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• Show the Video (Electricity) and discuss the following questions on padlet or on any other suitable
online platform.

→ What are the two types of electric charges?

→ Complete the following sentences.

Teacher’s Manual

CBSE/VII/2021-22 Electricity and Its Effects Page 4 of 15

Two like current charges ___________ (attract/repel) each other.

→ What is electric current?

Note: Teacher will have to create a discussion on padlet/any other online platform and share the link in
the chat box to carry out

the discussion.

• Explain the concept of electric current and state its unit.

• Show PPT 1 (Slide 2) and ask the following questions:

→ What do you observe in the slide? (waterfall)

→ In which direction is the water flowing? (higher to lower/ top to bottom)

• Show PPT 1 (Slide 3) and explain that as water flows from a higher level to a lower level, in the same
way, there is tendency of

the positive charges to flow from a point of higher electric level to a point of lower electrical level.

• Introduce the term Electrostatic potential and explain Potential difference.

• Ask,

→ Have you seen the festival lighting series? What causes all the bulbs to glow?

• Elicit responses. Derive that electricity is transferred from the switch to the bulb, through the wires.

• Discuss that sometimes one of the bulbs from the series, stops working.

• Ask,

→ What might be the reason?

• Deduce that the wire or the connection of the wire with that particular bulb, might have got disturbed
or might be broken,

thus disrupting the flow of current to the bulb.

• Explain that the electric circuit has to be complete and properly connected, in order to make the bulb

• Explain the electric circuit.

• Visit
Builder-Interactive and

Teacher’s Manual

CBSE/VII/2021-22 Electricity and Its Effects Page 5 of 15

demonstrate how the bulb glows in a closed circuit and how it doesn’t glow in an open circuit.

• Brainstorm the following questions using the chat box:

→ What will happen if you keep the wires, bulb and the cell connected for long time? (the bulb will fuse/
the cell will drain off)

→ How can you avoid this situation? (by controlling the time for which the energy is allowed to pass
through the wires)

• Elicit responses. Infer that adding a switch to the circuit will allow us to control the flow of electricity
from the cell to the bulb.

• Ask the following questions:

→ What will happen, if we replace the wires with rubber bands? (the bulb will not glow, rubber band
does not allow electricity

to pass through it)

→ Will the bulb glow, if the wires are replaced with metal pins? Give reason? (yes, metals allow passage
of electricity)

• Elicit responses and recapitulate about conductors and insulators.

• Explain the different commonly used components in an electric circuit.

• Show the Video (Components of an electric circuit) and explain the different symbols.

• After the video ask random learners to draw the symbols of the different components in their
After drawing/writing ask the learners to display their drawings/answers virtually by either clicking a
picture or scanning their


• Discuss the symbols that can be used to represent the respective components of the electric circuit.
Infer that it is easy to use

symbols, to depict an electric circuit and also to understand it. Thus we use symbols to represent various
components of the


• Show PPT 1 (Slide 4) and explain an open and closed circuit diagram. Ask random students to label the

• Ask- In which of the two circuits, will the bulb glow? Why?

• Elicit responses. Discuss the circuit diagrams, emphasise on the following:

 arrows showing the direction of flow of electric current

 open/closed switch

Teacher’s Manual

CBSE/VII/2021-22 Electricity and Its Effects Page 6 of 15

 bulb in open circuit and in closed circuit

 difference in the representation of a cell and a battery

Formative Assessment: questions to be used while teaching to verify the understanding

 What is the SI unit of measurement of electrical current?

 What is electrostatic potential?

 Define potential difference.

 What is the SI unit to measure the potential difference?

 What is an electric circuit?

Closure [Evaluation and Exploration] [5 min]

Strategy: Questioning Skills: Communication Resources: Digital Tools: NA

• Instruct the students to complete the Check your progress given on page no. 251 of the textbook.
Discuss the answers

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