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Reprinted from AGRONOMY JOURNAL. ‘Vol. 64, Nov-Dec, 1972, p. 730-733 Yield of Flue-Cured Tobacco and Levels of Soil Oxygen in Lysimeters with Different Water Table Depths" ‘R. B. Campbell and G. T. Seaborn? ABSTRACT Fluccured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was grown in Iysimeters with statie water. table Tevels at 80,45, 60, 4nd 00 cm below dhe soil surface to more clealy define ite level at which favorable balance between s0U sera: tion and water supply is attained. The oxygen and CO; Content of the soil air was determined. peiodially at ‘avious depths, Watertable treatment effects were eval- Uated in terms of r00t and shoot grow, yield, and {ality of tobacco, ‘Dry Teal yields for the 905 G0 and 48-om watertable tweatinents were all sigoifiantly (P5005) greater than that for the S0cm treatment. Yields for the 60- and. 90- Gm. watertable levels ‘were larger, but not sigificantly (F005) larger than the Wem treatment.” The yield Aiference between the 60: and treatments was not Significant (P3048). Roots of tobacco recovered. from foil abore the 00+ and Oivem ‘water tables weighed only 10%, more than roots recovered from soll aboxe the 80- can ‘water table. "Average CO, and O. gradients in the soit above the water table were nearly ajual but of op. Posie siga. "Soll exvironmental condidons imposed by the 6b-em watertable teatment of this study provided dhe Iost favorable balance between aeration ahd water sup ply for tabaeeo. Additional key words; Nicotiana tabacum L,, Tobacco quality, Soil CO,, Reducing sugars of tobacco, Aikaloids in tobacco. WW ATER TABLE levels ate affected by rainfall and river and tidal elevations in many tillable sec- tions of the southeastern Coastal Plains. In this region the frequency and the distribution of rainfall are virtually unpredictable. As a result, drought hazards exist for many field crops almost every year. Conse- quently, the amount of water drained from the soil profile that could have been utilized by plants is an important phase of soil water management in this re- gion. Another significant phase is whether or not wa- ter-table levels exist for which a balance between wa- ter uptake and soil aeration can be optimized for plant growth. The response of various agricultural crops to static water-table levels in soil has been recent- ly reviewed by Williamson and Kriz (7). ‘They point out that the sensitivity of plants to wet soils partly depends upon plant species. For example, orchard- grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) (3), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (5), and wheat (Triticum aestivum 1.) (6) grew best at stabilized water-table levels of 30, 60, and 150 cm, respectively. Similar data do not appear to be available for flue- cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), a crop that is known to be sensitive to wet soil conditions. Experimental data presented describe some of the effects of different static water-table levels on the Contribution from the Coastal Plains Soil and Water Conser- vation Research Center, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, ARS, USDA, Florence, S. C., in cooperation with South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Received Jan. 6, 1972. *Soil Scientist and former Physical Science Technician. ‘The contribution of John F. Thornton, deceased, former Director, Coastal Plains Soil and. Water Conservation’ Research Center, Florence, . C., is acknowledged. 7 30 gaseous composition of soil air, and on the growth, yield, and quality of tobacco of variety ‘Coker 298.’ PROCEDURE, Lysimeter Layout and Cultural Methods ‘Tobacco plans were grown in Iysimeters that were constructed from cylindrical stel tanks 36 on in diameter by 90-01 120 em deep. ‘The Iyimeters were arranged in two rows, 1m apart center to center, in a trench with thelr nims_ projecting $c above the bordering sol surface. A 10cm layer of rock followed bby a dem layer of sand was placed in the bave of cach Iysimeter and. was filled with Norfolk loamy sand topsoil tothe same level at soll in the surrounding field. "The experimental treatments were constant water table leels aimed 3030 5, 6 and 59 em low, the al nace throughout the growing season. These treatments were arranged in'a tondomized block design with four replications. ‘The pre fre ‘head that controlled the level of the water table" was, established by overflow pipes tertinating at the desired. water table depth,” Water needed for" evapotranspiration plus an mount to maintain the pressure head was provided by am ad justmene of water flow Control valves connected t0 the water supply. Kina tobacco plants were transplanted into the Iysimeters on May 5, 1967 and May 7, 1968. "The particular arrangement of the iysimeters permitted a. 56-em space between plants, which fesulted ins Conventional plant Gensity. of 14880. planta/ha {6020 plants/acre) “A four-row border area was planted on both Sides of the Iysimeters at the same row spacing as plans in the Iysimeters. Prior co planting, a mixed fertilizer was incorporated {ithe surface soil in cach Ipsimeter_at the rate of 81, 10, and 201 Ka/ha of N, P, and K, respectively Stalk diameter, plant height, and) number of Teaves were de- termined at prescribed ties in 1967 and. 1968. In_ addition, Tengehs and widths of all leaves on each plant-were messured in 1968 (0 determine total plant leaf area, Leaf area was then Calculated! from the produet of number of leaves x¢ average leat length 9¢ average let width 3c 0.64, ‘The factor O64 was deter- mined Hom the average Tato. of Test area to. the. product of Tength xc width of the leaves of plants bordering the Iysimeter installagon, Suggs et al. (4) reported factors of 0.72 for small Teaves and 062'for large leaves Tobacco leaves were picked from the stalks as they matured Dry leaf yields were obtained for the vaxfous treatments fn 1967 and 1968) but in 1968 tobacco was flue-cured and graded. before fying. ‘Tobacco leaves for each watereable.trentment. were smnlyzed for reducing sugars snd total alkatotds. Root weights were determined in 196) only. Soil Air Analysis The O, CO, and’Ny contents of the soil atmosphere were determined at various heights above the water table in 1968. "To sample the soil profile gus exchange chambers were. placed in the soil at lem! intervals, beginning 8 em below the soll sur- face to 10 ca above the water table in (wo replications in all four Ceasient "Gs chamers were formal rom dik of 2 rige stainless steel sheeting by pressing them into ejlindscal Chambers 62cm in diametet by 1em deep. ‘The open side of the chamber was covered with Zmm mesh stainless steel screen to Keep soll Tumps out of the chamber and to allow exchange of gus between the soil pores and the chamber. A tube, 82min od by 13 mm id, whith extended § em above the soll surface, sras soldered into a hole drilled into the top of each charaber: ‘The upper ends of these tubes were sealed with rubber septa Uarough' which hypodermic needles were inserted to obtain gas samples, Samples of soil air were taken with 15-¢¢ capacity gastight syringes. ‘Two samples were discarded before the third was trans- ported to the laboratory, where a 1-ce portion of he sample Nar analyzed. One ges sample was taken from each depth in CAMPBELL & SEABORN: YIELDS OF TOBACCO AND LEVELS OF 0, IN LYSIMETERS 731 the morning hours for 6 days within an 8-day period. beginnin May 38, 1968, “Although only one sample was obtained tvera Samples could be taken succesvely from the B0-ce capscty gas esefyois, without altering. the composition of gate in) the Sample, With similar equipment. Yamaguchi et al.” (@) ave Shon hat Tee semper cold he btained from. gm rr voirs 8 cc in volume with 2 25cm flared base, without appre- ably altering the composition of gas taken at various depths in. columns of sand. “Tike components of the sil gas were separated andl measured by gis chromatography. Carbon dioxide was separated from the eutlning oll gases on 4 60- 9c Dem sifea-gel column main- tained at 100 € inside the oven of the gas chromatograph. A 180- Sc‘OG-em molecular sieve column conneeted in series wich the sien gel columny situated outside the chromatograph oven, Separated ©, 4} A, Np and CH, at 25 C. Since A and, were nat separated, using these operating conditions, the A content Of the’ gas samples was taken to be the same a6 air at ambient tenperature, Tests at this Inboratory have shown dhat the A Conlent of gas samples taken from soll in which the CO, con- Centration Was as high as. 18%, was esendally the same as A content of ait, ‘Ther water vapor content of samples was 36 Semel co be saturated at time’ of injection into the chromato graph because these gas samples were taken from pores of moist, sil, Soil Characteristics “The mechanical composition of the Norfolk loamy sand top. soil used in the study was 882%, sand, 166% silt, and 02% of lho ay The verge Sater conten of Soll cores ere SU W527, 124, 11g, 91, 80, and 63% volume bass, correspond- ing to matric tution values of 1, 8, 6, 10, 30, 60, and 100 cent bags respectively. ‘The largest change in water content pet unit mawie shetion occurred tithe 10,6 centibar range. in field fos of the ae, a marie suction of 10, rather: han $0, cenubas is often observed as te suction approximating field capacity. Water content and air-filled porosity data presehted in Table 1 Were obtained from a Iysimeter dufing low evaporation condi- Tons and. with 2 constant. water-table level 60cm below the Soil surface. The air flled porosity of this soil increased trom To.sey at a depth of 525 cm from the surface to 236% at a point’ 73 em below the soil surface RESULTS AND DISCUSSIO) Composition of Soil Gas ‘The percentages of O2 and COs, shown in Fig. 1, show that Oz decreased, whereas CO, increased almost linearly with depth within the limits of depths sam- pled above each water-table level. Considering the gas composition of the soil atmosphere for all water- table levels of this study, the O; content decreased and CO, content increased as the depth of the water table below the soil surface increased. ‘The largest ab- solute CO and O, concentration gradients found be- tween two adjacent sampling depths were associated with the shallow (80am) water-table level and the smallest absolute concentration gradients with the deepest (90-cm) water-table level. Average gradients expressed as change in Os percent were —0.60, —0.40, —0.82, and —0.21, and the change in percent for CO: were 0.69, 0.41, 0.32, and 0.22 for 30. 45-, 60., and 90cm water-table treatments, respectively. ‘The sums of Oz + COs, given in Table 2, at vari- ous depths in the soil above the water table varied approximately -+ 2% from the normal concentration of Og in air, “This stim was slightly greater at the 23- an depth than for other depths for each water-table treatment, indicating that CO; accumulated and di. luted Ng in the soil atmosphere. Below the 23-an depth Os + GOs decreased slightly with depth to the water table, indicating that O, decreased without a corresponding inerease in CO;. As a consequence, Nz increased at these lower depths. Root Distribution In the absence of a water table in a deep uniform soil, Hall et al. (2) found that fluecured tobacco developed a deep root system. In the presence of vari- ous water-table levels, the total dry root weight recov- cred from lysimeters was only 10% greater for the 90. em watertable level than the SOc treatment; the character of root systems for these two treatments, how- ever, was visibly different. A large tap root develop- ed in the 90-cm treatment in contrast to a much small- er tap root and numerous fibrous roots distributed throughout the soil of the 30-cm water-table treatment. The distribution of roots ‘within the lysimeters, rep- resented by block diagrams in Fig. 2, shows that the largest percentage of roots for all treatments occurred in the surface 10-cm layer of soil. Root weight de- creased with depth, with relatively more roots found in lower depths of the deeper water-table treatments. Very few roots were found within the 10-cm layer just above the water table in all treatments. Root environ- mental effects of various water-table levels were indi- cated by both the size and distribution of roots in soil contained in the lysimeters. Plant Appearance and Growth Leaves of tobacco plants, growing in the lysimeters with a 30-cm water table, became chlorotic within 4 Table 1. Water content and airfilled porosity of soil in a Tysimeter with a water table 60 cm from the surface. —— . _ ‘Table 2. Percent 0, + CO, ‘below the soil surface for the soil gas at different depths ferent water-table treatments. / 7 water 1A9.8s { —e— 30 em 0 5 10 18 0 5 10 15 20 CO, % Oe Fig, 1. Percentages of ©, and CO, shown in relation to depth fh soil for various static water-table levels. 732 AGRONOMY JOURNAL, VOL. 64, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1972 a 3 «_] (os 10] 2 # 38 3 20] z 7 2] Be» 2 5 hs 3) 62 a5 z Joo E oo] ° 1 on 90] 90 60 45 30 Fig. 2 Distribution of roots at various depths in Iysimeters with Water tables at 90, 60, 45, and 30 cm below the soil surface. Numbers in blocks indicate percentage of roots found in, the layer indicated. Numbers in brackets give the total dry weight of root material expressed in grams per plant. DRY LEAF WEIGHT 9/plant WATER TABLE DEPTH -cm. Fig. 3. Tobacco dry leaf yield produced in Iysimeters with vari- ‘ous static watersable levels, Table 3. Tobacco growth measurements made 6/14/68, 38 days ‘after transplanting, for various watertable treatments. 0) ou weeks after transplanting, and remained slightly chlo- rotic throughout the growing season both years. Leaves of the plants growing at the 45-cm water-table level appeared slightly chlorotic within 6 weeks after trans. planting, but recovered as the season progressed. Plant measurements made 38 days after transplant- ing in 1968 are presented in Table 8. Leaf area, length, and width were significantly smaller for the 30cm treatment than those for the 45-, 60-, and 90-cm treat- ments. Although stalk diameter and plant height measurements showed lower values for the 30- and 45. cm water-table levels than for the 60- and 90-cm trea ments, these differences were not significant at P>0.0 ‘The largest value in four out of five measurements was associated with the 60-cm treatment; differences in growth between the 45-, 60-, and the 90cm treat- ments, however, were not significant. Ratios of the 30- to the 60-cm plant measurements for stalk diameter, average leaf length, average leaf width, plant height, and total leaf area were 91, 87, 86, and 63%, respectively. Leaf area was the most sensitive growth indicator Dry Leaf Yield Tobacco dry leat yield data for 1967 and 1968 are shown in Fig. 3. In 1967 the maximum dry leaf yield was harvested from the 60-cm water-table depth; this yield, however, was not significantly different from the 45 and 90-cm treatments, but was significantly different from the 30-cm treatment. In 1968, however the highest yield was associated with the 90-cm water table treatment and the dry leaf yields from 45-, 60-, and 90-cm water-table treatments were all significantly different from the depth. Yields were increased slightly umder stabilized water-table conditions ranging in-depth from 45 to 90 cm. The dry leaf yield for the 30cm water-table teat- ment was 129 g per plant in 1967, as compared to 77 g per plant in 1968, a difference of 52 g. ‘This dif- ference is approximately equal to twice the magnitude of the LSD) _9o5 and, therefore, appears to be too large to be explained on the basis of experimental er- ror alone. The June rainfall in 1967 was very different from that in Jime 1968. In mid-June 1967 a single rain of 4.88 cm fell as compared to 13.7 cm of rain, which fell within 5 days in mid-June 1968. Within this 5-day period four sep- arate rains of 2.67, 4.70, 2.29, and 3.05 cm fell within 3 of the 5 days. Leaves on some of the plants growin in the 30cm water-table lysimeter became flaccid or “flopped,” indicating that flooding occurred for a period long enough to have resulted in a lower yield in 1968 than in 1967. Yield and Quality of Flue Cured Tobacco Flue-cured tobacco yield data are given in Table 4. ‘The cured yield for the 30cm treatment was signifi- cantly less than all other treatments, being only 50%, of the yield for the 90-cm treatment. The cured leaf yield was highest for the 90cm treatment; differences between yields, however, for the 45-, 60-, and 90-cm treatments were not significant at P>0.06. the average value of graded tobacco is usually dif ferent each year, depending upon buyer requirements and quality grown. ‘The grade index, given in Table 4, column 3, is an index of tobacco quality, based upon grading standards that include color, physical proper- ties, and average prices paid for various grades in pre- vious years’. Based upon these quality standards, shal- low water-table levels reduced quality; however, the reduction was not significant at P>0.05. The grade index multiplied by cured leaf yield fepresents the tobacco crop index as given in Table 4 column 4. The crop index for the 30-cm treatment was 54% of that for the treatment. Differences between the 45- and treatments were not sig- nificantly different from the crop index obtained in the 90-cm treatment, These data indicate that cured yield had a greater effect on the crop index than grade for the various water-table treatments. “Grade index for flue-cured tobacco was based on average price paid for various grades in 1967 and through September 11, 1968, as issued by the School ‘of Agriculture and Life Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. Table 4. Fluecured leaf y 1968 Jd and value of tobacco grown in Iysimeters at various waterable Tevels es i i 130.0 0.09) ble 5, Reducing sugars and total alkaloids of tobacco grown in soil with different static water tables (sec footnote 4). 150 0.05) Chemical Composition of Cured Tobacco Reducing sugars in tobacco increased slightly with increasing water-table depths, Table 5, but the most significant aspect was that sugars in. leaves of plants grown in the lysimeters were much higher than sugars in leaves grown in the absence of a water table. ‘The total alkaloid content of tobacco, given in Ta- ble 5, increased as the depth to the water table in- creased. Field tobacco, grown in the absence of a ‘Chemical analyses were made through the courtesy of Dr. E. Smith, Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp., Louisville, Ky. 738 water table, had about 2.6 times the alkaloid content as lysimeter-grown tobacco. According to Currin et al. (1), “A wet season tends to reduce the alkaloid content in tobacco, whereas a dry season has the op- posite effect.” ‘The presence of high water tables accents the mag- nitude of the ratio between reducing sugars and total alkaloids, referred to as the $/A ratio in Table 5 Root environmental conditions imposed by water ta- bles had a pronounced effect in increasing the reduc- ing sugars and decreasing total alkaloids in tobacco. LITERATURE CITED R. E, M,Z. Ford, and 7, W. Graham, 1968, Per formance of tobscco varieties in 8. C. Agron. aid Soli Res Series No. 71, 8, C. Agr. Exp, Sia, Clemson, &. C. 2. Tall, Nv, W. V. Chandler © 41, M. van favel,P. HL. Reid, tnd]. Ht Anderson. 1855" A. tracer veehmique to messire growih and activity of plant root systems. North. Carolina Ren Exp Sta Tech, Bail. No. 10 8 Clibers'W., and'D. 8, Chamblee, 1959, effect of depth of Seater table on yield of ladino clover, orchard grass tall fesene. J. Amer, Soc. Agron. O1:947 300, 4, Suggs, CW, Jo F, Mesa and W. E_ Splints, 1960, Physical properties of green Virginia type tobsceo eaves. Pare Ii a ee teteemen 5. Tovey, Re 1964 Alfalfa growth ag influenced by statie an’ ‘vetting water tables, rans, ASAE 7 @):310-312 6, Van Hoots, J. W. 1958, "Results of (ground water level eperimonta field with arable crops on clay soil Neth Agee sek o:110. Wiiamon, Rr, G, J. Kriz, 107, Repense of arcu {rops to flooding, depiit of water table and sil guseous compo: Siton, "Trans, ASAE 15216220, 8. Yamauchi, MG, f. D. Howard, D. L. Hughes, and W. J. Flock. Tae.” Ai improved. technique’ for sampling as analysis of soil atmosphere. Soil Sc Soc, Amer. Prot. 20 saa

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