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Task 1

The line graph displays the inland use of four distinct forms of energy from 1992 to 1995. The
overall trend for energy usage throughout the provided time is growing, with coal being the
The line graph demonstrates that in 1992, petroleum accounted for approximately 80 million
tonnes of energy consumption, whereas nuclear and hydroelectricity produced just around 20
million tonnes. Natural gas showed a steady growth whereas coal witnessed a growing trend in
the first year before seeing a severe decrease. In the next year, energy was burnt significantly
more inland, with the exception of coal, which continued to slightly decline. Despite the ongoing
use of coal, nuclear power, and hydroelectricity, it turns out that more petroleum than natural gas
was utilized, with over 75 million tonnes consumed by the end of 1994. Furthermore, it's
important to realize that in the start of 1995, natural gas was used more frequently than
petroleum, although petroleum usage only slightly rose and grew to be equal to natural gas use.
Additionally, more coal was utilized than nuclear or hydroelectric power—over 50 and 20
million tonnes, respectively—recording the lowest energy consumption of the year.
To summarize, coal, nuclear energy, and hydroelectricity were the next two and third most
common energy sources in 1995, respectively, after petroleum and natural gas.As a result, in
1995, the two energy sources that were most commonly used were petroleum and natural gas,
with coal, nuclear power, and hydroelectricity coming in second and third, respectively.

Task 2
It's true that most folks are interested in discovering their own happy existence because of how
vital it is. Although the subjective nature of pleasure makes it hard to quantify, I think there are
certain criteria in obtaining happiness.

Due to a vast range of causes, happiness is tougher to express. Comparatively speaking,

everyone has a completely separate perspective and impression of it. For some, who are able to
offer more and more to our society, it may be regarded as a sense of joy or delight, while for
others, it might mean something different, such as a sense of job satisfaction. Some people are
more prone to be strict at work, which may offer them a sense of achievement when they
complete their responsibilities more precisely. In addition to this, having enough money could
also make you joyful.

In defining happiness, there are other essential concerns. We all realize the importance of
satisfying our essential necessities, which include clothes, food, and shelter. In order to be
satisfied and live comfortably, we must first be able to satisfy our fundamental requirements. In
addition, folks need to believe they spend a lot of time with family and friends, persuading
themselves that their lives are better than previously. When adults think that their children are
productive members of society as a consequence of obtaining outstanding parenting, it can
sometimes make them happy.

Despite the fact that it could be tough to define happiness, I think that it is feasible to make it a
reality by adhering to our main needs.

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