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Hiroshima Hiroshima, written by john Hersey was originally written as a series of stories to be published in the New York Magazine

which is the weekend supplement for the New York Times. The editors were so impressed and moved by the articles it came to be published in a single issue. On august 6th 1945, a b29 bomber flew over Hiroshima with a deadly bomb onboard. As it was flying over Hiroshima, every citizen of Hiroshima was gazing upon it and thinking it was a weather plane. The alarms that were sounded by the Japanese army became too common for them to react to it. When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a white light flash through the sky and as for the citizens they were just blinded by the light and heard nothing. Out of the population of 250,000, the bomb killed 100,000 and left another 100,000 injured which means 20% of the population has a chance of surviving the after effects of the atomic bomb. The characters in the novel are just normal everyday people who are lucky enough to survive and tell their story. The first character mention is the reverend Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto. he was uninjured during the explosion, after the explosion when he s on the streets and the fire is spreading around the city, he helps to get people to safety to Asano park where is claimed to be the safe spot I Hiroshima. Mr Tanimoto wasn t helping the needed alone; he had Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge who s a Jesuit Priest. Mr. Tanimoto and Father Klainsorge help many people to avoid the fires and the rising tide of the river; they too helped one of the main characters; Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura and her children. Mrs. Nakamura is a tailor s widow who has three little kids. Mrs nakamura and her kids never suffered major physical injuries but later suffered radiation sickness. Dr Terufummi Sasaki is a doctor at the Red Cross Hospital. He treated thousands of injured patients and patients who were dying too. Later on after the bombing he operated on Miss sasaki s fractured leg. Hiroshima was originally an article for the New York Times which would explain that the language used would be in a journalist tone. But at the same time he wrote it this way so that the characters could speak for themselves in the most unbiased way possible. I ve enjoyed pretty much of this book other than few gruesome facts and what the survivors went through during the bombing and after it. But it hit inside of me that how devastating war can be and how destructive and unmanly humans can be to its own kind.

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