outcomes.34
impressive ‘Vision Zero’ campaign, which led to a drop in Charitable organizations can play an important
traffic fatalities of 30% since its inception in 1997, despite global role, particularly in trauma education. ‘ATLS-
a significant increase in traffic volume during the same like’ courses in developing countries. Examples include
period.30 The Vision Zero initiative has since spread glob- the University of Maryland running the Sequential
ally, including the USA and Canada. Trauma Education Programme (STEPS) course in
Egypt, 35 and the largest programme for developing
countries is the IATSIC National Trauma Management
1.2.6  Global Activities Course (NTMC™), across India, Sri Lanka, and 12
other developing countries (see also Introduction:
A massive disparity exists in the likelihood of survival Management of severe Trauma). Safe Surgery 2020
of a person sustaining a life-threatening but salvageable is a collaboration of foundations, non-profit organi-
injury in a low-income country (36% mortality) com- zations, educational institutions, and local govern-
pared to a high-income country (6%).31 Consequently, ments with the aim of making surgery safe, affordable,
90% of trauma deaths occur in low- and middle-income and accessible across the world. Currently working in
countries and are the leading cause of death globally, Ethiopia and Tanzania they are developing local surgi-
killing more people than HIV, malaria, and TB com- cal leaders and scaling programs that directly address
bined. Road traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause local challenges. 36
of death globally, and international meetings such as the Delivery of safe trauma care in the model generated
World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) Forum by high-income countries is typified by complexity and
for Road Traffic and Trauma Care focus on the global expense. In developing countries with more limited
impact of such trauma, a large majority of which occur resources, the focus needs to be on strengthening local
in low- and middle-income countries.32 The excess bur- processes preferentially, by using existing resources
den of trauma mortality shouldered by the developing to ensure solutions are locally relevant. For example,
world is a stark fact that has been recognized for decades; one study in the most landmine-infested province of
in 2004, following the Essential Trauma Care (EsTC) Northwest Cambodia looked at the result of systemi-
Project, the world Health Organisation (WHO) pro- cally training local, non-graduate care providers (non-­
duced Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care, a set of mini- doctors) in trauma care. They found that 150-hours of
mum standards for worldwide trauma care.31 These were training over a 4-year training period improved the qual-
based on low-cost improvements that are achievable in ity of trauma surgery in rural hospitals.
6  |  Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

1.3  SUSTAINABLE TRAUMA CARE as a pulsatile cadaveric model (perfused cadaver), allows
very realistic training in cardiac penetrating injuries,
1.3.1  Workforce Development lung lacerations, liver and retrohepatic vena cava inju-
ries, cricothyroidotomy, tracheostomy, open fractures,
Safe delivery of trauma care requires a trained healthcare and carotid and extremity vessel injuries.41 Simulation is
workforce, but in many countries, trauma surgery is not a key component of the burgeoning suite of courses that
recognized as a surgical specialty within its own right, exist to develop trauma surgery skills and teamwork uti-
with a lack of formalized training pathways to produce lizing mannequins, simulators, cadavers, and animals.
trauma consultants. As such, the delivery of trauma sur- Simulation can also be used to evaluate competency, to
gery in many countries relies on small groups of enthusi- refine leadership and teamwork skills, and may enhance
asts. In addition, in many high-income countries, there patient safety through facilitation of insight and rapid
is a reduction in trauma surgery exposure due in part to feedback and reinforcement of correct skills. Simulation
increasing elective sub-specialization, increasing non- training appears effective, although the long-term reten-
operative management, and interventional radiology tion of skills acquired through simulation is unproven.7
management, associated with a reduction in working However, simulation is still inadequate when it comes
hours. In this environment, where previously the gen- to mimicking physiological dynamic changes, coagula-
eral surgeon had usually acted as a holistic provider of tion, haemostasis, packing, and anatomical reconstruc-
trauma care, this role is eroding, again in part due to a tion. The mere fact that it is a simulation removes some
rise in super-specialist training in elective disciplines.37,38 credibility. The more sophisticated a simulator, often the
Recently the ‘acute care surgeon’ has emerged, a general more expensive it is, making expensive courses even more
surgeon dedicated to the management of acute surgical expensive, and sometimes unaffordable.
illness, including trauma. This role has developed for dif-
ferent reasons in different countries, including the need
to recover a generalist approach to emergency surgical 1.4  CONCLUSION
care, dispossession of such territory by super special-
ists, and the move to increase surgical operating time by There are numerous opportunities for safer trauma care
trauma surgeons deprived of suitable case loads owing to at every level. At the individual and team level, this is pre-
the rise of non-operative management. Advocates of the dominantly in the reduction of human error by under-
acute care surgeon model argue that such training pro- standing cognitive biases and improving communication
grammes can deliver the knowledge base, technical skills, and teamwork. At the institutional level, scrupulous
and scope of practice required to deliver major trauma audit and peer review identifies not only individual and
care,39 and evidence from the USA supports the model.40 team errors, but more importantly institutional systemic
For trainee surgeons there are several opportunities failures and ensures constant performance improve-
that can be pursued in order to address deficiencies in ment. At a regional level, the implementation and gover-
standard training programmes. These include infor- nance of trauma networks ensures the best trauma care
mal fellowships at high volume centres (typically USA to a whole population or geographical area, taking into
and South Africa), dedicated Trauma/Critical Care consideration its individual requirements and needs.
Fellowships in the USA and the Resuscitative Trauma Injury prevention initiatives at a national level have been
Surgeon pilot scheme in the UK, 38 military deploy- shown to have tremendous impact on mortality, and
ment, simulation training, and specific trauma courses. finally, to redress the imbalance of trauma outcomes
Development of specific technical competence can be between low- and high-income countries, numerous ini-
facilitated through simulation and advanced human tiatives are in place.
patient simulators have been developed to allow simula-
tion training in trauma skills ranging from low-fidelity
rigs to highly sophisticated mannequins. Examples REFERENCES
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