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1. Read the letter and complete the missing word in the correct tense. Use ​simple past.

Dear auntie Winnie,  
Last weekend we had a picnic in the park . We all _____________ (travel) by bus.  
Dad  ____________  (cook)  the  lunch  and  I  ____________(play)  football  with  William.  Mum 
_________(read) a book . Joe____________(hunt) spiders but they all______________(escape)! 
Then  it___________(rain)!  Dad  was  fed  up  because  we  __________(be)  wet,  but  he 
____________(laugh).We___________(wait) under the trees and soon the rain____________(stop). 
After  lunch  William  and  I______________(climb)  trees  and  at  6.30  we  all________________(walk) 
home. It________(be) a great day! 
See you soon,  
2. Answer these questions about the letter  
Where did Wanda’s family go at the weekend? ______________________ 
Did Dad cook the lunch? _____________________________________ 
Did William and Wanda dance? __________________________________ 
Did Mum read a book? _______________________________________ 
Did they wait under the trees?________________________________ 
Who climbed the trees? ________________________________ 
Did they walk home ? _________________________________ 
What time did they go home? ___________________________ 
3. Complete the text with the past tense of the verbs.  
Cave  people  ____________(live)  more  than  30,000  years  ago.  They________(walk)  from  place  to 
place  and  they_________(use)  stones  to  make  tools.  They________(hunt)  in  big  groups  and 
____________(kill)  animals  for  their  food.  They_________(cook)  the  meat  on  a  fire  in front of their 
cave. Often, they__________(paint) pictures of the animals in their caves.  
4. Write questions and answers in the past simple, using the prompts.  
● A:​ What_______________________________________________ (you/do) last night?
● B: ​I ____________________________________________________(dance) at the party.
● A:​ _________________________________________________________(John/arrive)on time?
● B:​ No, he____________________(be) late because he ________________(miss) the bus
● A:​ Did ___________________________________________________(you/ enjoy) the party? 
● B:​ Yes, I did. It _________________________________________(be) great! 
5. Rewrite these sentences into the NEGATIVE form  
a) I washed my car two days ago._____________________________________________________ 
b) Yesterday, we arrived at school late.________________________________________________ 
c) Sarah painted a picture last night.__________________________________________________ 
e) Ann cooked the dinner. ___________________________________________________________ 
f) Yesterday, Tony and Louis danced in the party_____________________________________ 

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