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amount granted before the time of Ti. Gracchus (133 B.C.


and prizes are distributed annually. Such of them as display

the independence and integrity of Afghanistan, to secure

had wished to do so, was always gold, to be won by slave

Mexico). The number of years before flowering occurs depends

crystalline massif, therefore, presents a solid block which

duke of Albany was bestowed on the 24th of May 1881 on Prince

This same spirit, but limited to nature in her most elemental

expression. These theories. however, like other attempts to

II. ALEXANDER STEWART, duke of Albany (c. 1454-1485),

Somaliland, though the Shebeli fails to reach the Indian Ocean;

in the south-and contains 37 cantons and 841 communes.


a few years ago, was that of Vicomte Emmanuel de Ronge,

archbishop of Milan. On being created cardinal by Innocent

month, but these calamities were followed by years of great

Express stipulations.

the ``Abode of Love'' in Somerset, and all efforts to interview

The early Christian agape admitted of adaptation to the

documents, so that they might be available for purposes of

by injection into cold water and working the lumps together,

subject, and work was carried on in many countries. But it

und Firn (1901); E. Rambert, Ascensions et flaneries (2

gives aa-phenyl-methyl-furfurane. Oxazoles (q.v.) are

Abbeville, the chief town of the district of Ponthieu, first

on the one hand unless the egoist's happiness is compatible

offices, had expressly stipulated should be provided. Here

ultimately on the degree in which the affections are regarded as

to the Webi Shebeli; in 1892 Vittorio Bottego (afterwards

the increased influence of the sun's rays. Still, even with

south. Our chain bends north-east near the Radstadter Tauern

of the Brazilian part of the river, as far up as the rapid of

AMBROSE (AMBROISE), AUTPERT (d. 778), French Benedictine

Barrow the annual mean is 7.70 F'., monthly means -18.6 deg.

branch of the river Purus. Of the rubber production of the

Third Crusade, author of a work called L'Estoire de la

2nd ed., sec. sec. 906, 784). The effect of fronting is seen in

mother, Antoine in 1810 and Arnaud in 1815. The parents

of an accumulator is obvious from his declaration that the

with precipitous sides, and these early citadels became in many

The investigations of James Clerk Maxwell (Phil.Mag., 1856;

fellow-men. He, more than any other single writer, reunited

Father of Danish Painting,'' was born at Copenhagen, the

Coutinho crossed the river, attacked the Makololo chiefs

considered the most truly African belongs to the two first.

treason of General Benedict Arnold (q.v.), and the consequent

about 150,000 (over 100,000 being Europeans and some 15,000

Holland. It is a large, handsome and finely situated building

considerable number of persons have been found to propagate

and in the epic of Gilgamesh we find Etana in the nether

gives rise to fresh riddles. How comes it that Adam's ruin

some of the longer guns, the exterior of the cartridre

nature has carved in the sides of those high mountains, the

all the cells of the colony. The Ulvaceae, the thallus of

Britain (Wm. Carew Hazlitt's edition, 1905).

continuously from Mogador to Cape Blanco. From here they are

established a custom-house at Puerto Alonso, on the Acre

Zanzibar is absolutely correct. Her Majesty's Government, on

huts collected about a common centre, which was usually the abode

but after ten years the boy was sent back to Portsmouth--the

of the war, and after the fall of Sevastopol, to negotiations for

hand, he had not infrequently had cause to regret that he

two atmospheres this wave soon dies out, and the decomposition

town of the Hernici, situated on a hill (1558 ft.) above the

traditional powers of self-government. Only in matters of

although he usually remains the servant of the shipowner during

himself with the sword which he had received as a present from

from the calamities of which he had been the witness, and

resistance was raised to such a height in the breasts of

legends. In general he is the voice of the plain people

pyloric divisions; this is an early stage in the development

to a limited extent defines their rights and duties. The

teachings stood for the American spirit, disengaged from

position. The great opponent of their Christology, which

of Kuka.'' By this agreement the British government withdrew

tourists. The spots at which they were crossed are called

the upper Niger and of the countries lying within the great

had trained themselves in psychological analysis. A word or

with many notes in the author's hand is now in the British

See Das kaiserliche Buch des Markgrafen Albrecht Achilles,

the tourist route northward from Seattle, Washington.

seventh year; childhood to the fourteenth; youth to

and the largest ocean steamers may ascend it to the Fall

extending the rule of France to the east or west, Clausel

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