Project - Animals Which Communicate With Infrasonic Sounds

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We human beings communicate and hear sounds with in the
range of 20HZ and 20000HZ.This range in which humans can
hear and communicate with others is called audible range.
There are many other species of living organisms which can
hear sounds above/below the audible range.
The sounds which are above 20000HZ are called ultrasonic
sounds. Animals such as dolphins and dogs hear ultrasonic
sounds whereas bats create ultrasonic sounds to see the
objects in front of them during the night time.
Bats use the principle of echolocation to avoid obstacles
during their flight in the night time.

 The vision of the bat is very poor at the night time.

 So, to figure out the obstacles in the flight path, the bats
are not dependent upon their visual observation.
 Instead of the visual observation they use a process
called echolocation.
 In this process they generate a very high frequency sound
and they process the reflected echo sound, to determine
whether there is any obstacle or not.
The sounds which have a frequency below the audible
range are called infrasonic sounds. They have a
frequency below 20HZ.
Animals such as
whales, elephants, rhinoceroses, giraffes, okapis,
peacocks, and alligators are known to use infrasound to
communicate over distances—up to hundreds of miles
in the case of whales. In particular, the Sumatran
rhinoceros has been shown to produce sounds with
frequencies as low as 3 Hz which have similarities with
the song of the humpback whale. The roar of
the tiger contains infrasound of 18 Hz and lower, and
the purr of felines is reported to cover a range of 20 to
50 Hz. It has also been suggested that migrating birds use
naturally generated infrasound, from sources such

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

as turbulent airflo
w over mountain
ranges, as
a navigational aid

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

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