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Copyright Symbol Webpage

The Copyright Symbol Webpage

Home Poor Mans Copyright Page Main Copyright Page Song Copyright Copyright Symbol webpage is to help anyone searching for information about the Copyright-C symbol (which is the Circle (C)). Bookmark this page if you find it useful. Hopefully this page will be useful for the basic user who needs it to put a copyright notice on a poem or story, putting a copyright symbol into photoshop or other adobe documents etc..phw You won't need to search those clipart sites any more! through to those looking to insert the copyright symbol using XML, XSL, TexInfo, LaTex, Java etc...
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Copyright Symbol Resources

Copyright Fonts? No new copyright font is required. Some people do not realise that with Copyright Symbol (the circle c), you do not need a specific copyright symbol font to make the circle with a c in it. It is different however, for the Phonograph Copyright Symbol (the circle-P symbol). The first part of this copyrite webpage focuses purely on the how to display the symbol. There is more information on the circle-p symbol further below. Create an Copyright Symbol with your keyboard (Mac and PC) Create a Copyright Symbol in HTML for your WebPage Insert a Copyrite Symbol in Java, XML, XSL, etc.. Create a Copyright Symbol in LaTex

Typing the Copyright Symbol

You can type the copyright symbol yourself quite easily as is laid out below. We have made it easy for just the simple requirements on how to insert copyright symbol. If you dont want to make your own copyright symbol, feel free to use any of the copyright symbol images that we have made for you below. Either way, you should find something you want, if you are trying to put a copyright C on your photoshop image, your document, in your code, on your website etc.. etc..[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage

How to make a copyright symbol from the keyboard for text documents:

How to make a Copyright C Symbol on a PC Keyboard (): This should work for all PC keyboards when you need to type a copyright symbol. It should work on WYSIWYG html programs when you insert copyright symbols and of course any word processor where you need to make a copyright symbol with your keyboard from standard fonts installed. Hold down Ctrl and Alt at the same time and press C Ctrl+Alt+C

Hold down Alt and type 0169 on the number pad (right hand side of your keyboard) Alt+0169 How to make a Copyright C Symbol on a Mac (): This should work for all Mac keyboards when you need to type a copyright symbol. Hold down Option at the same time and press 'g'to get the copyright symbol. Option+g

HTML Copyright Symbol (inserting the Copyright Symbol in HTML pages)

HTML supports special symbols that are not on your keyboard. The special symbol code for the copyright symbol on HTML is &copy. The code is defined by starting with a & (ampersand) and finishing with a ; (semicolon). An example code using the special symbol name would be as follows. <p> &copy; 2004 John Doe </p> However, to ensure that there are no mishaps and you ALWAYS get the proper read from HTML documents, you should try to always use the number code instead of the symbol code. The number is &#169; An example code using the special symbol number would be as follows.

Unicode Copyright Symbol - Programmers, please NOTE:

Unicode is required by modern standards such as Java, XML, ECMAScript / JavaScript, CORBA, WML, LDAP etc. Pretty much all of the questions about Copyright Symbols for standards that use Unicode will require the &#169 input. however, this may differ such as for XSL as listed below. We have tried to collate what we can for you - if you can't work out the answer from here...keep on searching and please write to us with any information that you think would be useful on this site. Java Script / JSP Copyright Symbol In Java use the unicode &#169; or &#xA9; to get the copyright symbol. One common mistake is typing the into the code, which will not work. XML Copyright Symbol In XML use the unicode &#169; or &#xA9; to get the copyright symbol. XSL Copyright Symbol If you were to use the '&copy' entity with XSL, you may well come across the

<p> &#169; 2004 John Doe </p>[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage

complaint of "Reference to undefined entity 'copy'." In XSL always use &#xA9; Texinfo Copyright Symbol: In Texinfo, the copyright symbol needs an @-command. The command is followed by a pair of braces, `{}', without any space between the name of the command and the braces. `@copyright{}' This will generate `(C)' in Info, and the in a printed manual. LaTex Copyright Symbol: In LaTex, for the copyright symbol use the command copyright) \copyright


How to make a Phonograph Circle P Symbol on a PC (P):

The P symbol is for phonograph recordings (See for more information) As you can see from our terrible copyright circle P symbol example above. Its not possible to type in a copyright (P) like it is for the C symbol. In no way, whatsoever. You can only type a Phonograph Symbol on your keyboard if you have downloaded tailored fonts that allow you to type the circle P symbol. HOWEVER. That is why, we have been so kind to make the copyright symbols below for you to use free of charge, including the circle P copyright image.

Copyright Symbol () Images for you to use

We have made these symbols with our own hands. We own them. We want you to have them. These copyright images are FREE OF CHARGE to use wherever you want. We dont want your money. We dont want you to write to us for permission to use these copyright symbols. All we ask, is that if you find this page useful, please link to us and tell your friends. Please link to us using our guidelines. More Info... Link to If you use one of our images, maybe you can make the actual image click-through to the above link.[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage

Please link to us if you use an image. More Info...Help others find the Copyright symbol[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage

Bookmark this page.

Please link to us if you use an image. More Info... Help other people find the copyright
symbol[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage

Please link to us if you use an image. More Info...

Automatically generate a Copyright Notice for your website in HTML This functionality below allows you to just type in your name and the year of publication; to serve up the HTML copyright needed to paste a copyright notice on your website. It's as simple as that. Just type your details required, and it does it all for you ready to paste into your HTML body at the bottom of your page to place the copyright notice. Note: IF you use this, it automatically puts a live link to this website from the word copyright. We are being up front about this, so you are aware of it. Many people leave the link in, as it a)causes no harm, b) helps direct others to this website and most importantly c) acts as a deterent to show users of your website, that you have researched copyright and know the rules. If you do not wish for the word "copyright' in the statement to link to us, but use this funcitonality - please look at other ways to link to this website. Just enter in the required fields, and copy and paste the HTML into the bottom of your page.

Year of Publication

your name here

Please Link to us, if you use an image We have made these symbols with our own hands. We own them. We want you to have them.
These copyright images are FREE OF CHARGE to use wherever you want.[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage

We dont want your money. We dont want you to write to us for permission to use these copyright symbols. All we ask, is that if you find this page useful, link it using the address below and tell your friends.Please link to us using our guidlines More Info... If you use one of our images, maybe you can make actual image click-through to the above link.



As a footnote, I will repeat again that I am NOT A LAWYER and have no basis to give you legal advice from this website that you can deem safe to use in a court of law. The information and links that you find on this website are for you to choose whether you wish to acknowledge as correct or not. Although I have researched and highlighted various points and links to place on this website, CopyrightAuthority nor its author in no way purport to have expert knowledge on any subject of copyright law. I would also like to highlight that any information that is provided on this copyright website is predominately related to aspects of the Berne Convention and is not specific to any individual countrys legal system. Copyright 2004 The information on this page may not be reproduced or republished on another webpage or website. Please LINK TO US instead (and we do LOVE IT when you link to us, especially without asking our permission!)

Get a copyright warning notice for your website.

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Copyright Symbol Webpage[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

Copyright Symbol Webpage[11/06/2011 07:17:24 a.m.]

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