Preparing A Curriculum Vitae For New Graduates

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Preparing a Curriculum Vitae for New

Muhammad Waseem, MD, MS, FAAP, FACEP1 , and Benjamin H. Schnapp, MD, MEd2

D uring the transition into residency training,

preparing a curriculum vitae (CV) can seem like
a daunting task, especially when each example seems a
potential future employers to contact the applicant if
needed. Optional information includes home and pro-
fessional addresses, date of birth, and birthplace, but
little bit different and no definitive guide exists. Never- this information usually is not required by employers.
theless, the effort to craft a great CV is worth it, and Do not underestimate the potential benefit of strategic
this guide will endeavor to make the task easier by set- deployment of this type of biographical information.
ting out the essential “dos and don’ts.” A CV serves For example, if applying for a distant job, employers
as a professional passport, cataloguing accomplish- may be reassured to learn that the applicant was born
ments, opening doors to employment, and creating nearby. Beware that this information could backfire,
opportunities for professional connections. however, as when an employer unlawfully discrimi-
nates against an applicant based on their age or mari-
tal status. Do not list social security numbers.
A curriculum vitae is a comprehensive list of your accom-
plishments, including education credentials, teaching,
and publications and can run for many pages, while a Start with residency training and work backward,
resume (which you may be familiar with from a previous including any graduate school and undergraduate expe-
career) is a one-page abbreviation of the most relevant rience. Include all awarded degrees, dates of atten-
accomplishments you wish to highlight for a particular dance, and location. High school should be omitted.
application.1 Fortunately, there is a general understand-
ing in medicine that accounting for the full range of
one’s achievements can take up significant space; the
prevailing standard is for potential employers to request List the issuing state, whether it is a permanent or a
an applicant’s CV. You may still be asked to prepare a temporary license, and the active dates. It is not neces-
resume for special purposes such as applying for a lead- sary to list specific license numbers on a CV.
ership position or award, which will present only your
most relevant qualifications for the position.
List all board certifications in chronological order even
if the certification is incomplete or in process. For
Providing a name, e-mail address, and home and work example, it is acceptable to list board eligibility having
telephone number is fairly standard, as these allow not sat for both ABEM examinations. Include such

From the 1Department of Emergency Medicine, Lincoln Medical Center, Bronx, NY; and the 2BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, NY.
Received August 24, 2019; revision received November 14, 2019; accepted November 20, 2019.
The authors have no relevant financial information or potential conflicts to disclose.
Supervising Editor: Jaime Jordan, MD.
Address for correspondence and reprints: Benjamin H. Schnapp, MD, MEd; e-mail:

© 2019 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

doi: 10.1002/aet2.10420 ISSN 2472-5390 S143

accolades as Diplomat of the National Board of Medi- faculty), and the time commitment (e.g., once a year,
cal Examiners (passed all three parts of USMLE), but biweekly). Include summary evaluation results, if avail-
do not include any scores. Some choose to list “merit able. A robust teaching log demonstrating proven
badges” here (e.g., ACLS, ATLS, PALS) as well, as teaching success provides leverage in a competitive aca-
prospective employers may wish to know an appli- demic job market. Each activity demonstrates subject
cant’s status prior to employment. matter expertise and public speaking skill, both valu-
able assets to most employers. In addition, the content
may spark interest and opportunity from an employer
intrigued by a lecture or presentation. A chance morn-
These include memberships in medical organizations ing report on sepsis may create a connection with
and activities that highlight involvement in hospital, someone whose focus is quality improvement. Do not
residency, regional, and national medical organiza- miss out on these potential opportunities (see Figure 1
tions. Examples include membership on committees for an example teaching log).
and involvement within the residency program (e.g.,
committees, interviewing). This is also the place to list
the additional coursework outside of residency. It may
be beneficial to group these activities together to The value of listing previous employment, including
emphasize common themes (e.g., advocacy, EMS). hospitals worked at during residency, may not be obvi-
ous at first. However, potential employers may not be
familiar with the diverse clinical experiences offered in
each residency program, and experience in multiple
Include your involvement with any research projects different clinical environments is an asset. Also show-
here. Prospective employers may ask about specifics of case nonmedical jobs that may be relevant to the
listed research including level of participation, espe- employer (e.g., scribe experience which may demon-
cially if the potential position has an academic focus. strate documentation efficiency) or positions held prior
List all scholarly products, starting with both peer-re- to residency that demonstrate leadership potential, pro-
viewed and non–peer-reviewed publications. Be sure ject management skills, and organizational skills.
to include publications submitted and accepted but
not yet published as "in press." Abstract presentations
are generally listed second; however, be sure that they
are clearly listed as abstracts rather than manuscripts. While hobbies and nonprofessional activities may
Grants, if any, are included in the final section. have been a focus of residency interviews, they are less
valuable for postgraduate employment. Similar to pro-
fessional experience, focus on activities that de-
monstrate leadership, business skills, or community
List all significant lectures and presentations. There engagement. These can be kept to a minimum or, bet-
may be more than initially apparent—a brief talk at a ter yet, omitted entirely from a CV.
residency conference or an invited presentation at a
meeting within your hospital system should be
included. If you have any doubts, add it to your CV
and discuss with a mentor; activities can always be Curriculum vitae should be written in the third per-
removed if they are felt to be too trivial. son, concise, mistake free, and well organized.2 Many
universities have a specific CV format that they prefer
or require—check with your own institution to see if
this applies, as they may provide a template.
When applying for an academic position, it is benefi- Proofreading is essential to avoid typographical and
cial to create a separate section dedicated to teaching grammatical errors. While it is permissible to change
activities. Highlight the depth, breadth, and quality of the font size for different sections of the CV—gener-
teaching. List courses designed and led, the number ally 18 pt for name, 12 to 14 pt for headings, and 10
and level of learners (e.g., medical students, residents, to 12 pt for main text—use the same font throughout
AEM EDUCATION AND TRAINING • February 2020, Vol. 4, No. S1 • S145

Activity/Topic Level Role No. Hrs/Time Years Evaluations

Learners Taught
Altered Mental 2nd year Facilitator 10-20 4 hrs/3 2018- Average:
Status Simulation Medical months present 4.7/5

Figure 1. A sample teaching log entry detailing involvement with simulation for early medical students, including the number of learners,
time commitment, and a summary of learner evaluations of the teacher.

the entire document.3 Finally, avoid placing dates in the candidate’s work ethic, communication skills, and
the left margin which tends to overemphasize the date affability. To avoid unpleasant surprises, be certain to
as opposed to the activity itself. ask permission of anyone listed as a reference.


The cover letter addresses three important matters that RECRUITERS
the CV does not: As you progress in your career, recruiters may offer
1. Position sought assistance with job placement. While some recruiters
2. Most important accomplishments can be helpful, we urge applicants to resist the tempta-
3. Vision for the new position tion to outsource the leg work of job hunting. Recrui-
ters may charge thousands in fees just for making a
While 1 is straightforward, 2 and 3 should be cus- few phone calls and sending a few e-mails. A recruiter
tomized for each position. A cover letter for a fellow- who circulates a CV among several groups may claim
ship might emphasize the applicant’s interest in to have made the introduction and lay claim to a
learning and how additional training will support lucrative commission even if the applicant ultimately
future career goals. A cover letter for an academic fac- does much of the work themselves. Exceptions include
ulty position, on the other hand, should highlight internal recruiters who are agents of specific groups or
important achievements and accomplishments and health care networks. If it is unclear who you are inter-
how they relate to the institution’s mission or goals. acting with, it is okay to ask.
Background information about a potential employer
may provide important context within which to frame
a cover letter. There are many great examples available ONLINE RESOURCES
online. Friends or coworkers who have recently com-
There are several paper and online resources available
pleted their own job searches may be willing to share
to help one guide the creation of a CV. Some of our
their own examples.
favorites can be found here:

Professional references should also be listed separately •
from the CV. References should be from individuals PMC5673141/
who are willing to be contacted to attest to the appli- •
cant’s past job performance and future potential. planning-resource/creating-standout-cv
Employers routinely expect three references, including •
one from the residency program director. Not listing
the program director as a reference can be interpreted
by some employers as a red flag, so be prepared to
defend the omission if necessary. For other references, The curriculum vitae is an important professional tool,
the applicant should choose people with whom they not just for job hunting but also for obtaining appro-
have worked closely and who can highlight the candi- priate recognition for your work through annual
date’s strengths. Other valuable references may include reviews, promotions, awards, and committee member-
research principal investigators; section chiefs; fellow- ships. However, it is only as good as the information
ship directors; or anyone with intimate knowledge of it contains. Be thoughtful and be accurate. A great

curriculum vitae takes time and will require ongoing References

effort throughout residency. Update achievements, job
1. Christenbery TL. The curriculum vitae: gateway to acade-
histories, and scholarly work regularly, at least every mia. Nurse Educ 2014;39:267–8.
6 months. Your curriculum vitae is a living document 2. Green M. Preparing the perfect medical CV. BMJ
that will naturally evolve over the course of your 2011;343:d5289.
career. Create a system to collect accomplishments in 3. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
real time as they occur to ensure all they are accurately Preparing Your Curriculum Vitae. Available at: https://
recorded in a timely manner. Many find keeping a
copy on the desktop of their computer helpful to facili- your_curriculum_vitae. Accessed December 9, 2019.
tate timely updates. Now get out there and create an
amazing curriculum vitae!
The authors thank David Barnes, MD, FACEP, for
his assistance with editing.

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