Epilogue: Three Years and Seven Month Later

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Three years and seven month later
“What the hell are you doing?” Jax roars, placing his hands on the back of my knees. Setting
down the box of cereal on the shelf in the cabinet, I roll my eyes. I swear if he’s not roaring,
he’s growling. “I asked you a damn question, Ellie Mayson.”
“I’m putting away the groceries,” I say, turning around to face him. Then I get down on my
knees and swing my legs around so that I can take a seat on the countertop, which I had
used a chair to climbed up onto so I could put away some of the extras I bought in the
cabinets close to the ceiling.
“I told you I’d go shopping,” he says, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me against his
body, and then sliding me carefully to the floor. “I also told you that if you needed to put
anything away up there,” he says, pointing to the cabinets, “I’d do it when I got home. Are
you even listening to me?” he frowns, moving his face closer to mine.
“Sorry, what?” I ask, blinking up at him. Since I got pregnant, he’s been bossier than ever,
and half the time, I tend to zone him out when he’s talking about what I can or can’t do.
“Ellie, you’re seven months pregnant, not two anymore.”
“I’m being careful. I’m not doing anything the doctor hasn’t said is okay for me to do. You
need to relax, Jax. Hey, that rhymed. Relax, Jax should be a slogan.” I smile and his frown
grows deeper.
“The doctor told you it’s okay to climb up on the countertop?” he asks, ignoring my joke and
placing his hands on my ever-growing belly, rubbing gently.
“No, but—”
“I don’t want anything to happen to you or my boy.”
“Fine, I won’t climb on the counter anymore,” I give in, knowing he won’t stop until I do.
“Between you and Hope, I’m going to turn gray by the time I’m thirty,” he says as his hands
wrap around my back, settling on my ass.
Leaning up and kissing his chin, I say softly, “I’d like to remind you it was your bright idea to
get her bunk beds, knowing she loves jumping on the bed.
“How was I supposed to know she would think it’s okay to jump off the top bunk?”
“Because she’s crazy and a thrill seeker. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes skydiving and
bungee jumping when she gets older.”
“Stop talking,” he says, making me laugh.
“It’s true, and this guy is going to be just as rambunctious, judging by the way he plays
soccer with my bladder.”
“At least he’s stopped making you sick.”
That’s true. The first four months of my pregnancy were spent in the bathroom. Most days, I
couldn’t even make it to work because of how sick I was.
“How long do we have before Hope gets off the school bus?” he asks, changing the subject.
Looking around his shoulder at the clock on the stove, I smile. “Long enough for me to take
advantage of you,” I tell him, placing my hands on the button of his jeans.
“You’re just going to use me?” He grins.
“Don’t worry. I promise you’ll enjoy it,” I tell him as his hand wraps into my hair and his
mouth lands on mine. Lifting me carefully to the countertop, he slides my maternity dress
up around my hips and runs a finger over my clit.
“You’re swollen and wet baby.”
“I know.” I swallow, letting my head fall back as his fingers slip inside me.
“Lean back on your hands and spread your legs,” he commands, and I place my hands
behind me on the counter and spread my legs as he unhooks his jeans then pulls down the
top of my dress, exposing my breasts, which are now super sensitive.
“I love seeing you pregnant,” he says as his eyes darken further.
“Jax,” I breathe as his fingers slide through my folds once more then the head of his cock
lines up and he slowly pushes deep inside of me.
“Fuck you’re so fucking hot,” he growls, leaning forward, pulling my breast into his mouth,
which sends me over into a sudden orgasm that has me screaming his name and wrapping
my legs tightly around him. “Jesus, baby.” He rams into me three more time, planting
himself deep and coming.
Trying to catch my breath, I lie back against the counter then moan as he pulls out and helps
me sit up.
“Go lay down, baby,” he says, holding my face gently between his hands. “I’ll take Chip and
Pancake with me to the bus stop to pick up Hope.”
“Are you sure?”
“I know you haven’t been sleeping well,” he says running his fingers under my eyes.
“That’s your son’s fault,” I point out, making him smile as his hands move to hold my
“Not much longer and he’ll be here, and I can help you when he’s trying to keep you up.”
“I can’t wait to meet him,” I say, placing my hands over his.
“Hope is still annoyed he’s a boy.” He smiles and I laugh.
“She’ll get use to it eventually.”
There are a few times in my life I can look back on and know exactly what Jules was talking
about: Every time my dad gave me a pat on the back or a word of advice when I needed it.
The moment Lilly looked at me the way a mother looks at her son, with pride in her eyes.
The first time I saw Ellie and knew I was seeing my future when I looked at her. The day
Hope called me Daddy, and the day I signed her adoption papers.
And then today, the day my son was born and took his first breath.
Lifting Jasper from his sleeper, I pull down the edge of the blanket Ellie wrapped him tightly
in, turning him into a baby burrito, as Hope had joked, and run my finger over his chin. I
can’t believe I helped create this tiny human, that Ellie and I made something so perfect. He
has his mom’s cheeks, but he is all me. Bringing him up to my chest, I press a kiss to his
forehead and breathe him in. Walking him across the room to where his mom and sister are
talking quietly, I sit on the side of the hospital bed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head
before placing him in Ellie’s arms. I watch her face soften as Hope leans in to kiss his cheek,
giving me one more pause, one more beautiful moment.
Five years later
“Mom, Dad, I demand a sister!” Hope screams at the top of her lungs from somewhere in
the house as Ellie looks at me from across the kitchen table.
“One more?” I ask, grinning, and Ellie rolls her eyes.
“We are not having any more babies. I still don’t quite know how I ended up with the last
one,” she mutters, and I look at Toby, who is sitting in his highchair, shoving noodles into his
mouth…or attempting to, anyways. “Not that I would change him for the world, but still.”
She smiles at him, running her finger over his chubby cheek, gaining a one-toothed smile
from him.
“Mom, Dad, I’m serious. I want a sister,” Hope says, stomping into the kitchen, followed by
both dogs, Jasper and Edward, who are both singing, “Hope and Ty, sitting in a tree.”
“The baby shop is closed, honey. Besides, if you had a sister, you would have to share your
room,” Ellie says, while my eyes narrow, listening to the boys singing.
“Who’s Ty?” I ask, and Hope’s face turns red.
“I can’t wait until I can move out!” she yells, stomping off, presumably to her room, where I
hear the door slam.
“Who’s Ty?” I ask Ellie, and she rolls her eyes then hands me Toby.
“Who’s Ty?” I ask my boys, and they just look at me before taking off to cause chaos
somewhere else.
“Do you know who Ty is?” I ask Toby, who pats my cheek and babbles something I can’t
make out.
“Shhhhhh,” Jax says, covering my mouth with his hand, which only makes me giggle louder,
because he’s the one who slammed me up against the kitchen wall so hard the cabinets
shook when he found me getting a late-night snack. Wrapping my legs tighter around his
hips, I moan against the palm of his hand as the fingers from his free hand slide between my
“No panties and you’re wet,” he groans, and I feel the head of his cock slide over my clit
then down to enter me slowly.
“Oh, God,” I breathe, feeling his thick length fill me then the head rub perfectly against my
g-spot. “Harder,” I plea as my head falls back against the wall and his hand drops from my
“No, just like this,” he says, moving slowly, so slowly it feels like torture as one of his hands
cups my breast and the other palms my ass.
“Harder,” I beg, using my hands on his shoulders to lift myself up and then drop down on his
Stilling and pressing me harder against the wall, his mouth moves to my ear, where he
growls, “I’m fucking you, Ellie, not the other way around.” Then he covers my mouth with
his hand, pressing my head firmly against the wall as he slams into me again and again,
sending me over the edge then planting himself deep, groaning his orgasm into my neck.
“You have to carry me upstairs,” I tell him breathlessly, coming back to myself.
“I already carried you upstairs,” he chuckles, and I feel the bed underneath me as he lays me
“Oh,” I mutter, feeling my eyes grow heavy as he gets into bed and rolls me to face him.
“Who’s Ty?” he asks, and my body starts to shake with laughter as I bury my face against his
chest, ignoring his question. Most days, I still can’t believe this is my life, that I have a man
like Jax who loves me and our family so completely…even if he is a little crazy.
The End
P.S. Alycia Jax is all yours girly

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