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Trading Strategy

April 2022 Pension Fund Rebalancing Estimates

Market Commentary April 28 2022

Projected Pension Fund Rebalancing (as of April 27 close):

 April’s been rough for equities. In the US, the risk off in Tech (-11%) and Communication Services (-15.9%) account for 207 of
the 346 point drop in SPX (-7.6% MTD). Given the relative performance, our model estimates a buy of $7 bln in US equities
 Domestic fixed income (AGG) outperformed in April (-3.3%). We estimate a sell of ~$16 bln. Looking ahead to next week’s Fed
confab, CS Rates Strategist Jonathan Cohn notes “The Fed will likely hike the fed funds rate by 50bp and announce the start of
balance sheet normalization, consistent with current market pricing and recent rhetoric”. He also covers recent BoJ activity,
among other interesting topics (Jonathan’s full note HERE)
 In international equities, Developed (MXEA -8.2%) and Emerging (MXEF -8.5%) weren’t spared the rod. Our model estimates
~$6 bln to buy in Developed and ~$4 bln to buy in Emerging.
 How, when, if, or to what extent these flows materialize is a hard call. The old 60/40 portfolios are not how 21st century
pension plans operate. Today’s mix includes illiquid assets and several unique dimensions to portfolio construction. There is no
regulator dictating frequency, flexibility, exact dates, etc. of rebalance schedules or guidelines.

Exhibit 1: Est. Rebalancing Between Asset Classes Exhibit 2: MTD and QTD Asset Class Perform ance

Credit Suisse Trading Strategy Credit Suisse Trading Strategy

Exhibit 3: SPX Sector Contribution MTD Exhibit 4: Pension Rebalancing Flows in US Equities (Last 12
m onths)

Credit Suisse Trading Strategy Credit Suisse Trading Strategy/Bloomberg

* For more on the methodology behind our fund flow estimates, see our primer: Predictable Pensions? Quantifying the Trading Impact of Pension Rebalancing
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