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December 7, 2009


United Architects of the Philippines

Thru : Area Vice Presidents

Regional District Directors
Chapter Presidents

From : UAP Management Committee

Re : Increase of UAP Annual Dues and Surcharges

As per General Assembly Resolution No. 01-11, series of 2009


The Management Committee of the United Architects of the Philippines wishes to

inform the General Membership of the following:

1. Effectivity of General Assembly Resolution No. 01-11, series of 2009. The

General Assembly in its annual business meeting held last April 23, 2009
ratified UAP National Board of Directors Resolution No. 08-09 # 6-04 and
Resolution No. 08-09 #6-05 which approved to increase the national annual
membership dues by 20% (from PhP500.00 to PhP600.00) and the late
payment surcharge from 10% to 50% (from PhP50.00 to PhP300.00) for both
Philippine and foreign chapters, provided that such increase shall only take
effect after the SEC shall have approved the 2009 UAP By-laws.

2. 2009 UAP By-laws and its Articles of Incorporation. The Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the 2009 UAP By-laws and its
Articles of Incorporation last October 26, 2009.

Relative to Item 2, Article XVI, Section 6 of the UAP By-laws states that:
EFFECTIVITY. (1) These By-laws shall take effect upon the approval by the
Securities and Exchange Commission”. Hence, General Assembly Resolution No. 01-
11, series of 2009 which approved the increase of national annual membership dues
and the late payment surcharge, is deemed effective.

However, in consideration of the recent approval of the 2009 UAP By-laws and its
Amended Articles of Incorporation and in light of the recent calamity brought about
by typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng which resulted to massive flooding and destruction of
properties particularly in the Luzon area, the UAP Executive Committee (Execom
Resolution No. 0910-4-02) has approved to extend the effectivity of General
Assembly Resolution No. 01-11, series of 2009 re: Approval to Increase the National
Annual Membership Dues and Late Payment Surcharge to January 01, 2010. Said
Execom Resolution was ratified by the UAP National Board of Directors in its
regular meeting held last December 6, 2009.

In view of this, the General Membership is hereby informed of the following

computations and adjustments of National Annual Membership Dues and Late
Payment Surcharge effective January 1, 2010, to wit:

I. Fees and Surcharges

a. National Annual Membership Dues - PhP600.00

(for one [1] Fiscal Year)

b. Late Payment Penalty/Surcharge - PhP300.00

Note: Any member who has not paid his national annual membership
dues for any given fiscal year on or before the September 30 deadline
shall be considered a dues-delinquent member, thereby all his
membership rights and privileges are temporarily suspended; further,
whenever a delinquent member makes full payment of the national
annual membership dues owing, plus a sum equivalent to PhP300.00.

II. Computation

a. Any Regular Member who will pay the National Annual Membership
Dues for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 on January 1, 2010 or thereafter:

Particulars Amount
Basic/Regular National Annual Membership PhP 600.00
Dues (For Fiscal Year 2009-2010)
Late Payment Penalty/Surcharge PhP 300.00
Total Due PhP 900.00

b. Any Regular Member who will pay the National Annual Membership
Dues for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 including his/her arrears of Fiscal
Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 on January 1, 2010 or thereafter:

National Annual
Fiscal Year Penalty Amount
Membership Dues
2009-2010 PhP 600.00 PhP 300.00 PhP 900.00
2007-2008 PhP 500.00 PhP 50.00 PhP 550.00
2008-2009 PhP 500.00 PhP 50.00 PhP 550.00
Total Due PhP 1,600.00 PhP 400.00 PhP 2,000.00
III. Good Standing Status (Article IV, Section 4)

a. Member in Good Standing. In order to be in good standing and receive

membership rights and privileges from the UAP, a regular member must
have paid the national annual membership dues on or before September 30 of
the current fiscal year.

b. Indication of Good Standing Status. All architects shall indicate in all their
acts which are deemed within the “Scope of the Practice of Architecture” as
defined under R.A. 9266, the UAP registration number, the number of the
official receipt and the date of payment of their national annual membership
dues to UAP for the current year.

c. Effect of non-payment of dues. Any member who has not paid his national
annual membership dues for any given fiscal year on or before the September
30 deadline shall be considered a dues-delinquent member, thereby all his
membership rights and privileges are temporarily suspended.

If the delinquency continues until September 30 of the following year, the

National Board of Directors shall by resolution recommend among others, to
the PRC through the PRBoA possible suspension of the delinquent member
from the practice of architecture.

d. Remission or lifting of sanctions. The UAP may, for justifiable reasons,

remit or lift sanctions already imposed in connection with the non-payment
of national annual membership dues, and authorize the reinstatement of the
member concerned. However, sanctions imposed by the PRC through
PRBoA may be remitted or lifted only by the same.

The strength of UAP is derived from the collective resources of our membership and
we understand the use of our dues’ revenues requires our fiscal prudence and your
trust. We also understand that without sufficient resources, we cannot successfully
lead the future struggles necessary to achieve what our members rightfully expect and
deserve. We view this as an investment by members in our ability to secure stronger
organization. With your help, we will raise the bar even further in this Fiscal Year.
Simply stated, strength has its price.

For your information and proper guidance. Thank you.

Very truly yours,


Secretary General National Treasurer


National Executive Vice President National President

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