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1. IT is a computer acronym which stands for Information ______________.

a. Technology b. Tool c. Teaching

2. _______________ are devices that work like a computer.

a. Computer related objects b. Food c. Bush

3. Radio. Television and GSM are examples of ___________________.

a. computer related objects b. non-computer related objects c. food

4. An example of a non-computer related object is _______________.

a. Calculator b. Radio c. Curtain

5. ______________ is not a part of Computer.

a. Keyboard b. Pencil c. Mouse

6. ______________ is a device that looks like a television.

a. System unit b. Printer c. Television

7. Clicking and double clicking can be done using the ______________.

a. mouse b. keyboard c. monitor

8. ________is not a part of computer.

a. Break. b. System unit. c. Monitor

9. Speakers give out_____________.

a. paper. b. money. c. sound

10.We print out our documents with a _______.

a. keyboard. b. printer. c. scanner

11.Computer is used in the_______ for sending and receiving money.

a. bank. b. home. c. bush

12.Computers are usually found in the_____ of your school.

a. IT lab. b. mosque. c. church

13.Which of the following is not an ICT device?

a. Stone. b. GSM phone. c. Digital Wristwatch

14.GSM is a device used for___________.

a. communicating. b. fighting. c. fighting

15.Joystick is used for playing___________.

a. games. b. radio. c. food

16.I am a part of a computer, who am I?

a. Pencil. b. Mouse. c. Book

17.A computer normally used in the_____ for booking online tickets.

a. school. b. airport. c. hospital

18.Examination timetable can be created with the computer in the_________.

a. airport. b. school. c. hospital

19.We normally receive money from the bank using_______.

a. ATM machine. b. water dispenser. c. fuel dispenser

20.X-ray analysis are usually carried out in the________.

a. home. b. school. c. hospital

Section B

1. Write out any three (3) places where a computer is used.

a. ________________

b. ________________

c. ________________

2. Match the following uses of computer accordingly.

i. For performing X-ray Bank

ii. For teaching and learning Hospital

iii. For withdrawing money School

3. From the list below, circle three examples of input devices.

4. Draw a computer Keyboard.


1. ____________ is an electronic device that accepts, process, stores data and produce
information as output.
a. Computer b. Peripheral c. Interface

2. Computer parts can be divided into Primary and ___________ parts.

a. Nursery b. Secondary c. University

3. _____________ is a primary part of the computer.

a. Projector b. Monitor c. Joystick

4. __________ is made up of buttons that performs a particular function when pressed.

a. Keyboard b. Software c. Epigeal

5. One of these is not a key on a keyboard.

a. Spacebar b. Enter c. Go out

6. _____________ is a device used for performing Arithmetic calculations.

a. Joystick b. Calculator c. Beeper

7. A Digital Sphygmomanometer can also be called ____________.

a. Beeper b. Calculator c. Blood pressure machine

8. _____________ can also be called a beeper.

a. Pager b. Water dispenser c. Organizer

9. _____________is used to send and receive printed messages.

a. Water dispenser b. Wall clock c. Fax machine

10.The system unit is made up of the following parts except__________.

a. CPU b. RAM c. Projector

11._________________ printer is a type of printer that prints one character at a time.

a. Inkjet b. laser-jet c. dot-matrix

12.________________ printer uses laser beams in form of light for printing.

a. Dot matrix b. Laser-jet c. Line

13. LCD, LED and CRT are all examples of ___________________.

a. Keyboard b. monitor c. mouse

14.____________ is a device used for displaying information on paper.

a. Keyboard b. Printer c. System unit
15._____________ printers use nozzles for printing.
a. Laser-jet b. Ink-jet c. Dot-matrix

16.Tall and ___________ system units are the two types of system units.
a. tiny b. big c. flat

17.____________ is called the brain of the computer.

a. CPU b. RAM c. Hard disk

18.IT is a computer acronym which stands for _______________.

a. Information Technology b. Internet Tool c. Interpol Theft

19.Microphone, Joystick and Light pen are ________parts of the computer.

a. Primary b. secondary c. nursery

20.Internet is used for ___________ information.

a. stealing b. searching c. fighting

1. Write out any two Primary Part of computer.

i. ______________________________
ii. ______________________________

2. Mention two (2) types of Monitor.

i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
3. Write down two (2) parts of the system unit you know.
i. _________________ ii. ___________________________

4. Circle the computerized electronic devices from the list below.

Digital wristwatch
Digital Sphygmomanometer

Use Microsoft office paint to draw and colour any house of your choice.

1. ______________ are the tools used by the early human beings for counting.
a. Late counting devices b. early counting devices c. fishing devices

d. None of the above

2. _______ and __________ were the first tools used by the early mean for counting.
a. Fingers and toes b. broom and flowers c. sticks and stones

d. Pebbles and block

3. One of the following is a limitation of the early counting devices.

a. they were very stressful b. they were fast c. they were accurate

d. they were very reliable

4. Abacus, Slide rule and Napier’s bone are all examples of _________ calculating devices.
a. Electro-mechanical b. mechanical c. early counting d. all of the options
5. The abacus was discovered in _________________.
A. Nigeria b. China c. USA d. Mexico

6. Napier’s bone is mainly used for _______________.

a. addition b. subtraction c. multiplication d. exponentiation

7. ____________ discovered an adding machine at the age of 19.

a. John Wilhelm Leibnitz b. Blaise Pascal c. Charles Babbage d. Bill Shankly

8. Leibnitz machine can also be called a ______________.

a. multiplying wheel b. adding wheel c. subtraction wheel d. Modulus wheel

9. ______________ is referred to as the father of modern day computer.

a. Charles Babbage b. John Faraday c. Herman Hollerith d. Joseph Jacquard

10.There are _____________ generations of computer.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5

11.ENIAC, EDVAC and UNIVAC are all examples of _____________ generation of computers.
a. first b. second c. fifth d. third

12.____________ generation of computers use transistors.

a. Third b. Second c. Fourth d. First

13.Fifth generation of computers use _________________.

a. Microprocessor b. artificial intelligence c. transistor d. vacuum tubes
14.______________ devices are used for giving the computer commands.
a. Output b. Input c. Storage d. processing

15.Keyboard, Scanner and Light pen are all _____________ devices.

a. output b. processing c. storage d. input

16.____________ is similar to the keyboard.

a. Typewriter b. Projector c. Speaker d. Projector

17.A mouse is usually placed on a soft surface known as __________________.

a. mouse pad b. wrap c. interface d. Inference

18.__________ mouse has a ball under it.

a. Wireless b. Rolling ball c. Optical d. Wifi

19.Clicking, double clicking, dragging and dropping are all activities of the ___________.
a. monitor b. mouse c. keyboard d. joystick

20.Headphone and Speaker are ___________ devices.

a. input b. output c. processing d. storage
21._________________ printer is a type of printer that prints one character at a time.
b. Inkjet b. laser-jet c. dot-matrix d. line

22.________________ printer uses laser beams in form of light for printing.

b. Dot matrix b. Laser-jet c. Line

23. LCD, LED and CRT are all examples of ___________________.

b. keyboard b. monitor c. mouse d. joystick

24.____________ is a device used for displaying information on paper.

b. Keyboard b. Printer c. System unit d. Projector
25._____________ printers use nozzles for printing.
b. Laser-jet b. Ink-jet c. Dot-matrix d. Line
26. CU and ALU are parts of the ________________.
a. RAM b. motherboard c. CPU d. hard disk

27._______________ is called the brain of the computer.

a. CPU b. PSU c. RAM d. USB

28.____________ is a popular manufacturer of hard disk.

a. Toshiba b. Eco c. Aero d. Castlehill

29.____________ is an example of word processing software.

a. Microsoft word b. Powerpoint c. Excel d. Django
30.Title bar, menu bar and standard tool bar are all features of Microsoft word ________.
a. epics b. environment c. culture d. commit

1a. Mention any three early counting devices you know.
i. ____________________ ii. _________________ iii. ____________________

b. State two electro-mechanical calculating devices.

i. _____________________ ii. ____________________________

2a. Define word processing.


b. Mention two (2) examples of word processor.

i. _____________________ ii. ___________________

3. Mention five (5) components (parts) of the system unit.

i. ______________________ ii _______________iii ___________________
iv. ____________________ v. ___________________

4a. Mention two (2) types of mouse.

i. ______________________ ii. _______________________

b. List three types of Printer.

i. __________________ ii. ________________ iii. _______________

Using Microsoft word, type the first and second stanzas of the Nigerian National Anthem
along with the National pledge. Use font size 14 and font type comic sans.
1. A raw fact without meaning is called ___________________.
c. Data b. monitor c. information d. speaker

2. ____________ is a device used for displaying information on paper.

c. Keyboard b.Monitor c. System unit d. Printer

3. _____________ printers use nozzles for printing.

c. Laser-jet b. Ink-jet c. Dot-matrix d. Line

4. Tall and ___________ system units are the two types of system units.
b. tiny b. big c. flat d. slim

5. ____________ is called the brain of the computer.

a. PSU b. RAM c. Hard disk d. CPU
6. IT is a computer acronym which stands for _______________.
a. Information Technology b. Internet Tool c. Interpol Theft d. IPO

7. Microphone, Joystick and Light pen are ________parts of the computer.

a. Primary b. secondary c. nursery d. tertiary

8. Internet is used for ___________ information.

a. stealing b. searching c. fighting d. gambling

9. Keyboard, Scanner and Light pen are all _____________ devices.

b. output b. processing c. storage d. input
10.______________is the invisible part of the computer.
a. Software b. Hardware c. Peripheral d. Userware
11.Operating system is a type of ____________ software.
a. system b. application c. inference d. language translator

12._______________ is called the brain of the computer.

a. CPU b. PSU c. RAM d. USB

13.____________ is an example of word processing software.

a. Microsoft word b. Powerpoint c. Excel d. Django

14.Clicking, double clicking, dragging and dropping are all activities of the ___________.
b. monitor b. mouse c. keyboard d. joystic

15.A mouse is usually placed on a soft surface known as __________________.

b. mouse pad b. wrap c. interface d. Inference
16.__________ mouse has a ball under it.
b. Wireless b. Rolling ball c. Optical d. Wifi

17.Keyboard, Scanner and Light pen are all _____________ devices.

c. output b. processing c. storage d. input

18.____________ is similar to the keyboard.

b. Typewriter b. Projector c. Speaker d. Projector

19.__________ mouse does not have a wire or cord.

a. Mechanical b. Optical c. Wireless d. Piano

20.There are _______________ function keys on the keyboard.

a. 50 b. 12 c. 2 d. 5
21.A mouse is usually placed on a soft surface called ____________.
a. mouse pad b. printer c. Printer d. school
22.Monitor and Speaker are ____________ devices.
a. Output b. input c. processing d. storage
23.___________ is a casing that houses all other internal parts of the computer.
a. Projector b. System unit c. CPU d. RAM
24.CRT, LCD and LED are all types of ____________.
a. monitors b. printers c. mouse d. system unit
25.One of these is an input device.
a. Speaker b. CPU c. Scanner d. RAM
26.One of the following is an output device.
a. MICR b. Barcode reader c. Plotter d. Joystick
27.Laser-jet and inkjet are types of _____________.
a. monitors b. printers c. projectors d. system unit
28. All components of the computer are mounted or connected to the ___________.
a. CPU b. motherboard c. Hard disk d. RAM
29.The keyboard PS/2 connector is _______________ in colour.
a. blue b. green c. purple d. black
30.The mouse PS/2 connector is ___________ in colour.
a. blue b. black c. green d. red


1.a Mention three (3) examples of input device you know. 3 marks

i. _________________ ii. ______________________ iii. __________________

b. State two (2) output devices 2marks

i. ________________________ ii. _________________________

2. List five (5) components of the system unit. 5 marks

i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. _______________________________________
iv. _______________________________________
v. _______________________________________

3a. Mention two (2) types of mouse.

i. ____________________ ii. _______________________ 2 marks

b. List three types of Printer.

i. _________________ ii. __________________ iii. _______________ 3 marks

5. Mention any 5 types of Cables.

a. _________________ ii. _______________ iii. __________________
iv_____________________ v. ________________

6. A. Define booting.

b. Mention two types of booting.

i. __________________________ ii. ___________________________

Using Microsoft word, type the Poem titled “AFRICA” by David Diop using 14
point font size and “Tahoma” font size. Underline the words in the poem
“Liberty” and “Savanna”. Apply bold to the words “Africa my Africa”. Save your
work with your name and submit to your invigilator.

By David Diop
Africa my Africa
Africa of Proud warriors in Ancestral Savannahs.
Africa of whom my grand mother sings,
On the banks of the distant river.
I have never known you but your blood flows in my veins.
Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields.
The blood of your sweat,
The sweat of your work,
The work of your slavery,
The slavery of your children.
Africa tell me Africa,
Is this you this back that is bent?
This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation.
This back trembling with red scars
And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun.
But a grave voice answers me
Impetuous child that tree, young and strong
That tree over there
Splendidly alone amidst white and faded flowers
That is Africa your Africa springing up anew
Springing up patiently and obstinately
And its fruits gradually attains
The bitter taste of liberty.

1. ________________ is a collection of related parts that functions together to achieve a
particular goal.
a. Computer b. Computer system c. Interface d. Inference

2. There are ____________ components of the computer system.

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

3. ______________ devices are used for giving the computer commands.

a. Output b. Input c. Storage d. processing

4. Keyboard, Scanner and Light pen are all _____________ devices.

a. output b. processing c. storage d. input

5. ENIAC, EDVAC and UNIVAC are all examples of _____________ generation of computers.
a. first b. second c. fifth d. third

6. ____________ generation of computers use transistors.

a. Third b. Second c. Fourth d. First

7. Fifth generation of computers use _________________.

(a) Microprocessor b. artificial intelligence c. transistor d.
vacuum tubes
8. RAM and ROM are _____________ storage devices (memory).
a. primary b. secondary c. nursery d. tertiary
9. ______________is the invisible part of the computer.
(a) Software b. Hardware c. Peripheral d. Userware

10.A software is classified into _______________ categories.

a. 2 b. 5 c. 3 d. 6

11.Word processing, database and graphic software are examples of _________software.

a. system b. application c. operating system d. utility

12.Operating system is a type of ____________ software.

b. system b. application c. inference d. language translator

13.Doctor, teachers, bankers and parents are all examples of computer __________.
a. professional b. end-user c. programmer d. engineer

14._____________ is an individual that have undergone some level of training

in a particular field in ICT for a period of time.
a. End-user b. Doctor c. Teacher d. Computer professional
15.All except one are qualities of a good computer professional.
a. Problem solving skills b. cyber-bullying c. ability to multi-task
c. knowledge of programming

16.Computer can be classified into _______________ categories.

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

17.Barometer, thermometer and weighing scale are examples of __________ computers.

a. digital b. analogue c. hybrid d. helsink

18.____________ computers produce results that aredefinite and constant.

a. Digital b. Analogue c. Moment d. none of the options

19._______________ computer is the largest, fastest and most expensive of all sizes of
a. Super b. Mainframe c. Micro d. Mini

20._____________ computers are also called PCs.

a. Super b. Mainframe c. Mini d. Micro

21.The two types of keyboard are standard and _____________ keyboards.

a. enchanted b. enhanced c. ball d. inference

22.___________ keyboard layout is the most popular layout.


23.______________key is used to move the cursor to the end of the document.

a. Insert b. ctrl + end c. Home d. Shift

24.There are _____________ function keys in an enhanced keyboard.

a. 10 b. 2 c. 12 d. 8

25.________________ function key is used for refresh.

a. F5 b. F2 c. F12 d. F10

26.________________ is an area on the screen of a monitor where icons are displayed.

a. Diagram b. Desktop c. Linux d. Univac

27.___________ is a place where all deleted files and folders are kept.
a. Taskbar b. Menu bar c. Formatting bar d. Recycle bin

28.____________ is a worldwide collection of electronic documents such as text, audios,

pictures ands videos.
a. WWW b. HTML c. HTTP d. UDP

29._____________ is the collection of related web pages.

a. Download b. Upload c. Website d. Search engine

30.Safari, chrome and Microsoft edge are examples of ____________.

a. operating system b. search engine c. piplet d. web browser

31.______________is a service on the internet that allows users to receive and send
messages online.
a. Telnet b. Ping c. Crawler d. E-mail

32._______________is the largest computer network in the world.

a. Internet b. Intranet c. Extranet d. Usernet

33.One of these is not a type of e-mail service.

a. G-mail b. Rocket mail c. Microsoft outlook d. Utility

34._____________is a form of communication which involves sending digital messages and

getting a reply immediately.
a. Ping b. San c. Chat d. Resonance

35.Yahoo messenger, facebook, skype and ______________ are chatting software.

a. django b. sublime c. access d. instagram

36.An e-mail address is made up of __________parts.

a. 2 b. 6 c. 1 d. 4

37.A password must contain a minimum of ___________ characters.

a. 7 b. 6 c. 8 d. 4

38.One of these is a valid e-mail address.

a. b. c. Year5pupils@com

39.One of these is not a benefit of the internet.

a. E-commerce b. E-learning c. Provides job opportunities d. Cyber

40. The Internet can be abused in the following ways except_______________.

a. Watching pornography b. cyber bullying . e-commerce d. hacking
people’s account


1. State the full meaning of the following internet terms:

i. HTML _______________________________________________________
ii. HTTP _______________________________________________________
iii. URL _________________________________________________________
iv. FTP _________________________________________________________
v. WWW _______________________________________________________

2. Mention five (5) benefits of the internet.

i. __________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________
iii. __________________________________________________________
iv. __________________________________________________________
v. __________________________________________________________

3. A. State 2 ways the internet is abused/misused.

i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________

b. State three (3) qualities of a strong password.

i. _________________________ ii. __________________________
ii. _________________________________________

4. a. Mention two (2) parts of an e-mail.

i. __________________________ ii. _______________________

b. List three (3) examples of web browsers.

i. ___________________ ii. ___________________ iii. ___________________

5. Highlight five (5) examples of search engines.

i. _________________ ii. ________________ iii. _________________

iv. __________________________ v. ____________________________

Use Microsoft PowerPoint to prepare an 8 slide Presentation on the topic : Computer
Hardware using 24 Point font size and any design of your choice. Apply transition and
Animation properties to your slides. Produce a screen shot of your slides in one page using
snipping tool. Save your work with your name and submit to your invigilator. Follow the
guideline below.

b. Slide 1 should be the heading of the presentation “COMPUTER HARDWARE”

c. Slide 2: “DEFINITION OF HARDWARE”; here you should define a hardware.
d. Slide 3: “COMPONENTS OF A HARDWARE”; here you mention the components of a
hardware such as Input device, Output device, Processing device and Storage device.
e. SLIDE 4: “EXAMPLES OF INPUT DEVICE”; mention 4 examples of input device. Mouse,
keyboard, lightpen, joystick, microphone etc.
f. SLIDE 5: “EXAMPLES OF OUTPUT DEVICE”; mention 4 examples of output device.E.g
Monitor, printer, plotter, projector, headphone, earpiece, speaker etc.
g. SLIDE 6: “EXAMPLES OF STORAGE DEVICE”; mention 4 examples of storage device. E.g
hard disk, diskette, flash drive, CD ROM, DVD ROM, Memory card etc.
h. SLIDE 7: “EXAMPLE OF PROCESSING DEVICE”; mention 1 example of processing device.
i. SLIDE 8: Compliment for your audience.

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