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Document No. 15722(1.0.0.

FC-2500 Repair Guide
Document Number: 15722(
Date of Last Revision: February 2, 2009
Copyright © 2009 Two Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America

Copyrights and Trademarks

Two Technologies is a registered trademark of Two Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows CE 5.0, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, eMbedded Visual C++, Visual
Studio .NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005 and ActiveSync are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.
Other products or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.

Reproduction Rights
This manual contains proprietary information. Permission to reproduce or otherwise use portions of the
material presented herein is given expressly to Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc. for the purpose of
incorporating the FC-2500 into their products. Please note that this publication contains material that may
not be appropriate for disclosure to some end users and that Two Technologies assumes no responsibility
for technical support burdens incurred, or any other consequences of Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.
documentation decisions.

Changes and Addendum

Since Two Technologies is continuously improving the features and quality of its products, certain
information may not be included at the time of release of the printed manual. When this occurs, changed
material may be provided as separate sheets included with this manual or separately in the form of a change

Contact Information
Two Technologies Incorporated
419 Sargon Way, Horsham, PA 19044
Phone: 215.441.5305
Fax: 215.441.0423
To contact Two Technologies by e-mail:
• Sales:
• Customer Service:
• Technical Services:
• Repair Services:

Warranty Information
Warranty details for all Two Technologies Inc. products can be found within the Terms and Conditions of
Sale which accompanied your original product sales quotation. You can also obtain the warranty details by
contacting your sales representative.

Product Returns
If, after inspection, you note any product damage or discrepancies, please contact us promptly within five
days of receipt. If the exterior of the package shows obvious signs of damage, please contact the carrier who
delivered the package right away.
All items returned to Two Technologies Inc. require a Return Material Authorization number (RMA). To
obtain a RMA number, please visit our eRMA website: . If
you are a GEM Partner and have not yet received a login to the above site, you can request one by simply
clicking the e-mail link for

Regulatory Notices
FCC Part 15 Class A
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his/her own expense.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Two Technologies Incorporated
419 Sargon Way, Horsham, PA 19044
Phone: 215.441.5305

FCC Section 15.21

Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by Two Technologies may void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.

WLAN Compliance
This device contains a Summit Data Communications SDC-MCF10G 802.11g Mini Module, FCC ID: RYJ-
SDMCF10G, IC ID: 6103A-SDMCF10G and complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

Canadian Department of Communications

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus
set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectrique dépassant les limites applicables aux
appareils numériques de la class A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par
le Ministère des Communications du Canada.

Industry Canada
Registration Number: 6616A-SDMCF10G

CENELEC (Pending)

EMI Standards:
• EN 55022:1998 (CISPR22), Class A | ETSI EN 300 330-2: 2001
EMC Standards:
• 301 489-07 V1.3.1 | EN 301 489-17 V1.21 | EN 55022: 1998 | EN 55024: 1998 | ETSI EN 301489-
1: 2002, 301489-3: 2002 |EN/IEC 61000-4-2, 61000-4-3, 61000-4-4
Radio Systems per R&TTE
• EN300 328 V1.7.1
IT Equipment Safety:
• EN60950-1: 2001 | EN50360: 2002 | EN50360: 2002 | EN60825-1

Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for regulatory
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Electrostatic discharge (static electricity) can have unpredictable adverse effects on any electronic device.
Although the design of this product incorporates extensive ESD-related precautions, ESD can still cause
problems. It is good practice to discharge static by touching a grounded metal object before inserting cards
or connecting devices.
La descarga electrostática (electricidad estática) puede tener efectos nocivos imprevisibles en cualquier
dispositivo electrónico. Aunque el diseño de este producto incorpora precauciones ESD-relacionadas
extensas, la lata de ESD todavía causa problemas. Es buena práctica descargar parásitos atmosféricos
tocando un objeto puesto a tierra del metal antes de insertar tarjetas o de conectar los dispositivos.
La décharge électrostatique (l'électricité statique) peut avoir des effets nuisibles imprévisibles sur n'importe
quel dispositif électronique. Bien que la conception de ce produit incorpore des précautions ESD-connexes
étendues, le bidon d'ESD posent toujours des problèmes. Il est dans de bons habitudes de décharger la
charge statique en touchant un objet au sol en métal avant d'insérer des cartes ou relier des dispositifs.
Elektrostatische Aufladung (statische Elektrizität, ESD) kann unvorhersehbare schädliche Auswirkungen
auf jedes elektronische Gerät haben. Obgleich das Design dieses Produktes umfangreiche ESD-
Schutzmassnahmen enthält, kann ESD dennoch Probleme verursachen. Vermeiden Sie statische Elektrizität,
indem Sie einen geerdeten Metallgegenstand beühren bevor Sie Karten einsetzen oder andere Geräte

Servicing Information
When servicing the unit, the plug (charge power cable) is the disconnect device. Simply unplug the unit
before servicing.
Al mantener la unidad, el enchufe (cable de transmisión de la carga) es el dispositivo de la desconexión.
Desenchufe simplemente la unidad antes de mantener.
En entretenant l'unité, la prise (câble électrique de charge) est le dispositif de débranchement. Débranchez
simplement l'unité avant l'entretien.
Bei Arbeiten am Gerät ist zuerst das Verbindungskabel (Aufladung Energie Kabel) am Gerät abzustecken
(falls vorhanden).

Battery Replacement
CAUTION! There is a risk of explosion if you replace the Li-ion battery with an incorrect type. Only use the
Li-ion battery supplied with your unit or a replacement Li-ion battery supplied, recommended, or approved
by Two Technologies, Inc.
PRECAUCIÓN! Hay un riesgo de la explosión si usted substituye la batería de Li-ion por un tipo incorrecto.
Utilice solamente la batería de Li-ion provista de su unidad o una batería de Li-ion del reemplazo provista,
recomendada, o aprobada por Two Technologies, Inc.
ATTENTION! Il y a un risque d'explosion si vous remplacez la batterie de Li-ion avec un type incorrect.
Utilisez seulement la batterie de Li-ion fournie avec votre unité ou une batterie de Li-ion de remplacement
fournie, recommandée, ou approuvée par Two Technologies, Inc.
VORSICHT! Bei Verwendung von Li-ion Akkus, die nicht durch Two Technologies, Inc. geliefert,
empfohlen oder genehmigt wurden besteht Explosionsgefahr! Benutzen Sie daher nur solche Li-ion Akkus,
die mit dem Gerät geliefert wurden bzw. Ersatzakkus, die durch Two Technologies, Inc. geliefert,
empfohlen oder genehmigt wurden.

Battery Disposal
Dispose of batteries in a safe manner. The following are general guidelines for the safe use and disposal of
Li-ion batteries:
• Replace a defective Li-ion battery immediately as it could damage the unit.
• Do not throw the Li-ion battery in the trash as it contains heavy metals. Recycle or dispose of the
Li-ion battery as required by local ordinances or regulations.
• Do not disassemble, incinerate, short-circuit the Li-ion battery or throw it into a fire. It can explode
and cause severe personal injury.
Disponga de las baterías de una manera segura. Los siguientes son pautas generales para el uso seguro y la
disposición de las baterías de Li-ion:
• Inmediatamente substituya una batería de Li-ion defectuosa pues podría dañar el aparato.
• +Inmediatamente substituya una batería de Li-ion defectuosa pues podría dañar el aparato.
• No desarme, incinere o cortocircuite la batería de Li-ion, ni la eche al fuego. Puede estallar y causar
daños personales graves.
Débarrassez-vous des batteries d'une façon sûre. Ce qui suit sont les orientations à l'utilisation sûre et à la
disposition des batteries de Li-ion:
• Quand la batterie Li-ion est abime défectueuse, il faut absolument la changer, sinon l´appareil est
endommagé. IMPORTANT.
• La Batterie Li-ion doit être après usage être jeté dans une poubelle destinée aux métaux lourds:
piles, batterie afin d´être recyclées en raison de leur contenu nocif.
• La batterie Li-ion ne doit pas être démontée ou moitie montée. A ne pas exposer la batterie près de
sources de chaleur. Sinon la batterie peut engendrer des blessures graves.
Beseitigen Sie verbrauchte Akkus und Batterien sicher und umweltfreundlich.
Allgemeine Richtlinien für den sicheren Gebrauch und die Beseitigung der Li-ion Akkus:
• Ein defekter Li-ion Akku muss umgehend ersetzt werden, da sonst Schäden am Gerät entstehen
• Li-ion Akkus enthalten Schwermetalle und müssen als Sondermüll entsorgt werden! Bitte bringen
Sie diese zu geeigneten Sammelstellen zum Recycling
• Der Li-ion Akku darf nicht zerlegt, kurzgeschlossen oder anderweitig beschädigt werden. Von
Feuer und sonstigen Wärmequellen fernhalten! Der Akku könnte dabei explodieren und erhebliche
Verletzungen verursachen.

Laser Usage
The FC-2500 uses a pair of 635nm red visible lasers that typically emit less than 3mW of radiated power. The
lasers are aligned at the factory to be parallel to the center of optics of the FC-2500 imager.
CAUTION! Use of controls, adjustments or performance procedures other then those specified may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.
The FC-2500 emits light in a tight beam that does not grow in size at a distance from the laser. This means
that the same degree of hazard can be present both close to and far from the laser.
The controls for operating the laser are only available through software interaction with eye•WARE™

Important!! Only qualified people are to use the lasers.
Important!! People using this device must be properly trained.
When using the lasers in the FC-2500, make sure that you:
• Never aim or shine the laser beam at anyone.
• Only activate the lasers when you are using them to point at a nearby object.
• Never look directly into the lasers. The FC-2500 can focus a laser beam to a very small, intense spot
on the retina, which can result in a burn or blind spot.
• Do not modify the FC-2500 housing in any way. This will void the warranty and could cause
unpredictable results when using the lasers.
• Do not use the lasers outdoors. These lasers are not intended for outdoor or construction use.

This product complies with Chapter 21 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 1040.10 (h) (2)
The following label is shown on the LCD for several seconds during boot of the FC-2500 eye•WARE
software and is intended as a cautionary statement for the operator:

Chapter 1. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS AND TOOLS ............................................................... 1
Spare Parts................................................................................................................................................. 1
Tools........................................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2. DISASSEMBLY .............................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 3. CPU AND ILLUMINATOR............................................................................................ 13

Chapter 4. DISPLAY & ANTENNA PCB ASSEMBLIES .................................................................... 21

Chapter 5. ILLUMINATOR ASSEMBLY TO CPU ASSEMBLY ........................................................... 27

Chapter 6. FC-2500 BATTERY DOOR ASSEMBLY......................................................................... 33

Chapter 7. ATTACHING CAMERA BUMPER ................................................................................ 35

Chapter 8. FINAL ASSEMBLY ....................................................................................................... 37

List of Figures
Figure 1: Remove bottom hand strap bracket .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Remove battery door assembly from case back....................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Remove top hand strap assembly.............................................................................................. 6
Figure 4: Remove and Loosen Screws ....................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Bottom Bumper Removal............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 6: Separate Front and Back Case .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7: Unlock and Remove FFC ............................................................................................................ 9
Figure 8: Remove Kapton Tape ................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 9: Disconnect Antennas................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 10: Disconnect Cables to CPU Board........................................................................................... 10
Figure 11: Remove screw #10120 ............................................................................................................ 11
Figure 12: Remove Screws Holding CPU Board .................................................................................... 11
Figure 13: Disassemble display fixture from case front #93056........................................................... 11
Figure 14: Pre-form CPU to keyboard FFC............................................................................................. 14
Figure 15: Insert Keyboard side of FFC into Keyboard connector ...................................................... 14
Figure 16: Avoid pinching and creasing cables..................................................................................... 15
Figure 17: Insert CPU side of #15464 FFC into CPU connector ........................................................... 15
Figure 18: Screw CPU assembly to spacer .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 19: Insert touch panel FFC into connector .................................................................................. 16
Figure 20: Insert display FFC into connector.......................................................................................... 16
Figure 21: Insert Display Backlight FFC into associated connector..................................................... 17
Figure 22: Route and insert radio antenna cables - Bluetooth.............................................................. 17
Figure 23: Apply Kapton tape .................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 24: Route and insert radio antenna cables -WLAN Radio Antennas...................................... 18
Figure 25: Separate antenna cables .......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 26: Insert screw #10120.................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 27: Plug antenna cable #15331 into coaxial connection ............................................................ 22
Figure 28: Apply RTV ................................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 29: Place two foam spacers into housing .................................................................................... 23
Figure 30: Place rubber gasket around display ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 31: Insert into housing ................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 32: Insert touch panel flex circuit................................................................................................. 25
Figure 33: Install screws #12269 and thermal pad #15543 ................................................................... 25
Figure 34: Align Illuminator assembly #93118....................................................................................... 28
Figure 35: Plug in the molex connectors ................................................................................................. 29
Figure 36: Carefully align and insert Illuminator flex circuit............................................................... 30
Figure 37: Insert remaining two screws .................................................................................................. 31
Figure 38: Place O-ring #15524 on shoulder screws .............................................................................. 33
Figure 39: Insert E-clip #15553.................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 40: Apply Loctite primer 770 ........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 41: Apply Loctite adhesive 495 .................................................................................................... 35
Figure 42: Place bumper on case back ..................................................................................................... 36
Figure 43: Finished camera bumper assembly ....................................................................................... 36
Figure 44: Insert RS1 FFC #15514 into connector on CPU PCBA ........................................................ 37
Figure 45: Insert RS1 FFC into connector on RS1 PCBA ....................................................................... 38
Figure 46: Screw case halves together ..................................................................................................... 39
Figure 47: Align DE9 plug #15500 ........................................................................................................... 40
Figure 48: Align USB/CJ #15557.............................................................................................................. 40
Figure 49: Assemble top boot #93001 to case ......................................................................................... 41
Figure 50: Pull boot onto case ................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 51: Finish top boot installation ..................................................................................................... 43
Figure 52: Assemble bottom boot #93002 to case................................................................................... 44

Figure 53: Insert metal tab into case slot and screw down ................................................................... 46
Figure 54: Attach top end of hand strap assembly #93098 ................................................................... 47
Figure 55: Screw down battery door assembly #93059 to case back ................................................... 48
Figure 56: Attach bottom hand strap bracket ......................................................................................... 48
Figure 57: Assembly Complete................................................................................................................. 49

List of Tables
Table 1: Spare Parts ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: Required Tools ............................................................................................................................... 3


Table 2: Required Tools
2mm hex key
Acid brushes 872SO014
Diagonal Cutters Tec-Cut 758TW0028
Large Pliers (needle nose) Crescent 272PL076
Phillips driver #1 automated Torque settings 2-3
in. lbs.
Picks (Precision Probes) Techni-Tool 758IE1945
Screw Driver Multi Purpose Crescent 272SC822
Small Pliers (various kinds) Xcelite 791PL005
T6 Torx driver automated Torque settings 2-3 in.
Tweezers (various kinds) Techni-Tool 758TW033
Wire Strippers (20-30awg) Techni-Tool 758PL0066
X-Acto knives #11 blade X-Acto 890PR082
Torques Screw Driver 4mm ASG (Hios CL-4000) 106SC111
Anti-Static Table Mats w/ground 3M (2 X 4) 105ST204
Ground Straps 3M 758ST2185
Kapton Tape
Micro Fiber Screen Cleaning Cloth Techni-Tool 758CH465
Q-Tip Applicators (Lint free) Techni-Tool 758CH833

TWO TECHNOLOGIES will supply FC-2500 testing software. SERVICE CENTER will need a
dedicated computer with:
• Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional
• Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
• Microsoft SQL Server
• USB Port for ActiveSync
• Handheld scanner for updating the unit should CPU be replaced
(HP EY022AA USB bar code scanner recommended)



Caution: Avoid electrostatic discharge damage to equipment!

Always use anti-static grounded table mats and wrist straps when handling
electronic components. (See Table 2: Required Tools)

1. With strap unfolded to provide slack, remove the hand strap bottom bracket screws,
then remove the bottom bracket.

Figure 1: Remove bottom hand strap bracket

2. Remove the two screws holding down battery door assembly to case back, and lift off
battery door assembly.

Figure 2: Remove battery door assembly from case back

3. Remove batteries from the unit by sliding away from contacts, then lifting each battery

Note: BT-66Q batteries are not supplied by Two Technologies, Inc.

4. Remove two screws holding down top hand strap bracket, and remove hand strap from

Figure 3: Remove top hand strap assembly


5. Remove the four (4) screws holding the bumpers in place and loosen the others.

Figure 4: Remove and Loosen Screws

Remove Remove
Loosen Loosen

Note: The RS-1 pack radio is not supplied by Two Technologies, Inc.

6. Remove the bumpers by gently pulling one end outward from one side, pull the bumper
away from the end of the case and remove from the opposite side. Figure 5 shows the
bottom bumper removal.

Figure 5: Bottom Bumper Removal

7. Use the same method to remove the top bumper.

8. Remove the remaining case screws.


9. Carefully separate the front from the back case.

Figure 6: Separate Front and Back Case

10. Unlock and remove the flexible flat cable (FFC).

Figure 7: Unlock and Remove FFC

11. Set the back case aside.

12. Remove all Kapton tape.

Figure 8: Remove Kapton Tape

13. Disconnect all antennas.

Figure 9: Disconnect Antennas

14. Disconnect cables connected to the CPU board

Caution: Be very gentle; take care not to damage any connectors or cables.

Figure 10: Disconnect Cables to CPU Board


15. Remove the screw passing through display spacer. Remove spacer with screw.

Figure 11: Remove screw #10120

16. Remove the remaining four screws securing the CPU board.

Figure 12: Remove Screws Holding CPU Board

17. Carefully remove the CPU.

18. Disassemble display fixture from case front #93056 by removing four screws and display
fixture. Place parts to the side for now.

Figure 13: Disassemble display fixture from case front #93056

Disassembly is complete.



NOTE: Components of
each subassembly are
listed in this drawing. Not
all parts may be ordered.
Refer to Table 1 for
available spare parts.

1. Pre-form the CPU to keyboard FFC as shown. Please be extremely careful not to crease
the flex circuit during this process.

Figure 14: Pre-form CPU to keyboard FFC

2. Insert keyboard side of FFC into keyboard connector by pulling black locking tab out,
inserting FFC, and pushing tab in to lock it.

Figure 15: Insert Keyboard side of FFC into Keyboard connector

3. Place CPU to Assembly #93061 on top of display spacer



4. Make sure touch panel and display FFC’s along with the antenna cables are routed
correctly to avoid pinching and creasing these cables as shown

Figure 16: Avoid pinching and creasing cables

5. Insert CPU side of #15464 FFC into CPU connector, by pulling black tab out and inserting
CPU side of FFC, and then pushing black locking tab in to lock it.

Figure 17: Insert CPU side of #15464 FFC into CPU connector

6. Screw CPU assembly to spacer with 4 screws #12311.

Figure 18: Screw CPU assembly to spacer

7. Insert touch panel FFC into connector. Do not bend flex circuit. Use needle nose pliers
without ridges to hold FFC and slide into connector.

Figure 19: Insert touch panel FFC into connector

8. Pull white locking tab out from connector, insert display FFC into connector, and push
white locking tab in to lock connector.

Figure 20: Insert display FFC into connector.



9. Insert Display Backlight FFC into associated connector on the CPU PC board as shown.

Figure 21: Insert Display Backlight FFC into associated connector

10. Route and insert radio antenna cables onto each radio connector: one for Bluetooth and
two for WLAN. Secure cables with ½” wide Kapton tape.

Figure 22: Route and insert radio antenna cables - Bluetooth

11. Apply Kapton tape as shown.

Figure 23: Apply Kapton tape

Figure 24: Route and insert radio antenna cables -WLAN Radio Antennas



12. Separate antenna cables from touching, and apply Kapton tape.

Figure 25: Separate antenna cables

13. Insert screw #10120 through display spacer, and screw to case front as shown.

Figure 26: Insert screw #10120




NOTE: Components of
each subassembly are
listed in this drawing. Not
all parts may be ordered.
Refer to Table 1 for
available spare parts.

1. Plug antenna cable #15331 into coaxial connection on antenna PCB #92863-1.

Figure 27: Plug antenna cable #15331 into coaxial connection

2. Insert 3 antenna PCBs and cable assemblies into 3 slots of case front.

NOTE: Cable and connector must face the outside of case. See Figure 28.

3. Apply RTV to both corners of each antenna PCB and case.

Figure 28: Apply RTV

4. Begin to re-assemble display and display spacer to case front housing, by placing two
foam spacers into housing, shiny side down onto spacer.



Note: Units shipped January 2009 and later have one single thick foam spacer.

Figure 29: Place two foam spacers into housing

5. Place rubber gasket around display.

Figure 30: Place rubber gasket around display

6. Take rubber gasket and display and insert into housing. Make sure flex circuits are
guided through slot of display housing.

Figure 31: Insert into housing

7. Clean touch panel and clean display.

8. Carefully blow away dust and debris from display window and touch panel.



9. Turn display and housing over and insert touch panel flex circuit through slot of display

NOTE: Do not touch cleaned display or touch panel. If you do, you must clean both
display and touch panel again.

Figure 32: Insert touch panel flex circuit

10. Install screws #12269 1-32 x ½ long to secure display housing to case front. Then place
thermal pad #15543 on back of display in top left corner as shown.

Figure 33: Install screws #12269 and thermal pad #15543



NOTE: Components of
each subassembly are
listed in this drawing. Not
all parts may be ordered.
Refer to Table 1 for
available spare parts.

1. Align Illuminator assembly #93118 in the proper orientation with the CPU Assembly
#93061. See Figure 34.

Figure 34: Align Illuminator assembly #93118



2. Plug in the Molex connectors from each laser into the CPU Assembly. Dress the laser
assembly wires to avoid pinching and interference with the Auto focus module as

Figure 35: Plug in the molex connectors

3. Carefully align and insert Illuminator flex circuit into connector on CPU.

NOTE: If flex circuit is creased it must be replaced.

Figure 36: Carefully align and insert Illuminator flex circuit

4. The locating bosses of the Illuminator assembly will locate into mounting holes of CPU.
Place nylon washers #14647 onto screws #15547. Insert through PCB and screw into
Illuminator assembly. Tighten with a torque setting of 1.7 inch lbs.

NOTE: Nylon washers are used on two locating bosses of Illuminator assembly (larger
hole on the CPU PCBA).



5. Insert remaining two screws through PCB and tighten Illuminator assembly at a torque
setting of 1.7 inch lbs.

Figure 37: Insert remaining two screws



1. Place O-ring #15524 on each (2) shoulder screws #15492.

Figure 38: Place O-ring #15524 on shoulder screws

2. Insert the screws into the battery door #15478.

3. Insert E-clip #15553 with the E-clip hand tool MFG-10001.
See Figure 39.

Figure 39: Insert E-clip #15553



1. Apply Loctite primer 770 to the inside of camera bumper, covering all surfaces out to the

Figure 40: Apply Loctite primer 770

2. Apply Loctite adhesive 495 to case back. Adhesive will be applied to the mating surface
of the case back. Spread glue out to cover this mating surface.

Figure 41: Apply Loctite adhesive 495

3. Place bumper on case back, making sure all edges are bonded to case.

Figure 42: Place bumper on case back

4. Finished camera bumper assembly should be as shown.

Figure 43: Finished camera bumper assembly




1. Insert RS1 FFC #15514 into connector on CPU PCBA by pulling out white locking tab,
inserting CPU side of FFC into connector, and pushing white locking tab back in to lock
down FFC.

Figure 44: Insert RS1 FFC #15514 into connector on CPU PCBA

2. Insert RS1 FFC into connector on RS1 PCBA located on case back assembly by pulling out
white locking tab, inserting pack side of FFC into connector, and pushing white locking
tab back in to lock down FFC.

Figure 45: Insert RS1 FFC into connector on RS1 PCBA


3. Screw case halves together with 12 of the 16 Torx screws #15599.

Figure 46: Screw case halves together

Note: Do not put in

four screws for top and
bottom boot.

Bottom left Top left

Bottom right Top right

4. Align DE9 plug #15500 with holes and bosses on case front and assemble plug over

Figure 47: Align DE9 plug #15500

5. Align USB/CJ #15557 with holes and bosses on case front and assemble plug over bosses

Figure 48: Align USB/CJ #15557


6. To assemble top boot #93001 to case, insert metal tab of one side of boot into associated
slot of case (front of boot should face front of unit).

Figure 49: Assemble top boot #93001 to case

7. Insert bottom lip of boot over both support ribs, pull top edge of boot over case front so
rib of boot falls into slot on case.

Figure 50: Pull boot onto case


8. Finally, insert metal tab into case slot and screw boot down with 2 screws #15599.

Figure 51: Finish top boot installation

9. To assemble bottom boot #93002 to case, insert metal tab of one side of boot into
associated slot of case (front of boot should face front of unit). Pull boot over plugs and
onto case.
Figure 52: Assemble bottom boot #93002 to case


10. Insert metal tab into case slot and screw boot down with 2 screws #15599.

Figure 53: Insert metal tab into case slot and screw down


11. Align hand strap assembly #93098 with case back, and screw to case back with screws

Figure 54: Attach top end of hand strap assembly #93098

12. If unit is being prepared for immediate use, insert batteries before attaching the battery
door assembly.
13. Screw down battery door assembly to case back.

Figure 55: Screw down battery door assembly #93059 to case back

14. With strap unfolded to provide slack, position hand strap bottom bracket over screw
holes on battery door assembly and start screws #15598 into holes, then tighten screws.

Figure 56: Attach bottom hand strap bracket


15. Then assemble rear plate to case back with 4 screws #15565.

Figure 57: Assembly Complete

Assembly is complete.


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