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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the required for the degree of

Master of Business Administration

III Semester
(Roll no1906660700113)
Session : 2020-2021




I the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report “ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT”

is based on my own work carried out during the course of my summer Internship at

“BIZIGEN” under the supervision of Mr. Gaurav Saxena (Founder Bizigen).

I assert the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of my research work.

I further certify that the work contained in the report is original and best of my knowledge.

This work has not been submitted to any other university for any examination.

Preeti Kashyap

S.No Title Pg no.

1 Acknowledgement 5
2 Preface 6
3 Executive Summary 8
4 Objective of the study 10
5 Introduction 12
6 Company Profile 37
7 Research Methodology 69
 Scope of the Study
 Research Process
 Types of research
 Sources of data
8 Data Analysis & Interpretation 74
9 Findings 107
10 Conclusion 109
11 Recommendations 112
12 Annexure 115
13 References 120


With utmost sincerity ,I would like to cease this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude

to Mr.s Gaurav Saxena (Founder Bizigen) my company guide, for her insightful guidance

for all her endeavors in supervising my entire project who had lend a helping hand on various

occasions throughout the duration of internship. Without her guidance, support and valuable

suggestions during my entire duration, my project would not have been completed.

I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of all the people who have given

their precious time and have participated actively during the course of my entire project .

Preeti Kashyap


The importance of any academic schedule would gain advantage and acceptance only through

practical experience , hence it is quite necessary to put theories into practice. This is made

possibly by doing the Summer Training Project by doing Summer Training project exercise.

To gain practical experience the Management of Business Administration department of my

S.R.M.B.S Lucknow provides an opportunity to student in the form of Summer Training

work as a necessary part.

This project have provided me the real feel of the corporate world ad it’s working lifestyle.

Theory and practice are two aspects of management education. In order to produce a

dynamic and promising executive, the two have to be blended together. It exposes the

potential managers to the actual work environment and makes them a rich into what actually

goes in the industrial climate. In fact, it is the implementation of theory in practice that is the

life force of management.

Executive Summary


As a part of the MBA curriculum and in order to get practical knowledge in the

field of management, we are required to make a report on “ONLINE

ADVERTISEMENT”. The basic objective behind doing this project report is

to get knowledge of different tools of marketing.

In this project I have included various concepts, effects and implications of


Doing this project helped me to enhance my knowledge for collecting feedbacks

and questionnaires form internet users and their experiences and awareness

regarding the same. Throughout this report we come to know about importance

of team work and role of devotion and dedication towards work.



The whole idea of online advertisement and marketing revolves around these
three core objectives, furthermore the study report will combine the detail
analysis of each of them with respect to a particular brand or a company and
also ways to overcome the various problems and disadvantages of ONLINE

The objectives of the study would include-

1.To study the web awareness of web advertisement in Lucknow.

2.To study customer attitude towards web advertising.

3. Determine the relationship between internet advertising and purchase


4. To explore consumer preferences of traditional advertisement medium

over online advertisement.

5.To explore consumer awareness for scams and online ad frauds.



What is online advertisement.?

“Online advertising, also called online marketing or internet advertising or web

advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the internet to

deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.”

Online marketing is becoming a hot topic in every business sector, and

gradually plays a truly important role in any company’s multi-channel

marketing strategy. It uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing

messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search engine marketing,

social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web

banner advertising), and mobileadvertising. Like other advertising media, online

advertising frequently involves botha publisher, who integrates advertisements

into its online content, and an advertiser,who provides the advertisements to be

displayed on the publisher's content. Otherpotential participants include

advertising agencies that help generate and place the adcopy, an ad server who

technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, andadvertising affiliates

who do independent promotional work for the advertiser.

Online advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses of all sizes

to expand their reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams.

With so many options available – from PPC and paid social to online display

advertisingand in-app ads – online advertising can be intimidating to

newcomers, but it doesn’t have to be. Word Stream makes online advertising

easy, and have helped thousands of businesses grow by leveraging the power of

paid search and paid social advertising.

Online Advertising: Paid Search

When you think of online advertising, the chances are pretty good that you’re

thinking of paid search advertising. Paid search – also known as pay-per-click

advertising, or PPC – is one of the most common and effective types of online


Paid search allows you to bid on relevant terms and phrases that may cause text-

based ads to be displayed to users when they enter specific search queries into

Google or Bing. These terms and phrases are known as keywords, and they

form the basis of PPC advertising. Advertisers bid on keywords as part of an ad

auction. This ensures that all advertisers have a fair chance of their ads being

displayed to users, rather than those with the biggest advertising budgets.

Keywords should be highly relevant to your business, organized and structured

into logical ad groups separated by campaign type, and aligned with the

correct match type in order to be displayed to the right visitors, at the right time,

for the right campaign.

Online Advertising: Paid Social

While paid, search may have transformed Internet advertising, paid social is

transforming the web of tomorrow.

Social networking remains the most popular online pastime for adults all over

the world, and advertisers have evolved their strategies to target consumers

where they spend their time, namely on social networks such as Facebook and

Twitter. Paid social advertising functions similarly to paid search, with the

notable exception that advertisers, not users, take the initiative – advertisers

must “search” for users, rather than the other way around.

One of the greatest strengths of paid social advertising is the granularity with

which advertisers can target prospective customers, and this principle underpins

many social advertising platforms and products. Advertisers can target users

with hundreds of parameters, from demographic data (such as age, gender,

income, level of education, and marital status) to browsing preferences and

social behaviour.

Facebook allows advertisers to target users based on their level

of educational attainment, and even specific schools attended.

Advertisers can also target users based on the types of pages and profiles they

follow, the things they buy, and the news they read. These custom audiences

can be created from existing customer data (to create “lookalike” audiences of

similar users) to email lists, which Facebook and Twitter can pair with their data

about these users to reveal greater insights about their behaviour.

The rise of so-called “identity marketing” has proven to be the latest – and

arguably, the most profound – shift in digital marketing of the past decade,

offering advertisers unbelievable opportunities to grow their business.

Know Your Audience

Just as paid search advertisers have to conduct in-depth keyword

research before launching their campaigns, paid social advertisers have to know

their ideal customers inside and out to ensure that they’re targeting the right

audience segments with the right messaging. This is where buyer personas come

into play.

Creating detailed buyer personas for your ideal customers allows you to go

beyond surface-level information about your most loyal customers and delve

into targeting options that allow you to target your prospective customers with a

high degree of granularity. This not only allows you to maximize the

effectiveness of your advertising spend, but also offers more relevant, targeted

ads to your audience – recent data shows that people actually appreciate online

advertising more when it’s highly targeted and relevant to their interests.

Online Advertising: Campaign Elements

There is much more to online advertising than simply placing an ad on the

Internet and hoping for the best. The most effective advertising campaigns

combine numerous interconnected elements, all of which perform unique

functions to maximize the campaign’s potential. Not every online advertising

campaign will have every element, but the following components of a digital

marketing initiative will be common to many campaigns.

Text and Visual Ads

Google AdWords and Bing Ads offer advertisers the choice of either text-based

ads or more visual advertisements, such as banners. Text-based ads are often

referred to simply as PPC ads, whereas banners and similar ad formats are

commonly referred to as display ads. In addition, social media platforms such as

Facebook offer highly visual advertising formats that include some ad copy,

which can be thought of as a combination of both. There are dozens of

advertising formats available to today’s advertisers, allowing you to choose the

format and advertising network that best suits the needs of your campaigns.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are specialized, optimized web pages that visitors are taken to

upon clicking an ad. Landing pages can feature specific products featured in the

advertisements themselves, or they may include prompts for users to provide the

advertiser with more information, such as web forms. Landing pages can be

used to convince prospects to complete an action, such as making a purchase, or

function as another step in a longer “funnel,” such as requesting additional

information or downloading a piece of content for lead generation purposes.

Call Tracking

To many advertisers, phone calls are the most valuable source of leads. For this

reason, advertisers can choose to track phone calls generated from online

advertising campaigns. Word Stream Advisor, our comprehensive PPC and paid

social management platform, offers fully integrated call tracking functionality,

allowing you to determine the precise ad and keyword that prompted a

prospective customer to call your business.

Sponsored Content

Many advertisers choose to utilize sponsored content as an element of their

online advertising campaigns. Sponsored content can take many forms, from

advertorial-style editorial content featured on websites (commonly known

as native advertising), to sponsored updates on social media platforms. Both

Facebook and Twitter offer advertisers this feature, with both platforms

boasting a wide range of sponsored update options, such as Facebook’s

Promoted Posts and Twitter’s Sponsored Tweets.


Advertisers do not simply publish ads to the web and hope for the best – they

must know exactly how well their ads are performing, and from where their

traffic is coming. This is why analytics is a crucial component of any online

advertising strategy. Analytics tools such as those found within Word Stream

Advisor offer a wealth of information about an advertising campaign,

from impression share and click-through rate to cost-per-conversion and trends

over time. Analytics tools are also invaluable in determining how consumers

discover and ultimately interact with your website, a process known as

attribution modelling.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most common elements in an online advertising

campaign. Some advertisers launch email-only campaigns to highlight time-

specific offers or content downloads, whereas others use email to complement

their other digital marketing channels. Email marketing can be highly effective,

making it a popular choice for today’s advertisers.


Consumers rarely discover a website and decide to make a purchase

immediately. The customer journey can be lengthy and complex, and take place

across multiple devices and websites over prolonged periods of time. For this

reason, remarketing has become one of the most important tools in a digital

marketer’s toolbox. Remarketing allows you to track users who have visited

your website – but failed to convert or take action – once they leave your site,

and serve ads to them on other websites. This not only significantly increases

brand awareness, but also provides numerous further opportunities for the user

to revisit your website and convert at a later time. Remarketing can be enabled

on search and display campaigns, as well as social advertising initiatives.

Display advertising

Display advertising conveys its advertising message visuallyusing text, logos,

animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Displayadvertisers

frequently target users with particular traits to increase the ads' effect.

Web banner advertising

Web banners or banner ads typically are graphical adsdisplayed within a web

page. Banner ads can use rich media to incorporate video,audio, animations,

buttons, forms, or other interactive elements using Java applets, HTML5, Adobe

Flash, and other programs.


A pop-up ad is displayed in a new web browser window thatopens above a

website visitor's initial browser window. A pop-under ad opens a newbrowser

window under a website visitor's initial browser window.

Floating ad

A floating ad, or overlay ad, is a type of rich media advertisement thatappears

superimposed over the requested website's content. Floating ads maydisappear

or become less obtrusive after a preset time period.

Expanding ad

An expanding ad is a rich media frame ad that changes dimensionsupon a

predefined condition, such as a present amount of time a visitor spends on

awebpage, the user's click on the ad, or the user's mouse movement over the

ad.Expanding ads allow advertisers to fit more information into a restricted ad


Interstitial ad

An interstitial ad displays before a user can access requested content,sometimes

while the user is waiting for the content to load. Interstitial ads are a formof

interruption marketing.

Text ads

A text ad displays text-based hyperlinks. Text-based ads may displayseparately

from a web page's primary content, or they can be embedded byhyperlinking

individual words or phrases to advertiser's websites. Text ads may alsobe

delivered through email marketing or text message marketing.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is designedto increase a website's visibility

in search engine results pages (SERPs). Searchengines provide sponsored

results and organic (non-sponsored) results based on a websearcher's query.

Search engines often employ visual cues to differentiate sponsoredresults from

organic results. Search engine marketing includes all of an advertiser'sactions to

make a website's listing more prominent for topical keywords.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, attemptsto improve a website's organic

search rankings in SERPs by increasing the websitecontent's relevance to search

terms. Search engines regularly update their algorithmsto penalize poor quality

sites that try to game their rankings, making optimization amoving target for

advertisers. Many vendors offer SEO services.

Sponsored search

Sponsored search (also called sponsored links or search ads)allows advertisers

to be included in the sponsored results of a search for selectedkeywords. Search

ads are often sold via real-time auctions, where advertisers bid onkeywords.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is commercial promotionconducted through social

media websites. Many companies promote their products byposting frequent

updates and providing special offers through their social mediaprofiles.

Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is ad copy delivered through wirelessmobile devices such as

smartphones, feature phones, or tablet computers. Mobileadvertising may take

the form of static or rich media display ads, SMS (ShortMessage Service) or

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) ads, mobile search ads,advertising

within mobile websites, or ads within mobile applications or games (suchas

interstitial ads, “advergaming,” or application sponsorship).

Email Advertising

Email advertising is ad copy comprising an entire email or aportion of an email

message. Email marketing may be unsolicited, in which case thesender may

give the recipient an option to opt-out of future emails, or it may be sentwith the

recipient's prior consent (opt-in).

Benefits of Online marketing:

 Internet gives you a wide access of your potential customers. It has been

estimated that a couple of billion people around the world use the Internet, and

more are becoming aware of Internet with each passing day. So, marketing

your business to such a large group of people is only possible through Internet.

 Internet is the only medium that is able to cross geographic and national


 The cost of promoting your business on the Internet is cheaper than other

mediums of marketing. This makes it easy for small and mid-sized businesses

to advertise their products.

 Internet allows the ability to stay connected with customers on a real-time

basis. If any discount going on, then it is easier to send an email to customers

and they can buy the product instantly. Internet also allows to send multiple

messages at the same time, which saves the tedious task of sending a

newsletter to every client.

 Internet marketing facilitates an instant feedback from the customers.

Customers can share about their experience after using the product.

 Internet marketing saves a lot of time and effort. Instead of having a customer

service representative to answer the queries of customers, one can put all the

information about the product or service on the Internet so that customers can

go through it. The most common way of doing it is to have a section dedicated

to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the product so that customers get

all the required information about the product or the service.

 Internet marketing allows your business to be available 24/7, which means

increased sales and profits.

Limitations of Online marketing:

 Although, Internet marketing allows a wider reach, the start-up costs of a

website can be high. This includes the cost of the required software and

hardware, and maintenance costs.

 There are still a lot of customers who use the Internet just for having more

information about a product and prefer to buy it in person. For example, Internet

marketing allows a customer to view how a phone looks like and its

technical specifications, but customers prefer having a look at the phone in the

store to get a hands-on experience.

 There are a lot of customers who are not proficient in using the Internet and

focusing solely on Internet marketing can cause you to lose these customers.

 The rules of the trade change rapidly in Internet marketing, and it requires

constant attention and monitoring to ensure that your marketing strategy does

not look out-of-date.

 The biggest disadvantage of Internet marketing is its vulnerability to

fraudulent activities. There are a lot of illegitimate websites out there which

look similar to original websites and rob the customers of their money.

Spamming is also one of the biggest challenges for Internet marketing and

confidential data can be easily stolen by hackers.

 Internet marketing lacks the human touch that is involved when a customer

buys a product from a salesperson. This hampers the prospects of relationship

building which plays an important part in repeat sales and word-of mouth


 Internet marketing depends heavily on technology, which is vulnerable to

technical faults. For example, if a customer clicks on your advertisement but

due to a technical glitch, is unable to buy the product, he may easily become

irate and take his business somewhere else.

Although, there are some challenges involved in Internet marketing, it can be


said that Internet marketing has led to increased transparency and ease of


products. The need of the hour is to counter the challenges so that Internet


proves to be truly beneficial for all.

Over the past five years, advertising budgets allocated to internet media have

grown spectacularly. In 2012, the internet represents 26% of total advertising

expenditure worldwide and this figure reached 31% in the next four years. This

growth is significantly fuelled by search and “performance” tools (affiliate

marketing, email, comparison websites, etc.), although display advertising

continues to represent a large portion of online budgets (45% in 2012 and 49%

in 2010). Two trends are driving this boom (i) an increase in Web usage

which strengthens the internet’s role in providing recommendations and

preparing consumers to make purchases and recommendations(ii)

developments in targeted advertising formats and techniques which help

shape more communicative and relevant online campaigns.

Immense amount of efficient strategies are needed for reaching customers in

online advertising. These strategies include personalization, integration with

multimedia and real-time interactions. It is also a fact that the largest revenue

arises within Internet advertising are generated through display-based and

search-based advertising. The user’s search engine queries determine which

advertisement are to be displayed. Revenue on the basis of search-based

advertising accounted for about $8.1 billion in 2011, 51% of the total

advertising Internet advertising revenue. Google followed by Yahoo and

Bing are the leaders in search based advertising market (Goldberg & Gorn).

Browsing is a frequent activity a user performs on a website, be it

a news site,

a blog, or a social network; equally frequent is the exposure of users to online

advertisement, which is likely to be the most important revenue source for such

a site. Advertisement, however, is also a factor that perturbs browsing processes

that visitors engage in. For instance, Gibbs (2008) reported examples of

usability problems in news web-sites due to advertising, such as “causing the

user to lose his place and to perceive the text below the advert as an

entirely new story” or users struggling to find the

“close” button to get rid of a pop-up advert.

From a user perspective, adverts can both provide additional channels for

satisfying informational or emotional needs (57% of Europeans

prefer getting information about products through the Internet and 27%


that adverts helped them in deciding what product to buy, according to the


Publisher Association, 2007), and at the same time make things harder for


 Jha (2008) stated that in India, internet usage growth rate is very high but

the penetration level is very low. Similar is the case in one of the North-

eastern states of India, where number of internet users is increasing day by

day. This study employs Uses and Gratification Theory to find out the

Internet usage among the students. Data are collected from 200 samples

which consist of almost equal number of male and female students. The

findings of the study reveal that gender, monthly household income, and

education determine the usage pattern for several purposes on the Internet.

Identification of these variables among the Internet users provides

opportunities for the advancement of the business of internet access services

in India. 48 Moreover, better understanding of the uses and gratifications

from the Internet usage can help the ISPs to customize their offerings.

 Laurent Flores (2007), highlighted his findings in the light of internet

advertising consumer model to understand the value of different formats

(such as banners, banners with daughter window, shared real estates, and

interstitials) of sponsorship and broadband advertising.

 Sicilia and Ruiz (2007) enumerated several benefits of flow: increased

learning, more exploratory and positive behaviour, positive subjective

experience, positive influence on intentions to purchase and intentions to

return to the site. The flow state is associated to ability to elaborate

information shown to the user (elaboration is meant as the amount,

complexity, and range of activity triggered by a stimulus): According to one

theory, the person is so absorbed by the interaction that information is not

elaborated upon; most of the attention is devoted to maintaining an

orientation in the site. Another theory hypothesizes that the flow state

enhances focused attention on the task, leading to high levels of

concentration and involvement. The observational study described by Novak

et al. (2003) found that flow state occurs in both goal-directed and

undirected browsing, even though when people are goal directed they are

more likely to recall actual situations where flow occurred to them (i.e., their

perception of flow state improves). The observational experiment carried

out by Sicilia and Ruiz (2007) confirms that flow is associated to better

attitudes toward the website, that it enhances the ability to process

information that is relevant to the task, but that it does not affect

positive beliefs about brands/products included in web pages. Intense

flow states are more likely to enhance favourable information processing,

suggesting that sparse information and straightforward descriptions are not

optimal. In fact, heterogeneous or irrelevant information could lead to

interruptions and distractions, preventing the establishment of a flow state.

This is the danger of online advertising: It might distract the user from the

task, lowering the likelihood of establishing the flow state, and hence

reducing the user ability to process the information; another reason why user

performance may degrade.

 A study on ‘‘Information search and evaluation of alternatives in online

airline ticket purchase’’ (2007) by YasirKazmi and Abdul Rehman

examined various factors effecting consumer decision making process. With

the basis of analysis and findings for research; the following conclusions

have been identified: 1. Ease of use of websites and User satisfaction were

seen as a matter of concern in online airline information search. 2. The

ability to search factors (knowledge, education and experience) are

interrelated and with increasing of knowledge and education and experience,

ability to perform effective search increase, and it also led to increased

motivation to use online medium. 3. The situational factors reduce online

airline tickets information search time and led to quicker decision.

 A study on “Consumers Attitude towards Online Shopping for clothing”

(2007) by Sita Mishra examines the demographic characteristics of online

consumers and their attitude towards online shopping behaviour for clothing.

This study is based on a sample of 200 internet users in NCR Delhi. The

findings show that consumers have positive attitude towards online shopping

but low attitude towards online purchase of clothes. The analysis shows that

city and sex do not affect consumers attitude but age and income indicates a

significant association. The issue of trust, enjoy ability and trial policy seems

to be major concerns for the consumers but convenience and technological

advancement play a major role in online shopping.

 Sumanjeet (2006) e-marketing has power to expand any product or service

of a company beyond the global boundaries and gives them competitive 42

advantage in the global market place. It gives the business new strategy to

conduct market research, product planning, promotion, marketing mix and

pricing etc. e-marketing allowing companies to get closer to customers

through customer relationship management. (CRM)

 According to Guda (2005) following are some of the important benefits

which could accrue for an organization due to the deployment of e-business


1. Improved customer service

2.Improved customer retention rates

3. Slash operating costs

4.Enhance product/service quality

5. Improve business efficiency

6.Improve competitiveness

7. Improve business intelligence

8.Extend market coverage

9. Slash administrative errors.

 A study conducted by Kimiloglu (2004) has a macro perspective and

provides a bird’s eye view of the Internet marketing literature. First, the

general impact of technological advancements on the marketing discipline is

analysed. This discussion is extended 40 with an examination of the studies

that compare conventional marketing practices with the principles and rules

of the e-marketing world. A deeper understanding is developed by reviewing

the inventory of studies handling the four major components of the

traditional marketing mix in an online context.

 Irissappane (2004) has identified the main customer activities in B2C e-

commerce which are product search, comparison shopping, product

selection, negotiation of terms, placement of orders, payment authorization

and finally receipt of product and after sales customer support. Main e-

service tools that can be applied in innovative ways to offer online services

to customers in e-commerce are personalized web pages, FAQs, chat room,

e-mail and automated response and help desks and call centers. According to

Venkatesh and Balachandran (2004) quality internet marketing can result

in reduced advertising cost, attract qualified traffic to website, increase

global brand exposure, growing customer base, increase sales, improved

product branding, more customer to the business and increase branding of

company and customers.

 Chary and Christopher (2003) stated that e-commerce is today providing

the infrastructure to communicate and share information between the buyers

and sellers.

 A study on “Electronic Marketing in India: A Study on Opportunities

and Challenges” (2003) by Reddy concluded that the major factors

attributing to the imminent success of e-marketing are, the high level of

interactivity, the 24 hours/7days/365(a year) functionality, and the

unconfined boundaries. However, there are certain hurdles to overcome

before e-marketing becomes a viable business model in India. First and

foremost is building trust and loyalty, rather than promoting it as a cost

effective option.

 A study on “Internet user’s intention to purchase air travel online: an

empirical investigation” (2002) by Adee Athiyaman recognized in

marketing that study of behaviour includes analysis of instrumental acts; that

is, acts necessary in obtaining the goal object and the acts involved in

consuming it. A technology that eases the difficulty level of instrumental

acts such as visiting a purchase outlet to purchase a product is the internet.

Technically, the internet minimizes customer’s transaction costs such as time

spent traveling to a store to purchase a product. Yet, in spite of its benefits,

only one-in-four internet users shop online. An empirical analysis of survey

beliefs, attitudes and intentions regarding internet purchase of air tickets

revealed that security concerns about the internet make consumers avoid

online purchase of air tickets. It is suggested that internet marketers focus on

modifying the attitudinal structure of consumers.

 In terms of content type of the advert, Rodgers (2000) mentioned five

basic categories: product/service, public service announcement, social issue,

corporate, and political. Other intrinsic features include the media used;

adverts may be single-medium when a single medium is used (text, static, or

animated images) or multimedia, where a combination of different media are

used simultaneously (text and/or images and/or sound, often time

dependent). Video adverts can be pre-roll, when they are shown as trailers at

the beginning of a content video, or post roll, when they are shown at the end

of the main video. Sometimes post roll videos are automatically started only

after corresponding overlay adverts are dismissed. Rich media is the catch-

all term for adverts enhanced with motion, sound, video, and interactive


 Schlosser et al., (1999) surveyed a national sample of over 400 participants

and found no majority opinion of Internet advertising-about a third of the

participants liked, disliked, and felt neutrally toward Internet advertising

respectively. The Internet users found online advertising was informative but

less entertaining, and it did not encourage them to make purchases even they

did not perceive it to increase product prices.

Muylleet. Al. (1999) proposed a grounded theory of search behaviour that class

ifies search by the purpose and specificity of search objectives. Banners are con

sidered peripheral info in the search process. 

Consumers recall banners only when repeated exposed to them at least 3 times o

r when they were directly related to the consumer’s search objective 



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What Is Blogging?

What is a Blog originally created from the words web and log and blog is just

that a Blog is the logging of one’s thoughts ideas experiences and more all in

one place on the web. You’ve probably seen them around but what makes them

so great. Well blogs are easy to use with a few clicks. You can share thoughts

opinions news anything their blog is a staple of who you are the ultimate

expression of you on the web. Your blog steam is what controls how your blog

looks you can choose a theme and personalize it with your own colors and or

background images to find the look that fits you it’s easy to change themes as

well. So you’ll always be sure that there’s a look and feel up there that fits with

your personality and makes it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

Most blog themes are made up of four main sections the header the sidebar the

footer and the body the header is Just of your blog’s title or logo. If you have

one and your main navigation menu, the menu is the way that your guests

should be easily able to navigate the content of your site menus are a natural

part of our web experience. It should link readers to the various content and

Pages found on your blog sidebars logs. Usually have them this area generally

includes widgets and things you want to highlight such as your favorite links the

popular content on your blog recent activity subscription options and social

media tools just to name a few the footer rest at the bottom of your blog. This is

typically used to display content that doesn’t often change but that you would

like your readers to have easy access to including links to read more about you

or link to a contact page lastly most important area of your blog is the body the

main content area. Usually this is the primary reason people have come to your

blog. It’s where your thoughts and ideas come to life as you share them with in

the post.

Page the content lies within post page. What’s the difference pages are different

from Posts? They’re normally static displaying standard content such as an

about me or contact page post on the other hand are all the good stuff where you

publish your thoughts in a standard blog format post get shown on the main

page of your blog usually in an order that places the most recent and relevant

information at the very top of the list. These are things like your daily updates

or news about your Niche topic when a new story is posted. It appears at the top

of your blog for the world to see this used to be done in journals posts are an

online version of a journal entry made public for others to see best of all posts

get the option for a comment section as well. So others can add their thoughts to

yours share in a conversation with you or just provide feedback about your blog

this brings a community element to blogs making them a popular medium of

expression and information.

Sharing logs make it easy to share images video and other types of media files

giving you complete freedom of creative expression. And now with the

popularity of mobile phones, your blog can be viewed anytime from anywhere

in the palm of your hand blogs are for everyone and people of all ages share on

blogs every day for school work and play but no matter what you want to do

blogging is a great way to connect with other people and get your ideas out

there. So what are you waiting for get in on the fun and start blogging today?


What is Google Adwords ?

Whoever it is an advertising service created by Google where advertisers can

run their ads and try to reach ready to buy customers. So your goal with Google

Adwords is to use some other different ad formats that they have available for

you. For example, display ads video ads search ads at-bats to advertise,

whatever your product or Services by using the different targeting available by

Google AdWords. So for example with display ads you can Target websites you

can Target interest you can Target remarketing audiences. You can run your ads

on different apps. You can run it in Gmail. So there’s all sorts of places to run

your display ads for video ads. You can run them as pre-roll ads before videos

or mid-roll ads that run during the video. So your video ads can run all over the

place. Sometimes an article will also appear as people are scrolling through

their search ads appear on the Google search Network. So obviously the biggest

biggest part the search network is the actual Google search engine, but they also

have searched Partners like some different websites

where people searched a lot for different products and

We’ll search ads will come up and you can Target those keywords a pads. You

can run anywhere across the Google Network on search on display. You can run

your app add within other apps. So to get more downloads to your apps. There’s

all sorts of different ways to run your app ads on the internet. It comes to search

advertising. One of the big things is you want to Target. Your words in the

Google search engine and their search Partners. So for example here we have a

tabula at so taboo is a native ads platform. What they’ve done is when someone

types in PPC advertising they have their own native ads platform come up

sticking Drive traffic there that’s their goal is to get more people to go there and

start doing pay PPC advertising on their Channel because PPC advertising is

kind of a vague search someone could be looking for companies and be looking

for you know services like Temple where they can run their ads. That’s why

search ads are so important because you can find ready to buy customers as

they’re searching for different products services and whatever they whatever

they want to buy that time. So after search ads you have display ads. So here’s

an example at the top is a Wayfarer at and also along the side the left hand side.

You’ll see the Rope the candle. Those are both display ads that are running on

ESPN. You can Target, you know, your remarketing audiences but your

placements including websites apps and videos you can use the interest

audiences available from Google Display Network. So Google AdWords lets

you run your add all of the internet different display ads you can send traffic

Different pages on your website and it’s a great way to reach ready to buy

customers, especially if you know how to use remarketing audiences and

dynamic remarketing like what they’re showing here. So here’s an example of a

pre-roll ad on actually my YouTube video that Gmail ads tutorial. So if you go

to one my videos you can see that ads usually run beforehand because I have it

set up for that. So Wix is running their ad before my ad they pay per view and

what their goal is to get someone to click on their call to action the bottom left

hand corner where it says start your website now, so this is an example of a

video ad that run on the Google Display Network which includes all of

YouTube and then all sorts of websites were videos or ran. You’ll see ads run

before did their videos or even in the middle of their videos. So here’s an

example of an app add in search. So if someone types in adventure games,

D that an ad comes up for this app Adventure duck. So the whole goal is to get

people to go into the app download it for free and as they’re playing the game.

They probably either have upgrades that people can buy or they have ads on

there. Their game where they can make more money from it. So if you have an

app, you need to promote it to people because it’s hard for people to find your


Unless you create something so useful that people just have to have it. So that’s

why you want to get your app in front of the right people. Like it says here you

can use the Google Display Network the Google search Network and you can

also use videos Market your app. So just to pull it all together. Here’s a search

we have for shoes. So at the top you see Under Armour Apposes Dick’s

Sporting Goods and jet’s so these are all shopping ads so that if you go in

through there you’re going to see a ton of their different products and you can

buy whatever you’re looking for at the bottom. You have examples of search

ads. So Apposes Just Fab and all sorts of different shoes on their

website. Obviously. This is a very broad search. So if you get a little bit more

specific you’ll see better ads. So that’s basically Google Ad Words is service for

advertisers to go run their ads try to find ready to buy customers. And your goal

is to Target keywords Target websites Target interest groups to Target your re

marketing. Audiences Target videos wherever you think your customers are

that’s what Google Ad Words is for and they have a huge Network through

Google Display Network is said to reach about 90% of the entire internet. So

there’s just a huge huge vast inventory of websites apps videos that continue to

grow continue to give you more ad impression opportunities.


What is Graphic Designing?

Is on for more graphic design is still has to be a graphic designer design Theory

education. You need equipment you need to The Graphic Design portfolio and

interviewed twice this series is for anyone at any level. So if you’re interested in

graphic design considered becoming a graphic designer and join me as I discuss

a series of graphic design topics, So you’re interested in graphic design perhaps

considering becoming a graphic designer and looking to learn more in this

video. I’m going to discuss what graphic design is. Now. A lot of people on my

channel have asked me this question. Mainly youngsters are people who are

thinking about the soon graphic design. I want to know what graphic design is

and if it’s right for them. Now I have often found this a really hard question as it

does not really have a simple answer without some degree of explanation. Now,

if you Google this it will tell you that graphic design is the art or skill of

combining text and pictures and advertisements magazines or books. So quite a

simple and accurate explanation there though. I happen to think there’s more to

it than that in this video. I’m going to attempt to answer this question and give

you my take on it from my experience. So what is graphic design? Well, let’s

start simple. So with graphic design, we have two things we have graphic and

Design traffic is visual which is associated with art imagination and expression

involving many mediums such as drawing painting engraving or lettering giving

clear and explicit detail. So the graphic part of graphic design is made up of

visual elements the building blocks of design the basic visual elements are

combined to create graphic design include the following line color shape texture

space form and typography through the harness of artistic expression. We

choose these visual elements and arrange them on a Surface in a layout to

convey an idea. Now the second part is design which is to decide upon the look

and function of something before it is made so design is thinking problem

solving and practicality theory in graphic design. There are rules that can be

considered. These rules are called the principles of design these principles all

have a

You should between each other and appear in every well-designed piece of

work. You see so the design principles make the design in graphic design a

good grasp design for you or mean there is always substance behind your work

the key principles of design are contrast hierarchy alignment balance proximity

repetition Simplicity and function when we bring both the visual elements and

the design principles together. We have graphic design graphic design is not

drawn graphic design is not painting graphic design is not creating a poster or

equip logo on your computer. These things are the means to the end and skills in

their own right graphic design is not about making things. Look pretty graphic

design is the organization and presentation of information developed through a

creative process for a particular function in graphic design. We must first

understand. To mention a message or a brief and then research think imagine

and develop and create the solution a concept in order to communicate that

information tell a story a message or idea in a visual way. It’s only once we

have a solid idea developed through the design process. We could use our skills

with layout color typography and creative tools to bring that idea to life once

upon a time that would have been with just the aid of a pencil or a paintbrush on

paper today. It’s all those things and more today. We also have cameras

computers and printers since the invention of the print press which enabled

reproduction on a mass scale graphic design has been used to communicate and

spread messages worldwide to the evolution of technology. Today. We are

surrounded by an abundance of visual communication today graphic design is

implemented across a broad spectrum of media both print and digital.

Such as advertising branding Web design interface design magazine layout

paper engineering and packaging TV Motion


Social media marketing

As we all learn so many peoples are active on social media platforms like

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn etc social media marketing helps us

show that to your target audience for example if we had a company of men

shoes so we need to show that only for men’sIn this case social media helps us a

lot we get our target audience with the help of social media platform and we

directly showOur head to target audience so they can easily connect with our

brand Social media help us Create branding influencing clear marketing etc

We just need to find our target audience and create a good campaign for them

so they can easily connect with us and buy our product or services through our

as a promotion this is a new way Of marketing at low-budget for example if you

just open a restaurant we do not have much money to advertise on marketing

Our restaurant band on TV channel on newspaper in these type of case social

media work for us we provide very cheap price for our branding advertising and

marketing our social media platform.

Which social media platform is best for marketing?

There are so many Social media platform in market like Facebook, Instagram,

LinkedIn etc so which one is the best

For my opinion Facebook is one of the best social media marketing platform

because majority of the people use Facebook in daily life so Facebook boss who

is number of audience in which we just need to find out target audience and run

a campaign Facebook provide us so many helping support like

We can run  so many type of campaign with one account branding, sale,

conversion, leads,Social awareness etc we also fixed our budget device or

lifetime we just need to pay a little amount of money to Facebook and its

provide us huge audience  For our  advertisement.


What Is SEO?

We’ll cover what SEO is and how you can use it to increase traffic to your blog

in a recent survey many of you asked us to create content that will help you

increase traffic for your website. One of the best ways to do that is to optimize

your site for search engines and in the series will cover everything you need to

know to get started with SEO and by following the tips in this series, you could

easily add a thousand more visitors to your website in a month. So let’s dive in

if you’ve done research on how to increase traffic to your website. You’ve

probably seen Everybody talking about improve your SEO on your site.

But what does that really mean?

SEO stands for search engine optimization or just how easy it is for Google to

find your website. Now, there are several different search engines out there.

You have things like being in Yahoo, Yandex, but 90 percent of searches are

done on Google. So that’s usually what we’re talking about when we say search

engines and basically search engines just go out and scour the web to find pages

and index them in their catalog. It’s very similar to when you have a book in at

the end of the book you have an index where it tells you where everything was

talked about in the location. That’s pretty much Google in their indexing system

as well on the web in the cloud. So let’s take a look at an example. Now. This is

a typical search page with results. You can see that these are ads this is what’s

known as a Knowledge Graph and what it’s doing is it’s pulling in a result that

might be further down on the page. But since Google thinks it’s answering the

query really well. It’ll get shown up here.

As well as down further on the page then below that you have organic results.

Typically there about 10 organic results on one page in organic listings simply

mean that these results aren’t paid ads they show up on Google because they’ve

done a good job of telling Google that this page is about this particular. Very

then you have a people also asked area and this simply shows the related

searches that people will do in this topic. Now fewer than 10% of people will

actually ever click on the next page. If they don’t find what they’re looking for

on the first page, they’ll simply adjust their search criteria and that’s why

Google added in this people also asked area and here’s the biggest reason why

SEO is so important for your website these top three organic results make it

over 70% of all the clicks this first position usually gets the bulk of the clicks

between 35 and 40 II will get between 15 and 20 and then the third position will

get around 10% So that’s why it’s so important to make sure that your website

is first on Google but how does Google even determine what should go on the

first page? The biggest factor is relevancy. You want to make sure that your

website is exactly what the Searcher is looking for when they’re searching

Google Now Google uses over 200 factors to determine what’s relevant.

Our algorithm and there’s no way that we’re going to be able to cover all of

those if we can concentrate on a few then we have a fighting chance to get seen

in the search results in addition to relevance. You’ll also want to make sure that

your site is useful. All that means is that when a user clicks on your site the

information that they’re looking for is easily found. Think about the last time

you did a search if you went to a page that you thought had the answer but you

had a hard time finding it on the page. Did you stick around most people will

click back and go look for a different answer. So make sure that your site is also

useful and that you’ve arranged the answers or the topic in a meaningful way.

It’s easier for readers to find what they’re looking for. So there are two main

ways that you can work on SEO on your website and they’re called on page

SEO and off page SEO on page SEO is simply telling Google and the reader

that you have everything that they’re looking for.


what is WordPress ?

simply put WordPress is just a software that you use to build your very own

website or blog and publish it on the internet. It is also called a Content

management system or CMS for you Tech. Whiz out there that like the lingo it

was created back in 2003. And since then it has become one of the most popular

website publishing programs in the world. In fact, WordPress Powers 30% of

the internet. That’s a lot of freaking websites. And guess what the best part is,

it’s free. Why because WordPress is an open source software meaning that

there’s thousands of software Engineers out there that are working on it every

day to make it better and better. So shout out to those silent Guardians watchful

protectors those this is a Batman quote. The beauty of Wordpress is that you’re

able to choose from 11,000 different themes which are just template layouts that

determine the Look and style of your website, you’re able to tweak all the texts

including fonts and font sizes. You can create buttons. You can upload your

images and videos and much more. You can also choose from over 55,000

plugins and widgets to help optimize the functionality of your website. So this is

for people that want to maybe start a store or open up a gallery or whatever. It is

on their website. There’s endless opportunity. Oh and building your website

with WordPress is all online. So you can build your website from anywhere that

you are as long as you have an internet connection. So how does WordPress

work well back when the internet was still somewhat of a new thing. The only

way to make a website was to use code in HTML or PHP format and your web

browser will just interpret this code into colors and text and spaces that would

form your website. Well WordPress works exactly like this except no coding.

Basically, it takes any change that you make on your website and update.

The code for you and then update your website. So never touching coding.

Thank God cause that stuff is like Japanese to me. I’m American. Now, if

you’re looking to make your first website you may or may not have noticed that

there’s a WordPress and WordPress. So you might be wondering well, which

one should I choose? Well WordPress is where you can go to make a free

website with their web hosting but there’s a catch actually there’s several

catches first your website could be deleted at any time if WordPress feels that

you have violated their terms of service for any reason this is because number

two you can’t use ads to make money with your website. Number three. You

can’t upload any plugins which help you optimize the functionality of your

website number four. You can’t upload a customization theme you only have

their limited options number five. You do not own your domain name, so it will

say something like your domain name thought WordPress and you’re likely

here. Because you want to make your first website with your very own unique

domain name and no limitations. If that’s the case you’re going to want to be

self hosted and use WordPress, which is just where you can download their free

software. Let me explain by being self-hosted you have access to thousands of

plugins. You have a unique domain name that you own yourself. You have the

ability to monetize your website with ads. If you’re trying to make those dolls

doll bills, you have the option to create an online store and you have complete

customization over your website. So how do you create a self hosted website

with WordPress? If you go over to create a pro, I created a


What is Social Media Marketing –

Social media Marketing  is a platform where the product and service are

provided to the public via use of what’s app, Facebook, and Instagram,

twitter etc.they are the modern trand to do marketing because many of

people are directly connected to the social media.

Step of social media marketing:-

There are following step to grow the business via social media. They are as


1- start with goal in mind

2-who is your audience

3-choose the right media platforms

4-content creation

5-Build your audience and grow up

Start with goal in mind:

when we are starting to a new business then it is compulsory to know your

market , without choosing right market no chance of growth of business.

For this way you would need to know your target market and goal that is

set in mind.

Know your audience:-

This is the most important for the any business because if you have

launched any new product and doing the marketing via social media then it

compulsory to know your audience because one of the reason is that to

make the new customer.

So audience will know that what to be want to public

Choose the right social media platforms:- when you find your customer

then it requires that to publish your products using the various social

media platforms .In this time where social media help to grow up the

business because many of people joined the

Facebook, what’s app, Instagram, snap chat etc

So it will decide by the owners of company that he decided to the platform .

Content creation:-

However the contents are big factor because the public want to see that

what is New in your products because many compatitior are present in

already in you will do new in your products.

Build up your audience:-

it is the last step of of social media marketing where the company should

create own data and promote the business and grow up with the use of

social media platforms .


social media is the good platform to grow up the business and they are very

helpful . the Social Media platform help you to Build Brand , Make Money

& Lead Generation. 

Apply for job –

Posted on July 17, 2020 by Bizigen

We are looking for Digital Marketing Executives for –

 Social Media Marketer-

 Ad words Expert  

 Content Creator 

Salary – 15,000 Rs – 25,000 Rs/Per Month.

Freshers and Experienced Candidates can apply.

You will Plan and execute all web, SMM and Google Ad words  , marketing

database, email, social media and display advertising campaigns.

Design, build and maintain our social media presence.

What is messenger Marketing ?

Messenger is the medium of send direct message to your costumer and friends .

as we know face book and Instagram   will use charge money for deliver your

content to more target advice . and when u go through organic way it will take

to much time and also we didn’t get the result . in that case we use messenger

marketing its help to deliver our content to target audience , friend and

costumers .

Facebook messenger marketing

Facebook messenger marketing is set to be future of  marketing its help to send

direct message to your facebook friends and customers.  We use Chabot of

messenger marketing which save our time and its also provide high conversion

in our website and business also .

What is Chatbot ?

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence (AI) software that can simulate a

conversation (or a chat) with a user in natural language through messaging

applications, websites, mobile apps or through the telephone.

There are so many free tools which helps you to create chatbot which helps you

to get more conversion for your business some popular chatbot tools are –



·        MobileMonkey


Mobile Monkey is a free chatbot tool . it helps to create a chatbot with in few

minutes also its provide so many cool template according to your business like

gym , marketing agency , salon , leads generation e.t.c

Improving Workplace Productivity

Posted on October 19, 2020 by Bizigen

Te obtinuit ut adepto satis somno. Aliisque institoribus iter deliciae vivet vita.

Nam exempli gratia, quotiens ego vadam ad diversorum peregrinorum in mane

ut effingo ex contractus, hi viri qui sedebat ibi usque semper illis manducans

ientaculum. Solum cum bulla ut debui; EGO youd adepto a macula proiciendi.

Sed quis scit si forte quod esset optima res pro me. sicut ea quae sentio

Effective Business Delivery Solution At A Glance

Posted on October 19, 2020 by Bizigen

Te obtinuit ut adepto satis somno. Aliisque institoribus iter deliciae vivet vita.

Nam exempli gratia, quotiens ego vadam ad diversorum peregrinorum in mane

ut effingo ex contractus, hi viri qui sedebat ibi usque semper illis manducans

ientaculum. Solum cum bulla ut debui; EGO youd adepto a macula proiciendi.

Sed quis scit si forte quod esset optima res pro me. sicut ea quae sentio

Design Your Perfect Event

Posted on October 19, 2020 by Bizigen

Te obtinuit ut adepto satis somno. Aliisque institoribus iter deliciae vivet vita.

Nam exempli gratia, quotiens ego vadam ad diversorum peregrinorum in mane

ut effingo ex contractus, hi viri qui sedebat ibi usque semper illis manducans

ientaculum. Solum cum bulla ut debui; EGO youd adepto a macula proiciendi.

Sed quis scit si forte quod esset optima res pro me. sicut ea quae sentio


we are providing digital marketing training and services our local business .

help them to boost and scale there business on digital platform like Social

Media , Google etc. also we provide business consulting and business


Live Class / Webinar

Live Classes is a unique

English learning project for secondary teachers and students all around the

world. In an exciting partnership between Pearson and the BBC, Live

Classes gives students. a unique opportunity to enter a dynamic global

classroom. Live Classes Or we can call Webinar well as we all are know There

are so many way to grab knowledge .From there respective mentor or masters as

well as guru but its hard to reach to everyone in that case we use technology to

full fill our hunger towards knowledge live classes are one of best example for

modern education . lets take the example of my life I want to learn digital

marketing through some of SEO experts or digital marketing expert but I have

no money even I have know idea about them . I joined there live classes and

webinar some times its free some times its paid but I learn a lot from them

without wasting a single rupee on transportation now what I want to learn I

learn through live classes or webinar with my comfort zone . 

Online Courses

Posted on March 25, 2020 by Bizigen

Bizigen provides so many type of online course which helps to grow your

business and improve your skills for bright future like digital marketing

beginner course , free python crash course . business frameworks .

Seminar and Workshop

Posted on March 25, 2020 by Bizigen

Seminar and Workshops are the easiest way to learn new things in  very short

time its help to grab information through highly experience and good mentor .

where people are ready to invest million of dollars  for get a good job but they

don’t want to grab high income skills in upcoming tech words automation and

Al both ready to replace humans or labor and unemployment will become on

peak . in that kind of situation what education what kind of skills helps us to

feed our self and be self employed .

Digital Marketing

Posted on March 25, 2020 by Bizigen

Digital Marketing is

marketing through internet or digital platform . like Social Media , Google And

YouTube .with the help of digital marketing you can promote your services and


Digital marketing is the hardcore marketing in which people can earn very good

amount of passive income with just sharing there knowledge through Blog or

Vlog –

Blog  – The Info which we provide on Google through article that are blogs

Vlog- The info which we provide on YouTube that are call vlog .







 The FT landing pages that you guys did, have outperformed the website

landing pages by over as the PPC manager, I’ll keep

pushing. :-)"



 First and foremost, Nowspeed's SEO and PPC work on our behalf has

translated into meaningful visibility and lead generation. And

deliverables aside, their team is consistently accommodating, flexible,

responsive, and…


 The FT landing pages that you guys did, have outperformed the website

landing pages by over as the PPC manager, I’ll keep

pushing. :-)"




Research Design

This study used exploratory research. Exploratory research involves gathering

data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes

the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as

graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution and

therefore offered a better clarification on online advertising, and ultimately give

a clear picture on the effectiveness and reliability of online advertising and its

relationship to purchase decision.

Population of the Study

The research city selected for survey is LUCKNOW. Lucknow city is home to

over 3,330,331 people according to This study targeted

people age group between 18-45 years of age as they are considered more

exposed to advertising with a larger percentage using the internet. Now a days

internet is all available to most of the people using via smartphones and laptops

and therefore, the chances for accessing them for online advertising via survey

questionnaires are very high.

Sample Design

Convenient sampling and stratified sampling technique was used to select the

units for study. 100 units were surveyed that was used as a study sample to

represent the population of consumers. This sample was stratified into two

stratums, one is for 18 to 30 years age group and 30 to 45 years, respectively.

Each stratum to come up with the representative sample of 50 for the entire

population. This was a viable sampling technique since it gave the advantages

of focusing on different age groups and allowed the use of different sampling

technique for different subpopulations in improving the accuracy of estimation.

Data Collection

The research made use of primary data, which was collected using structured

questionnaire distributed to the 100 respondents sampled from the various

market places and colleges located in Lucknow city. The questionnaires were

collected after completion by the respondents at the same time and their

responses used for analysis. The questionnaire had both open-ended questions

to enable guide the respondent through filling of the questionnaire as well as

probe them for more information.

Following steps will be used for collecting the primary data:

1. Distributing the questionnaire and getting filled by concerned

respondents, for this purpose, online questionnaire and manual methods

will be used for collecting data.

2. Telephonic or personal interviews would be conducted with organisations

to briefly know about their budgets on advertisement expenses over

internet and their experiences in the same regard.


Sample no. Constituents no. of samples taken

1 Customers(internet users) 100


1. Customer survey

Validity and Reliability

Content validity refers to the extent to which an instrument represents the

factors under study. To achieve content validity, questionnaires included a

variety of questions on the knowledge of internet advertising and consumer

behaviour. All the subjects completed in the questionnaires was in the presence

of the researcher. This was done to prevent subjects from giving questionnaires

to other people to complete on their behalf.

Reliability can be ensured by minimizing sources of measurement error like

data collector bias. Data collector bias was minimized by the researcher’s being

the only one to administer the questionnaires, and standardizing conditions such

as exhibiting similar personal attributes to all respondents, e.g., friendliness and

support. Pilot testing was carried out by the researcher with friends and

colleagues to identify any flaws on the questionnaire to reduce errors of

measurement and test for consistency.



Data Analysis

The study applied both nominal and ordinal scale to measure a range of factors

establishing the effectiveness of internet advertising on consumer behaviour and

an interval scale in determining the relationship between internet advertising

and consumer attitude. Exploratory statistics was used to analyse this data.

Relationships between responses was assessed and presented using tables and

graphs and analysis was done using simple calculations.

Profile of Respondents

The questionnaire included a segment on customer’s profile as a classification

of their demographic factors such as gender, age & occupation. During data

collection phase, due care was taken in order to make sure that the given

questionnaire is completely filled by the respondents.

The detailed respondent profile is as follows:

Table 1.1

Respondent’s profile




18 TO 47 3 8 58 54 4 58



30 TO 0 29 13 42 39 3 42



TOTAL 47 32 21 100 93 7 100

As seen in table no 1.1, out of 100 respondents – 47 are students and all of them

belong to 18 to 30 years of age group, there are 32 respondents who are jobber

out of which 3 are between 18 to 30 years and 29 are between 30 to 45 years.

Also there are total 21 respondents who are self-employed out of which 8 are

between 18 to 30 years of age and 13 are between 30 to 45 years.

As far as gender wise segmentation is concerned, there are total 93 males out of

which 54 are between 18 to 45 years and 39 are between 30 to 45 years, also

there are total 7 females out of which 4 are between 18 to 30 years and 3 are

between 30 to 45 years of age.

1.Number of medium to get knowledge about any brand:

Mediums used for creating awareness comprise of a number of traditional as

well as contemporary media vehicles, such as print media, television

commercials, outdoor ads, advertising through internet etc. Each medium

contributes to masscommunication depending upon how target audience [TA]

likes to prefer each medium. When combinations of these mediums (more than

two mediums) are incorporated inrketing strategy, the phenomenon termed as

Integrated Marketing Communication [IMC]. IMC is applied with the aim of

having maximum coverage of TA so as to spread more & more brand

awareness, to shareinformation about the brand, to improve brand image,

subsequently to boost thesale.

The details of responses given regarding the medium to get knowledge are

given in

the following table.

Table no. 1.2

Do consumers rely on just one medium to get knowledge about any brand?

Response Frequency Percent

NO 41 41.0

SOMEWHAT 24 24.0

YES 35 35.0

TOTAL 100 100


From table no. 1.2, it is observed that when respondents were asked if they rely

on just one medium to get knowledge about any brand;

 41% have given negative response.

 24% respondents have given complete positive response while only,

 35% responded that they rely partially.

It means major percentage is with negative response. This reveals that

consumers reckon upon more than one medium to get knowledge of any brand.

Due to unlimited brand choices & price sensitivity, they undertake a detailed

evaluation of various brands by referring more number of sources of

information. So they may be using combination of various mediums such print

ads, television commercials, in-store promotion to know about different aspects

of the brand.

2.Sources of awareness of various brands:

Excessive competition, globalization, fluctuating wants of consumers and

advent of technology are the major factors that encourage advertisers to make

use of various sources available to reach their TA. These sources can be print

media (through newspapers & magazines), electronic medium (like Television

commercials, radio spots, Mobile marketing and online advertising), Outdoor

media (like hoardings, banners, neon signs) and Point of Purchase (like in-store

promotion, standees, merchandising racks & cases etc.) Many a times

consumers may also rely on various sources to get product related information.

Using IMC may help advertisers to convey this information to the customers

wherever they go. So while reading newspapers or magazine, watching

Television, halting at railway station or on traffic junctions or while surfing

internet; everywhere advertisers can drag the attention of their prospects

towards their brand.

The details of responses given regarding different sources of awareness of

various brands are given below.

Table no. 1.3

Sources of awareness for various brand

Sources of awareness Frequency Percentage

Print ads 11 11.0

Television commercials 27 27.0

In store promotions 18 18.0

Outdoor media 9 9.0

Online media 35 35.0

Total 100 100.0


From table no. 1.3, it is observed that when respondents were asked about

which source do they refer the most to get awareness of various brands;

 11% have chosen print ads,

 27% respondents have chosen Television commercial,

 18% have chosen In-store promotion,

 Only 9% have chosen Outdoor media,

 35 % respondents have chosen Online media, which is the higher of all.

It means consumers do refer various mediums to get awareness but highest

preference is being given to online media. Online media incorporates blogs,

online PR, Window displays, banner ads etc. And consumers today are more

exposed to these forms of online advertising as compared to advertising through

other mediums.

To analyse further we represent above data graphically. This is as follows,

Ser ies 1
Series 1


20 18

10 9

print ads television commercials in store promotions outdoor media online media

3. Frequency of being online:

The number of people using internet has really gone up due to technological

advancements. People use internet for a variety of reasons. However, major

reasons why they use internet is to get access to information, social networking,

communication, transferring files, entertainment, internet transactions,

marketing, online education as well as to make money.

The internet allows greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially

with the spread of unmetered high-speed connections. The internet can be

accessed almost anywhere by numerous means, including through mobile

internet devices. The low cost and nearly instantaneous sharing of ideas,

knowledge, and skills has made collaborative work dramatically easier, with the

help of collaborative software. Not only can a group cheaply communicate and

share ideas but the wide reach of the internet allows such groups more easily to


The details of frequency of being online are tabulated below.

Table no. 1.4

Frequency of being online

Response Frequency Percent

very low 8 8.0

Low 13 13.0

Moderate 22 22.0

High 30 30.0

Very high 27 27.0

Total 100 100.00


From table no. 1.4, it is observed that when respondents were asked about their

frequency of being online;

 8% chosen very low frequency,

 13% chosen low frequency,

 22% chosen moderate frequency,

 30% chosen high frequency,

 27% chosen very high frequency

It means majority of respondents i.e. 30% use internet with high frequency

followed by 27.5 % respondents with very high frequency of using internet. So,

due to its attribute of making life easier by allowing the users to have instant

access with every informational, educational, interactive & entertaining

material; Internet is heavily used medium today.

To analyse further we represent above data graphically. This is as follows:

Graphical representation of responses related to Frequency of being online





very low low moderate high very high

4.Purpose for using internet:

Internet can be used for various purposes out of which the major purposes are

social networking – Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn are few examples of

social networking sites which help the users to enjoy their social life by

allowing the scope to find new & old friends and share views with them; media

sharing sites helps users to download the enticing material such as songs,

photos, video clips etc.; blogs have introduced a new system of interaction.

Blogs - It is a discussion informational site published on the World Wide Web.

It can be proved as the best way to one’s voice among online crowd; podcasts &

RSS – Podcast is a digital medium consisting of an episodic series of audio,

video, PDF files downloaded through web syndication to computer or mobile

device, collaborative website can be developed by small or big businesses

through web developers. It helps users to gain more information on various

companies in terms of their history, product offers & features; content sharing

websites such as, Wikipedia etc. help users to gain wide range of

information on wider variety of topics; online shopping offers the wide choices

to the consumers while selection among different brands and also saves their

efforts and time in travelling to shops.

To understand the real purpose for using internet respondents were asked

to ranking each purpose between the scales of 1 to 5, where 1 is the most

important and 5 is least important.

The details are tabulated in the following table.

Table no. 1.5

Purpose of using internet

Social Media Blogs Podcasts & Collaborative Other Online

networks sharing sites RSS websites contents shopping

Scale Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %

1.00 36 36.0 25 25.0 13 13.0 17 17.0 16 16.0 22 22.0 30 30.0

2.00 33 33.0 24 24.0 21 21.0 16 16.0 22 22.0 22 22.0 21 21.0

3.00 10 10.0 11 11.0 23 23.0 12 12.0 12 12.0 14 14.0 10 10.0

4.00 10 10.0 17 17.0 20 20.0 23 23.0 19 19.0 18 18.0 20 20.0

5.00 11 11.0 23 23.0 23 23.0 32 32.0 31 31.0 24 24.0 19 19.0

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


From table no. 1.5, it is observed that

 Social networks are considered most important 36% respondents and

least important by 11% respondents.

 Media sharing sites are considered most important 25% respondents

and least important by 23% respondents.

 Blogs are considered most important 13% respondents and least

important by 23% respondents.

 Podcast & RSS are considered most important 16% respondents and

least important by 32% respondents.

 Collaborative websites are considered most important 16% respondents

and least important by 31% respondents.

 Content sharing sites are considered most important 22% respondents

and least important by 24% respondents.

 Online shopping is considered most important 30% respondents and

least important by 19% respondents.

It means that Social networking is the foremost purpose for which majority of

respondents use internet. Certain social networking sites such as Facebook,

Orkut, LinkedIn etc. have become popular in recent times, used to share the

personal & professional views with known and unknown people who can be

found out through these sites. After Social networking, second preference given

to the online shopping. It allows flexibility to the consumers to view a wide

range of products &brands, evaluate them online by reading their features and

making an online purchase. Media sharing is at third place. It allows them to

share media material such as photos, music, video, news etc.

5.Use of online activities by companies in their marketing efforts:

Since in recent days, consumers rely more on the information shared by

internet, they use this information for brand evaluation and for making purchase

decision. This opportunity must be grabbed by both small & large scale

businesses by having their online presence. For them online presence can be a

tactic that involves use of internet as a medium to obtain website traffic and to

target & deliver advertising messages to the right customers. Online advertising

is geared towards defining markets through unique and useful applications.

Having an online presence will first bring their business to the potential

customer’s attention. If online presence is complete with positive reviews and a

professionally updated website; customers will see the reputation of the brand

and will be more likely to choose those brands.

To analyse in detailed respondents were asked to give their view on agreement

scale considering two different attributes.

The responses were coded as below:

5. Strongly agree 4. Agree 3. No opinion 2. Disagree 1. Strongly


The results of analysis are tabulated below.

Table no.1.6

Should companies include online advertisement in their marketing


Code Response Frequency Percent

1 Strongly disagree 16 16.0

2 Disagree 20 20.0

3 No opinion 11 11.0

4 Agree 22 22.0

5 Strongly agree 31 31.0

Total 100 100.0


From table no. 1.6, it is observed that when respondents were asked whether

companies should use online activities in marketing efforts;

 16% were strongly disagreed.

 20% shown disagreement.

 11% had no opinion on this question.

 22% shown agreement and,

 31% were strongly agreed.

It means majority of respondents are completely agreed that companies should

use Online advertising activities in their marketing efforts.

Since online activities facilitate good access and higher reach to the customers;

companies must take this advantage by incorporating online advertising in their

marketing strategy.

Graphical representation of responses, weather companies should include

online activities in their marketing strategy

strongly agree 31

agree 22

no opinion 11

disagree 20

strongly disagree 16

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

6.The reasons for growing popularity of online marketing:

Internet has changed customer shopping habits and with rapid technological

developments accessing the internet has become easier than ever. People can

access the internet whenever and wherever they like. Listed below are some of

the benefits of the internet for the customer.

There are various factors which motivate consumers to get inclined towards

online marketing to like the brand. Out of which few prominent are –

1) discount marketers can offer products at discounted rates as they do not need

to invest in expenses for rent, electricity & channel intermediaries when they

are marketingtheir products through internet.

2) Through internet, consumers stay updated about various activities of

companies. Companies develop their own websites whereininformation related

to their brand, its features & corporate identity readily available for consumers.

3) Through certain commercial websites like,, etc. consumers get knowledge about range of brands available in

the market in given product category. 4) Good imagery & creativeinputs make

the brand more attractive, entertaining & interesting for consumers,

5) Internet allows getting access to the exclusive content which people do not

obtain form any other medium. They can get access to various schemes related

tothe brand, description of specific benefits, they are likely to enjoy through


6) Internet is truly an interactive medium when it comes to purchase the brand,

they can order online also they can share their feedback freely with the

company on the strengths & weaknesses of any particular brand.

The details importance of responses is discussed as below.

Table no.1.7

Importance of factors motivating respondents to like the brand on internet

Discount Stay Get For fun, Get access Interaction

informed updates on entertainme to the

about the brands and nt exclusive

activities of its future content

company extensions

Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq. % Freq % Freq %

. . . . .

Most 25 25.0 26 26.0 18 18.0 17 17.0 27 27.0 24 24.0


Importa 33 33.0 26 26.0 25 25.0 28 28.0 29 29.0 31 31.0


Least 22 22.0 21 21.0 30 30.0 22 22.0 21 21.0 18 18.0


Not 20 20.0 27 27.0 27 27.0 33 33.0 23 23.0 27 27.0


Total 100 100. 100 100. 100 100. 100 100 100 100. 100 100.

0 0 0 0 0


From table no. 1.7, it is observed that when respondents asked about factors

motivating to use internet;

 25% respondents consider discount factor as most important and 20%

respondents do not consider it as important.

 26% respondents consider other factor ‘to stay informed about company’s

activities’ as most important and 27% respondents do not consider it as


 18% respondents consider other factor ‘to get updates on brands and its

future extension’ and 27% respondents do not consider it as important.

 17% respondents consider other factor ‘Fun & entertainment’ and 33%

respondents do not consider it as important.

 27% respondents consider other factor ‘to get access to exclusive content’

as most important and 23% respondents do not consider it as important.

 24% respondents consider interaction factor as most important and 27%

respondents do not consider it as important.

It means majority of respondents are motivated to use internet as it offers them

products at discounted rates, gives access to exclusive content such as specific

functional & emotional benefits of the brand and facilitates interaction about the

brand directly with the company.

7.Preference for the print ads or television commercials:

Print ads are the advertisements which get published in print media such as

newspapers, bulletins & magazines, whereas television commercials [TVCs] get

telecasted through television. Both the forms incorporate the ad message and

visuals but the major difference is print ad has the static images whereas TVC

includes motion pictures and has more entertainment value than print ads. Print

ads TVCs both have succeeded at a good extent in reach the masses and

conveying advertiser’s intent to the masses since longer time. But with the

advent of new & innovative forms of advertising, these two mediums are losing

its popularity.

When the respondent were asked whether they don’t prefer the print ads or

Television commercials much to get the brand awareness, respondents have

given following responses.

Table no. 1.8

Preference for the print ads or television commercials over online


Frequency Percent

Strongly agree 12 12.0

Disagree 20 20.0

No opinion 10 10.0

Agree 39 39.0

Strongly agree 19 19.0

Total 100 100.0


From table no. 1.8, it is observed that whether they don’t prefer the print ads or

Television commercials much to get the brand awareness,

 12% respondents have shown strong,

 20% respondents were disagreed,

 10% were neutral,

 39% respondents were agreed whereas,

 19 % respondents have shown strong agreement.

Graphical representation of responses of Preference for the print ads or

television commercials

40 39




15 12

strongly agree disagree no opinion agree strongly agree


It means majority of respondents agreed that they do not prefer Television

commercials or print ads to get brand related awareness. So these popular

traditional mediums are no longer remained first preference for the consumers

to receive ad messages.

8.Preferences for online advertising in terms of safety and security

1. Online Marketing is not free as the cost of hardware, software, wed site

design, online distribution costs, maintenance of your site and yes time, all

should be factored into the cost of providing your product and service.

2. Still, the internet is considered as a source just to gather product related

information. Many people are there who still prefer the live interaction when

they buy.

3. So many scams on the internet.

5. Timing of updates is critical so it’s easy to have outdated information


6. Because of the fear of website’s security, many of the visitors will not want

to use their credit card to make a purchase if they don’t know that the site is


7. The majority of online marketers’ lack inquiry response programs and

customer service. Also, the majority of sites have poor navigation that makes it

tough for the visitor to find what they are looking for. Many sites were created

without a customer service point of view.

The respondents were asked whether they prefer online advertising as it is

SAFEST to use on an agreement scale. The responses were coded as below:

5. Strongly agree 4.Agree 3. No opinion 2. Disagree 1. Strongly


The results of analysis are tabulated below.

Table no. 1.9

Preference for Online advertising in terms of safety and security.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly disagree 20 20.0

Disagree 29 29.0

No opinion 17 17.0

Agree 17 17.0

Strongly agree 18 18.0

Total 100 100.0


From table no. 7.18, it is observed that when respondents were asked whether


find online marketing safest to use;

 20% were strongly disagreed.

 29% shown disagreement.

 17% had no opinion on this question.

 17% shown agreement and,

 18% were strongly agreed.

It means majority of respondent feel online marketing is not very safe. In order

to know the reasons, respondents were being specifically asked to identify


To analyse further we represent above data graphically. This is as follows.


30 29

20 18
17 17


strongly disagree disagree no opinion agree strongly agree


9.User experiences for encountering pop-ups and pop-downs:

Ever since the early days of online marketing, pop-up ads have been annoying.

Back in 2004, pop-ups were the most hated web experience, according to

Nielsen Norman group.

However, marketers have found that they an overwhelming amount of evidence

shows that pop-ads are extremely effective at collecting email addresses or

driving traffic to certain pages. For this reason, many conversion rate optimizers

and growth hackers swear by them. But just like in the good old days, they still

annoyed users.

Are pop-up ads worth it?

It can be very tempting for fast-growing companies to use pop-ups to drive their

email list. But before you decide to implement an overlay on your site, there are

some questions that are needed to be answered, such as, how does your target

customer feel about pop-ups ads?, is there a more user friendly way to

achieve the same goal? Will the subscribers remain engaged?

To understand respondents experience for encountering pop-up ads,

Respondent’s responses are tabulated below:

Table 1.10

Respondent’s experiences in encountering pop-up ads

Frequency Percent

Informative &useful 2 2.0

Ignoring 56 56.0

Malicious content 42 42.0

Total 100 100.0


From table 1.10, it is observed that

 Out of 100 respondents only 2% of respondents find it useful sometimes

in terms of conveying information.

 Majority of 56% respondents find it ignoring.

 And 42% of respondents believe that pop-ups are some hacker’s trick for

collecting information or itself carry malicious content in them.

It can be seen that majority of respondents feel that pop-ups are ignoring and

could be harmful for their systems or may contain malicious programmes in it.

Graphical representation of Respondent’s experiences in encountering

pop-up ads





informative ignoring malicious content

10.Loopholes in online marketing over traditional marketing tools:

Increasing techno-friendly attitude of consumers is encouraging them to use

online marketing, but at the same time some limitations are refraining 100%

acceptance of online marketing; these limitations can be-

1) Susceptibility – consumers may have vulnerable approach towards the use

of internet

2) fraudulent activities – there is a scope of providing wrong information,

offering fake brands or overpromising,

3) Privacy issue – consumers may be reluctant to share their credit

card number, bank details or any other sensitive information,

4) Lack of demonstration – at times, there may be creative visualization of

products on the website in order to attract the consumers but in reality, these

may be different, this discrepancy may prevent them to prefer online purchase,

5) Often interrupting – frequent pop ups, spams or web banners may create an

obstacle in web surfing which may lead to generate consumers’ negative

attitude towards online marketing

To understand loopholes that online marketing carry over traditional marketing

tools, respondent’s responses are tabulated below.

Table no. 1.11

Loopholes in online marketing over traditional marketing tools

Frequency Percent

More susceptible 16 16.0

More scope of 26 26.0

fraudulent activities

Lack demonstration 20 20.0

Privacy issue 21 21.0

Often interrupting 17 17.0

Total 100 100.0


From table no. 1.11, it is observed that

 16 % of respondents find online marketing is not safe as it is more


 26% of respondents find online marketing is not safe as there is more

scope of fraudulent activities.

 20% of respondents find online marketing is not safe as it lacks


 21% of respondents find online marketing is not safe as it may result


 some serious privacy issues.

 17% of respondents find online marketing is not safe as it is often


It means majority of respondents feel that online marketing is not safe as there

is more scope of fraudulent activities followed by privacy issues. These may

includecheating customers by offering them faulty items, giving wrong

demonstrations,taking confidential information such as bank details, credit card

details and misusing the same.

Graphical representation of Loopholes in online marketing over traditional

marketing tools




more susceptible more scope for lack demonstrations privacy issue often interrupting
fraudent activities


This section makes detailed analysis of the data collected from respondents

with the help of simple calculations. Analysis of data has been presented in

tabular forms, graphical illustration and description thereafter. This

systematic analysis has majorly helped to drag the final conclusions so as to

achieve objectives of this study.

Final conclusions with recommendation are discussed in the next section.



1. Most of the real sector people actually understanding the value and

opportunities of digital marketing.

2. With the study of digital marketing I came to its emergence and extreme

growth in today’s scenario.

3. What I found in client servicing is convincing clients is bit complex as

they too have complete knowledge about the digital marketing and also

explaining how we are better than others.

4. Most of the sectors initially opt for the digital marketing channels name

search engine optimization, search engine marketing and social media

marketing and later they will think about other channels which mean

these three channel high acceptance.

5. It is easier to approach a company’s if you first send them an E-mailer to

related sector and then call them in fact sometimes the company itself call

having seen the E-mailer.

6. Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more

information about quality, price and refer customer’s experiences before

purchasing a product.

7. Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian

customers. But this stimulus will get in to action only through opinion




The study concludes that consumers rely upon more than one medium in order

to enhance their brand related knowledge. It means that they use the

combination of various sources for making final purchase decision. Along with

the traditional sources, they heavily rely on modern marketing tool i.e. online


Consumers do require detailed information about the brand so as to evaluate its

strengths & weaknesses; this ample amount of information then saves their time

by allowing them to make the purchase decision quickly. The study also reveals

that main reason for growing importance of online marketing is the increasing

literacy about internet among people. They have identified that internet is truly

advantageous through which they can serve their various purposes mainly social

networking, online shopping & media sharing (photo, music, video). This

efficacy of internet has intensified their tendency of being online.

Today’s consumers strongly feel that every company must use this efficacy to

strengthen its marketing efforts. So that they will get motivated to use online

marketing with the intent of getting access to exclusive content about the brand

and getting discount and sharing their feedback about brand with the advertiser.

With the advent of internet technology, consumers’ preference towards

traditional marketing tools has decreased. Most popular traditional marketing

tools are television & print media. The major benefits of online marketing are

its capabilityof interaction between consumers and advertisers followed by

availability of widerange of information & ease of shopping. These benefits

make online marketingsuperior than traditional marketing.

But at the same time consumers are susceptible about the user-safety side of

internet. They feel that online marketing is unsafe as it may lead to increase in



Conclusion given above reveals that consumers use more than one medium to

make brand choice, therefore it is recommended that

 Companies should mix & match various mediums to reach their

desired target audience. This will help to spread awareness among

them and to influence buyers behaviour thus companies must

formulate an effective Integrated Marketing Communication plan

where they can combine various tools to grasp maximum prospects

 Every company big or small should grab this advantage and include

online marketing in their marketing efforts. Online marketing forms

can be mainly web marketing, E-commerce, social media marketing.

Consumers find certain benefits in online marketing over traditional marketing;

therefore companies can spend more on online media rather than the traditional

tools. But along with its advantages, online marketing has certain limitations

also, limitations like possibility of fraudulent activities or privacy issues are

beyond control. Cybercrime cannot be eradicated easily or completely therefore,

it is recommended that

 Companies should not rely entirely on online marketing; they must

make it a part of Integrated Marketing Communication strategy. As

a result of which limitations of online marketing will be covered as

the other mediums will build the required credibility and positive

image about the brand. This credibility will generate trust among

consumer towards the brand.




Respondent’s details


Gender : Male ( ) Female ( )

Occupation : Student ( ) Service ( )

Self employed ( )

Age : Between 18 to 30( )

Between 30 to 45 ( )

Contact details:_________________________________(optional)

(Please tick √ in the box besides option/s matching your response)

1. I rely on just one medium to get knowledge about any brand.

Yes ( ) Somewhat ( ) No ( )

2. Which source do you refer the most to get awareness of various brands?

Print ads ( )

Television commercials ( )

In-store promotion ( )

Outdoor media ( )

Online media ( )

3.What is your frequency of being online?

Very Low ( ) Low ( ) Moderate ( )

High ( ) Very high ( )

4. Please indicate your purpose for using internet by ranking each purpose
between the scale of 1 to 5 (where, 1 is the most important and 5 is least

a. Social networks ( ) b. Media sharing sites (Video, photo, music

sharing & Gaming) ( )

c. Blogs ( ) d. Podcasts & RSS ( ) e. Collaborative

websites ( ) f. Other content sharing websites ( ) g. Online shopping
( )

5. Companies should use online activities in their marketing efforts.

Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( ) No opinion ( ) Disagree (

) Strongly disagree ( )

6. How important following factors are to motivate you to like the brand on

Most Important Least Not important

important important
To receive
To stay

activities of
To get updates

brands and its

For fun,
To get excess
to the

To interact
(share ideas,


7. I don’t prefer the print ads or Television commercials much to get the
brand awareness. Strongly agree ( ) Agree ( )

No opinion ( ) Disagree ( )

Strongly disagree ( )

8. I prefer Online advertising as it is SAFEST to use. Strongly agree ( )
Agree ( )

No opinion ( ) Disagree ( )

Strongly disagree ( )

9. what are your experiences regarding encountering POP UPS?

Informative & useful ( ) ignoring ( )

Malicious content ( )

10. What loopholes does online marketing carry over traditional marketing
tools? (Tick only one, which is more prominent according to you)

More Susceptible ( ) Privacy Issue ( )

More scope for fraudulent activities ( ) Often interrupting ( ) Lack

demonstration ( )




 • Kerr, G., Schultz, D., Patti, C. & Kim, I., 2008. An Inside-Out

Approach to Integrated Marketing Communication: An international

analysis. International Journal of Advertising.[Online], 27(4), pg. no.

511–548. Available



 Lindberg, Nyman and Landin, 2010. How to Implement and Evaluate an

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 communications/introduction-to-integrated-marketing-communications.




















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