Quectel BC92 Software Notes and FAQs V1.0

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Software Notes and FAQs

NB-IoT Module Series

Version: 1.0

Date: 2020-10-22

Status: Released

NB-IoT Module Series
BC92 Software Notes and FAQs

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BC92 Software Notes and FAQs

About the Document

Revision History

Version Date Author Description

Louis GU/
- 2020-08-27 Creation of the document
Louis GU/
1.0 2020-10-22 First official release

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BC92 Software Notes and FAQs


About the Document .................................................................................................................................. 3

Contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Table Index .................................................................................................................................................. 5

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Notes .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Baud Rate Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Syntax of AT Commands, Responses and URCs ..................................................................... 7
2.3. Deep Sleep and Wake-up .......................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1. Enter Deep Sleep Mode .................................................................................................. 8
2.3.2. Disable Deep Sleep Mode .............................................................................................. 9
2.3.3. Wake Up from Deep Sleep Mode ................................................................................... 9
2.4. IMEI and SN ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.5. AT+CFUN Command ............................................................................................................... 10
2.6. AT+CGDCONT and AT+QCGDEFCONT Commands ............................................................. 10
2.6.1. NB-IoT Network ............................................................................................................. 10
2.6.2. GSM Network ................................................................................................................ 10
2.7. Query IP Address ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.8. Network Attachment .................................................................................................................. 11
2.9. Recovery from Exception .......................................................................................................... 11

3 FAQs ................................................................................................................................................... 12

4 Appendix A Modem Operating Modes ............................................................................................ 13

4.1. Connected ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2. Idle, DRX and eDRX ................................................................................................................ 14
4.2.1. Idle ................................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.2. DRX ............................................................................................................................... 14
4.2.3. eDRX ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.3. PSM.......................................................................................................................................... 15

5 Appendix B References.................................................................................................................... 16

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Table Index

Table 1: Reference Documents .................................................................................................................. 16

Table 2: Terms and Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 16

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BC92 Software Notes and FAQs

1 Introduction
This document describes the software notes for matters needing attention and frequently asked questions
(FAQs) for Quectel BC92 module.


Please refer to Quectel_BC92_AT_Commands_Manual for details about AT commands mentioned in this

document unless otherwise instructed.

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2 Notes

2.1. Baud Rate Characteristics

The baud rate setting of the main UART port of the BC92 module cannot exceed 57600 bps, and the
default baud rate is 9600 bps. The baud rate of the debug port is fixed at 921600 bps and cannot be

The baud rate of main UART can be set with AT+IPR, as exemplified below.

AT+IPR=9600 //Set the baud rate to 9600 bps.

AT+IPR? //Query the current configuration
+IPR: 9600 //The current baud rate is 9600 bps

AT+IPR=? //Query supported baud rates
+IPR: (2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,28800,33600,38400,57600)


2.2. Syntax of AT Commands, Responses and URCs

Refer to the syntax in Quectel_BC92_AT_Commands_Manual to carry parameters when entering the AT

commands, and do not carry any extra spaces or characters. In command responses or URCs, the colon
is followed by a space as the separator between the command and the information response or result

Taking the baud rate setting command as an example, as instructed below:

AT+IPR=9600 //The AT command cannot carry extra spaces or characters.

+IPR: 9600 //In the response of AT command AT+IPR?, the colon is followed by a space as the
separator between +IPR and the information response 9600.

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BC92 Software Notes and FAQs

OK //Result Code

2.3. Deep Sleep and Wake-up

When the module is in deep sleep mode, the related peripherals are turned off to minimize the power
consumption of the module. The serial port no longer responds to AT commands, and the CPU stops
running. At this time, the module is almost in the shutdown state, and only the RTC keeps working.

2.3.1. Enter Deep Sleep Mode

The module contains modem and AP. The modem is responsible for the communication with the core
network. The AP is responsible for the operation of the operating system and application layer programs.
Normally, the module enters deep sleep mode when the modem is in PSM and the AP is in idle state.

Thus, in case that deep sleep is enabled with the command AT+QSCLK=1, two main factors determines
whether the module will enter deep sleep mode:

⚫ AP enters idle state.

⚫ The modem enters PSM.

The module will check if the current configuration allows the module to enter deep sleep mode when the
AP is in idle state. When the AP is in idle state with deep sleep mode enabled by AT+QSCLK=1, each of
the following three conditions will make the module enter deep sleep mode:

⚫ The PSM of the modem has been enabled by AT+CPSMS=1, and the modem is in PSM mode. For
the details of the modem’s PSM mode, see Chapter 4.3.

⚫ When the PSM of the modem is disabled by AT+CPSMS=0 but eDRX is enabled by AT+CEDRXS=1
with the eDRX period being greater than 327.68 s, the module will also enter deep sleep mode after
PTW. For the details of the modem’s eDRX mode, please refer to Chapter 4.2.3.

⚫ If the module cannot detect the USIM card after turned on, it will also enter deep sleep mode.


AT+CPSMS can be used to set the time of the active-time (T3324) requested by the module to the core
network (whether the requested value takes effect depends on the network). The modem will enter PSM
mode only after the T3324 timeout. Therefore, the longer the T3324 time is set, the longer the module will
wait before entering deep sleep mode.

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BC92 Software Notes and FAQs

2.3.2. Disable Deep Sleep Mode

When there is no need for deep sleep mode, or deep sleep mode needs to be prohibited temporarily for
particular tasks, each of the following related AT commands can be used to disable the deep sleep mode:

⚫ Disable the deep sleep by AT+QSCLK=0. It is applicable to scenarios where there is no strict
demand for timeliness, such as that where deep sleep mode needs to be disabled temporarily only
before the module processes tasks, for the purpose of ensuring continuous AT command
transmission through the main UART. In this situation, the modem will still switch among Connected,
Idle, and PSM modes according to the protocol (see Chapter 4). After the task is completed or when
deep sleep is needed, enable deep sleep mode by AT+QSCLK=1.

⚫ Disabling the deep sleep by AT+QSCLK=0, then, disable PSM and eDRX of the modem by
AT+CPSMS=0 and AT+CEDRXS=0 respectively. It is applicable to scenarios where there is no
specific demand for low power consumption but a high demand for timeliness. In this case, the
modem will only switch between Connected and Idle modes.

2.3.3. Wake Up from Deep Sleep Mode

When the module is in deep sleep mode, each of the following three conditions will wake up the module:

⚫ PSM_EINT pin wake-up:

BC92 module provides an interrupt pin PSM_EINT. By pulling down this interrupt pin can the module
be waken up from deep sleep mode. After the module wakes up, it can respond to the AT command
normally, but the modem is still in PSM mode, and the module will enter deep sleep mode again soon.
Therefore, it is recommended to execute AT+QSCLK=0 immediately after the module wakes up from
deep sleep mode, to temporarily disable deep sleep for task processing. If there is uplink data to
send, the modem will automatically exit PSM.

⚫ TAU cycle wake-up:

When T3412 times out, the module wakes up actively and perform TAU. At this time, the modem
exits PSM and the downlink data is reachable.

⚫ eDRX cycle wake-up:

When eDRX cycle expires, the module wakes up actively and perform DRX. At this time, the modem
exits PSM and the downlink data is reachable.

2.4. IMEI and SN

SN and IMEI number have already been written into BC92 module and cannot be modified. Execute
AT+CGSN=0 and AT+CGSN=1 to query SN and IMEI number respectively.

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2.5. AT+CFUN Command

AT+CFUN enables/disables the RF function. Before powering on the module, please confirm that the
USIM card has been inserted and identified successfully. After executing AT+CFUN=1, the RF function is
enabled and the module will start network registration. After executing AT+CFUN=0, the module will be
detached from the network and the RF function will be disabled.


Both AT+CGDCONT and AT+QCGDEFCONT can be used to configure PDP related parameters, such as
the IP type (IP/IPV6) and APN.

2.6.1. NB-IoT Network

After BC92 module attaches the network, automatically, the default PDP (<cid>=1) is activated and IP
address is obtained. The related parameters of default PDP can only be configured by
AT+QCGDEFCONT, and the settings will be saved to NVRAM and take effect after rebooting.

AT+CGDCONT is used to configure the PDP other than the default PDP, and to query all PDP
configurations and IP addresses.

2.6.2. GSM Network

Only AT+CGDCONT can be used to configure PDP related parameters of the module, and the default
PDP is not activated automatically when the module powers on. After the module is attached to a GSM
network, please configure a PDP by AT+CGDCONT and activate it by AT+CGACT manually.

2.7. Query IP Address

Both AT+CGDCONT and AT+CGPADDR can be used to query the IP address of the module.

AT+CGDCONT queries the PDP related configurations, including IP address, IP type and APN
corresponding to <cid>. If <cid> corresponded PDP is not activated, the IP address will be shown as all

AT+CGPADDR can only be used to query the IP address. The write command AT+CGPADDR[=<cid>[,
<cid>[,...]]] can be used to query the IP addresses of the specified <cid>s while the read command
AT+CGPADDR? can be used to query the IP addresses of all activated PDP.

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It is recommended to use AT+CGPADDR only to acquire the IP address, and use AT+CGDCONT to
configure and query the PDP configuration.

2.8. Network Attachment

For the full-band module BC92 (Band 3, Band 5, Band 8, Band 20, and Band 28), the module gives
priority to the band corresponding to the USIM operator when searching for the network for the first time.
Then, after the module successfully identifies a valid cell and attaches the network, it will save the used
EARFCN as a prior EARFCN. Next time when the module tries to attach network, the prior EARFCN will
be used at first. The network attachment lasts about 10-15 seconds (ECL = 0), the actual time depends on
the current network environment.

//The example for attaching network

RDY //The module is turned on.

+CFUN: 1

AT+CEREG=1 //Set to automatically report network registration status (when network status
changes, a URC will be reported).

+CEREG: 1 //Network attached successfully.

2.9. Recovery from Exception

When an exception occurs, the module can be recovered by software reboot or hardware reboot as

1. Software Reboot: Software reboot is realized by inputting AT+QRST=1 through UART. However, if
there is no response on UART, this method will not work.

2. Hardware Reboot: Hardware reboot is realized by pulling down the RESET pin for at least 100 ms.
This method is taken if the software reboot fails.


It is suggested to reserve power-off logic in your circuit design. In case that both hardware and software
reboot cannot take effect, power off the module and, then, power it on again to restart.

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3 FAQs
1. Q: How to check the values of T3324 and T3412 by AT command?

A: If the PSM is enabled and the network has already sent the values of T3324 and T3412, after
setting the AT+CEREG=4 or AT+CEREG=5, the values of T3324 and extended T3412 can be
read by command AT+CEREG?. Currently, the values of T3412 could not be queried by AT

2. Q: How long does the module take to enter deep sleep?

A: Whether the module enters deep sleep mode depends on the current operating status of the
module and software configuration (for details about AT commands for software configuration,
see Chapter 2.3.1). Generally, after the last data packet is sent, if there is no data interaction
within 20 s, the core network issues a disconnection indication. Then, the modem enters Idle
mode and, later, enters PSM when the T3324 times out. At this time, if there is no task being
processed on the AP side (the AP is in idle state), the module enters the deep sleep mode.

3. Q: Is there any difference between the network attachment process after powering on the module
and that after waking up the modem in PSM?

A: Yes.
- For the network attachment after powering on the module, the system needs to search for
the optimal available cell first. After the cell is found, the module sends an attachment
registration authentication request to the core network. After the attachment succeeds, the
data can be sent.
- For the network attachment after waking up the modem in PSM, since the core network has
been successfully registered before the modem enters PSM, the data can be sent as long as
the appropriate cell is found.

4. Q: What is the USIM card voltage supported by BC92?

A: BC92 supports both 1.8 V and 3.0 V, and will automatically recognize the USIM card voltage.

5. Q: Does BC92 module supports NETLIGHT feature?

A: The NETLIGHT feature is supported but disabled by default. And if needed, it can be enabled by
executing AT+QLEDMODE=1. This command takes effect after rebooting.

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4 Appendix A Modem Operating Modes

There are three operating modes, namely, Connected, Idle and PSM, when the modem communicates
with the core network, as shown below:

No data interaction

Power On
RRC release
Search cell and then RRC connect and send
RRC connected Active-Time Deep-Sleep AT+QISEND data

DRX cycle

Connected Idle PSM PSM Connected Idle PSM

T3324 A
T3412 U
Send data under PSM status,
RRC recovery the link. The
Connected Mode:CDRX module enter the Connected
No data interaction under Idle status, receive and response data.
Search the frequency point, cell mode, T3324 timeouts, module
enter the PSM mode. Send data under PSM status,
and RRC establish the
RRC recovery the link.
linkAttachReq,Rach,Attach Accept
Primary and secondary signal Idle Status: Contains of
If the core network does not send
synchronization DRX/eDRX, hign-level is the
data to the module in the PSM
resolving paging, low-level is not
mode, after the short TAU update,
Module power on resolved, wait until the next high-
the module quickly enters the
level cycle to resolve
Idle Status: Start the T3324 and No data interaction under PSM
T3412 timer.
mode,T3412 timeouts,TAU
The inactivity timer configured by
the base station timeout, and no
data interruption during the
process, module will be switched
from Connected mode to Idle

Figure 1: The Details of Modem Operating Modes

4.1. Connected

After the module searches for cells and RRC connection is established, the modem is under Connected
mode and the module can receive and send data. After a period (which is set by the base station and
cannot be configured for the module) with no data interaction, the core network will send a connection
release indication and, then, the modem will enter Idle mode.

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4.2. Idle, DRX and eDRX

4.2.1. Idle

Receiving/sending data in Idle mode will cause the modem to return to Connected mode. After a period
(T3324) with no data transmission in Idle mode, the module will enter PSM.

AT+CEDRXS is used to enable/disable eDRX in Idle mode to determine whether to use DRX or eDRX.
Disabling eDRX refers to using DRX by default.

4.2.2. DRX

DRX is a mechanism of the Idle mode.

To save power, the module listens to the paging channel once per DRX cycle to check if there are arriving
downlink services. As illustrated in Figure 1, the modem is under DRX paging state within T3324 after
entering Idle mode. Since the DRX cycle is generally short, it is considered that during this time, if the IoT
platform has downlink data, the time delay of the module’s data receiving is rather short.


1. Generally, DRX cycles are 1.28 s and 2.56 s.

2. DRX cycle is determined by the network and cannot be through the module.
3. The DRX is suitable for scenario with high demand for timeliness but low demand for power
consumption, such as smart street lights.

4.2.3. eDRX

eDRX is a mechanism of the Idle mode.

eDRX is a kind of technology introduced by 3GPP Rel-13. Paging cycle of eDRX is longer than that of
DRX, which allows the terminal to save more power but causes longer time delay of downlink data. The
module can only listen to the paging channel within the PTW on the basis of DRX cycle, to receive the
downlink services, while the module cannot listen to the paging channel and receive downlink services
after the PTW timeout.


1. Generally, eDRX cycles are 20.48 s and 81.92 s.

2. eDRX cycle can be configured by AT+CEDRXS, but the network determines whether to accept the

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4.3. PSM

PSM is one of modem’s operating modes. Under this mode, the terminal turns off the signal transceiver
and stops listening to the paging from network side. Therefore, the module cannot receive the downlink
data even if it is still registered on network. In PSM, the modem will enter Connected mode if there is
uplink data to be transmitted, or when TAU periodically (T3412 times out). T3412 is configured by the core

PSM allows the modem to disable the signal transmission and functions of the access layer after staying
in Idle mode for a while, so that the power consumption on antenna, radio frequency, signaling processing
will be reduced. During PSM, the module will not receive any network paging and will close all network
activities including cell message searching, cell reselection, etc. From the network side, the module no
longer receives downlink data.

PSM is a technology introduced by 3GPP Rel-12. It allows the modem to disable the signal transmission
and functions of the access layer after staying in Idle mode for a period (T3324), so that the power
consumption on antenna, radio frequency, signaling processing will be reduced. During PSM, the module
will not receive any network paging and will close all network activities including cell message searching,
cell reselection, etc. From the network side, the module no longer receives downlink data and is
unreachable at this time.


You can use AT+CPSMS to enable/disable PSM and configure the duration of TAU (T3412) and
active-time (T3324), but it is the network that determines whether to accept the configuration.

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5 Appendix B References

Table 1: Reference Documents

SN Document Name Remark

The manual of AT command for Quectel BC92

[1] Quectel_BC92_AT_Commands_Manual

Table 2: Terms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

AP Application Process

APN Access Point Name

AS Access Layer

CPU Central Processing Unit

DRX Discontinuous Reception

DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security

ECL Enhanced Coverage Level

eDRX Extended Discontinuous Reception

FAQ Frequently Asked Question

IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity

IoT Internet of Things

IP Internet Protocol

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4

IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6

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LPWA Low-Power Wide-Area

LwM2M Lightweight M2M

NB-IoT NarrowBand Internet of Things

NVRAM Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory

PDN Public Data Network

PDP Packet Data Protocol

PSM Power Saving Mode

PTW Paging Time Window

RF Radio Frequency

RTC Real Time Clock

SN Serial Number

TAU Tracking Area Update

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter

USB Universal Serial Bus

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module

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