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के वल कायाालयीन उपयोग हेतु

For official use only

भारत सरकार - Government of India

रे ल मंत्रालय - Ministry of Railways

कं क्रीट ममश्रण – अक्टू बर’ 2007

- 1st संशोधन
– 1st Revision

के मटेक/2019/मस/सीएम-1st संशोधन/1.0
CAMTECH/2019/C/CM-1st Rev/1.0
नवम्बर – 2019
November – 2019

महाराजपुर, ग्वामलयर - 474005

Maharajpur, Gwalior – 474005
 : 0751 - 2470869 & Fax : 0751 - 2470841
कं क्रीट ममश्रण – अक्टू बर’ 2007
- 1st संशोधन


– 1st Revision

The use of admixtures is increasing very rapidly and their importance is becoming
more valuable because they provide constructional as well as economic benefits. A
wide range of chemical admixtures is available in India. Many of these are
recommended for use in concrete construction, wherever required to modify the
concrete properties.

The handbook published by CAMTECH in 2007 on “Concrete Admixtures” is

updated considering recent advancement in admixture technology to enhance benefits
and to reduce expenses during construction work.

I hope, this handbook shall be quite useful to the engineering personnel involved in
various construction and maintenance activities in Indian Railways.

CAMTECH/Gwalior@RDSO (Jitendra Singh)

29th November, 2019 Principal Executive Director

The handbook on “Concrete Admixtures” was published by CAMTECH in 2007.

Objective of 1st Revision in November, 2019 of this book is to provide latest
information about various concrete admixtures, their effects on concrete,
manufacturers and suppliers with recent advancement and universal acceptance in
admixture technology to reduce the problems during concreting.

The admixtures are used in construction industry to modify/ or improve the properties
of concrete or mortar and to offer certain beneficial effects to concrete including
improved quality, acceleration or retardation of setting time, enhanced frost and
Sulphate resistance, control of strength development, improved workability and
enhanced Finish ability and reduction in construction cost.

Effort has been made to make this handbook useful to civil engineering personnel
engaged in construction and maintenance activities in Indian Railways.

This handbook is not statutory & contents are only for the purpose of knowledge
dissemination. Most of the data & information in some form or the other are based on
literature available and internet search. For more in-depth information / knowledge,
the relevant detailed literature, BIS Codes, etc. available on the subject may be
referred to.

We welcome valuable suggestions from our readers for further improvements of this

CAMTECH/Gwalior (D.K. Gupta)

27th November, 2019 Joint Director/Civil

In recent times, there has been a lot of development in the field of

"Admixtures" and they are also used in different construction sites of Indian

Civil Engineering department of CAMTECH has made an attempt to

provide information regarding "Concrete Admixture", manufacturers and their
various products.

Information provided in this book shall help the Railway officials and
supervisor of civil engineering branch of Indian Railways in selection and use
of concrete admixtures.

I hope that this book will be very useful and informative for field staff.

CAMTECH/Gwalior Pramod Kumar

Date :18/10/2007 Executive Director

Indian Railway having a lot of stations, buildings, offices and residential

accommodations, bridges, flyovers are vast network spread all over India.
Admixtures may also use in different construction sites of Railways.

Objective of this book is to provide information about various concrete

admixtures, their effects on concrete, manufacturers and suppliers.

Every effort has been made to make this handbook useful to civil
engineering personnel.

This handbook does not supercede any existing information from

Railway Board, IRWM, RDSO etc. This handbook is not statutory & contents
are for the purpose of guidance only. Most of the data and information
mentioned herein are available in some form or the other in various books or
printed matter.

We welcome valuable suggestions from our readers for further


CAMTECH/Gwalior A. K.Dadarya
Date :11/10/2007 Director/Civil
S. No. Description/Topic Page Nos.
Preface ii
Foreword iii
Preface iv
Contents v
Correction Slip vi
Introduction 1
1.0 What is Admixture 1
1.1 Why use Admixtures 2
1.2 Suitability of Admixtures 2
2.0 Use of Admixtures 2
2.1 Effects of admixtures on the properties of fresh concrete 3
2.2 Effects of admixtures on the properties of hardened Concrete 4
3.0 Types of Concrete Admixtures 4
3.1 Accelerating Admixtures 4
3.1.1 Why it is used 4
3.1.2 Effects of use of Accelerating Admixtures 5
3.2 Retarding Admixtures 5
3.2.1 Why it is used 5
3.2.2 Effects of use of Retarding Admixtures 6
3.3 Plasticizers (Water Reducing) Admixtures 6
3.3.1 Why it is used 6
3.3.2 Effects of use of Plasticizers 7
3.4 Super Plasticizer Admixtures 7
3.4.1 Why it is used 8
3.4.2 Effects of use of Super plasticizers 8
3.5 Air Entraining Admixtures 8
3.5.1 Chemical Composition 9
3.5.2 Why it is used 9
3.5.3 Effects of use of Air Entraining Admixture 9
4.0 Requirement of Admixtures 9
4.1 Physical requirement 10
4.2 Requirement for high workable test mix 11
4.3 Uniformity test and requirement of an Admixture 12
5.0 Precautions 12
6.0 Guidelines on effects of types of admixtures in frequent use on 13
concrete properties
7.0 Guidelines on frequently used admixtures modifying the strength 14
and workability
8.0 Manufacturers and suppliers 15
9.0 Admixture manufactured/Available in India 16
10.0 Chart Showing Detailed Information on Admixtures 19
Manufactured/ Available in India
References 31
Note 32
Quality Policy and Disclaimer 33

संशोधन पर्चियों का प्रकाशन


इस हस्तपुमस्तका के मलए भमवष्य में प्रकामशत होने वाली संशोधन पर्चियों को मनम्नानुसार संखयांककत ककया
जाएगा :

The correction slips to be issued in future for this handbook will be numbered as follows:

के मटेक/2019/मस/सीएम-1st संशोधन/1.0/सीएस# XX कदनांक_______________

CAMTECH/2019/C/CM-1st Rev/1.0/CS # XX date_________________

जहााँ XX संबमधधत संशोधन पिी की क्रम संखया है (01 से प्रारम्भ होकर आगे की ओर)

Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip (starting from 01

प्रकामशत संशोधन पर्चियााँ


क्र.सं./ प्रकाशन संशोमधत पृष्ठ संखया तथा मद संखया/ टटप्पणी/

Sr. No. कदनांक/ Date Page no. and Item No. modified Remarks
of issue
CAMTECH/2019/C/CM-1st Rev/1.0 1


There are essentially four ingredients in concrete, i.e. the coarse aggregate, fine aggregate,
cement and water. However, in order to improve certain properties of the concrete both in plastic
and hardened state, it is necessary to add the fifth ingredients in the concrete mix, either it can be
a mineral or chemical admixture.

If concrete mix is properly designed, most concrete do not need any admixtures. There may be a
need to produce concrete with a particular result and using admixture may be the most
convenient way. It is very important to note that any type of admixtures should be used only
when there is a valid reason to use it.

It should be borne in mind that no admixture of any type or amount can be considered a
substitute for good concreting practice. The effectiveness of an admixture depends upon factors
such as type, brand, and amount of cementing materials; water content; aggregate shape,
gradation, and proportions; mixing time; slump; temperature and entrained air of the concrete.

The performance of an admixture is evaluated by comparing the properties of concrete with the
admixture under test with those of concrete without any admixture or with a reference
admixture. The amount of admixture recommended by the manufacturer or the optimum amount
determined by laboratory tests should be used.

Concrete admixtures should be accepted with test certificate, manufacturing date and its
chemical composition, and should comply specifications given by the authorities.

Addition of mineral admixtures, such as fly ash, ground blast furnace slag and silica fume have a
beneficial influence on the sulphate resisting behaviour of concrete and when used as partial
replacement in concrete, can be effective in suppressing the ASR (Alkali-Silica reaction)

Admixtures shall be used to improve workability, reduce water demand and to retard the mortar
setting time. The admixture shall meet the requirement of I.S. 456 and I.S. 9103.

1.0 What is Admixture?

A material other than water, aggregate, and hydraulic cement, used as an ingredient of concrete
or mortar and added to the batch immediately before or during its mixing, to modify one or more
of the properties of concrete in the plastic or hardened state, is termed as Admixture.

The most often used admixtures are air-entering agents, water reducers, water-reducing retarders
and accelerators. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used.

There are two kinds of Admixtures –

a- Mineral Admixtures, e.g. Cementitious material means cement or cement mixed with
mineral admixtures like Pozzolanic Fly Ash (PFA), Grounded granulated blast furnace
slag (GGBFS), micro silica etc.

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b- Chemical Admixtures, e.g. Accelerators, Retarders, Water-reducing agents, Super

plasticizers, Air entraining agents etc. Compatibility of chemical admixtures and super
plasticizers with Portland Pozzolana cement and Portland blast furnace slag cement shall
be ensured by trials before use. These are used as ingredients of concrete or mortar and
added to the batch immediately before or during its mixing to modify one or more
properties of the repair concrete/mortar/slurry in plastic or hardened state

1.1 Why use Admixtures?

Admixtures are used to give special properties to fresh or hardened concrete. Admixtures may
enhance the durability, workability or strength characteristics of a given concrete mixture.
Admixtures are used to overcome difficult construction situations, such as hot or cold weather
placements, pumping requirements, early strength requirements, or very low water-cement ratio

The major reasons for using admixtures are:

1. To reduce the cost of concrete construction

2. To achieve/or to modify certain properties in concrete more effectively than by other means
3. To maintain the quality of concrete during the stages of mixing, transporting, placing and
curing in adverse weather conditions
4. To overcome certain emergencies during concreting operations

1.2 Suitability of Admixtures

Generally admixtures, like water reducing agent, retarder etc. are used in Ready Mixed Concrete
for retention of desired workability and to avoid setting of concrete. In such cases, admixtures
should be tested for their suitability as per IS:9103 at the time of finalizing mix design.

Admixtures must not contain chlorides, nitrates, sulphides, sulphates or any other products
which are likely to damage the steel or grout.

The IS:456 allows use of 33, 43 and 53 grade of OPC, where figures indicate the 28 days
strength in N/mm2. Grade 33 and 43 may be used for most of the repair purposes, if necessary
with modification by suitable admixtures or additives. Whereas Grade 53 cement or a cement
having still higher fineness could be more suited for injection grouting of cracks or honey
combed concrete preferably with non-shrink admixture in suitable proportion.

2.0 Uses of Admixtures

The use of admixtures offers certain beneficial effects to concrete like improved workability,
acceleration or retardation of setting time, reduce water cement ratio, and so on.

Use of admixture may be encouraged in following situations:

i) In specialised job like pre-stressed concrete bridges, precast concrete elements requiring
high early strength and retention of workability at elevated temperature. Early gain of
strength enables earlier release from precast mould, thus speeding up production.

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ii) In the circumstances where increased workability of concrete is required without reducing
the compressive strength or without changing of water- cement ratio, especially when the
concrete pores are restricted, due to congested reinforcement or due to complicated

iii) In ready mix concrete where retarding action with high workability is required for long
distance transportation before placing.

iv) Where reduction in permeability in concrete is required e.g. in hydraulic structures, marine
structures, damp proof courses, retaining walls, swimming pools, basements and kitchen
garden terraces etc.

v) Where high performance concrete is required, use of one or more admixtures can influence
the strength at a later stage and improve resistance to chemical attack.

vi) In the circumstances where concrete is exposed to corrosion attack from external media in
severe exposure conditions, a very high level of chloride is anticipated.

vii) Admixtures enhancing bonding properties can be used to bond old concrete with new and
also for patching operations.

In view of the increasing importance of the use of admixture in concrete, it is essential to ensure
that persons engaged in the production/handling of concrete should have a sound understanding
of the material being utilised.

Before selection of the admixture to be used in concrete, the purpose of use of admixture should
be clearly known.

Admixtures, which have been elaborated in the following Paras, are used to modify the
properties of concrete.

Properties of Fresh Concrete Properties of Hardened Concrete

 Water Demand or Workability  Strength

 Heat of Hydration  Durability
 Setting Time  Dimension stability – Creep, Shrinkage, Expansion
 Bleeding  Modulus of Elasticity
 Reactivity  Water Tightness (Impermeability)

2.1 Effects of Admixtures on the properties of fresh concrete

(i) To increase workability or flowability without increasing the water cement ratio.
(ii) To retard or accelerate time of initial or final setting.
(iii) To modify the rate of bleeding.
(iv) To retard segregation or increase cohesion.
(v) To improve pump ability.
(vi) To reduce the rate of loss of workability.
(vii) To reduce the heat of hydration.

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2.2 Effects of Admixtures on the properties of hardened concrete

(i) To accelerate the rate of strength development especially at early stage.

(ii) To increase the strength.
(iii) To increase the durability.
(iv) To decrease the permeability.
(v) To control expansion by alkali-aggregate reaction.
(vi) To improve bond with reinforcement.
(vii) To improve bond with old/new concrete.
(viii) To improve impact or abrasion resistance.
(ix) To inhibit corrosion of embedded reinforcement.

3.0 Types of Concrete Admixtures

As per IS: 9103-1999, admixtures are of the following types:

(a) Accelerating admixtures
(b) Retarding admixtures
(c) Super plasticising admixtures
(d) Water reducing admixtures and
(e) Air entraining admixtures

Following Paras describe above admixtures in brief about their effects, dosages and advantages

3.1 Accelerating admixtures

These admixtures when added to concrete, mortar or grout increase the rate of hydration of
hydraulic cement, shorten the time of set, and accelerate the hardening or development of
strength of concrete/mortar.

These admixtures function by interaction with C3S (Tri-calcium silicate) component of the
cement thus increasing the reaction between cement and water.

Accelerating admixtures are especially useful for modifying properties of concrete in cold

3.1.1 Why it is used

Accelerating Admixtures can be used

i) For shortening the setting time of cement and thereby increasing the rate of gain of
ii) For speeding production from pre-cast moulds by enabling earlier release of moulds.
iii) To reduce segregation and increase density and compressive strength.
iv) To cure concrete faster and therefore uniform curing in winter and summer can be
v) For early use of concrete floors by accelerating the setting of concrete with the help of
accelerating admixtures.
vi) To reduce water requirement, bleeding, shrinkage and time required for initial set.

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3.1.2 Effects of use of accelerator

By the use of accelerator in concrete mix of same slump and cement contents, the increase of
strength at early stage with better workability can be achieved even at reduced water cement

Dosages ranging from 0.06 to 3% by weight of cement for different products are recommended
by different manufactures, but it should be fixed as per design requirement and site trials.

3.2 Retarding admixtures

An admixture which delays the setting of cement paste, and hence of mixtures, such as mortar or
concrete containing cement is used to counteract the accelerating effect of hot weather on
concrete setting.

This type of chemical admixtures decreases the initial rate of reaction between cement and water
and thereby retards the setting of concrete. It functions by coating the surface of C3S (tri
Calcium silicate) components, thus, delaying this reaction with the water. Reaction process is
slow to form as such setting and hardening of the concrete is delayed reducing early
compressive strength. Since, the rate of stiffening of concrete can be too fast in our tropical
climatic conditions, sufficient time for the concrete is required for transportation and placement
before setting. In such conditions retarding admixtures can be very useful. Retardation setting
time up to 8 to 10 hours is possible by suitable use of retarders.

The delay in hardening caused by the retarders can be exploited to obtain an architectural finish
of exposed aggregates; the retarders are applied to the interior surface of the form work so that
the hardening of the adjacent cement is delayed. This cement can be brushed off after the form
work has been struck so that an exposed aggregate surface is obtained.

Most retarders also function as water reducers and may entrain some air in concrete.

3.2.1 Why it is used

Retarding Admixtures can be used for

i) to Improve workability, cohesion

ii) to extend setting time,

iii) to provide protection against delays and stoppages and facilitate keeping workable
concrete for extended period.

iv) good workability of the concrete throughout the placing period and prevention of cold
joints is ensured by adding retarders in the concrete.

v) to minimise risk of long distance delivery in hot weather by extended setting time,
improve pumpability of concrete by extended setting period and improved workability of

vi) to reduce bleeding and segregation where poor sand grading is unavoidable.

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vii) to reduce adverse environmental effects of various natures on concrete and embedded
steel by considerable reduction in permeability.

3.2.2 Effects of use of Retarding Admixtures

Retarding admixtures are absorbed on to the C3A (Tricalcium aluminate) phase in cement
forming a film around the cement grains and presenting or reducing the reaction with water.
After a while this film breaks down and normal hydration proceeds.

Retarding admixture forms a film around the cement grain that prevents or delays the reaction
with water. After some times, this film breaks and normal hydration takes place.

By the use of retarder in concrete as an admixture, due to increase in slump, the workability can
be increased maintaining same water cement ratio and strength of concrete. With reduction of
water cement ratio, the strength of concrete can be increased without loss of workability.

Dosages ranging from 0.05 to 1% by weight of cement for different products are recommended
by different manufactures. However, it should be fixed as per design requirement and after site

3.3 Plasticizer (Water Reducing) Admixtures

A material, which either increases workability of freshly mixed concrete without increasing
water cement ratio or maintains workability with a reduced amount of water, is termed as water
reducing admixture.

As the name implies, the function of water reducing admixture is to reduce the water content of
the mix, usually by 5 to 10%, sometimes (in concrete of very high workability) up to 15%. Thus,
the purpose of using a water reducing admixture in a concrete mix is to allow a reduction in the
water cement ratio while retaining the desired workability or, alternatively, to improve its
workability at a given water cement ratio. The actual reduction in water depends on dose of
admixture, cement content, type of aggregate used, ratio of cement, fine and coarse aggregate
etc. Therefore, the trial mixes containing an actual material to be used on the job are essential to
achieve optimum properties.

3.3.1 Why it is used

i) To increase the workability of the concrete without reducing the compressive strength or
without changing water cement ratio.

ii) This type of admixture is particularly useful when concrete pores are restricted either due
to congested reinforcement or due to thin sections.

iii) To obtain high strength with the same cement content by reducing water cement ratio.

iv) To save the quantity of cement (approx. upto10%) can be achieved keeping the same
water cement ratio and workability.

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3.3.2 Effects of use of Plasticizers

i) Reduced cement content keeping same water-cement ratio and workability. This will
lead to economy.

ii) Reduced water-cement ratio keeping same water content and same workability. This will
lead to increase in strength.

iii) Increased workability keeping same water cement ratio and cement content. This is
specially required when workability retention for pumping etc. is needed.

In addition to above,

 Admixture of this type when used as workability aids on water reducers, do not adversely
affect the shrinkage.

 Materials of this type of admixture have no deleterious effect on the creep of concrete.

 Detrimental effect –

a) While using water reducing agent, care must be taken in controlling the air content in
the mix. Most water reducing agent entrain air due to their surfactant properties.
b) At high dosages of lignosulphonate material, retardation of the mix occurs.

Dosage ranging from 0.15 to 0.6 percentages by weight of cement (different doses for different
products) is recommended by manufacturers; however, it should be fixed as per design
requirement and after site trials.

3.4 Super plasticizer Admixtures

An admixture for mortar or concrete, which imparts very high workability or allows a large
decrease in water content for a given workability.

Normal water reducers are well-established admixtures called plasticizers in concrete

technology. A normal water reducer is capable of reducing water requirement by 10 to 15%.
Higher water reductions by incorporating larger amounts of these admixtures result in
undesirable effects on concrete like bleeding, segregation and hardening. So, a new class of
water reducers, chemically different from the normal water reducer and capable of reducing
water content by about 30% has been developed. The admixtures belonging to this class are
known as super plasticizers. Super plasticizers are, in fact, the extended version of plasticizers.

At a given water/cement ratio and water content in the mix, the dispersing action of super
plasticizers increases the workability of concrete, typically by raising the slump from 75 mm to
200 mm, the mix remaining cohesive. The resulting concrete can be placed with little or no
compaction and is not subject to excessive bleeding or segregation. Such concrete is termed as
flowing concrete and is useful for placing in very heavily reinforced sections, in inaccessible
areas, in floor or road slabs, and also where very rapid placing is desired. The principle mode of
action of super plasticizers is their ability to disperse cement particles very efficiently. As they
do not entrain air, they can be used at high dosage rates without affecting strength.

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There are four main categories of super plasticizers based on their chemical composition:

(i) Sulfonated melamine formaldehyde condensates

(ii) Sulfonated naphthalene formaldehyde condensates

(iii) Modified lignosulfonates

(iv) Others such as sulfonic acid esters and carbohydrate esters.

3.4.1 Why it is used

(i) Cement content can be reduced to greater extent keeping the same water-cement ratio.
This will lead to economy.

(ii) Water cement ratio can be reduced significantly keeping same cement content and
workability. This will lead to increase in strength.

(iii) Higher workability can achieved at very low water cement ratio, like casting concrete
with heavy reinforcement.

(iv) To reduce permeability.

(v) Where early strength development is required in pre-stressed concrete or casting of

floor, where early access for finishing equipment is required.

3.4.2 Effects of use of Super plasticizers

By use of different dosage of super plasticizers, the slump is increased resulting into better
workability of concrete and the better strength can be achieved by reduced water cement ratio.

Saving of cement up to 20% can be achieved by different dosage of super plasticizers in the
concrete at constant water cement ratio (0.55) and workability (80-90) slump.

The normal dosages of super plasticizers are 1 to 3 litres per cu. m. of concrete of the liquid
super plasticizers containing about 40% of active material. When super plasticizers are used for
large water reduction and for high strength, their dosage is much higher; 5 to 20 litres per cubic
metre of concrete. Generally, the dosage recommended by the manufacturer should be taken as
guidelines and the correct dosage is decided based on site trials. The typical test results show the
increase in workability and increase in strength due to use of super plasticizers.

3.5 Air Entraining Admixture

Air Entraining Admixture causes air to be incorporated in the form of minute bubbles in the
concrete or mortar during mixing, usually to increase workability, ease of placing, increased
durability and resistance to freezing and thawing and disruptive action of de-icing salts. Air
entrained also breaks the continuity of capillaries, further enhances cohesiveness of concrete

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The common Air-Entraining agents are natural wood resins, neutralized vinsol resins,
polyethelene oxide polymers and sulphonated compounds.

The dosages required are between 0.005 to 0.05% by mass of concrete and it is advisable to mix
it with batching water for uniform dispersion. The air content is controlled between 3 to 6%.
Method of measuring air content is given in IS 1190.

3.5.1 Chemical composition

The major proportion of commercial product is based on the following chemical materials, set
out in order of probable decreasing use.

i) Abietic and pimeric acid salts

ii) Fatty Acid salts
iii) Alkyl-aryl sulphonates
iv) Alkyl sulphonates
v) Phenol ethoxylates

3.5.2 Why it is used

(i) To get durability.

(ii) To reduced bleeding and segregation because of :
- Attachment of air bubbles with cement particles and linking them.
- Increase in inter particle attraction caused by adsorption of air entrainer.
- Bubble acting as extra fine filler and increased total surface area of constituents
relative to water volume.
- Water flow between cement particles is restricted.
(iii) Workability increased due to action of air bubbles as ball bearing, which assists
movement of particles, each other.

3.5.3 Effects of use of Air Entraining Admixture

Air entrainment affects compressive strength of concrete and its workability. It increases the
workability of concrete without much increase in water-cement ratio.

Concrete workability cannot be increased to improve concrete placement and compaction since
it declines concrete strength. Therefore, air entraining admixtures are added to increase
workability without adding water.

4.0 Requirements of Admixtures

Concrete made with admixtures when compared with identical concrete made without the
admixture shall confirm to the requirements appropriate to the type of admixtures given in table
(control sample), should meet the applicable physical requirement as given in following table as
per IS: 9103 & in the case of air entraining admixtures, a reference of approved quality shall be
used in control concrete to entrain identical amount of air.

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4.1 Physical Requirement

S. Requirement Accelerating Retarding Water Air- Super plasticising

N. Admixture Admixture Reducing Entraining Normal Retarding
Admixture Admixture type
1 Water content, percent - - 95 - 80 80
of control sample, mix.
 The water-cement ratio of the concrete shall be determined to the nearest 0.00 1, as follows
- Net water content of the batch shall be computed by determining the absorption water of aggregate as given in
IS 2386 (Part3).
- Mass of cement per unit volume of concrete shall be computed as given in IS 1199, and
- Water-cement ratio shall be determined by dividing the net mass of water by the mass of cement in batch.
 The relative water content for the concrete containing admixture shall be expressed as a percentage of the water
content of the reference concrete mixture. This shall be computed by dividing the average water content of all
batches of concrete by the average water content of the reference concrete and multiplying the quotient by 100.
2 Slump - - - - Not more than 15mm
below that of the control
mix concrete
The workability of freshly mixed concrete in terms of slump or compaction factor shall be determined according to
method given in IS 1199. NOTE - In some cases, it may also be worthwhile to determine the workability of fresh concrete not sooner than
15 min and not later than 20 min after completion of mixing, as the relative advantage of some water reducing admixtures may decrease with
time after mixing.
 The flow of freshly mixed superplasticized concrete of high workability shall be determined according to the method
given in Annex C of IS 9103.
3 Time of setting
allowable deviation
from control sample
Initial - Max. -3 +3 +1 - - +4
Min. -1 +1 - - +1.5 +1
Final - Max. -2 +3 +1 - +1.5 +3
Min. -1 +1 - - - -
Test for Time of Setting – Time of setting, initial and final, shall be determined as given in IS 8142.
4 Compressive strength
percent of control
sample, Min
1 day - - - - 140 -
3 days 125 90 110 90 125 125
7 days 100 90 110 90 125 125
28 days 100 90 110 90 115 115
6 months 90 90 100 90 100 100
1 year 90 90 100 90 100 100
Test for Compressive Strength – At least three specimens shall be tested for each type of concrete and each age of
testing. Compressive strength shall be determined as given in IS 516.
5 Flexural strength,
percent of control
sample, Min.
3 days 110 90 100 90 110 110
7 days 100 90 100 90 100 100
28 days 90 90 100 90 100 100
Test for Flexural Strength – At least three specimens shall be tested for each type of concrete and each age of testing.
Flexural strength shall be computed as given in IS 516.
6 Length change, percent
increase over control
sample, Max.
28 days 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
6 months 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
1 year 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010

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Test for Length Change (Drying Shrinkage) – Changes in length’ on drying and wetting shall be determined as given
in IS 1199. The moist-curing period, including the period in moulds shall be 14 days.
7 Bleeding, percent
increase over control 5 5 5 5 5 5
sample, Max.
Test for Bleeding – Bleeding shall be computed at a percentage of the net amount of mixing water in the concrete. The net
mixing water is the water in excess of that present as absorbed water in the aggregate. Absorbed water in the aggregate
shall be determined as given in IS 2386 (Part 3). The test shall be carried out in accordance with the details given in
Annex D of IS 9103.
8 Loss of workability - - - - At 45 min At 2 h, the
the slump slump shall
shall be be
not less not less than
than that that of
of control control
mix mix concrete
concrete at at 15 min
15 min
Loss of workability on standing – The slump of high workability concrete mixes shall be determined at 45 min and at 2h,
using normal type and retarding type superplasticizers, respectively after the following operations.
- After mixing the concrete mixes shall be covered to prevent loss of water by evaporation and kept at a temperature of
27± 20C and relative humidity of 65± 5 percent. At 45 min, the concrete shall be remixed by hand using a shovel just
enough to counteract any bleeding or segregation and slump of concrete shall be determined. The tested concrete
shall be discarded and the remaining concrete shall be covered and tested at 2 h, after mixing by hand using a
9 Air content % Max.
over control - - - - 1.5 1.5

4.2 Requirement for high workability test mix

Sr. Requirement Type of super plasticising admixtures

No. Normal Retarding type
1. Flow 510-620 mm 510-620 mm
The flow of freshly mixed superplasticized concrete of high workability shall be determined according to the method
given in Annex C of IS 9103.
2. Loss of workability on At 45 minute slump shall be not At 2 hours the slump shall be not less
standing less than that of control mix than that of control mix concrete at 15
concrete at 15 minute. minute.
Loss of workability on standing – The slump of high workability concrete mixes shall be determined at 45 min and at
2h, using normal type and retarding type superplasticizers, respectively after the following operations.
- After mixing the concrete mixes shall be covered to prevent loss of water by evaporation and kept at a temperature
of 27± 20C and relative humidity of 65± 5 percent. At 45 min, the concrete shall be remixed by hand using a shovel
just enough to counteract any bleeding or segregation and slump of concrete shall be determined. The tested
concrete shall be discarded and the remaining concrete shall be covered and tested at 2 h, after mixing by hand
using a shovel.
3. Minimum Compressive
strength. Percent of control
mix concrete
7 days 90 90
28 days 90 90
06 months 90 90
01 year 90 90
Test for Compressive Strength – At least three specimens shall be tested for each type of concrete and each age of
testing. Compressive strength shall be determined as given in IS 516.

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4.3 Uniformity test and requirement of an admixture

Any batch of admixture shall have the same physical state and composition, as that of
admixtures tested for acceptance. To check the uniformity of composition, a representative
sample of the batch shall be tested and shall satisfy the requirement given in table as under,

S. No. Property Requirement reference

1. Dry material content for Within 3 percent of the value stated by the manufacturer
liquid or solid admixtures
2. Ash content Within 1 percent of the value stated by the manufacturer
3. Relative density Within 0.02 percent of the value stated by the manufacturer
4. Chloride ion content Within 10 percent of the value or 0.2 percent which ever is greater
as stated by the manufacturer
5. Ph value 7-8

Note - Uniformity requirement for ash content is not applicable to accelerating admixtures,
which may contain more than 1% chloride content.

5.0 Precautions

i) Chief engineer may permit the use of admixtures for imparting special characteristics
to the concrete or mortar on satisfactory evidence that the use of such admixtures
does not adversely affect the properties of the concrete or mortar particularly with
respect to the strength, volume change, durability, and has no deleterious effect on
ii) The admixture, when permitted, shall confirm to IS: 9103.
iii) Calcium Chloride or admixtures containing Calcium chloride shall not be used in
structural concrete containing reinforcement, prestressed tendons or other embedded
iv) The admixtures containing Cl or SO3 ions shall not be used. Admixtures containing
nitrates shall also not be used. Admixtures based on thiocynates may promote
corrosion and therefore, shall be prohibited.
v) It is ensured that the admixture is chloride free.
vi) Self-life of admixtures should be monitored continuously.
vii) All container of admixtures should be correctly levelled with the following
a) Identification of the source of manufacture
b) Year and date of manufacture
c) Type of admixture whether accelerating, retarding, water reducing, air entraining
normal super plasticisers or retarding super plasticisers
d) Batch number and,
e) Chloride ion content
viii) Reliable liquid dispenser should be used for liquid admixtures and it is calibrated.
ix) It is relatively easy to verify the specific gravity as claimed by the manufacturer. This
will indicate defect at first hand.
x) Manufacturer should be asked to furnish adequate technical data such as,
a) Additional influence whether detrimental (Over use of admixtures) or beneficial
(when added in range of 0.005% to 2% by weight of cement)
b) Potential occupational hazards for the users

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c) Presence of detrimental substances like chloride, sulphates, sugar etc.

d) Recommended dosages, preparations, and procedures to be used
e) Any other data required
f) Physical state that is liquid or solid and colour
g) Composition
- Generic type of main active constitutes for example, lignosulphonate, organic
hydroxyearboxylie acid or carbohydrades
- Dry material content
- Ash content
- Relative density of liquid admixtures
- Chloride ion contents expressed as a percentage by mass of total admixtures.
h) The chloride ion contents relative to the cement mass contributed by the
recommended dosage or dosage expressed as percentage by mass of chloride
i) Recommended storages conditions, maximum storage time before use and
necessary safety precautions for example toxic or corrosive.
j) Any known incompatibility with other admixtures or with certain type of cement
k) Recommended dosage or dosages.
l) The effect of under dosage and over dosages and
m) Expiry date.
n) The selection of admixtures should be done only after trials in laboratory and
consultation with the manufacturer.

6.0 Guide lines on effects of types of admixtures in frequent use on concrete properties

Items Types of Admixtures

Water Super Accelerator Retarders Air Entrainers
reducers plasticizers
Dosage (% of Less than 0.5 0.5 to 3.0 Less than 0.5 Less than 0.5 0.02 to 0.10
Method of use Into mixing Before placing Into mixing Into mixing Into mixing
water water water water
Air content 0 or + 0 or + 0 0 or + +
Fresh stage unit weight, Kg/m3
Workability + + 0 0 or + -
Water demand - - 0 0 or - -
Slump for + + 0 0 or + -
constant w/c
Segregation - 0 or - 0 0 or - 0 or -
Setting and hardening stage
Initial setting 0 or + 0 or + - + 0 or +
Final setting time 0 or + 0 or + - + or 0 0 or +
Strength + + + - 0 or -
Bleeding - - - 0 or + -
Hardened stage
Flexural 0 or + + 0 0 or - -

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Compressive 0 or + + 0 0 or - -
(28 days)
Modulus of 0 or + 0 or + 0 0 or - -
Permeability - - 0 0 or - +
Thermal 0 0 0 0 -
Creep 0 or + 0 0 + +
Shrinkage 0 or + 0 0 0 or + 0 or +
Corrosion of - - or 0 0 0 or + -
Note: (0) No effect, (+) Increase and (-) Decrease

7.0 Guidelines on frequently used admixtures modifying the strength and workability

Items Types of admixtures

Water reducer Super Retarders Accelerator

Main chemical Lignosulphonates Melamine and Gluconates, Salicylic Calcium Nitrates/
family Hydroxy carboxylic Naphthalene Acid, Calcium Formate
acid, Carbohydrates formaldehyde, –Lignosulphonates, triethanolamines
Condensates modified Hydroxy Carboxylic
Lignosulphonates, Acid
Acrylic copolymers,
Amino Aeromatic
Sulphonic Acid
Main effects
Effects on Higher than ref. At At constant workability Lower than the Hardening possible
strength all stages. Increase much higher than ref. reference. between 2 to
< 3days due to water At all stages. 100 C.
reduction for same
< 28 days Increase Utilisation in high Possible increase in Possible reduction
strength concrete. final strength. of final strength
depending on nature
of admixtures.
Secondary effects
Favourable  Increase in  Increase in - Setting acceleration
compactness. compactness. for certain formulae
 Improvement in  Improvement in
chemical resistant chemical resistant
 Improvement of  Improvement of
surface aspects surface aspects
 No air entrapment
even at higher
Un-  Retardation with  Possible increase in Possible increase in Possible increase in
Favourable certain shrinkage shrinkage shrinkage
formulations  Possible
 Possible increase incompatibility with
in shrinkage different cements.
 Air entrapment

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8.0 Known manufacturer and suppliers

A list of known manufacturers and suppliers and their addresses are tabulated below for
information only. So many other suppliers and manufacturers are also available. Users may
contact to the firms and may get all technical and other information from the suppliers before
they use admixtures.

Sr. No. Name of manufacturer Address

1. SiKa SiKa Qualcrete limited, 24 B, Park street,
Calcutta- 700016
2. Krishna Conchem Krishna Conchem products private limited, 5B, Mohsin Building, R.K.
Vaidya Road, Dadar,
Mumbai-400028 &
1 & 2 Building 6, sector 3, Millennium business park,
Mahape, Navi Mumbai-400710
3. MBT MBT, 22, Old Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi
4. FOSROC FOSROC Chemicals (India) limited, Head Office
Haffeeza Chamber, 2nd floor, P.B. Embassy Point, No. 150,
No.2744,111/74 K.H. Road, 2nd Floor, Infantry Road,
Bangalore 560 001,
5. Asian Laboratories Asian Laboratories, 88, DSIDC Shed , Scheme - 4, New Okhla industrial
complex, Phase II,
New Delhi –110020
6. CICO CICO Structural Waterproofing private CICO Technologies Limited
limited, C-44/2, 1st & 2nd Floor,
406 Deepali, 92, Nehru Place, New Okhla Industrial Area,
Delhi- 110019 Phase-II, New Delhi-110020
7. M.C.Bauchemie M.C.Bauchemie (India) private limited,,
Perin Nareeman street, Sangli Bank Building,
5th floor, Fort, Mumbai-400001
8. ROFFE ROFFE Construction Chemical private limited, 12/C, Vikas Centre, S.V.
Road, Santa Cruz (W),
Mumbai – 400054
9. PIDILITE PIDILITE Industries limited, Ram Krishana Mandir Road, P.B.No.
17411, Andheri East, Mumbai-400059
10. STP STP Limited:707, Chiranjiv Tower, 43, Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110019
11. PERMA PERMA Construction Aids Pvt. Ltd,611/612, Nirmal Corporate Centre,
L.B.S. Marg, Mulund (W), Mumbai-400080
12. BASF BASF India Ltd, Construction chemicals divisions,
Plot No.37, Chandivali Farm Road, Chandiveli, Andheri (E),
Mumbai- 400072
13. CONSCHEM CONSCHEM Technologies (India) Ltd.:
Conschem House, 56,New Idgah, Agra (U.P.) India.

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9.0 Admixtures Manufactured/ Available in India

Detailed information about the Admixtures manufactured/ available in India is given in “Guide
lines on use of Admixtures in Concrete” issued by R.D.S.O., Lucknow in December-1999
(Report No. BS-25).

Users may contact to the manufacturer for getting catalogues for all available products in the
market along with technical and price details etc.

Here we give the tabulated information in brief about the some of Admixtures manufactured /
available in India for different Type of Admixtures used in concrete for ready references.


Sr. Product Name Manufacturer Standards Compliances

1. Conplast NC FOSROC BS: 5075 (Pt-I),
ASTM: C494 Type C
2. Conplast W FOSROC BS: 5075 (Pt-I),
ASTM: C494 Type C
3. Rapid Plast CICO ASTM: C494 Type E
IS: 9103, IS: 2645
4. Cemwet ACC Asian Laboratories IS: 9103
BS: 5075 (Pt I)
ASTM: C494 Type A
5. ACL -15 Krishna Conchem IS: 9103
6. ShaliPlast Shotcrete L STP Limited ASTM C – 1141 Type II Grade I Class A.
7. ShaliPlast Shotcrete P STP Limited ASTM C – 1141 Type II Grade I Class B.
8. PERMA Plast AC PERMA Construction Aids IS 9103, IS 2645
Pvt. Ltd.
9. PERMA Concrete Set PERMA Construction Aids -
Pvt. Ltd.


Sr. No. Product Name Manufacturer Standards Compliances

1. Conplast RP-264 FOSROC IS: 9103

2. Sikament-227 SIKA ASTM: C494 Type B, D & G

3. Sikament- 176 (M1) SIKA ASTM: C494 Type G

4. Rugasol-2 Liquid SIKA -

5. Cemwet SRA Super-1 Asian Laboratories IS: 9103, ASTM: C494 Type D

6. ShaliPlast R STP Limited IS 9103 & ASTM C–494 Type B

7. PERMA Retard PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types B&D

Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

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Sr. No. Product Name Manufacturer Standards Compliances

1. Conplast 509 FOSROC IS: 9103
BS: 5075 (Pt I)
ASTM: C494 Type A &D

2. Pozzolith LD-10 MBT ASTM: C494 Type A,B & D BS:

5075 (Pt I)

3. Cemwet WRA II Asian Laboratories IS: 9103

ASTM: C494 Type A & D
BS: 5075 (Pt.I)

4. Pedicrete CF 111-S PIDILITE IS: 9103

ASTM: C494 Type G

5. Plastiment 240 SIKA IS: 9103

ASTM: C494 Type A

6. ShaliPlast SP STP Limited IS 9103 & ASTM C–494 Type G

7. PERMA Hyper Plast PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,F&G
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

8. PERMA Hyper Plast HP- PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,F&G
34 Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

9. PERMA Super Plast - SR PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,&D
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103, IS 2645

10. PERMA Multi Plast PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,F&G
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

Super plasticizers

Sr. No. Product Name Manufacturer Standards Compliances

1. Conplast SP 337 FOSROC BS: 5075 (Pt-3),
ASTM: C494 Type F

2. Rheobuild 850 MBT BASF ASTM: C494 Type B,D &G

3. Cemwet SP 3000 Asian Laboratories ASTM: C494 Type F&G, IS: 9103

4. Supercon 300 Krishana Conchem IS: 9103

5. Sikament 259 (M3) SIKA IS: 9103, ASTM: C494 Type F

6. ShaliPlast HP STP Limited IS 9103 & ASTM C-494 Type

7. ShaliPlast P STP Limited IS 9103 & ASTM C–494 Type A

8. ShaliPlast SP/PCE 200 STP Limited IS 9103 & ASTM C–494 Type G

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9. PERMA Plast PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,B,C,D

Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

10. PERMA Plast EX PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A&D
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103, IS 2645

11. PERMA Plast Super PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 (1977) Types A,B,
Pvt. Ltd. D&E , IS 9103

12. PERMA Plast Super PS-34 PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,B,C,D,E&F,
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

13. PERMA Plast MF PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,B&D
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

14. PERMA Plast PC-201 PERMA Construction Aids ASTM C 494 Types A,B,D&E
Pvt. Ltd. IS 9103

Air Entering Admixtures

Sr. No. Product Name Manufacturer Standards Compliances

1. ShaliPlast AE STP Limited ASTM C-260, ASSHTO M-154 &

2. Synthetic Air STP Limited ASTM C-260

3. PERMA Plast - AEA PERMA Construction Aids -

Pvt. Ltd.


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Chart Showing Detailed Information on Admixtures Manufactured/Available in India

It shall be ensured by intended user that any advice, specification or information provided here in the table are only for guidance purpose and shall be verified
with the manufacture’s product specifications before actual use at the site. The information about the manufacturer and their products is based on Internet
Search and literature/catalogues provided by manufacturer at the time of preparation of this chart. We do not endorse/ or recommend any of the manufacturers
and their products to be used at site unless they get listed in approved vendor directory of RDSO.
S. Name of Product Details Manufacturer’s Specific Remarks and its recommended Dosage /Coverage wherever made
No. Manufacturer available
Name Standard Used as Dosage Shelf Life Remarks
1. Accelerators
1.1 FOSROC Conplast NC BS: 5075 (Pt- Chloride free 2.0 to 3.0 litres per 100 12 months in  Suitable for
(based on main I), ASTM: accelerating, water kg cement unopened - accelerating both the setting and rate of strength
active ingredient C494 Type C reducing admixture containers under gain (significant during the first 18 hours)
i.e. an inorganic compatible with all normal - use in concrete at low temperatures
formate) types of Portland warehouse - plasticizing action giving increased workability
cements. Not suitable conditions. and /or increased strengths
for use with high - producing exceptionally high early strengths
alumina cement - safe use in prestressed and reinforced concrete
 No chloride content
1.2 FOSROC Conplast W BS: 5075 (Pt-  Accelerating Additional rate per 100 Minimum of 12  Ideal for winter working
I), admixture for kg cement months shelf life  Allows continued placing of concrete at low
ASTM: C494 unreinforced  Below - 20C provided the temperatures
Type C cement concrete/ - 3.4 litre, at which temperature  Gives additional frost protection by reducing the low
mortar rate concrete or range has not water content and accelerating hydration of cement
 Compatible with mortar will be exceeded 20C to  Enables earlier release from precast moulds thus
ordinary and rapid protected to -50C 500C. speeding production
hardening  From 40C to -20C  Reduces the water content of concrete or mortar
Portland cement - 2.6 litre without loss of workability
but not high  Above 40C  Reduces segregation and increases density and
alumina or - 1.0 litre Granolithic compressive strength
sulphate resisting for Concrete &  Accelerates the hardening of floors and screeds.
cements.. mortar  At the maximum recommended rate of addition, 3.4
- 1.7 litre for floor litres/100 kg of cement, the Chloride ion
toppings concentration is 0.9% by weight of cement.
- 1.7 - 3.4 litre - Air entrainment: General less than 1% additional
(depending on air.
Conditions) for

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1.3 CICO Rapid Plast ASTM: C494 Details not available on
Type E
IS: 9103,
IS: 2645
1.4 Asian Cemwet ACC IS: 9103 Set Accelerating, Dosage depends upon NA  Chloride free liquid
Laboratories BS: 5075(Pt Water Reducing the acceleration and  Useful for all concrete where high early set, high
I) Plasticizer strength required. early & ultimate strength at low temperatures are
ASTM: C494 Generally 1 to 2% of required.
Type C&E cement weight is  Ideal for cold weather concreting.
adequate.  High early and ultimate strength.
 Accelerates the initial setting time of concrete
(within 80 mins.)
 Reduction W/C ratio upto 10%.
 Suitable for cement range 200-550 kg/m³.
1.5 Krishna Conchem ACL -15 IS: 9103 Details not available on
1.6 STP Limited ShaliPlast ASTM C– Liquid Set  Between 3% & 12% by 9 months in  Generally used as a quick setting and waterproofing
Shotcrete L 1141 Type II accelerating and weight of Cement for original compound for sprayed concrete
(silicate based Grade I Shotcreting layer thickness of up to unopened  Enables spraying of concrete or mortar even on a wet
accelerator) Class A Admixture about 20cm in one go. condition and surface and allows overhead spraying and reduces
 Actual dosage is to be stored in a cool rebound.
finalised on the basis dry place under  Helps protect rebar from corrosion
of site trials. shed away from  Low shrinkage and Quick setting properties
heat  Improved water tightness & reduced permeability
 Useful in Tunnel, Parking decks, Bridges structures,
Pier and dock supports, Marine environments, Dams,
Retaining walls, Manholes, Guniting projects
 No chloride content
1.7 STP Limited ShaliPlast ASTM C– Powder Set  Between 3% & 8% by 9 months in  Generally used as a quick setting and waterproofing
Shotcrete P 1141 Type II accelerating and weight of Cement for original compound for dry Gunite Mixes
(Inorganic Grade I Shotcreting layer thickness of up to unopened  Enables spraying of concrete or mortar even on a wet
Substance) Class B Admixture about 15cm in one go. condition and surface and allows overhead spraying and reduces
 Actual dosage is to be stored in a cool rebound.
finalised on the basis dry place under  Helps protect rebar from corrosion
of site trials. shed away from  Low shrinkage and Quick setting properties
heat  Improved water tightness & reduced permeability
 Useful in Tunnel, Parking decks, Bridges structures,
Pier and dock supports, Marine environments, Dams,
Retaining walls, Manholes, Guniting projects
 No chloride content

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1.8 PERMA PERMA Plast IS 9103, IS  Waterproofing  01 to 10 % by weight of 24 monthsif  Can be successfully used in both dry and wet
Construction Aids AC 2645 chloride free cement (Lower dosages stored in shotcreting proceses, in concrete and mortars for
Pvt. Ltd. (silicate based plasticising and are used in pre-cast manufacturer’s pre-casting elements
liquid ) accelerating elements and higher original packing  Used in fast setting of concrete and mortars
compound for dosages in  Helps in achieving high early strength to mortar &
cement, concrete shpotcreting) concrete
and mortar  For waterproofing, the  Reduces rebound losses in sprayed mortar
 Compatible with minimum dosage of the  Used in waterproof plaster and concrete
all types of product shall be  No chloride content
Portland cements 250gms/50kg bag of
including sulphate cement.
resisting cement
1.9 PERMA PERMA - Accelerating  01 to 10 % by weight of NA  Uses as admixture in non reinforced concrete and
Construction Aids Concrete Set admixture for cement (Lower dosages mortar
Pvt. Ltd. (Chloride based concrete and mortar are used in pre-cast  Accelerates the setting time of concrete and mortar
accelerating in liquid form and elements and higher and helps in acheieving high early strength
admixture) compatible with all dosages in  Uses as admixture in shotcreting and guiniting and in
types of Portland shpotcreting) concreting and rendering in cold climatic conditions
cements including  For waterproofing, the  Reduces rebound losses in sprayed mortar
sulphate resisting minimum dosage of the
cement product shall be
250gms/50kg bag of
2. Retarders
2.1 FOSROC Conplast RP- IS: 9103, Retarding admixture  0.1 and 0.30 litres 12 months  Improves both mixing water efficiency and delays
264 ASTM C494 compatible with all /50 kg cement provided the initial set of concrete mixes
(dark brown Type D types of cements depending on the temperature has  Delays the initial hydration of the cement which
liquid based on slump and not exceeded 20C results in retardation of the setting time
selected retardation required to 500C  Reduced water cement ratio increases density and
lignosulphonate  Site trials should be makes the concrete more waterproof
s) carried out to  Easy pumping - improves workability, cohesion and
determine optimum extends setting time. Provides protection against
dosage. delays and stoppages
 If used for cement  Ready mixed concrete - Increased workability and
reduction without extended setting times minimises risks associated
loss in strength the with long distance deliveries in hot weather
dosage is normally  In-situ Piling - Avoidance of 'cold joints', helps easy
0.15 litres / 50 kg casing removal
cement.  Slipforming - Facilitates keeping a workable
concrete 'face' under difficult conditions

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 Larger pours - Possible with extended placing and

compaction times and avoidance of 'cold joint'
 Increased ultimate strength - Higher strengths
without increase in cement content or reduction in
 Cement savings - Can be obtained by maintaining
original strength and workability
 Improved cohesion - Reduces bleeding and
segregation where poor sand gradings are
2.2 SIKA Sikament-227 ASTM: C494 Details not available on
Type B, D& G
2.3 SIKA Sikament- 176 ASTM: C494 Details not available on
(M1) Type G
2.4 SIKA Rugasol-2 - Details not available on
2.5 Asian Cemwet SRA IS: 9103, POWERFUL  The optimum dosage NA  Suitable for high range of it keeps concrete moist,
Laboratories Super-1 ASTM: C494 CONCRETE SET should be determined accelerates rate of hardening after setting and does
(a polymer Type D RETARDER AND by site trials with the not entrain air, as such the strength of the concrete is
based organic PLASTICIZER particular mix not reduced, on the contrary, it increases final
admixture)  25 to 50 gms per bag strength and saves 10 - 12% cement
of cement of 50Kg.  Suitable for low water - cement ratio, temperature
(0.05 to 0.1% by wt. and concrete where high retarding and plas-ticizing
of cement) effects are essentially required.
 Retardation at low dosage without loss in strength
 Provides a controlled rate of setting for hot con-
creting and eoncrete can be placed reliably at high
temperatures without loss of slump
 Reduces shrinkage and creep
 Eliminates cold joints between successive pours and
extends placing time
 Workability of the mix is improved and controls
slump loss that enables quicker placing and easier
 Water reduction is possible upto 10—17% as sucb
higher strengths could be achieved, also ultimate
strength in increased
 No chloride content
2.6 STP Limited ShaliPlast R IS 9103 & Set Retarding  0.2 –1.5 % by weight 9 months in  Provides increased working time, better workability,
ASTM C–494 Admixture of cement. original higher durability, reduced shrinkage and

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Type B  All concrete material unopened permeability.

in the proper order condition  Maintains long lasting control of slump loss at high
into the mixer with concrete temperature.
about 70 % of the  Eliminates cold joints between subsequent pours in
mixing water and mix mass or structural concrete.
for the three minutes.  No chloride content
Add rest quantity of
water with admixture
to obtain the required
slump and mix for
three addition
2.7 PERMA PERMA Retard ASTM C 494 Super plasticising 0.3 to 0.9 % by weight 24 months from  Produces concrete with delayed initial and final
Construction Aids (A liquid Types B&D and set retarding of cement date of setting times
Pvt. Ltd. admixture based IS 9103 admixture manufacture  Improves ultimate strengths significantly
upon refined  Helps saving cements in rich mixes
lingo-sulfonates  Helps to get over the problems arising during hot
and weather concreting
formaldehyde)  No chloride content
3. Plasticizers
3.1 FOSROC Conplast P509. IS: 9103 A high performance  160ml to 500ml per 12 months when  A normal water reducing admixture at low to
(polymeric BS:5075 (Pt- plasticiser which 100kg cement. stored under medium dosage rates. At higher dosages, it acts as
materials I) allows large water  At dosages beyond normal a retarding plasticiser
based on ASTM: C494 reductions resulting 400ml per 100 kg of temperatures  Increased workability, Improved durability and
hydrolysed Type A &D in significant cement, it may act as Extended setting times can be achieved without
carbohydrate) increase a retarding loss in strength
in early and ultimate plasticiser.  No chloride content.
strengths and
compatible with all
types of Portland
cements and slag
cements except high
alumina cements

3.2 MBT Pozzolith LD-10 ASTM: C494 Website not available

Type A,B & D
BS: 5075 (Pt
3.2.1 BASF Master ASTM C-494: Low dosage  For site batched Up to 24 months  Produces combined effects of a powerful plasticizer
Pozzolith LD-10 Types A,B& retarding and concrete where if stored in closed and deflocculating agent with controlled retardation
(A liquid D plasticising extended vibration containers  Considerably extends vibration limit of concrete

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admixture) BS 5075: Part admixture for time and improved mixes thus reducing incidence of honeycombing and
1 concrete finishing properties cold joints
are of prime  Reduces placing problems in hot weather concreting
importance, a dosage by improving workability and workability retention
of between 160 and  Improves trowellability and surface finish
280ml per 100kg of  Improves pumpability of concrete
cement should be  Considerably reduces permeability
used as a starting  Enables economies in mix designs to be achieved
point for the trials.  Compatible with all types of Portland cement
 For ready mixed including Sulphate Resisting compatible with
concrete, extended cementitious materials such as silica fume, fly ash
concrete workability and GGBS
is of prime  No chloride content.
importance, a dosage
of between 280 to
420ml per 100kg of
cement should be
used as a starting
 Dependent on the
desired properties, a
dosage of up to
700ml per 100kg of
cement may be
3.3 Asian Cemwet WRA II IS: 9103 High Performance  0.15-0.4% of Cement NA  Chloride free liquid
Laboratories ASTM: C494 Plasticizer/Water Weight (75 gms-200  Suitable for cement range 200-450 kg/m³.
Type A & D Reducer/Workability gms per 50 kg  Reduction in W/C ratio upto 12%.
BS: 5075 Aid. cement)  High early strength.
(Pt.I)  Cement reduction upto 10% possible without
decrease in strength.
 Produces highly workable, dense, durable concrete
with better finish without segregation/bleeding.
 Useful for all plain & structural concrete where
high workability, slump increased density are
 Reduces permeability.
3.4 PIDILITE Pedicrete CF IS: 9103 Details not available on
111-S ASTM: C494
Type G

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3.5 SIKA Plastiment 240 IS: 9103 Details not available on
ASTM: C494
Type A
3.6 STP Limited ShaliPlast SP IS 9103 & A High Range Water  0.5 – 2 % by weight 9 months in  Suitable for
(Naphthalene ASTM C–494 Reducing Cum of cement. original sealed - Flowing concrete with controlled delay of slumps
Formaldehyde Type G Retarding admixture  All concrete material condition. loss and workability.
based) compatible with all into the mixer with - Reducing cracking and permeability of hardened
types of Portland about 70% of the concrete.
Cement including mixing water and mix - Reducing segregation and bleeding in the plastic
SRC (Sulphate for the three minutes. concrete.
Resistance Cement) Add rest quantity of - Enabling transport of concrete to distant places
and not compatible water with admixture  Should not come into contact with dry cement.
with high alumina to obtain the required  No chloride content.
cement. slump and mix for
additional 2 – 3
3.7 PERMA PERMA Hyper ASTM C 494 High range hyper 0.5-2% by weight of 24 months if  Recommended in all high grade concrete which have
Construction Aids Plast (based on Types A,F&G plasticiser for high Cement depending type stored in a cement content of over 400kgs/sqm
Pvt. Ltd. hyper IS 9103 quality concrete and of concrete manufacturer’s  Maintains workability over long periods (in hot
plasticising compatible with all original drums weather concreting) and exhibits excellent resistance
sulphonated types of cements to chloride and sulphate attacks on concrete
synthetic including pozzolanic  Produces high quality concrete which exhibits
polymers) and fly ash/slag superior compressive strength, tensile and flexural
cements strengths
 Should be avoided with dry mix or dry cement
 No chloride and nitrate content
3.8 PERMA PERMA Hyper ASTM C 494 High range hyper 0.3-2% by weight of 24 months if  Recommended in all high grade concrete which have
Construction Aids Plast HP-34 Types A,F&G plasticiser for high Cement depending type stored in a cement content of over 350kgs/sqm
Pvt. Ltd. (based on hyper IS 9103 quality concrete of concrete manufacturer’s  Recommended in hot weather concreting where
plasticising original drums workability retention over long periods is required
sulphonated  Recommended where high initial and ultimate
synthetic strengths are required
polymers)  Recommended also for use with microsilica and fly
 Should be avoided with dry mix or dry cement
 No chloride and nitrate content
3.9 PERMA PERMA Super ASTM C 494 General purpose 100 gms to 280 gms per 24 months if  Increases workability, strength and durability
Construction Aids Plast – SR (A Types A,&D plasticiser for 50 kgs of cement as an stored in  Recommended in hot weather concreting
Pvt. Ltd. liquid admixture IS 9103, IS concrete initial starting point manufacturer’s  Improves cohesive property in concrete
based upon 2645 original drums  Reduces water demand in concrete

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refined lingo-  Never add to dry cement

sulfonates)  No nitrate content
3.10 PERMA PERMA Multi ASTM C 494 Unique plasticising 0.5 to 2% by weight of 24 months if  Mix with water in the given proportion
Construction Aids Plast (based on Types A,F&G and slump retention cement depend-ing stored in  Should be avoided to mix with dry cement
Pvt. Ltd. complex IS 9103 admixture for all upon grade of concrete manufacturer’s  Recommended for use in all types of cement
polymeric graded of concrete in of the diluted material original drums  Recommended in hot weather concreting where
chemical all weather workability retention over long periods is required
structure) conditions  Recommended where high initial and ultimate
strengths are required
 No chloride and nitrate content
4. Super plasticizers
4.1 FOSROC Conplast SP 337 IS:9103 Superplasticising At higher dosage levels 12 months from  To produce high workability concrete without loss of
IS 2645 and admixture can be without water the date of strength.
BS 5075 used with all types of reduction, retards manufacture  To promote high early and ultimate strengths by
Part 3 and Portland and slag setting times 1 – 2 taking advantage of water reduction whilst
ASTM C494 cement except High hours approx. maintaining workability.
Type F Alumina Cements. As a guide, the rate of  To produce high quality concrete of improved
addition should be in durability and impermeability.
the range of 500ml to  No chloride content.
1.5 litres /100 kg
cement for high
workability concrete.
4.2 MBT Rheobuild 850 ASTM C-494 Website not available
Type B, D and
4.2.1 BASF Master ASTM C-494 High range, water- Based on trial mixes, in Up to 24 months  The plasticising effect, or water reduction, is higher
Rheobuild 850 Type B, D and reducing normal concrete, a if stored if the admixture is added to the concrete after 50-
(Formerly G superplasticiser for dosage of between 0.8- according to 70% of the mixing water has been added.
known as rheoplastic concretes 2ltr/100kg of cement; in manufacturer’s  Compatible with all cements and most air-entraining
Rheobuild 850) high performance instructions in agents meeting the ASTM standards.
(Synthetic microsilica concrete, a unopened  Improves the properties of fresh and hardened
polymers based) dosage of between 1.5- containers concrete.
3ltr/100kg of cement  No chloride content.
4.3 Asian CEMWET SP- ASTM A concrete 0.3% to 1.5% by wt. of 12 months in  Makes the concrete highly flowable with low
Laboratories 3000 (NR) C-494 Type plasticizer, cement manufactured water/cement ratio.
(Synthetic G, containing organic sealed drums  Shows strength higher than concrete without
polymers based IS 9130-99 polymers admixture having the same workability
– Naphthalene  Suitable for high C3A and high fineness Cement
Formaldehyde)  No chloride content.

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4.4 Krishna Conchem Supercon 300 IS: 9103 Details not available on
4.5 SIKA Sikament 259 IS: 9103 Details not available on
(M3) ASTM: C494
Type F
4.6 STP Limited ShaliPlast HP IS 9103 & A high range water 0.4 – 2 % by weight of 9 months in  Recommended to be used for pre-stressed concrete
(Naphthalene ASTMC - 494 reducing admixture cement original  It is advisable to carry out a trial to establish the
sulphonate Type A & F compatible with all unopened exact & optimal dosage rate depending upon set
based product) types of Portland condition retardation required.
cement including  No chloride content.
SRC (Sulphate
Resistance Cement)
and not compatible
with high alumina
4.7 STP Limited ShaliPlast P IS 9103 & A water-reducing, 0.2 - 0.5 % by weight of 9 months in  Provides a more plastic and cohesive mix in the
(based on ASTM C–494 normal-set, cement original fresh concrete and better durability, reduced
modified ligno Type A admixture for unopened shrinkage and less permeability in the hardened
Sulphonate) concrete compatible condition. concrete.
with all types of  Should not come into contact with dry cement.
Portland cement  No chloride content.
including SRC
(Sulphate Resistance
Cement) and not
compatible with high
alumina cement.
4.8 STP Limited ShaliPlast PCE IS 9103 & A high water-  All concrete material 12 months in  Suitable for the production of concrete mixes which
200 (Poly- ASTM C–494 reducing resulting in into the mixer with original require high early strength development, high water
Carboxylated Type G high density, high about 85% of the unopened reduction and excellent flow-ability.
Ether based strength and reduced mixing water and mix condition.  No chloride content.
super-plasticizer permeability and for appropriate time.
for lower and compatible with all Add rest quantity of
medium grade types of Portland water with admixture
concrete and Cement including to obtain the required
mortar) SRC (Sulphate slump and mix for
Resistance Cement) additional 2 - 3
and Cement Fillers / minutes.
substitutes like PFA,
GGBFS and Micro

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4.9 STP Limited ShaliPlast SP IS 9103 & A High Range Water  0.5 – 2 % by weight 9 months in  Suitable for
(Naphthalene ASTM C–494 Reducing Cum of cement. original sealed - Flowing concrete with controlled delay of slumps
Formaldehyde Type G Retarding admixture  All concrete material condition. loss and workability.
based) compatible with all into the mixer with - Reducing cracking and permeability of hardened
types of Portland about 70% of the concrete.
Cement including mixing water and mix - Reducing segregation and bleeding in the plastic
SRC (Sulphate for the three minutes. concrete.
Resistance Cement) Add rest quantity of - Enabling transport of concrete to distant places
and not compatible water with admixture  Should not come into contact with dry cement.
with high alumina to obtain the required  No chloride content.
cement. slump and mix for
additional 2 – 3
4.10 PERMA PERMA Plast ASTM C 494 A waterreducing 100gms to 500gms per 24 months if  Increases workability, compressive strength, and
Construction Aids (liquid Types super plasticiser 50 kgs of cement as an stored in suitable for hot weather concreting
Pvt. Ltd. admixture based A,B,C,D compatible with all initial starting point manufacture’s  Improves cohesive property of concrete to reduce
on refined IS 9103 types of Portland original packing segregation and bleeding
Naphthalene cement including  Never add to dry cement
Formaldehyde Sulpahte resisting.  No chloride content.
and lingo
4.11 PERMA PERMA Plast ASTM C 494 A water reducing  100gms to 500gms 24 months if  Increases workability, compressive strength, and
Construction Aids EX Types A&D plasticiser and per 50 kgs of cement stored in suitable for hot weather concreting
Pvt. Ltd. (liquid IS 9103, IS integral water as an initial starting manufacture’s  Improves cohesive property of concrete to reduce
admixture based 2645 proofing compound point original packing segregation and bleeding
on refined lingo for concrete  100 ml per 50 kg bag  Suitable for waterproofing of concrete and mortar
sulphonates) of cement for  Never add to dry cement
waterproofing work  No chloride content.
4.12 PERMA PERMA Plast ASTM C 494 A high range, low % of water Dosages 24 months if  Produces self-compacting flowing concrete
Construction Aids Super (1977) Types dosage, super reduction (gms per 50 stored in  Produces high early strength concrete for delayed
Pvt. Ltd. A,B, D&E , IS plasticising kgs of manufacture’s slump retention & for long overhauls
9103 admixture for slump cement sealed drums  Increases workability of concrete with a slump of 50
retention 10 to 15 150 to 100 mm for use in heavily congested
15 to 20 310 reinforcements particularly in hot climatic
20 to 30 450 conditions
30 to 35 600  No chloride content.
4.13 PERMA PERMA Plast ASTM C 494 A high range, low 0.5 to 1.5% by weight of 24 months from  Produces self-compacting flowing concrete with
Construction Aids Super PS-34 Types dosage, super cement for initiating date of high early strength
Pvt. Ltd. (liquid A,B,C,D,E&F plasticising trials based on type of manufacture if  Produces high workability concrete where heavily
admixture based IS 9103, admixture for use cement required stored ina cool, congested reinforcements exist or poor access is
on high with microsilica dry place in

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molecular original packing available

weight and  Particularly beneficial in hot climatic conditions.
naphthalene  Never add to dry cement
formaldehyde)  No chloride content.
4.14 PERMA PERMA Plast ASTM C 494 Superior quality 200gms to 500gms per 24 months if  Increases workability, compressive strength, and
Construction Aids MF Types A,B&D super plasticiser cum 50 kgs of cement as an stored in suitable for hot weather concreting and early de-
Pvt. Ltd. (liquid IS 9103 water reducing agent initial starting point manufacture’s shuttering of form work
admixture based original packing  Highly useful in pre-cast units and in tile factories
on high in a cool and dry  Avoid adding directly to dry cement
molecular place away from  No chloride content.
weight moisture and heat
4.15 PERMA PERMA Plast ASTM C 494 A high range 0.5 to 2% by weight of 24 months if  Produces high strength mixes due to reduction in
Construction Aids PC-201 Types plasticising cement depending on stored in water content at normal workability and cement
Pvt. Ltd. (liquid A,B,D&E admixture type of concrete manufacture’s contents
admixture based IS 9103 required sealed drums  Improves compaction and surface finish and
on produces durable concrete
polycarboxylic  Produces self-compacting flowing concrete with
ether and high high early strength for delayed slump retention
molecular  Particularly beneficial in hot climatic conditions.
weight)  Produces high workability concrete by its powerful
deflocculating and dispersing effects on cement
 In case of over dosage, it makes concrete free
flowing and bleeding
 Never add to dry cement
 No chloride content.
5. Air Entering Admixtures
5.2 STP Limited ShaliPlast AE ASTM C-260, Air entraining 0.2 – 0.6 % by weight of 09 months in  Addition of 100 to 300 ml of ShaliPlast AE per bag of
ASSHTO admixture for cement original cement will generally entrain 3-6% air in the
M-154 & concrete of all types unopened concrete.
IS-9103 compatible with all condition  No chloride content.
types of Portland
cement including
SRC (Sulphate
Resistance Cement)
and not compatible

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with high alumina

5.3 STP Limited Synthetic Air ASTM C 260 A liquid admixture Typically range from 20 9 months in  Produces air 4 % to 7% in zero slump concrete.
for entraining air in to 40 ml of synthetic air original  Added to water and aggregate and mix for ½ to 2
zero slump concrete per 100 kg of cement. unopened minutes before adding the cement.
5.1 PERMA PERMA Plast - NA Water-reducing and Approximately 0.15 to 24 months from  Preliminary trials needed to determine the exact &
Construction Aids AEA air entraining agent 0.30% by weight of date of optimal dosage.
Pvt. Ltd. compatible with all cement manufacture  Used as an admixture for concrete prepared at site,
types of cement, sand ready mix concrete and light aggregate concrete.
and avoids  Should be used or added to concrete during mixing
efflorescence and to achieve a uniform consistency and homogeneity.
bleed in concrete.  No chloride content.


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1. Relevant IS Codes

2. RDSO Guidelines, Concrete Bridge Code

3. Relevant Literature available on Manufactures’ Websites


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गुणवत्ता नीमत
आर. डी. एस. ओ. लखनऊ में हम सतत सुधार और ग्राहक मूलयांकन प्राप्त करने हेतु
गुणवत्ता प्रबंध प्रणामलयों की आवमधक समीक्षा के माध्यम से रे लों में यात्री और माल
यातायात की बढ़ती आवश्यकताओं, मााँग और अपेक्षाओं को पूरा करने के मलए गुणवत्ता
प्रबंध प्रणाली की व्यवहाटरक आवश्यकताओं और अनवरत सुधारों को पूरा करने के समपाण
गुणवत्ता उद्देश्यों को मनधााटरत करके अनुसंधान, अमभकलपों और मानकों में उत्कृ ष्टता के
माध्यम से वैधामनक और मनयामक अपेक्षाओं का अनुपालन करते हुए सुरमक्षत, आधुमनक
और ककफ़ायती रे ल प्रौद्योमगकी मवकमसत करने हेतु सेवाओं को बनाए रखने और अद्यतन
पारदशी मानकों हेतु प्रमतबद्ध हैं। इसे संगठन के अंदर संसूमित एवं लागू ककया गया है तथा
सभी संबंमधत पक्षकारों को भी उपलब्ध कराया गया है।
“We at RDSO Lucknow are committed to maintain and update
transparent standards of services to develop safe, modern and cost effective
railway technology complying with statutory and regulatory requirements,
through excellence in research, designs and standards by setting quality
objectives, commitment to satisfy applicable requirements and continual
improvements of the quality management system to cater to growing needs,
demand and expectations of passenger and freight traffic on the railways
through periodic review of quality management systems to achieve
continual improvement and customer appreciation. It is communicated and
applied within the organization and making it available to all the relevant
interested parties.”

मडस्क्लेमर / Disclaimer
The document prepared by CAMTECH is meant for the dissemination of the knowledge/ information
mentioned herein to the field staff of Indian Railways. The contents of this handbook/booklet are only
for guidance. Most of the data & information contained herein in the form of numerical values are
indicative and based on codes and tests/trials conducted by various agencies generally believed to be
reliable. While reasonable care and effort has been taken to ensure that information given is at the
time believed to be fare and correct and opinion based thereupon are reasonable. Due to very nature
of research it can not be represented that it is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon
as such. The reader/user is supposed to refer the relevant codes/ manuals available on the subject
before actual implementation in the field.

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हमारा उद्देश्य
अनुरक्षण प्रौद्योमगकी और कायाप्रणाली को उन्नयन करना तथा उत्पादकता और रे लवे
की पटरसंपमत्त एवं जनशमि के मनष्पादन में सुधार करना मजससे अधतर्चवषयों में
मवश्वसनीयता, उपयोमगता और दक्षता प्राप्त की जा सके ।
यकद आप इस संदभा में कोई मविार और सुझाव देना िाहते हों तो कृ पया हमें इस पते पर मलखें।

संपका सूत्र : संयुि मनदेशक (मसमवल)

पत्रािार का पता : भारतीय रे ल उच्च अनुरक्षण प्रौद्योमगकी के धर

महाराजपुर, ग्वामलयर (म. प्र. ) मपनकोड – 474005

टेलीफोन : 0751-2470869

फै क्स : 0751-2470841

ई-मेल :

Our Objective
To upgrade Maintenance Technologies and Methodologies
and achieve improvement in productivity and performance of
all Railway assets and manpower which inter-alia would cover
Reliability, Availability, and Utilisation.
If you have any suggestion & comments, please write to us:

Contact person : Joint Director (Civil),

Postal Address : Indian Railway Centre for Advanced Maintenance
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The contents of this handbook are for guidance only & are not statutory. It also does not supersede any
existing specification and instructions from Railway Board, RDSO, and Zonal Railways & the provisions of
IRWM, BIS Codes/Reports on the subject.

Concrete Admixture – Oct’ 2007 – 1st Revision November - 2019

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