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Micro Focus SODP and Splunk

Successful SecOps implements integrated security architectures that share data across solutions.
ArcSight SODP offers scalable and interoperable solutions that can increase the ROI of existing tools.

Benefits Optimize Your Splunk Investment data is rendered. This is referred to as “schema
Enhancing Splunk with SODP enables you to:
with Micro Focus SODP on read.” The benefit of this approach is that
■ Cut license utilization costs by up to 90 percent ArcSight vs Splunk seems to be a common it makes it very easy to add new data sources
■ Parse data into a common standard schema debate in security circles. Vocal pro­ponents in and start collecting machine data of all types.
instead of 20+ proprietary schemas both camps often take a hard stance on why It simply accepts what you give it, no questions
■ Normalize and categorize events to simplify their favorite is best in class. The approach of asked. It does have some downsides. Without
queries and reporting regardless of data source each solution is very different, but both have parsing, aggregating, and filtering the data at
■ Reduce hardware storage costs compelling merits that are impossible to ignore. the time of ingest, it can significantly increase
■ Gain an immediate SODP return on investment ArcSight offers an open architecture approach your Splunk license utilization, as well as esca-
that easily scales, normalizes, and aggregates late data processing overhead in your down-
data from multiple sources in real time, and stream workflows.
then delivers that enriched data to multiple
des­tin­ations for easy analysis. Splunk gives you ArcSight on the other hand, uses Smart­Con­
quick deployment and onboarding of new data nectors to normalize, categorize, enrich, and
sources, combined with powerful search capa- aggregate data at ingestion. Since this “schema
bilities and advanced built-in analytics. When on write” approach enriches data in a struc-
stacked up against each other, both offer many tured format that is consistent across all data
similar capabilities and benefits, but depending sources, it enables the data to be easily shared
on who you talk to, one solution will inevitably with any big data or analytics tool. Additionally,
outshine the other in multiple categories. So, proper aggregation of events—grouping com-
how do you choose? mon events while preserving common fields
with minimal data loss—can result in huge data
The best answer is you may not have to choose store reductions. The end result is that down-
in order to benefit from the best of what each stream applications no longer have the burden
has to offer. ArcSight and Splunk can play nicely of collecting and parsing the data. And analytic
together in a way that lets you combine what tools—including Splunk—can quickly make
you love most about each solution, while en- use of the data, while reducing the amount
hancing your analysis capabilities and signifi- of data that needs to be consumed, indexed,
cantly reducing your overall licensing costs. and processed.

Understanding Differences Additionally, ArcSight uses the industry stan-

in Approach dard Common Event Format (CEF) to normal-
To understand how ArcSight and Splunk work ize all machine data into a common schema.
together, you first have to understand the dif- With more than 480 SmartConnectors, as well
ferences in their approach. The first difference as the Flex Connector framework for custom
is in what they do at the time of data ingestion. data feeds, virtually any type of data can be
Splunk simply collects event data in its raw collected and distributed in CEF. Normalizing
form, indexes it, but does not parse or nor- data in a common schema speeds up correla-
malize the data until search time or when the tion, enables easy consumption by any target
Micro Focus SODP and Splunk

Connectors Logger ArcMC Transformation Hub

Collect data from all security Store data efficiently and securely Seamlessly manage your ArcSight Centralized routing and stream
devices, parse, and normalize the for long-term use cases, reporting, infrastructure including processing of data at massive
data for effective security use or compliance Connectors, Loggers, and TH scalefor multiple destinations

Structured, Normalized Data Low-Cost Storage Centralized Management Collect Once, Use Anywhere

Figure 1. Security Open Data Platform Portfolio

destination, and gives analysts a common tax- First of these is the ability to simply onboard receives 100 separate failed raw login
onomy that makes event messages vendor-ag- any data source once and then share it with events for user Bob.
nostic. This greatly simplifies and enhances the multiple destinations simultaneously. Using ■ If a system reports 100 failed login
way analysts work since they only need to learn the ArcMC management server, all of these
attempts by user Bob, the SODP
a single schema and can use nearly identical connectors can be easily maintained and de-
SmartConnector generates one
search queries across diverse platforms. ployed through a single interface, including the
single event that indicates user Bob
ability to send the data to any new destination
had 100 failed login attempts and
Splunk uses a normalization methodology with a few simple clicks. With the added help of
called the Common Information Model (CIM) sends this single event to Splunk.
an ArcSight for Splunk app, Splunk can accept
as its search-time schema or schema-on-the- and understand all these normalized events. As an added benefit, the SmartConnector
fly. Keep in mind that it is not actually a single act­ually enriches the event data in multiple
schema. Splunk employs 23 different sche- Additionally, by deploying the app and SODP ways before sending it to Splunk. Since the
mas that you choose from depending on what SmartConnectors between your data sources SmartConnector knows it’s an authentication
the data source is. This pseudo normalization and your Splunk environment, you enable event, it categorizes it as such for future report-
complicates the use of the data, making it dif- Splunk to start receiving aggregated data in- ing. It also looks up the IP address of the source
ficult to effectively correlate data, and requires stead of non-aggregated data. In some cases, and destination IP and resolves those to host
customers to create custom reports and dash- this aggregation can enable you to reduce the names. Finally, it might see that Bob is part of
boards specific to the sources they’re pulling flow of information into Splunk by as much as the accounting group, and adds that helpful
data from. 90 percent*, while still delivering all the es- context as well before sending it on to Splunk.
sential information you need for analysis. The __________
How to Enhance Splunk with following basic scenario can help clarify how
Security Open Data Platform (SODP) it works: * Validated with internal benchmark testing;
however, aggregation thresholds will determine
So how can Splunk benefit from ArcSight’s ■ If a system reports 100 failed login the reduction.
CEF formatted data? SmartConnectors of- attempts by user Bob, the normal non-
fered in the SODP serve multiple functions. aggregated data stream into Splunk

The SOC must fundamentally restructure itself to
ingest and process the tsunami of data required
for threat detection. Contact us at:

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Not only can the aggregation that SODP pro- ArcSight ESM ArcSight ESM
vides significantly reduce unnecessary data IT IT
utilization of your Splunk license, but it can Splunk SODP Splunk
Raw Transformation
lower data storage requirements as well. You OT Data UEBA OT Hub UEBA
also get simplified and more consistent que- -----
rying and reporting in Splunk through the data Various Elastic Common Elastic
IoT IoT Event
normalization provided by SODP. Since the Formats
Hunt Format Hunt

SODP SmartConnectors normalize your data Physical Long Term Physical Long Term
into the single CEF standard schema instead of Compliance Compliance

23 different schemas, you can create a unified Figure 2. Before SODP and after SODP architecture
set of dashboards and reports that will work for
all your data sources. computing requirements. Transformation Hub Transformation Hub’s cluster can be easily ex-
provides centrally managed routing and filter- panded to meet the data ingestion and delivery
You can also enjoy all of these same Splunk ing on CEF fields, delivering the right data to the needs of the largest SOC, while reducing com-
enhancing benefits through SODP’s Trans­for­ right application. It also offers SmartConnector plexity and improving manageability.
ma­tion Hub module. The Transformation Hub normalization and enrichment for syslog data
is a massively scalable message bus and stream as streaming processors, allowing customers Get More from Splunk with SODP
processing cluster that brings together data to easily handle data storms and increased It’s the open architecture approach that Micro
from multiple sources to multiple destinations data flows. Designed to handle hundreds of Focus takes with SODP that enables it to de-
in a way that reduces network complexity and clients at hundreds of megabytes per second, liver the cost-saving aggregation and report-
enhancing normalization benefits. SODP re-
moves the complexity and chaos that often
accompanies big data security, making it easy
for your SOC to share and leverage enriched
security data with your Splunk environment,
data lakes, analytics tools, and other best-of-
Figure 3.
SODP breed security solutions. For more information
centralized on how you can leverage SODP to get more
management out of your investment into Splunk and your
console— other security solutions, contact your Micro
Focus sales representative.

Learn more at

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