Sukuna vs. Mahoraga Is A Battle Fought Between: The Curse User Shigemo Surprise Attacks Megumi From Behind

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Sukuna vs.

Mahoraga is a battle fought between special grade incarnated cursed

spirit, Sukuna and the most uncontrollable shikigami of the Ten Shadows
Technique; Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga. It occurs
during the Shibuya Incident when Sukuna is forced to intervene in an exorcism ritual in
order to preserve Megumi Fushiguro's life for his own future plans.

 1Prologue
 2Battle
 3Aftermath
 4Trivia
 5References
 6Navigation


The curse user Shigemo surprise attacks Megumi from behind.

Following Megumi's peculiar fight with his own ressurected father, he's suddenly
assaulted by Haruta Shigemo. The curse user slashes Megumi from behind with his
hand-sword cursed tool, severely injuring the student.[1]

Without any choice, Megumi decides to go with his last resort. He divulges the Ten
Shadows Technique while maintaining distance from his opponent. Shigemo doesn't
take this seriously and just waits for Megumi to stop talking and for him to collapse from
his wounds.

Shigemo is momentarily distracted by the nearby clash between Sukuna and Jogo. By

the time he turns his attention back to Megumi, the sorcerer has finished revealing his
technique. The most important piece of information that Megumi tells his opponent is
that he can summon any shikigami at any time in an attempt to exorcise them. He
decides to summon one that no other Ten Shadows Technique user has ever been able
to defeat. Having been ignoring Megumi as a non-threat most of this time, Shigemo
realizes the situation has been turned on him too late and tries to stop his adversary at
the last second.
Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga!
Megumi summons the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga,
the most unstoppable shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique. Forced to take part in
this exorcism ritual, Shigemo understands he and Megumi have to defeat the Mahoraga
to survive. However, Megumi is far too injured and tells his opponent he'll be the first to
pass on. Mahoraga violently knocks Megumi aside into a building, leaving him
completely incapacitated.

Mahoraga sets its sights on Shigemo next, causing him to panic. Scared for his life,
Shigemo frantically demands the jujutsu sorcerer wake back up. Sukuna notices the
situation after defeating Jogo and uses his immense speed to rescue Shigemo before
he's crushed by Mahoraga. By rescuing the curse user, Sukuna avoided ending the
ritual, saving Megumi's life. Sukuna confirms his hunch was right and recognizes the
situation Megumi is in. He still has plans for the young sorcerer so Sukuna heals him
with a reverse cursed technique. In order to save Megumi, Sukuna sets his sights on
defeating Mahoraga and voiding the ritual altogether.[2]

Sukuna avoids the Sword of Extermination and counterattacks.

The shikigami begins the battle by attacking Sukuna with the blade attached to its wrist.
It slashes the sword down at Sukuna and he blocks it with his forearm. The impact
cracks the street beneath Sukuna's feet and creates a shockwave that blasts Shigemo
back. Energy begins to flow from the blade, concerning Sukuna. The King of Curses
avoids it by flipping out of the way while Mahoraga's weapon crashes into the ground in
his place. While upside-down in mid-air, Sukuna delivers several rapid-fire left straight
punches to his opponent's chin. Before he lands, Sukuna finishes his combination by
slashing the shikigami's body with one of his cursed techniques, Dismantle.
With its body sliced with several deep gashes from Sukuna's attack, Mahoraga
momentarily falls down on one knee. Sukuna recognizes the shikigami's weapon as
the Sword of Extermination, an infamous cursed tool used by cursed spirits that emits
positive energy. He even admits that it would make short work of any normal cursed

The eight-handled wheel on Mahoraga's head turns counter-clockwise and suddenly all
its injuries are healed. Sukuna notices this and immediately attacks with another slash.
Mahoraga deflects it with the Sword of Extermination this time, surprising Sukuna,
taking note that the shikigami can see the technique now.

Mahoraga adapts to Sukuna's offense and sends him crashing through Shibuya with one attack.
Mahoraga loads up for another heavy swing and Sukuna puts his guard up. This time,
Mahoraga breaks clean through Sukuna's block and sends him crashing through
numerous buildings across Shibuya. The last place he crashes into is an office building
that Mahoraga follows him into with blazing speed. Instantly after admitting Mahoraga's
attack wasn't bad, the Sword of Execution nearly stabs Sukuna through the face.
"My turn!"
Sukuna acrobatically flips out of the way to avoid getting hit. He carries his momentum
into a spinning kick that snaps Mahoraga's head back. Sukuna mounts the shikigami's
arm before placing it on his target's face and charging it with cursed energy. Declaring
it's his turn, Sukuna unleashes a massive slash that cuts the entire building in half
diagonally. Sliced vertically down its body, Mahoraga is sent crashing out of the
collapsing structure by the technique. While Mahoraga is still reeling in midair, Sukuna
capitalizes, following up with a powerful axe-kick that sends his opponent crashing
several hundred meters into the ground.

Believing he's properly deduced Mahoraga's technique, Sukuna predicts it will stand up
and heal again shortly. Right on que, Mahoraga's wheel turns and all of its injuries
disappear. Sukuna compares its ability to Yamata-no- Orochi. While its first attack used
positive energy, it adapted the second strike with infused cursed energy that broke
Sukuna's guard. Additionally, Mahoraga was able to recognize and deflect Dismantle.
Both of these advancements occurred after the eight-handled wheel rotated the first
Malevolent Shrine!
Furu's Incantation of the Ten Sacred Treasures and that wheel represent a complete
cycle and harmony. Mahoraga's technique is the ability to adapt to any and all
phenomena. Sukuna compares it to a late throw in rock-paper-scissors. He admits that
if Megumi had unleashed Mahoraga as originally intended during their fight when they
first met, it probably would have defeated him. Amused, Sukuna thanks Megumi for
showing him the way and activates his Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine![3]
Sukuna customizes Malevolent Shrine with a Binding Vow that allows an escape route
out of its effective range. As a result, the pact also increases the maximum radius of
Sukuna's domain to two hundred meters as a result. In order to avoid hitting Megumi,
Sukuna narrows that down to about one-hundred and forty meters.

Sukuna incinerates Mahoraga before it can adapt and recover again.

Until the technique is deactivated, Malevolent Shrine relentlessly attacks anything in
range. It cuts down anything with cursed energy using Cleave and hits all inanimate
objects with Dismantle. This results in massive devastation on a city-wide scale. It not
only decimates Mahoraga with an endless barrage of slashing attacks but over a
hundred-meter radius of Shibuya as well. This takes the lives of numerous civilians who
were thought to be saved and leaves the entire area of land around Sukuna completely

Mahoraga is severely injured by this but survives the ordeal. Sukuna knows the only
way to beat Mahoraga is to slaughter it with a different technique before it can adapt. He
believes the shikigami has not only adapted to Dismantle, but to slashing techniques in
general. In order to finish the fight, Sukuna decides to unleash the pyrokinetic ability he
used to defeat Jogo. He fires an immensely powerful fire arrow at Mahoraga before it
can regenerate, creating a giant explosive pillar of fire from the impact that completely
annihilates the shikigami.[4]

Sukuna puts an end to the exorcism ritual.

All that remains of Mahoraga is the eight-handled wheel. Immobilized in awe, Shigemo
watches as Sukuna walks over toward him with the wheel. Sukuna chucks it aside and
the wheel disintegrates, signifying the conclusion of the exorcism ritual. He tells the
curse user to be gone, prompting Shigemo to flee in joy. Ecstatic that he somehow
escapes with his life again, Shigemo leaves. However, he was not safe from Malevolent
Shrine's effects like Megumi was. With a delayed effect, Shigemo's body slides apart,
having been completely sliced in half.

Sukuna notices he doesn't have much longer to control Yuji's body. He takes Megumi to
the Shibuya Tollgate where Yaga and Shoko Ieiri are so he can be treated. Sukuna
disappears as quickly as he appears, so Yaga only catches a glimpse of him, unsure
whether it was Yuji or not.[5] Immediately after, Sukuna returns to Dogenzaka and
relinquishes control over Yuji's body, asking the young student to take a good look at
the destruction that took place in his stead.[6]
 When Mahoraga hit Sukuna across Shibuya using cursed energy, Sukuna
actually flew all the way outside the curtain. Since there was no particular
effect on either fighter and visually it had no bearing on the fight, Gege
Akutami chose to leave it out.[7]

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